A Warm Bed Chapter 7

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Chapter 7 -- Silentium

(September 6th)

Jeffrey whimpered silently to himself as his master pushed into him from behind yet again. It was nothing new: neither the first thrust of this particular breeding, nor anything close to their first mounting. He had gotten used to being in this situation by now, so all he did was all he could: clench the throw pillow beneath him, and dig his teeth and small cock into it with every push from his master.

Scott rolled his hips lightly against his pet, preparing to speed to full and piston into the boy. Jeff had gotten good at taking it like a trooper, now; Scott hardly had to prep him anymore, just start out a little slow. His breaths were long and deep, enjoying the warmth surrounding his cock as he leaned forward over the bed, his foot-paws still planted on the floor beside it.

The kitten mewled loudly when his master's canid cock buried itself within him and teased his prostate. Though Jeffrey didn't know that's what the mix of pain and pleasure was, it still caused his small cock to leak a drop of pre into the pillow he clutched so dearly. He wanted to cry out for Master as he was mounted, but the internal struggle within his mind between being a good boy and succumbing to his own pleasure, was won by the need to remain quiet so the fox could enjoy himself.

"Oah..." Scott held onto the base of his pet's tail as he began pumping his hips finally, pushing his cock in and out of the boy with no hesitation or worry for hurting him; he'd been quiet up until now, and never asked for or showed any signs of wanting it to stop. So Scott had no reason to. "Good boy...you okay?" however, though no worry nor hesitation were in his thrusts, hints still lingered in his mind.

Jeffrey released the pillow from his mouth and began to rub his muzzle into it, not unlike a feral female in heat, "Yes Master...I'm...ah! I'm okay," with that he took the pillow back into his mouth, and clenched himself down around his master, gripping his meat tenderly with his insides and showing Master that he wasn't hurting.

The fox couldn't help but moan and speed up watching his kitten writhe on the pillow and bed. The paw not already on the boy's tail rose higher, rubbing his neck and the back of his head as he thrust in and out of him at full speed; if he didn't know better, he'd've sworn Jeff was actually enjoying himself.

Jeff whimpered again and widened the space between his knees, making it easier for his Master to penetrate him more deeply, while at the same time, burying his own cock further into the soft pillow. With every forward thrust from Scott's hips, it drove his little cock into the pillow more, secretly pleasing the boy from both sides as his member was fucking the pillow beneath them and staining it with his pre.

Scott smiled. His kitten was learning to take it so well. In fact, he was quickly becoming the best he'd ever had. He gritted his teeth and growled, the paw at the boy's hair gripping a bit of head-fur, not hard, but enough to pull a bit. He'd grown just a little rougher, each time lately, never enough to really put the boy in pain though, and he was pleased to see Jeff wasn't arguing. With a yip and a moan, he drove forward one last time, pushing his knot into his pet's hole for what was now the THIRD time...the one thing the boy was still getting used to.

Expectedly, the cat whined aloud at the sudden, much wider penetration by his Master's knot, and then mewled loudly as the fox came...a hot flood of fox-spunk filling his hole and held tight by Scott's knot acting like a plug. Jeff simply bit the pillow harder and clenched himself to accept the load like the good boy he was, his own cock giving out yet another spurt of pre and tightening up, but not unloading itself. It was close, though; any more direct stimulation and he would be cumming too.

Scott shuddered as his orgasm tapered off inside his kitten. Once it passed, he tugged against his pet's hole a little, believing that the more he moved his knot each time, the better his boy would handle it the next. And that movement, the shifting of his light humping, though unintentional, caused Jeff's dick to rub more and more against the pillow.

After a few moments, the kitten whined again and gave out a shaky, wavering sigh as he came too, his tail-hole clenching down tightly as he rode out his short orgasm. His load, small in comparison to Scott's was large for Jeffrey, and large enough to leave a noticeably dark stain on the pillow, highlighted by a glob of white cum at the highest point of the discoloration. For now, though, it remained hidden to the both of them until Master decided it was time for them to move.

The fox put a stop to his shifting about and smiled, realizing the boy had been grinding the pillow. He'd even learned how to please himself during all of this...he was such a good pet. The vulpine leaned forward and licked Jeff's ear, "Getting used to the knot, yet?"

Jeffrey nodded a bit, too exhausted at the moment to really answer, but forcing out the obligatory, "Yes...master..." regardless.

The kitten laid down flat, his stomach being pushed up a bit by the pillow still and Master supporting himself over him as they both calmed down. Jeff simply laid there, silently reflecting on how much Master cared about him. The simple act of asking him how he was doing after they were done -- and now his affectionate licking too -- made him feel loved, genuinely loved, by the fox. Even though the sex had started out as something Master just wanted for release, it had grown more and more loving, more and more intimate...to the point that it was something Jeffery even looked forward to.

It had been three weeks since he'd become Scott's pet, and first felt the fox slipping into his muzzle and tailhole. It had been nearly two weeks since he'd first felt the vulpine's seed stinging and tickling his insides. It had been four days since his master had given him his day off -- on Labor Day appropriately enough -- bought him new clothes, and taken him out on the town for what Jeff had only later realized was his first ever date...

...and over the course of those three weeks, of those two weeks, and of those four days, he'd come to realize that there was no where he'd rather be but here. Here in this house...here in this bed...and even here, tied to this panting fox.

Though lightly rubbing his pet's back and playfully licking and nipping at his ear, Scott remained otherwise motionless for a long while, long enough for his knot to begin to shrink. And only then did he rise back up and place his paws on his kitten's hips, "Hold on boy. I'm about to pull out, okay?"

Jeff nodded and gulped, sighing a deep breath to relax himself and make it easier, "Okay, Sir."

The fox pulled slowly at first, though when the cat's hole opened for him, he popped out all at once, followed by a slim trickling of his seed down and onto the boy's balls, "Good boy." He rubbed his kitten's hips softly, "You just rest now, okay?" He looked at the clock on the nightstand; it was only four thirty on a Friday afternoon, and he still had a full day ahead of him, "Master needs to clean up and get dressed."

With his tail-hole still stinging a bit, Jeffrey slowly maneuvered himself off the pillow to lie on just the bed. He was very tired now and was planning on taking a fitting catnap for an hour or so...unless, of course, Master had included him in his plans, "Where you going, Master?"

Scott picked up his shirt and pants off of a chair in his room, "Master has a date, tonight, Kitten."

The cat's eyes nearly shot open from their once content position, and though he opened his muzzle to speak, he only managed enough volume to ask himself: "A date?"

Scott didn't hear the question at all, since it hadn't entirely been directed at him. He simply stood silently in front of the mirror, looking himself over. His crotch needed to be cleaned, and it would probably be a good idea if he rinsed his face too. "Like I said, Boy: you rest up. Master's gonna' go clean up a little bit."

Jeff just laid there silently, completely speechless after what his master had just said. Why did he have to go out? Everything Master could ever need was lying on his bed. Jeffrey felt so betrayed. This didn't seem real. He felt like it was his first night here, again, like he didn't even know the fox...and he couldn't believe it was happening. "M-master?" he called out while sitting up.

The fox stopped just shy of entering the hall and looked back in, the same air of caring and kindness in his voice as always, "Yeah, Kitten? You want me to clean you off too?" He smiled warmly, as if nothing was amiss, despite what he'd said.

Jeffrey looked down to the bed, not entirely sure how to ask all the questions racing through his head, so before he blurted anything out, he just nodded and told his master, "Ye-yeah..."

"One second," Scott held up a finger and disappeared back into the hall, only to return a moment later without the clothes that he'd been holding, apparently having left them in the bathroom. "Okay, Kitten...come on," he leaned down and picked the boy up, letting him wrap his arms and legs around his neck and waist and press his sticky body against his own. "I don't have time to give you a bath, but we can at least clean you up a bit..."

The cat nodded and looked up at his Master. The fox was serious. He wasn't just joking around or pulling the boy's leg; he really was knowingly and willingly leaving the comfort of home, and of Jeffrey himself, to see another fur. The kitten felt his stomach beginning to burn with worry, "Where you going tonight, Master?"

"Out to see a movie," Scott walked out of the room and toward the bathroom. "It wasn't one I was going to see in theatres -- I was gonna' wait for the DVD -- but my date's a bit younger than me and really excited about the movie, so I agreed," he chuckled as they entered the bathroom. "Then we'll probably grab a bite to eat," he sat the boy, very gently to be careful with his recently used tailhole, onto the bathroom counter.

Jeff smiled a wide, fake-smile for his Master, not feeling in any position to criticize his lifestyle. He swallowed his next question and let master quickly wet his stained spots and sop out the mess before it matted his fur, "Uhm...who is he? Your date?"

"He's another teacher at the school," the fox continued wetting the boy's fur with his paw, then picked up a rag to clean him off: his stomach, his sheath, and his balls still drawn up tight against his groin. "But just barely; this is his first year. He's fresh out of college and only twenty-three-years-old."

Jeffrey nodded and moved a bit on the large counter to let Master step-up to the sink. His mind was still clouded with the one question, 'Why do you have to date him Master?' Though the boy's nervousness continued to redirect his thoughts to much simpler more appropriate questions for a pet to ask his Master, "You like him, Sir?"

"I don't know him too well, yet, but..." Scott sat the rag down after feeling comfortable with cleaning the front of his pet, "he seems like a nice guy." He picked his kitten up again and sat him on his feet on the floor, "Turn around, boy."

The cat turned around, raised his tail and bent over slightly to put his forearms on the counter, he knew the procedure was, "Did he ask you? Or did you ask him out?" He secretly hoped Master was only seeing him to be polite.

"He asked me." Scott chuckled lightly as he cleaned up around his pet's hole, tail base, and down toward his balls, "He was really nervous too...it was kind of cute." He stood back up, "Feel all clean now?"

Jeffery turned around, a wide -- and real -- grin on his muzzle, glad it wasn't the other way around, "Yep! All clean!" He announced cheerily, his less than subtle questioning getting him some good news about the date, "So you're just seeing him to be nice then, Master?"

The fox chuckled, "Like a pity date? No." He turned to the mirror as he re-wetted the same rag and used it to clean of his own splotched groin, sheath, balls, and stomach, "I haven't had a date in a long time. I think it's about time I do."

Jeffrey's wide smile stayed plastered across his muzzle as his Master continued, but when he actually denied it being a pity date, his smile and heart dropped once again. Again, he felt the urge to just plead his case about why he himself was a good enough substitute for an actual boyfriend...but every word, before it ever left his mouth, seemed very much against the rules he'd agreed to: the rules of how a pet should speak to his master, "I'm going to take a nap, is that okay, Sir?"

Scott might have, in that moment, been able to tell something was bothering the boy, but he was just too caught up in his upcoming date to notice. He leaned in and kissed his pet on the head with a continued warm smile, "Of course! You've had a tiring day. You go rest." He leaned back up, "I'll see if I can bring you home a little present, too...since you've been doing so good lately." He rubbed his kitten's head-fur, "Run off, now."

The cat put on a small smile when his Master kissed him, but he padded out dejectedly regardless. He wanted to know why he wasn't good enough for Master: a master who he thought cared about him. He wanted to plead with him and show him he could be everything he needed, but before he tried arguing with the fox, he stopped himself, knowing it would be useless over something like this. It might only serve to anger Scott, and that long threatened yet unseen punishment could follow. So Jeffrey just padded into their room, over to their bed, and crawled underneath its covers, fighting back a silent sniffle until he buried his muzzle into a pillow.

Scott, meanwhile, was out the door and in his car in under fifteen minutes.

He washed his paws and used them to rinse his face, and then got dressed and checked in on his kitten, who it appeared was already in bed. He smiled at the boy, but the smile faded as he left for his car. The drive wasn't a long one, but it doesn't take long for one's mind to be flooded in thought.

He really loved Jeff, or was growing to over the weeks he'd had him...but he couldn't place how. He felt, at times, the love a master feels for a feral pet, but he knew Jeff was more than that. He felt, often, the love he imagined a parent would feel for a child, but their relationship was definitely not that of a father and son. He even wondered, more than a time or two, if what he felt for Jeff was the love...of lovers...but at the end of the day, Jeff was still his to care for and guide, like a pet or a son.

Maybe the kind of love he felt for Jeff was something unique, something that defied a usual categorical separation. Or perhaps it was a confused kind of love because it was a falsehood: a feeling masquerading as love, simply born out of loneliness.

Really, though, it didn't matter in the end. Jeff didn't feel the same way back...he couldn't. He was just a boy, and a straight one. Yes, he'd gotten used to the sex, learned to do it well, and to keep his master happy. He'd even learned to find his own pleasure in it...but he was only doing it for a home and a comfortable life...he was, as he had said to his master so many times: 'just trying to be a good boy.'

Scott needed more; he wanted to have a real relationship again...he wanted to feel that someone loved him back. It hadn't been that long, but he missed it. And as much as he cared for Jeff, and as amazing as Jeff had become in their more carnal acts...the boy was still just more of a tease of something Scott didn't have, than a replacement.

If only Jeff could love him back...but no...

He parked at the movie theatre. He was there early, but his date was so eager, he knew he'd be there earlier too...and sure enough, he was. The young raccoon, who around the school was just barely old enough to be distinguished from their students, stood waiting nervously in front of signs for the currently playing movies.

Scott got out of his car, pushed away the thoughts that had plagued his drive, and made the walk to approach his date...

The raccoon pushed himself off the wall near the ticket booth and headed over to where the fox had parked, a wide smile across his muzzle, "Well hello there Mr. Hammond. Fancy seeing you here!"

Already headed in that direction, Scott met the raccoon half way with a smile. And he continued walking, hoping the raccoon would follow, "You can call me Scott, James." He smiled, "You don't even have to call me Mr. Hammond at school. You're not a student; you're a teacher," he chuckled, "Well...kindof..."

James grinned wide and reached his paw over to take hold of the vulpine's, "Then I can do this while we're not at school, too, right?" He asked with a soft chuckle.

"Ooh..." the fox, though pulled his paw away slowly, intentionally running his fingers along his date's palm as he did. "Not on a Friday...probably too many students around." He smirked as they reached the sidewalk, and turned, "But there's nothing to stop us from doing that and more once we're inside and the lights have gone down...right?"

James nodded, seemingly intrigued by the fox's logic, "Hmm...you may be correct there." He stroked his chin in thought, "So what do you want to be playing in front of us while we're getting all physical, when the lights go down?"

Scott raised an eyebrow slowly, "I thought we'd already decided what we were gonna' watch. Or have you decided that we'll be doing so much in there, that it'll be too much of a distraction from the movie you WANTED to see?"

The raccoon chuckled nervously but, as they drew closer to a crowd, clammed up instead of managing a response.

"Everything okay?" Scott stopped, causing his date to do the same.

"Yeah, it's just..." James took a breath, "the air of professionalism still lingers from work, and you being here with me doesn't help." He looked to the fox, smiling softly, "My adult-half wants this to be a clean date, but my lingering college self wants this to be a 'fun' day. You know what I mean Scott?"

The fox nodded and smiled, "I remember what it was like when I first started trying to be a professional after college, yeah." He patted his date on the shoulder, "What'say we take it slow. And if anything really...fun...happens, we'll let it come. Does that sound okay?"

James nodded and unsheathed their already bought tickets from his jacket pocket, "Thanks Scott. And you're right: we HAD already decided. Just...nervous chatter made me forget, I guess." He motioned to the doors of the theatre with his muzzle as the line and crowd out front started to be too cumbersome for a conversation between the two, "C'mon, let's go on in."

Scott smiled and followed along. "No need for thanks. I'm a teacher; it's my duty to help KIDS out, whenever I can," he nudged the raccoon's shoulder with a chuckle.


There we go! A Warm Bed continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as Scott Hammond Phil Anthro Pist as Jeffery Anderson and James *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at http://phil-anthro-pist.sofurry.com/

You'll find this theme often in my work: Alex, Matt, Chris, Luke, and Riddick from "Forbidden" were all guilty of it. Jacob of "Hero" and Mark of "TMCS" too.


Keeping secrets, being afraid to be open and honest, especially with those you love...never ends well. And it seems Scott and Jeff have proven guilty of the same. Both of them love one another, and neither thinks the other feels the same way...but if just ONE of them were to be honest, everything would be better.

So how long until they work this out? Or will they ever? And what other problems might it cause along the way?

Also, what role might James play in all of this? Is he simply a bit player...or will he prove more important?

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]gmail.com

See you for the next 8 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...for all 15 chapters of The Masters! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!