Journey of the Chosen Chpater Eighteen

Story by Secret shadow on SoFurry

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#19 of Journey of the Chosen series

A long story romance adventure of a boy from our world taken to the pokemon world where he will meet his destiny.

Evin, once a simple innocent fourteen-year-old boy from the state of Wyoming with an unquenchable thirst for adventure, now finds himself engulfed in an endless war between good and evil, a war that could easily cost him his life. Once from our very own dimension and world, Evin was stolen away by a deity of immeasurable power. Taken through dimensions and placed in a world that had only ever been part of his most childish fantasies, the world of pokemon. Lost and confused from the moment he woke after his strange experience between worlds, Evin has no choice but to start a journey that would inevitably take him farther from home than he had ever been. The moment Evin had first set foot in the pokemon world he encountered two pokemon, Zoroark and a small injured riolu. His only goal as he began his journey from Lostlorn Forest, was to let his family back in his world somehow know that he still lived. But along the way he finds that his task will never be easy.

Danger lurks at every turn though as the two powerful organizations of Team Rocket and Plasma have locked themselves in a constant struggle for dominance and power, now seek to end Evin's life for interfering. Evin had begun his journey from Professor Juniper's lab with two newly acquainted friends, the riolu in which he had helped by taking to a pokemon center from Lostlorn and Dawn, a girl who was the only source of familiarity Evin had to this world. Over time the trio had become great friends as they traveled together and as more time passed along with a few close calls, they became lovers. Though Evin has his goals already scoped out, he had ultimately been sent to this world to prevent a disaster of epic proportions, and he has no idea what kind of disaster was in the making. In the deity's all knowing wisdom, it imbued Evin with frighteningly magnificent powers of his own so that he could overcome his future challenges. At first some of these powers were more curse than boon and caused Evin great suffering before something could be done about them. Though a little over two months have passed since he had first set foot in this world, Evin has learned how to control some of his many different awakening abilities and with his powers he has struck fear into his enemies. But even with this great power, nothing is ever easy...

Journey of the Chosen

Disclaimer : If you are not over the age of eighteen, you should not be reading this story and for that matter shouldn't even be on this site. This story is not suitable for children J as the content of this story is in no way intended for anyone under the age of 18. Many chapters contain generous amounts of detailed sexual situations based around two teens around the ages of 14-15 along with their pokemon. This story was made as a lustful pokemon fan fiction only. Only the idea of the story is mine along with Evin the main character and all other original names involved with this story line. I do not own Pokemon, never have and never will. All rights are reserved to Gamefreak and Nintendo the creators of Pokemon and their respectful owners.

All comments are welcomed here and are highly appreciated in that they help further my creative idea's and motivation for this story.

Thank you for choosing this fictional writing, and I hope you all enjoy the

Eighteenth installment of

J** otC**.

Sorry everyone for taking so long to give you the next chapter after that awesome cliffhanger I left you all on, I got sidetracked into working on a book I've been working on for years and Just got lazy about getting around to these new chapters.

Chapter Eighteen.

On their own

With Evin gone, Rika was devastated. After waking back up in the cabin room with Dawn, she had tried for hours to search for any sign of Evin's aura. But as she had feared before she had opened her aura senses to the world around her, the results of her search had come up lacking.

Dawn tried to comfort her, but deep down she knew nothing could substitute for what Rika was missing. The storm had long passed, but had taken Rika's entire world with it as they were now nearing land two days after Evin's disappearance.

The rangers had offered them their condolences many times, but neither of the two girls could do more than nod their heads or stare blankly out over the wispy waves as they acknowledged the words of the people talking to them. But with things being as they were now, land was getting closer by the minute and Dawn knew she had to take charge of the situation. Taking charge now was the only thing she could do for Rika's sake along with her own, as she could now only hope that Evin could somehow survive what had happened to him.

She knew from the beginning that Rika had formed a permanent lucario and trainer/mate bond with him, so now she worried for Rika's survival, as Rika had now seeming given up on living. Lucario had always been known for how profoundly strong their bonds were, that they had bonds so strong that if the pokemon or person they were bonded to died, they often did the same soon after.

When landfall came, Rika still hadn't opened up to Dawn's attempts to roust her from her depression. Dawn had spent much of the remaining voyage after Evin was taken from them trying to talk with her about what they should do next, but Rika had at this point completely shut everything out.

So shouldering the gear herself, Dawn put Rika into her ball before leaving the cabin. Even though she too had a mixture of sad and angry feelings about how Evin was taken from them, she knew that with the burdens of so many riding on her shoulders that she couldn't afford to break down now.

When the ship docked at Lilycove City, Dawn stared in awe as the city had that look of pristine clarity after a rainstorm just as the sun had come out. But her mission had just now begun, and her first stop was the pokemon center to tell the professor what had happened.

As she made her way up the deserted streets, her path soon took her past the pokemon contest hall and a motel. Though she stopped for only a moment to look at the contest building with longing, she couldn't afford to waste time and kept moving with determination. Soon she saw the humongous department store in the back of the city and then finally the pokemon center with a pokemon fan club next to it.

By the time she had finally made it too the door of the center, the feeling of being tired and weighted down from carrying two backpacks and a pokemon egg over such a small distance was already beginning to slow her down. From here, she knew that before she left this place again, that she was going to have to get Rika to snap out of whatever kind of trauma she was in, which she really wasn't looking forward to.

In the pokemon center the Nurse Joy bid Dawn welcome and Dawn responded with a curious hello, but before checking in, she went over to the phone booths and dialed up the long distance number for Professor Juniper. The call took a few minutes to go through, but once it did, the professor's face appeared on screen.

The professor already had a worried look, but not seeing Evin there with Dawn Just seemed to increase the worry in her face ten fold, and she asked, "Dawn? Where is Evin? I heard that there was a storm on your way there. Is anyone hurt?"

Dawn felt sorry for what was about to come next, but dutifully told the professor what had happened and included Rika's new trauma induced condition. The professor's face was that of bleak shock for a few moments; then she seemed to gather her wits and said, "OK Dawn, I'm sorry this is going to have to fall on your shoulders, but you need to be strong for Rika now. When lucario loose their partners like this, it can destroy them. Keep her going and see if you can give her hope."

"As for what you should do next, I'm not entirely sure. Evin's pokenave quit giving out a signal a few days ago, which I believe is about the time he was washed overboard. The only thing we can all do for him now is pry that his powers saved him somehow." Dawn had a few tears welling up in her eyes again, but asked, "Where should I go from here?"

The Professor took a moment to think and said, "For now you might want to just stay put, even if Evin lives, no one knows where to look for him. Call your old friends and let them know what has happened and maybe they can help you get Rika to come back to reality. Because if Evin lives, she may be the only link we have to finding him again if he's not able to let us know himself. The bond between a lucario and their bonded other, in theory, is so strong that they can sense their living partner anywhere in the world, like a compass that always points to them.

Without her link to him, Rika is like a spinning compass needle that doesn't know what to do. Help her find a direction. Remind her that Evin is no ordinary boy. He was brought to our world for a purpose that none of us could ever truly fathom until everything has already taken place, as he himself doesn't even know what he is capable of.

Right now hope is Rika's only hope. Make her see this, and then I'm sure a path will eventually open that will lead you both in the right direction... Take care, and let me know if anything comes up."

Dawn, though she had tears in her eyes, nodded to the professor before saying goodbye as they both hung up the receiver from either end. From there, she made her way to the front desk where she informed Nurse Joy of what was going on. After hearing the young girl's tale, she became quite worried about the lucario and asked if she could run a check up.

Dawn nodded and asked if she could check the rest of both teams as well as she deposited all nine pokeballs into the tray. Nurse Joy nodded and handed Dawn a room key, then took the tray to the treatment room. Dawn sighed from her tension before, and then heft the two packs she had onto her shoulders before picking up the egg as she then made her way up to the room she had been given.

It was strange as she entered the room. It had been so long since she last had her very own room and wasn't sharing it with anyone. Without her pokemon to comfort her, it felt lonely as she just stood at the doorway, while her physical burdens weighed her down like a tone of bricks. She set the egg in a chair in the corner of the room and dropped the two packs below it.

From there she collapsed on the bed just as her mental burdens could take no more and cried until she was asleep. As she slept, Nurse Joy quietly snuck in the room and deposited all nine pokeballs on an end table, and as she left, she couldn't help but feel sorry for both the girl and the lucario that had yet to snap out its traumatized condition.


On the fourth morning after Evin's disappearance, Dawn awoke from the fitful slumber that she had had last night. New tears flooded her eyes, as had happened every morning since the accident at sea and she buried her face in a pillow for a while longer. Once her tears stopped coming though, she finally got up and looked around the room.

She saw the tray with the balls that had been left there the night before last and once again wondered if she would be able to get Rika to snap out of her unwillingness to join the world again. She had tried telling Rika the day before this the same thing the professor had told her, which was that Evin wasn't normal and that there was a chance that he would come back from wherever he was.

Rika had for the most part still shut everything out and wouldn't budge to do anything. Even calling Ash and May whom had both gone to Kanto together to help out, had no effect when they had tried to help. Dawn stood from the bed and with effort as she walked to the end table.

On her way over to the table, Dawn finally came up with a new idea on how to get Rika to pay attention to her. She hoped it would work as she took Rika's and Cilia's balls with her to the bathroom and then proceeded to get undressed.

She let Cilia out of her ball first and told the eon her plan as laid down a battle plan; then they both got ready for what was to come next as Dawn turned on the shower. But before the spraying water had a chance to get warm, Dawn released Rika right in the center of the spray and hid around a corner with Celia, as what could only be described as, "OH MY GOD!" and a whole lot of growled out cussing came from the shower compartment.

Dawn peaked around the corner just in time to see a very soaked Rika stumble out of the shower with the look of freezing cold shock on her face as she stood at the entrance for a moment. Once Rika's eyes finally found where Dawn was hiding, her expression turned from shock, to kill in an instant.

Rika bunched her legs up as if she were about to leap after Dawn, but right at that moment Dawn called for Celia to flatten Rika out on the floor with her psychic powers. In her slightly weakened state from starving herself, Rika went down without much effort. Her psychic powers were also not match against a true psychic type and her anger was also rapidly dissipating from lack of energy.

Dawn sat next to Rika and stroked one of her ears as she once again recited what the professor had told her. Dawn told her that there was still hope that Evin was still out there somewhere, but also that she had other responsibilities to Evin as his mate even if he was gone, other than mourning his death until she joined him.

Rika just flatly said with her telepathy, "like what?" Dawn pet the side of her head again and said, "Your child... If you let yourself die, you will have betrayed Evin's trust in you as his mate." Rika's eyes were sullen for a few minutes, and Dawn feared she would just return to her unresponsive state.

But unexpectedly, two minutes later Rika's ear twitched and she finally said with resignation as she let out a whine, "You are right... I am acting like a child that didn't get what I wanted."

Dawn's response was, "No, you're not acting like a child. You just needed to be shown that the end of your story hasn't come yet. Now get up and let's take a proper shower before getting you fed." Rika gave a small nod and with that Celia released her psychic hold on her and Dawn helped Rika get back up.

Rika then socked Dawn in the arm and said, "I agree with what you said before, but never throw me in a shower like that again!" Dawn rubbed her arm and stuck her tongue out at her. Being socked hurt, but not overly so as it had become the price of finally breaking Rika from her torment.

Together with Celia, the three girls took a shower and got washed off for what would become their new journey as the day had just begun. Once they were done washing up and got dried off, Dawn got dressed again and got everything packed into the backpacks.

Dawn told Rika that she would have to be the one to carry Evin's pack, so she then explained and showed her how all the straps worked to make them either more comfortable or more secure. Dawn didn't intend to leave the city today, but she did intend to replace some things that had needed to be changed out since before Evin was taken from them.

After breakfast, Dawn went over to the large shopping mall building with Rika, Shadow and Celia in tow. Seeing that she brought three pokemon in with her, the manager of the store gave Dawn a bright smile from behind his desk and asked, "How may I help you today miss?" Dawn didn't like that he was looking at them as if they were made of money, but she gave him a list of supplies they needed and asked him if they could work out an exchange deal on a tent.

The tent that they already had was quite large for one person, but that was without considering having a bunch of pokemon sleeping outside their balls. The manager looked over Dawn with a skeptical eye and asked, "Aside from your pokemon, are you alone? I'm just asking because a tent bigger than the one you already have and would have to be carried in two separate packs, one for the frame and the other for the canopy and tarp.

It wouldn't be very efficient for one person to try and lug so much weight with them on a regular basis either. So are you sure you want to trade up for a larger one?" Dawn's first opinion of the manager changed a bit, he may have looked at them like they were made of money at first, but at least he was sounding concerned and paying attention.

Dawn nodded her head and said, "My companion is somewhere else at the moment, but yes, we have needed to get a bigger tent for a while now." The manager nodded and then told her, "Normally we don't buy back used merchandise in exchange sales at for more than half the paid price of the item.

But today I am feeling generous about trading to such a pretty lady will deduct the three quarters of the amount you paid for your current tent from the tent you want and throw in the rain tarp for free. Will there be anything else that you will be shopping for today?"

Dawn was smiling at this point from the manager being so nice, but she shook her head and said, "No thank you, aside from the tent and what was on the list, that will be all." Soon Dawn was all checked out and she helped Rika rearrange the pack she had so that the new tent frame was snug and secure. Rika complained that carrying the pack was uncomfortable because of her fur, but Dawn asked her to just bear with it until she got used to it or they found the solution to their problems.

Rika cocked her head sideways as she thought about what the solution to their problems could be and asked, "What do you mean by that?" Dawn just sighed as they were still walking back to the pokemon center and said, "Finding Evin."


The night was spent in relative silence as both Rika and Dawn tried to rest themselves. They had spent the remainder of the day after getting back to their room trying to pinpoint where exactly it was that Evin was washed overboard. Once they had decided on some rough coordinates to follow, Dawn had made some calls to the Hoenn region's weather center, and the ocean current Professors of various regions.

With their help, they estimated where anything that was washed from a ship at those coordinates might possibly end up. Each step they took in this direction of somehow finding Evin helped Rika's mood improve. But by the time it got dark, they were completely wiped out.

Rika had been beginning to sense some kind of corrupt mass of evil power from their location at the pokemon center, as something in the far off distance was very wrong. She had said something of this feeling to Dawn, but for the most part neither of the two wanted to concern themselves with anything other than pinpointing Evin's possible location.

The next day wasn't much better for Rika's senses, something dark was brewing somewhere and it just seemed to keep getting bigger. Rika complained about it several times and Dawn got a sneaking suspicion that something big was about to happen near by. She dialed in Professor Birch's number and got the professor on the line and said, "I know you know there is something going on or is about to. What is going on in this region right now other than Team related incursions?"

Birch was fumbling over himself at the moment as he said, "That information is top secret, so please don't bother us right now as we are obviously busy with dire matters that do not concern none military related civilians. Dawn about yelled at the receiver as she said, "And I am not calling you on an ordinary matter! Look up the Unova region top secret file simply labeled Evin, or even the snag machine project that he has been entrusted with. Professor Juniper has all the information as well."

Birch was caught a little off guard about suddenly being told by some girl he didn't even know to look up those files, especially the one he recognized as the forbidden technology. He gave Dawn a nod and then line went blank. Dawn about made the same sound as one of Rika's growls as she grumbled about how no one ever took her seriously without Evin around.

Minutes later, Dawn's poke`nave rang and when she answered, she saw a very pale faced Birch on the line and she said, "Are we on the same page now?" he gave a nod, "Good, now tell me, what is going on?" Birch spilled the beans about there being some unknown entity called the Revenant getting ready to storm Slateport city and showed her a small bit of video feed.

Dawn didn't like what she saw, but it wasn't exactly what she was looking for either, and she asked, "Why would you keep this a secret, if people don't know what is coming they wont have time to get organized?" Birch sighed and he stated, "Being organized isn't the problem, it's the panic and chaos that ensues within the main populous that becomes the problem. Anyway where is this friend of yours, he could sure be of some use against what we are facing over here?"

Dawn sadly looked down for a moment, and then said, "He was washed overboard at sea nearly five days ago. Our only hope is that he somehow survived and got moved along with the ocean currents. I spent all of yesterday talking with the weather center and the ocean current Professors from around the world trying to guess where he might possibly wash up.

After what I've seen him do, I can't believe that he is dead at the bottom of the ocean, as he also had too many things left to do; his own prophecy, his family back in his world, his lucario, and me. He was chosen by some kind of god beyond our entire world's knowledge and he was my very first boy friend. I can not believe that he is gone and I will never give up on him. He is alive and is waiting for us to find him.

So when I hear that there is something very big happening at Slateport, I don't believe this is a coincidence. That was one of the places he could have ended up." Birch sighed, he knew he didn't have time for this, a battle was soon to take place and he was dealing with a girl giving herself a pep talk.

There wasn't time to waste on a chance of a chance. Sure the kid that dominated the contest stadium of Rocket members with god-like powers would be useful. But at the moment that wild card was nowhere to be found, so he just said, "Did you need some sort of transportation or something? Because I really was busy before you called and need to get back to work."

Dawn was boarder line furious with Birch's last remark, but said, "Yes. We need some sort of pass to take the ship from Lillycove to Slateport." Birch just said, "Done. I'll send the port a remote uploaded pass for you to use, but I hope you know what you're doing. By the time you arrive in Slateport, it's likely that it will be a devastated war zone if it isn't completely captured or something. Goodbye and good luck." And so the line went blank for the final time.

It was still early so, Dawn hurriedly got ready for the day before Rika and herself both walked down the stairs. Dawn then told the nurse what was going on once again and soon after breakfast and saying goodbye to the nurse, she and Rika boarded the large ship that sailed between Lillycove and Slateport.
