The Royal Secret part 20: Painful Realizations

Story by porterjoe on SoFurry

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#20 of Stories of Cabalton

Hit the next roadblock. I know how it ends, but how to get there? Will add more to this chapter pretty soon, though. I'm getting distracted with other projects and it's also getting to that grind point where it's like, "do I really want it to end?"

But, I did just do a sappy Valentine's day post, with a very similar plot arc. I ~think~ I've talked that up enough now, sorry.

Duke William had to move carefully to avoid throwing up again, and he gingerly rested the back of his paw over his mouth as he tried to will his brain to stop thinking. His uncle had been right...the princess was one of those things with two genders.

But the duke had been the only one with the good sense and purpose to watch her carefully through the meal, and he had kept his coal-black gaze fixed on the princess as she took a sip from the planted wine-glass; a handful of gold and quick demonstration to a well-known prankster had assured the success of that endeavor. Still, even his stalwart dedication to the task was almost broken when that idiot suitor threw himself to the floor.

His eyes had widened as he watched the short drama play out down the table, and he almost screamed in rage as the suitor provided the distraction that would foil his plot. But he tore his gaze back to the princess as she stood, and he saw the straining bulge down the front of her...

William shivered as another retch hacked out of his throat, the sensation becoming more potent when he recalled the strange emotions the sight had caused...But it was just a freak instinct, right? To look at that thing and become slightly aroused himself? He tried to assure his wavering constitution that it was just a remnant of his affections for her in the past, but his stomach threatened to begin his dry-heaves again regardless.

He shivered as tears worked out of his eyes; what did this mean, these strange feelings for, and the tears came faster as he thought about what his uncle would say...

Are you still so eager to get your hand up the skirts of that harlot? Afraid you'll find something to your liking?

William retched again and quickly left the restroom. He had to get the first train back to his uncle...he had to find some way to get rid of the princess and that suitor who...liked what she was...who loved what she was. Maybe if they were lynched it would stop the pain in his stomach and, his heart...

Lovemaking had become an exercise in stamina for Phillip and Rachel, her frantic libido seeming to be unquenchable as her member stubbornly refused to return to her sheath. They had to take occasional breaks to nap or enjoy quick refreshments from cart Erica had brought up, but even as the hour turned from late-night to morning Rachel's penis continued to erect after mere minutes of rest.

"I can't go again..." Phillip moaned exhausted as she quivered in anticipation, "I'll just suck you off...I'm too raw to have sex."

"Hey, I'm not really enjoying myself either anymore," Rachel lied with an apologetic look, and she flopped back onto the bed to begin stroking herself, "But you take a break, I can handle this round."

"What was in that wine?" Phillip murmured wearily as he settled next to her to help massage her aching erection, "I've never seen anyone so switched on...I mean, it's practically morning already."

Rachel shrugged with a slightly worried look as she saw the clock; she hadn't been able to get more that a couple quick naps before her penis demanded she orgasm again. This wasn't even like the need to mate from estrus, she just kept getting an angrily pulsing erection no matter how many times she ejaculated, "I don't is a little concerning...but I'm not feeling nearly as horny as I was an hour ago. Whatever that stuff was, it seems to be wearing off."

"Are you getting tired at least?" Phillip asked hopefully before he flicked his tongue over her flare, "I'm absolutely knackered..."

"Well, now that you mention it..." Rachel sighed as she felt her testicles pull back up so she could ejaculate another round of watery semen and flush another sputter of nectar from her vagina, "oohh that feels much better...But, I am getting a little--" Her words were cut off by a gentle snore as she fell into sudden unconsciousness and rested her cheek on the bed.

"Thank bloody heavens," Phillip sighed with a small smile at the sleeping princess. Exhausted as he was, he vaguely hoped he could find out what was in that wine. Maybe if they both took it, the time would be more mutually enjoyable. He gently pulled her to the top of the bed to work the covers over them, and snuggled into her contentedly as her penis finally pulled back into her sheath...

"Oh, bollocking bloody hell, damnit..." Rachel groaned as her body protested every motion while she awoke, "Oh no no no," She shuddered under the pain from her sexes.

"Bother and damn every damn bloody thing, hell..." Phillip moaned back at his own stinging member as Rachel's whimpering woke him up as well.

"Phillip? What happened last night? I know that it couldn't have been a dream because...ouch OUCH!" She almost screamed as she put a paw on her sheath, "Did we really have sex all night?"

"Practically..." Phillip rubbed his eyes wearily and shuddered as his still healing burns tightened, "I...don't know what to do. I can't move..."

Rachel whimpered pitiably and nuzzled into his comforting fur, "What time is it?" her muffled voice groaned into his shoulder.

"..." Phillip couldn't believe the clock, "It's...half eight..."

"Oh, thank goodness," Rachel sighed in relief, "I was sure we were going to sleep all day from that."

"We did, it's eight-thirty at night," He made a pained gesture at the darkened windows.

"..." Rachel just pushed her head deeper into Phillip's shoulder, "...I guess I don't know what to do either, then...I think my penis is broken...and my vagina might have blisters," she rubbed her head slowly as she tried to fathom how long they had slept, "Let's just...go take a cold bath or something..."

"Oh! Let's try the rest of that burn-cream first," Phillip fumbled sleepily for the jar and began smearing the salve over his face as he offered it to Rachel.

The cooling paste did serve to numb some of the pain from their genitals, and they both breathed sighs of relief as they pulled each others' penises out of their sheaths to apply the salve liberally.

"You know I half expected not to want to see this again," he murred as he tugged gently on her flare to work more cream around the base of her equine cock, "But it's still just as pretty as ever."

"Shut up, you handsome git," Rachel winced as the air hit her sensitive ebony skin, "If you make me hard right now I'm going to have you on charges for treason."