Zedpocalypse Ch 2

Story by Xunsusp3cted anomalyX on SoFurry

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#3 of Zedpocalypse Season 1

"Ok firstly, where did you get the money? Second why didn't your human run away? And third, how can you talk still? I thought your vocal cords decay when you turn."

Mike replied, "First, the store has very large stores of money, no pun intended."

'Heh they also have a sense of humor too'

"Second, I have more than one pet human. He has an initiative to stay from his desired female. Need I explain more"

"Oh no, I get it"

"Third, I am like all others that learned to talk. It took weeks but I know better English than most English speakers that haven't turned. FYI our vocal cords don't decay. It's a perk of the virus. We grunt because we forget how to use our vocal cords."

"Ok I can make more sense of it now. But if you do capture me, which is highly possible, what will you do to help me out as one of your pets?"

"Anything you desire. Not including escape or my own demise."

"So what will you let me have?"

"Depends. . ."

"On what?"

"It includes but isn't limited to: Who you desire for capture, what rig you want me to secure for you, how many you want me to capture, and if you want me to turn you into one of us. Like I said, anything but escape or my own demise. But on one condition; I must claim you before I acquire anything for you."

"Claim me? Oh hell NO!"

"Silly human, I didn't mean have relations. I meant wearing this locator beacon. . ."

"Uhhhhh, heh heh heh, sorry." I mumbled.

"Oh don't worry its fine. I wouldn't have minded though."

"Ok that is a little funny"

He suddenly looked stern, "I'm not joking. It's all up to you, you know. If you are up to it and I'm in the mood, it's ok with me"

"Ok I'll consider it" I had no doubt in my mind on this choice. I would never consider it.

"Moving on" he said gruffly. "Now that you know about us smart zombies, you have three choices: be killed, be turned or become my 10th pet."

I quickly said, "Gimme the locator beacon!"

"Sorry, we can't put it in without medical technology. It's really the same kind of locator as your human pets have."

"Ok then. What about your buddy there? What's his deal?"

He whispered to me, "It bothers him if we speak of this, but you should know. He is one of the unfortunate learned zombies. He acquired a learning disability when he turned. I knew him, we turned together. He was smart before then. Sort of unfortunate for that to happen to him."

"So some aren't good learners? That must suck. But it's better than being a mindless creature like when you first turn, I guess."

"Yeah some are so unlucky, they turn but can't learn. Pezz requires a zombie to be able to learn after he turns them. If they are unable to learn, they are eliminated."

Stunned silence . . . then, "ok let's get this over with" I let him put on handcuffs. We started walking towards the Wal-Mart.

"Why handcuffs?" I ask.

"So you won't break away and possibly get bitten. I don't want my un-locator-ized soon-to-be-pet to turn without his or her consent. Any zombie that sees a human in the building roaming free, without a locator, is required to attack said human." Before I could ask, he said, "They have all had their eyes enhanced to be able to see in something similar to x-ray vision."

"Ok that answers the question I had just a second ago"

We entered the building and were swallowed in darkness.

End note: Part four on the way. Fave and constructive criticism comments only plz

and sorry for the short chapter