Big Changes Part 6

Story by Pyros on SoFurry

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#6 of Big Changes

Note to reader: same as last time, if you are still a minor (18 or 21 depending on were you live), I just have one thing to say, RUN! RUNAWAY AND NEVER REATURN!

If, however you make the young and stupid desition to stay, it is not my fault if you are caught and/or permanently scarred by my story, although I do hope you enjoy it.

OK, now that the legal stuff is out of the way, this is the story that, i hope, will ancwer a lot of the questions you have hadas you have read though the storry. im afraid that his Part does not have as much steamy sex in it as the last parts have had, but beleve me i am going to make it up in the folowing part(s). anyway, like i said i hope you injoy!!! :-)

Pyros was currently having a very good dream. In his minds eye he was on his back in his anthro form. In his lap was Sera, the sexy amethyst dragoness. She had his cock buried in her sopping wet slit and was riding it at a good pace. The strange thing was that he could actually FEEL how wet she was and how her tunnel squeezed him. The pleasure overrode this curiosity however, he simply wanted more. He reached down and grabbed her hips, holding her still as he began to thrust up into her. He heard her cry out his name in lust. He picked up the pace and soon the only thing that Sara could do was moan. Soon he was going at a savage pace, wanting to go in all the way. He got his wish as he pushed through her cervix, his knot swelling up and locking them together. He instinctively pulled back on the tie and came hard. His orgasm is what woke him. He was still in feral form and Katrina was still nestled against his chest. Sara however was nowhere to be seen. He looked about and heard a moan from between his legs. He looked down and there she was...with is cock buried in her maw. Seeing that he had found her, she maneuvered her jaw and slid his dragon-hood out of her mouth. She wiped the cum that had dribbled down her chin with the back of her hand and then licked it clean.

"So, how was your first blow job?"

"Oh," he moaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of a paw, "I won't lie, it did feel good, although that could have been the dream. I don't usually go for that sort of thing though, I feel guilty afterward. I think it is demeaning to the woman who dose it" Pyros said looking at the floor

"Oh Pyros," Sera said crawling over to his head and taking it in her hands, "its only degrading if you have to persuade her to do it. I did it on my own free will. Besides I like the way you taste," she said liking her lips


"Ya, you taste like kettle corn...sorta"

"Lucky! I've only been able to taste him once, and that was years ago" Katrina said, startling them both. Once Pyros was able to regain his composure he said, "honey, we've been over this..."

"Ya, ya I know. Now I don't know about you but I could use some breakfast." Katrina said. She tried to lift her self to her feet, but noticed that her belly was rounder that it had been last night, "oh my" she said, with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Are you all right," Pyros said as he transformed back into his anthro form.

"I seem to be," Katrina said assuredly, rubbing a hand over her belly and feeling the ovoid, baseball sized lumps therein, "It seams that dragons have accelerated pregnancies. I look about three months pregnant."

"As long as you and the eggs are ok"

"They will be just fine" Crystal said from the doorway. She too sported a round, pregnant belly and was still completely naked.

"You have some explaining to do, missy." Pyros said, faking an angry glare

"Yes, yes I do," she said, her usual mischievous demeanor fading as if she was remembering something rather unpleasant, "we'll do that over breakfast though. Speaking of which, its ready for you guys if you are hungry."

Pyros, Katrina and Sara bolted out of the room, almost running Crystal over in the proses, and down the stairs. When they reached the kitchen, the scent of ham and eggs hit them and made their mouths water. Pyros' daughter, had just finessed setting out the plates for very one on the dinning table, she too had a pregnant belly.

"Morning mom, morning dad." She said as they entered.

"Morning sweetheart," they said in unison, her mother giving her a hug and her father kissing her on the cheek. Crystal was right behind them and they all took their seats. They had all started to eat when Pyros asked, "so have you picked a name yet"

"Yep, Serenity"

"I like it...Serenity"

All the while, Crystal had only been picking at her food, the melancholy look from before still on her amethyst scales.

"I think its about time I gave you those answers you've been looking for, just please don't be angry with me.

"Why would we be angry with you?" pyros asked

"You'll see. First I think we had better start with the history of the dragons. We were one of the first living things on the earth and have lasted thousands of years. We even outlasted the dinosaurs. We were a primitive race at first, but like any society we became more sophisticated. Not much is known about this period in our history, but we do know that at one point we almost died out. This is when we became the sexually heightened beings we are today. Out of this came a class structure, but before I begin explaining that, you must understand that this system was solely based on who made the decisions in the home or our government. It had nothing to do with the persons place in life. Our society developed four classes: breeder, alpha and hierarch. Breeders are just like they sound, their role was to produce offspring, and lots of them. An alpha was the head of the household and could hold a political office if they so chose. You could tell the difference between breeders and Alphas by size. Breeders were about a head sorter than the Alphas."

"Is that what I am then, a breeder? I noticed that mom and dad were about the same height, but I was a foot or so shorter,"

"Yes, you are a breeder. So is Sera."

"Is that why you thought we'd be angry with you?" Pyros asked

"I have to admit that it worried me a bit, but no that is not what really concerned me. You see, a breeder is just like any one else, except that their body is specifically designed to carry, or create offspring. A breeder could go to college, get a job, and have a family just like any one else. They just usually partnered with an Alpha and had no real interest in politics or law. Alphas on the other hand had the same sexual capabilities but they had a more dominant personality. You and Katrina are perfect examples of this. Now the third class was the Hierarchs. They were essentially Alphas. Put they were chosen to help make the major decisions in the government. They were fey in number, eight to be exact. Hierarch is more of a title that an actual class." Crystal at this point paused to take a sip from her drink.

"You've only mentioned three classes, you said there were four?"

"Yes I did. The forth class was the Omega Hierarch. He was at the very top. He had veto power on decisions that the Hierarch Council made. The Omega Hierarch stood out from all other dragons because he, or she, had white scales" at this Pyros' eyes got wide and he looked down at his brilliant white scales.

"That's right," Crystal, said, "you are the next Omega. And as such you should know what comes with it. Each Omega had to chose their council of Hierarchs. It could be anyone, even a breeder. The ones chosen had a chance to accept or decline the position; most breeders declined so as our society grew Omegas only asked Alphas. The Omega, however, is not chosen. He or she is born into it. Every year, all the young that had hatched were checked for the classic white eyes of an Omega. If any were found, they and their family were given special living arrangements, ad when the child was old enough he or she began training. When they reached their eighteenth birthday they were brought to the arena. The current Omega would be there and one by one they would spare. Dummy weapons were used, if they challenger wanted to use any. If not they had their hands padded. No one ever died from these sparing matches and only once in a blue moon would someone get seriously injured. If the challenger was defeated he or she had another year to prepare. If they won, their scales became white while the former Omega regressed to his original color. Even to this day we don't know how this proses works.

"So I'm going to have to fight a group of youngster some day?"

"Yep, but that wont happen for a while yet, unless one of our children has the white eye. That is unlikely however."

"Ok, most of my questions have answers now. But I still want to know how the dragons nearly died out. That is what you said last night"

"We did not almost die out, we were almost exterminated. The system of government we had was perfect for us, or so we thought. We used to have nine Hierarchs. But one Omega had a brother and he chose that brother to be a Hierarch. Everything was fine, until the brother grew jealous. He wanted to be Omega. He tried to challenge his brother, but he lost. In a rage he left, heading out into the sea. For hundreds of yeas, yes we can live that long if we choose, we heard nothing of him. Then city after city were destroyed. Burned by black fire. We discovered that we had a distant cousin, the wyverns. They were sentient like us, but were driven by their animalistic instincts that we were. The Omega's brother had rallied them against us and had led a huge army across our land. Eventually war broke out, and we caught our first glimpse of the brother since he had left. His scales her black as night on a new moon and his eyes were...well... I'll show you." She grabbed a note pad and a pen from the kitchen counter and drew and eye. It looked normal except for one big difference: were the eye would normally be white, this one was pitch black. Everyone looked at it in shock.

"What...what happened to him?" Katrina asked

"I don't know, we never got the chance to find out. He defeated our best arms and then came after the Omega. The Omega lost that fight and also lost his life. However, when his brother did not become Omega, he went into a rage and slaughtered thousands of innocents. The Hierarchs tried to defeat him but...but one by one they were killed, until only one remained. This one managed to seal him away in his own mind, then sealed him deep under a mountain, never to be found"

"What does all of this have to do with me," Pyros asked, but he had a sinkingfeeling that he already knew.

"Lets finish breakfast, then I will finish my sad little tale"

They quickly finish eating and went into the living room, taking a seat on the couch and chairs.

"Earlier, when you were telling us about dragon history, you spoke as if you were their first hand."

"I...was. I was a Hierarch."

"Oh, oh my. You were the one that..." Katrina said, shocked.

"Yes I sealed away the Omega's brother, the Black Dragon."

"So...what does this have to do with me? And don't worry I wont get angry. You've been though a lot in your life."

"Thank you, that makes me feel better," crystal took a deep breath, a little light coming back to her expression, "I chose you for a reason. Earlier this brother found the mountain that I buried the Black Dragon under and found a way in. I'm afraid that your brother is now under his control. If anyone can get to him and save him...its you."

"But how, I don't know how to fight or anything."

"Ah, but that is were being a dragon comes in. we are very special. You see, what colors our scales are determine what element we control. Katrina, since you are blue, you can control water. I am purple so I control shadow. Serenity is a mix of red and blue so she can control water and fire."

"You controlling shadows explainsa few things" serenity thought to Crystal.

Crystal just grinned.

"What I miss," Katrina whispered to her daughter

"I'll tell you later"

"So what element do I have?" Pyros asked, willing to believe anything at this point.

"The Omega is extra special. He or she can control all nine elements and convert between them. There are fire, water, earth, ice, metal, light, shadow, sound, and electricity." Pyros, just sat there, overwhelmed by it all. Crystal immediately picked up on this

"I can see you are a little overwhelmed right now, so I have a surprise for you. Sera told me about Katrina wanting a new house, one that has an AI in it. So, using the funds that I have, I have purchased one, just for us."

Katrina squealed with joy and leapt into her arms. Pyros immediately perked up and said, "After this, I would let you do anything."

A mischievous smile spread across Crystal's face, "anything?"

"You don't get to fuck me in the ass, if that's what your thinking.

"Oh no, nothing like that. Not quite anyway."

"Oh just another little tweak. Don't worry, if you don't like it, I can change you back."

"Okay...I...guess" Pyros said a little confused

"Are you going to do what I think your going to do?" Serenity asked through their mental link.

"It was you idea." Crystal said as she removed Katrina from her arms and went over to a particularly shadowy corner. To everyone's surprise she thrust her arm into the wall and it sank in like the wall was water, it even rippled around her arm.

"Now were is that... oh for peats sake!" she said frustrated and sank her upper body into the wall making every ones jaw drop

"Ah here they are." She said as she retracted from the wall. Walking around behind Pyros she said, "like I said, if you don't like this I can chance you back. But I want you to at least try this and everything that comes with it at least once."

"And you can change me back after that?"

"If you don't like it, but I highly doubt that will happen"

"That good, huh?"

"Dear, you have NO idea"

"Alright, do it." Crystal grind and stuck a syringe that held a bright, almost florescent purple liquid into his neck and pushed the plunger down. Pyros winced as the contents of the syringe entered into his blood stream. He began to feel all tingly and... hot as the serum began its work. The fist thing he noticed was that he was becoming extremely horny, his cock emerging from his sheath and quickly hardening. He then felt his skin shift and move. He looked down and his eye got went wide as his dragon-hood and balls slid up higher on his body. Suddenly his insides shifted and cramped up. He leaned back on the couch and grit his teeth, not knowing what was going on. He didn't even notice Katrina's eyes widen as she watched. Just as suddenly as the cramps started, they stopped. He sat there panting, he was still quite horny.

"What'd you do?" he moaned, reaching his hand down below his balls. When his finger brushed over a particular nub of flesh he arched his back, "Oh, gosh. I'm a herm. But if that's the case why don't I have breasts?

"Cause you are a male herm. Only female herms have breasts," Crystal said coming around and siting next to him on the couch

"Ohhh...I didn't know having female parts felt so good." hi said, continuing to rub over his new femininity

"If you think that's good, just wait until something's in there" she said grinning, "speaking of which, I'm going to go talk to your wife for a moment" Crystal said, walking over to Katrina. He didn't really hear any of this however, he was to busy having fun.

Meanwhile Katrina just sat there wide-eyed. She couldn't believe what she saw: her husband leaning back on the couch pawing himself she would if he was not around. She felt a hand on her shoulder and nearly umped out of her skin.

"You going to be alright?

"How...who....what...why?" Katrina stammered, not sure what to say

"It was her idea," crystal said, pointing at Serenity, "She thought that her dad would make a good male herm...and I think it also turned her on a bit." She continued, seeing that she had three fingers buried in her cunt.

"Why you kinky little..." Katrina said looking at her daughter

"If you think that's kinky wait till I tell you about last night." Katrina's eyes grew wide as a series of scenes form the previous night flashed though her mind.

"You did all that!" she said looking at her daughter once again, shock written all over her face.

"Yep, it was soooo good." Serenity said as she continued to paw off

"But that's just....just"

"Oh don't give me that. You may try to hid it, but," crystal said as her hand brushed over Katrina's exposed sex, "I know it turned you on. Now, I have a plan for your hubby over there."