Silicone Porn

Story by Shivers on SoFurry

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Re-upload of an old story. I originally published it in 2011, then deleted it at some point.

Jill stretched her fingers, then tapped lightly on the keyboard, sighing deeply. A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF COMMON HOUSEHOLD AND INDUSTRIAL OCCURENCES ON COMMON MATERIALS USED IN PROSTHETIC DEVICES. Certainly not a flashy title. Stuffy enough that it could have been written by her boring teacher... maybe he'd like it a little better.

She didn't hesitate at all before going into her opening paragraph, outlining the basic premise of her essay and giving a brief explanation of the characteristics of the materials. She'd been drafting it in her head half the night, since aside from setting up equipment and sensors, all she'd had to do was take the samples from one setup to the next. Besides, it was just a first draft. Beside her, lined up on the bench, stood half a dozen beakers with their contents in various states of disrepair, and she examined each one in turn, dedicating a paragraph to each material and explaining how far through the process each sample survived. Chemical exposure, temperature effects, electrical conductivity, impact with a weighted mallet... She didn't expect to break any new ground or discover anything. The prof would probably be irritated if she did, since the assignment was really only to prove that the fresh class knew proper essay format and lab safety.

The fox girl looked at the clock tiredly as she reached out for the next sample, and accidentally put a finger right inside one of the beakers. Drawing it back in frustration, she wiped it on her lab jacket, fussing a little as it stubbornly refused to come off. Strange, though... she looked again at the label to be certain, it was the sample of silicone, which had come to her as a dense rubbery brick and had seemed to be one of the more resistant materials.

She turned away from the computer, holding the beaker up to the light with a curious eye. When had it turned to liquid? It still seemed to be holding its square shape, not flowing to the bottom of the jar. She poked warily at it again, and was surprised when her finger sank into the material, seemingly thinner than it should be, almost like cake batter. Pulling her finger back, most of the brick came with, and refused to drop off. Letting out an annoyed huff, she tried to scrape it off, then shake it off, then gave up and went to the nearby sink and tried to wash it off. The blob of material seemed to shimmy under the flow of the water and slowly got smaller, finally seeming to vanish entirely. Not having the remnants of the samples left would cost her marks, but... her thoughts interrupted themselves... there was no way her hands could be dry already; impossible, given her fur! She looked down; and was frustrated to see that the silicone had molded itself to her paws like a close-fitting set of white gloves, and was slowly seeping up her arms. Already, the goo was halfway up to her elbows.

Except... it wasn't goo anymore. The material was completely rigid and set once again, and she stopped herself just short of rubbing her eyes in disbelief, since it was still edging its way up her arms, leaving them with an odd tingling sensation that had her worried. Jill tried to mask her panic as she walked to the phone, but the fur on her back and tail gave it away, standing up on edge. Who she could call, she didn't know, but that was something that didn't actually need to be decided, her paws refusing to cooperate with her efforts, just knocking at the handset without even managing to get it off the hook. Her panic intensified as she ran to the door, the doorknob proving to be just as impossible to handle with her impaired hands. A little shiver ran down her spine, and she shouted loudly for help as the tingling sensation followed after it, the dull white material spreading faster now. She whimpered, wandering around the room in a little bit of a tizzy, not having the slightest clue what to do.

Her breathing got faster, and she realised that she was starting to overheat from the adrenaline rush, quickly shedding the lab coat. No, perhaps not; the tingling sensation was encasing her entire torso now, and that was all that really felt warm. The feeling was stronger the closer it was to the finger that had first dipped into the offending beaker. Both of her arms felt weak, but as she continued to pant, feeling hotter and hotter, she started to fumble at her shirt, wafting a breeze down through the neckhole. Growing more alarmed, she realised that she couldn't feel the cool air any further down than the tops of her breasts, and she started to whimper with fear, trying to see inside the shirt only to back up with dismay as the silicone reached her neck, flowing like candle wax in reverse. Jill, terrified now, hammered fiercely on the door, and still no one heard her, the labs otherwise deserted this late at night. She buried her face in her now-smoothed paws and cried as the tingling spread further down her body, and up over her cheeks. As her throat started to tingle too, her sobs diminished, and she became silent once more, just panting rapidly in fear as the material finished encasing her. Even that was soon lost to her as the odd material flowed up her nostrils, into her nose, and down her ears, muffling her senses as her body collapsed slowly to the floor, tingling everywhere. She wasn't completely unaware of her surroundings; if anything she was hyper-aware of every nerve ending, she just wasn't able to control anything. Oddly, having her breathing passages blocked didn't seem to cause any problems. She stopped breathing, and in the face of everything else, didn't pay that more than a moment's thought.

Instead, her mind was focused on the realisation that the material was spreading her jaw open, growing and filling her mouth. Not just there, either; she could feel a growing fullness spreading her thighs as well as the material began to mold itself to her legs. She cried silent tears into the all-encompassing mass, which were whisked away almost at once. She felt a growing awareness of an other; not quite the same feeling that comes from being watched. Being watched didn't convey the level of naked she felt. Not even being touched. Being... a sample in a lab. Jill felt a terrible frisson of terror wash through herself, but then also sensed (heard/felt/imagined?) a sense of satisfaction.

She tried to squirm, to shy away from the presence (being?), thoughts whirling in confusion; but her body still would not answer her, and the only physical change that happened was that the silicone in her mouth stretched further, and that a wave of the silicone rushed up between her loins and up her tailhole like twin males invading her at once. The terrible tingling sensation danced across her body, not an even overall pressure now, so much as strange ethereal hands wandering her every curve beneath her clothes. Closing her eyes made no difference to her awareness, but it did make her feel better, even as she tried to understand just how this could be happening. Clearly, the silicone must be alive in some way... maybe even intelligent, but how?

Her back arched up lazily as the tingling centered on her sweet spots, the phallic masses in her mouth, vagina and tailhole pulsing, growing and shrinking unpredictably. Her shame grew stronger and stronger as she was brought very rapidly to a point just shy of orgasm and then held there, as if by some telepathic and attentive lover. Even she herself wouldn't have the skill (all right, or the willpower, dammit) to hold herself so close to orgasm for so long without falling over the edge. Her paws moved slowly around, twitching unfamiliarly, then lifted up into the air. Jill was startled by the motion, even more so when she realised that it wasn't her controlling them anymore, and she couldn't fight her own body's movements. The paws came up to her shirt, pulling it free with a strange awkwardness, struggling more with her bra before giving in and just tearing it between the cups before moving down to the waistband of her pants. As her traitorous paws continued to strip her of her clothing, Jill struggled more and more, dividing her attention between resisting the sexual stimulation and trying to take control of her arms again.

She hated to admit, but there was a little whisper of her mind trying to get that delicious orgasm she could feel brewing, and for some reason it was still given sway while her other efforts were thwarted. Her thighs trembled, abdomen twitched, but the silicone backed off just enough to keep her from cumming. She tried to moan frustratedly, couldn't, and wriggled across the floor like a caterpillar in its cocoon, naked now but for her second skin. The sheen of material wriggled with her, pulsing just a little bit all over as it gave her little tickles of sensation across other spots; changing it up just often enough to keep her from getting used to anything.

Finally, without warning, the suit decided it was time, and as the three shafts inside her went into high gear, it squeezed her in all the right places, and her mind whirled to make sense of it all. Imaginary hands caressed her breasts, squeezed her rear, and rubbed low on her tummy... and she came hard, head spinning as the best orgasm of her life wrung her out and the three offending phalluses slowed their assault to an agonising tingle, but did not stop or withdraw.

Jill, momentarily thunderstruck, stopped struggling, and just let herself experience the moment. The concept of Other became somewhat stronger, more certain in her mind, and she thought "What... who are you?" at it. The answers came back in an odd way; not words, not even images. She simply knew the answers to her questions as if she had known forever and forgotten momentarily. She "remembered" that it was a being who fed mostly on sexual energy. It had lied dormant; not truly silicone, but mixed in with it. It was awakened just a little by the scraps of energy that it scrounged from the heat and electrical current during her experiments, but it had woken weak and hungry, and the little escapade with the fox had only taken a little bit of the edge off.

She also knew with certainty that it was still starving; the best analogy her mind had was someone who had had a little snack after an all-nighter. It wanted an all-you-can-eat breakfast, and she shivered just a little bit at the thought of herself on the menu. The Other knew all of this; she could feel that it knew everything she knew and that it was sifting through her memories.

The mask over her eyes seemed to thin a bit, enough that she could see through it, if blurrily, and she wondered if the silicone had no senses of its own; if maybe it needed a partner. The ache in her jaw receded as the shaft there thinned out, finally leaving just a thin film along the inside of her mouth and tongue. It took more control of her body; getting her up on her feet and retrieving the scattered clothes from around the room. As her paws re-dressed her - though it tucked the ruined bra and her panties into her bag - she thought another question at it, wondering what it was doing. No answer came, at least not in words, but her paws came back to the computer, saved her work (What?), and then opened up the internet. As it began to search for local fetish clubs, the knowing terror in her grew, but for all that her mind flailed desperately, she couldn't stop her fingers, certain as they danced across the keyboard, closing everything down. Jill, while not exactly the sweet and innocent type, was still rather tame about her sex life, so she was surprised at just how close to the university the club was; she'd passed the area many times before, but had never noticed it. She supposed that that was purposeful, to keep out hecklers, but still...

A prisoner inside her own body, her eyes were forced down to look at her paws as the silicone covering them turned black and glossy, and gained the appearance of seams. Camouflage, she supposed, a black fetish bodysuit less conspicuous than a pearl-white encasement. The midriff seemed to contract, giving her a little bit of a corseted look, and the Other gave a little whisper of satisfaction, continuing to inspect all over and accentuating her other curves just a little bit more. The Other gathered her things, and aside from pocketing keys and some cash, left her bag tucked under the lab bench before setting out. Strange... caring about her homework, caring about not being robbed... the awareness ran through her again, a confirmation of her theory that it was a symbiote, and that while it had certain needs that had to be met to survive, that what was in her best interests would be met too. Of course, that implied it was planning to stay for a while...

The sounds of too-loud music filtered through the silicone to her ears as she walked through the nightlife part of the town. She realised that the material was thinning there too, though it was still muffled. Entering the fetish club that the Other had looked up, she saw that she wasn't the only one done up in a strange outfit, and she wondered dismally if anyone else there was just as trapped by their outfit as she was. She watched as the Other slipped her out of her jacket, and then began to panic as the shirt came off too, tucked away into one of the jacket pockets and checked at the door. Little tingles started growing inside her vagina and tailhole again as the suit once more teased her; but it seemed more subtle this time, just a little hint. Her struggles once more did nothing but tire her, and for all that she felt enclosed, she also felt exposed and vulnerable, already seeing a few appreciative eyes taking in her underdressed state. None of her turmoil showed in her body, though, the suit having gained a little more fine control over her movements. Her hips swayed, and she bounced on her toes a little bit as she made her way to the dance floor, her mind recoiling slightly as her body unselfconsciously brushed against people like an attention-starved cat. Jill had never been a dancer, but as she edged closer to the dance floor her eyes took in what other people were doing for a few moments, her ears picked up the sound of the beat, and then her body was shifted into the mass of dancers, moving in sync with the other people in an oddly fluid way.

Slowly, her fears receded, and though she was still nervous, the heart-pounding terror had given way, and even brushing up against people was no more than a little twitch of surprise to her now. As she shimmied through the press of bodies, she slowly made her way around the outskirts of the crowd, gradually edging further and further inwards as she circled. Feeling the invading rubber penises growing and squirming insider her, she began passing close to the point in the middle of the crowd where people began to bunch up, grind and fondle each other. Passing people seemed to find excuses to brush up against her more, and at one point she was certain that someone had taken an unashamed grope of her ass. On the menu indeed... she felt like the crowd sensed her as fresh meat, and that already a little bit of a feral pecking order was taking shape to see who would be the one to bespoil her. To her surprise, the Other ignored the touches; she thought it would turn and seek out the first person it could, but for all that she could feel its drooling hunger, she realised that she had to enjoy it in order to feed the alien form. It gave her a weapon to use against it; if she could just hold off her arousal, perhaps she could convince it to leave her alone. Firming up her will lasted but a second before the Other, in far more control now, sent a little jolt through every one of her sweet spots at once. Imaginary teeth and a paw on either side of her neck, a tingling row of simulated claw-marks up her back, and a hard thrust inside both her tunnels shattered her resolve as she quivered on her feet; the sudden wave of arousal momentarily overpowering the Other's control of her.

She stumbled, bumping into a couple of people who were busily making out. She nodded apologies to them as she made her way off of the dance floor. Dimly, she knew that she was soaking wet between her thighs, and that the silicone was keeping it from leaking out onto her pants while keeping just enough of it there that she could be aware of how easily her body would betray her. Before she could reach the bar, a form interceded, and the couple she had bumped into spoke to her. Her eyes took them both in; the woman in a latex vest and the male in a leather harness. She couldn't tell what they had said, quite, but her mouth opened up of her own accord and mumbled something in return. Strangely, she couldn't understand her own words either, but the woman smiled a bit and the conversation continued without her as the three walked towards the bar. She was a cheetah, large and well muscled but still unquestionably female. If Jill had seen her on the street she probably would have taken her for a lesbian, but here she was with an otter guy on a leash; and while he was a little shorter than average was still in good shape as well. As the conversation continued, the suit ordered her and then fed her a few cocktails in quick succession at the bar. Despite the thin layer of goo in her mouth, she could still taste them perfectly, and their potency was still in full force. She realised that the suit was trying to loosen her up, but couldn't fight off the effects of the alcohol in such quick succession with no dinner.

Jill's thoughts were interrupted as she leaned forward on the stool, and behind a gentle smile her heart jumped with worry as she nuzzled the cheetah, nibbling gently along her chin and then kissing her passionately. She thought a protest at the Other; she was completely uninterested in women, she was straight, but the suit just responded with a little pang of pity, not so much in a guilty way so much as feeling sorry for her blinkered interests, then it faded into a thought of helpfulness, and her body redoubled its kiss, snuggling close to the woman as the pseudopenis in her cunny changed shape, becoming two fingers as the warm outline of the rest of a hand grew over her crotch. She rubbed up against the cheetah a moment before settling back, her mind whirling a little bit with the sensation, not to mention the alcohol. Over the taste of her own drink, she could taste the flavour of the cheetah's breath, and she had to admit that it didn't taste bad at all, licking her lips a little bit. The otter was watching with a little bit of a lewd gleam in his eye, and he moved up to stand beside his girlfriend, wrapping an arm around her waist and murmuring to them both. No, not murmuring; she still couldn't understand what was being said with her ears blocked, she didn't even know their names, but the silicone must have understood, because it answered and finished the last drink, all three of them standing up.

She tottered slightly, taking the cheetah's other arm as they got their things from the coat check and headed out into the night. The suit hadn't let her put her shirt back on; just left the jacket open as they went down the back streets, getting a few odd looks here and there. The conversation continued without her as the rubber fingers inside her stroked gently, keeping her feeling very exposed and embarrassed, while another hand rhythmically rubbed her butt. They didn't make it very far; she listened as her voice pleaded with the couple, tugging them gently towards a dark alley. Her mind writhed in shame, but her body was once more unaffected. To her dismay, the cheetah and otter seemed more amused than anything else, and very clearly showed her that they were willing as they turned and went with her. As they slid apart, Jill realised that the paw on her seat was still there... the silicone again.

The imagined hand on her rump was soon joined by two more, the otter's, she presumed, as he moved up behind her, but she couldn't be certain anymore with the growing control the Other had over her. She nestled up close to the larger woman, feeling her paws running up and down the cheetah's flanks and nuzzling up under her chin. The sensations seemed to sharpen, more of the suit's efforts to "help" her, she supposed; though she still couldn't stop herself, the feeling of all the touching was the same as if the strange material had left her entirely. She felt her pants slide down her hips, and the otter chuckled beside her ear before murmuring something, amused by her lack of panties, no doubt. Her soft moan of shame was allowed to escape her, but that was all. She nuzzled up to the cheetah again, and felt the woman's thick tongue invading her mouth, exploring gently as she was crushed up into a strong embrace. It didn't last too long, though; Jill felt herself released, and turned to see that the otter had stripped off some of his own clothes, standing there with just the body harness on and a rising erection below it.

Her head was still spinning a bit, maybe just from the effects of the alcohol, but she doubted it. She was going to be fucked in a dark alley... it felt so dirty! And yet, and yet... at the same time, the thought was somewhat primally satisfying as well, the biological urges of her worked-up body arguing back that a down-and-dirty was exactly what she needed at the moment. Probably, given her pride and intelligence, she could overcome it easily, but with the Other there to overrule the vote, she would never know. She dropped gently to her knees, and reached up to take hold of the male's thighs as he walked closer to her. The shame built as her mouth opened sluttily, and her lips wrapped eagerly around his shaft. She felt him shudder under her touch as she engulfed him with her tongue, and a moment later felt the encasing silicone shiver right back... so apparently it fed on the sexual energies of her partners as well; no wonder... her analytical mind started to shut down as she felt a wave of the male's arousal enter her own mind, the link between her and the alien apparently extending a little farther as well. She wondered for a split second if the male could feel what she was feeling as well, but the answer came back quickly; this was a one-way sharing. As her mouth was filled with the warm flesh, she could feel everything from the other side as the sensitive flesh was licked and brushed at. Her mind whirled; she could not know before now what it felt like for a male, and her mind was as unprepared for it as a teenaged boy discovering himself for the first time. Except it was worse than that, since she also had to deal with her own hyperaware arousal at the same time, the Other having worked her right up to the edge before withdrawing its attentions. Slowly, she became dimly aware that she had crossed from unwilling victim to eager plaything, but she wasn't quite sure when. It didn't matter... all that mattered was exploring more of the dual pleasures of having her mouth filled, and experiencing what a blowjob felt like for the first time. Closer... more... yes, that was it, just a few moments more; and as the male approached his orgasm, she felt her own arousal trailing along on the same peak despite the fact that she wasn't even touching herself.

She moaned louder in protest as she was interrupted again; this time not by her possessor, but by the other woman with her as she reclaimed her boyfriend. Jill almost wept as her mouth felt emptier than it had in her entire life, as the awareness of the male's feelings faded into a fog. She could still remember every nuance, but only as if through a window, looking up jealously at the couple in front of her as they kissed gently, the larger woman having stripped partway down as well to just a latex bra, her bottom half bared as well, getting a little bit of liquid on her hip as the ottershaft that Jill had just enjoyed twitched its way back from the edge, orgasm held off for a few more minutes.

The desperate foxgirl didn't have much time to dwell on this aching denial, though. While their kiss was passionate and intense, it was mercifully brief, and Jill felt a new shared awareness entering her mind, that of the cheetah's. To her surprise, she was once more blindsided by strange feelings as the other woman's damp opening was presented to her lips. Even as the first dainty breath washed over the woman's mound, she realised that it was subtly different from how she would feel if the situation was reversed. Fox tongue slid just a hair into the tunnel, and the awareness of differentness deepened. Perhaps it was something to do with the different species evolving just a little different, perhaps just a different arrangement of nerves - more likely both of course - but she felt the tingling heat in a different way. Overlaid with her own familiar arousal and sweet spots, she learned (experienced/felt/remembered) just where the cheetah got the most pleasure, and delved a little deeper, paws coming up to her waist to help part her. Even as the arousal built in her own body, and the indescribable pleasure-pain walked its way up her spine, she learned that similar feelings started in the cheetah's sides and seemed to swirl up slowly over her breasts to gather in her nipples. In that one instant, she finally understood the appeal of same-sex play; there was no sense of loss by having the same physical equipment; instead she basked in the feeling of contrasting how the same things could affect two people differently.

Her tongue delved deeper still, as far inside as she could force it, and she tasted the musky bittersweetness of the other woman, letting it roll around on her tongue. Not just differences; there were a few ways that they experienced pleasure the same way, and in those spots, the doubled intensity was enough to make her want to cry out, but enough to leave her to weak to do more than squeak softly. Her arousal suddenly jumped once again, taking on a new flavour as the otter slid up behind her, letting his shaft nestle in under her tail, leaking a little bit of his arousal on her encased rump, hugging her tightly and resting his head on her shoulder as she tongue-bathed his girlfriend's most intimate spots. Her mind whirled, and yet somehow did not feel as crowded as it should have. The Other was being silent, and she really wasn't sure if it was directing her actions or she was. Her two lovers were "there", but not crushed into the normal space of her one mind; she felt her consciousness expanded, not tripling, but certainly becoming more than normal. She needed the extra room; her mind somehow was able to sense everything at once. The cheetah's growing arousal making her nipples feel far too hot inside her bra as juices ran freely down onto the wonderful tongue. The otter's lewd arousal at getting a front row seat to two lovely women... his hips ached as he savoured the awareness that he could have either or both of them, too. Jill's own body was tingling all over, deliciousness running along her neck and down her back, and she became very much aware of her own dripping crotch, the Other having let the liquids drip freely down her thighs. Somehow, Jill knew and felt all of this at once; not as a single overwhelming crush, but each and every flavour individually.

She also knew just what was coming, in just a few seconds, and she arched her hips back perfectly as the otter drew back a few inches, so that just as he started sliding forward again, she was ready to meet him, and instead of just shifting position as he had planned, her ready opening caught his cocktip, and he slid a couple inches into her without trying, chittering softly in surprise. Shock gave way quickly, though, as Jill squeezed down just a little on him, making him shudder all over before he pushed forward a little more, shifting his weight on his knees to try and get a better position to sink his entire length into her. Both women instinctively knew what needed to happen, and as one of Jill's paws took a firm hold of her rump so she could lean forward without falling, the cheetah stepped back carefully and spread her feet further apart, letting Jill fall partway to the old-as-the-act-itself doggy style position. The male knew too, what would happen, and as if choreographed, they all moved together, finding the perfect positions before renewing their lovemaking. There was a certain degree of shared awareness growing between the three; the long-time love of the other two and Jill's mysterious stranger all working together to make them know each other's bodies better than before. The otter wrapped one arm around the fox's waist, balancing on the other side as he thrust deep into her, his thighs tensing. She took him inside her, butterflies in her stomach as she used one paw to balance and one to hold the cheetah's seat closer as she licked. The cheetah tugged on the fox's ears, using her other paw to part her labia so that the delving tongue could work unimpeded, her nipples hard as rocks.

They all yelled out loudly as one, and as he spilled into her, she rippled on him, and as the cold nose pressed against her wet button, more moisture dripped down onto her tongue, tasting like some international dessert, and he inhaled the scent of both women, and she inhaled the scent of her boyfriend with the new girl, all three of them felt each other's orgasms, minds linking. Three sets of eyes closed together as they all tottered for balance, the Other feeding greedily on all of it; its strange pleasure adding a spice to the feeling as well.

The moment stretched into a few minutes, and they ached as the sensations started to separate, their identities drawing apart into individual elements once more. The awareness of togetherness remained though, and they all knew; they were bonded, mated, married, whatever else may come. As they drew apart, dressing weakly, there was no need for speech. They set out once more, on the way to find some more privacy so that they could try to become one joyous mind once more.

Friday's inner narrative

"Come here, baby," he says, his soft voice gentle for such a big man. I look up from my book, and see a certain kind of mischevious gleam in his eyes, a slightly toothy half-smile below. How men manage to go through life letting their emotions show so...

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Maelstrom _"Dearly beloved; we are gathered here today under nature, in the sight of God, and in view of family and friends to join this couple in holy matrimony."_ _My god.... this is really happening. Part of me still doesn't believe it. I...

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