Depths of H*** 3: Meet the Neighbors

Story by Shivers on SoFurry

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#3 of Depths of Hell

Re-upload of an old story. I originally published it in 2010, then deleted it at some point. This is the final part of an intended series that only reached 3 stories before I ran out of motivation.

Tasha grunted softly in pain, shifting her weight carefully. She'd say she'd had a restless night, as it certainly felt like it had been long enough that the new day would have dawned; but with no way to tell time and no change in the pallid florescent light, she was only guessing. Bound up at about a sixty degree angle with her paws tied above her head, she was left trying to balance the various pains that came with every position. Pushing herself up onto the knee-board left her shoulders aching, letting her weight drop back left her arms feeling like they were being pulled out of their sockets. To make things worse, after having been bound up for hours, nature had come calling and she'd given way, a spurt at a time, until her pants were soaked and the acid scent of pee saturated the room.

A few times her exhaustion had overcome her discomfort and she'd drifted into a light doze; only to be woken up each time by someone opening the door and startling her. The first couple times it happened, she just made noises of frustration, then started to beg for mercy only to have the door shut in her face after just a word or two. The third time someone entered the room with a large water bottle. Tasha screamed wild abuse at the shadow, but it ignored her and poured tart fruit juice into her mouth while she sputtered, spilling half of it down her chest.

She continued to cry quietly in the dark, wriggling painfully in her bonds for another immeasurable length of time. An hour? Several? A day? Flashes of sleep, spears of light waking her, crying softly in despair, squirming to get circulation back into her abused arms and legs... it all blended together into one long nightmare. Once more, she was given something to keep the worst of her hunger at bay, some sort of thick soup. Twice more she wet her pants; not even trying to hold it anymore since the pain in her shoulders overrode any sense of decorum. She began to wish that they had just left her entirely naked, but knew that the humiliation of peeing herself was exactly why they hadn't.

The door opened again. Tasha's eyes did not; she just moaned wearily at the latest intrusion into her sleep. She was beginning to feel like she could climb a skyscraper with nothing but her teeth, but was smart enough to know that while her body might be full of energy after not moving for so long, her brain was on the verge of a meltdown. She cracked her eyes a couple millimeters when the platform tilted back to flat again, then all the way open as scissors cut away her stained pants and underwear. Two people were in the room; the second one spraying her with a hose as soon as the first was out of the way. The rinse-off lifted the worst of the smell from her body and left her feeling immeasurably better. A brisk toweling, and then the more muscular person took hold of her and murmured "Just sleep now; you'll feel better when you wake up." The second figure undid her restraints, and her heart leapt, feeling waves of gratitude to the pair that she could only explain with a drawn out sigh of happiness as she collapsed into the waiting arms. She didn't even care that that would be the first step towards Stockholm syndrome, and agreeing with her captor's every whim. For now, her arms tingled with relief, she stretched luxuriously, and then was asleep cold before they'd gone more than ten steps down the corridor.

Tasha awoke to a discordant buzzer noise, sitting up and looking around blearily at what looked like a cross between a sleazy motel room and a hospital ward. She climbed out of bed, and the buzzer stopped immediately. She still felt exhausted; and guessed that she'd only been allowed to get a couple hours of sleep, despite having gone well over 24 hours with nothing but scraps. The door, like in the other room, had no knob or handle; she scrabbled at the frame futilely for a moment, then sighed irritably. It was obviously locked from the outside.

A generous breakfast sat on a table beside the door in front of what was clearly another, smaller opening. This too was locked, though it would have been a tight squeeze even if it was open. Her reluctance to trust anything that her captors presented her with didn't stand a chance against her hunger. The food tasted like it came from a cafeteria, but she was so hungry that she didn't even use the salt and pepper packets, just ate as fast as she could. Plastic cutlery and paper plates... clearly they weren't taking any chances. There were no clothes, not even blankets she could make a toga out of. Once she finished eating, she inspected the windowless room from top to bottom; but it was nothing more than a space, with soft square against one wall that might be generously called a bed, and a toilet and sink in the corner adjacent to the door. She used the washroom, washed herself as well as she could in the sink, then flopped back onto the bed to wait.

Soft music started to play, to her immense surprise, and she stretched out, yawning widely. A soft sursurrus of a voice beneath the music tipped her off as to what was happening, and she folded her ears down. Hypnotic messages. She rolled out of bed, feeling much heavier than normal, and defiantly wadded squares of toilet paper into her ears, climbing back onto the bed feeling smug. The volume increased steadily until the voice was audible again. She growled, put her paws to the side of her head, but another volume increase later and she let them drop to her sides again, tail lashing. She was feeling entirely too tired for just exhaustion... and realised that they must have drugged the food. The subliminal messages repeated over and over again, and she hummed nonsense to herself to drown out the noise until she drifted into a worried half-sleep.

They kept her in that room for days... a week, if counting the meals was accurate. She refused to eat at all for three days, then gave in as the smells of the meals got more and more irresistable. The hypnotic sounds never stopped, making little suggestions to her all the while, and she hoped that what she'd always believed was true - that you had to WANT the hypnotism to work for it to do so. As much as she was able, she hummed to herself, talked to herself, called abuse right back at her captors, but with no entertainment in the room, she was left doing nothing but listening more often than she would like.

Tasha woke up on the plain mattress to the same boring room and unadorned walls, shivering and curled up in a ball. She sat up wearily, and quickly realised that the hypnotic files had stopped. She didn't feel any relief or confidence, though. All of the changes so far had been for the worse. She took a cautious look around. The room was absolutely frigid. No food, which was a first, but there was a very tasteful light purple evening gown. Rather than put it on, she just rubbed her arms and jogged back and forth a few times to get her body warmed up, giving the cameras a defiant look. After a minute, frigid air began to blow from the vents in the ceiling and she yelped... arctic fox genes or not, her fur was just in summer coat right now and the strong bursts of sub-zero air cut right through her. "All right, all right, god dammit, don't you bastards have anything better to do?" she yelled at the camera. To her complete lack of surprise, there was no answer.

She swore loudly and dressed herself in the gown, sitting down in the room's lone chair to sulk as a heater cut in quickly, cutting out once the room had warmed to a comfortable level.


She waited, bored out of her mind. At least during the last week she'd been dozing off fairly regularly... now she felt alert, not even remotely tired.

A knock at the door. Tasha froze; the mundane sound unhinging her more than anything absurd would have. A second knock, just as mild and polite as the first. She stood up and went to the door; lifting up a paw to check it. The door swung open before she could touch it, and the hulking wolf who had first carried her into this room walked in, planting a paw in the middle of her chest and shoving her roughly back against the wall. She snarled roughly at him, her rage bubbling over, and slashed clawed fingers at him.

"DOWN, BITCH," he roared, and she felt a wave of nervous fear and guilt wash through her. Part of her wanted to draw back as if burned. While the urge wasn't enough to make her stop, it was enough to make her falter when her paw stretched out to hit him. The wolf moved his head just enough for her to miss, then slammed the side of his arm into her stomach. She coughed, doubling over and holding herself; and the wolf grabbed her by the neck, dragging her further into the room.

"The boss said that there'd be a nice fresh bitch in this suite... sorry to say it, sweetheart, but Prince Charming is gonna be delayed." He threw her roughly down on the floor, and gave the chair a solid shove with his foot, sending it skidding into the corner. Tasha looked up at him from the floor, confused. He was dressed up as a bellboy; red vest and pants covering an immaculate white shirt. Looking past him, she saw another two equally burly men dressed in the same outfit, and a slim foxgirl in a barely-there pink negligee behind them. Every one of them was wearing a collar of some sort, and the girl was holding a camera. Tasha suddenly realised what was happening... she was about to star, most unwillingly, in a porn video! She rolled back, trying to get to her feet, and got a hard slap across the face for her trouble. Her head reeled. "DOWN!", he roared again, and she winced, but shook off the effect of the week-long hypnosis. She leapt at the group of men, but the lizard - was he a salamander? A sleek black body, at least... - caught her easily in midair, and held her, flailing, while the wolf came up close, made a show of removing his belt, and used it to bind her paws behind her back, each paw cupping the opposite elbow. She began calling them names, swearing at them and threatening them... but they were amused more than anything, laughing at her plight.

The third one, a hyena, walked up to her, wrapping strong paws around her muzzle and cutting off her spirited invective. "Mmm, a fiesty little slut!" he crooned at her, undoing his pants and letting them fall to the floor before rubbing up against her leg. She shuddered, getting a little twitch of pleasure from being called names. She growled again, and then yelped, terrified, as the lizard threw her bodily onto the bed, wincing a little as she landed on her bound arms. The hyena slipped up to lie beside her and held her mouth shut again. "Don't worry, whore... there's enough cock here to satisfy you... we've heard about just how much you need it, you slut." Tasha twitched again, a tingle of arousal running through her tummy with the slurs, and also with "cock", to her dismay. She looked up at the camera-girl pleadingly, only to jump with surprise at the tent poking into the front of the negligee... that was no camera girl. The fox boy backed up a little, expanding the scene for the film, and taking a quick look up at one of the ceiling cameras to make sure he wasn't blocking their view. Tasha followed his gaze, and realised that while she was distracted, the wolf and the lizard had both stripped down to just open dress shirts and their underwear. The lizard began to stroke himself through his briefs, bulging them out quickly, while the wolf slipped his own off.

The hyena let his grip loosen a bit, teasing gently. "Mmmm, check out the little whore; she just can't stop staring at your crotch." Tasha started, looking away. The hand on her muzzle slipped away, and she opened her mouth to protest. She got through less than half a word before the wolf was on her, forcing his musky underwear into her mouth. "STAY," he barked, and she froze up for a second. The wolf reached out, took the second pair of underwear offered by the salamander, and used them to bind her muzzle shut. She wrinkled her nose, whining indignantly as the two male scents drifted into her nostrils. To her shame, this too helped to make her aroused, and she began to genuinely worry about just how much she did want this, if hypnosis couldn't make you do anything you didn't want.

The hyena had hiked up the hem of her dress, exposing the arctic fox's bare white-furred legs and crotch to the cameras. He slid two fingers slowly inside her, letting his thumb press against her button, and she wherfed into the makeshift gag. "Little whore was just waiting for it... no panties on, and she must have been getting herself nice and ready for us. Look how wet she is!" He pulled his paw away, and to her embarassment it was nearly dripping in her juices. He wiped his fingers off on her upper lip, her own aroused scent joining the musk of the two men, making her flick her head.

The lizard spoke for the first time, his voice slow and low-pitched. "Then let us not keep her waiting any longer," he breathed, crawling onto the bed on the other side from the hyena. He bit down hard on her neck and clawed harshly at the dress, ripping it along its length. Tasha yelped in surprise, not expecting them to damage the dress. She quivered in shame as she was bared the rest of the way to the sissified cameraboy. She tried to tuck her tail up between her legs for a little bit of dignity, but the lizard caught it in one paw and yanked hard on it, baring her again. The hyena slid his paw back down, teasing three fingers into her slit this time. She whined at the tormenting touch, but got no mercy. They pushed her onto her side, and she began to yelp intently as the salamander pressed the tip of his cock up under her tail, his cock dripping a surprising amount of pre on her tailhole.

She thrashed about on the bed, trying to prevent this newest violation to her body, but the wolf stepped up onto the bed, straddling her chest and taking hold of her leg with both hands, lifting it up and making it even easier for the lizard to push his way into her, the burning sensation of his entry into her virgin hole making her begin to cry softly into the gag. The hyena's questing fingers tickled deep inside her, the tingling ache in her crotch soon coming to rival the violation to her rear. "This whore is totally ready..." the hyena announced gleefully, his paw sliding free of her body and making her breath catch. Tasha's eyes widened a little, darting back and forth between them. What did they mean?

She didn't have to wait long, the slow-moving salamander wrapped his strong arms around her, cupping her breasts and rolling her so that she was on top of him; sliding down along his length until gravity hilted his cock inside her. He began to thrust upwards immediately, the slender fox getting a nice long angle between her spread legs and bouncing breasts to show her reddened face, the wolf masturbating inches from her nose. He drew back after a few moments, leaving room for the hyena to climb on top of the other two, pinning the poor arctic fox down. He was very excited, eagerly pressing himself into her and thrusting immediately; panting down at her like an animal. His own paws came up to join the lizards, and they both pinched and kneaded at her sensitive breasts roughly, making her nipples swell with an aching combination of pain and pleasure. "Fucktoy likes her nips twisted..." the hyena said, slowing his thrusts, his legs quivering against her. She could tell that he was already close, but trying to draw out the ordeal as long as he could.

Tasha threw her head from side to side steadily, yelping quietly as the two shafts inside her slid back and forth, the different speeds and depths making her jump and yip faintly. Although she felt a heat through her tummy as if she was being cut in half, her aching sensitive nerves argued with themselves, telling her that despite the pain, it was one of the most sheerly satisfying matings she'd ever experienced.

A paw caught at her muzzle, stilling it, and the wolf unbound the underwear from around her head, tugging the soaked underwear free and throwing them aside. With his free hand, he produced a metal ring gag which had a short rod mounted at an angle to one side of it. He quickly forced this into her mouth, using the rod to hold her tongue pressed to the bottom of her mouth, and strapped it tightly around her head. She tried to curse at him, her words made unintelligible by the gag, but only got one chance as he slapped her across the face again, impersonally, then pressed the tip of his cock into the opening. His slow penetration of her muzzle made a sharp contrast to the rapid fucking of the hyena and the slower but still rythmic thrusts of the lizard underneath her.

"Oh, that's a good little cockslut... open nice and wide for me," he said derisively; already pressing his way deeper into her mouth. "Whores like you just want as much cum as they can get, don't they?" He suddenly thrusted deeply into her mouth, his tip tickling at the back of her throat. Before she could begin to feel sick, he drew almost all the way back again, his shaft glistening since the rod on her tongue was making her salivate more. He pressed forward again, his sack coming to rest against her nose, the strong scent of his musk filling her nose. She cried softly, closing her eyes tight, but they flew open again when the canine reached down and dragged his claws up her belly and between the paws of the other two men on her breasts. She arched her back reflexively from the feeling, shivering all over as the welts burned like fire. The hyena grunted softly, one little burst of cum shooting into her before he pulled out, resting his cock on her labia as he continued to shoot, the fox filming from right beside them as the ribbons of his seed shot up and onto her chest.

The hyena sighed with sheer relief, continuing to thrust gently against her as he dripped out onto her belly. Finally, he drew away, and the fox moved his camera slowly down to stand between her legs again. The lizards paws slid down her body gently, coming to rest at her crotch, his fingers spreading her lips open for the camera and toying gently with the sticky passage. The wolf refused to let her breasts alone, cupping his paws over them as soon as the other male's hands were out of the way. Tasha cried with humiliation, her body completely out of her control as her muscles rippled with delight under their careful ministrations. They both knew exactly where to touch her, and she yelped softly as they soon brought her right up to the edge of orgasm, and then held her there while fucking her slowly.

She began to howl faintly into the thrusting canine penis, so anxious to cum now that she didn't even try to hide it. It wasn't her turn yet though, the wolf slipping himself free of her gag just before he came, two last little pats pushing him over the edge. He shot his first few blasts across her face, painting her cheeks and chin in wolfseed before pressing back into her muzzle and sending the rest to fill her mouth with the tart flavour.

Just as the first boy had, he kept humping her gently until the last drops of his cum had finished, then drew back; but he just sat behind her head, stroking her gently as drool and cum seeped out on her cheeks. "Little fucktoy wants to cum, doesn't she?" She whimpered, hesitating... then as the fingers in her crotch stilled she moaned out a "Yehhh...!"

"Beg for it, whore." He loosened the gag a little, leaving it in her mouth as the fox zoomed in on their faces. "And convince me just how much you need it." The thrusting penis in her rump slid out, the salamander taking the moment off-camera to wrap his legs around hers, pressing his penis up between her thighs so that the tip of it poked out just below her swollen lips. He began to thrust again, much more intently; fingers delving deep into her passage.

Tasha's head spun, and she abandoned the last shreds of her dignity"Plea'! I ha' to cum! Plea' le' me cum, I'm so hor'y I can' 'tand ih!" she yelped out, high pitched and desperate. The fox backed up slowly, filming her carefully as the lizard's jet-black fingers and cocktip showed brightly against her pale furred thighs, driving her the rest of the way to orgasm. Tasha screamed as she came, for the first time in her life, her head spinning from the strength of the orgasm. The lizard humped up against her forcefully a few last times before his cock geysered, seed fountaining up in the air before splattering down on her body, making her twitch in delight as each little flick made her orgasm just that much better.

They all went still, the room silent except for the sounds of intent panting. As soon as the fox clicked off the camera, the wolf reached down and very tenderly undid the gag, pulling it free. Her relief was short though, he forced a smaller ball-gag into her mouth in its place. He leaned down, kissed her on the forehead, and gave her a sympathetic look before helping the lizard wriggle free from underneath her. They left her still bound up, lying on the bed, all three of them gathering up their discarded clothes and making a hasty retreat, except for the pink-clad fox who looked at her hungrily, reaching down to the wet spot on the front of the silk negligee and adjusting himself with a little bit of a pained look. How old is he? He looks like he's just barely hit puberty!

An amused, tolerant voice carried across the room. "Oh, go on, you've been good today." Tasha looked over to the door, seeing the same squirrel who had raped her when she'd first woken to this nightmare. Her view was quickly blocked, though, the sissyfox clambering excitedly up onto her and licking at the cumstains on her face, daintily keeping his negligee out of the mess.

"I suppose you've guessed about the hypnosis on the speaker, the sedatives and psychoactives in the food to make you more suggestible. I'm actually impressed you were able to fight back at all... you must have very strong willpower. That's fine, makes the rape video more realistic. We'll just keep you in here another few days... you'd be surprised just how easily led around you'll be after we're done with you."

She started to fuss again, but the pinkened fox held her down just as expertly as the other men had, eagerly lapping up every scrap of cum and leaving her fur a little bit damp. To her surprise, he smelled like apricots, with no male musk scent that she could smell. The squirrel pulled the room's single chair back to its original spot and looked over at the two wriggling furs on the bed. "Oh, don't mind him. He's one of the ones that enjoys it just a little too much. Aren'tcha, slut?" He reached out and gave the fox a hard slap on the ass, making him moan softly and hike his tail up a bit. "S'the ones like you that give other foxes a bad reputation, you know," he admonished, and the fox whimpered.

He sat down neatly in the chair and folded his paws together. "My name is Steve. As the old joke goes, we've already had the equivalent of a formal introduction, so we'll skip any more. I've left the institution's rulebook on the table where we put your food. You don't get fed until you read it and put it back." Tasha was a little embarassed at the matter-of-fact speech, distracted by the feel of the tongue rasping over her breasts. The fox was spending entirely too long on them for what remained of her dignity. "As you know, you've been demoted once already, to level six. I'm sorry to say that for your foul mouth, you just narrowly escaped a second demotion. Your punishment is one week of silence. That ball-gag stays in your mouth, anytime you're not eating, for the next full week until we tell you to let it out. Your paws will be free, so this is entirely on you to worry about. If you pull it free when you're not eating, or if you say one word - bad or not - while you are eating, or if we hear you mumbling into the gag, you go down to level seven."

Steve got up and went to leave the room, pausing just at the door to add, to the fox, "Rachel, do whatever you like to her, but make sure you clean it all up afterwards." The sissy mrrfed and nodded, his licking tongue rasping quickly over her tummy now. Tasha blushed brightly, as the "girl's" cock twitched excitedly against her thigh. She wondered to herself if he was just a very submissive cross-dresser or if he was actually trans. The boy slipped down onto the floor, pulling her by her legs so that her knees were at the edge. He started working his way up her thighs slowly, lapping up every drop of cum and ooze and working in towards her still-sore crotch. To her shame, the gentle licking was getting her worked up again, the hard fucking having made her cum without satisfying her craving for affection. The foxtail lashed back and forth in midair as his paws kneaded at her thighs, thumbs carefully folding her open like a flower as his tongue started to dip into her lips, taking deep breaths of the scent of fresh sex.

Tasha's eyes closed, and she shuddered. This was what she had always liked best in her previous relationships, the second round of much calmer play. Her body responded gently, and she didn't even want to fight it, arching up for the tongue to get deeper. Rachel... a moment's pause as Tasha's mind accepted the name... was just as responsive, twisting his head slowly and letting his tongue dive deeper into her stretched tunnel, tickling the tip of it against her pelvic wall and making her squeak happily into the gag. Her feet twitched a little bit as he alternated between sweet spots, letting his lips brush her clit, his thumbs rubbing over her labia, and his tongue wriggling deep into her.

She started to breathe faster, sighing with contentment despite herself as the fox drew her quickly towards the brink. He drew back suddenly, and she moaned anguishedly, but he was just climbing up onto the bed. He gently rolled her over a little bit, and undid the belt strapped around her arms, pulling it free. She wriggled out of it, giving him a little look of gratitude, reflexively reaching up to her jaw to undo the gag. Rachel caught Tasha's paws, shaking his head urgently, and cuddled up to her, holding her paws tight and kissing at her cheeks. She relented... the fox was so sweet she didn't want to fight him, and maybe he knew more than he was letting on. He sensed her acquiescence, and released her paws again, cuddling close, wrapping one paw behind her head as a pillow while the second reached down to masturbate her again.

Tasha reached her own paw down, hiking up the hem of his negligee and finding a pair of pink cotton panties with a large slick wet spot on them. He twitched a little bit under even this slight touch, arching up against her, but he just nuzzled closer and dug his fingers into her. Her heart melted a little at just how much this boy wanted to please her, and she insistently slid her fingers into the waistband of the panties, exposing him to her. Rachel looked at her desperately, quivering shyly and pressing up against her thigh, drooling pre-cum on her already. He wrapped his paw up behind her neck, leaning up to kiss her lovingly as he soon brought her right back to the edge of orgasm. Not to be outdone, Tasha wrapped a paw around the boy's cock, stroking it slowly. It felt very much an adult's despite the fact that he looked like a young teenager. Rachel whimpered softly, pulsing out some warm pre onto her paw as he quivered on the edge himself. They stared into each others' shining eyes, each of them giving the other the last squeeze to push them both over the edge. They clung to each other tightly, quivering as they each panted their way through their orgasms.

Rather than leave immediately, Rachel stayed with her, closing his eyes and breathing softly, licking at her face every now and again as his erection subsided. After enjoying every scrap of their afterglows, he wriggled up, tucked himself back into his sticky panties, and slid down onto the floor again. Tasha sat up weakly as the boy gently licked his own mess off of her leg, lapped up her juices, and smiled up at her brightly. She petted him gently behind the ears, realising far too late that she'd been played most expertly with a "good cop, bad cop" variation... but feeling entirely too relaxed and mellowed out to drum up any anger towards the sweet sissy between her legs.

He moved slowly towards the door, which opened just long enough to let him out before locking again, and Tasha flopped back reluctantly on the bed. Reading the rulebook - and the promised breakfast afterward - could wait. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy just a little more of her afterglow.