Story by Esel on SoFurry

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Note: This story definitely contains Yiff, some of it rough all of it M/M. If you are under 18 please cover your eyes and run, this story could cause irreparable damage to your young mind and open up a new world to you, so PLEASE don't read it! This story was written for K.N. and inspired by his fantasies mixed with my own. This IS your damm Birthday present-LOL - do you know how many hours it took me to write this! Ya couldn't afford it! I Love Ewe.

Introductions all the way around.

Part 1

The estate was a large one, a Very large one. Aside from the main compound there were 2000 acres of forest, hills and flat grasslands, the latter containing the wheat fields, gardens and animal pens. The one singular thing that stood out was the circle of standing stones 20 feet high and 40 feet in diameter, a quarter of a mile before you reached the "castle" (well it did have a turreted tower). Set back against the forest across from the river road.

Within the compound, in the Main houses' study sat the owner of the estate, Cadmus, a Minotaur. His head was that of a bull, with a large golden ring in his right ear. He was 7'2" tall (without horns) and weighed in at about two hundred and sixty pounds, all muscle, his hands were human as were his extremely wide and hard chest and six-pac abs, the rest of his upper body was covered in a thick carpet of black hair. But the lower half was all Bull!

He absently stroked the earring in his right ear while looking at the paper in his left hand, He reached down and scratching his balls through his brown leather pants said...

"They look like a fine bunch of prospects," as his servant Eric entered the room carrying a coffee service on a tray.

" Yes Sir" he said "And maybe one or two will be defiant," he chuckled.

"Set down that tray and get on your knees in front of me Slave!" Cadmus said

"Yes SIR!" he said and sat the try on the desk then dropped to his knees in front of his master.

As Cadmus reached down and caressed his head the fur on the back of the tigers neck stood up in anticipation. Eric had been in this position many times. It had been 5 years since he first came to this place and with the exception of 1 week the first year, he'd never left the estate.

"Chew on my bone through the pants Slave, if your lucky I might feed you lunch." Eric could feel his Masters erection lengthening and swelling under the leather pants he wore. Lapping, nuzzling and nibbling on the tent in Cadmus's lap the tiger began to let out a low guttural sound, nuzzling harder and becoming more aggressive he began to lightly chew up and down the length of the now hard leather covered crotch. Cadmus began to moan lowly almost under his breathe, his body began to shift in the chair he could feel himself starting to leak pre. Then KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK...

A voice from behind the door informed "Master Cadmus" that Mr. Michael was here to speak with him. As he pushed Eric back up on his knees he responded, "Give me 30 seconds, then show him in."

" Eric, leave the tray, leave through the side door and meet me in my rooms in three hours"

"yes Sir" said Eric as he left the room.

Cadmus straightened up his pants ran his forearm over the crotch to wipe off the spit, stood and walked towards the door just as the servant knocked and opened it. "Mr. Michael Sir" he said then departed.

"Welcome Michael, I trust you had a good trip"

"Yes" he said, "I know time is short, are our plans for tonight set?"

"The plans have not changed, here is the potion that Toorus prepared for you. Your usual room is ready and dinner is at eight. Now I must hurry or I'll miss the landing."

"I'll see you at dinner then." Said Michael.

Cadmus grabbed his list from the desk and went down to the stables, mounted his horse and rode at a good clip down the road to the harbor.


Kevin stood by the railing of the boat watching the amazingly blue water as the bow split the waves. The warm wind caressed his face and exposed skin. In the distance he could see the island that was his, theirs, everyone on the boats' destination. His owner had told him he was being sent for additional training, but for what? He had Always served his master well; he did everything he was told, promptly and without question, so why did he need additional training and for what?

There were a few other men on the boat, several of whom were about Kevin's age. He had met two of them while waiting to board the boat. Jeffery and Mark, they were as puzzled as Kevin as to why they were being sent to this place.

Kevin had always been shy around other people, he tended to keep to himself and speak very little. He had few real friends in his Masters house but was happy there. The master seemed to like him well enough and on occasion a leftover meal was sent his way.

At 26 Kevin had been a slave for seventeen years, his father had sold him as one too many children. He was now a rather well built man from the physical labor on the farm. He turned more than a few heads when he went into town for supplies, and not just the women. His hair was copper colored and close cropped over bright blue eyes. The large bulge in his jeans didn't hurt the overall effect either.

From a distance Kevin saw a large horse ride up to the far side of the docking station and knew they would be there in minutes, he was nervous.


As Cadmus rode up to the docking station he reined his horse to a halt and swung himself to the ground. He saw the cart parked several yards ahead and called "Is everything ready Toorus?"

The reply from inside the side room was faint "Yes Cadmus, everything is ready. How many times have we done this now?" it said laughing, as the mage emerged from the door. "Now, can we go over the list one last time and be done with it?"

Cadmus smiled, he and Toorus had certainly been together a while, 32 years at last count. The mage was his right hand and provider of devices he chuckled to himself. " OK, let's get it done so we can have some fun."

No sooner had they finished than the boat pulled up to the dock. Holding their single bags and looking very apprehensive six men stepped off the boat to stand on the wooden planking.

Cadmus said "Alright form a line and when I call your name you will take one step forward then go form a line at the door on the left side of the entry arch. Daniel, Douglass, Jeffery, Kevin, Mark, Trevor.

Once at the door they were told "One at a time you will go inside, Toorus will hand you a vile of liquid, you will drink the entire contents and proceed across the arch to the room on the other side, you will lay down on a cot and you will sleep. Is that understood?" There was no reply, and from inside the room a voice called "Daniel" and Daniel went in.

When Kevin's name was called he entered the room and was met by an older man with short cropped beard and hair of jet black, his eyes were blue and there was the touch of age around them. He handed Kevin a small clear bottle of light brown liquid. It looks like tea he thought as he pulled out the stopper and sniffed it. No bad smell, he downed the bottle in one gulp set it down on the table and walked out the door on his right. Crossing to the room opposite he saw that three of the cots already held sleeping bodies.

Choosing an unoccupied one he laid down and within a minute was sleeping soundly.

When he awoke sometime later he felt groggy and strange, opening his eyes he was surprised to see several anthro's walking around the room. Kevin had always liked anthro's he'd worked with several on the farm and knew more in town. But these were a bit different, most anthro's were graceful and these three looked a bit clumsy, and their clothes didn't seem to fit correctly. He reached his hand up to rub his eyes and realized with a shock that it was covered with hair. Yanking the blanket back and looking down in dismay he saw he now had hooves instead of feet and his legs had definitely changed shape. His pants were ripped at the seams and his entire body was covered in short gray hair. He jumped out of bed and almost fell on his face; these new legs were going to take some getting used to. Now he realized why the others were so clumsy, they were the other men he had come here with. They had all been turned into anthro's!

He looked around for a mirror and saw one at the far end of the room. Moving as fast as his balance would allow he crossed the room and looked into it. His head was that of a Donkey! but aside from the hair his upper body, though more muscular, was still that of a human. He unbuckled his belt and pulling the pants away from his body looked down. Yep, from the waste down, ALL Donkey! He felt his sheath pull back a bit as he began to get an erection.

Now all the others were awake and moving around the room. Their bodies were all more or less like Kevin's with the differences being of species. From what clothing they still wore he thought he knew who was now what. Mark who he had met at boarding was now a Red Fox, Jeffery was a large and very good looking Black Wolf, Doug was now a Rotty, Daniel a Ram and Trevor, now huge and completely naked had become a Polar Bear.

Two anthro's in guard uniforms entered the room, one a tiger the other a brown fox. The first guard said, " Were moving you out to the compound so grab your bag, go outside and get in the back of the cart." They filed out with the guards in the rear. Once in the cart with the guards in the front they moved off down the road. At first the road was overhung with trees but these gradually gave way to tilled fields with tree-covered hills in the distance. The land was lush and green and the warm breeze felt good blowing through Kevin's hair.

In the back of the cart they all began to look at each other and take stock of one another. No one had much to say as they were all still in shock over the transformation they had been through. Kevin said to Mark "Did you have any idea this was going to happen?" "Not a clue in the world" replied Mark. They both smiled at each other. Everyone seemed more or less content with the exception of Trevor who looked a bit uncomfortable due to his new size.

They had been riding along mostly in silence for about an hour when one of the guards said, "There is your new home for as long as you're here men". About half a mile ahead on the left Kevin saw the compound for the first time. It looked huge, but he couldn't tell much about it. He saw a high walled rectangle almost completely enclosed. There was a gated opening in the near wall with a three story turreted tower next to it on the corner. Another smaller gate protruded from the side nearest the road. There were several windows high up in the wall but they were deep set and you could see nothing through them. One feature that caught his eye was a large circle of standing stones on the near side set back near the forest.

A short time later they arrived at the compound. They were lead from the back of the cart through an arched doorway and into a stone walled chamber with a heavy wooden door at the far end. The difference in light caused their eyes to adjust to this new darkness as they were ushered through the wooden door into a fairly large stone room with planking on the floor. "Your training begins as of Now men, you will do as you are told, without question or comment, those who do not obey Will be punished. If you need to address me you will call me SIR as you will with all the guards and Master Cadmus for the duration of your stay." The tiger guard said and the brown fox continued "You will now strip off what is left of your clothing" looking at Trevor and grinning "and hang it on those pegs on the wall. Through that door is a shower room, you will all wash yourselves thoroughly, then return here. You have ten minutes, get moving!"

They removed their remaining clothes and headed into the shower room. There were nozzles all around the walls but no stalls or partitions. As they all began to shower steam from all the hot water began to fill the room along with the smell of wet sweaty animal musk. Kevin found this very erotic and could feel his sheath pulling back as he began to get an erection. He tried to deny it and relax but just kept getting harder in spite of himself, that smell was intoxicating. He looked around and noticed that he was not the only one having this problem. All of them seemed to be sporting rock hard erections of various types and sizes, most of them large. Mark who was next to him looked particularly hot with his red fox fur soaked revealing the amazingly muscular body underneath.

"Wanna help me wash my back over here donkey?" Mark said with an evil grin and twitch of his tail. Just as Kevin was about to reply the tiger guard stuck his head in the room and said "Times up, rinse down and get your Asses out here" Looking at Kevin he added, "No pun intended" and laughed.

When they left the shower they noticed their clothes were no longer there, on the hooks instead were what looked like long robes. As he put it on Kevin noticed it was like a cross between a toga and a kimono and made of a material so thin as to be almost transparent. What's the point of this? He thought, but it felt better than being completely naked in front of so many strangers.

The brown fox then said, "As I call your name you will precede one at a time through that door" he pointed. "You Rotty, what's your name?" he said consulting a list "yah, Doug, your first, go on."

As he waited his turn Kevin noticed that once through that door the others did not seem to be returning. Wondering what was next he thought about why his master Michael would send him here and just what kind of "Training" this was going to be. Hearing his name called snapped him out of his daydream and he walked over to the door and entered.

He didn't have to wait long to have his questions answered, no sooner was he through the door than an iron collar was placed around his neck and secured with a lock in the back. "These are just to make life easier for all of us while you're here, saves a lot of time in the long run and you'll be used to them before you know it. I see you're to be with us for a month so you'll have plenty of time to adjust" The tiger guard said as he fastened manacles on both Kevin's wrists and ankles using locks to secure them. A leash was then clipped to the ring on his collar and his hands secured behind him at the small of his back. "One last thing to do said the tiger" as he slipped a blindfold over Kevin's eyes. He then heard the guard knock on a door and call out "He's all ready for you Earous" the door opened and he felt someone take hold of his leash. It was given a tug and a voice said, "I lead, you follow, got it Donkey?" and with a firmer tug this time he was being lead out of the room.

The ground under his hooves seemed to be very even cobblestones warmed by the days' sun. The still warm breeze blew right through his robe like it wasn't even there which for the most part it wasn't he thought and smiled to himself. As nervous as he was about all that was happening he was still also a bit excited. "What's your name boy?" Replying he said "Kevin" and assuming he was being lead by a guard quickly added "Sir". "No it's not boy, for the rest of the time you are here you will be referred to, and answer only to, Donkey, You got that?" "Yes Sir" Kevin said. In his mind he thought, Now I see where this is headed, I wonder how Michael knew that this kind of training was a fantasy of mine?

After walking for several minutes he was lead up a short flight of steps, a door was knocked on and opened but no words were spoken. He was lead inside and to the left. He could tell he was now walking on and off of rugs of some kind so thought he must be in some kind of house. After being lead through several rooms he was told to kneel down and sit erect. As Kevin knelt he felt a soft cushion under his knees. Thank the gods for small favors he thought as his blindfold was removed.

As the guard who had been leading him stepped away Kevin got a first look at him. He was a very large and beautiful gray stallion, and if the bulge in the tight fitting uniform pants wasn't lying he was one hung stallion. He also noticed that the uniform showed the rank of captain. The Captain backed away and took his place by the door behind and to Kevin's left.

Looking to his right he saw three of the others already here. They each knelt on a cushion facing a small table. These were all in a row at the back of the room. At the far end of the room was a long horizontal table with one chair, which stood empty. In-between stood four other large tables facing the sidewalls of the room. Some of these were occupied. At one sat a large anthro bull and on a pillow beside him knelt an anthro wolf. At another was a pair of human men, well dressed and rich looking. He studied the room and noticed that although a bit bare everything here was of the highest quality. The floor was of highly polished oak. Whoever lived here lived well.

The other three were lead into the room and seated as he was. Doug the Rotty was at the table next to his. He tried to lean over to speak quietly to Doug but with his hands still secured behind his back and being on his knees it was impossible. "Hay Doug, isn't this just too weird?" Doug looked at him shaking a bit and said, "I don't know, I'm kinda scared" his eyes filling with tears. Kevin couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

A voice Kevin knew to be his guard said loudly "Slaves will remain silent unless spoken to!"

A door opened at the far end of the room and a Minotaur walked in, Kevin had seen only a handful before but this one was magnificent! He had to be over seven feet tall. Completely black with gray, almost white horns. He wore brown leather pants down to the calf exposing his massive hooves, a tan loose fitting tunic and had a large gold earring in his right ear. Kevin's first thought was "I'd be His slave any day!" His eyes were glued to the minotaurs' every movement as he took his chair at the front of the room and began to speak in a loud voice so all could hear.

" I am addressing the new slaves in the back of the room, I am Cadmus, owner of this place and overseer of all that happens here. While you are here you will address me only as Sir or Master Cadmus, any breech of this and you will be punished. You will also address the guards in the same manner, as Sir or in some situations, Master. Do I make myself clear? The guards have a great amount of influence as to what happens to you here so I suggest you obey them in all things. Two in particular have absolute authority given by me to do as they wish, when they wish, with the slaves. They are my two Captains who now stand behind you. The gray Wolf is Lucas and the Stallion is Earous, obey them as you would me. You will now be served dinner which you will eat without the use of your hands after which you will be lead to your quarters. We will see each other again soon."

A plate of food was set in front of Kevin, mostly vegetables with what looked like chunks of boiled meat mixed in. He lowered his face into the plate and began to eat. To his right he could hear Doug sobbing his face in his plate. Poor guy, I hope he snaps out of it soon for his sake he thought.

Kevin was always a slow eater so as one by one the other slaves were blindfolded and led from the room he was still eating. When he was finally finished Earous stepped up and wiped his muzzle with a rag. He stood Kevin up and put the blindfold on him, and led him from the room, back through the house and out the door. He was told to stop and his blindfold was removed.

Being lead down the steps then turning to the right Kevin got his first look at the compound. It was enormous It looked even bigger inside than out. He looked behind him and saw that they had just left what appeared to be the main house and next to it a large iron gated entrance to the compound. Far ahead he could see another such gate that led to the fields. He also saw what could only be Trevor still being led at the far end of the compound. He assumed that would be his destination also. But a sharp yank on his collar told him differently. They had just reached the corner of the house when he was being yanked into an alley by Earous.

"Now I plan on using a little of that authority I have to do as I please with the slaves." Earous said

Kevin was completely surprised as he was half dragged down the alley past a set of stairs and forced against the back wall with Earous' hand firmly placed on his chest pinning him there. Now it's my turn to be scared he thought. The look in the stallions' eyes was fierce and lustful and left no doubt as to his intentions. He felt ice running down his spine but at the same time he was getting that tingling that told him an erection was on the way. The Captain rubbed his Donkey muzzle and reaching behind pulled his main back hard so that Kevin was forced to look directly into those hard eyes. "I'm gunna make sure your first night here is one to remember Donkey." Said the stallion as he used his entire body now to press Kevin against the wall. Kevin could feel the horse dick pressing against his chest, hard as a rock and huge. The stallions' body pressed so close that he could smell the sweat from the days work on it. Like in the shower this had a major effect between his legs as he got harder and his sheath began to pull back. The stallion began to move his body slowly up and down humping Kevin's chest. This brought Kevin's' erection to full hard and close to leaking.

Earous backed up and looked at his Donkey appraisingly, Noticing the fully hard dick he said "Looks like it ain't gunna have to be rape after all, Get on your knees and suck on my horse cock slave!"

Kevin had always been shy and though not a virgin his experience had been limited to playing with one of the other slaves back on Michaels' farm. At least until the other boy was sold. They only played with each other a couple times but Kevin was always in charge. Now he found himself on the other end. His slight hesitation caused Earous to bark out "I Mean NOW Donkey!" Kevin dropped to his knees on the warm stones and bent forward into the stallion's crotch. The angle was difficult and the shackles made it hard to balance but he managed to get the tip of the horse-dick into his muzzle and using his tongue began to slowly lick as he adjusted his angle to get more of it into his face. Once he had the angle right he began to take more and more of the huge dick into his muzzle. Then he slowly started moving his head up and down on the long shaft using his tongue to tickle it as it slid past, in and out.

The Stallion began to leak pre into his mouth and the hot salty liquid just made him want more. He increased his speed and heard Earous give a low snort through his nostrils. With a lunge forward Kevin took the entire horse-cock down his throat and forcing his muzzle against the stallions stomach he held it there. He felt a tremble run all the way through the stallion's body as its muscles went ridged. Kevin backed off and began the slow sucking again. As the stallions' body relaxed he let out a deep sigh. "Your too damm good at that donkey, almost ruined the rest of my fun" he said as he pulled Kevin off his dick. "Stand-up Donkey he said and watched as Kevin awkwardly wobbled to his feet. He pushed Kevin back against the wall the reached down and began to stroke the Donkeys' dick. By this time the Donkey was in a state, his rock hard dick was leaking freely and as Earous slowly stroked him his breathing became fast and shallow. He'd never known anything that felt so good, his body shook both from excitement and arousal and he felt very weak in the knees. He was snorting with each stroke now and could feel himself building up to one hell of a climax, his eyes shut and his head rolled back, then it stopped. Earous said, "not too quick Donkey, I got more plans for you before you get there".

Earous turned his Donkey around and unbound his arms, Kevin hadn't noticed how sore his arms were until they were released, he reached up and rubbed his shoulders to get the circulation going again. "Let me do that said Earous as he rubbed the shoulders briskly then slipped of the Donkeys robe. Turning the donkey back to face him he picked him up off the ground and laid him on his back on one of the crates in the alley. Pulling on his ankles he positioned Kevin so that his ass was just at the edge of the crate. "Now you hold those legs up donkey while I have a little fun." Earous reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jar filled with some kind of ointment, removing the lid he dipped his right index finger into the jar then set it on the crate next to Kevin. Using the finger the stallion began to massage Kevin's hole just above the tail. Kevin jumped in surprise, this was something new that he wasn't sure he was ready for. But one look into the stallion's eyes told him not to say a word. As he relaxed he found it felt good and as Earous applied more pressure a shiver ran up his back, this felt damm good he thought. He had lost some of his erection but it was back now and harder than ever. The thought of giving his virgin donkey ass to this beautiful stallion really had him aroused. Earous reached for more ointment and began working his Donkeys' ass even harder, putting pressure on the hole to get it to relax and open up. Finally his finger slid up the donkeys' ass, he pushed it all the way in and held it there. The Donkey let out a cross between a snort and a moan and his body began to shake all over. "You like that Donkey? Yah I can tell you do."

The Stallion began to move the finger slowly in and out of his donkeys ass, each time it hit something inside that set off sparks in Kevin's' body. His head rolled from side to side with pleasure as the stallion worked his donkey hole. Then it stopped, he opened his eyes and looked up, this time he saw the stallion dip two fingers into the jar. Here we go for real he thought as Earous pushed both fingers all the way up his ass and held them there. His body jerked, his back arched, and his hindquarters involuntarily bucked at the intense feeling. "Whoa there Donkey, take it easy, just relax" said the stallion, as he began to move the fingers in and out. He was still hitting the same spot inside of Kevin but it was much more intense now. Kevin tried to keep his body from thrashing and remain still but with only limited success. This was the most intense arousal he had felt in his life. His throbbing donkey dick was leaking freely and his blood was on fire. All he could think about was how good this felt, He wondered if it would feel this intense if he was still fully human. Then Earous removed the fingers, He felt empty inside. He looked up at the stallion and their eyes met. The stallion could see the pleading look in the Donkeys eyes. "Don't worry Donkey, we ain't finished yet." Said the stallion.

Earous reached up and grabbed more of the ointment, which he applied to his huge horse-cock. "Now your gunna get bred little donkey." He leaned over and Putt Kevin's hooves on his shoulders. Lining his dick up with the donkeys' hole he began to push his way in. At first it didn't feel much different from the fingers but then it kept sliding in deeper and deeper and Kevin realized the fingers were just a warm up for the real thing. The stallion kept pushing until the entire length of his dick was inside the Donkey and his large balls brushed the underside of the donkeys tail, again he held still letting the donkey get used to the sensation. Kevin thought he was going to pass out from the mix of pain and pleasure. His ass was throbbing and he felt an intense fullness in his entire body, he couldn't believe that such a huge horse-dick was now firmly lodged in his guts. He snorted loudly as his resistance gave in.

The stallion pulled out a few inches then drove back in causing another snort from the donkey. Earous set up a slow steady pace, looking down he noticed that with each of his thrusts a glob of pre oozed out of the Donkeys' raging hard dick. The stallion started to increase the speed and force of his fucking and the donkey let out a loud Snort of satisfaction. Faster and harder still and the donkey began to buck and slam back onto the horse-dick. The stallion snorted in satisfaction. Kevin had lost track of everything except what his body was feeling, the world had dropped away and he was suspended in total ecstasy. Now the Stallion was ramming the donkeys' ass hard and deep, he could feel release building up inside, it wouldn't be long now!

He reached down and grabbed the Donkey's dick hard around the base, he jerked it twice before it exploded and sent cum flying in all directions. Some hit the Stallions muzzle but most went straight up in the air and splattered all over the donkey below him. Kevin's ass clenched hard around the horse-dick as he shot his load. This was enough to send the Stallion over the edge and he began to let loose deep inside the donkey. Burst after burst shot from his dick and filled the donkeys guts. He hadn't cum like this in ages and damm if felt great. As he kept pounding his dick up the donkey's ass the donkey began to bray loudly. Earous knew this was a night this little donkey would never forget. He slowed his pace then stopped collapsing onto the donkey's chest. He could feel the donkey's heart pounding in his chest. He knew that both of them would be sleeping well tonight.

When both heartbeats had returned to normal Earous stood up and pulled out of his Donkey. "You look a sloppy mess, cum all over yourself and dripping out of you ass. You need to clean up before I take you to your room. It just so happens there's an outdoor shower right here on the wall of the house, get under there and rinse yourself off Donkey."

Keith was still lying back on the crate enjoying the sensation of being fucked for the first time, and by a Stallion no less. When Earous spoke he came back to the world. "Yes Sir," he replies and climbed off the crate and weak kneed moved to the shower. The hot water felt wonderful and he was so completely relaxed, he wanted to melt. The stallion handed him his robe, he slipped it on, this things not much help he thought.

Earous grabbed his leash and began to lead him out of the now completely dark ally however before they reached the end the stallion tugged on the leash and started up the stairs. "You're room is up here Donkey. Your owner paid extra to give you a few comforts the others won't be enjoying while you're here. It's sectioned off from the main house and this is the way you will enter and exit your quarters, is that understood Donkey?" "Yes Sir" Kevin replied, feeling proud that his master would do that for him.

At the top of the stairs was a door leading to a short hall with only two doors. Earous pointed to the nearer of the two and said "You sleep in there" Kevin entered the room and looked around, not too bad he thought. He heard the door shut behind him and a key turn in the lock. He decided to explore the room in the morning, he was exhausted, he took off his robe and dropped it on the floor, and then lying down on the bed he was asleep in two minutes.


Cadmus sat behind his desk in his study going over some ledgers. A knock came on the door "Enter" he said. The Stallion Earous came into the room. "He's all settled in and relaxed" the stallion said with a grin.

"Need I ask why so relaxed?" Laughed Cadmus. "Here is your other present from Toorus," he added handing the stallion a small glass bottle. The stallion accepted the bottle, unstopped it and downed the contents in one gulp.

The stallion's body began to shimmer and the flesh seemed to turn almost liquid as it rearranged itself. After several seconds it settled into the form of Michael, Kevin's owner and master.

"That, Cadmus was worth all the gold I'm paying you!" He grinned as he added, "I never thought it would feel so fulfilling."

" You know I think I fell in love with him the day I bought him from his father. So attractive even at ten years old, and bright even if he was very shy. I just had to wait until age and the right opportunity presented themselves. The age arrived years ago but until now, not the opportunity. I never wanted to force myself on him; it might ruin the chance for anything lasting. Now that I see he's ok with the first part of the training I feel better. If we do this thing right I think I'll have a mate for life."

"Just play your part and don't forget why you're here, never break character and for god's sake don't pay undue attention to him. It might start him guessing." Cadmus spoke in a lecturing tone. "If he even suspects that you and Earous are the same person the whole thing washes out."

"I know, I'm gunna need to watch that closely, but it will be fine" said Michael. "I'm going to bed. I have to go back to the farm tomorrow to receive some goods but I'll be back in a few of days to help with the training."

"Good-night then" said Cadmus "and a safe journey." He said as Michael left the room.

Cadmus sat back in his chair; this was going to be interesting he thought. I've never trained a slave while his owner was present. I just hope he doesn't get squeamish when things start to get rough, but he does know what this entails, I trained him myself ten years ago. He reached over and pulled the bell-cord by the wall. Within a minute the tiger Erik entered the room. "Bring me a tankard of that mead Toorus concocted last week, I need a drink!". Still he thought, it could open up some interesting possibilities, he always did like Michael as a slave bottom. The thoughts were getting him aroused as Erik entered with his drink on a tray. "Bring that here and set down the tray" picking up the tankard and taking a deep drink he said to Erik " Now get down on your knees tiger, we have unfinished business."


Part 2

Kevin woke up in the same position in which he'd fallen asleep. Sun was streaming in the windows and there was a light breeze blowing through the room. He looked around and saw that the room he was in though not overly large was comfortable. Several windows on the two outside walls provided good ventilation and there was a door that Kevin assumed led to a balcony. There was a dresser, desk, chair, sink, toilet and no shower. He assumed he would be using the one downstairs. He tried the door, it was still locked. He looked for his robe but it was nowhere to be found. He crossed to the Balcony door and found it opened, stepping outside into the morning sun felt good. The sun warmed his body as he stood looking out over the compound, his tail twitching in anticipation.

There was a large rectangle of lawn in the center of the compound growing there were tall hedges planted in from the edges. At least last night he thought they were hedges as he and Earous had passed them. Now he saw from his new angle on the second floor that it was actually a maze. Leave it to a Minotaur to have a maze he thought and laughed to himself, he couldn't tell the exact layout but thought he'd give it a run someday if he was given the chance.

He could also see all around the compound guards were leading naked blindfolded slaves to different parts of the compound. Some he could recognize, others were strangers to him. I guess we're not the only group here he thought.

A loud knock came from the balcony door directly behind him Kevin jumped and spun around. A uniformed guard whom he assumed to be satyr stood there holding a leash and blindfold. "Come on, time to get moving Donkey" he said as he attached the leash and put on the blindfold. With a tug he lead Kevin through his room, down the hall and out the door into the warm sun again. He was taken across the cobblestones and to the lawn where the leash was tied to a hitching post. The Satyr said "wait here, someone will be with you soon." Kevin heard the satyr's hooves walking away.

He had been there for some time in the warm sun. His mind had begun to wonder. The compound seemed to be fairly quiet with the exception of Guards talking to each other no one seemed to be around. A voice spoke next to him bringing him back to the moment. "I've brought your breakfast Slave." it said. His blindfold was removed and he saw Cadmus standing in front of him. He held an equine feedbag that he placed over Kevin's head. Inside were oats and chunks of fruit. Kevin ate hungrily.

"Your owner has placed you in my care for one month of training as a sexual slave. He has paid me good money to do so and I intend to see to it personally when my time permits. This morning I will work with you but in the future it will often be one of my guards. They are all quite talented in their own areas." He said as he removed the Donkey's feedbag, "Now drink this" he said handing the Donkey a cup of light green liquid. "It will help things along".

Kevin drank the liquid, which felt warm going down his throat and tasted slightly of honey.

Cadmus untied the donkey's leash and led him towards an opening in the maze. "You will find I prefer to work outdoors when the weather is good." Entering the maze they turned right, then left and then left again. They were in a rectangular area carpeted with grass. A short distance away Kevin could see planted in the ground a large heavy wooden X with iron rings top and bottom. An iron box sat just behind the X and a little to one side, the lid was closed so he couldn't see what it contained.

He was lead to the cross and his arms were pulled up and secured to the rings on the top, then his ankles were secured at the bottom. A rope was then used to tie around his waist holding him firmly against the wood. Cadmus walked behind him and he heard the iron box open.

The Minotaur returned holding a long length of leather cord in one hand and a D-ring in the other. Starting just below the sheath he began to wrap the cord around the Donkeys balls over and over working his way down the ball sack, all the time manipulating the Donkey's balls to keep from pinching them with the cord. He could see the Donkey beginning to get hard from this attention and he smiled to himself. At one point he slipped the D-ring onto the cord, situating it on the underside of the ball sack he continued wrapping downward. When he was finished the skin over the Donkey's testicles was pulled so tight as to make them smooth and shinny. Cadmus went back to the box behind the Donkey. Kevin's balls ached slightly and he had a feeling this might get painful. Cadmus returned and clipped a length of heavy linked chain to the D-ring under the Donkey's balls. The weight increased the discomfort and Kevin took a deep breath. "That's it Donkey, just work through it, it's gunna get a lot worse before it get better." Cadmus could see the Donkey was losing his erection so he reached out and began to rub the sheath with his palm. The effect was immediate. The Donkey's dick soared to full hard. Toorus's green potion seemed to be working well he thought.

"Now Donkey, you and I are going to play a little game this morning, here's how it works. To begin with your job is not to cum. No matter how good it may feel, if you cum before I tell you to you'll be punished severely. If you feel yourself getting to the edge you to let me know by saying "I'm close SIR" do you understand?" Kevin nodded in agreement. "At a certain point I'm going to tell you to cum, you will then shoot as soon as you are able, do you understand?" he said looking into the Donkey's eyes. The Donkey responded "Yes Sir" Cadmus smiled; this was going to be fun. "OK Donkey, lets get started."

Cadmus began by lightly stroking the Donkey's sheath with his fingers causing the slave to shudder a bit. He grasp the sheath firmly in his hand and began making long slow strokes from top to bottom. He heard the slaves breathing quicken slightly and increased his speed. The Donkey responded by saying "I'm close SIR!". The Minotaur stopped. Then disappeared behind Kevin again only to return seconds later with what looked like an iron ball in his hand. "Now the fun begins Donkey." He said as he hung the weight from the chain dangling from the slave's balls. The pulling on his balls was painful and Kevin had to suppress a groan, he felt his erection failing.

Cadmus then began stroking him again, as his erection returned the pain lessened and he began to enjoy the sensation of being stroked again. Soon he was not feeling the pain at all and was beginning to build up to ready again, he could feel himself oozing pre and its slickness just added to the sensation of being stroked. Again the Minotaur stopped, walked away and returned this time with several of the iron balls. Kevin looked down and saw them and thought to himself, this could get ugly! Cadmus added another weight to the chain and the Donkey let out a loud snort. "We're only just getting started here Donkey, don't tell me you think that's all you can take." He said laughing. Noticing that the Donkey's erection had drooped again. He began stroking again and had to work harder to get the slave hard this time. He went to work on the Donkey's dick in earnest now, stroking long and firm.

The Donkey tried to buck his hips but was tied too tightly to the cross to move. His entire body began to vibrate as he got to the edge he cried out "I'm Close SIR" without breaking rhythm the Minotaur added another weight to the chain then another. The Donkey brayed in pain as Cadmus kept stroking ever harder and faster. The Donkey's body was shaking all over now and the Minotaur knew he had him right where he wanted him. The Slaves dick was constantly drooling pre as he worked it still harder. Then he switched to a long slow stroking and the Donkey let out a sound that embodied both extreme lust and terrible pain. He added another weight and the Donkey brayed at the top of his lungs. Resuming the faster, harder stroke Cadmus looked at the Donkey and said " Now Slave I want you to shoot your load for me."

Kevin's mind was torn in two, his dick was rock hard and he wanted to cum but the pain made it impossible. The Minotaur added another weight and Kevin's brain exploded with the pain. He heard a voice say "The only way to make this stop is to cum for me slave!" He tried to concentrate on his dick but the pain was so intense, his body was jerking all over, his knees were giving out, if he weren't shackled to the cross he'd be in a heap on the ground already. Slowly he pushed the pain back little by little by concentrating only on the stroking, he could feel an orgasm beginning to build and heard the voice say "Come on Donkey, give me what I want and I'll stop, it will all be over."

Kevin kept focused and could feel the cum moving up from his balls towards his raging swollen dick. "I'M CUMING SIR" he screamed as jets of donkey juice shot from his dick and flew halfway across the lawn. It seemed to go on forever, after the first few blasts the orgasm continued, he shook and groaned as more and more cum was pumped from his cock the incessant stroking just kept him going as the cum now flowed out and over the Minotaurs hand. Finally it was over, his body collapsed. Cadmus reached under him and unhooked the chain with the weights. The relief was amazing and Kevin began to sob. The Minotaur held him tightly in his arms, caressing his mane and said, "It's all over, your going to be just fine. Good job Donkey".

Cadmus stepped back, pulled a whistle from his pocket and gave two short blasts. Within a minute two guards came into the maze. "Untie him, let him rinse off, give him thirty minutes rest then take him out to the wheel, four rotations at five hundred pounds should do the trick. I'll send more instructions before he's done with that." The Minotaur turned and left the maze without a backward glance.

The guards took Kevin down from the cross and laid him on the ground while they put the weights and ropes back in their box. The Satyr guard then led Kevin by the leash to the outdoor shower near his room. The cool water felt good in the heat of the day. By the position of the sun he estimated he had been in the maze for about two hours. Amazed at how the time passes when your mind and body are occupied he felt a twitch of pain in his balls. Taking great gulps of water from the shower he replenished his bodies fluids. The water running over his body help shake off the exhaustion he felt and soon he was feeling refreshed.

The Satyr then led him back to the lawn, tied him to the hitching post and said; "Now you be a good Donkey and I'll be back for you soon, you will remain silent and not move from this spot until I return." The guard then walked off in the direction of the gates that led to the fields and disappeared through them. Kevin sat on the grass and let the sun dry his body.

A short time later the Satyr returned. He untied Kevin from the post and said, "Get to your Hooves Donkey, I guess Cadmus must want to build up those leg muscles of yours as he wants you on the wheel. Let's move." He led Kevin out through the gates where he spotted a fenced enclosure about twenty feet square. In the center was an upright post about four feet high. Mounted to the top of the post was a horizontal crossbar forming a giant T shape, one end of the bar had a harness attached to it and the other held what looked like a series of heavy weights. Kevin was taken to the harness and strapped in, a bit was placed in his mouth and the Satyr said, "Donkey, you will pull this bar around in a circle until I tell you to stop, and not before."

Kevin tried to move forward, the bar was very heavy and it took a great deal of strength to it start it moving. He began to trudge slowly around in a circle the bit pulling at his mouth. The first couple of rotations weren't too bad but considering the mornings events his leg muscles were putting up a fight. The third time around was painful, the forth Very painful. He had heard Cadmus say four rotations but the Satyr had said don't stop until I tell you so he kept going.

Another guard approached the Satyr carrying a feedbag, water-skin and cup. They talked quietly for a minute then the other guard left.

By now Kevin was on his sixth time around and he was in real pain, his leg muscles were on fire. These new legs had muscles he didn't recognize but they all hurt. The Satyr called "Halt Donkey!" and he stopped. His legs burned with the workout. The satyr set down the feedbag and came over to untie the slave. Once free Kevin's legs began to shake with overuse. "Don't worry, you'll get to sit down soon enough, just stand there and eat your lunch." He handed the Donkey a cup of the green drink that he poured from the water-skin. "Drink this, then you can eat" Kevin drank it in one swallow and felt the warmth sooth his parched throat, then move down to his stomach. The feedbag was strapped on his head, inside were oats and more cut fruit. When the bag was empty which happened quickly, the bag was removed. The Satyr stood there holding another cup of drink. "Here Donkey, I think your gunna need this."

The guard then blindfolded the Donkey and with a tug began to lead him back into the main compound. They turned right and after a time turned left. The Donkey was moving slowly and the guard didn't push him. The Satyr knew that the Donkey had had a busy morning and considering what was coming next saw no need to add to it.

The Donkey could tell that they had passed from the sun into the shade but couldn't place where in the compound he might be. He heard a door open and was led inside. It was cool in here and after all the time in the sun it felt nice. The next thing he noticed was that he could here several muffled animals, some grunting, some whimpering and one was sobbing.

"Stand here against the wall Donkey, while I make a few adjustments here." He heard a metal ratcheting sound and some clicking noises and began to wonder what was going to happen. "Lucas, can you give me a hand here for a minute? Hold him up off the ground while I secure his wrists." He felt himself being lifted from under his arms up off the floor. His arms were being secured to the wall in a "Y" position, when this was done he heard. "Now, I'll hold his tail aside and you sit him down."

Kevin was lowered slowly and felt something slick pushing against his hole. As he was lowered he realized it was a somewhat substantial dildo he was being impaled on. He took a sharp breath and tried to relax as it worked up deep inside his guts. Finally he reached bottom and found a small seat to take his weight. As Lucas released his hold the Donkey realized that only the very tips of his hooves could touch the ground and that didn't give much support. For all intents and purposes he was suspended. He felt a strap cross his chest and it was pulled tight holding his back firmly against the wall. "We wouldn't want our Donkey to fall off now would we?" he chuckled, "I'll be back for you later Donkey." And with that he removed the blindfold and walked out the door.

The dildo plugging his hole was large, but not as large as Earous had been last night, God was that only last night he thought? At the moment it was slightly uncomfortable but not too bad. He looked around the room. It was very dark and all he could see were shadows and silhouettes. He could just make out that there were others here in the same position he was in. One seemed to be sleeping, another, a Wolf he thought, had his head thrown back and was writhing and a third, a Buck by the look of the horns seemed to be having some kind of body spasm, The latter two were both making muffled noises, but there were other noises also and he assumed there were others farther back in the room that he couldn't see at all. Lucas, the Gray Wolf captain approached the Donkey with something in his hands. "Ready to take a little ride Donkey? You just might like this!" he laughed.

Then he placed a flat piece of rubber about a half inch thick in the Donkeys mouth holding his tongue down and put a heavy strap tight around his muzzle. He was very effectively gagged. The guard began to stroke the Donkey's dick. The feeling of the plug up his ass and the stroking had him up and running in no time even though he had just blown a wad not two hours before. When the guard felt that Donkey was fully hard he stopped stroking and said, "Hold that thought Donkey." He flipped a switch on the wall and walked off into the shadows.

At first he didn't feel anything and wondered if there was an equipment problem. Then he felt the dildo up his ass begin to get warm and start to pulse slowly. Yah, he was liking this, his dick was getting harder and the feeling of the warm pulses was good. The pulsing grew stronger and the feeling more intense then a quick shock issued from the plug up his ass and went directly into his prostate, his body jerked and his dick throbbed. That was different he thought as he relaxed and let the feeling take him again. The plug was growing still warmer and he could have sworn it was getting longer too. The pulsing continued to get stronger and now the plug seemed to be growing and shrinking in a cycle giving him the feeling of being fucked. Between the heat, pulsing and fucking he was one happy Donkey. He could do this all day he thought.

Another shock this time stronger jerked his body again and hit that spot deep inside. He let out a low moan of pleasure. He looked down and noticed his dick was drooling pre. The ride continued, getting very slowly more and more intense. He could feel the pre-cum dribbling down his sheath, over his balls and dripping on the floor. He loved this and he was as hard as a boulder. In a split-second the rhythm changed, the pulsing was fast and intense, the fucking went to ramming speed and again and again electric jolts zapped his prostrate. Kevin's ass clenched around the plug as his dick let loose with several shots of cum. He heard them hit the floor with a splat. He liked the sound of it but wished the plug would back off a bit, after cumming it was uncomfortable.

But the plug didn't stop it keep the same frantic pace only the electric jolts stopped and soon the Donkey's discomfort started to change to a feeling of lust, he wanted more. He let out a moan and tilted his head back against the wall. He could feel the last of his cum dripping down and off his body. He was still as hard as ever and could feel a second orgasm following hot on the heals of the first. Within minutes the plug began to send out the shocks again and he went over the edge. He felt cum jump from his dick and heard hit the floor. His legs began to buck bouncing him on the dildo up his ass forcing more and more cum out; he let out a bray through the gag. Then everything stopped and the plug seemed to shrink to its original size. With relief he leaned his head back against the wall and dozed in a mild state of bliss.

Sometime later he was brought back to earth by a shock from the plug. He could feel it getting warm again and the low, slow pulsing began again. He moaned, his hole was starting to get sore; he couldn't believe the thing was starting up again. This time the plug quickly grew to larger that it had ever been before and the pulsing was also more intense. Kevin's limp dick soon began to grow hard and poke out of its sheath. He couldn't believe he was still capable of it, let alone another orgasm. But the plug was persistent and his body couldn't deny the effect. He groaned as the plug now began to vibrate, his hole began to clench and release on its own trying to pull the plug in still deeper.

The plug responded by growing another inch and then started its fucking motions again. He felt like he was leaking again but when he looked down he saw nothing. The machine quickened its pace as before and began sending out shocks, stronger than ever. Along with the new sensation of the vibration this was all it took to send him on his way to another load. It was so intense that Kevin began to loose track of everything around him, only his dick and the plug up his ass were real, nothing else existed. The incessant pounding, shaking, pulsing and zapping had his body and legs twitching and jumping continuously. He just let go and let the machine do it's job he had no control left he was a puppet on one hell of a string.

The feeling started in his balls as a throbbing then his dick began to jump on its own. He knew the juice was building up pressure that would soon be released and he just let it happen. Then it hit, the orgasm wracked his body as he came. Not very strong this time, not firing into the air this time, but still, globs of cum oozed from his dick for what felt like an hour and flowed like lava down to the floor. Still there was no relief the plug just kept going without pause he thought he felt it getting still longer then realized that instead it was getting thicker, filling up his insides completely. The feeling of orgasm continued his body completely out of control and flailing. He was braying for all he was worth but was not conscious of doing so. There was no "Him" left, just his dick and the fucking plug. He lost track of time, this was "forever". At some point Kevin lost consciousness and was lost in the ether.

He awoke as he was being released from his restraints, the plug had been removed already and he was very unsteady on his feet. His brain was anywhere but here. The room was lighter now and he could see it was empty except for himself and the two guards helping him. Once free the guards put his arms around their shoulders, one each and half carried, half dragged him out of the room. Behind him he heard a guard bark "Cleaning Detail! On your knees and lick that floor clean!"

They laid him on his bed and he slept immediately. In his sleep his body occasionally jerked involuntarily remembering the days events.

It was dark and quiet when Kevin awoke. The lights in his quarters had been left on. Looking around he noticed food had been left on the desk. Not just fruit in a feedbag but real food! Half a chicken, some veggies, a plate of fruit and a water-skin with what tasted like watered down wine. He was ravenous and ate like a Donkey.

As he ate he thought back on the last day and a half. All that had happened had definitely begun to open to horizons for him. But so much in so little time, and him there for a month. What was still to come? Another question entered his thoughts, why would his owner Michael send him to a place like this? What were his intentions?

Kevin looked down and saw that he was hard again, he hadn't noticed before, he was more or less numb from the waist down. He finished eating, washed his face in the sink and climbed back into bed. While running over the events of the day in his mind he fell into a contented sleep.


Part 3

Kevin awoke in the morning to the feeling of the guard captain Lucas poking him with a riding crop. "Get your sorry ass out of bed Donkey, you've got work to do today." He only hoped it wasn't a clean up crew like he saw last night. "Cadmus has a special job for the two of us today and we need to get moving!" Standing up he noticed that his hair was matted from all the cum left in it last night. "Sir?" he asked the guard timidly, "May I shower before we leave?" "No time for that Donkey, you can clean up when we get back. This will take the better part of the day." His leash was attached but no blindfold this morning.

Once outside they began walking in the direction of the fields, Not the Wheel again hoped the Donkey. Then he saw they were headed for what were obviously the stables. Inside Lucas said, "One of the horses went lame and we need the other two plowing today so we can get the wheat in, so you're my transportation Donkey. I need to go over to the mill and drop off some grain and pick up some flour and its fifteen miles each way." The thought of pulling the heavy cart with Lucas in it for thirty miles made the wheel sound like fun! Lucas smiled, reading his mind and said, "I got a little present here for you from Toorus by way of Cadmus." He held up a small bottle of dark brown liquid "Drink this, in one gulp is usually best, some of Toorus's potions don't taste very good."

Kevin drank and within seconds felt very strange, it felt as if his body was falling apart. After a short time the feeling stopped as fast as it had started. Kevin was looking at the ground and to his amazement saw that he now had hooves instead of hands. His brain still thought like a human but he was Donkey through and through. He tried to speak but all that came out was a bray. This is kind of interesting he thought, as long as they change me back!

Soon he was hitched up to the cart and a bit and bridal fitted. With a shake of the reigns they set out through the gate. Somewhere in the distance he could hear a strange musical piping sound, it was beautiful and almost hypnotic. Reaching the road Lucas said, "I know you can understand me Donkey, just take it at a medium pace, don't cause me any trouble and I won't have to use this crop." The ride through the countryside was beautiful, it was early spring and everything was blooming, the grass and trees were green. All the new smells, he thought, I've never been so sensitive to them before. This must be what they mean by animal sense.

After a time the fields gave way to forest and the coolness under the trees and the dappled sunlight filtering through was wonderful. The track began to wind up and down over hills and valleys. Kevin was amazed; his new body seemed to have no problem with the weight. At the crest of a hill the trees broke and he was looking down on a tilled valley, in the distance he saw the river and across a bridge the mill.

"We made good time." Lucas said as they pulled up in front of the mill. Donkey thought it must be mid-day as the miller was eating lunch under the shade of a tree. "I know your hungry too Donkey, We'll stop and eat on the way back, I know a nice little spot."

Sacks were unloaded and loaded, gold changed hands and it was time to start the return trip. About an hour later a tug on the reigns took them off on a side road Donkey hadn't noticed on the way there. Following this for a short time they entered a clearing with a brook running through it. Donkey was led to the stream and his bridal and bit removed. "Drink up Donkey" said Lucas rummaging through the back of the cart for the feedbag. He strapped the bag over the Donkeys head and sat down to eat his own lunch. "After we eat I think you and I are gunna have a little fun Donkey, We made good time so we'll still get back on schedule and I'm horny."

Once his feedbag was removed Donkey took another drink from the stream. Behind him Lucas walked to the cart and dropped the empty bag in. He turned around, unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the ground, leaning back against the cart and placing his elbows up on the rail he said forcefully, "Get your muzzle over here Donkey and suck on this thing for me!" Donkey turned around and saw Lucas standing there naked with a bright red erection poking out of his sheath. Donkey walked to him and using his muzzle he nuzzled up under the Wolfs balls lifting them up and down to see how full they were. Sticking out his tongue he began to give the wolfs' lower region a tongue-bath.