
Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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Hunter is just about to drift off to sleep when someone comes to visit.

Hunter's ears twitched as he heard the door to his bedroom softly open. His eyes fluttered open and he looked over to see his mother slipping into the room. It was the middle of the night. What was going on?

"Mom?" He mumbled, still half asleep.

"Shhh, baby. It's okay." He watched, puzzled, as his mom walked over to him. There was something off about her, but he could not quite put his paw on it as she walked over and pulled back the covers, revealing that the lion wore nothing but his briefs due to the warmth of the summer's night. His mother reached down and slipped a finger into his underwear, pulling it out almost immediately. "Does mommy's little kitten have a soggy diapee?"

"Huh? Mom, I'm not Koda." Hunter said in confusion.

"That's right, baby. Your name's Koda." Hunter gasped as he realized what was going on. His mom was sleepwalking!

"Mom, wake up." Hunter said, but the lioness ignored him as she ripped his briefs along the sides as though it were a diaper, exposing Hunter's cock and balls to the cool air of the night. Hunter squirmed as his mom, undeterred by the apparent change in her son's genitals' size, began to wipe him clean with a paw full of baby wipes. "Mom!" Hunter repeated as she effortlessly lifted his legs and worked on his butt. To his dismay, the wipes from his butt were slightly brown, showing that he was a little too hasty when he wiped there last.

Once she had finished cleaning him up, she produced a diaper from her pajama pants. Hunter wondered how one of his little brother's diapers would fit him, but somehow, it fit fine once his butt was lowered down onto it.

"Wake up, mom!" Hunter said urgently as his mom began to powder him. She just kept humming as she always did when she was changing Koda. Hunter tried to think of something. "Mommy?" He said in his cubbiest voice.

"Mommy's almost done, baby." She lifted the front of the diaper up and over Hunter's cock, fastening it in place. "There we are." She kissed his belly lovingly as Hunter blushed. He could not believe that he was diapered at his age! What would his friends say if they ever found out? They never would, of course, but it still was terribly worrying for him. "Mommy's little Koda must be a hungry baby, hmm?" Hunter gasped as his mom shifted and sat him up, setting his head against her chest. She stroked his mane with one paw while the other agilely undid her blouse. Hunter wiggled in his mom's lap, trying to avoid what he knew was coming as she unclasped her nursing bra, revealing her milk-filled breasts.

"There is no way." Hunter said, but that proved to be his mistake. By speaking, his mouth was open when the lines eased his head up against her nipple. She held his head up against her breast and it was like that the teenage lion was made to nurse. His eyes were as wide as silver dollars as his mom kept him against her breast as the rich milk flowed down his throat and into his belly. He could not believe how childish he felt sitting on his mom's lap in a diaper, nursing from his mom. He had no memory of the last time that this had happened. It made him feel so small, like he was a little cub again.

"Mommy's little cub." The lioness purred as she stroked Hunter's mane, keeping the lion's muzzle on her breast as his belly continued to fill with her milk. Hunter could not escape the sensations of being warm and safe in his mom's lap, like a small cub.

Hunter did not know how long it was before his mom allowed him to pull away. He yawned, the warm milk having put him into a daze as he rested against his mom's shoulder as she coaxed burps from him. He hardly noticed when his mother easily picked him up and carried him out of his bedroom and down the hall to Koda's nursery, where the two year old lion cub slept, his soft breaths rising and falling rhythmically. He gazed at his reflection in the mirror and his jaw dropped. He could not be a day older than six! Only the slightest tuft of a prepubescent mane sat atop his head and his face now had the softer lines of a young cub. He had lost his musculature in favor of a slight bit of cub pudge with no signs of even the slightest bits of pubic fur.

His mom kissed his cheek and lowered him down into the crib with Koda, patting his diapered bottom.

"Sweet dreams, Hunter." She whispered sweetly. "Mommy loves her big boy six year old, even if he still needs his Pampers."

"Love you too, mommy." Hunter whispered before yawning. His thumb found its way to his muzzle as he cuddled with his brother, who he thought of as his twin, despite the four years' age difference. After all, they wore the same Pampers and did pretty much everything together. Hunter drifted off to sleep, dreaming of all the fun that he and Koda would have for years to come, his belly happy and full of his mommy's milk.

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