
Story by Fere_Ermelis on SoFurry

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And as the old saying goes...

"Don't complain if you get pulled off at half-time... it sure beats half an orange!"



All characters, scenes, place names and relevant materials herein presented, are 2008 © C A Moore, BA (Hons)


The whole thing was such an important part of his life. Now 25, Rae had started refereeing at the tender age of 16, an age at which he'd begun to feel that there was something missing inside. So, at the behest of his parents, he began to fill that void with weekend football and of course all the masochistic trappings of refereeing. And although he never dared to admit it, refereeing was probably the reason why he was the wolf that he was today.

The young wolf had been sexually curious from an early age, particularly in the changing rooms at school, when he'd often sneak a peak at the other lads undressing alongside him. There was something inside him that excited him about it all, but had always convinced himself that it was somehow wrong.

But when James came into his life, all the nervousness and apprehension faded away. They'd met at a match about four years ago. James was a very smart-looking and intelligent young red fox, with the most wonderful streaked white and fire-orange fur. So beautiful, it looked like he was aflame.

He had been working as a security officer for one of the larger first division clubs at the time, and over a welcome hot cup of half-time tea, the two furs had got talking. The touchline of the pitch was freezing, and they huddled around one of their colleague's cigarettes for warmth.

"So.." began Rae nervously, "what made you come here and do a job like this"

James looked up from his hot drink, his two paws wrapped tightly about the thickly potted mug, smiling at the wolf's inquisitiveness

"You must think I'm mad" he replied

"No not at all, mate" smiled Rae, "I mean, take a look at me. Who'd be crazy enough to be the man-in-the-middle huh?!"

The fox giggled and nodded..

"I guess so.."

"So a football fan, or just on sub"

"No you're right... subbed here when my boss was short-staffed"

"Decked out in suit and tie, huh?", looking at the fox up and down.

"Huh? Oh.. yeah.. it's kind of embarrassing. Completely overdressed"

The dripping from the stanchions was becoming ever more persistent, and it soon hit a bull's-eye on the very butt end of Rob's cigarette.

"Oh would you fuckin' believe it" the fox turning his rather soggy cigarette on it's end to behold the extinguished tip.

Rae and James both looked at him with giggly frowning faces, the referee gazing back at them non-plussed.


"Well light another one you stingy bugger" laughed Rae, "we're freezing our bollocks off here"

Rob just smiled and reached into his bag for the packet, patted his pockets to find his lighter with the cigarette dangling from his maw, and eventually lit up. Drawing his lungs full of the rather toxic fumes, and puffing out, he sighed with satisfaction and looked back at the two comparative youngsters, stood there molly-coddling their cups of tea...

"Happy now, you wimps?"

"Very" giggled the wolf, "now come closer, my paws are freezing", Rae shuffling his broad paws closer to the emberous tip.

"Oh.. ha ha. Take it up yourself you lazy git", Rob unable to control the infectious smiling.

Rae took the last sip from his plastic cup, and popped it into the bin...

"Oh I don't know, young fox... I think you look rather dashing", returning his attention to the smart fox's attire.

And all James could do was blush, and gaze at the ground

"Yeah, you'd better watch 'im mate" sniggered one of the ground-staff, stood nonchalantly on the sodden turf, propped up by his worn and rusted fork, "Rae is rather keen on the lads aren't you lupe?"

Rae frowned at his colleague, raising a questioning eyebrow at his observation...

"Oh fuck you, Rick" he laughed, "you only say that because you want it so bad"

"Yeah... you're my fantasy in grey fur, you tail-lifter" retorted the fox, gazing down to continue his fruitless tending, the grass yielding to puddle after puddle.

The wolf shook his head and chuckled under his breath...,

"Fuckin' twat"

...gulping down his now lukewarm tea. The laughter had peeled away into the rush of the crowd, and the gathering of footsteps, James left quietly stood in the cold with Rae by his side.

"Sorry James"

"What for?"

"Ah well... welcome to my world" the wolf nodding in the direction of the groundsman.

All James could do was nod understandingly, knowing in some ways, blind in others.

Silence was now again only broken by the mists of the many breaths in the air, the chill rain still falling, soaking their fur... but everyone found comfort in harmless banter.

"Shit... looks like we're back up and running again, foxie", Rae looking at his watch and gazing around towards the tunnels, his keen ears catching the clatter of studs on the smooth concrete floors, of the smell of discarded half-time oranges... of disguised sweat on draped towels.

"Oh man, you're right", James placing the mug back onto the greasy shelf of the catering hatch, "Catch you after the game?"

Rae looked back as he grabbed his flag and notebook...

"Sure, I'd like that. I'm in the North changing room under the Acorn stand. Just knock"

James then watched as the tall wolf ran onto the pitch with his two colleagues, his tail chasing behind him, his body proud, back straight and attention so wonderfully sharp. And those amazingly snug shorts that clung to his loins, the line of his underwear underneath, the fullness of his sheath.... it was then that the fox realised how much he was falling for him.

He wandered over to the corner flag and stood against the advertising hoardings as the referee blew his whistle, and another 45 minutes play was under way. He ran a paw through his soaked hair and flicked his ears free of rain droplets. His radio murmured with contentment as it had been a trouble-free afternoon, just spent watching the game and wondering how on earth he'd ever get the mud out of his suit.

And there was the subject of his admiration running the line, his tail full and dripping, his attention so drawn, nothing escaping him. The wolf was there at every incident, watching and listening, running his half so athletically; James unable to keep his eyes off his body, unable to withdraw a desperately sinful joy at watching his rump, his loins, the quick adjustment of his shorts that had ridden-up.

It was torture,... and he didn't know why. At one point, Rae was near the corner flag, his boots muddied and tarred, the ball flying over the stand, the crowd giggling and cheering so happily. And it was there again, Rae turning to catch eyes with James, and winking at him, urging the fox's eyes lower. The wolf was rubbing the handle of his flag suggestively, a single digit tracing up and down the thick shaft, his palm coursing it's length... and Rae was licking his chops and grinning at the fox so naughtily. He got such a kick of watching the fox's jaw drop, his bright vulpine eyes aghast at his playfulness.

But so soon after he was dashing off again, and James gave a silent sigh of relief... watching and knowing what the wolf wanted, made him so hard. And in front of so many people, it was so difficult to control. Cooling off by distracting himself with dealing with some rowdy idiot, he turned back to face the play and simply dreamt on.

Rae, lost in concentration, was a linesman on an apprenticeship tour to gather experience, and had of course instantly fallen for James and his cool, innocent and easygoing nature. And that gorgeous smile of his... he'd never seen a face so fresh and bright. The game ended with no great incidents and no goals, so the day couldn't get any worse really. The final whistle blew, the crowd groaned and the mass shuffling of tired paws made their way to the exits; a chatter of disappointments, misplaced advice and optimism for the next game to come echoing through the corridors and down into the cocooned pitch.

Rae wandered off the field with his fellow linesman and the referee, all the time looking around the ground to see if he could spot James in the crowd... but he was nowhere to be seen. He entered the players' tunnel and was the last to make it through the changing room door with a withdrawn and sad look across his face.

The toxicity of the mixture of Deep Heat, disinfectant and sweat was already clouding the closed areas under the stadium. The muggy and humid atmosphere hugged the fur so close, almost suffocating... but soothing after a hard slog of a day.

The wolf looked down at his bag, and then up at his smart suit and sighed out loud... why had he left? I keep coming on too strong, mumbled the wolf to himself, feeling a leaden heart beat still inside his chest.

"Good game lads... thanks for your support. You did well" the referee giving his post-game talk, "especially you young wolf"

Rae looked up from his slumped seated position on the slatted wooden bench, and smiled.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm OK. Just that I had planned to meet someone after the game and I think he's gone home"

There was no reply, just smiles and frowns of astonishment from his colleagues; until one of them ventured a reply...

"He? You're not... you know..."

"Gay? It's alright to say it you know", Rae turning his head to stare at the question in the face.

"Don't you think that that's kind of inappropriate?"

The wolf took off his shirt, revealing a sweated and tired grey-white furred torso, and stood up

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, you're lining for a group of guys"


"Doesn't it conflict? Not sure I'd be comfortable with it. I mean, don't you want to hump them all or something?", his subsequent inane snigger now enough to rile the wolf's strong spirit to action.

Rae wandered over to the fox who was now stood and stretching in the corner of the changing room... and stared straight down at him, a scowl of anger across his silver grey muzzle...

"I don't think I like where you're going with this Jon", the wolf standing strong in the face of his abuser.

"Oh yeah.. and what of it?", the fox snarled as he too stood, his paws firm and shoulders back.

"There's plenty 'of it' if you want it, sunshine"

"Get the fuck out of my face"

"Uh uh.. I don't think so", replied Rae, the two touching noses and snarling horribly, "One more comment like that, and I shall insert this whistle into a very deep and dark orifice of yours"

"Don't fuckin' threaten me!!"

The two, now fully squared up, were head to head, muzzle to muzzle, growling at each other so viciously

"Shit like that is what's breakin' our game up", Rae suddenly grabbing the fox by the scruff, turning him and holding him against the cold concrete wall, pressing the fox's muzzle hard against the rough surface "You dare insult me or anyone like that again, and I swear I shall chew you up and spit you out, understand?"

"Get the fuck...."

"I said, do you understand?", shouted the wolf, boiling with rage and anger, even tears appearing in his eyes, pressing the fox harder and harder against the wall.

"Aggghhhhh.. alright alright......"

Rae relinquished his grip, and flung the fox bodily to the floor, standing over him, wiping a patch of blood from the end of his muzzle. His paws, his head, his heart throbbed with heat, with a white-hot anger... there was so much tension in his body.

"You scumbag... I should fuckin' tear you a new tail...." the wolf rubbing his paws, clenching them.

"For Christ sake lads, come on", the referee now intervening, pushing against Rae's shoulders, pushing him away from the other linesman's sight.

Rae growled once more, bearing his teeth... but knew it was not worth it and retired to his seat, keeping his eyes on his fellow linesman as he got to his feet, dark slit stare catching and slinging hate at him.

"I'm not showering here... I'll go home. Would that make you feel more comfortable Jon, huh??", Rae slinging a snide and ironic frown at the fox.

There was no reply as the fox stripped off his shorts and, turning on his tail, stepped into a cubicle, away from the wolf's devastating truth. Only the hiss and drip of the shower water could be uttered from his direction.

"Look Rae, it's been a long day, Jon didn't mean it..."

"Give me a break, Rob", the wolf gathering his clothes quickly into his rucksack and putting on some old trousers over his shorts, "I've had to put up with this sort of shit for so long and I won't stand for it anymore. You want me to work with him again, you can kiss my arse!"

The referee was left gob-smacked,...


"But nothing Rob!" growled Rae angrily, "I obviously can't be trusted. I obviously might lean their leading striker up against the goalpost and give him a good fuck. Oh no... I'm far too much of a risk to have around"

And the referee drooped his ears in realisation that actually, Rae was right to be incensed.

"But you know that doesn't bother me, and...", Rob desperately trying to save what was left of everybody's dignity. But the wolf was in no mood.

"And god forbid, I might breathe on one of the players. It might turn them into a sex-crazed homo like me", the wolf throwing his water bottle and notebook into the bag, and zipping it shut abruptly.

"I've had a fuck-awful day. I'm going home. Tell chief to mail me my pay"

"OK wolf, no problem" replied the referee, patting him on the back, "and Rae?"


"Take it easy, OK?"

The wolf just shook his head and sighed, staring at Rob with a mixture of lethargy and repealed anger. Rae caught eyes again with the linesman who was now drying himself off after his quick shower, the towel streaking across his face to hide any fear he may have had. The wolf just stared, his teeth showing again...

"Pity... you're cute" he chuckled with a smile, his face then turning to a scowl in an instant, "...but stupid"

And with that, the wolf slung his suit jacket over his shoulder, his rucksack over the other, and left. It was a shame that the door was a fire security type... there would have been so much more satisfaction in hearing it slam against it's frame as he left, thought Rae.

Dressed haphazardly in his white work shirt and his old black trousers, he found a mirror in the main entrance and scrubbed his hair into place, gazing at the scratch under his right eye... the swinging clawed paw was a dangerous thing indeed. The wolf sighed deeply on laying eyes on the large double doors, only to find that a cold, harsh downpour was sweeping across the car park. He smiled at the head of security who was standing guard at the door, and heaved his bag to a more comfortable position on his shoulder.

"You alright Rae?"

"Me? Yeah.. I'm fine" he chuckled.

But the jackal was all too wise to what had happened

"Trouble with the staff, huh?" he smiled

"You heard that?"

"Yep, every word, loud and clear young wolf", the jackal putting a reassuring paw on the wolfs collar, "you know if you need us, just hit the Pan OK?"

"Thanks Col. I appreciate that"

Rae looked out into the gloom, pointing at the rain with a weary paw, "just my luck huh?"

"Heh heh... just one of those things mate"

Something then struck Rae... would he know? Worth a try?

"Say, Col... you don't know where James... oh damn it, I don't know his surname. You don't know anyone by that name? He was pitch side security over by the Haze End all-seater"

"Oh sure I do... red fox, flame-streaked fur, about 5 10, quite unassuming?"

"Uh.. yeah that sounds like him"

"James Cross... he should be around somewhere. Do you want me to give him a shout for you? Important?", the huge seven-foot-something jackal reaching for his rather worn radio.

"No no... it's... it's OK Colin. I just got chatting to him at half-time. I just wanted to chat some more"

"Oh sorry wolf"

"That's cool"

Rae gazed out once more into the foreboding mist of rain and dampness, wishing that he'd brought an umbrella.

"See ya' next month Col"

"Will do Rae. Take care now"

And so finally, he plucked up the courage, and strode quickly out into the rain, leaving the waft of swept carpets, deep heat and musk far behind. There was a distinct scent of fresh tarmac in the air, a bittersweet smell that indicated a fresh fall of rain onto a hot and tired car park surface. A small dark blue car emerged from the dank conditions, and he strode faster towards this haven.

Fumbling around in his sodden trouser pocket, the wolf placed a paw on his keys... but just as he was about to slink them towards his car's door, the wolf caught sight of

James. Blinking his eyes in the pouring rain, the aqueous blur revealed that all was not well. Close to tears and stood forlorn and bedraggled in the near empty car park, the fox was trying admirably to start his car; but it just didn't want to know. The wolf hurried over, his paws splashing through so many windowpane puddles...

"James?... are you OK?" he soothed, putting a warm paw on the fox's shoulder.

The fox turned to face him, and burst into tears, his head hung pitifully low, the tears mixing with the rainbowed oil puddles on the gritty floor. Rae was rather taken aback by it all, but took him into his paws and hugged him close, stroking the soft fur on his new friends head, to hear him purr with happiness.

"What's wrong fox?"

"My bloody car won't start, my wallet was stolen during the game... and .... Oh god... I don't know what to do" he sniffed, wiping his tears away with his right paw.

The wolf smiled at him and offered him a tissue, which the fox gratefully accepted

"I was wondering why you didn't come and see me. Did you report the wallet stolen?"

"Oh Rae, I'm sorry" the fox looking up into the wolf's kind eyes, "I did report it. Spent the whole post-game rest-period at the police pod... but they'll never catch the little bastard. And all my money and my debit cards were in there. I've got nothing to get me home"

Awkwardly stood now in silence, James relinquishing his cuddle with Rae..

"I'm sorry Rae. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just so foolish"

"Hey, don't worry about it", the wolf stroking the side of his friend's narrow vulpine muzzle, feeling the soft dewy dampness caused by the sudden shower of rain.

"Listen... where do you live, foxie? I can give you a lift"

And the look on James's face was so adorably grateful, it was almost untrue.

"You'd do that for me?" he asked

"Of course I would" soothed Rae, "you're a great guy and I'm not about to leave you here in the rain waiting for a couple of idiots to take you to a garage. Come on... my car's just over there"

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden to anybody"

"Really fox... it's OK. I'm not going to abandon you to a five mile walk that will just end up giving you the flu or something"

James shook his fur again, clear now of the rain...

"I'd like that"

"Great. Come on then, we better get going. I need to dry off", giggled Rae

And with that, James locked his car and dashed over to the wolf's little Peugeot. Sinking tiredly into the comfy front seat, James looked around at the neat and fresh smelling interior; a tiny little pine-tree freshener hung from the mirror, a scrunched half packet of Polos sat in the compartment near the gear stick, and a referee's handbook slumped across the dashboard fascia. The faded back seat had a neatly folded newspaper, and an atlas that was miles out of date; but it was all so homely. And then there was the attractive and handsome wolf sat beside him...

"Oooops sorry" the wolf apologising for splashing his new friend as he shook himself free of the rain, placing his tail alongside his seat, parallel with the hand-brake.

James giggled softly and smiled.

"Right then... where can I take you, James?"

"Oh.. uh... I live in Aragon Court... number 18"

"Cool, cool...." , the wolf reaching for his seatbelt, and aiding his friend with the rather stiff belt on the passenger side.

As he leaned over, James caught his scent. So fresh, so clean... so beautifully wild, a hint of sweat mixed with an alpine deodorant. His muzzle was so refined, his fur so sleek and warm. There was something so special about him.

"There you.... go" the wolf stopping for just a moment, caught now in a loving stare with the fox sat beside him. There was just a silence for a while, before Rae quickly gathered himself and shuffled back to the centre of his seat.

"Thanks" replied James, shaking himself out of the dream he was in, of the fantasy he had been thrust in to as much by fate than anything else.

They both quickly turned their attention forwards almost simultaneously, almost afraid that the stare was the start of something sinful, of something unknown yet forbidden; and beheld the start of the engine, and the squelch of the tyres through the muddy car park.

The rain beat down harder, as the little car dashed through puddle after torrential puddle, blinking traffic lights ushering it through the horrendous weather like colourful gloved buttons. The windscreen was gradually misting up, and Rae would rub a vacant paw to the glass to see where he was going, much to James's amusement. With the humidity, the car was almost overbearing... but in so many ways cosy and safe.

The young fox's tail twitched with happiness, casting glances sideward to the wolf sat beside him, squinting and grinning laughably as he cast them adrift into a sea of wet roads and arterial routes.

"I'm not taking you out of your way am I Rae?", the fox shuffling uneasily

"No no... don't be silly", chuckled the wolf, "I live half a mile up the road, near the hospital"

"You can drop me off just up here if you want to"

"Really... it's fine James. I drive right through Aragon Court; the whole road leads around into Canasgate Mews; and that's where yours truly lives" he giggled, shifting awkwardly through the gears, pressing a tired left paw on the stiff clutch.

James smiled and gazed out of his side window, his breath misting the window and having himself to rub the pane with a paw; to lay eyes on the blur of street and pedestrians, smudged so wonderfully to an inky infinity. His mind was racing, and slowing, racing, and slowing... and then racing again. Nothing felt normal or regular, being here in this wolf's car... and yet it did, somehow. It felt as common and run-of-the-mill as if they'd done this route and routine for years.

He glanced at his watch for an unknown reason, and his eyes flicked back, running a paw through his damp hair.

"I hope you've got plenty of warm towels at your place, fox", Rae remarked, "you'll be needing them"

"Heh heh.. yeah we got rather soaked didn't we"

"Never a truer word said"

And with a left turn at the Polygon Centre that stood as a glassy block in the centre of the town, its panes crying in the rain, the wolf rolled down his window and slowed...

"Right then...bleah...bluhhh" he spluttered, a couple of rain drops landing into his maw, "eight, ten, twelve...... uh. What number did you say, fox?"

"Number eighteen, Rae"

So driving with left paw on the wheel, his left footpaw riding the clutch and his windblown muzzle out the window, Rae caught the polished brass number glinting in what was left of the daylight. It was a modern, well-appointed little flat in a long two-storey block, overlooking the river. The wolf smiled, and pulled his car onto the pavement, parking it as far off the road as he could.

Reaching for his seatbelt, he turned to James...

"There you go mate"

"Oh Rae.. thank you so much", James's stare meeting again with those deep dark eyes that sat in the most wonderfully beautiful wolven face.

"You need some help with that bloody belt. Sorry.. I need to get it replaced"

"Nah.. it's OK. I'm cool", James heaving it out of it's socket, "I must pay you for the petrol, Rae"

"Don't be insane, James. It's a pleasure"

"Well... well... at least let me offer you a hot cup of coffee, a nibble or two? What do you say?"

Rae smiled and just couldn't stop his tail from wagging, and batting against the gear


"I'd like that" he smiled.

James smiled a reply, and opened his side door, stepping out into the street, feeling now but drizzle on his bare-furred arms and across his muzzle.

"Looks like it's clearing up. Typical isn't it?" Rae laughing ironically at their bad luck, reaching down and dead-locking his little car, "You got everything with you, fox. I don't want to drive off with a bag or a lucky jockstrap or something"

The fox blushed and shook his head

"No, I was wearing everything I came with. I don't have a lucky jockstrap" he giggled, joining the wolf on the pavement, riffling through his suit pocket for his house key.

"No?" exclaimed the wolf, his eyes turning sly and half-shut "you should see mine"

And with that, the wolf lead the way up the steps, smiling happily to himself, a stunned and rather sinfully curious fox trailing in his wake.

Tired paws climbed the leavened concrete steps, which beheld a small white-painted wooden door, two frosted glazed panels offering a blindman's view. To the right was a larger plain window cuddled by a pair of dark green curtains, accentuated by the most beautiful vase of white lilies that sat proudly on the sill. Rae gazed around him, out onto the mist-laden river, capacious with a fresh fall of rain. The peace and tranquillity of the little street was so captivating.

"You've got a lovely little hideaway here, fox"

"Thanks Rae. I like it. Suits my needs down to the ground", James unlocking his door, "Do come on in"

Rae looked inside, and stepped in and under the rather low doorframe, padding his paws lightly on the door mat.

"Aww don't worry about that Rae. You can pop your bag in the cupboard on the left near the boiler. It'll dry nicely there"

"Cheers fox"

The wolf wandered through the hallway, shuffling his bag into the cupboard to dry. The whole flat was so open-plan and airy, a hint of lavender and dried heather in the fresh atmosphere. He could see the kitchen off to the right, and a large living area in front of him... and a paw suddenly appeared from around the corner of the kitchen.

"Sorry wolf... please head on through and make yourself comfy", James wafting his paw in the direction of the room that lay ahead of the narrow hallway.

Rae padded on through, seeing a small navy sofa seated on a lush thick cream carpet to the right, and a parquet-floored area to the left with a glass-topped steel frame dining table. The table was interrogated by two ultra-modern steel chairs, which glinted in a matt finish in the blindingly bright post-rain sunshine; but still so invitingly open for the wolf's tired body.

He sat carefully, placing his paws on his lap and looked around him. The walls were high and painted in light sky blue, dotted now and again with large-scale photographs of the most beautiful Lupic landscapes. Ahead of him was another open door that lead into what appeared to be the fox's bedroom, a smell of fresh air and rain emanating from the cosy room; there must be a window open, thought the wolf.

"I won't be a sec, Rae" called the fox, leaning his head around the corner to check on his guest.

"No problem, James. I've got nothing on this evening"

"Milk? Sugar?"

"Uh.. neither thanks. Just black would be great. Smells great by the way"

"Ah, yeah... this is proper coffee, not the floor sweepings you get at the football grounds"

And that was for sure. The aroma of fresh ground coffee was just bliss, rolling through the flat like soft velvet waves, so soothing on the nostrils and the heart. The wolf's damp clothes were drying nicely, even if they were clinging rather annoyingly to his silver grey fur; his fur would start to smell rather musty, but little could help that.

James's padded paw steps made their way around from the kitchen and into the living room, Rae smiling up at him, his paws carrying two wonderfully large mugs of hot coffee.

"There you go", the fox handing over the bright red mug into the welcoming wolven paws of his new friend

"Oh James, that's fantastic, thank you", Rae passing his keen nose across the steaming mug, taking in splendid wafts of the dark, caffeinous vapour and closing his eyes with a quiet satisfaction.

James sat himself down on the other chair, opposite the wolf who was now positively cuddling his mug, and sipped carefully at the hot milky contents. Rae supped deeply and sighed thankfully out loud, placing the mug carefully on the table.

"God that's good"

"You like it?"

"I've been dying for a good cup of coffee for ages. This is just perfect"

James smiled, and they were left once again staring inquisitively at one another, before the fox would blush and look down and away. It wouldn't take Rae long though to resume his fascination with the amazing photos on his friend's wall, heaving himself up from his chair and wandering towards one in particular.

"You have got some seriously stunning pictures, James. Did you take these?", the wolf pointing his paw at a fabulous mountain scene with a purple streaked sunset sky.

"Yeah I did", James getting up, holding onto his coffee and wandering over to the wolf, his tail hovering and wagging slightly, "that's me standing on the old medieval ramparts in Siege, looking out over the Djomish Hills in the Filosh Territories. Beautiful evening"

"Oh man, I can see. Wow... you are one talented fox, James"

And there he was blushing again, Rae turning to look at him..

"No I'm serious. This is a fabulous photo..", turning his body and pointing a paw around the room, "they all are. Just so beautiful"

Rae wandered for a while, his tail following keenly, his huge footpaws pressed strongly to the floor in awe-struck strides. He soon returned to his seat at the table, and took another thankful gulp of his coffee.

"Were you born in Siege, James?"

The fox wandered around for a short while, and came to sit once more

"No, I was born in Pier Bay on the far side of Filosh. Kind of strange I know. A fox being born all the way out there"

"Nothing strange about that, James. Lots of wolven friends then I guess?"

And suddenly James became withdrawn with that question, burying his attention in his now quarter mug of coffee.

"Oh fox, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up anything bad"

"No really, I'm fine Rae. And you're right... I did have lots of wolven friends. Just that some were more than just friends"

Rae, half way through sipping his drink, put his mug down on the table..

"Oh... I see. Old girlfriend left behind?"

"Uh.. not exactly"

The wolf knew already what the real answer was.

"It was an old boyfriend"

The fox put his mug down on the table too, and slunk his paws across the polished top surface of the glass, playing a digit through a tiny speck of water that had splashed from the cup.

Rae ventured a paw across the table, and rolled a warm palm across James's right paw, holding it firmly. The fox looked up at him to catch his most wonderful smile, and could only giggle happily at such a sight.

"What was he like?" the wolf asked

"We met at secondary school. Did everything together... sports, projects, presentations... everything", James remembering his school days fondly,

"and I hadn't realised that he wasn't just a friend, he was....I.... I was in love with him. Everything about him made me happy. I was only 16, but I had this feeling inside that I wanted to be with him. I didn't really know what that meant. I couldn't understand my feelings"

"What was his name?"

"Lance. He looked so much like you Rae. You remind me so much of him"

The wolf blushed and retired his paw to finish his drink

"So did you and him...do anything together... physically?"

James looked up at Rae, his glazed eyes and his heart hurting, aching.

"It's what split us apart in the end. It was something we both wanted, and yet it ended up cutting us down"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I was only 16 and he was the same age. But there was one day when his parents weren't home, and we just had the most fantastic yiff. To feel him inside me was just amazing"

"So what happened, fox?"

James sighed sadly...

"It had been obvious to me for a while that Lance was involved in some pretty dark stuff behind my back. Always somehow...."


"Somehow he was uncomfortable that... I was a fox"

Rae frowned, confused at the revelation

"But that's not what broke us", continued James.

"Was it just natural break-up then?"

"No.... I'd... I'd rather not say what happened; save to say that he pretty much instantly disappeared from my life soon after. I heard that he'd joined some group or something like that, and with his temper I would say that's pretty likely... someone even said that he'd gone on to university, although I doubt that. He'd said he'd wanted to stand by me through everything, good and bad... and I was stupid enough to believe him. In the end... well at least now, I know he was a very weak wolf. So easily swayed"

Rae reached a paw forward and stroked the side of the fox's muzzle gently

"I'm sorry"

"You don't need to be, Rae. It's happened. We did what we did. And now it's gone"

Rae just smiled a reply, and continued stroking his friend's soft face, watching him close his eyes. James took up his left paw and held Rae's warm and broad wolven paw to his muzzle, enjoying the soft touch of leavened fur.

"You have his paws and his touch too, Rae"

"You mean, your ex-boyfriend?"

"Yeah...Lance was the art-loving kind too. Always encouraged me to go out with him and take in the amazing views out over the sea"

The wolf sighed with a mixture of regret and pragmatism.

"I'm Canas born... a city-boy", revealed Rae, "you were so lucky to grow up in such a beautiful part of the world"

"Lucky? Yeah... I guess"

"What do you mean?"

"Funny how beauty always ends up breaking my heart"

James got to his feet, softly relinquishing Rae's paw down onto the cold surface of the table, gathering the two mugs into his paws. But as he reached and clasped onto the handle of Rae's empty mug, the wolf was quicker and slunk his right paw over his friend's... and the pitifully sad look on James's face changed suddenly, to one of astonishment at Rae's persistence.

"Can I ask you something James?", Rae gazing seriously into the fox's rather tearful eyes.

The only reply was a nod that neither looked at him nor took notice of reciprocation. He just couldn't bring himself to look back into the wolf's eyes, for fear of fear itself.

The wolf stroked his paw so lightly, so gently.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"

A wide-eyed petrified stare greeted Rae, the fox so close to tears once again, numb now in the face of the innocent question that would seemingly have a straight yes/no answer... but it was never that simple. Was it?

James took the mug from the table, releasing his paw from Rae's grip, and turned sadly to walk back into the kitchen, padding across the ceramic tiled floor and placing the two mugs on the steel draining board. He leaned his body forward over the clean melamine surface, pressing down on his two spread paws... head hung low and sniffling in his upset.

The wolf stood up and followed, wandering through into the hallway and stood in the kitchen entrance, the delicate hints of washing liquid and flowers drifting through his head, the cool breeze of the through draught so refreshing.

"Oh James, I'm sorry. I really am. I never meant to upset you. I put my foot in it so often... I'm so sorry"

Rae felt his paws twitch on the cold floor as he wandered the last couple of feet over to his withdrawn friend, his neatly trimmed claws scratching against the gloss surface. He placed his warm left paw across his shoulder, rubbing the fox's tense collarbone area and his gorgeously soft scruff. James ventured to look up, catching Rae's paw again and relishing the feeling of a kind touch taking away his pain, his eyes closing contentedly.

"What I meant to say was..." Rae started


The wolf stopped, and stuttered somewhat, gazing at the fox's young bright eyes.

"Uh...I... I don't know what you mean?"

James stood up again and held Rae's paw with both of his, the wolf wide-eyed and attentive

"I mean.... Oh God I don't know", turning away once again, nervous in his shifting and shuffling.

Rae took his right paw and rubbed the top of James's furred wrist

"What is it fox?"

Still no reply.

"Are you... are you trying to say that you do like me?"

And this time, James managed a feeble nod, his head hung low and his eyes drawn far away from Rae's.

The wolf smiled happily, a soft, yet experienced acknowledgement of the fox's timid feelings. He was so innocent, so amazingly cute, his scent wonderfully pure and untouched. Rae could see that he really did have the most amazing streaked white and red fur emanating from the scruff of his neck, his soft furred auburn paws no indication of his most beautiful body pelt.

The wolf reached his right paw forward and, placing it softly under James's jaw, ushered his head upwards, the young fox's rather sad eyes meeting with the deep dark wolven sight before him. There was another silence between them both as they stared at one another, a blank faced fox wandering his mind and conscience into Rae's calm façade.

"I like you too" whispered Rae quietly, smiling at James, watching his guard drop and noticing a happiness returning to his sleek muzzle, "I think you're one of the nicest and sexiest guys I've met in a long while, and I am going to have such a problem in leaving you alone here"

The wolf's paw stroked the fox's jaw so softly, James gazing back into those kind eyes


And it was then that they both noticed that the distance between them was shortening, closing, their breaths almost mingling.

The wolf leaned forward through the last inches, and licked the side of the fox's forward muzzle near his jet black nose, this touch slinking into a full kiss that encapsulated his maw; James closed his eyes and enjoyed the rush of the wolf's tongue, his defences defeated, his heart pounding hard.

The wolf reached out of the kiss, and once again stroked the side of James's stunned but aroused face.

"Yes... really"

And this time the silence was short-lived as was the doubt, James this time falling forward into Rae's muzzle, a wild unbridled kiss, that neither could control, that neither wanted to relinquish.

His vulpine muzzle clashed and joined with the wolf's maw, his tongue tasting his fresh breath, lapping across tooth, across leavened fur. Rae's paws roamed through the fox's hair, caressing his ears as he gripped him close, the kiss deep and unstoppable. They broke for but a second or two, huffing and panting, their eyes halved in determined slits.... before their muzzles melted into one again.

Rae pushed the fox back out into the hallway, the stream of fresh air so very welcome, their paws transferring from the slippery gloss tile to close-weave carpet; a better grip for them both. The wolf gently leant further into the fox, their wanton lust finding the blue-painted wall, James lost in the attention of his friend's paws that were chasing lower and lower. Kissing over and over, their muzzles rolling in rhythm, rounding on each other, scenting their height. Rae soon grew tired of the buttons on the fox's white shirt, and ripped them asunder, stroking broad palms across James's flat stomach and chest, through waves of auburn and streaked white fur.

With the young fox's back to the wall, Rae broke the kiss and grinned at him slyly...

"You're all mine" he hushed into James's pert left lobe, licking his neck fur and running his long tongue onto his throat, stretching the fox's head upward. The fox whined quietly as he felt the velvet rub of his partner's tongue firm on his fur, holding his own warm paws on the wolf's broad shoulders.

Rae's paws had already unzipped the fox's trousers, the scent rising, the arousal growing, the wolf unable to control his desire. Nibbling and licking at the fox's right nipple, he stretched his attention lower to his navel, nuzzling the soft leavened fur. And all James could do was give-in wilfully to this wolf's expert muzzle, loving every single gentle kiss on his belly fur, whining so delicately.

Rae reached his right paw upwards across the fox's chestfur, as he concentrated his tongue and nose on tickling his stomach; James leaned back further, pressing his crotch further out, holding onto the broad warm wolven paw that caressed him.

And then the wolf stopped, and slyly grinned up at the fox whose face was a picture of wanton and carefree need, not wanting any of this to stop.

Rae slowly slunk his paws under the fox's trouser waist, easing them down to the floor, the smart but muddied material now pooled at his feet as if melted and irrelevant.

James stood, leant against the fenestration, panting even harder and his pulse gradually building, his head pounding. This wolf's touch was just so unbeatable, completely impossible to resist; watching him sink his muzzle towards his crotch, the touch expectant, his eyes closing in anticipation.

The fox rubbed Rae's ears harder as that wolven tongue lapped at his balls, cuddled so snuggly by a pair of tented black briefs that were soaking wet with precum. The wolf closed his eyes, and ran his tongue up the length of James's stiffening sheath, still, but only just, encapsulated by a thin swathe of cotton. He rubbed his sensitive nose around the wet patch near the waistband and growled, taking hold of the fox's underwear and pulling them down to his ankles.

All James knew of this swift movement was the feeling of Rae's hot breath on his mid-shaft, and, unable now to withstand it all, his deep red fox cock grew fully out of it's sheath. Bobbing and hanging stiffly in the cool air, Rae grinned at this revelation and pulled away the rest of his furred sheath from his engorging bulb. With a starved whimper, the wolf took the fox's red raw tip into his warm wet maw, licking across his cunt that flowed with moisture. He began to bob his head up and down on the fox's swollen member, veins in the shaft pulsing and filling.

The fox hung on tight to the back of Rae's head, the sweat dripping off him, concentrating everything he had on the grey-silver fantasy pleasuring him so expertly. The suction and friction of the wolf's maw was making James harder and harder, blood rushing to his knot, the purpled veins hot and glinting in the light. He drew long licks from the vanished sheath, all the way to the fox's sensitive frenulum, his front teeth almost nibbling the shaft. The wolf had already teased James's precum to dribble and run down his throbbing shaft, and even this was driving the fox insane, the minute streams agonisingly tickling the most pleasurable areas of his member.

James began to thrust slowly in toward the wolf's muzzle, moaning wonderfully, whispering the heart of his passion into the cooling hallway air... the wolf before him.

Rae, knelt in frenzy and swirling his tongue over his lover's pulsating dorsal vein, stopped for a second, before cupping the fox's balls in his warm paw and supping on their cool scrotal surface.

This brought a smile of what was almost relief to James's face, leaning down in a confidence he never knew he had

"You're incredible" he hushed, kissing the top of the wolf's furred ears, delicately stroking the addictively soft hair on his head.

Rae looked up, their noses touching, tracing an inquisitive digit right down the centre of the fox's throbbing shaft... he loved watching the fox's eyes close in an impassioned anguish, twinging with the almost too pleasurable touch on his edged cock. The wolf turned his head to one side with just the slyest, most devious look on his determined face...

"You like that, huh?"

"Oh god..... uhhhhhhhhh"

"I guess that's a yes then" giggled the wolf, dipping his head yet again, and rubbing his coarse muzzle right across the fox's bulb.

This made James sling his head and body straight back up against the wall, yelping so desperately as another shot of pleasure ran the length of his body. Massaging the wolf's ears with ever-wilder paws, the fox through a light-headed delirium resumed a slow purposeful thrust outward toward the wolf's waiting maw.

Rae delved his tongue once more around the base of his partner's thick rock-hard cock, before kissing the fox's left groin once... and then the right groin, just once. Each soft lick, each kiss made the fox whine, this time with excitement and a wanting for something ultimate. But the wolf wasn't done.

The kiss was followed by the wolf burying his snout into the fox's sweated groin, licking at the very inner part of his thigh. And through his deep inward breaths and sensitive licking, Rae growled and grunted with pleasure, smelling his fox's scent so strong inside his twitching nose.

"Oh Jaaaames....uhhhhhhh..oh god... you smell incredible", an uttered, almost mumbled comment that leached out between teeth that were grit both with determination and intense lust.

The fabulous wafts of sweat, musk and stale precum blew through the wolf's olfaction, driving him to growl deeper. He nibbled at the very tightest and most sensitive inner groin, before switching sides, and licking deeply at the opposite. James, calmer now than before, now knowing what he wanted, held the wolf's head more softly, feeling the deft licking and adoring the soft whimpers of impassioned delight from his new partner.

All this while, through all these experienced nimble movements, Rae had undone his own fly zip, and was stroking his hard-on through his soaked white jockstrap. Leaving his muzzle to adventure across James's ever-tightening balls, his paws grasped at his trousers and inched them lower, allowing him to wander his right paw inside. Once under the waistband of his bulging underwear, his right paw touched on his throbbingly stiff cock, whining as he felt his cool palm touch the hot red tip. His keen tall ears, rubbed so soothingly by the enraptured fox stood before him, caught James's moaning and whining... and it only made ever more yiffy. Such pained notes travelled to his heart, and made him ever more courageous, slinking his muzzle back to the fox's member.

James yelped as he felt the switch, and laughed in a conscious disbelief at Rae's bold venture. But the wolf wasn't intent on just this. His white shirt was drenched in sweat, beads of the salty liquid trickling down his back fur making him wince desperately; and this all added to the pungent smell of lust that strode through the fox's flat, sinking itself into the two wild minds entwined in the hallway.

The wolf had had enough, and unbuttoned his shirt, letting it drop off his shoulders; and sunk his muzzle back to the fox's knot that was near to bursting. He let the shirt drop off his arms, and threw it aside... he didn't care where. But his attention never left his lover's exquisite loins that lay in a divine surrender before him.

"Oh Rae" moaned James, "I'm so close.... I think I'm gonna'....uhhhh"

Truly the young fox's cock was starting to throb, the veins pulsing even harder, growing evermore red.

So with that one impassioned moan, the wolf slowly stood to his full height, broad shouldered and handsome; he drew his tongue all the way from the fox's cock up across his chest to his throat... and finally to the fox's begging maw where they sunk into yet another deep and passionate kiss.

"You taste wonderful, fox" Rae whispered with lustful half-eyes

James gazed back at him licking his lips..

"Is that..?"

"Yeah... your precum. And it's gorgeous" the wolf growling now, as he dipped his muzzle and slurped a long kiss across the fox's throat.

As Rae had stood, his trouser had gently fallen to the floor, leaving him bare-furred but for a bulging white jockstrap that showed his arousal so very purely. Without taking his eyes off his new lover, the wolf threaded his paws around the inside of the black elasticated waistband, and drew his underwear to the floor.

This simple action made James whimper, gazing in awe at the beautiful naked sight before him, his stare downward at the vastness of the wolf's rippling cock. Placing a paw underneath his jaw, and bringing his eyes back to his, Rae smiled slyly at the young fox...

"Like what you see?" he grunted, falling into another kiss with the fox who was left dumb by the whole situation.

And whilst their muzzles were entwined once again, Rae reached down and grabbed his own hard-on, the centre of his shaft thick and hot. Rubbing it softly with his palm, he thrust his hips forward, flush to James's loins and broke the kiss again. The wolf grinned lustfully at James, their breaths one. The fox's eyes rolled pleasurably as he felt Rae's paw grab hold of his hard cock too, pressing the two throbbing members against one another, feeling the crimson heat of his lover's lust.

"Oh man.. that feels so good" he whined

The wolf's paw started to rub slowly up and down their hard cocks, lubricated by their precum and their sweat. And the two started to shiver, feeling the vibrations through their loins of each thrust of the wolf's steady paw; from tip to knot, and back again, over and over and over. Rae leant backwards slightly, James further leaning against the wall, allowing the friction to increase, allowing the heat between them to intensify on their pulsing erections.

Their sweet gasping and moaning echoed through the cosy hallway, eventually leaning back toward one another, their maws melting into one yet again.

Rae brought his right paw to a stop, licking it clean of precum, sniffing at it's surface, closing his eyes and relishing the mixed scent. James nuzzled the wolf's chest fur as Rae ran his warm saliva thickly and profusely over two of his clawed fingers. He reached down and under the fox's scrotum and rubbed his paw right over James's perineum, extracting another whimper of pleasure from his muzzle.

Reaching further, the wolf fondled the fox's reddened tailhole, slipping a digit into his lover. James jumped and gasped, mewing his enjoyment into Rae's soft but sweaty fur, the wolf's digit sinking further, lubing his tailhole and relaxing his cute arse. He felt a single drop of cool sweat drip off the fox's drenched tail and onto his active paw, a thick and potent scent that was driving the wolf mad. Rae retracted his paw and, gazing sinfully at James, licked and sucked on the digits he'd used, tasting James's scent and his sweetness on his long tongue.

The wolf then helped the fox off with his torn shirt, revealing his distinctive flame-red fur and bringing a fresh excited smile to Rae's face. The delight was evident as he beheld such fantastic colouration down his sides and across the tops of his shoulders. James blushed as he saw the wolf gazing at him, hanging his head away.

"Oh my god.. you are so fuckin' hot" growled Rae, launching into a deep passionate kiss that took away the fox's breath and would only serve to yield the wolf's true nature. Something that, deep down, they both wanted and wanted right now, this instant.

In amongst the huffing and panting, the wolf pressed his muscled body closer and let both paws drift lower, and lower, and lower; until they were rubbing on the front of the fox's two thighs. He ran them and rubbed them strongly against his smooth red fur, before slipping them both to the underside.

In one beautiful moment, he lifted the fox upward, their stares loving and passionate, their eyes never parting, the fox holding strong to the wolf's neck. Pinning him gently against the wall, the fox gripped his lover's waist with his feet and legs, Rae's embrace holding him perfectly. James's tail drooped behind him, bedraggled and wet with sweat, the high scent of their arousal now so intoxicating, almost poisonous to logic and care.

There were no words between the two, only a look, only Rae's deep-throated growling that emanated and vibrated through the fox's body. He adjusted his paws under the fox's thighs, lifting him a little higher, positioning him over his hard throbbing wolf cock. Their heart beats could be heard down the street, James just lost in those eyes and in the moment. Rae angled himself carefully, and slowly, gently, delicately eased the fox downward, James's aching tailhole soon contacting with his red-hot tip.

The fox drew a sharp breath as he felt the wolf's member stroke him, still not withdrawing his stare. Rae's breathing slowed, and held his lover strong

"You ready?" he panted

And through James's impassioned nod, the wolf responded with a viciously feral growl that so desired him.

"Take me" he snarled, the fox so ready that he was pushing down, wanting that feeling again, the one that brought him so much pleasure all those years ago.

The wolf's slick and precum soaked cock had found it's mark, and the wolf eased the fox further down, his hard rippled crimson member piercing through him. The fox gasped and leant his head back, gritting his teeth as he felt the wolf's thickness pass through his sphincter. Rae closed his eyes and hung his head lower, easing it all through his inflamed mind, feeling the friction of the fox's insides hug him tight.

But seconds passed and the wolf's member was fully engulfed into the fox's body, James rising up from the short-lived pain to feel Rae deep inside him. He gazed down at the wolf and leant forward, kissing him again so wildly. All eight thick, buried inches of wolven cock pulsated inside him, and gradually he shuddered to lift himself up with the help of Rae's strong paws; and then back down again slowly, his face a picture of newfound bliss. There was a ferine look in the wolf's eyes as he began to rhythmically impale the young fox, a wild look that drove James wild with desire.

And their movements just got faster, James's cock throbbing and begging for completion, gritting his teeth as he felt the tip of his partner's white hot member rub against his prostate. His back fur rubbed up against the wall, but he didn't care. Their heat was so intense, the wolf carrying him, holding him breathing hard and thrusting steadily.

"Oh fuck...... yeah....uuuuuuuhhhhhh", James clinging to the wolf's broad shoulders.

Rae spread his legs a little wider, and thrusted that little bit harder, deeper, probing his fox. His muscled hips thrust outward, and then strongly upward, breeding James as deep as he could, breaching and rubbing the fox's innards to insanity. The wolf's tail began to curl at it's tip as he bounced James harder, the young fox leaning in closer and resting his head close to Rae's right ear, his scent deep and sure inside his head.

Adjusting his paws, the wolf rubbed James's thighs as he lifted him once more and let him drop, a hangman and his sweet victim dropping through a noose of sheer pleasure. His knot rubbed and teased James's tailhole so crazily, banging annoyingly and agonisingly against the fox's arse. But none of this would stop them falling forward toward each other through each delving thrust, and indulging in deeply sweet kisses, murring each other's pleasure into one another's maws. The wolf looked adoringly up at the fox as his cock slipped out...

"As soon as I saw you, I knew I had to fuck you", he growled.

... and then fell his lover straight back down onto his hard length, bringing the fox to yelp with pleasure. James's cock was near to bursting, sodden with precum and wetting the wolf's chest fur, his paws reaching forward and holding the wolf's head to kiss again.

The thrusting just got harder, the grunting and growling from Rae intensifying with every thrust, with every time that James forced his way down. Hilting his throbbing cock into the fox's arse, the rhythm quickening, induced such deliciously taut friction with the veins in the wolf's member stroked and teased. The shaft, magma hot and pulsating, brushed it's precum along the fox's insides, lubricating for the instance of that single downward thrust that James had so wished for, Rae's knot popping into his body.

The wolf barked as he felt his whole self fall into his lover, reaching forward to kiss the fox's vulnerable throat as James felt himself spasm against the huge bulb inside him. And with him fully speared, the wolf grinned and bounced the fox even harder, making him cry out and whine.

There were tears appearing in the young fox's eyes now, as he gripped the wolf's scruff, his claws digging into his neck, holding on and wanting.

"Oh Rae.... Ohhhh.. I'm....... I'm... uuuuuggghhhh", James moaned, his energy transferred to his lover below him, allowing him all the control, giving in to the fiery wolven passion that he could hear, see and feel.

The rhythm only got faster, and Rae's breathing and lifting heavier and more stunned with sensation. He suddenly pressed the fox harder against the wall, his fur closer, his hips jamming his cock deeper and ever deeper into his lover's body

"Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh... fuck yeah, fuck, fuck....... Oh yeah... uhhhhh"

The fox's crying only made the wolf thrust out and up even more. There was a deep hunger in his growling, a feeling rising within him, to possess this beautiful male that sat almost transfixed on his thick engorged cock.

James started to buck to counter and enhance the wolf's efforts, rubbing forward and backward as well as bouncing... and the wolf knew he was close. Over and over and over they rhythmically moved together, synchronising their pained voices, desperately close to that precipice.

One more, then another and another, and then another would be the penultimate,.... And then there was that final beautiful thrust. Rae hilted himself again, pulled himself free of the fox, his cock dripping with precum, bulging and pulsing, the fox snarling at him...

"Oh god do it.. do it to me..... yeah,... oh fuck....... Ahhhhh"

..and through sweat blinking in his eyelids, the wolf thrust forward, sinking every inch back into his lover with a huge force, bursting his cock into orgasm and firing floods of hot wolf liquid deep into James's bowels.

Rae almost screamed, bellowing a huge tearful bark of pleasure into the flat's close and scent-drenched atmosphere, thrusting further upward into the fox's body. James let the wolf's pleasure sail through his mind, and gasped as he felt his own climax ricochet around his loins, a fountain of fox cum bursting upwards onto Rae's chest, shot after potent shot of searing seed. The fox concentrated on the thrusting of his lover, the delicious sensation of his cock buried and overflowing within him making him come harder, cry louder, his tears and his ecstasy flow thick.

Rae leant his head up against the fox's warm and sweated chest fur, panting heavily, his hips seemingly independent of his mind, thrusting still but slowing and slowing fast. His ears caught the rapid heartbeat of his new vulpine lover, and he looked up and saw that James was still convulsing with a heavenly delight, the spasms inside him teasing and tickling, the wolf's huge engorged knot offering paradise still.

But all too soon enough, his high softened and he gazed into Rae's eyes, the wolf's chestfur coated in his warm semen, a lull of descended peace now almost ringing in their ears. Their pelts dripped with sweat, their runaway lust-ridden scents pervading the entire flat; it smelt so good. And the wolf's paws still strong about the fox's body, holding him high, still so wonderfully and deeply attached.

"Wolf.... that was...that.... it was incredible", panted James slowly, rubbing Rae's ears and feeling his sweat chill in the freshening air.

The wolf just leant forwards and upwards, his eyes half closed in satisfaction, and indulged in another passionate kiss with his new mate. They broke and smiled, Rae nuzzling the fox's chest lovingly, his breathing back to it's normality, his cock throbbed dry.

"Now then... where's your shower?" he grinned naughtily.