Horny boy (part 4)

Story by gatto on SoFurry

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I continue with the fourth (!) part of my "experiment".

Last night, on the internet, I watched several videos and pictures of Kaa and Mowgli. Looking at them, I concentrated, trying to remember them to visualize even

while I was in bed. Turned off the computer, I went to bed and, as I was under the covers, I took off my underwear, to sleep naked.

Instead of being back, I'm lying on my side, hoping to not feel the unbearable itching of the day before.

I haven't thought much about Kaa and Mowgli, because I was very tired and I fell asleep almost immediately.

When I woke up, I turned on the light, and, by lifting the covers, I looked to see if anything had happened.

The mattress was not dirty; I breathed a sigh of relief: I don't remember if I had dreamed, so I was glad I didn't had a wet dream

(if I have a wet dream, I want to remember the dream I had!).

However, I noticed one thing: the night before, when I went to bed, I could not rub my cock on the mattress, and now ...

my dick was bigger than usual!

See my cock bigger made ??me happy: it means that something is going on (and that something else will happen!).

Today I will continue my "experiment" and I hope to improve even more (or, indeed, to finally have a wet dream!).

Thanks to those who read and comment on this part.

If you have any suggestions, please write as well. I enjoy reading your comments and your ideas.