The Masters Chapter 2

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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The Masters... ...of Communication

(September 14th)

William stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror, water dripping off of his nose and cheek-fur as he stared blankly at himself in the mirror's reflection. It was morning now, and it was finally sinking in just what he had done the night before...

A hallway away, Ell groaned and turned onto his side in bed. He grinned wide as he broke awake, remembering what he'd done the previous night...but quickly lost that grin, when he remembered exactly WHO he'd done it with, "Oh no..."

In the bathroom, the elder husky breathed heavier and heavier. He dried off his muzzle with his paw, and then jumped, startled at the sight of himself in the mirror...standing there in only his underwear.

No, no, this wasn't good! What if Ell woke up? He had to get dressed! Without even finishing drying himself off, he threw open the bathroom door and made a beeline for his brother's room, where he'd been told he could sleep.

Hearing the sudden rush of a heavy body past his door, Elliot knew immediately it was his uncle, and the slamming of his parent's bedroom door only confirmed it. "Will?" the teenager got up out of bed, slinked into the hall, and opened the door to his parents' room to peek around inside, "Uncle Will? What are you doing?"

Will was startled again, standing by his brother's bed in only his tight black boxer-briefs and a shirt he had just barely pulled on, "Ell!" He quickly snatched his pants off the bed and held them in front of himself, "I'm...I'm just gettin' dressed."

"Oh...okay. I'm gonna' to take a quick shower, okay?" The younger canine just stood there in the door, expectantly...very consciously trying not to look at his uncle behind the pants.

William just nodded and didn't say anything else, slightly raising an eyebrow as if asking the teenager to leave without actually saying it.

Ell only nodded back. Uncle Will wasn't himself. He was regretting last night...he must have been. And in the boy's head, his every fear was coming true.

The teenager walked silently and dejectedly to the bathroom, slowly closing the door, undressing, and stepping into the shower. He turned the knobs and let the water relax his body, but not his mind...all the while, still thinking to himself: what the hell was he going to do?

The elder dog left his brother's room only a moment or two later, finally dressed now, and made his way to the living room. He was no more than a step in, though, before his eyes were on that loveseat. He shuddered and shook his head, rubbing the top of his muzzle before continuing into the room. He pointed himself past the little couch, but stopped dead in his tracks before he could make it to the recliner, his eyes snapping open wide at the white stain on the love seat's fabric...a stain that he knew his sister-in-law wouldn't manage to miss.

After while, the shower was shut off, and Elliot gave himself an energetic shake-off and stepped out, snatching up a towel from the rack to dry himself off with. In the middle of his drying, though, he noticed another damp towel hanging off the sink. The boy paused before wrapping the towel he'd been using around his waist and gently placed his uncle's towel back on the rack, noting the musky scent still barely noticeable on it. With a contented sigh, he exited the bathroom, headed towards the living room. His time in the shower had done wonders for clearing his mind, and the thought didn't even occur to him that he shouldn't go walking about in only the towel.

Now, Will stood by the couch, his back facing the hall and bathroom. He deftly wiped his forehead with the back of his left paw, a spray bottle of Resolve and a rag held tightly in his right as he looked down at the damp spot on the couch.

The younger husky gulped when he saw his uncle cleaning up the couch, but put on the best smile he could, hoping his uncle wouldn't notice his uncomfortable mood. When he opened his muzzle, he became acutely aware of how little he was wearing, but he was already speaking, and it was too late to skitter off and change, "Hey, Will."

William jumped a little and tried futily to hide the resolve as he turned around, to see his nephew damp and in only a towel. Wide eyed, he flinched and looked away, "...Hey." Without another word, he simply turned and left the room with the resolve, to go about getting everything put away.

Ell whined and dropped his shoulders as he slinked quietly back to his room; his uncle was clearly angry. "Fuck..." his voice shuddered as he pushed his door closed, "I really screwed up, this time." The teenager slowly slipped himself into the first clothes he could find, and timidly headed back out, towards the kitchen, to where Will had escaped.

The elder canine was exiting the kitchen as Ell arrived, and, eyes turned immediately the floor, he simply stepped aside to let his nephew through the door as he, himself, kept walking on into the living room.

Elliot just stopped at the doorway, though, as his uncle passed. As he watched him walk away and shame overwhelmed the boy. "W-Will?" tears welled up quickly in the teenager's eyes, as he finally spoke.

Will stopped and answered, "Yeah, Ell?" but didn't yet look back.

The younger dog sighed out deeply, "I'm...really sorry about last night."

William quickly looked back at his nephew, opening his muzzle to tell him not to be sorry, but froze when he saw the boy on the verge of crying. Silently, the adult's muzzle moved as if to speak, for the slightest of moments, before his jaw clenched shut. In a flash, he was angry...he livid. His teeth were bared as he growled, looking away from Ell and hitting the back of the tiny couch, "Damn-it!" He breathed heavily for a moment as he gripped the love seat in his paws.

With a few tears already soaking into his cheek-fur, prompted by the outburst, Ell's muzzle began to quiver, "P-please don't be mad at me, Will! I thought it's what you wanted...I'm sorry!" He sniffled, but tried his best to fight it.

The elder husky turned and looked at his nephew, his jaw alternating between clenched and shaking. Stepping forward, he raised a paw as if he wanted to hug the boy, but just let it fall. "It's not your fault's not," he sighed heavily again and turned around, sitting on the couch and putting his head in his paws. After a moment of silence from him, a very weak, shaking voice broke out from under his paws, "...please don't cry."

Elliot sniffled more, and rubbed one paw against each eye, the very stereotypical image of a crying child, as he tried to stop himself. After a few moments of his own silence, broken up by short, hard sniffling, he finally spoke, "I just...just please don't hate me, Uncle Will. Please? I didn't know it'd be like this."

Will raised his head, the fur just under his eyes wet now, too, and his voice no stronger than a few moments before, "Come here, kiddo..."

The younger canine walked silently over to his uncle, looking down at the floor as one arm rubbed the other, trying to console himself.

"You didn't do anything wrong..." William reached up and took his nephew's paw, uneasy to touch the boy at all, but wanting so badly to make him feel better. With a gentle tug on the smaller paw, he bid the teenager to sit down beside him.

Ell went along with his uncle's soft grip, silently sitting next to him and trying not to cry, or blubber out all of what was going through his head at that moment. He still couldn't look at his uncle, though, afraid and shaking like an innocent child.

The elder dog felt broken, somewhere deep inside, at seeing what he'd done to the poor kid -- what his lack of self control had caused -- and his head dropped in a feeble whine, "This is all my fault, Ell. I'm so sorry. I...please...please don't hate me." It didn't even register with him as he repeated the same plea his nephew had made moments before. "I know I don't deserve it but God...please don't tell your dad!" He closed his eyes and grew silent, shaking like a leaf ready to break off the branch of a tree, before he forced himself to continue, "I didn't...I shouldn't...Goddamn-it! I'm so sorry, Ell."

Elliot sniffed quietly, the truth of the situation finally dawning on him. Uncle Will wasn't angry at him; he was angry at himself? He looked at his uncle in mild disbelief, as his muzzle parted to speak, "Why would I hate you? I thought you were mad at ME for last night! For...for being some little perv trying to get into his own uncle's pants." The boy shook his head, "A-and I'd never tell my dad! He'd be mad at ME too."

"I're my nephew, Ell. And you're so young. I shouldn't have done any of what I did last night...I'm sorry." Looking down, his cheeks still wet, Will clasped his paws together, "I'm so sorry. I should have just let you leave, like you asked..."

The younger husky wanted to hug his uncle, but it felt somehow inappropriate before resolving this, "Don't be sorry. didn't force it on me. I did it willingly. Last night, I didn't care you were my uncle." The teenager sighed, "If anything, it's my fault. I was just horny. It's my fault...not yours."

William looked up again, "YOU'RE fault? You're what...?" He blinked, "Shit.'re fifteen now, right? Please tell me you're at least fifteen."

Ell answered sheepishly, "I...will be soon."

"You're fourteen then," the elder canine groaned, obviously not pleased by that. "Point is: you can't help but be horny and...well...a 14-year-old. I'm...I'm more than a little bit older. I should have known better."

Elliot was feeling far less weak now, and scooted closer to his uncle, "Will? Why exactly was what we did wrong? We both care about each other, right? And we both were willing...?"

"Why exactly?" Will reached over and covered his nephew's cheek with a paw, running his thumb across and drying the teenager's fur as best he could, "This is why." He pulled his paw back so Ell could see the tears on his thumb, "There's nothing good about anything that has you this upset...that makes you cry. I hate the idea of this hurting you so much. I mean, you can't tell me you're HAPPIER that we did it..."

The younger dog looked briefly at his uncle's damp, furry fingers, before looking back up, "I wasn't crying because of what we did. I...I was crying because I thought you were mad at me! I didn't know what you were thinking of me, or if you were gonna' tell my parents or..." He paused for a moment and gulped, "And I may not be 'happier' after last night, but I'm certainly not upset about it."

"Why would I have been mad at you? And, even if you're not're nervous or uncomfortable...or something." William motioned with his wet thumb at his nephew's neck, "You don't gulp like that for no reason."

Ell, for some reason, smiled at that, "Well, then it's nervousness I guess. I just thought, since you weren't talking to were gonna' tell my parents and you'd..."

"Yeah!" The elder husky cut him off, "THAT would go over well!" He laughed shortly before mimicking the situation: "Hey, Kris, Robyn...Elliot let me jack him off! You should punish him." He shook his head with a wide, jovial smile, "Something makes me doubt that YOU'D be the one they were angry with. I..." he stopped, "Oh! I'm sorry, I think I interrupted you. You were saying something...uhm...I'd what?"

Elliot was relieved at his uncle's now lighthearted tempo, "Well, I thought you were mad at me, right? And, since I thought you were mad, I'd...we'd..." he blushed rapidly as he tried to get the words out, "I thought we'd never do it again."

Will recoiled, "I...uhm...I don't want you to take this the wrong way...but, I mean...I doubt we will, kiddo."

The younger canine bit his lip and nodded a few times, looking down at his lap, "Oh. O-okay, I guess..."

William sighed and leaned in, "Ell, don't look so disappointed. It's not that it wasn't fun and everything...I just," he put a paw on his nephew's shoulder, and used his other paw to turn the boy's chin so he would look at him, "You're fourteen. You're my nephew...and you're a guy. I mean, I don't care if YOU are, but...but I'm not. Err...that is to say...I'm not even gay, Elliot."

Ell looked away, again, ashamed after his uncle's harsh, matter-of-fact tone, "S-so then, why'd you do it?" The teenager teared up again, blinking heavily in the hope of restrain them.

"Because I like you," the elder dog answered immediately. "Because you're a nice kid. And because it kind of reminded me of when I was young." He rubbed his nephew's back, trying to be as comforting as he could, "It reminded me of...well, experimenting with my friends in high school and college. It brought back a lot of nice memories...and it was nice that it was YOU who brought 'em back, for me."

Elliot breathed heavily, still trying to avoid another fit of crying, "I...I didn't do it as an experiment. It meant more to me than that." It suddenly felt necessary to actually admit it. He never had before to anyone, but what better opportunity was there than now, "I...I AM gay, you know."

Will put his paw, the one not still trailing up and down Ell's back, onto his nephew's knee and nodded, "I know."

The younger husky bit his lip once again and closed his eyes, this time, causing the welled up tears to overflow and stream outward. He sniffled a few times as the second wave of crying over-powered him. He'd never said it out loud before for anyone else to hear. Knowing he had, knowing the truth was out there, even to just one other person, and the sudden acceptance it brought of who he really was...was overwhelming.

William, with no hesitation, leaned in more and pulled his nephew close to his chest, "It's ok, Ell. Relax, kiddo. There's nothing wrong with that...nothing at all." He wrapped his arms tight around the boy and put his muzzle on top of the teenager's head.

Ell kept his arms to his sides, both bent at the elbow meeting in his lap with clasped paws, and just cried into Will's embrace. "I...I'm..." his futile attempts to speak, to repeat his confession, simply trailed off into sniffling and crying...

...and the elder canine just nuzzled the top of his head. He wasn't about to interrupt his nephew or try and force him to say anything, feeling it best to let him handle it in his own good time.

After several long minutes of crying, Elliot finally calmed down enough to speak more clearly. "What will..." he sniffled, "what will my parents say?"

"Don't you worry about telling them, yet! When the time comes, I'll help you with that, if you need me to. But, until then, if you need someone to talk to, you've got me. Okay?" Will smiled and tilted his nephew's head up so he could see that his uncle was smiling, "I'm here whenever you need me...for whatever you need me for. I mean, really: who else do I have that's worthy of my priceless attention?" He smirked, trying to cheer the boy up.

The younger dog tried to smile and did, even if weakly and only for a moment, "I was just hoping...that what I was feeling last night...would've been mutual. You know?"

"What you were...feeling?" William blinked a bit, praying the kid hadn't thought he'd fallen in love after just what happened the night before.

"Well..." Ell sniffled a bit, more then slightly embarrassed. "Last night was my first time," he gulped and stuttered, "w-with another guy. I...I was hoping it'd be as special to it was to me." He smiled softly in his uncle's arms, "Since you're older than me, I guess it was a little unrealistic to expect that, huh?"

"Oh? That was...your first time?" The elder husky stared at the boy for a second, and then cracked a wide, proud smiled, "Well, I told you it was special for me, already: just for different reasons. It reminded me of a LOT of great times that I kind of miss. just got a little more special too." He puffed out his chest, still smiling, "I'm honored I got to be your first! And I hope I haven't given you reason to regret it."

Elliot smiled more confidently now, "No. I just hoped we could do more. Like you said, though: that's out of the question..."

"I didn't say that," Will shook his head. "I just said I doubted we'd do it again...I'm nervous about risking it causing more trouble."

The younger canine's ears perked up all on their own, as a glimmer of hope was seen on the horizon. "How would it risk more trouble?" he immediately argued, without even a tinge of shame at his eagernes.

William saw the ears perk up and flicked at one of them with a finger, ignoring the question, "You really want us to be able to do it again, don't you?"

Ell giggled like a child at his ears being played with, "Practice makes perfect! Especially when you practice with someone experienced..."

The elder dog felt his pants tightening immediately and looked down at his nearly bulging pants with a chuckle, "I swear...sometimes I wonder if the little guy wouldn't rather I WAS gay."

Elliot smiled. Even though the previous comment was uncharacteristically blunt and to the point, it was obviously doing something right, "So...will we ever do it again?"

Will just sighed in defeat and smiled, looking back up at his nephew, "That's up to you, kiddo. Always will be."

The younger husky got really giddy REALLY quickly. If it was his decision, he'd already made it, "GREAT!" but other factors would keep them waiting for at least a little while. "It's a little early right now, though...and I'm hungry. So...later?"

William laughed at the enthusiasm, "Sure! If you're that interested, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to help you in your own little experimentations." He poked his nephew on the nose, "And whether you're gay or not, you're still new enough to all of this for it to be exactly that: experimenting. Just like it was for me. So no arguments over semantics, got it?"

Ell quickly clapped his paws together, "Yay!" He realized, immediately, how gay that may have seemed, though, and dropped his paws. "So...later it is then..." he said in the manliest voice he could manage, and then smiled as all of the previous night quickly flashed through his mind, "How about some breakfast for now, though?"


There we go! The Masters continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as William Masters Phil Anthro Pist as Elliot Masters *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at

Two things:

1 -- I hope this helped out those of you who wanted Will & Ell to have more detailed and developed characters. ^_^

2 -- Don't worry, the porn will return next time. Oops! Spoiler! XD

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]

See you for the next 13 chapters of The Masters! ...for the next 6 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!

The Masters Chapter 3

The Masters... ...of Storytelling (September 14th) William sat relaxing on the couch in the living room, eyes closed and head leaned back, as he waited for his nephew to get back from the restroom. Out of the living room and down the hall, Ell...

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The Masters Chapter 1

The Masters... ...of Self Control (September 13th) Late in the night, at the home of Robyn and Kristoff Masters, a young husky finished loading the dishwasher after dinner, as an older husky to his right pawed him the last bit of rinsed...

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A Warm Bed Chapter 8

Chapter 8 -- Usus (September 7th) Glass clinked deafly against the bar, the sharp noise it should have left, instead swallowed up completely in the chatter and music of the dark room. Scott yawned and tilted back and forth in his seat, barely...

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