The Masters Chapter 3

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The Masters... ...of Storytelling

(September 14th)

William sat relaxing on the couch in the living room, eyes closed and head leaned back, as he waited for his nephew to get back from the restroom. Out of the living room and down the hall, Ell was washing his paws, and cheerfully exited the bathroom when he was done, almost gliding into the living room.

"So I was" the teenager paused and looked at his uncle, "You alright?"

The elder husky peaked open an eye, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know," Elliot plopped down on the loveseat next to his uncle, "you just looked tired or something."

Will sat up straighter, "Maybe a little. But I'll be fine." He slipped his arm around his nephew's shoulders with a laugh, "Nothing compared to how tired I'll probably be later!"

The younger canine giggled back, "Uhm...yeah." He blushed and looking away, "I'll be looking forward to it."

" were thinking what?"

"Well...what do you want to do? It's three o' clock."

"I don't know," William turned his gaze on the ceiling in thought. "We already watched a movie already with lunch. could show me how to play one of your games? We could take turns or something? I don't know."

Ell scrunched up his muzzle in disgust, "I play games all the time. They get kind of boring after a while."

"Hmmm..." while thinking, with the arm he'd put around his nephew's shoulder, the elder dog scratched playfully at the boy's chin as if it were his own, "TV doesn't sound much better."

Elliot giggled again, shaking his head to escape his uncle's scratching, "Well damn-it! Isn't Saturday supposed to be fun?"

Will scoffed, "Yeah! If you've got enough friends to wrangle together...or somewhere to go. All we've got today, though, is each other."

The younger husky pushed against his uncle with his shoulder, "Not that that's an entirely bad thing, though."

William did the same in return and then nuzzled into his nephew's headfur, "No, I wouldn't say it was." He thought for a moment, "You know what we COULD do?"

"What?" Ell's ears perked up.

The elder canine suddenly curled the arm on his nephew's shoulder tight around his neck in a headlock, "Ever wrestle with your friends?" He grabbed his own wrist with his free paw before the boy could answer, intent on holding him like that.

"Hey! Damn it!" Elliot squirmed, trying to get away but failed, thanks to having no prior experience. He chuckled, though, enjoying the playful contact nonetheless, "No, I haven't."

"Hah! Well I guess that means someone's at my mercy!" Will stood up with the teenager, holding his head against his chest, in the lock, and kicking lightly at the back of one of the boy's knees so he couldn't balance.

"Gah!" The younger dog squirmed more, breathlessly trying to pry his uncle's arm off his neck, "No fair!"

William kicked his nephew's other leg too, bringing him down to his knees, "Give up, already?"

"Never!" Ell wrenched his neck around, trying to find any part of either of his uncles arms that he could bite.

The elder husky just laughed at the boy's futile snapping, "I don't think that'll do you any good."

"Fine!" Elliot slumped in his uncle's grip.

"Say..." Will chuckled for a moment, "Uncle."



The younger canine glared in no particular direction, "...uncle."

William finally let the teenager go and smiled wide, "You're no good at that at all!" He stuck his tongue out at his nephew.

Ell flopped over on his back on the floor, "Ugh... I never said I was you know!" He put a paw to his temple, "Now I have a headache..."

The elder dog blinked, not having expected he'd been too rough, "Oh...I'm sorry, Ell." Sitting on the ground now, he slid closer, "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just playing around." He scritched lightly at the kid's chest, "You want me to grab you some aspirin?"

"No, I'm fine, just all that sudden moving around..." Elliot paused, smiling at the scratching, '...just jostled me, I guess."

Will leaned in and gave his nephew a quick kiss on the forehead, "Sorry...I'll be more careful."

"No, don't be sorry." The younger husky smiled back, eyes turning upward as if to see the spot his uncle had kissed him, "It's my fault for being such a wuss."

William shrugged, "Still...I feel bad." But paused and smirked, "Too bad there's no way I could make it up to you. I mean...what with you having a headache now and all..."

Ell sat up immediately, showing no signs of a headache, suddenly, "Nono! You can definitely still make it up to me! But I don't think it'd be the same doing it in the middle of the day..."

"Who says there's a specific time to do it?" The elder canine poked his nephew in the chest, "I mean, hell, back when I was your age," he paused at the return of a memory, " even happened at school once."

Elliot's eyes shot open wide, "No way. Really? With who?"

"It's not like you'd know him. I never really see my high school friends anymore. We parted ways when I went to college."

"Either school? That's pretty hot..."

"Well, it's not something I'd call 'hot' myself...but I have to admit it was a lot of fun." Will leaned back on his paws, "It was in the back of the room, while the teacher was showing a movie."

The younger dog murred, "Yeah...that's hot. Well...arousing at least..."

"Yeah...nothing's quite as fun as being afraid of getting caught." William nodded, "He was a bold one too! He just pulled it out and was pawing off right there beside me. Luckily for him, I was plenty willing to help him out...assuming, of course, he helped me, too, that is." He laughed aloud hard enough that his eyes pinched closed, "I still can't believe no one saw!"

"God, you're so lucky! I'm too nervous about my parents finding out about me, to do anything wild or exciting like that." Ell swivled himself around to lean against the couch, "Tell me more!"

"More? Like about that day in class?" The elder husky lifted a paw and rubbed his muzzle, "That's basically the whole story, but I guess I could go into more detail for you."

"Please do!" Elliot nodded excitedly, but then amended himself, "Or...if you want, you could tell some different stories about you're sexual escapades during high school."

Will smiled warmly at the boy's insistence, turning himself to lean against the couch as well, "Okay then...lets see. You don't want to hear about the girls..." he tapped the side of his muzzle with a finger, before lowering his paw again. "Well, there was this one party I went to that this jock friend of mine threw. He was on the football team, really popular, and I had known him for years. And by that I mean: I met him before the all the bulging muscles and...bulging school spirit. So, even though I wasn't really a part of 'that crowd,' I always got invited to his stuff anyway." He caught himself rambling and shook his head, before getting himself back on track, "But, anyway: that was a GREAT night! I got head in the pool, returned the favor in the bathroom, had a foursome before the night was out... and even woke up to a pawjob in his guest bedroom the next morning!"

The younger canine murred and closed his eyes, trying to imagine having a social life even remotely resembling his uncle's, "Jeez." He looked back at his babysitter, "I don't really want you to stop, know..." He blushed.

"'re asking me to quit? I wasn't even close to done!"

"Well, think about it. I'm fourteen and you're telling me about a bunch sex you had when you were my age. Unless you want a horny teenager on your paws, I think it'd be better if you'd stopped."

William just smirked devilishly at that, and continued right along, "So I was in the pool pretty early on in the night, and there were a LOT of people there: enough commotion and everything that no one would notice someone staying under the water a little too long, right? Of course, I wasn't really thinking about that aspect at first. I was just talking to my jock friend about some girl I thought was hot. And then I mentioned how horny I was, and how great it was that I was in the pool...'cause otherwise, everybody would have seen the tent in my trunks..."

Ell grinned and changed position, trying, but having difficulty finding any position that allowed being aroused comfortably, "So he just took it upon himself that?"

"I see you stopped arguing!" the elder dog couldn't help but feel a grin spreading wide across his muzzle. "And yeah, he did. He told me to turn around and rest my elbows on the pool's edge, and, when I did, he was under the water and had my shorts down before I knew what was happening!" He help up a paw before his nephew could interject, "Now, don't get me wrong: he wasn't gay, either. The bunny from the classroom story I just told you: HE was gay! And he was also the one who woke me up with a pawjob the next morning, but that's another story. Josh and I...uhm, Josh was my jock friend. We were just really comfortable with one another. That and well, Josh knew that, by some...rules...we had set up, I would be obligated to return the favor. Which was why me into his bathroom later on in the night..."

Elliot groped himself, trying, for some reason, to hide it behind his bent knee, "Uh-huh. Keep going..."

"He had me on my knees in front of the sink the second I was done...uhm, relieving myself...and I was going to town! I mean: it might not have been my favorite part of what we did..." Will paused to rubbed his neck, "actually felt a little demeaning sometimes. But he did it for me too, right? And he was never mean about it, so I had to return the favor. I didn't swallow, though. That was something I could just never do. So just like every other time, I ended up with a big sticky mess on my face and muzzle. Which, of course, he helped me clean up before we went back to the party..."

The younger husky murred and kept kneading at himself, quite enjoying living vicariously through his uncle, "How come I haven't gotten to know anybody cool like this at MY high school?"

"I don't know. You just have to find someone that you're comfortable with, and who's curious. Someone that knows it's just fooling around and nothing serious. And you're just a freshman, right? So you've got plenty of time!" William stopped to add, "Though, I should probably say: things like this didn't happen as often as I might be making it sound. Everything that happened at this party, for instance, was a BIG surprise for me. Normally, me and my 'curious friends' would just paw off in front of one another and that was about it, unless one of us wanted a little more help, like with me and you last night. I mean, of course, my bunny friend did a LOT more than that...and Josh and I shared BJ's now and again...and a couple of times we got a little turned on, uhm..." he coughed, "...wrestling." He blushed and looked down, knowing that he had just as much told his nephew what he was trying to when he was roughhousing earlier, "But what happened at the party...especially the foursome...was NOT the norm."

Ell murred, thinking of having a foursome in real life with a few select friends, "And all this was when you were my age? Wow. I am nowhere near as experienced as you are."

"You'll get experience. Don't worry." The elder canine smiled, "And I guess you wanna' hear about that four-way, now?"

Elliot blushed and answered very dumbly, "Yeah..."

"Well, Josh had gone to bed. And me, the bunny -- who I should mention was nick-named Rimmer, for a story he probably should have never told us -- and two other guys, a kangaroo and a husky like me, were sitting in Josh's basement talking. Rimmer and one of the other two guys were MY guests more than Josh's, and all of us were among the aforementioned 'curious friends' group." Will rolled his eyes at himself, "Well obviously you know Rimmer was! I already told you the classroom story, the upcoming pawjob bit, and that he ended up being gay."

The younger dog, now in pain, had become acutely aware just how aroused he actually was, "Uhm...yeah, I really think you should stop, now."

"Why? If you're getting uncomfortable, you can always unzip." William pointed vaguely in the direction of his nephew's groin.

Ell just blushed and looked away, "Yeah...but I kind of...want to take care of it too..."

The elder husky smiled and leaned forward, "Well, I agreed" he leaned even farther, not really close to the teenager, yet, though, "You want a little help?"

Elliot perked up, immediately, "Yeah!" He sat back against the couch and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, hesitating only slightly before reaching in and fishing out his semi-hard, unsheathed cock.

Will seemed a little shocked that the boy had pulled himself out so quickly. He even recoiled a bit from the scene, "Whoa, kiddo!"

"What?" The younger canine blushed and hid himself again, certain he'd done something embarrassing.

William reached forward and re-buttoned his nephew's pants, but did not re-zip them, thanks to something being in the way, "Just calm down a little." He stood up, but not too quick, his pants tenting easily as much as his nephew's had been, and then held up a paw out to help the boy up, "Come here."

Ell took the paw and stood, "What's wrong?"

The elder dog smiled and shook his head, leaning in and kissing his nephew on top of the muzzle, "Don't worry, Ell. Nothing's wrong." He still had the younger husky's paw, and tugged on it as he stepped back, "I just seem to remember you saying last night that you wanted to be somewhere more comfortable than the living room, for this sort of thing." He turned and pulled more firmly on the smaller paw.

"My room? Or..." Elliot gulped, " parents?"

Will smiled slyly and looked back at the kid, "Well, I was waiting until we got to the hallway, and I was gonna' ask you the same thing! I was gonna' ask if the idea of being in their..." he paused and smiled his devilish grin again, "of being in your DAD's bed, with his BROTHER...would be appealing to you at all."

The younger husky's dick, still hanging free of his pants, but shielded nervously by a paw, twitched at the thought, "Ooh, yeah it is! Let's do it there!" His ears were on end, and his grin spread wider, ecstatic with getting to be so honest with his uncle.

William chuckled at how his nephew could be so enthusiastic to do this, but at the same time, be too nervous to move his paw, or start to walk. He tugged on the young paw again, "We gotta' start heading that way first, kiddo!"

"Oh! Duh." Ell finally started walking that way with his uncle, feeling aroused even by just holding his paw.

The elder canine made the walk to the hallway and to his brother and sister-in-law's door, surprised by how comfortable both he and his nephew were while on their way to doing something like this. He pushed open the door and let go of the teenager's paw, "Go right ahead."

Like a small child, Elliot took a quick running step forward and jumped onto his parents' bed, landing for the most part onto it. He turned over and waved his uncle over as he scurried farther to the middle, "C'mon! This is gonna be fun!" There was no questioning how happy he was about doing something like this in his parent's bed.

Will chuckled and followed him over, not as quick, but still mimicking his nephew's childlike hop onto the bed, "Excited much?"


"I still need to finish that story, you know? I think you'd really like it."

The younger dog reached for his still hard and exposed meat, before laying on his side, one arm keeping his head up to look at his uncle, "Okay! Go ahead."

William turned around to face the boy and smiled, sitting Indian style and leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, "Well...Rimmer was lying on the floor beside me, a lot like how you are right now, and I was sitting...actually JUST like this. But I was facing a little away from him, so I could see the couch, too. And while we were talking, I told the guys about what Josh and I had done earlier in the night. Or, at least, I told them part of it anyway. They were too caught up with the idea of him sucking me off in the pool to let me finish the whole story. So everybody was getting really turned on talking about this, right? Both of the guys on the couch were tenting their boxers and groping themselves...and pretty soon, I had a little bunny paw in my lap."

Ell, with one paw, unclasped the button on his pants for a little more comfort, and then smiled, playfully waving his dick in his uncle's direction, "Groping? Like this?"

The elder husky just laughed at his nephew, "Well, they didn't pull 'em all the way out at first. They didn't do that until Rimmer was groping me. That was when they saw a show coming, and they were more than ready to sit back and enjoy it." Without really thinking about what he was doing, his paw trailed to his tented pants, "As for me, I just leaned back on my paws, and Rimmer had me out of my pants before I even realized he had started."

Elliot pumped a few times, murring at the story, "You know...if you want to join me, you're free to do so."

"Sure!" Will smiled and leaned back on one paw, unzipping, unbuttoning and pulling his own cock out with the other, but just kind of fondled it in his paw for now, "I'll skip ahead a little. So, they're on the couch jacking each other off, and even occasionally leaning over and suckling on one another, while Rimmer's head is bobbing in my lap." He chuckled, "Really, we should have known he was gay WAY before that night. But anyway, we were all talking about some of the actual sex we'd had with girls, and how great it was to have something to actually pump into, instead of just getting a pawjob or head...and that's when Rimmer's head slipped off my cock...and he looked up at me..."


"He told me I could fuck him."

The younger canine murred and pre dripped, stringing from his tip at the thought of his uncle large red shaft inside of another, " was he?"

"Well, I didn't want to do it at first! It seemed a bit too gay for me. But the other guys told me to have at it. They said if he wanted it, then there was no harm. So, in just a few minutes, he had his head in the kangaroo's lap, and I was inside of him." William smiled a nostalgic grin as he stroked himself, "Of course, we didn't let him go un-noticed. My older husky friend got down under him and helped him out a little, too."

Ell murred deeply, turned over onto his back, and fully began to paw-off. "Was he a good fuck, though?" he asked, completely ignoring using such profanity with an adult.

"Not the best I've ever had." The elder dog leaned forward and let his paw graze his nephew's balls, "Best I'd had at the time, though."

Elliot flinched slightly with a yelp, only to give out a squirt of pre and trail off into a moan.

"Ooh!" Will pulled his paw away, "I barely touched you." He grabbed the teenager's paw to stop him, "You might wanna' slow down. You're gettin' way too worked up. Don't wanna' finish too quick, do you?"

The younger husky listened to his uncle and after a few brief moments, laid back, arms spread out wide, "Okay then...but this has to be some form of torture, y'know."

William smiled, "Torture? No..." He wrapped his paw around the younger cock, "I'm done with the story. All that's left is the next morning's pawjob, and there's not much to tell there." Slowly, he started stroking the boy.

He was barely being pawed, but Ell closed his eyes and moaned deeply. Arching his back upward, he gripped the bed violently, pulling the covers towards himself, "Keep going!"

The elder canine moved closer to the boy and lied down beside him, his nose touching the side of his nephew's muzzle. "Keep going? With what?" he half-whispered, acting completely oblivious, as he stroked Ell's dick as slowly as he could, "I said the story's over."

Elliot whimpered, gripping the bed's covers sporadically, "Jack me off? Please..."

Will didn't speed up or slow down at all, "Relax. Deep breaths. I'm about to ask you some questions, and I don't want you to make stupid decisions 'cause you're horny. So try to calm down."

The younger dog gulped hard and bit his bottom lip, before dazedly responding, "Okay..."

"What do you really wanna' do?" William relaxed his paw on Ell's knot but didn't squeeze, "You're gay, right? So this isn't the same as what my friends and I did when we were young. We just wanted to get off. And if that's all you just get off...I'll start pawing you again, and you can do the same for me, either during or after." He poked his nose against the side of his nephew's, "But this IS experimenting, and if you're curious about something else, say so now."

Ell blushed at being in such a vulnerable position, but told his uncle anyway, "For a while, I've wanted to get fucked."

"Do you really think you're ready for that?" The elder husky looked the boy right in the eyes, "Or is it just your lower half talking? I mean, Elliot," he suddenly sounded like an adult again, even if one that had his paw gently fondling a teenage boy's knot, "...we haven't even gone past pawjobs, yet. Shouldn't other things come first?"

"You asked. And it's what I've wanted for a long, long time now." Elliot took a moment to calmly breathe, "but it probably IS too soon."

"You're lucky there aren't two other guys in here telling me to go for it." Will nuzzled his nephew, "I'm a sucker for peer pressure!" He gently increased his pressure on the boy's knot, barely at all, but enough to notice.

The younger canine gasped lightly, "Just do something. Please..."

"I'm not done talking. you wanna' take a step in that direction? Toward being topped?" William squeezed hard enough for it to mean something this time, and then began stroking again, hoping it'd keep Ell a bit more level headed than the teasing.

Ell very shakily responded, "Yes I do."

"I won't fuck you. As much as I want to...I won't..." the elder dog slipped an arm under his nephew and drew him close, giving the boy a body to hold onto as he continued pumping the young husky's dick.

Elliot wrapped an arm around his uncle's waist and put the other on his paw, gripping hard while he worked over his young cock, "Ooh...yes uncle..."

"But I CAN let you do something else for me..." Will grinded against his nephew's him, the feel of him writhing in his grasp turning him on even more, "Now, or after I'm done with're choice."

The younger husky breathed out shakily, still needing release, "What's that?"

"Think of it as the transition between what we're doing, and what you asked for." William smiled and stopped stroking the boy, "You remember the pool story? How me and Josh had a little...rule?"

Before his nephew could answer, he let go of the boy and nearly dived down, licking the tip of the young, dripping cock just once before sucking nearly the entire length into his muzzle...deciding it best to save teasing for when the kid wasn't already so worked up.

Ell yelped out loud, and instinctively thrust up into his uncle's muzzle, squirming and whimpering beneath him. Almost too quickly to enjoy it, he could already feel his first blowjob's end quickly approaching.

The elder canine put his paw on the teenager's stomach, and tried to take it slow, but was experienced enough to know what he was doing, and probably couldn't prolong it no matter how slow he went. He slid his muzzle down, twisting and pivoting his head, his tongue teasing every inch of the slick doggie dick between his lips, and sucked hard as he came back up only to tease the head before dropping down again.

Elliot barked loudly and gripped the back of his uncle's head before it had even bobbed a second time. Very amateurishly, he shoved even more of his cock into the adult's muzzle and cumming violently, too concerned with getting off to notice much else. Will's eyes went wide, and he pulled himself off even more quickly than he had dived down, the strength of his much younger nephew's arms not enough to keep him still. What had already shot into his muzzle dripped out of his mouth, as the majority of his nephew's streams splashed over his nose, muzzle, and closed eyes.

The younger dog let his uncle pull away, and arched his back upward, riding out his orgasm without any outside stimulation. And finally, he just lied back, as the final spurts of his cum simply leaked down his cock, over his now very large knot, and into his fur.

William hung his tongue out a bit as he blinked open his eyes, "Warn me next time, kiddo," he shuddered, "It's still on my tongue." Ell, still lying back, dazed and oblivious to his uncle's concern, only murred while relaxing in the afterglow as the elder husky smacked his lips and shook the boy's shoulder, "Seriously! I don't have anywhere to spit it out."

Elliot was annoyed by his uncle's interruption of his afterglow haze, but opened his eyes and looked at him when he realized he was actually serious, " could kiss me."

"Uhm...well, this'll be a first, I guess." Will leaned in with no hesitation, still too horny to think it was a bad idea, and interested in any way to get rid of the taste. He lifted his nephew's head into what, he realized only as their lips touch, would be the first time EITHER of them had kissed another male.

The younger canine experimentally flicked his tongue out to clean the older fur's lips of cum. He was still wary of kissing his straight uncle, but didn't notice yet, unlike Will, that this was his first kiss.

William opened his lips and slipped his own tongue out to meet the boy's before it could retreat, not having finished like his nephew yet, and not thinking to be wary of anything, as his tongue slipped across the teenager's. Ell murred into his uncle's muzzle, gripped the other husky tighter. As the afterglow actually began to wear off, though, the realization that he was kissing another guy finally dawned on him, and he began uncontrollably giggling like a schoolgirl.

The elder dog, having accomplished his goal of giving back what the boy put in his muzzle, broke the kiss and moved away, "What's so funny?"

Elliot smiled wide and looked at his uncle. "I don't know...I just..." he bit his bottom lip, "I JUST KISSED A GUY!"

Will laughed aloud, "Well, did you like it?"

"Yes I did!" The younger husky moved more into a sitting position and gave his uncle a firm hug, "Thank you!"

William just smiled and hugged his nephew back, "You're welcome! But...I think you forgot something. Remember how Josh and I...had a rule?" He leaned away and raised an eyebrow.

Ell blinked momentarily, looking confused...but as it dawned on him what his uncle meant, a grin broke out across his face and spread into a smile almost larger than the one over the kiss, "I do!"


There we go! The Masters continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as William Masters Phil Anthro Pist as Elliot Masters *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at

First of all, I'd like to say: Will is totally not gay! Anyone who thinks otherwise is projecting. Lots of straight guys give their nephews blowjobs and then kiss them. I mean: it's the 21st century people! Gay sex doesn't make you gay anymore!

What do you mean that's not true? Next you'll be trying to convince me that we don't have hoverboards, jet packs, and colonies on other planets!

Where was I?

Oh yeah! Did anyone else feel like Elliot there? Like you REALLY wanted Will's story to be happening right now instead of just being teased with it? I hope so. Cause that was kind of the point! XD

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]

See you for the next 12 chapters of The Masters! ...for the next 6 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!

The Masters Chapter 4

The Masters... ...of Discretion (September 15th) William Masters stood in the food court of the mall, his eyes surveying the large circular area around him. He always found the mall's selection odd. He was used fast food and Chinese; they were...

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The Masters Chapter 2

The Masters... ...of Communication (September 14th) William stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror, water dripping off of his nose and cheek-fur as he stared blankly at himself in the mirror's reflection. It was morning now, and it was...

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The Masters Chapter 1

The Masters... ...of Self Control (September 13th) Late in the night, at the home of Robyn and Kristoff Masters, a young husky finished loading the dishwasher after dinner, as an older husky to his right pawed him the last bit of rinsed...

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