MagnaFlame Renamon 4

Story by MagnaFlame Renamon on SoFurry

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#4 of MagnaFlame Renemon

Ok people this is it the 4 chapter. I hope yea like it. Hey every one sorry it took me so long to post I just never got into the typing mood for a long time, and if I try to force myself to type then I'll just make it shitty.

WARNING (yes I know this shit) This story contains sexual writing (hence why I put it has fucking yiff in the description) if it offends you THEN DON'T FUCKING READ IT, I MEAN I DID SAY THERE WAS YIFF SO DON'T FUCKING READ IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE TO READ YIFF.

Ok here is the story =3.

MagnaFlame Renamon part 4

"Where am I" Stephen said. His mind started to come too and all he could see was darkness. 'This feeling' he thought 'It's just the same as before right after I was knocked out by shadow' his mind wondered as he tried to look through the blackness.

"You're right" a voice whispered to him "It is the same" the voice said. Stephen, startled at first, turned and looked frantically through the darkness trying to find the source of the voice. "You're so weak" the voice hissed at him "Revenge is what we wanted, it's what YOU wanted" the voice wined at him, Stephen just kept looking around

"No it wasn't, I never truly wanted revenge" Stephen called out staring into the blackness. 'How did he know what I was thinking' Stephen thought his breath coming faster and faster gasps as he got more and more frustrated.

"Who are you trying to convince that to, me or you" the voice hissed at him laughing as he said so. "W-what do you mean" Stephen stammered. 'What the fuck is going on' he thought 'where am I, who is that. I know I've heard that voice before but where.' His mind just couldn't figure out why the voice was so familiar.

"What's wrong don't remember" the voice taunted, laughing as he did so "You really don't know do you. Well fine I'll tell you" the voice whispered. "I am" he breathed "Your pain, I am your anger, your suffering" he breathed slowly. "I give you strength when you're too weak, I heal you when your injuries are great" the voice went on "I am you" the voice growled at him "or should I say your just my vessel in till the time comes" it said laughing in Stephen's left ear.

Stephen swung his hand to where the voice came from but nothing but hit air. "What the fuck does that mean" he yelled looking around.

"Without me" he whispered "There is no you" he breathed. "But even with me, that's still not saying too much for you" he laughed evilly.

Stephen stopped and thought, he found a hole in what he was saying "If that's true" he said smirking a little "Then where have you been my entire life" Stephen shot back "Why are talking to me know".

The voice in the dark started laughing loud and hard at Stephen's comment letting out a blood hurtling yell as he laughed."YOU FOOL" he screamed while still laughing. "You just don't get it". Stephen paused "What don't I get" Stephen said his smile starting to fade as the voice cried out. "Every fight you've been in, every time you did something no one else can do, that was me" he said his voice growing cold.

"THEN WHY KNOW" Stephen yelled, not out of anger but out of frustration. "Why did you chose know of all times to show yourself" his voice fading as he said so. "Because of her" the voice said. Stephen heard something behind and he turned around to see a ray of light piercing the blackness down to the ground. He looked into the light and saw....

"Renamon" he whispered, his eyes growing wide. "RENAMON" he yelled tears starting to roll from his eyes. She just stood there staring at him with her hands to her sides with a blank emotionless look on her face.

"She's quit a catch" the voice hissed as he chuckled lightly. Stephen watched as a shadowy hand reached from behind her, came around her left shoulder and was placed on her chest. "She's quit a fine piece of ass isn't she" the voice said as his shadowy face came up behind her, his right hand curling around her waist.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Stephen yelled "GET AWAY FROM HER". he yelled as the shadowy figure starts to rub Renamon's breasts with his right hand as his left hand went down to rub the moist spot between her legs. Renamon moaned as he rubbed her wet clit. She arched her back and placed her left hand on his head.

"My my, what a wet little slut you have" the voice said as his bright red eyes looked upon Stephen in his eyes for the first time. Stephen froze at the site of the creature's gaze. 'What the fuck' he thought 'His eyes, the evil in those eyes' his body froze with fright.

"What's wrong" the creature said his eyes not leaving Stephen his hands working over Renamon's body. "Do you like what you see" he said "I love the hot sluts" he said pushing his face against Renamon's as he licked up her cheek, pulling his right hand back behind her. Renamon started pushing herself against him. "There so much fun to mess with" he said.

Stephen watched in shier horror as his right hand shot through her body, going through her body and coming out of her chest as her blood splattered across the unseen ground. His hand was bright red with her blood, Renamon's mouth fell open and she went silent as the air left her lungs.

Stephen's body went limp as tears started to fall from his emotionless face. The shadowy figure removed his hand from Renamon's body and placed his face against hers as he held her limp form up, the life drained from her face "GOD that felt so good" he said and let her lifeless form drop to the ground.

Stephen dropped to his knees "Renamon" he gasped in a hushed voice as his face turned white and his body grew cold.

"What's the matter" the figure said looking at his blooded hand "Miss her already" he taunted "Don't worry you'll be with her soon" he said shooting Stephen an evil look with his crazed filed bright, blood red eyes that would have chilled the Devil's blood. Stephen looked up at him and watched as the creature blurred towards him charging him fast "NOW DIE" the monster called out as he got right in front of Stephen and stopped with his claws raised.

Stephen watched as the monster brought his hand down right to his face, the creature's claws got within mere inches of his face before his vision turned black. "Stephen- Stephen- STEPHEN" a voice called to him as he felt himself being shaken.

Renamon woke up at about sun rise. She looked down at her sleeping mate on top of her 'He looks so cute when he sleeps' she thought. She hugged him as he slept on her chest, she could feel her heart beat faster as she squeaked with joy at the thought of her new mate. "Digigods I can't wait for him to wake up" she said as she ran her fingers through his soft brown hair. She decided to let him sleep a little longer so he would be rested up for the long and pleasurable day she had planned for him. She rolled him off onto the bed as she got up to take a bath.

She slid into the tub of warm water and sighed "Oh this feels good" she said as she rubbed the water over her arms. "I hope Stephen's awake when I get back to the room" she said rubbing the inside of her thighs "I want him to take me again like he did last night" she could feel her body getting hotter as she thought of last night. "Oh I still can't believe he fit inside of me" she smiled "He was so big and so...OH" she exclaimed as she ran her left hand over her breasts. She started to play with her lips again when she forced herself to stop "Slow down Renamon you have someone to do that for you know, no need to do anything right know" she said placing her hands on the side of the tub. She smiled and sighed as she sank deeper into the tub, the water coming up to her neck. After sitting in the tub for about 10 minutes she washed her face got out and shook herself almost completely dry. She grabbed one of the towels sitting on a drying rack next to the door and rubbed her face dry as she walked back to the room slinging the towel over her shoulders.

"Stephen you up" she said as she walked into the room. She knew something was wrong when she saw him on the bed; he was sweating and breathing heavily mumbling something as he tossed and turned.

She ran over to the bed turned him on his back and held him there "Renamon no" he said as tears started to stream form his face.

'By the Digigods what's going on' she thought as she held him down. 'Is he having a nightmare' she thought as she claimed on top of him keeping his legs pined with hers. His eye lids started to flicker open and Renamon could see that his eyes where rolled into the back of his head as his body strained and tightened as he tried to roll.

"NO RENAMON, RENAMON" he cried out as he convulsed under her his breathing becoming strained as he tried to inhale but couldn't. 'Shit I have to wake him up' she thought.

"Stephen wake up" she shouted as she shook his shoulders "Stephen... Stephen... STEPHEN" she yelled smacking him across the face with her right hand. Stephen's eyes shot open as he gasped for air and coughed. His vision was still blurred and he couldn't see who was on top of him. He freaked out throwing Renamon off him to his right as he rolled off the left side of the bed hitting the ground hard as he fell on his front side. He got on his hands and knees and started to cough as he still gasped for air, his breathing coming in short and fast huffs of air.

Renamon looked over the side of the bed at him in fright. "S- Stephen" she said nervously. "SHIT" he yelled startled twisting his body fast and landing flat on his ass looking up at Renamon tears still falling from his eyes, the look of shock still in his face. "R- Renamon" he said looking up at her, she shook her head. He started to look around the room trying to figure out what just happened and where he was. "Oh god" he said falling to his back putting his hands over his eyes with his knees were bent pointing up.

"Stephen, are you ok" she asked him getting off the bed and crawling to him? Stephen didn't reply, he just sat there and let his body calm down "Stephen" she said again.

"Yea, I'm fine just a little shaken up" he replied taking his hands off is pale expressionless face and looking up at the ceiling, resting his right hand on his chest. 'What the fuck was that' he thought 'don't tell me it was just a dream'. He looked at Renamon and sat up "You ok" he said looking at her, his body still shacking a little.

"Yes, but what happened" she asked sitting on her knees. Stephen looked forward and didn't reply as the vision of Renamon being impaled flashed through his mind making him wince. "Well, what happened" she asked again.

His mind snapped back into reality "I-." he paused not wanting to tell her about what happened and not wanting to think about it again "I really don't remember" he said shrugging his shoulders with a blank look on his face.

"What, what do you mean you don't remember" she said almost yelling at him. "Renamon" he said putting his hand up to stop her from talking "Please I can't talk about it" he said not looking at her.

She cocked her head back and looked at him with opened eyes "Can't or won't" she asked? He looked at her with his fear filled face and she looked down and didn't say anything else about it.

Stephen laid down flat on his back stretching out his legs, rubbing his eyes with his right hand "God my head hurts" he said.

Renamon crawled to the ground and lay next to him. She curled up next to him hugging his chest and resting her chin on his left shoulder and laid on the left side of his body squishing her breasts against him tightly "I'm sorry is there anything I can do to help" she said nuzzling up against his neck tracing circles on his chest with a claw.

The feel of her fur against his body was causing a VERY noticeable bulge in his lap as he laid there naked. 'God she feels warm' he thought as he put his left arm under her and around her waist. Without realizing it he started to rub her ass cheeks causing her to moan and stick her but out. He noticed her pick up her head to moan and he bent down and put his lips on hers muffling her moan as his tongue probed the inside of her mouth. She melted into the kiss as her tongue rubbed his making her lustfully moan into his kiss and arch her back as his hand started to play with her tail hole.

He brought his right hand up to rub her cheek. She held herself up with her right arm as her left hand slid down his body and brushed his shaft making him stiffen a little at the feel of her fur on his member. She rubbed his shaft for a little while before she took hold of it and started to pump it slowly making Stephen shudder and moan as he kissed her deeper moving his right hand down to her breasts. He started to rub her breasts then pinch the nips lightly as he played with her tail making Renamon arch her back as he did so.

She broke the kiss and climbed on top of him, his member touching her fury ass as she rubbed against it making it throb as she placed her hands on his shoulders for support. "You're such a tease" Stephen said rubbing her sides letting his hands run through her fur.

"I know" she said grabbing his hands and pinning them to either side of his head. She kissed him again as she rubbed the lips of her wet fuzzy pussy against the tip of his throbbing member. Stephen kissed her back bucking his hips up a little making his tip part her moist lips and forcing the head of his member enter her as she started to push herself down on him. She moaned at the sudden intrusion of her slit and broke the kiss "Well aren't we impatient" she said slyly lifting her bottom up letting his stiff rod fall free of her wet lips.

"Come one Ren I can't stand it" Stephen moaned closing his eyes and leaning his head back as she lowered her chest onto his, the feel of her hard nips rubbing against his chest and the feel of her fur against his skin driving him mad with lust.

"Ok if you want me then take me" Renamon said getting off of him and getting on her knees on the side of the bed resting her arms on it. She looked back at him and smiled as she raised her tail, giving him a clear view of her ass and wet slit.

Stephen looked up to see Renamon raise her tail for him and he saw her puffy wet lips dripping with lust and want. Stephen got to his knees and positioned himself behind her pushing her tail against her back as he put his hands around her cupping her breasts and pushing her legs apart with his left leg making her pussy open and the smell of her opened sex waft into the room.

The smell drove Stephen mad and without warning he thrust his hard shaft half way in her slick cunt causing Renamon to groan as she arched her back against him the pain and pleasure mixing inside her just like the night before. Stephen leaned against her starting to pull out and ram himself back in hard but slow while his hands expertly worked her breasts making her gasp with pleasure.

"Oh Digigods" Renamon moaned as the pain left her and only pleasure and lust filled her. She started to scoot forward as Stephen pumped her harder and faster leaning his head down and nipping at her neck. She could feel his cock stretch and pull her tight, sore pussy walls with each thrust hilting deep inside of her. She started to move her hips in rhythm with his pushing back when he pushed forward making him slam in her harder, his balls slapping against her each time.

Renamon felt her body start to shake as her pussy starts to tighten around his stiff meat, the first signs of her climax starts to hit her hard. Stephen feels her tighten around him little by little which makes his dick start to twitch and harden more as he braces himself for his orgasm, grabbing her hips and pulling her back with every thrust.

Renamon feels his dick get harder inside of her and her mind goes blank as her climax hits her. She stiffens as she starts to ride wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her body as she leans back.

As Renamon clamps down on his last thrust ramming into her cervix Stephen feels himself about to blow inside of her and lets his animal side take over as he leans forward when she leans back and bites down on her neck making her freeze. The pain mixes with her pleasure causing her pussy to ache as she came again, even harder than before as Stephen's dick throbbed inside of her. His cock jerked as it unleashed a flood of hot cum deep inside of her, his cock pumping her full of rope after rope of his hot seed. She moans and yips as he thrusts her down on him making her take his meat deep in as jet after jet of hot cum fills her up and drips out of her sore and beaten pussy.

Renamon goes limp in his arms as she rests her head on the bed. Stephen lets go of her neck and leans against her resting his head on her right shoulder, both of them short of breath.

"Renamon you ok" Stephen finally breathed.

"Oh yea" she replied smiling "That was amazing" she said turning her head and giving him a lick on the nose.

"Sorry that I bit you, don't know what came over me" he said smiling and rubbing her hips.

"Oh trust me it's ok, I kind of knew you would when I leaned back" she said laying her head back on the bed.

Stephen picked her up with his softening dick still inside of her as he laid her down on the bed pulling the covers over them and spooning up against her. "Damn what a way to start the day" he said as they basked in the afterglow of the morning romp around. Renamon only moaned in agreement as she wiggled her hips making Stephen squirm as his dick shifted inside of her, hardening a little so it wouldn't slip out just yet.

"Stephen" Renamon said looking over her left shoulder at him.

"Yes dear" he said laughing as he said it.

"Earlier you called me Ren, why is that" she asked a little confused.

Stephen got a look on his face as though he wasn't sure why himself "well" he finally said "I'm not sure, it just kind of came out" said shrugging his shoulders. "Come to think of it you don't have a name do you?" he asked nuzzling his face into the back of her neck.

"I do not" she said a little down. "My mother never gave me one. She said I would have to earn one and so I guise I never did" she let out a small sigh.

Stephen smiled "well I guise we just found you one then. Ren, yea I like that" he chuckled to her.

Renamon only smiled and scooted back up against him more "yea so do I" she giggled as she closed her eyes.

"Stephen" Ren asked again.

"Yes my darling Ren" he said giggling at his stupidity.

"I never replied to what you told me yesterday" she said placing her hand on his face as he nuzzled into her neck filling his noise with her scent.

"And what's that" he said kissing the back of her neck lovingly.

"I love you too" she said scooting back into him trying to get as close as she can to him.

"I know" was all he said as Ren fell asleep in his tight embrace. His mind just wondered as he hugged her close during his last few seconds of conciseness.

It was about mid day before Stephen was awakened by a loud knock at the door. "Yea hold on I'm coming" Stephen groaned as he rolled out of bed and struggled to put his pants. Three more loud whacks hit the door rapid fire. Stephen swung the door open and stuck his head out "Yea what is it" Stephen said his eyes still adjusting to the light. He saw the digimon that works at the front desk. He was a Jijimon, an ultimate level digimon and he looked freaked out.

"Your name is Stephen right" he asked looking at him dead in the face.

"Yea why" Stephen asked not remembering if he had even given his name to the digimon.

"OK listen there is a whole bunch of Renamon and a very pissed off looking Taomon snooping around the village looking for you and your partner".

Stephen stood there shocked at first "What" he asked not believing at what the digimon just said as he shook his head trying to defog his mind. The digimon rushed into the room passed Stephen. "Excuse me what do..." Stephen started to say.

"You two need to get out of here now" he said throwing Stephen his shirt from the bed post.

Ren hearing the noise starts to wake up "What's going on" she said rubbing her eye yawing. She sees Jijimon and shoots up off the bed "Stephen what's going on" she said looking at Jijimon and then back to Stephen.

"Your mom is here that's what's going on" Stephen said putting on his shirt and following the Jijimon to the Window next to the fire place.

"WHAT" Ren yelled, her jaw dropped as she ran over to Stephen.

"Yea that's what I said" he said looking at her.

"What are we going to do" she said trying to figure out a plan.

"You two are going to climb out the window down the trees and straight into the woods in till you reach the waterfall at the edge of the cliff by then you should be able to make a clean shot for the town at the edge of the beach, now it's about a 4 day hike so you need to leave NOW" the Jijimon said opening the widow for the two of them.

Stephen looked at him for a second "Ok that sounds good and all but why are you helping us" he asked.

"Yea" Ren said looking at him.

"Ok listen I can't explain right now but all you need to know is that you HAVE to make it to that town" the digimon said looking at them as he started to rush out of the room closing the door as he left.

"Ok what know" Stephen shrugged looking at Ren.

"I say we get out of here because I do since my mother" she said hoping into the window seal.

"Sounds good to me" Stephen said fallowing her out the window and down the tree.

Stephen and Ren took off into the woods as soon as they hit the ground. They ran top speed passing trees trying to be as quite as possible. They ran about half an hour before Stephen got tired of running. "How far in till the water fall" Stephen said jumping over a log.

"I don't know just keep running" Ren yelled back as she swung off of a tree branch landing silently and gently. She raised her head and smiled proudly as she ran, happy after landing from her swing showing how smug she was of her flip landing.

"Show off" Stephen called out laughing at her.

"You're just jealous" she said jumping in midair and doing a front flip over a tree branch. She slipped on a rock as she was landing and lost her balance, falling backwards right on top of Stephen sending them both to the ground.

Stephen laid there for a moment with Ren on top of him, she was laying down on him on her back "If you wanted to be on top so bad you could have asked" he said slyly, slipping his hands around her waist.

Ren blushed and got up off of him "I'm so sorry" she said turning away from him and putting her hands together 'Damn it why did I do that' she thought 'I'm so stupid what was I thinking' she looked down feeling as though she wanted to cry.

Stephen got up and looked at her 'Don't tell me she's upset about just falling like that' he thought looking at her. He came up behind her slid his hands around her waist and put his chin on her right shoulder "What's wrong upset that you didn't stick the landing" he chuckled hugging her with his hands on her stomach as he rocked her a little.

"No" she said putting her hands on his as tears started to form.

"Listen you didn't hurt me I'm fine, shit happens" he said as he kissed her shoulder. "Don't feel bad, you didn't mean to" he said turning her around and grabbing her by the waist pulling her close to him.

She placed her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly and started to cry into his shoulder "I'm sorry, you're just too good to me" she sobbed as he hugged her back.

They stood there for a minute or two as she held him tightly not wanting to let him go. Stephen finally broke the hug and stared Ren in her deep obsidian eyes "feel better" he asked smiling at her. She shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes smiling back at him. "Good, why don't we get washed up there's a river right over there through the trees" he said nodding to his left. Ren nodded took his hand and fallowed him.

As they walked through the trees they came up on a river about 20 feet across from shore to shore. Stephen took Ren's hand and led her to the edge of the shore as the water hit the side of the river like it would at a beach. He bent down scooped some water with his hand and took a sip of it sighing as the cool water washed over his dry throat.

Ren smiled at him at first then looked at him oddly 'wait how did he know that there was a river right her' she thought 'the old digimon did say that there was one but there was no way of knowing where it was exactly' she looked at him and cocked her head thinking to herself.

"You know it's impolite to stare" Stephen said resting his hands on his knees not turning to face her. Ren opened her mouth to say something "I don't know how I knew this river was here" he said before Ren could say anything. "I just knew it was, I could taste the moister in the air and smell crisp water" he said looking at his reflection in the water.

"Stephen?" Ren started to ask kneeling down beside him.

"I don't know how or why I can do most of the things I do" he said his eyes not leaving his reflection as he looked at himself without blinking "Ever since we meet I've been able to do things most people can't even dream of" he said his voice sounding as if he liked what has happened to him, a small smile forming on his face "But" he said his face turning in to a dull expression "I can't help but feel this evil deep inside of me."

Ren watched, him taking in everything he said. "I can see it" he said, shakily reaching out is hand and stopping it right above his reflection "every time I look at myself" he looked on as he saw the evil shadow looking back at him in the water "A face that isn't mine" he said slowly looking at the shadow as it gave him a wide toothy grin "A voice that doesn't belong to me" he said. He looked on at the shadow as it started to laugh evilly through the reflection. He tightened his hand into a fist and hit at the shadow causing the water to ripple and splash.

Ren jumped a little in surprise and stared at him, not moving not making a sound. Stephen looked back at her and saw the fright in her face. He looked forward and started to laugh softly. Ren cocked her head at his laughter "Stephen, are you ok".

Stephen started to laugh harder and fell on his back laughing harder and louder "I'm sorry Ren" he breathed trying to talk as he laughed. Ren looked at him a little scared. Stephen looked up at her, stopped laughing and laid himself out on the ground with his knees pointing up "Oh come on Ren I was just kidding lighten up" he said looking up at her and smiling.

She looked down at him with a pissed off look on her face "You're an ass hole" she said looking at him trying to decide rather to punch him or kick him.

"I know" he said sitting up on his arms and extending his legs "but I'm your ass hole" he said reaching up with his right hand and grabbing her arm pulling her on top of him , her legs straddling his waist as he held her body close to his as smiled up at her.

'He's so going to get it' she thought as she giggled a little bit and placed he hands on his chest "yes you are" she said trying not to laugh.

"What's so funny" he asked looking her straight in her eyes smiling.

"Oh I was just wandering what I was going to do to you for playing that mean joke on me" she said smiling slyly down at him as she rubbed his chest.

'Joke yea if only you really know' he thought "Oh really and have you decided" he said rubbing her sides; he could feel himself getting aroused as she rubbed his chest.

"Well I will have to punish you" she said lustfully tracing circles on his chest with a claw as her legs went in between his spreading his legs apart.

"Really" he said biting his lower lip with anticipation "well what kind of punishment do you have in store for me" he said raising his head to kiss her.

She raised her head so that he couldn't get to her "Well I was thinking something more along the lines of this" she grabbed his shirt at the shoulders digging her claws into his shirt, smiling evilly at him.

Stephen raised his left eye brow as she smiled down at him evilly showing off her bone white teeth "And what's thi..."

Ren quickly raised herself up lifting Stephen up with her. She continued backwards onto her back as she placed her feet on his lower abdomen rolling on her back as she pushed up with her feet sending Stephen flying into the air and into the middle of the river.

"HOLY SHIT" Stephen yelled as he was sent souring into the air his legs and arms flailing around aimlessly as he landed with a SPLASH! As he hit the water his body froze; he was in shock at what just happened 'did she just...she did she just throw me in the river' he thought as he floated 10 feet to the bottom 'ok ok now it's my turn' he thought as he started to swim to the surface of the river.

Ren shot to her feet and watched as Stephen flailed in the air and landed in the water. She started laughing to herself "Ok now that was funny" she said to herself trying not to laugh to loud. She watched as Stephen broke the surface of the water and gasped for air as he swam back to shore looking mad at her. He climbed out and looked her dead in the eyes and he was pissed. She just stood there with her hands folded across her chest just smiling at him.

He stared her down "you're a bitch" he said coldly.

"Yea I know" she said beaming at her slyness "but I'm your bitch".

Stephen saw her eyes close as she smirked at him 'do it now' he thought. He rushed at her and grabbed her by the waist and jumped as hard as he could, sending them both right over the edge into the river.

Ren felt herself falling into the water. Right before she hit she spun out of his grasp landing on top of him in the air and used his stomach as a base as she pushed down on him jumping back into the air and landing with grace back onto the shore.

Stephen's body froze as Ren spun out of his grip and jumped off of him pushing him into the water hard. 'God damn it' Stephen thought as he broke the surface of the water coming up for air. He quickly swam back to land and just stood in front of Ren glaring at her.

She just stood there as smug as can be with her arms folded again "yes can I help you" she asked smiling at him. He stared at her for a couple of minutes with a sour look on his face. Out of nowhere he started to smile as he tried not to laugh but failed as he fell to the ground holding his stomach and laughing uncontrollably. Ren's smile vanished and she cocked her head back at him not knowing what to do as he started to choke from laughing so hard "are you ok" she asked not knowing what to expect as his answer.

He stopped laughing and laid flat on his back still smiling "WOW" he exclaimed "I have to say Ren" he said sitting up on his hands "this is the most fun I've had in a LONG time" he said smiling at her as water dripped from his hair onto his face.

Ren smiled down at him "Well I'm so sorry" she said looking at him.

Stephen looked up at her tilting his head with a confused look on his face "For what" he asked.

"That, that bug in your ass had to die" she said chuckling as she reached her hand down to help him up. Stephen smiled back and took her hand. She picked him up and he kind of wobbled as he stood up straight.

"Well" he said putting his hands on his back and cracking his spine "Why don't we take a brake and get a fire started so I can" he popped his collar "So I can dry off" he said shooting her an 'I can't believe this happened' kind of look.

She chuckled and they walked off into the woods laughing at each other. They found a clearing on the edge of the woods and cleaned it up removing the leaves and moving the braches in the middle so they could make a fire. Stephen took off his wet shirt and hung it over a branch and went down to the river to catch some fish for lunch while Ren got some more fire wood together. She used some dried tree bark as kindling and a rock she found by the river and slashed crossed it with her claws making sparks that lit the kindling with ease. Stephen caught a couple of little fish with a spear he made with the knife he had taken from the graduation the previous night. He gutted them and hung them over the fire with a piece of wood through their mouths.

"GOD I'm tired" Stephen said falling down on his but against a tree after setting the fish on the fire. He laid the knife down next to him as he leaned back against the tree, the spear sticking into the ground next to the fire as he closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

"Oh really" Ren said sitting next to him and leaning her head against his. "And why are you so tired" she asked licking his cheek.

Stephen shivered at the roughness of her tongue "Well" he said pointing at the fish "you see that little one there" he said pointing referring to the purple one with the green tail which was easily the smallest fish on the rack.

"Yea what about him" she said picking her head up and looking at him confused.

"Well that little fucker was the hardest one to get" he said laughing a little at himself with a 'can you believe that shit' kind of expression.

Ren kept looking at the fish then back at Stephen for a couple of seconds "ok if that little thing was so hard to catch then why didn't you just try to catch a bigger one rather then that scrawny thing" she said hoping he had a really good answer.

"HE PISSED ME OFF" Stephen said looking at her "I kept missing him so much, that I refused to give up in till he was my lunch" he said.

Ren looked at him confused but couldn't think of anything to say to that. She thought and thought of a good response but every time so opened her mouth to talk she just closed it and thought some more. Stephen got tired of watching her and the next time she opened her mouth to talk Stephen leaned over and put his lips on hers. She jumped a little in surprise but murred back into his kiss as he caressed her rough long vulpine tongue with his smooth narrow tongue.

Stephen's eyes shot open as he heard something coming towards them. Ren had heard it to but was surprised to see he noticed it to when she went to stop the kiss. Stephen broke the kiss and placed his finger over her lips to quite her as he stared off into the woods across from them on the other side of their clearing. Ren felt a presence of a digimon and a human 'shit' she thought 'another tamer probably sent by my mom.' Stephen couldn't really feel a presence of someone but he just had a feeling there was someone there. "Ren" he whispered "I think we should......"

"....But Henry, I must protest" a low thundering voice faintly whined through the rustling trees.

"Calm down Leo" another voice called to it "I'm sure it's alright". A branch was moved and a huge yellow and orange lion looking digimon appeared on the other side of the clearing, lifting a branch so that a boy about the age of Stephen could walk on in. Stephen and Ren where already on their feet, Ren with her claws extended ready to tear apart anything that came to close and Stephen with the knife upside down in his hand ready to strike. The boy froze as he saw the two ready to strike 'oops guise we where interrupting something' the Leomon quickly jumped in front of the boy and reached behind his back grabbing the hilt of his sword taking a defiance of stance. All four of them stood there waiting for the other to attack first.

Stephen kept his eyes on the giant lion man in front of him but took a quick look at the human 'I...I know him' he thought trying to think of where he saw the kid before. Stephen put his hands down and stared at the boy with a confused look on his face.

Ren glanced over at him when she saw his hands go down "Stephen what is it" she whispered to him.

"I know you" Stephen said pointing at the boy not quite sure of who he was. Stephen's eyes widened as eh realized who this boy was.

"Oh thanks goodness you remembered" the boy said walking up beside his digimon and patting him on his side to let him know it was ok.

"Yea yea now I remember you, I met you at.... The...graduation" Stephen said slowly as he thought. His eyes opened wide 'shit he could have been sent by Taomon' he thought retaking his fighting stance. He stared at the kid coldly "Did she send you" Stephen said quickly readying himself for an attack. Leomon tightened up again as Stephen resumed his attack pose growling and unsheathing his sword half way. Ren scooted a little in front of Stephen ready to protect him.

The kid took a step back surprise 'what is he talking about' he thought confused. he looked over at Leomon and saw him ready to attack. He thought quickly and grabbed Leomon's free arm "Leomon stop we're not here to fight" he said looking the lion man in the eyes. Leomon looked down at him and with a little resistance took his hand off his sword and stood there still tens. The boy bowed his head "I'm sorry for the confusion in identity, I don't know who you mean by 'she' but no one has sent us. We are merely tamer and digimon traveling across the digiworld, I am Henry and this is Leo my partner" he said not looking up.

Stephen watched him with fierce judging eyes as the lion man bowed as well. He studied Henry's stance and waited for him to move. 'He's telling the truth I don't feel that he means to hurt us but still...' he thought starting to put his hands down.

Ren watched as Henry and Leo bowed and talked, she wasn't sure to believe him or not. 'His heart is steady, he's not lying or else his sweat glands would start to kick in and I don't since any trembling in his voice' she thought to herself as she checked for all the signs of a lie, but she could not find one. 'I don't know what, but there is something not right with him? I just can't put my finger on it' she questioned, not really looking at him but through him to his inner self.

Stephen and Ren looked at each other at the same time. They locked eyes, not saying anything but communicating like they were. 'What do you think' he thought.

'I'm not sure he seems to be telling the truth' she thought both of them glancing back and forth from each other to the strangers across from him.

'I think we can trust them for now' Stephen thought.

'Ok, for now' Ren thought smiling at him. They ended their silent conversation with a nod to one another.

Henry picked his head up as silence fell over the clearing. He watched as they looked at each other and looked up at Leo. 'What do you suppose they are thinking' Henry thought smirking up at him.

'Not sure maybe there deciding on whether or not to believe you' Leo thought back crossing his arms. The two watched as Stephen and Ren nodded to each other.

Stephen smiled as he brought his hands down "Ok, Henry was it" Henry nodded "I think we can trust you" he says smiling at the two. Ren stepped to Stephen's side trusting his decision but still keeping cautious. Stephen bowed his head and Ren mimicked him "My name is Stephen and this is my partner Ren" he says keeping his bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet the two of you" Ren said bowed. 'Why did he just say partner' she thought a little confused 'I thought we were mates' her thoughts starting to scare her a little although she wasn't quite sure why. For some reason what he said just bothered her.

Henry smiled at the two of them "nice to meet you, again" he said laughing.

Stephen chuckled back at him as he lifted his head "yea I guise so". They all sat down around the fire and the fish that were starting to get a little to crispy.

Leo took some strange vegetables from a back pack he had and put them over the fire. Stephen was reluctant at first to try one do to the strange smell that was coming off of them but was pushed in to trying one. "MMMmm" Stephen mumbled as he bit into the large white carrot looking one "it's sweet kind of like a strawberry and a...." Stephen thought about what else he tasted not quite sure what it was.

"Grape" Henry said picking one of the brown lettuces looking vegetables off the fire, Stephen nodded in agreement and they just chat the evening away.

As Stephen, Henry, and Leo got really chummy over the food and conversation Ren meanwhile was leaning against a tree next to Stephen listening to them talk as she nibbled on one of the smaller fish. She wasn't really listening to them so much as thinking about what has happened to her within the last 24 hours. Her thoughts mainly took her to the night before, the night she finally knew what true love was or at least so she thought.

'Does he really love me? I thought he did I mean he was so kind and gentle with me and he always made sure I was ok' her thoughts told her. 'And last night he was so warm and passionate....' She shuddered as her memory of the night before floated into her mind. 'He did seem different when he woke up this morning' she thought 'what happened to him while he was sleeping, what kind of dream was he having that made him so scared' she tried to wrap her mind over any fact that could tell her why he said that they were only partners but she could think of none. 'May be to him I'm just a sex object, maybe he thinks I'm here to pleasure him and guard him' her thoughts told her even though she knew it wasn't true. 'Would it be that bad' she tried to tell herself 'I mean I would be with him and I would be making him happy' she thought. She felt herself shaking for some reason.

"Ren, Digiworld to Ren" Stephen called out shaking her by her shoulders "Ren are you ok."

Ren shook her head out of her thoughts "oh I'm sorry what" she said looking up at Stephen.

"Ren are you ok?" Stephen asked looking confused at her.

"Yes I'm fine why" she asked looking up at him.

"Well you haven't said a word this entire time and I know you and you being quite is strange not to Minchin you've had this spaced out look on your face. Are you sure you are ok?"

Ren looked around the clearing and saw that all eyes were on her. "Oh I'm sorry I must have spaced out" Ren said stretching her arms a little and yawning "what did I miss" she said sleepily as she rubbed her right eye.

Stephen looked at her a little worried "Well since its dark we were just about to grab some more wood and call it a night."

Ren blinked a couple of times "well I guise good night then" she said looking at everyone not really sure of what to say. Leo and Henry just shrugged and got comfortable next to each other and started to drift into sleep.

Stephen stood up and started to walk towards the river. "Hay where are you going?" Ren asked grabbing his hand.

"Owe well I have first watch and I was going to get some more wood so we have enough heat for the night" he said looking down at her.

"Owe well ok I guise I'll wait for you in till you get back" she said letting go of his hand.

"Oh no don't worry about it you look tired just get some rest" he said.

"Owe well ok then goodnight" she said a little sad.

"Goodnight" Stephen said smiling down at her and walking off.

Ren pulled a big cover out from one of their back packs they had brought, folded it, and set it at the base of the tree turning it into a long pillow for her and Stephen. She laid down and rested her head on the make shift pillow and stared up into the branches of the tree. She couldn't help but think of what her relationship is with Stephen. 'Does he truly love me or am I just pleasure to him' her mind tortured her. She rolled over on to her left side facing the opposite way Stephen went. She placed her large 3 digit hands over her face trying to hide her sadness from eyes she knew weren't there. A single tear slowly ran down the side of her yellow furry muzzle as she sobbed quietly to herself and slowly drifted into a sleep like state, her mind not letting her forget what she knew couldn't really be true, but was telling her it was.

As Stephen walked out from the clearing he couldn't help but get a small shiver that seemed to scare him a little 'shit why do I have a REALLY bad feeling' he thought staring up at the night sky 'I don't since anything out of the ordinary, but I just can't help shake the feeling that there is something wrong' he pondered as a chilling wind washed over his body sending a bone shattering shiver done his spine 'Owe yea' he thought as he sighed frowning 'creepy wind sending a shiver down my spine, a since of uneasiness, something's wrong I just know it' he pouted 'and of course whatever it is, is going to go after me. Of course it is it always goes for me' he sighed as he walked cautiously down the edge of the trees along the river bank collecting small branches for fire wood.

With every step he took his bad feeling grew worse and worse, it got to the point where he just kind of walked back to camp really quickly in a panicked rush. As he entered the small clearing he dropped his small bundle of wood next to the fire with a relieving sigh, but as soon as he took a pause to sigh another gust of wind ran through him sending his body into one giant shiver that shook him to his core making every hair on his body stand. He quickly turned around to the opening to the clearing in a panic. 'God damn it I just know someone is there, I just fucking know it' Stephen thought, freaking out a little bit. He paced on the border of the trees inside of the clearing where Ren was, in a fluster of what he was feeling. 'God damn it I just know something is going to jump out at me, I bet on it' his paranoid thoughts told him.

Ren stirred form her sleep and looked at her panicking tamer, her eyes a little puffy and red "Is everything alright" She asked shaking the sleep from her face.

"NO everything is not alright" he shot back has he franticly checked behind the tree Ren had set their "bed". Stephen looked down at her sad almost puffy face and watery eyes "Are... are you ok Ren" he said worried.

She noticed how puffy her face felt and wiped her eyes quickly "Yea I'm fine don't worry" she said trying to wipe away the sadness from her face.

Stephen started to look around franticly again "good I need your help, I just know that someone is watching us" he said peeking through the trees to the river "I've had this REALLY bad feeling and I just know..." Stephen was cut off as another powerful gust of wind hit him, but this time was different. He got a shiver again but this one didn't give him that creepy watched look but instead a feeling of guilt and loneliness that he could feel from the pit of his stomach. He could have sworn he heard the wind yell "HAY ASSHOLE TURN THE FUCK AROUND". As he turned around slowly he saw Ren looking down at the ground with a miserable look on her face, and then it hit him. He stared up not really looking at anything "FUCK not again" he breathed in a hushed unheard voice, the wind wiped violently at his face as if trying to bitch slap him for his stupidity. "Ren are you ok" he asked looking down at her.

She looked up and ran a paw down her face and snout trying to act like she was tired "yea I'm fine just a little tired" she said weakly smiling up at him.

He sighed and smiled back at her walking over and kneeing in front of her "well that would be good if it wasn't complete bull shit" he said looking down at her lovingly.

She stared up at him in confusion "what are you talking ab...."

Stephen placed his index left hand on the side of her muzzle to silence her "Ren don't even try to pull that with me" he said lovingly "I can tell that something is deeply troubling you, now tell me what it is" he said calmly. She just looked down at the ground even sadder and said nothing. Stephen stayed calm knowing he shouldn't be upset "Ren if we're going to be mates you going to have to learn to confide in me when something is wrong" he said sweetly as he rubbed her muzzle gently.

Ren felt her body pulse with anger and sadness as her face tightened up reveling her white razor sharp teeth. Her eyes started to water as she looked at him angrily. She stood up quickly putting her hands on his shoulders to push herself up forcing him to fall flat on his but hard. Stephen stared at her in shook "Ren what's..."

She cut him off "DON'T" she yelled at him at the top of her lungs, he eyes closed to stop her tears "DON'T EVER FUCKING SAY THAT" her voice boomed at him making him freeze in fright. She turned away from him, tears flying off her face as she ran into the dark woods as she cried out unable to control her emotions any longer.

Stephen watched as she took off away from him as he rose to his knees "REN" he cried out for her but only her final faint sobs in the distance reached back to him.

"My god what just happened" Henry said looking up from where he was.

Stephen turned his head as his mind franticly raced for a solution. He looked at the startled faces of both Henry and Leo, unsure of what to do he jumped to his feet yelling "something that shouldn't have" as he shot after Ren, moving like the devil was at his heels.

He ran along what he could only guise was the path she had ran 'what the fuck was that about 'he thought' what the hell did I do. Come to think about it she had been acting strange since this afternoon' his mind raced for answers as his lungs burned form his running. Tree after tree he passed unable to find her yet her scent still filled his nose so he never stopped running. He was still in shock of what was going on, he couldn't fathom what had just happened. 'One second we're happy and in love the next she pissed and running away' his mind just couldn't comprehend what she could have gotten so upset about.

The sound of falling water ran through his ears as he ran, muffling the sounds of sobs. He ran towards the sounds and found another small clearing in the woods but this one was different it was larger with a large cut in the middle of it that ran to the river that had a small 20 foot water fall inside of hit at the border of the trees. There was also a small tree stump next to the water fall and sitting on it was...

'Ren' Stephen thought as he saw her. She had her head in her hands as she cried openly. He approached her silently as he came up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her neck and hugged her tightly "Ren I....".....

"DON'T EVER FUCKING SAY THAT" her voice boomed at him making him freeze in fright. She turned away from him, tears flying off her face as she ran into the dark woods as she cried out unable to control her emotions any longer. She ran into the woods as fast as she could, his voice calling out to her as she wept out loud.

'Damn it' she thought as she ran 'what's wrong with me. Why am I acting like this, he was just trying to understand why I'm sad' her mind scolded her 'but when he said we're mates' she could feel her sadness and anger growing as she ran. His words going through her mind making her even more confused. She zipped past trees not caring what else was going on around her. As she burst through a clearing, tears still running down her face, she tripped on a rock and fell to the ground on her hands and knees. She raised her fist and slammed it against the ground crying out loudly, not out of pain but out of frustration. She laid there for a minute on the ground and stood up walking over to a nearby stump. She sat down and placed her head in her hands as she sobbed listening to the sound of the water as it all into the river in front of her. 'I'm just tired of this' she thought as she tried to calm her body 'Why does this always happen to me?' She thought about how she had yelled at Stephen and what their relationship really was. Her body was exhausted and she didn't know what to do. She heard something behind her but she didn't really notice it and nor did she care.

Her body grew tense as she felt someone grab her from behind around her neck. She wasted no time; she grabbed the arm on her right shoulder doing a 360 spinning the strange figure around in the air and slamming it to the ground shoving her knee right into the stranger's diaphragm as she grabbed his shoulder and raising her claw's to strike the head for a kill, the darkness hiding his face from her.

Stephen froze in fear as Ren dug her claws into his arm; he didn't have enough time to react as she whirled him in the air and slammed him to the ground taking the air from his lungs as she rammed her knee into him. He looked up at her shadowy form as she raised her hand to strike him and he watched in horror as her claws descended towards his face. "REN STOP" he yelled raising his hands feebly to try and stop her attack.

Ren froze as she heard his voice 'shit' she thought as she retracted her claws and climbed off of him. She turned away and took a couple of steps away from him "WHAT do you want" she said, anger and sadness filling her voice.

"CHRIST REN, remind me never to piss you off again" Stephen said jokingly as he rose off the ground, rolling his shoulder from the stiffness of her throwing him with it.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT" she yelled at him her tears coming back to her face.

He looked at her a little sad and confused "Ren I just want to talk" he said sincerely.

"I don't feel like talking" she shot back as she crossed her arms not looking at him.

"Ren please talk to me" he said taking a step towards her.

"NO, JUST STAY BACK" she roared at him the pain she was feeling showing in her words.

Stephen felt his heart throb painfully in his chest at her scream, he vision started to blur as tears filled his eyes. His mind went blank as his emotions took hold of him sending him dashing at Ren "NO" he screamed as he tackled her from behind, wrapping his arms under her chest and over her shoulders locking her to him as they hit the ground.

Ren's body froze as he tackled her, she felt herself hit the ground as Stephen's arms wrapped around her. She tried to fight him off of her "WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OFF OF ME" she screamed at him as she thrashed about trying to free herself.

"NO" Stephen yelled holding his grip.

"I SAID GET OFF OF ME" she yelled tears flowing over her face.

"I will not" Stephen said, his voice cracking as his face swelled and tears ran down his face into Ren's fur "TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG" he yelled.

"GOT OFF OF ME" Ren sobbed openly, her sadness the only thing showing as she started to not struggle as much.

"Just tell me what's wrong" Stephen sobbed over her, his grip starting to fade "Ren I love you" he breathed to her in a low voice trying to control his emotions.

Ren slammed her fists against the ground "I HATE YOU" she screamed sobbing, the words choking her as they came up from her throat. She knew she didn't mean it but she couldn't control what her body was doing, she just wanted to get him off of her.

Stephen's whole body stiffened on top of hers as her words echoed throughout his body, his eyes turning white. He let go of her and stood up quickly as he stared down at her, the shook and disbelieve in his eyes showing like a light cutting through darkness. She turned around and scooted away from him a little and stared up at him, a little bit of surprise and anger showing in her flustered dirt covered face.

Stephen, overcome by emotion, mistook the look on her face to be series. His mind was overloading, unable to concentrate on what to do next. He dropped to his knees not moving his head, so he was staring at Ren's feet. Even though his eyes where opened he could see nothing. He lifted his palms up slightly as his eyes gazed down at them blankly. Ren stared at his expressionless body her own body lying still as she watched him. She could not think of anything to say to him and she was not sure if she even still wanted to talk to him. Stephen's mouth fell open slightly as tears once again filled his eyes, his body began to shake.

Ren, a little frightened, sat up and stared at him. She wanted to say something but couldn't think of the right thing to say. She finally opened her mouth to speak "Stephen I...."

"NOOOO" Stephen screamed as he closed his eyes, tears flying from his face as he shook his head. He flung his fists in the air and slammed them on the ground with great force. He sobbed with his face to the ground, almost in the fetal position as his emotions rampaged though his body. "NO... NO" he sobbed openly, his tears falling to the soft dirt beneath him. After a couple of seconds he wasn't yelling but just crying.

Ren's heart ached as she watched him cry out in front of her, she knew she had hurt him deeply and she didn't really want that. Tears started to fall from her face as she watched him. She slowly stood up and walked over to his side as he cried, and kneeled down beside him; Stephen unaware she had even moved. She placed her arms around his neck and hugged her body against his trying to comfort him some as they both cried.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to be" Stephen sobbed openly, his voice straining.

Ren held him tight against her "I'm sorry" she whispered to him "it's my fault".

He sat up, his face red and swollen as he placed his hands on his knees "No Ren, it isn't" he said looking at the ground.

Ren looked at him a little confused, her vision clearing as the last of her tears leaked from her eyes "what do you mean" she said wiping her face.

He only stared at the ground with his emotionless eyes "I'm saying that this is my fault that this happened. All my life I've wanted this" he said as he looked up into the trees "I wanted to be a digimon tamer, to have a Renamon as my partner and fall in love with her" he said looking at her and smiling, but then he looked back down angrily "But I got too caught up in everything to stop and think about what was really going on."

Ren didn't know what to say "No I was the one last night...." She started to say.

"No Ren if I was really thinking about everything and not so wrapped up in my fantasy world then I would have known that it was too soon. I knew what you wanted but I didn't know why exactly, I know now it was because you where in heat and I do regret that I didn't have enough self-control to stop what was happening" he said looking away from her.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing; she didn't know what to think anymore. She slowly stood up not sure if what she was about to do was right or not "if that's truly how you feel then" she said turning away from him "then I think it best if I...." she said as she started to walk away.

Stephen's hand shot up and grabbed hers keeping her from moving away "No Ren" he sobbed to her. He pulled her down to her knees and wrapped his arms around her chest resting his chin on her right shoulder as he held her tightly against himself. "Ren" he said firmly "No matter what happens, no matter what the situation, no matter how we might feel towards each other" he said pulling himself off of her and staring her deeply into her eyes "I never want you to leave me" tears staring to form in his eyes again "Ren I always want to be next to you even if you are hurtful or want nothing to do with me" his voice sounding assertive now. "Ever since the day you hatched in my room something started to move inside of me. I don't know what it is but all I know is that when we were separated whatever it was that was moving stopped and something dark took its place" a hint of fear showed in his words "I never want to feel like that ever again" he said pulling her back into a tight hug that she returned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

They stayed like that for several minutes "Does this mean that we are not mates anymore" she asked resting her head on his shoulder.

Stephen sighed deeply "Yes Ren it does, at least hopefully for now" he said nuzzling his face into her soft fur.

The two of them broke the hug and Ren stared at Stephen as he stared aimlessly at the ground, the tears drying on their faces. Ren smiled and removed her gauntlet, running her arm over his face wiping the dirt and tears off of him. Stephen looked up at her, he didn't know way but he could just feel that everything was ok between the two of them.

He stood up and reached his hand to her, she took it and he lifted her up. "I think it's time we go back" he said to her as he stared at her smiling.

"I think you're right" she said as she chuckled a little and smiled back at them. Suddenly Ren's ears perked up, Stephen felt a shiver go down his spine. They both turned to where they came from and saw the bushes start to move around.

"There's some one here" Stephen whispered to Ren.

"I know" she said as she took a fighting stance.

They stood there for a second as they listened to the sounds in the forest just in front of them. "Ren" Stephen whispered up to her "I think we should....." ((TO BE CONTENUED))

HA HA HA, Yea I know I stopped somewhere good again. Sorry it took me so long to put it up, I have had one hell of a time typing it; it just seemed so hard to find the time to type. So rate it tell me what you thought. And yea I know it was shorter than the last one, I just thought that this was a good place to stop at. Ok I'm sorry to tell everyone this but I'm not going to start next chapter in tell at least June. SORRY