My Werewolf Life. Ch. 7

Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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Here is chapter seven. This is the first time i ever typed a sex scean and new to typing it out. So i hope i did it right.... So here is my chapter seven, i hope you all like it.

Chapter 7: A werewolf's love

Everyone including Kira all got inside right when the storm hit. The wind was howling as Silver went to turn the news on.

"Well love...." I hold her hand.

"Yes dear?" She smiled at me.

"I... I... well..." I blushed luckily my black fur hid my blushing.

"Oh!!! I know what my big wolf wants" She smiled.

We both walked in the living room to see what the weather would be doing. Seeing that the storm wouldn't end for a while and it was just a storm advisory we both told each other we be back out later.

Everyone but Kira knew what we were going to do tonight now.

"Well... I hope he enjoys this. Maybe he will have a pup soon."Caylnn said.

"Oh knowing my little brother this will be one new memory he can have." Silver said

I held her paws and smiled as we both went in for a kiss. Our long tongues when into each other's mouths and started to make out as I moved my paws to her back and started stroking her back. My wolf hood started coming out now from the excitement. As Letra moved her paw and started to stroke my wolf hood as we kept kissing each other.

As I murr out from her stroking my penis as she pushed me down in our kiss. I move my paw and started stroking her pussy and enjoying the moment we were having. A moment I wanted for a long time.

She moaned on out as I stroked her pussy as she we stroking my cock. We kept on doing this for a few minutes as she moved down kissing my broad body lovingly and moving down to my cock. She held my penis and stated licking it. I moaned a bit as she started licking it to the tip and back down.

"Oh Letra... I have waited so long for this to happen like this." I smiled out with a few moans.

She smiled and took my cock in the mouth and wrapping her tongues around it now starting to bob her head up and down. I moan grabbing the bed sheets as she started to go faster. Her pussy now starting to leak her juiced dripping a bit on the carpet. Now stroking her wet pussy a bit as she kept sucking my dick.

She stopped and stood up smiling at me.

"What do you want?"

I smiled and bend her over on the edge of the bed showing her pussy at me. I put the tip of my cock where the hole was and gave my mate lick on the cheek and pushed my way in slowly. She moaned out when I put my cock inside her.

As I started of slowly I moaned out as she murred with each slow thrust I was doing. After going slow I started thrusting faster starting to keep up with her walls rippling on my cock. We both were moaning loud as I kept doing faster and faster.

"Oh yes, keep going love!!"

I stated to go faster, moving my paws on her waist grunting a bit. I felt my knot starting to come as I kept going.

"Shadow, love!!! I'm about to cum. I want your seed inside me!!!"

I started thrusting hard and fast inside her as for a few more thrust I hit her and knotted her. As she cumed on me and I cumed inside her pussy. Sending my seed inside as het walls sucked them up.

We both panted as she fell down, as I went with since we were knotted. I gave her a few loving licks on the cheek as we both fell asleep to each other as I kept cuming inside as her walls kept sucking them up.

"Well..... I think them two had a good time." Silver said keeping his ear on the door.

"Silver!! Were you listening to them?"

"Yeah.... I wanted to make sure my little bro got what he wanted and got to have a good time." Caylnn smiled and got up and walked to him.

"Come one big boy.... Let's go to the guess room. For some reason I want you now." She grinned at him Silvers tail wagging as Liki knew to play with Kira as the two had there fun. Silver helped shut the door as the two kiss and went to have their fun for the night.