White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 3

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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#3 of White Chocolate Mocha

I've been waiting for this moment, I've been single for so long, although I don't like to admit it, definitely not to Jay. I have been alone for a bit too long. I miss have the warmth of another in bed with me. And maybe after dating this fine stud of a man, I'll get that again. I jump out of bed, hop in the shower, sing a bit of Justin Bieber, however much I would like to say that I didn't. Just got his song stuck in my head. I jump out, brush my fur a bit. Jump into some clothes, grab my wallet, keys, laptop, and phone then head out to the coffee shop.

The walk seems far too long today. I wish I had just driven, but this is about my only form of fitness for my day, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea to skip it just to save a couple of minutes.

Finally I make it to the shop and walk in and march up to the counter. I slowly look up and find a pair of succulent breasts in my face. Well curved, decent sized, not big enough to be absolutely revolting, like I've seen before, I mean, I'm certainly not a tit man, never have been, even when I was straight, but nevertheless, these were pretty decent, for the body their on at least.

"Um, up here dude." Jeez, I'm getting old, I haven't been called dude by anybody in a while. Doesn't help that the only person I talk to on a regular basis is a total flamer.

"Haha, sorry, could I get a White Chocolate Mocha please?"

"Sure thing, what size?" Been a while since I've been asked that here.

"Um, a large."

"Alright, that'll be $4.78 please."

"Sure thing," I say as I pull a 5 dollar bill out of my wallet and hand it to the golden retriever barista girl.

"Thank you, I'll have it done in about 3 minutes," she says giving me my coin change. In not much a fan of change so I place it in her little tip jar that's there. Also, it acts as an apology for staring at her tits for a moment.

I stand around for a moment, looking around for that hunky Sheppy barista. Where is he. In the past few month, every weekday morning of coming here, he's always been here. Yet just today something happens. What if somebody saw that note he left on my cup. What if they somehow knew about us and that got him fired. That would not be good. I would feel terrible for getting him fired!

"Um... Sir. Your coffee is ready." The girl has a agitated look on her face, I am certain that she called me over a few times.

"Thank you," I reply while grabbing my drink and making my way to my corner of the shop, setting up my laptop and settling down before taking my "sip" of coffee. Upon initial touch to my tastebuds shock goes through my mind. I immediately stop drinking and open my muzzle wide. I pant in and out, trying to cool down the burning sensation in my tongue. Rey never gives me coffee this hot! What is going on today? I take another sip, carefully this time as to keep safe from the overly tempered coffee. I notice something else off. Temperature aside, this coffee is actually kinda bland. Not so much bitter, or too sweet like his coffee had been on occasion, only very rarely, but it just tasted, watered down, I guess is how I would describe it. I placed it to the side to let it cool down, that lack of flavor is not worth risking a burnt muzzle.

I ignore the coffee and focus my attention on my work, always getting a jump start on the day's forecasts so I don't have to actually work too much at work. Upon completing my daily routine research, I close up my laptop and chug down the now lukewarm bland coffee, I need to find out why Rey wasn't here today, and throw the cup away. I gather my things and make my way back home to pick up my car. I still wonder what's up with Rey. He's never missed a day at the coffee shop. I'm going to text him once I get a chance. At least find out if we're still on for tonight.

Once I get home, I hop into my car and speed off to work. My thoughts providing a decent soundtrack for the ten minute commute. By the time I reach the office I have a mild headache accompanying a mild sense of worry for Rey. Worry that something very well may have happened to him. I guess I could just text him as soon as I get to my cubicle.

I nod to the receptionist as I walk by, she gives that same damned smile that she gave me yesterday. I hate that look. I dealt with it all through high school after getting my first boyfriend freshman year. I wasn't aware of the consequences at that point. I was young and stupid and I thought it didn't matter much. Fortunately. People in my high school weren't completely opposed to homosexuality, but the thing that ate at me was that everyone knew and treated me different. Not different as in started talking to me different or anything like that, no, it was more along the lines of a certain look on their face, much like the one the receptionist started sporting. Somewhat of a pseudo-supportive smile. They all know that they don't completely agree with it, but they don't want to be the bigot that stands up and says anything derogative. Not that there weren't furs like that, but the only ones that did, were the furs that insulted and poked fun at everyone for everything, so it never made an impact on the rest of my peers. All that just for stupid, young, and lonely.

I don't want to have to deal with that again. It's just an uncomfortable situation to be put into. At least adults can handle it somewhat better, and since the only time that I see anybody from my work place is at work. So it's on the usual nine to five work hours that I have to deal with them and If I keep my muzzle to the screen I don't really have to deal with it.

"Heya lover boy!" Jay says as I sit down at my desk, his spotted face peeking over the cubicle walls.

"Hey, look, I don't really have the time for the daily gossip, so, please, let me get to work," I say, wishing to forgo the daily ritual that has become quite a pain to me in the recent weeks. I'd much rather just get my work done so I could get around to texting Rey about the date.

"Fine, someone's in a mood. I just thought you would like to know who's getting ready to retire," he says in a taunting manner.

"Alright! I'll bite. Who is it?" Better to just get it over with than try to fight it sometimes.

"You know Paul right? Old white husky upstairs? Yeah. He's been having some heart troubles so he wants to retire and go on some trip around the world with what time he has left. Haha, I doubt the old geezer will be able to get through the airplane ride without his old cholesterol clogged ticker stopping. Have you seen that guy..." He continued on, but I didn't really care to listen at that point since I already got the biggest piece of news he has. Paul was the one who hired me on, he said I showed great promise. He's one of the day brokers in the firm and I've been after his job ever since I first started working here. If I could just get it, I'd be set! This has to be my shot at rising to the top! Get out of this cubicle and finally have an actually respectable work place! Plus, the distance between me and this gossiping hyena would be nice.

I need that job! There is no question about it! I need it, then maybe I'll be able to get a better apartment, upgrade my car, maybe afford a gym membership and start living a bit more healthy. Living on a budget has not been good to me. I mean, I'm not struggling, it's just that I've been trying to save money in case something happens, so I haven't been able to splurge on the healthier stuff.

I have to get back to work. Kick it into overdrive these next couple of weeks! Jay, after realizing that I had gone to my private place, gave up with a pout, saying something about me never paying any attention to him and returned to his own cubicle's space. I turned on my computer and pulled up all my research and immediately got to analyzing all the data, my digits moving as fast as they can across my keyboard, inputting figures and data into their respective spots. Never before have I been more motivated in my past year and a half of this job.

By the time the work day is over I lean back, stretching my arms above my head, crack my back, and yawn slightly. I email my finished reports for the weekend to Paul, as I've done my whole time in this job. I wonder if Paul is the one who gets to choose who gets his job. I hope so, I'm pretty sure he would pick. If not, at least recommend me. I've never been late on a forecast, I've hardly taken vacation time, I've never taken a sick day, even when I was puking my guts out after eating bad Chinese from a restaurant that Jay had said was "divine". I haven't eaten anywhere that Jay recommended since. I got this! My curled fluffy Akita tail starts wagging as I get up and head out the office. I pull out my phone and check for any missed messages. None. I'll just text Rey right now to see what's up. I quickly pull up the contact and compose a new message.

'Hey, Rey, I noticed you weren't at the coffee shop this morning, is everything alright?' I wanted to ask if we were still on for tonight, but I figured it would be a bit selfish to ask right now. Priorities. I stuff my phone in my pocket as I unlock my car. I hop in and sit there for a second to think. A potential new boyfriend, a potential new job, a potential new car, a potential new home. A lot of potential, but no certainty. There's never certainty in life.

'Hey, yeah, sorry, something came up.' I hope it wasn't something too serious. Even though I hardly know the guy, I'm still concerned for him. I definitely don't want anything preventing our date.

'Do you wanna talk about it?'

'Nah, it wasn't a big deal. Either way, if you're still up for it, I'd still very much like to take you out.' Yay! It's still on! Great!

'Sure! I'm definitely up for it. Same time?'

'Yep. Seven thirty still alright with you?'

'Seven thirty sounds great. See you then.'

'Alright. See you then.'

I stuff my key into the ignition and turn the car on, rushing out the parking lot to get home. Once I pull into my parking spot, I jumpy out of my car and rush into my apartment. It's about 6:00 when I check the clock. Giving me well over an hour to get ready. Only problem is I have no idea what to wear. I guess a shower would be a good start, so I hop in and start soaping myself. The thought crossed my mind to maybe do some stretching right now, to prepare for what could potentially happen tonight. It had been a while since I had some of the real thing. The 7 inch dildo under my bed fails in comparison to the real thing throbbing and pulsing and pounding in and out with a mind of its own.

I begin to bite my lip a bit as I rub my neck slowly with the thought going through my mind of finally having a warm living member in me again. Jay was so right, I've been suffering from dick deprivation. I look down after a moment of fantasy to find myself standing at full attention. My thick cock twitching slightly, begging for attention that I haven't had time to give for the past few days. I reach a paw down and wrap it around my forming knot and give it a slight squeeze, immediately sending a splotch of pre leaking out of my tip. I open my muzzle slightly and moan. Way too dick deprived. But that could change today! I don't have to settle for just pawing off today!

I immediately release my member and continue on with cleaning myself. Upon getting out I dry up, and put some moose in my head fur to make it look good and feel soft. I brush my teeth, mouthwash too, some flossing, and pop a peppermint breath mint to finish it off. I then move on to my body fur and start brushing it to make sure it's all flat and smooth. My white chest and belly furs were fine, but I did find some problems with my brownish orange fur everywhere else. Just a few knots here and there, the bane of having a somewhat thick coat of an Akita. But at least it's made up for with the cute fuzzy curly little tail that pretty much invites guys under it. I turn around and look at it, wagging it side to side. I spray on the cologne I had bought, the initial concentrated smell stinging a bit, but in seconds, that great smell comes to me, I smell good!

I walk out of the bathroom, naked and proud of myself, while my form has declined since college, I've still got a mostly sleek build. Maybe a little bit of weight gain, but nothing that really shows much, I have gained a bit to my ass, but which top doesn't like a nice cushiony ass.

I search through my drawer for some underwear and find exactly what I'm looking for. A pair of bright red low cut underwear that forms my ass perfectly and accentuates my package decently. I slip them on and head to my closet to find something to wear over these. I immediately find my favorite pair of jeans, for the same reason as my pants, it shows my ass off well, god I need a lay. I pull the jeans up, pushing my tail through the slot and zip and button them, hiding away the little prize that I have set up for Rey. I then think of what to wear as a shirt. I'm not sure whether to be casual or dress up a bit. I guess somewhere in between would be sufficient so I grab a black button up and button it to the second from the top button to show of just enough chest fur to be kinda sexy without looking way to Greek. I think whether or not to wear a watch, and decide not to, maybe a bit too formal for whatever this is. I finish by putting a pair of socks on as well as a pair of my nicer, non-dress shoes.

I check the clock again to find that an hour had past. Only thirty minutes till he's going to pick me up. What else should I do, what else do I need to do? I guess that I could just relax at this point and sit back and watch tv until he comes.

I plop myself on the couch and turn the small TV set on and turn to the comedy channel. There's a stand up comedian talking about his relationship with his wife. I don't pay too much attention as my mind is elsewhere. Namely, work. With Paul gone, there's not really anything getting in the way of me and that promotion. All I have to do is keep up the good work and I'll get it without much frustration. I'm so excited. I could finally move to a nicer neighborhood and not have to be in this sub-par apartment! Life's finally being kind to me!

Before I can notice it, the program has finished, signifying the time I had been waiting for. I turned off the T.V. and waited until I get that much anticipated text of 'I'm here.' Unfortunately it was taking longer than expected so I sat there, my heart racing in anticipation as I stared at my phone.

*BZZZT* The tell-tale vibration that signifies a text message. I unlock my phone to find the name of Rey under the banner with a short text underneath, 'omw', it says. Not the text I was hoping for, but at least it does give me some form of guess on how much longer.

Damn. I'm starting to look like a teenager again. I've not been this excited about a date since then. It feels like high school was forever ago. I mean, colleges seems like it was a while ago, high school is hardly even memorable now. I hate seeing myself get old. I mean, I'm finding grey furs in my muzzle! I've pulled them out, but that doesn't get rid of the fact that I had grey furs in the first place! Who knows how many grey furs I have on my back! Damn! If Rey decides to bend me over his bed tonight, he's going to see all those grey furs mixed with my regular orangish furs! I'm just going to have to make sure that I get up on my back, any discolored furs on my chest will be hidden by my white fur. Problem solved. Kinda.

My door bell rings and my heart starts racing. I make my way to the door calmly, making sure not to rush there like I really want to, and open the door slowly to find those bright green eyes looking at me. I examine the rest of the furs face to find a smile on the German Shepard's face and ears perked up high."

"Hi there, Dylan. You look stunning!" He says after his eyes move from mine to examine the rest of my body. I do the same to find him in a black blazer with a red button up shirt buttoned in a similar fashion of mine. He's wearing a pair of straight fit jeans that are just perfect for his body shape. His head fur is slightly gelled, giving it a more professional look in contrast to his normal personal look while working at the coffee shop. Of course, I do love seeing him without that apron he wears at work. Gives me a better look at his body, which I really enjoy. He's wearing a nice pair of black dress shoes. All in all, it's a really nicely put together outfit!

"Hi Rey, thank you. You look pretty snazzy yourself." An even greater smile comes across his muzzle as he chuckles a deep chuckle.

"Can't say I've ever been called snazzy before. So, you ready to go?" He asks, still standing outside my doorway.

"Yeah, sure, let me just go get my jacket." I walk back into my room and pick up my wallet and jacket, putting the wallet in my pocket and the jacket on. I return to the doorway and pull out my keys. "Alright, ready." I walk out and turn around to lock the door. "Okay, let's go."

"Sounds good." We head out to the front of the apartment complex where the 5 minute parking is, and as I would presume, his car, as he steps up to the 2010 Honda Accord, he click the button on his remote, unlocking the car. He then opens the passenger door and ushers me in. I blush slightly, it's been a while since I had a guy open doors for me, then take my seat. He closes the door with a loud thump before making his way around to the driver seat and getting in. He thrusts his key into the ignition and starts the car. He pulls out of the parking spot and starts on through the city streets.

"This car is pretty well taken care of." I begin trying to make small talk.

"Yeah. She's my baby, been really good to me."

"Are you a car fanatic?"

"I wouldn't say fanatic, just grateful, I guess. I enjoy a well kept car."

"Makes sense. I like keeping my car neat and tidy as well." A moment of silence crowds us and after a moment he turns on the radio to quell the silence. The song is not one that I would be able to pick out, but at least it's something to bide the time.

The drive isn't too long, within minutes he pulls into a driveway of a restaurant I had only heard of in the office. He pulls into a parking spot in the crowded parking lot not very close to the entrance at all. We get out of the car and it beeps at the press of a button signifying that it is locked and we make our way into the restaurant. Upon coming closer to the building a savory, meaty smell makes its way to my nostrils and my tail immediately began wagging. I hadn't eaten much today, and it's showing now. I believe I remember hearing that this place was a high end steakhouse or something. We walk through the front door to find an empty reception area and we walk up to the podium.

"Hi there! How could I help you?" The early 20 year old otter guy says as we walk up. I open my mouth to answer but I am beaten to the punch.

"Yes, I have reservations under the name Rey," he said.

"Oh, yes, you're right here. Now, if I could just see some ID I could take you to your table." Rey pulls out his wallet and reveals his driver's license to the guy. "Thank you, right this way." He grabs a pair of menus and walks us to our table. As we walk through the restaurant I notice its the usual dimly lit restaurant with fine tables and chairs. It's obvious how expensive this dinner is going to be. Looks like my wallet is gonna take a beating tonight. We finally arrive at out table.

"My name is Oscar, and I'll be your waiter tonight. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask. Now, would you like to start off with anything to drink, some of our house wine, maybe?" I look over at Rey who looks at me.

"Sure! Why not," I reply.

"Very good, I'll be back with that in just a moment." He leaves us for a moment.

"So, this is one of your favorite places, you said?"

"Yep, I've only been here a few times, but those times have been so worth it!" He replies enthusiastically. "Do you often drink?"

"Not really, only socially in special occasions. What about you?"

"Not often either, I don't mind downing a beer at home, but only every once in a while." He finishes as Oscar returns with a bottle of wine. He opens the cork, and begins pouring some into both glasses, just like you see in the movies with privileged furs, using a towel to prevent any dripping and with perfect poise.

"Would you like me to take your order now, or come back in a couple of minutes?" I hadn't even stuck my muzzle in the menu yet.

"I would like a few moments please." I ask and he nods and walks away. I pull up the menu and open it up, looking for something that looks both good and cost efficient, unfortunately, the cheapest dish, which is an appetizer. I decide that, sure, I might have to dip into my savings this month, but why not splurge for one night. I make my decision on the Sirloin steak with a side salad and a baked potato. I seal my decision with a drink of wine and drop my menu to the table.

"Are you ready now sir?" Oscar appears beside the table.

"Yes, could I get the Sirloin, medium, with a baked potato and side salad?"

"Certainly, and you sir?" He turns to Rey.

"I'll have the Rib Eye, medium rare, with mashed potatoes and a side salad as well."

"Alright. Thank you, I'll be back in a bit with your food." Oscar walks away.

"So, how was your day, Dylan?" He turns to me and looks into my eyes with those bright green eyes of his that just hypnotize me.

"It was interesting. That girl who covered your shift can't make a mocha to save her life!" He chuckles a bit at the comment. "Work was kinda slow but I did get some pretty fantastic news." His ears perk up with intrigue.

"And what would that be?" His bright white fangs shine in the low light.

"The boss of my department is retiring, he's an old polar bear and he probably should have retired years ago. Either way, I've been after his job since I got my job, and my friend said that I was the prime candidate for the promotion." His eyes widen.

"Really?! That's fantastic! I hope you get it!"

"Me too! How was your day?" I ask.

"It was fine. A bit of bad news, but I don't want to bring that up right now. This is a happy occasion, I don't want to bring you down. I hope you don't mind."

"It's fine, I understand. So, what were you doing before working at the coffee shop?"

"School, I got a business management degree from the community college."

"You've got a degree and you're working as a barista?!" It's a shame how the economy has brought the educated to menial labor.

"Haha, no, you have it wrong. I'm not just another worker at the coffee shop. I own and manage the coffee shop." Now it's my turn for my ears to perk up and eyes to widen.

"Wow! I honestly thought you just worked there! That's wonderful!"

"Yeah, I won some prize in college, I can't remember the name, but it gave me a significant investment bonus so I bought a coffee shop since I realized how much money I spent on coffee during college. It's been a good investment so far. Sure, there are the slow months when I think of selling, but I've stayed strong so far."

"That's fantastic. I'm happy for you."


Oscar returns with our food on a large serving tray on a table. He places our dishes in front of us.

"Is there anything else I could help you with?" He asks with a smile on his muzzle and his hands clasped together.

"Yeah, could I get some steak sauce and I think my friend needs a refill of wine." I look down to notice that I had subconsciously finished my drink already. Oscar looks over at me inquisitively and I nod. I gotta cut back on my drinking for the rest of the night now. I don't want to be too drunk.

"I'm sorry. I guess with the possibility of promotion, I've had a bit on my mind."

"Haha, doesn't bother me."

Once Oscar returns we start to eat our meals. My first bite into the steak is heaven. Deliciously marinated, perfectly tender, just overall, the perfect steak. The meat melts in my muzzle and showers me in so much flavor it's almost feels bad having something that tastes this good. I take a bite of the baked potato to find it on par with the steak, melt in your mouth delicious. Everything here just makes it obvious how high class this place is.

Not much talking occurred while we scarfed down our food, not too fast as to try and take advantage of the tastes. By the time I finish my food, another half glass if wine is gone. It starts to hit me a bit.

"So, other than coffee, what else do you like?" He looks up to me after swallowing the last piece of steak.

"Um, I like to read. It's going to be nice in a few weeks to just cozy up on my couch with a book under a blanket. That's what my winter's generally are."

"Ah, reading, I've never read a book for pleasure in my entire life. English classes have traumatized me. I love hiking. I love getting out every once in a while to walk to a waterfall or some cool natural structure. Sure, it might be hell on the way there, but once you reach your destination, it gets so much better."

"I've never been hiking."

"It's so much fun with friends. You'll definitely have to get out there some day."

"Maybe, I don't know."

"Why did you move into the city?"

"I'm not so sure, I lived just out of town in high school and I went to college here, I guess my experience in college made me love the city so once I graduated, I found an apartment and decided to stay here, I got a lame job at some department store to tide me over until I found the job that I currently work at.

"Yeah, I know how that goes, this city can kinda grow on you, can't it?"

"Yep" A silence falls between us momentarily. Oscar comes by, thankfully saving me from the painful, unoccupied silence.

"Would you two like to order some dessert?" he asks, holding onto his little black backed notepad.

"No thank you, we're fine, could we get the bill please?" Rey responds to the otter with a smile, he gets a nod as an answer and Oscar walks away.

"Here you are sir," he says as he returns, handing the bill to Rey.

"How much is my part?" I ask reaching for the bill. He quickly pulls back.

"No can do, dinner is on me." I opened my mouth to speak an objection but he quickly ended that thought. "It's the least I could do after not saying anything to you at work." I reluctantly allowed him to pay the bill.

"On the condition that I get the next one." I wish I hadn't said it as soon as it came out. I was already implying that I was expecting a follow up date.

"Haha, fine." He said with a smile. Thankfully he didn't seem to mind so much about it. Oscar comes by and picks up the check, saying that he'd be right back. "Do you have plans for the weekend?"

"Nope, other than to unwind from the week and relax at home."

"In that case, would you like to prolong our evening together." He gave me a suggestive smile that made me know what he wanted. I didn't think too much about it, I knew I wanted it, I wanted to go home with him. There was no doubt, from that look on his face, I was going to be his tonight. I nodded and he smiled deviantly, showing his bright whites off just a little.

I sat there tapping my foot against the floor, anxious for when we can leave and before long Oscar comes up next to our table returning with the little black book that held the only thing keeping us here. Rey quickly signed the receipt and handed it back to Oscar after retrieving his card.

"You ready to go?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Y-yeah." I'll admit, I am a bit rusty when it comes to spending the night with someone.

I just have to calm down, I deserve this, I deserve to enjoy myself for once. I just need to let it happen. I want it, almost need it really.

We get up and head out of the restaurant that had lost its wonderful scent and make our way to his car.

"How did you enjoy your dinner?" He asks as we pull out of the parking lot.

"It was perfect, thank you so much!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hadn't been there in so long, I'm glad to have it again." By the time we pulled into the apartment complex, not much was said, but a lot was exchanged, between the glances and scents pervading the air, the lust was as thick as the sauce that Rey poured on his steak. It was getting hard to breath in the car. We stepped out of the car and made our way into the complex and onto the third floor of the well designed building. The building still had that smell of newness. It looked like far more than I could afford.

Rey opened the door to his apartment and we walked in. I caught a quick glance as I walked in of a wonderful wooden and glass coffee table in front of a black leather couch that looks brand new, all facing a large flat screen TV. I only catch a quick flash of it before the door behind me closes and I'm pushed against the wall.

A warm muzzle presses against mine and takes my breath away. I quickly reciprocate, lustfully kissing the German Shepard. His paws ran down my sides and grabbed hold of my ass, giving each cheek a squeeze just rough enough to make me moan into his muzzle. His paws continue down to my thighs and grab leverage as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him and continue kissing passionately as he grinds his hips into mine. He carries me from the hallway through his apartment into his room which is equally as stunning, if only for the fact that it was well designed. He drops me on his bed and gets on top of me, continuing out kissing. His paws continue to search my body, rubbing my chest, my stomach, and making his way down to running his paws across the bulge growing in my pants. I moan out at the first touch a man has given me in that spot in a while.

"Someone's a little sensitive." He says with that deviant smile of his. I smile coyly back at him. He begins to pull of my shirt, not wasting any time in getting it off as quick as he can then moving on to my pants, ripping them off to reveal my pair of red briefs. "Mmm, sexy, I love red on a sexy man." I reach up for his shirt and take it off with as much haste as he had and as promptly, move to his pants taking them off to reveal a huge tent in his black trunks.

I get on my knees and press my muzzle against his package, breathing in deeply and lapping at it, eliciting a long drawn out groan. He places a paw on my head and begins scratching my fur. I bring up a paw and pull down his underwear to reveal the pulsating pink member at full attention with his knot already fully formed. I lift it up with my paw and lick up the underside and lap at his tip. I get more groans and a "fuck" from him. My lust is fueled more and I stick the head of the long, thick member in my muzzle and suck at it. Pre hits my tongue and a blast of wonderful salty sweetness hits me. I suck a little harder to get as much as I can before putting more of the wonderful dog cock in my mouth.

The first few inches, I take like a pro, taking in and out, paying more attention to his tip, making him squirm. Once I get past that fifth inch, that's when I step out of "like a bicycle" territory. I go just a little too deep and I start to gag. I'll admit, I haven't sucked a cock in a bit over half a year, but, I haven't had a cock this big in well over two years. I wrap my paw around the point I know I won't be able to deep throat today. I squeeze and suck at his head some more. He continues scratching my head as I take my other paw and play with his balls a bit.

"Damn, you're fantastic!" He said through a groan. I closed my eyes and got into a groove of sucking, pivoting my head at the right times to give his head all the right amounts of pleasure. He started leaning over and I felt a paw drag down my spine and make its way my little red briefs. He grabbed himself a full paw of ass and gave it a good squeeze. I moaned from the feel on my ass that I hadn't had in such a long time. My briefs get pulled down and my cock bounces with the joy of freedom as it escapes the cloth prison. He places both paws on my cheeks and squeezes. More pre gets shot into my mouth.

I need this so bad, this release offered by someone else. Offering someone pleasure and having it reciprocated with pre and the perfect touches, I couldn't wish for anything better.

One of the paws stops massaging my cheeks and a pair of digits makes their way to my tail hole, rubbing around, massaging the entrance and causing even more of my own pre to leak onto the comforter of the bed. A digit poked inside and started exploring. I felt it push against my and grind against the walls of my hole. I stopped sucking on his cock and gasped for air, as well as moaned loudly. The only thing I've had to sate my lust is my paw and the toy that I'd pull out occasionally.

He lifted me up and took my muzzle against his. I felt his digit slip out as his tongue slipped in. He pressed his paw against my chest and I fell onto my back, eager for him to put himself on top of me. I was disappointed in that pleasure, until I realized he was reaching into a drawer in his nightstand. He pulled out two things, a slightly opaque bottle, I only saw a brand name which I knew to be associated with lube, and a small square plastic package. He undid the package and pulled a condom out of it and unrolled it onto that thick cock. He clicked the bottle lid and poured some onto his right paw. He rubbed it up and down his cock, making it slick and shiny. He put another portion of lube in his paw and threw the bottle to the other side of the room. He brought his paw down to my tail hole. The cold touch gave me a chill and caused me to shiver a little until it warmed up as he rubbed his paw on my tailhole until two digits found their way inside. I moaned out loud as he lubed my tailhole.

He fingered me for a short while before he pulled his digits and crawled over me, his cock just inches from my tail hole. Our muzzles connected again and that spark of wonderful hit me again, I want him, as a lover, and to love.

He began to thrust his hips and that long thick member made its way inside of me. It was sheer bliss and frightening pain all in one. I'll admit, I haven't taken a cock in a while, I forgot how it felt. It was warm and comforting, at the price of pain for a short period of time, at least until he got his whole length inside. I moaned and groaned loudly as his cock rubbed against my insides.

My own member began dripping pre as he began pulling out, the friction driving me crazy and making me moan more. He slammed back in and I winced for a moment then my back arched and I moaned passionately. He took a paw to my nipple and started teasing it, causing more pre burst out as he pounded in and out of me.

I raised a paw up from gripping into the bed sheets and grabbed onto his chest fur, scratching it slightly before grabbing onto it in pleasure. I pulled him down to kiss me and he lifted me into his lap and continued pounding away, I wrapped my arms around him and gripped onto his fur as our lips locked and tongues wrestled.

My member started rubbing between our bodies. I couldn't take it anymore, I started grinding my hips into his, my cock pressing between us and soaking us with pre. I was close, so close. Point of no return close, I bounced on his lap a few times more before cum exploded between us, our chest furs became glued together by the sticky white fluid. I let out a long drawn out moan into his muzzle as I shot my load between us. In the deepest hole of my ecstasy I hear a growl from Rey and feel that huge bulbous knot fit into, filling me with his cum as he pumped shallowly into, forcing the last spurts of the contents of my balls out.

He gave a last few weak shallow thrusts before spinning us around and falling back down on the bed. I fell on top of him and pressed my head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"That was amazing!" I said after catching my breath.

"Haha, yeah, best I've had in a while," he replied with a smile on his muzzle as I lifted myself up.

"Only I've had a while," I said timidly.

"Really?! Why's that?" He tilted his head and dropped down one of his ears.

"I don't know , I've been busy, haven't had the time to go looking for a good guy.

"Haha, good thing you found me then!" He brought a paw up to my cheek and gently stroke it. "You're amazing, not sure if I said that before. I'm really glad I could spend this night with you. I'm sorry for being distant, I wanted to get close to you so bad. I'm glad I can."

"Me too, you don't need to apologize, I completely understand, I wouldn't want to be out to the people in my workplace either."

"Good!" He said and just stared at me. We laid there for a few more moments while I felt his knot go down enough to have it slip out without much effort. I lied next to him and he brought an arm around me. I rested my head against his chest and felt his heart pumping nice, even pumps.

"I really had a great time tonight."

"Me too. Thanks for letting me take you out."

We lied there for a moment before we decided to get under the covers. He grabbed a hold of my waist and pulled me into him. His body was so warm and comforting and strong. He's wonderful. I could really get used to being in his arms.

I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

The sun peeked through the curtain at an angle that prevented me from going back to sleep after woke. It's the weekend and I can't even sleep in. I look around and remember that I'm not even in my own bed, yet, the owner of the bed isn't even here. I look around for a quick moment before something catches my nose. A certain smell that I would know anywhere and I've grown to love. I got out of bed and got my underwear and a shirt on. I step out of the room, my head a little achy and a little dizzy, but still able to navigate through the only slightly familiar hallway into what I found to be the kitchen. The Shepard was standing there, working a machine that was permeating that wonderful odor.

"Good morning sleepy head. You were knocked out when I woke up!"

"When exactly did you wake up?"

"Um, about 6 I think."

"Damn, that is way too early!"

"I guess I'm just used to waking up early, the people need their early coffee!" He pulled a cup out of the machine and handed it to me. I took a quick sip and found it to be the delicious white chocolate mocha that I've become so accustomed to. "And I need to be able to deliver them that early."

We stood there, sipping coffee for a moment, not saying much, and what was said in that interlude. It was nice to have someone to talk to that wasn't Jay, the sexy body and small business owner thing is a nice plus too! Not to mention the package he's got. I was drunk last night, but that cock of his is fresh and clear in my mind.

"Wow, it's already eleven! I'm sorry Dylan, I've got a meeting at one."

"Don't be sorry, I should probably get some work done over the weekend anyway, just so I could get ahead of the game, you know?"

"Yup, I'll drop you off at your place right now."

"Don't worry about it, I don't live too far away, I'll just walk. You've done enough for me last night."

"Oh, believe me, it was my pleasure." He winked at me and gave me a bit of a growl. I felt a tingle in my sheath from the thought of the night before. I finished my coffee and handed the mug to him.

"I guess I'll just start getting ready to go then."

"Yeah, again, I'm sorry, I would have loved to spend the whole day with you."

"It's fine, it was great while it lasted. I'd like to do it again some time."

"Oh, definitely!" He said with a smile and a bright expression on his face.

We returned to his room so I could retrieve my pants and my jacket. I made my way home and plopped myself on the couch. I did some work for the weekend and relaxed. I sent Rey a text later that day, but I didn't get a reply, he must have been busy. Overall, it was a great weekend, typical, given the week that was ahead.