Falling Stars - the Return - intro

Story by AcePilotVaporeon1313 on SoFurry

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this is a pokemon story. non anthro. enjoy it or don't, your choice.

oh, and if you read this Terraphage...this is what i was talking about...you should know what i mean.

high above Earth's atmosphere, a fleet of 36 battle ships and 12 battle carriers idled, waiting for their orders. the flagship of this fleet, the Wings of Duty, sat in the center of the formation of space craft, confirming final preparations with the commander in chief of the armada.

the command deck was silent except for the murmur of voices on the coms. the captain on duty was also the commander of the entire fleet and the Premier of the faction they belonged to, the Falling Stars.

he sat in a chair in the back. head resting on his laced fingers with his eyes closed, as he calmly looked through his mind for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes alone. looking, hoping, praying, that there was another way to the one he was about to order.........there was not.

maybe if he had more time, maybe he could find another way...

"Premier Hamilton, sir. All ships have checked in and all preparations are complete"

well, so much for that.

Hamilton raised his head and opened his eyes. for the first time in his life, he truly felt old. he wasn't that old, early or mid forties at latest, but the dark circles under his eyes reflected the gravity of the decision he was going to make. and it was a decision he did not like.

getting up from his chair he gazed around at the faces of the humans and pokemon of the crew that had followed him from the day he first founded the Falling Stars. the same crew that had lead the extermination of team galactic a good five years ago. the same crew that had lead the Falling Stars' exodus from their home world, Earth, to a distant new world, Terra, when earth's government wanted them to disband. the same crew that now stood ready and waiting for their next crazy mission.

Hamilton turned to his communications officer, a blaziken named Maria, "open a channel to all ships. have them broadcast over the intercoms."

Maria turned to her station and relayed the orders across the airwaves, turning back a mere moment later, "channels open, sir."

Hamilton took a small breath, stealing himself for what he was about to say.

"Attention all Falling Stars operatives: we stand, once again, on a grim day in history. our home world of Earth has fallen under team rocket's control. we received a transmission claiming that what remained of the government, the same government the shunned us so long ago, has asked for our help in dealing with team rocket as we did with galactic. as your leader, i refuse to play attack dog for some pompous fools who wish for us to be at their beck and call. our mission is as follows: eliminate team rocket and take our own home world from those who have no interest in making it a place worth living." he gave a slight pause, "i won't lie to you, this is going to be tough. but we've been through worse. we will win this day and all those that follow it. we must, for all those who gave their lives so that we could continue to fight on for our homes, friends and families. team rocket made their biggest, and their LAST mistake when they decided to conquer our world. and with that. soldiers...comrades...friends..."

He cast his gaze out of the window in front of him, to the green and blue sphere in front of the fleet, "Commence operation: Begin the invasion of Earth!!!"

the empty city - chapter 2

Second stroy upload...woo hoo. It's a little longer than the first, but I had more time to work on it, so there is that. Tried more detail in this one. Comments are welcome. And this is my first REAL uploaded work so please, by all means, be...

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the empty city

this is my first story upload ever. I finally got sick and tired of just waiting for insparation to hit and just said, "ya know what. I'm just gonna sit down, type up something and put it up as I get it done." so this is that happening. please bear in...

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