The Akira Chronicle Pt 3

Story by warp_speed_975 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Akira Chronicle

Emma looked in Sara's eyes, they were dilated with unadulterated passion then she looked down to realise Sara was naked, her body fur glowed with a whitish-blue aura, Sara drew closer to Emma pressing her body against Emma's and started rubbing her muzzle against Emma's cheek.

Emma remembered what Bobby had said about catian ears, grabbing one of Sara's ears and twisted it hard, Sara shot upright with a howl of pleasure allowing Emma to shove Sara off her and ran back to the bridge, she didn't notice the stain on the front of her uniform.

The next day Sara slipped out of her bed and took a long shower, rubbing scented shampoos into her hair and into her fur, caressing her body firmly as she did so. She dried herself carefully and rubbed subtle scented oils into her skin and sprayed a very delicate perfume around her neck. One way or another Emma would at least smell something intoxicating in the air before she told Emma her feelings. She carefully groomed her whole body; she would be perfect today and every other day, just for Emma.

Sandy woke drenched in sweat, her dreams had become so powerfully passionate her bed sheets were soaking wet. Sandy lay there for a few minutes replaying her dream; strangely her dreams didn't involve Bobby.

On the bridge, Emma was thinking about what had happened in Sara's room, did she have to twist Sara's ear that hard. Bobby entered the bridge and Emma went up to him

"Bobby, can I talk to you" she said, Bobby held up one finger 'one minute' Emma stood there quietly as Bobby studied a diagram on a console

"Of course you can" he finally said "Now what is troubling you",

"It's about Sara, I want to apologise to her about twisting her ear but I can'" Emma trailed off

"Find the words, can't understand why she jumped you and can't communicate your feelings" he said trying to help her get her thoughts together

"Ok, ok, I keep thinking about it and I can't find a logical reason why she did it" she replied

"She's in a mating cycle, she's currently beyond thinking, there is no reasoning with her, her only instinct will be to mate, with you, Sandy started it, Sara ran away hoping to ride it out, I ask you to find, you walked in on her in her room and she jumps you, you twisted her ear" he said

"How long does a mating cycle last" Emma asked

"Three days, a week at most" Bobby replied "She will stop at nothing to mate with you now".

"I can't mate with her, for starters I'm a girl, second I don't like her and can you help me, please" Emma said begging

"One, she has eyes only for you and like I said before she will stop at nothing to mate with you, second you just have to lie on her bed and hold her, don't resist her, what ever she does don't resist and it is imperative you hold her, she'll wear herself down on her own" he said,

"Gross" Emma replied making a sour face

"Mating is messy and can get very ugly, or do you prefer her to eat you alive" he said, just then the door open and Sara walked in...naked, saw Emma, dropped to all four and raced straight at her.

Emma ducked behind Bobby as Sara raced towards them, Sara slowed to a stop, sniffing the air then the floor "What's she doing" Emma asked Bobby

"She's lost your scent because you are hiding behind me and my scent is all she can pick up now" he replied, Sara started moving towards Bobby, still sniffing the floor as she went, Emma stepped out from behind Bobby,

Sara immediately caught Emma's scent and pounced, knocking Emma down and started rubbing her muzzle against Emma's face, Emma tried to push Sara away "Don't resist her" Bobby said, Emma forced herself to relax, after about a minute Sara stopped, laid herself on top of Emma and started purring.

"Is that it" Emma whispered

"No, she just marked you, you are now her mate, now comes the hard part, the actual mating, we'll move her to her room so you pair can be alone" Bobby said moving to pick Sara up, she was as limp as a ragdoll.

Thirty minutes later; Sara woke to find herself in her room still on top of Emma

Sara inhaled deeply and caught another scent, she turned to see Bobby stand by the wall watching her, he made a hand motion suddenly something grabbed one ear then the other ear, she moaned loudly and backed-up,

She felt something hard and cold against her butt, 'that's one big...something' Sara thought to himself, she raise her butt, she felt it rub against her opening, her ear was twisted hard, Sara shot upright squealing with delight, then she gently sank back down and felt the hard object pressing against her opening, as she lowered herself onto this object, she felt every single bump on the object's rippled surface, her orgasms caused her to ripped Emma shirt open and pulled her against her own naked body.

Bobby closed the door behind him and went back to the bridge, he would check on them in a few hours. Sandy was watching the ice outside as Bobby walked past her room

"Bobby, a minute, please" Sandy called out, Bobby stopped

"May I ask what is troubling you" he asked

"It's Sara, I had a dream about her, it was weird" she replied

"Like you were sleeping with her?" he asked

"How did you know" Sandy said looking shocked

"She came to the bridge looking for Emma" he replied "She's resting at the moment"

Emma held the hyper-active catian female as she mated with herself, 'just 24 hours huh, then Archer will take over, then Bobby will cover the remaining time' Emma thought to herself, just then the door open, Archer and Anna entered

"Bobby wants to see you" Anna said,

"Ooh, goody, more playmates, come here my big stallion" Sara said reaching out, she released Emma,

Emma got off the bed and got dressed and left, seconds later Anna and Archer began removing their clothes.

Sara looked at Archer with a wicked smile on her face, got up off the bed and stepped toward him and began to rub his flanks and slowly made her way lower ever so gently she rubbed his semi soft cock, Archer whinnied with pleasure. Archer's cock soon grew long down and down it grew then it began to inch upwards lengthening and raising reaching its full size 14 inches long and 3 inches across, Sara began to rub up and down its length,

Archer enjoying it very much, she led him towards the bed. Sara began to rub his member once again and slowly crawling on to the bed in front of him she began to place the head of his cock at her wet cunt lips; she slowly pushed back against him. His cock forced its way into her small body, feeling the warm moistness on his cock; the 6 foot 5 stallion gave a little jab with his hips sinking himself a little deeper.

Sara screamed at the sudden intrusion of his massive cock she knew that she'd love this then Archer once again jabbed his hips into her causing her mouth to gape open with pleasure with 8 inches of horse cock inside of her, Archer stepped up his thrusts.

Sara could feel his cock bumping into her cervix making her double over with orgasm but Archer continued to force himself deeper into her trying to sink all the way to his balls which now were the size of baseballs drawn tight to his body ready to release his seed into her. With thrust after thrust Sara began to feel a pain of her cervix being forced open by the huge cock being forced inside by the massive equine slowly he pounded himself deeper then finally after intense pain, Sara's cervix gave away and allowed his cock inside, he managed to push all 14 inches into her tight body.

Sara feeling this new sensation began to orgasm over and over then a whole new feeling overwhelmed her; Archer's cock head was flaring. She watched as her belly grew as he came deep inside her body. Anna watched as Sara's belly grew as Archer pumped gallon after gallon of equine cum into her, Archer slowed his pumping now concentrating on filling Sara, Anna got underneath Sara started licking her pussy, Sara moaned loudly as sperm began to flow back around Archer's cock into Anna's waiting mouth below.

Once Archer finished, Sara slowly removed herself off his swollen cock she had a difficult time getting his cock out due to his flared head through her tight cervix, slowly as he shrank and popped out followed by a rush of equine and catian juices, quickly Sara clenched her muscles to contain his gift.

Anna was amazed of how much of his cock Sara could fit inside her but Sara was done with a sigh she lay down and fell asleep in front of them, Archer scooped her up and placed Sara on the sofa and came back to deal with Anna. Anna lay down under him and started rubbing his massive limp cock between her breasts; slowly the equine's cock regained its stiffness.

Anna continued rubbing the massive equine cock into her cleavage, Archer began to pump with her ever so slowly his cock now bumping at her face she opened her mouth and allowed his cock in, tasting his and Sara's combined juices she was on cloud nine. The equine's balls were now becoming heavy with sperm once again, swollen and drawn tight to his body, Anna reached up with one hand to massage them once again Archer became excited, humping, jiggling his balls in her hand sliding his cock back and forth through her breasts and pumping the head in and out of Anna's sucking mouth.

Quickly he rose to orgasm his cock now flaring inside Anna's mouth locking and sealing it in, she could feel his balls jump as they began pumping sperm down the long shaft to her greedy mouth forcing her to swallow every drop only a small amount spilled out from her lips stretched tight around his shaft. Finally his orgasm subsided as his erection shrank, Anna was amazed how a massive cock like that could shrivel up to its protected size as it popped free of her mouth and slid slowly down her body leaving a trail of cum as it slid back into his sheath.

On the bridge Bobby and Josh were talking "that was a good idea, you sending Archer to 'take care' of Sara, she'll now chase him and not Emma" Josh said as the bridge door opened Emma entered

"You wanted to see me" she asked,

"Yes, please sit" he indicated a chair, she sat, "we have a problem in cargo bay 3, the Catian and Equine tactical ministers and their respective advisers in cryo-sleep" he said

"Why is that a problem" Emma asked

"The Catian and Equine battle fleets are currently looking for them with the following orders 'rescue or terminate'" Josh said,

"I still don't see the problem" Emma replied

"They think they've been captured by terrorists" Bobby said "they find the party who currently holds them, they will capture said party and retrieve the ministers and if they're dead well, said party will end up the same way....".

"Can we wake them and explain to them what happened" Sandy asked after everyone was gathered and Bobby had explained the situation.

"It is possible" Sara said "but we don't have a safe place to go, all systems will be looking for them and us",

"The pirate systems won't be" Anna said

"We can't take them there, they'll be killed along with us" Sandy said loudly,

"The Battleship Legacy is the closest ship; maybe we could exchange them for our freedom?" Emma asked, suddenly a distress call came through speakers, Emma suddenly had an idea.

"This is XT-319, I am under attack, requesting assistance" the pilot yelled as she threw her freighter around a hunk of ice, which was blasted by her attackers, "please help", she said

"XT-319, this is the Jacinta we are moving to assist you".

'Thank god' the freighter pilot thought as she threw her freighter straight down towards her new friend, she thought she saw a shadow off to her right suddenly two waves of laser bolts shoot past her and she heard several explosions behind her, the ship came into view

"Jacinta I owe you one" the pilot said, then realised it wasn't the Jacinta

"XT-319, we have a proposition for you" a voice said

"Ok" she said confused

"We require food and medical supplies, are you interested in trading?" the voice asked

"What do you have?" she asked

"We have some pirate pilot capsules, you give us your cargo and we will give you ours and you can take them to the Legacy, we will also give you 3 'large' in advance as a sign of trust" the voice said.

The freighter pilot thought about it for a minute 'if I take these pirates to the Legacy I could make 4 times more money than before' before replying "deal", a few minutes later the transfers were complete and XT-319 began her flight to the Legacy.

"That was easy" Archer said "Emma, nice work",

"Thanks" Emma said,

"Anna, status" Bobby asked

"XT-319 is almost to the Legacy, we are ready to jump to the vergesso system as soon as we clear the ice field" she replied

"Ok, let's go" Bobby said. The ship powered forward leaving the ice field and jumped away.

On the deck of the Legacy, the freighter pilot and a trade rep looked over her cargo "six capsules that's 11,200 each, ahh, 67,200 credits" the trade rep said swiping a card though his PDA and handing it to the pilot,

"Sir!" one of the cargo handlers yelled, the rep look at the capsule, it contain a high ranking military officer

"Wait!" he yelled to the pilot

"What now" the pilot said

"Where did you get them from?" the rep asked

"From a ship claiming to be the Jacinta, we traded cargo, why" the pilot replied

"Security!" the rep yelled, two security officers came running