Bunny Love

Story by SmutBunny on SoFurry

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#1 of Bunny Love

The beginning to a story I am currently writing, comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Mandy sat quietly at her desk, looking lazily over the office floor. She had finished all the filing and didn't have anything pressing to take care of before lunch. It seemed like the days just kept dragging on and on anymore When she first took the job the days flew by as if it wasn't even really work. But as she fell into a routine the new started to wear off and the repetition finally got to her. She could finish an entire day's work in the time it took new hires to barely get started. This left her lot of time to think to herself. If nothing else, the life of a secretary wasn't constantly busy unless you were directly told to do something. "Ms Bunn, could you come in here?" called her boss from inside his office. She got up from her desk, straightened out her clothes and went inside. Once she was in Mr. Jones's office, she shut the door behind her as was the custom. If someone was to be fired, it was infinitely easier if they didn't overhear it before they were intended. "Ms Bunn, how long have you been with this company?" said Mr. Jones as he leaned forwards, his fingers interlocked. "5 years give or take." she replied nervously. "Everyday I come into my office and begin my day you are undoubtedly already at your desk, working away at your tasks without question.", he paused. "It's really quite admirable." Mr. Jones smiles at Mandy. Mandy blushed, she had never been one to deny Mr. Jones had a certain rugged good look to about him. She unknowingly began to rub the tip of one of her ears between her fingers. Her tail began to twitch in the chair. Mr Jones leaned forward more saying, "I've also taken notice of other things as well." With this final comment, he pushed himself up from his desk and began to look out the window. "I have always been one to make sure our employees know they are appreciated," he said turning, "is there anything I can do to make you feel special?" Mandy's tongue felt like it had swollen to fill her whole mouth as she stammered out "N-n-not that I can think of right now." Why was she so nervous around him? Was there more to his actions? Mr. Jones turned from the window and looked directly into her eyes "If you think of anything, feel free to let me know immediately, otherwise, you may return to your desk." Mandy stood up, almost tripping. As she sat back down at her desk, she could feel the heat in her cheeks from blushing and sudden, almost pleasant warmth spreading out from her stomach. Perhaps things were about to get a little more interesting around the office after all. Mandy smiled silently to herself and began typing out another report, all the while her mind bombarded her with images of what might lay beneath Mr. Jones's suit.