Sharing Your Love

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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Jeff proposed something to his mate a few weeks ago while they sat in bed reading, and for a bit it nagged at both their minds. Relationships were different than they used to be. There wasn't just a relationship anymore, you had polygamous, monogamous, open, and all sorts of new avenues to try. Something about the allure of it all began to call at the couple, so they called a few friends to see just what the fuss about this was.

Hey everyone! Decided to give a different sort of story--not quite in my comfort zone, but decided to push that a bit for this one, try something new. Go at a different type of relationship. Hope you enjoy: feel free to point out any errors, be they grammatical or just an odd section of text. Wrote it all in just a bit though; test how quickly I could get a story out.

Nothing but a smutty story--so I'll just be quiet and let it begin!


"So...are you sure about this?"

"It was your idea Jeff," the wolf said, looking suddenly worried that this was all just a trap to see if he'd go along with it. That couldn't be true though, after all, it had taken him a good week with many hours filled talking to convince him. Then again, he always did over think these sorts of things.

"I know...I just...well...." Jeff replied, letting the end hang in the air.

"This isn't going to change anything will it?" Matt asked, biting his lower lip, "I mean, you'll still love me just as much won't you?"

"Of course not!" the hunky dobie replied, quickly leaning down to steal a kiss from his mate and assure him their love wouldn't change at all. "It's not like we're seeing other people...not like that at least..."

"I know..."

"And you know that if I had even the slightest inkling you were liking another guy more than me I'd chop his dick off?"

"Not the image I want in my head right now!" Matt growled quickly, but his lover just began to laugh at him. It wasn't particularly an image he ever wanted either way, but even less so when he knew they were going to be embarking on such a different little journey. It had all started out so innocently: sort of. Jeff had asked him one what it would be like to open up their relationship--a little at least, after all, Devin and Landon were open to such an idea, why shouldn't they try it? It wasn't like they didn't all know each other--they'd gtten to know one another well enough over clubs and bars and even a few double dates over the years, the two even came over most Sundays for dinner.

"If you don't want to..."

"I...I'm sure I'll be better once we just get know me, I get the jitters," Matt replied with a wave of his paw, which was taken up by his dobie boyfriend's. He looked over at the muscled fur and felt immensely better, getting that smile that only he ever got--that would be his, and his forever.

And now they were going to be doing something very different. His grey fur stood on end the entire time, like he was watching a horror movie or something. Matt chewed at his lower lip for a few moments, jumping at the sound of their doorbell ringing, even if he'd been expecting it nearly all day.

Soon enough two new presences entered the room, a surprisingly buff looking fox--though it wasn't as surprising when the hours at the gym were accounted for. He had a quirky smile and had even brought a bottle of wine, though Matt wasn't sure why. At the fox's side was an onyx colored feline with--to say the least--stunning green eyes that played in the light no matter how bright or dim. The panther was nice too: Matt had always gotten along best with Landon after all.

"Glad you two could make it," Jeff announced, breaking the slightly odd silence in the air.

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world," Devin the fox assured them, grinning at his friends who he was a bit more than eager to get to know even better. It wasn't that Landon didn't give him everything he needed--that wasn't the case for either party. No, they simply were exploring a new avenue in their lives.

"How has the weekend treated you guys so far?" Landon asked after a minute, "I mean, sure it's about to get better that I'm here but you know,"

"Arrogant as always," Matt joked at the panther, finally speaking. Speaking felt better, much much better. These were his friends after all!

"Well...we know what we're here I'm sure soon enough I'll convince you it's not arrogance,"

"Please, I heard panthers' have small cocks anyhow,"

Landon laughed in good-nature at the sting, but threw a wink at the grey-furred wolf and opely adjusted his package.

"Either of you two care exactly how we do this?" Jeff asked, rubbing his arm a bit bashfully.

"I don't guess real preference between the two of you...I mean, you're both hot," Devin replied, his paws in his pocket casually and seeming to handle the situation best. Then again, he was a fox--even if it was a bit of a stereotype. Of course, his mate nodded quickly enough.

"If you don't mind Matt...I'd like to have a go at you," Landon said, the cocky tone not there anymore and instead replaced by a bit of timidity. Still, he was smirking at the wolf and blushing a bit under his fur--though Devin would've been the only one to know him well enough to tell. The wolf in front of him blushed much more heavily though--obviously. It grew too, much much more at how the next bit transpired.

"That leaves you and me Big-Fellah," Devin observed, stepping forward, putting an arm around the free dobie, and jerking him into a sloppy first kiss. Of course, Matt couldn't help but note after a few stunned moment his mate returned it a bit. They silently exchanged a slightly awkward approval of the action with a quick stare.

Jeff found his legs quickly enough. He let out a hot growl and let his own arms circle around Devin before jerking him into a rough embrace and groping his rump--the fox's swishy tail wagging as he did. They kissed for a minute before Devin pulled back.

"Want to top or bottom?"

"Oh come-on Dev...after all the things Landon has said about this ass," Jeff said with a smirk, giving the referred item a courtesy smack, "I'm going to see if the legend is true," he said before returning to the kiss, giving just a bit of distance so Devin could work at the annoying buttons on his shirt.

Matt wondering for only a moment if his lover thought the kiss was better than his own; though he knew that wasn't the case. He watched the display, the shirt fell, then Devin's shirt came off. The two's paws roamed all around, not being gentle and certainly not shy. It didn't take long before there was a clink of metal and Matt watched as his mate's pants fell on the floor, pooled around his ankles. He smiled nervously at the dobie, but Jeff was only focusing on the fox who was on his knees, and soon enough the red furred male was sucking along his dobie's cock. How did they get so into it so quick? Not that it wasn't hot. It's just that he kept thinking about how Jeff's dick belonged in his muzzle; not Devin's. Matt shook his head though; now was no time to be getting possessive.

Soon enough he didn't have time. A yelp of surprise escaped him as a black paw groped him through his workout shorts, a heavy purr radiating in his ear.

"Not a bad show, but I was thinking you'd want to see if that little comment about panther's is true or not,"

Matt let out an involuntary moan as the paw cupped his low-furred-hangers and rolled them about, even nodding without quite knowing it either. A sound caught his attention again and he looked over at his mate, pushing on Dev's head to get the fox off his cock.

"Damn Dev--you're not gonna give me a rest are you?" the dobie asked, still pushing against the fox whose tongue was searching and tasting dobie meat. Matt couldn't blame the fox--it was a good cock: a real good cock.

"Just being greedy Buddy...if you're offering cock I'm going to take it," Devin laughed, but gave a small yelp as the bigger muscled dog lifted him off his feet.

"OK...if that's how you want to play it...get that ass in the bedroom,"

"Guest bedroom?"

Matt caught the look and nodded in confirmation at his mate.

"Guest," Jeff said, stepping out of his pants and chuckling as the fox slipped his own down, "If you're good I might just give that a lick or two,"

"Don't let his ego get to his head," Landon said from the side, reminding Matt of his own situation, and how, somehow, his cock was now hard and pulsing between his legs. Had he been distracted? Apparently. He watched the two canines move off, heard a door close and happy yelp.

"How about we get to the main bedroom?"

"Heh...umm, well, I guess," Matt admitted, still feeling rather timid, but a bit more warmed up to the idea if it meant getting to see what the panther was packing. He wasn't quite sure what was wrong with him, how he missed the fingers, but his attention was soon completely caught. "Oh!"

"Someone's prepared: I like that," Landon told the wolf, surprised when his spit lubed finger had just slipped into the wolf's willing tunnel, "You got fucked this morning didn't you,"

"Chhh," Matt huffed, not feeling the need to answer how he got fucked every morning--well, sometimes he did the fucking. Still, for some reason his dobie hadn't gotten him off today, and he was beginning to feel the effects again. He let out a small whine as the finger left his tunnel and was spun around for a quick kiss.

He tried to return the kiss; he really did. But it was hard to get into it. Still, he let himself be led to the bedroom, passing the guest room and hearing his mate saying all sorts of things that were normally directed at him. Soon he found himself sitting on his bed, with his friend straddling his lap. They broke the kiss so his shirt could be peeled off.

"Hmm...not bad looking,"

"I know," Matt tried to sound confident, but was a bit embarrassed, a new emotion after so long of being entirely comfy. He was the heftiest of his friends--had lovehandels and pounds to show his love of food. But he wasn't fat, but surely he was big enough to keep his lover warm in the cold nights: he did keep his lover warm.

"I like it...haven't ever been with a guy with a bit of a gut,"

"Hmmph," Matt huffed against the panther's muzzle, leaning in for a kiss--to force himself to do the kiss. So this was an open relationship--to enjoy another male. No strings. Landon was his friend, and they both had cocks, both liked cocks, and that was it. That was all there was he told himself. He burrowed his tongue into the feline's slimmer muzzle while Landon groped his chest and back, the paws feeling so very different than what he was used to.

After a minute they broke apart from one another to breathe, the panther grinning at his friend and reaching down to grope very desirable area, "How about I just fuck you into bliss? Jeff says you tend to bottom anyway....that OK? I'll show you panther cock is more than big enough to get the job done,"

"We'll see about that," Matt replied with a slightly less forced smirk.

"Yeah!" there was a bark from the other room, "That's it!"

"Gonna tie you! You want my bone!?"

The reply never came, probably due to locked lips of the other room.

"Well, I think we're behind!" Landon said with a laugh, moving off his friend and beginning to work on his own shirt. A quick grope over his own member made him chuckle and in the time his vision had been blocked he found the wolf quickly down on his knees in front of him.

Matt pulled down the last article of clothing, "I guess someone is prepared too," he said, not minding the panther went commando--it was kind of hot. His eyes couldn't help but meet up with the main guest of his room. The pink meat was standing tall and proud. It wasn't as thick as Jeff's, nor as long, and it lacked a knot. But it had those barbs, they were supposed to be very interesting--or so he'd read online. He swallowed the lump in his throat, and moved his lips over the rod. The barbs tickled a little, but he pushed the fears away, all of them--and for a brief instance to assure his body, pretended it was Jeff.

That was all it took for the moment. He knew it wasn't Jeff, but imagining it had been was good enough to get him started. He let his tongue wrap around the pillar of flesh as he began to bob his head--finding the paw that landed on his head a not so unwelcome addition to the new mix already.

"Ooohhh...there you go," the feline purred.

It was a different taste. Not a bad taste, but certainly different from the one he'd come to love and know. That didn't stop him from sampling it fully though, his courage was beginning to grow and grow.

This was fun. That was the best way to describe it. It had been college since he'd sucked a fur that wasn't Jeff off just for fun. He remembered the joys of it now; that little thrill that came with not caring about anything else. Sure he and Jeff were like that plenty, but this wasn't Jeff, this wasn't as important. That was the point though; this was for him, and he got to be greedy. Or at least he thought till the cock was pulled from his lips.

"OK that's enough...time for the main event,"

"But I just started," Matt complained with a scowl, fighting to not just dive back down on the panther and enjoy himself: hell, he knew Landon would enjoy it too!

"Come-on...up on your feet, out of those shorts, and ass off the bed...stop pouting or I'll just go join them," Landon joked, bopping the fur on his muzzle with his barbed member and getting a grin from his friend as he did. Soon enough they were in position and he was filling up the lubed wolf, but still taking his time.

After a minute his balls were nestled against Matt's. He played with the wolf's stomach, enjoying the plushness of it; how Matt was very gropable in a way so different than Devin was. He made sure to roll his hips. "How's that?"

"Feels different...go slow to start, OK?"

"I will don't worry....anyone ever tell you you're hell-a-fun to grope?"

"What do you think Jeff does all the time?"

"Good point...can't blame him either...with a body like yours,"

Matt murred happily at the compliment, who didn't like getting called sexy. He made sure to do the same though and winked at the panther, "You're not so bad yourself...this is probably the best intro to cats I could get, isn't it?"

"You know it is...a cock like mine...I'll have you purring in no time...and yes, dogs can purr too," Landon joked, grinding himself against the dog who let out a happy whine--a sound he was used to being quite a bit higher.

A sudden smack against the wall next to them made them both jump. Matt leaned up to look at the area the sound came from, but the following rhythmic bumping told them very quickly what was happening on the other side. Matt wondered again what his mate was thinking for a moment more. It only lingered an instance though before his back arched and his cock pulsed against his belly.

"Oh fuuuck..." Matt groaned, when the panther jumped with him--causing something brilliant in his loins. But more important was the revelation: realizing that secret trick now. It wasn't about the thinking--no, they had thought about it before, they agreed on this. Now there was only actions, only enjoying the freely given benefits each fur had to offer. He would think about Jeff, think about how much his lover meant, but with the others? With the others he would just enjoy the thrill.

"Fuck who?" Landon asked, smirking down at the wolf.

"Who else do you think you ass-hole? Me!" Matt barked back at the arrogant panther; seeing a bit clearer that the feline was the talkative type--not minding fishing for a compliment even if he was balls deep in another male. Actually, especially if he was balls deep in another male. The thought was quickly interrupted by a hot, churning feeling as the panther pulled out before sliding back in, making him groan.

"You'll adjust pretty quick, don't worry," Landon alerted his bed-fellow to the sensations the barbs were causing, "And hey, I've been told they feel pretty good,"

Matt grimaced for the first minute, nodding his head for the panther's sake but just riding out the initial not-so-pleasant wave. The grimace evolved though, to a neutral look, and then to a smile as the pleasure became more and more evident. The barbs certainly produced a different feel than his lover's smooth cock, but a nice different. The first moan left his muzzle, and then another, and then another one.

Soon his breathing consisted of moans--at least when the panther's lips weren't attached to his own. It was easier to battle the slimmer tongue, but he liked letting Landon win--it made the panther thrust harder into his ass, and he liked that. His own cock leaked happily against their meshed bodies, making a mess of their furs, but one he knew could be cleaned later.


"See, you're liking it..."

"Might like it more if you weren't talking," Matt replied with a grin--finding he really could get into this. He could enjoy it; just like his mate was enjoying a serving of fox ass. He was quickly being treated to the panther's barbed member, groaning the first few times as he became more and more accustomed to the newer sensations.

But it was a nice ride he found out. After the first few minutes the general stupid grin popped over his muzzle and he clenched at the panther's member while his paws clenched at the sheets, wondering just what he could do to make it all better.


Landon smirked down at the wolf, and nodded towards the adjacent room, "Sounds like their having a good time,"

"Bet I'm having a better time," Matt wagered with a chuckle, stroking his needy member. The panther just rolled his hips against him, making Matt give a happy moan. He lolled his head back to show off for the panther, throwing in a lip bite for fun as he did.

"Mmmhmm, keep it up," the dark-furred feline told his friend with a purr, "see what that gets you,"

"Ohh--that's it," Matt said, "Damn it that's what I need," he slurred a bit, quickly realzing that his tongue was getting looser and looser by the moments. Jeff teased him, that his calm demeanour had to have a release and that this was it; that when he got horned up all sorts of things he'd never say began to slip from his muzzle. "Awwwshit! That's good!"

"You like that?" Landon asked, giving the wolf another rough thrust into his rump. Matt's stomach shook a little with the force, but he liked that look; he could see how Jeff would just want the wolf to lie on his back--play with him. But he had other plans and he quickly pulled out of the surprised wolf.

"What the hell Landon?" Matt asked, looking up from his spot and wanting that pleasure back--wanting to be filled up again and taken like a good doggie, even if he wouldn't act anything of the sort.

"Come-on...doggie-style, hike that tail up,"

Matt chuckled a little but obeyed the command, doing as he was told and looking over his shoulder when he was in position to give a happy bark--something that made the panther grin all the more widely. He pushed back as soon as he felt Landon against him, that familiar warmth soon began to fill him again, making him groan happily as he was rewarded for his actions.

They built up to a rough, happy pace quickly enough, with Matt pushing back against each thrust while his cock bounced in the air below him--sometimes leaving a mark in the sheets. His tail trashed as he felt that barbed cock tearing through his hole and his tunnel, filling him up on each up and down motion he did rode in accordance with the hot feline's hips. Landon gave him a few surprises by growling and grunting in his ear, even if it just served to make him all the more eager to get dicked by the feline. He wanted to get the panther off, he wanted to let the panther use him for the time being--just like he used his friend: every inch of pleasurable inch. His cock was swinging more wildly now, slapping against his stomach which was jiggling with the force while he cursed happy praises to the panther, all of which Landon was more than eager to drink in.

There was a symphony of sounds to their mating, filling the bedroom and probably escaping down the halls as their fucking became quicker, louder, and in overall rougher. Matt barked back at the panther, his eyes screwed shut as he rode the prick being jammed back into his ass just as much as he it was shoved back in. His cock kept shooting small shots of pre into the bed while he knew Landon was filling him up on the other side--but he wanted something more than just the pre.

"Ahhhfuck!" Matt barked as his cock pulsed harder against his belly, "Harder!" he barked back at the panther.

The hunky panther grunted and obeyed the wolf--more than happy and eager to please, and Matt knew Landon wanted him to cum just like he wanted the panther to do so. The absence of the knot meant he got every bit of the cock everytime, that was a new enough sensation to have him barking mad--something he indulged himself in whenever he felt like it. "Oooh! Fuck me--that's it, fuu..."

Matt nearly bounced back against the bed, but he didn't feel anything except that hot white pleasure that was built up in him like a breaking dam. An almost breaking dam. He pressed back to get more from Landon, but the panther wasn't doing anything. He whined pitifully and nuzzled against the feline's cheek, asking him to continue--begging to get bred into bliss.

"I think we'd disappoint if we stopped now," Landon grunted, giving a particularly rough thrust into the dog below, who reacted violently enough to make him wonder if he'd actually given that needed edge. He ground himself into his friend and nudged his muzzle against Matt's, "We're being watched after all,"

Matt felt his head snap to the doorway, seeing Ivan and his own mate standing there--watching. Watching and by the looks of their proud pillars at their waist, enjoying what they were seeing quite a bit. Jeff smirked at his lover and licked his lips, "Gotta admit Hun, you look great getting dicked by Landon,"

That made the other couple laugh a bit, but Matt mostly blushed--even heavier when the panther told him it was OK to admit it. And even heavier still when his own lover--his Jeff--said the moans and barks gave more than enough away. Not that it was wrong, even with more and more blood running in his cheeks his cock stayed rock hard and he moaned when the feline.

"Well, don't stop by our account," Devin alerted, motioning for the two to continue.

"Oh...I'm not stopping this for anything," Landon grunted, rolling his hips against the wolf's rump and getting all sorts of nasty words from the normally docile fur. He pulled back and let Matt pick up the pace again, something the wolf took to quickly.

They soon picked back up their pace, and the wolf didn't bother to hide the fact that he was pushing back to meet every little twist and thrust into his ass. Actually, after a minute he realized that was what the panther was making him do, he was doing all the work. He let his ears flatten on his head, "Come-on Landon...don't be mean," he whined, knowing that, at least with Jeff, that would always get him what he wanted.

"But you're enjoying yourself so much...I don't want to interfere,"

"I'd enjoy it more with you helping a bud out,"

"Heh...well, how about I get those two lazy asses over here then?" Landon asked, nodding towards the fox and dobie who had been quite content to watch, at least until the slightest hint of an invitation came. Before Matt could agree he found himself being held against the panther's chest while the two new furs joined in on his fun.

"Hun, how about you show Matt here that legendary ass off?" Landon asked, seeing the fox grin and nod before laying on his back and spreading his legs for him.

" me Babe," Jeff began, helping the three get adjusted so his mate could experience that bliss he so normally got out of him. The wolf barked, yelped, and muttered plenty of curses as he hilted into the fox, "you will love this...but you can't bark,"

"What? Fuc--" Matt began, about to tell his mate off--as he was ought to do when overly horny--but gave a yelp as he was shoved back onto his paws and a hardening cock was slapped against his muzzle. He immediately stopped and felt his subby side take over--maybe it came from years of loving to bottom, or maybe he was just particularly horned up, it didn't matter to him. His mate was going to give him a treat--his treat--the treat he could take whenever he watned: that he'd probably be taking tonight, that he'd wake his mate up to, and so much more sorts of fun.

"I know you weren't about to say something mean to me," Jeff told his mate, smearing his member across the wolf's lips and making Matt whine a quick no. " just open wide for your treat, OK?"

"Mmmhm," Matt replied, feeling it slip between his lips just barely before slipping out. "Please Jeff," he mumbled, giving the red flesh a few sloppy kisses to convince his mate to let that thick rod find its rightful home in his muzzle. A whine of happiness left him quickly enough and he began to suckle hungrily on the cock--tasting that familiar pleasure, but also something new.

"Mmmm," Matt moaned after a moment--the fox musk wasn't so bad. He found it pleasant to his nose: at least while he was so horned up and already in the midst of such debauchery. It might've smelt worse if his mate didn't have his approval. But he did. And he was going to enjoy the same bounties. He suckled along his mate's shaft, looking up at the dobie to give that 'cute, sexy' puppy eye look his mate loved so much.

"You can start fucking him again...he'll be a good puppy," Jeff alerted Landon, knowing that with his lover more focused on nursing his cock that he'd last longer. Not very long though, perhaps only seconds longer. Matt still moaned a thanks up to him, and he ruffled the wolf's head-furs before gripping on and forcefully sliding those talented lips up and down.

Matt pushed back against the warmth in his ass--feeling the tightness of Devin grip at him as he did. He couldn't help a quiver of enjoyment in his hips before slamming them down, only to realize how much he wanted that rod to go further in him. He got back till his tip was out of the fox's tunnel, and slipped back in; rewarded on his return journey. Eagerly he pushed back, and then forth, his mind not quite understanding the obviousness of what was happening. A wet, warm tongue that ran over his cheek made him look down temporarily to see Devin lapping at both his muzzle and his mate's balls and knot.

Matt growled at the fox, asserting that this was his place--now it was his turn to treat his lover's cock, not the fox's. He watched as Devin just rolled his eyes before giving another quick lick. He would've nipped at the fox, but it wasn't worth leaving his lover's rod unattended, so instead he just slapped his knot against the fox's pucker, but the previous ministrations to that part only made the canine moan.

After a moment he snuffled before deciding to enjoy himself fully again; to let the three males use him as they saw fit, that was what he was here for now. He wasn't sure if any of them knew which moans were tahnks to them, but it didn't matter. Some were for Landon, others for Devin, and some for Jeff, but in the end they belonged to all three of the amazing furs: they all gave him this feeling.

"Ooh yeah...that's a good that tongue," Jeff grunted, getting Max to brefily look up at his mate, though it didn't take long to realize just where the fox's tongue was working. He could allow that though--Devin was helping him but no interfering with his part of his mate. The dobie's paw gripped at his head fur and began to use him roughly, making him whine a little at the sudden treatment, "You're such a good muzzle Matt--you know that?"

He whined up at his mate more--wanting to prove he deserved the praise. He was at the bursting point and focused all the more intently on the cock in his muzzle. The dobie's low hangers began to smack against his chin as the pace increase, beating the pace of his constantly faltering hips. Still, he was ever thankful for Landon's grace, the panther didn't care what he was doing--he was consistent and never ceased to make him moan. And he moaned happiy for the three males, bobbing his muzzle as quickly as he could over his mate's large prick.

Their game couldn't last forever though--not even quite so long. It was hot enough with just a different person, but throwing back in that familiar presence of their boyfriends was enough to push them to the end--a long awaited end for Matt and Landon, and a short but sweet one for the other two. Try as he might on the muzzle-fucking, and great as it was to have his mate's cock in his muzzle, he couldn't ignore his lower quarters cries for help, to just be released. Of course, that hunger went everywhere, it made him crave his mate that much more, just as much as he craved fucking the fox or reciprocally being fucked by the panther.

Matt moaned heavily--not dimming the noise in the slightest as he thrust back and forth between the two inescapable pleasures. At times he couldn't even decide what he wanted to do: the feeling of the panther in him was so great, but he was also enjoying the sloppy seconds offered by the fox below him too--hell, even the cock between his lips was sweet and pining for his attention. He just let his hips falter at times, stuck moaning as the meat of a very nice sandwich.

It wasn't fair to have all those feelings and having to decide which one would be best to pursue; he wanted them all. In the end all he could do was settle in for the ride, trusting his body to make the best decisions offered with it; just what everyone else was doing. If he'd had a free muzzle he was sure all the words that escaped would've made even the most free-tongued highschooler gape at the language: it was a bad habit. But he did have a free paw, and he made the fox beneath him moan out as he gripped the shaft and began to pump his fist quickly.

He didn't have to worry about that though; Devin was all too eager to thrust up into his paw at the same time, and after a bit his attention faded to something much greater. He noticed that amazing, familiar sensation across his tongue--the growling dobie was a good sign too. He felt the dobie cock pulsing across his muzzle, only giving him a few seconds before it throbbed sporadically and rewarded all his efforts with spurts of hot cum filling his muzzle. He swallowed around the treat, and got another spurt before it was pulled from his muzzle with a suctioning pop.

The first shot splattered against his muzzle and down his back; the others making similar odd marks in his fur and along his muzzle. The free air was quickly taken by his filthy habit--Matt wasn't quite sure what he said at times, or really if he ever spoke. The only thing he was truly aware of was all the times he would whine, yelp, and make all the vocalizations he could while his body began to jerk in ecstacy. Heat filled his body just as it left it; Landon jerking his hips back to force him to meet the panther's every shot into his ass.

The four males trashed on top of one another, suckling, bucking, and each one getting a great treat; giving everything they had to the moment. Even if he hadn't cum in the past two days Matt felt his balls working to empty every last drop into Devin--though he knew he'd have to get off a few more times tonight; he'd gotten far too worked up. He focused on his own bliss, how it just flowed with everyone else's. He got to be the center of it: he got to have Landon growling and bucking his hips roughly against him, to have his mate let him suckle back along the meaty member, and to feel his cum soaked paw play with Devin's still throbbing member.

It couldn't last too long; it was only just a moment. But it was the moment for the furs. It seemed to last forever--that it wouldn't end till the last bit of cum had been drained from its respective owner and given to their friend. And when that was done the only option was to crash.

All four dropped down together, Devin being rather comfortable with the weight mostly on top of him, he couldn't wag his tail though. They laid in the pile, all panting and stroking through a different body's fur with a paw. The closed door kept their combined musk lingering heavily around the room, not that any of them minded at all.

Some minutes passed, Matt still enjoying his afterglow and particularly the nice easy going pace at which he could enjoy his mate's cock. He didn't have to suckle frantically, or to even have it wrapped around his lips. At times he kissed it, other times nuzzled against it, and sometimes just let it be while he grinned up at the hunky dobie he was proud to call his own. He missed the knot in his ass though: he missed it something awful. It just wasn't the same--wasn't as good. He felt relieved, felt happy, but he felt himself. When Jeff fucked him and knotted him he felt like he was Jeff's, like everything else came after his ownership.

"Well...that was interesting," Matt admitted casually after a few moments, like when he saw a wolf going down main street on a unicycle and not like he, his mate, and his best friends hadn't just been going at it. His ears flickered with the happy agreements as he gave the dobie's dick in front of his muzzle a lazy lick.

"Yeah...not bad,"

"Not bad at all," Devin remarked under the pile of furs.

"So...umm," Jeff began and looked at the two furs rather new to the bedroom, "you two want to stay over for dinner?"

Devin looked over his shoulder at Landon before both smiled and nodded.

"Good...and then afterwards how about we play a game?" Matt asked, pushing back agasint the pleasant warmth he could feel beginning to slip out of him.

"This kind of game involve any clothes?" Landon asked, giving the wolf a token lick across his head.

"Nope...especially not for you,"

"Oh...I'm very interested,"

"Good...because it'll be canines vs. felines," Matt replied, smirking at the panther.