First Sight: Week-End

Story by Silverback_CP on SoFurry

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#6 of First Sight

After an unforgettable night H.K. now has everything he needs. He has Leif's phone number, he has his correct address, he can finally take advantage of this opportunity and talk to Leif and see if they really are meant to be . . . but does H.K. want to take it? Especially, when there's a lonely Shawn Bainx waiting in the wings. It's decision time, Leif or Shawn?

Story 6 of 6

Artwork done by BigWolf

First Sight

" Week-End"

By: Silverback Christianpaw


I opened my eyes and licked my muzzle as I yawned. I raised my arm up to scratch my armpit and suddenly realized my feet were very cold, they were not covered by the bedspread. But my belly felt very warm. It was still very dark outside as I looked out the window and the lights were off.

I reached out to pull my blankets up over my body when I felt something big and warm wrapped around my belly. I smiled wide with a little giggle, oh yeah, how could I forget what happened last night?

I turned over and looked into the face of Shawn. All of the memories quickly flooded back in of last night when Shawn and I got undressed downstairs and came up here, and we had sex. It tickled me to think about it. My smile wasn't going to leave my face, I wasn't anymore and it felt great. My mind for the last week had been running at a million miles an hour thinking about Leif Jacobpaw. But then for one night it all went away. Shawn was rubbing himself up against my backside and licking up and down my ears. He told me what he was about to do and I started to get a little nervous because I had never been with anyone before. And yes I will admit that it hurt at first, but then I just started thinking about him. I heard all of the pleasurable moans that were coming out of his mouth and I realized that I was the wolf making him feel like that. Soon, I started feeling good myself. It did hurt, but it hurt so good and I didn't want it to stop. It felt good to be loved. I didn't have many friends, my mom was in her own little world, and as much as I wanted it to, absolutely nothing was going right with Leif. I didn't feel like I was really loved by anyone, and I didn't know what Shawn thought of me now, but it felt good . . . it felt great to be loved, even just for one night.

I smiled and my tail started wagging as I licked on his nose. He snorted for a second before opening his big brown eyes.

"Good morning," I said, my tail thumping against the bed even faster as it wagged.

He giggled, "Mmmm, what time is it?"

I climbed over him and looked at my alarm clock on the nightstand, "It's 5:34 a.m."

"Oh wow," He said mid-yawn, "that's early."

"Well, we did go to bed early last night," I started giggling, I never thought I'd have to say a sentence like that, "And I didn't feel like sleeping anymore, I wanted to kiss you." I gave him little kisses all over his face.

"Hehe, silly pup," he leaned over and kissed me on the muzzle, "Well, how did you sleep?"

"Gooooooooood, and how did you sleep?"

He grunted as he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his hands firmly on my butt cheeks and pulled me closer to his muscular body, giving me a splash of his strong musky scent.

"Oh, I slept wonderfully. A cute, little black pup made me feel very good before I went to sleep." I smiled and he kissed me, and wrapped his tongue around mine again. He had morning breath, but I'm sure my breath wasn't any better.

"Does your butt hurt?" he asked me with a little smile.

Actually it did. I suddenly was very glad that I had taken the time and got into the habit of "stretching myself" with a lubed, big sharpie marker. But my butt was hurting a bit, but it was nothing I couldn't get over.

"Well, you aren't exactly small," I blushed.

He giggled, "Aww, I'm sorry, did I hurt the cute little black puppy?" He pulled me closer until we were chest to chest,

"Well, just a---ohhhh." My crotch was waking up now.

"Hmm," he looked down in between us, "Oh, lookie at what we have here."

I giggled. He reached has warm hand in between us and grabbed it. I gasped.

"Oh! Guh, murr." I groaned.

"Hm-hm-hm," he pinned down my feet with one of his big thick legs and started stroking my penis

I said, "Mmmm, you are too much hehe."

"What are you talking about, I'm just getting started. Silly pup."

Soon I started to feel his poke on me and grow as it rubbed under my sack. He crawled backwards until it was only his head (the one on his shoulders I mean) sticking out from underneath the blanket. I felt his warm breath on my crotch as my erect penis stuck out with a little bit of pre-cum dripping off the top of it.

"Mmmm," he opened his mouth and took in my penis. He started sucking. I remembered he started it last night but never finished.

I closed my eyes and thoughts of my dream started to come back. The thought of Leif with his big muscular arms around me, which made my erection grow even bigger. But why was I thinking about Leif? There was a great guy right here in my bed, I wasn't sure exactly what he thought of me, we did have sex, but two days ago he hated my guts, is he in love with me now? I was confused.

A wrap of his tongue around me quickly snapped myself back into what was going on now. My dick was getting soft and Shawn was taking a few breaths from the sucking. I quickly tried to get myself hard again. I looked down at his head as it sucked on me. His hair was brushing all over my stomach and I decided to run my fingers through his sweaty hair. My erection came back quick and in no time at all I was back in business. I tried not to think about Leif while Shawn was sucking. I started thinking about Shawn. About his big muscular body on me while we were downstairs, and his big thick penis in front of me, on me, in me.

I moaned, it felt so warm and wet. His tongue swirled around my penis like a big snake, and to make it even better, the snake was moving up and down.

"Guff," I looked down and Shawn was moving his head up and down. It didn't take long for the tingle to creep up on me.

"Ohh, I'm so close baby." He was moving his head up and down relentlessly, and before I knew it--

"Oooooooooooo, ahh! Guh!" I came. I started panting. He slid my penis out of his mouth. Soon he crawled back to where he was, face to face with me. He was sweating and panting himself.

I weakly asked him, "Are you ok?"

Gulp. "Ugh, yep," he said.

I smiled, "Thank you. That felt great."

"No problem pup." He looked at the clock again and looked out the window as we noticed the sun starting to come up. "When does your mom get home?"

"Hmm, I don't know, normally she leaves a message on my phone. Which means we'd have to go downstairs."

"Hehe that's fine, I left my clothes down there anyway." He took a few deep breaths before groaning as he sat up and turned and sat on the edge of the bed. I couldn't help but quickly reach out and give him a kiss on his big butt before he stood up.

"Hehe silly pup. Don't make me fart in your face."

I giggled, I kinda liked the idea of that.

We both went downstairs. Our clothes were still lying on the floor, the lights were all still on and the TV was still on. I turned the light off and grabbed my phone, it had one voicemail. I listened to it. It was from mom, she said the same thing she always did, 'drank a little too much and was sleeping over at Nancy's house and will be back tomorrow morning'. She normally didn't get home until around 11:00 in the morning.

I closed the phone and looked around at our clothes on the floor. I started turning into a snooping little wolf as I went over to his pants and pulled out his briefs. I couldn't help but give them a whiff. Now I really like the idea of him farting on me.

"Hey, let me ask you something," he asked walking back from the kitchen with a coke in hand, I dropped the undies before he saw me with them. "I noticed you started getting soft for a minute during the blow job, was something on your mind?"

"Um, yeah but just for a second, but it's over now," I said.

"Thinking about Leif?"

He was good. "Um, well,"

"You can tell me hun."

"Guh, how did you know?"

"Well last night when were sitting down here you said that you loved him, and that doesn't go away in one night, I guessed really."

"Oh," I looked down.

He got down on his knee to my level and petted my head and gave me a little kiss, "Do you still have feelings for him?"

I looked at him. I didn't know how I felt about him anymore. I had been after Leif all week and even while I had somebody else over here I was still thinking about Leif. I didn't know what to say, so I just asked,


He said, "Because I want to be with you."

I smiled, "Really?"

"But I want to be with somebody who wants to be with me."

"Oh, I do! I do!" I hugged his arm tight.

He shook his head, "I don't think so."

I persisted. "No, I really do, I would love to be with you."

He stood up. "Here, I'll make it easy for you." He walked over to the phone that was on the little table next to the couch and grabbed the little thing of post-it notes and the pen next to it. We kept those there for phone messages. I started to frown a little bit as he wrote down on the little pad. He tore the note off the pad and gave it to me. It read two phone numbers and two home addresses. One of the addresses I recognized, it was Shawn's, I remembered from when Leif told it to his friend.

"What's this?" I asked him.

"When you were talking about how much you wanted to be with Leif I was going to give you his information, but we never got around to it."

I looked down at the paper. "Oh my God."

"But there's also my information. This way you can decide what you want."

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to just forget about Leif and be with Shawn, but here's Leif's phone number and address, which is what I had been yearning for, and clawing for, and stuffing myself into laundry sacks for. It was right here in my paws! I now had my chance to finally talk to him.

I looked up at his face again. He looked a little sad. I didn't want to make him sad, I wanted him to be happy.

"But, but--"

He pressed a finger gently on my muzzle, "I'll let you decide. I want a boyfriend but I can't be with a guy who isn't sure if he wants to be with me. I've been there before and it doesn't work. So here's all you need. And whatever you decide, I'll understand."

"But Shawn--" he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"Think about it, ok?" he said.

I nodded my head, "Ok."

"Alright, well I've got to get back before your mom gets home, I'm sure she wouldn't be thrilled to see me here." He started putting the rest of his clothes on. I looked down at the note, one phone number that read "Shawn" next to it and the other with "Leif" written on it. I had everything I needed to be with the guy of my dreams, but what about the guy right in front of me?

I looked up, I wanted to crumple the note right then and there and just tell Shawn that I'm his for the taking, but then I remembered about how I thought of Leif while I was being sucked. It was me thinking about Leif that made me hard. I felt horrible, I was thinking about another guy while he was pleasuring me.

Shawn, now fully clothed, gave me a little wave before closing the door.

I looked back down at the note. This wasn't a decision I could just make right on the spot, because what if he was right? What if I decide to be with Shawn but I keep having feelings about Leif? That wouldn't be fair to Shawn, that would crush him.

* * *

I lied on my freshly-made bed. I washed my sheets and blanket after making a mess of it last night, plus the lingering scent of Shawn wasn't making me feel any better. I put the note on my night stand and just looked up at the ceiling. I was tired of thinking so I decided to quickly clean everything up and got rid of any sign and smell that another guy was here so Mom wouldn't get suspicious. Mom came home hungover. I didn't think she noticed any smell of a horse when she came in because she gave me a little hug before going to the kitchen to get some aspirin.

I put both phone numbers and addresses into my phone, because if I lost the note, or if mom saw it, then I wouldn't be able to do anything.

I still couldn't believe it, I had Leif's number. I could call him or text him and finally get to say hi. I thought of just having a phone conversation with him and telling him what I thought. I figured if he told me that he couldn't be with me for whatever reason then I could just go to Shawn. But my conscious wouldn't let me. It would mean that I chose Leif first and that Shawn was just a back-up.

"Ugh," I put my paws to my face. My brain swirled around in circles.

I tried doing other things to take my mind off it, I cleaned, I tried to eat, I tried to study for my finals, but I just kept thinking about the situation that Shawn had put me in. Why did he have to give me Leif's phone number? He could have just left it alone and we would've been together right now. I would have forgotten all about Leif . . . right?

Shawn just did it to be sure. He's had relationships where he came out as only second best and vice versa. He just didn't want to go through that again, I can understand that. But he shouldn't have given me Leif's number. He said it was to make it easy on me; well it's a lot harder than I thought.

But on the other paw, I have everything I needed now to talk to Leif and let him know how I felt. That I have been going love-crazy over him, that I kept dreaming about him, that I've been trying to get to him for days now, that I'm even thinking of him while I'm being sucked on by someone else . . .

"GAH!!" I screamed pulling the fur out of the top of my head. I heard footsteps. Mom was coming up to the room. She opened the door,

"You ok hun?" she asked pale.

"Yeah, I'm fine mom," I said a little flustered.

"You sure? I'm right here if you need to talk to someone."

I kept looking at the ceiling, "I told you, I'm fine. I'm going to order a pizza ok?"

"Ok sweety, I'll be in my room watching TV. I'll give you some money." I thought that was weird, she normally didn't give me money.

I sat up in bed, "Um, sweet, thanks."

"No problem sweetheart," she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I'll leave it next to the phone."

"Thank you."

"No problem hun," she said with a little smile, I returned a smile back to her.

I went downstairs with my laptop and ordered the pizza, a large with pepperoni, chicken, and extra cheese, with extra ranch.

I sat on the couch with the TV on and my laptop in my lap as I waited for the pizza. I thought that writing a little story would take my mind off the situation. Besides, I haven't written anything in days

"I put on my suit and tie as I got ready for work. I was going to be pulling a long shift and was going to need a pick-me-up during the day.

'Sweety, are you almost ready?' I asked my boyfriend.

"Yep, I'm fully loaded,' he said. I opened the thermos and massaged his penis as I angled it over the opening of the thermos. The big horse started stroking faster as some pre-cum dripped inside'

I stopped typing, "Wait, what the fuck?" I said to myself. I started thinking about Shawn, then I remembered where the idea came from. I thought it would have been funny to come inside a thermos so I could drink his cum during the day. I thought that was funny. He'd probably do it to, I would just have to persuade him, hehe.

My tail wagged at the idea, but I didn't want it to be in my story, so I deleted what I had and tried to start something new

'The match was over. I lied there on the table with the ice-pack to my eye. I had gotten beaten up pretty bad, but it wasn't the pain erecting from my eye that hurt. It was the deal I made with my opponent. I was so confident in myself that we had a bet: whoever lost the match would have to get fucked.

Suddenly the door slammed open and there stood my opponent, a 6'11 tall, 502 pound blue and white wolf named Silverback.

'Alright stumpy butt, you know the deal, assume the position.'

'No, I haven't even showered yet' I pleaded looking up at him.

He looked at me with a devious smile, 'Neither have I, I just couldn't wait to get inside this little black wolf. '

'But, but--'

'On your knees bitch!' He pulled down his wrestling trunks, his dick was already erect, it was huge! He walked up to me waving his big horse-sized meat in my face. The horse pushed me off the table and I fell to the ground on all fours. His muscles were twice the size of mine, there was no way I was going to be able to stop someone this big. I mean, I have competed against horses before, but never one this big."


I stopped tying, "Huh? Silverback is a wolf, how did I jump to . . .? Oh, gah!" I slammed the laptop down on the couch cushion, the screen closed half-way on impact. I looked down at the floor with my paws over my face as I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm going crazy," I said to myself.

The doorbell rang, it was the pizza I ordered.

"Finally," I said. I grabbed the money mom left for me off the table and quickly counted it. As I headed for the door I started to smell a familiar scent. I opened the door and there stood the pizza delivery boy. He was a tall and rather muscular tiger wearing a dark-red jacket and a "Leon's Pizza" hat. The tiger's scent smelled familiar, it was on the tip of my tongue. I knew who this was. It didn't register with me just who was in front of me until I took a look at the nametag,

"Leif Jacobpaw?!" I said in surprise.

"Hey, I remember you, you're the math tutor I talked to," he said.

I smiled, "Hehe, Yes I am, H.K. is the name."

"Hehe cool, well nice to see you again," he looked at the ticket, "That'll be $14.35."

I counted the money to make sure I had the right total plus a good tip. Am I dreaming? Did I fall asleep while I was lying in bed and this was all just a dream?

"I didn't know you delivered pizza!" I said a little too excitedly.

"Yep," he said not as excited.

"Hmm, I thought you wouldn't even have to work being the quarterback of the football team."

"Well, I still need money and my parents don't like to just give me money so I work on the weekends to get some extra pocket money."

"Hehe, well that's cool." I gave him the money. He took it.

"Yeah, I guess. Well, see you around H.K." He turned to walk away from me,

"Wait!" I said.

He turned back around, "Yes?"

I stood there. I wanted to tell him everything. About how I have been trying to get in contact with him for days and that I thought he was so sexy and wanted to know how he'd feel if I asked him out. I wanted him to know all of the things I have done to try and just get a few moments with him. I wanted to tell him that I fell in love with him at first sight and never wanted anything to ever break us up. That I wanted to be with him for ever and ever . . . but that wasn't true anymore.

"Um, do you have my ranch?"

He pointed at the box, "Yeah there's three ranches inside the box."

I smiled, "Oh ok, well have a great night Leif."

"You too, later." He gave me a little goodbye wave before walking back to his car with the empty delivery bag. I closed the door and put the pizza down on the table and quickly pulled out my cell phone. I scrolled down to the number that I wanted to call.

I pressed 'send' and waited as the phone rang. After three rings I heard the 'hello' from the guy at the end of the line.

"Shawn, it's H.K . . . . yeah . . . do you still want that boyfriend?"

* * *


I knocked on his door. My tail had been wagging all morning. Within moments Shawn opened the door, a smile swept over me as I gave him the best and tightest hug I could possibly give someone.

"Hehe whoa, wait a second pup, hold on," he had a big smile on his face as well as he closed the door behind him, leaving us outside on his front porch, "Sorry, I didn't want my parents to see, they don't know about me yet."

I smiled, "I know that feeling."

His smile grew brighter as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed his hands up my back. I stepped in close and before I knew it we were kissing, and it felt a lot different this time, it felt a lot better. There was not going to be any question marks at the end of it because I knew exactly who I was going to be with. I knew how he felt about me, and I finally knew how I felt about him. I loved Shawn. I couldn't stop thinking about Shawn. I am Shawn's.

I moaned a little muffled moan as I felt his big warm slippery tongue clash with mine. His tongue would easily out-wrestle mine, but I loved the rush.

"Mmmm, I love you Shawn," I said as I broke the kiss and looked up into his eyes.

He smiled, "Do you mean that?"

I gave a smile back to him, "Yes, I love you, and I want nothing more than to be your boyfriend." I smiled a wide smile at him, my tail wagging like crazy. He looked into my eyes and gave me a little chuckle,

"Good, because I love you too, hehe."

Our tongues lock up again in a kiss of pure ecstasy. I couldn't help myself as I unbuttoned and then unzipped his pants and immediately grabbed on his penis. My ears perk up as I hear a muffled moan of delight. I put my paws inside and feel around his big warm butt.

"I have an idea, let's do it right here on the grass. It'll be so fun!" I took my paws out and tried to pull him out to his parent's freshly cut grass lawn. But the big burly horse stopped moving, making me fall backward onto my butt when I kept trying to pull.

"Oww," I whined, "What's wrong? It will be fun." He zipped and buttoned his pants back and kneeled down next to me,

"We can't do it right here, in broad daylight, on my parent's lawn. That's why I have a bedroom silly pup."

I looked down with a blush, "I'm sorry."

He touched my chin and lifted my head back up before kissing me again, "Hehe, that's cute."

I wondered, "What is?"

"This thing that you have."

"What thing?" I said puzzled.

He started chuckling, "You have this quality where once you get an idea in your head you immediately do it without even thinking about it. I think it's cute."

I giggled, "Aww, I don't do that . . . do I?"


(thanks for reading *hugs*)