Health and Fitness: Chapter 5

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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#5 of Health And Fitness

Here is chapter five. Hope you guys like it

Chapter Five

Adrian awoke some time later hearing the sounds of voices outside the tent; the others had gotten up the mountain by now. It was still bright, so he figured he hadn't been out for too long. His muscles were aching and he was sore all over, which wasn't a huge surprise for he never was very active. His head hurt, though his hand and knee were feeling a bit better.

He slowly got up and dressed before heading outside. His bag was outside the tent, which he put away before closing the tent up. His bag was a bit battered and torn, but nothing seemed missing from it, except for the tent and sleeping bag. He suspected they were lost in the woods, he didn't strap them to his bag with much effort.

It was a bit difficult to walk, however still easier than it was before his nap. He limped over to Pete, who was talking to Frank as the others were setting up their tents. Frank's tent was the only other one still up. Frank and Mike had been the second two up the cliff. Pete and Frank waved to Adrian. As Adrian made his way over to them, Pete said, "I found your bag up in a tree, I think some things might have fallen out. Were you missing anything?"

Adrian shook his head, "Um... A sleeping bag and tent, I think that's about it."

"Ah, well you can share mine." Pete replied as Frank smirked.

"How is your head?" Asked Frank.

"Oh, It's better, thanks." Replied Adrian.

Frank then nodded, "Thats good. Glad you turned out alright, must have been scary."

Adrian shrugged, "I think I blacked out when I hit my head, I don't remember the whole thing."

"Oh, that's good.. I think.." said Frank, looking around, "Hey, I'm gonna go check the area for some firewood before it gets too late. See you guys later."

Pete nodded and said, "Don't get lost." He smirked, as if referring to something as Frank ran off, leaving the two alone.

Adrian turned to the wolf, "What time is it?"

Pete looked at his watch, "It's a little after three. You were asleep for a few hours."

Adrian was shocked, it didn't feel like he was asleep for more than a minute. Pete chuckled, "Enjoy your nap?"

Adrian smiled and said, "Slept like a rock."

Pete grinned, "I noticed. You looked adorable."

Adrian felt himself blush, "Thanks." He paused for a moment, looking around." Where um.. Is the bathroom?"

Pete pointed at the forest, "just walk until you feel you have enough privacy."

Adrian's heart sank, he really didn't like having to pee in the wild."

Pete laughed, "You'll have to get used to it. No bathrooms until we get back to Bill's house."

"Not so much as a shower, huh?" Adrian frowned.

Pete shrugged, "You could take a dip in the pond, if you like. I can show you. We have a bit of time before Bill gets here."

Adrian nodded, "Sure, I would like that."

Pete chuckled, "Alright, I'll just get our bags and we can head out." He then went to grab their stuff without another word.

Adrian was starting to find Pete's eagerness to do things together a little annoying, but thought that maybe that was just how couples acted. The idea of actually being with someone was still new to him. He rolled his eyes, he felt he may have to tell Pete to slow down for fear of getting proposed to by the end of the trip.

Pete returned quickly, insisting to carry Adrian's bags for him. They walked on the path made from tire tracks, the landscape sloped downward the entire time. Once at the bottom of the tall hill, there was another, smaller path leading deeper into the forest. The trees now were too dense for a car to drive through.

Eventually, they made their way to a large pond, no bigger than a backyard pool. There was a small stream connected to either side of the pond. Pete put their bags down beside a tree and started to undress himself. Adrian took this time to relieve his bladder and get the mixed sexual fluids inside his vagina that he had just realized was still there. Having never really had sex, he forgot that it would still be there.

By the time Adrian had undressed and taken off his bandages, which he didn't feel he needed anymore, leaving himself in only his panties, Pete was already swimming in the pond, completely nude. Pete looked over at Adrian and waved, "Come on in, the water is fine."

"Yeah, hold on." He blushed, he had never been naked out in the open before and was scared someone might find them. Then his secret would be out to everyone. He had already revealed it to two more people than he would have liked. He put his boots and clothes next to the towels Pete had laid out for them for after they washed up. Adrian then walked over to the water, feeling the cold liquid with his foot. He sighed, taking off his panties, throwing them with the rest of the clothing. Pete giggled, watching Adrian with a strange hunger in his eyes. Adrian laughed to himself and shook his head at the horny wolf watching him.

He decided he would just bite the bullet and dive right into the water. It was freezing, yet, when he resurfaced he felt so refreshed. Pete was right in front of him, casually swimming towards him. Adrian dipped his head into the water again, washing out all the dirt and dried blood from his scalp as his body did it's best to adjust to the cold.

The two swam over to each other, Adrian wrapping his arms over Pete's shoulders. Their bodies were now pressed together as they kissed one another, almost sinking a few times. The tip of Pete's wolf cock was poking out slightly from his sheath, occasionally brushing against Adrian's lower lips.

Pete aligned his body against Adrian's so that the tip of his penis began to push open Adrian's sex, inserting himself enough so that as he got aroused, it glided directly into Adrian's silky depths, his sheath pressed against the lion's mound. Adrian let out a soft moan as he held Pete close, working a little harder to stay afloat. Adrian continued to moan softly as the growing member slide deeper and deeper into him. Pete pulled out a little bit to keep from knotting Adrian later, not wanting to tie with Adrian while swimming, which would be all sorts of awkward.

Instead, he made short, quick thrusts upward into Adrian, keeping his member enclosed within the lions warm folds. Their breathing became heavy, kissing with a fiery passion. It became difficult for Adrian to stay afloat, though, Pete managed to pump in and out of Adrian without much difficulty.

It was a new experience for the both of them, Adrian was still trying to get used to sex at all. He already felt he was on the verge of the third orgasm of that day. The thick shaft pumping away, filling him with, the sensation was incredible. He couldn't believe how quickly they were back at it after the time in the tent, no could he believe how badly he wanted to be doing this.

As they embraced, both moaning in pleasure, Adrian was reaching his limit, as well as Pete. Those same waves of pleasure that wracked his body surged through Adrian, the kind that only the canine he held could give. As he felt the walls of his sex press tight around the wolf's throbbing member, it began filling him with it's warm seed in large twitches. They laughed, trying to stay above the water as they rode out their awkward orgasms. Adrian wondered if this was what it felt like to be in love with someone.

Pete slowly pulled out, shivering as the rush of cold water around his hot member discomforted him. Some of his cum floated into the water between him. The kissed and smiled at one another. Adrian giggled and coughed, "That was fun and all.. But I don't think I want to do that again. I think I inhaled some water"

Pete laughed, "Yeah, I think I did, too." He grinned floated towards their towels, "I think we should dry off. Don't want to return to the camp site soaking"

Adrian nodded, "Sounds like a good idea." He then took another dip underwater to fully wash himself. He then headed over the the towels. Immediately upon exiting the pond, Pete covered Adrian up with a towel, drying him off while they hugged and kisses. They set the towels down, drying off under the sun beside the water, talking to each other, completely nude. Adrian felt fully relaxed, he no longer felt nervous about being naked in the open around Pete. They talked for about an hour, about television or movies. Adrian was happy to be able to geek out with someone he thought would never be interested in any of that stuff. Pete explained that he only got into sports to get closer to a guy who turned out to be straight and quite the douche-bag. Before wrestling, Pete played card games and read comic books. He still did though he never really told anyone about his inner geek.

Before long, they had completely dried. Adrian turned over to Pete and asked, "Do you think we should head back? I'm getting kinda hungry."

Pete nodded, "Yeah, lets head back." With another kiss, they dress themselves and again, Pete insisted on taking both of their bags. The two then made their way back through the forest.