Arcane love (continued part 3)

Story by Uzukitty on SoFurry

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here's some more... finally some racial interaction!!! XD please give feedback :3

Back at the village Terra had the villagers bring all the dead to the center, both tiger and human. Then she summoned her magic and whispered words of peace as she commenced to send their bodies back to the earth. Both their clothes and flesh alike turned to black ash which then sank into the soil and disappeared completely. Afterwards, Terra found her father sitting on a bench with his head in his hands.

"Daddy what's wrong?" Terra approached him and sat next to him, sensing his distress.

"Your mother always said that violence wasn't the answer. But when I found out that you were gone, thought to be dead, all I wanted was blood. Your mother would be ashamed of me." He explained with a heavy heart. "I just couldn't bring myself to forgive them for taking you from me."

Terra took his hands. "It's okay. You didn't know the details of the matter. Do you really think if someone had hurt you or I that mother would have just looked the other way? No, she would have fought, just like you did."

Her father gave her a half hearted smile. "Maybe you're right Terra girl."

"I know I'm right, so don't beat yourself up over it anymore. It's over and done with and we have a chance to make a better future." Terra hugged him as she saw the pride on his face. They were interrupted by Dorian clearing his throat.

John rose and walked to the tiger. "I know you have every reason to hate me, but I hope you can forgive me for what I almost did Dorian." He extended his hand and was surprised when Dorian immediately took it.

"I would have done the same thing to anyone who had taken Terra from me. I have no hard feelings about that. We tigers mate for life, so we are extra vigilant in protecting our women." Dorian smiled as he winked to Terra.

"Is that what she is to you, your mate?" John asked.

" Of course she is. I intend to make my wife." Dorian stated matter-of-factly.

" Oh you do, do you?" Terra stood smiling. " I don't remember accepting any mate claim Dorian Tigralia." She eyed him with the mischievous humor in her eyes.

Dorian came to her then. "Terra, I love you. I can't live without you by my side, I know that now. Please, will you be my mate, my wife, my everything?"

Terra's heart flooded over with love as her face lit up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. "Yes! Yes I will be your wife." She nuzzled against him and made the chuffing purr sound of a very content tigress.

Dorian spun her around as he nuzzled his mate. " I love you Terra."

This time it was John who cleared his throat. "That's wonderful and I'm very happy for you, but until you're married, how about keeping the physical contacts to a minimum?"

"Daddy that's not the way things work in their society. Touch is very important to all the clan members, not just mates." Terra tried to explain.

" Well then I'm sure Dorian will at least wait to beg you... right?" Her father looked sternly at both of them.

" But I..." Dorian was stopped by Terra placing her finger to his lips.

" Of course he will wait." Terra winked at him and he grumbled an agreement.

Dorian kissed her and went to talk to his men. They have decided to have the humans stay the night, so extra food would have to be gathered.

Meanwhile, Terra took her father on a tour of the village. She introduced him to Ezekiel, and told him about her performances. Then she introduced him to Alondra and her cubs, as well as Sarah and a few of the other females.

" And where is your house Terra?" John asked her as they walked along the many houses.

" Well, I stay with Dorian." She guided him to Dorian's house and entered. She showed him the bathroom with the running water as well as the shells and other furniture. " He built it all himself. Isn't it great?"

" Yes, it's quite impressive. I noticed however, that there is only one bad." Her father gave her a knowing look that was entirely friendly.

" Daddy please, I'm a woman now. I made a choice to be with him, and I don't regret it one bit." Terra chided him.

John chuckled finally relinquishing his serious look. " I know Terra girl. I was only prodding you. But I am serious about the waiting until you're married to... Continue your activities, okay?"

Terra blushed. " Yes daddy. Rotation

That evening the two groups sat apart in silence. Terra watched as the human man whispered among themselves. She sighed in frustration before nudging Dorian. " Love, we must do something."

" What would you have me do?" He asked her.

" Go over to them. Invite them over, something. They haven't even gotten any food." Terra pleaded with him.

Dorian sighed as he rose and walked over to the humans. " We gathered much more food than usual. It would be a shame to let it go to waste. Come he, drink. We are brothers now."

The men stayed seated until finally John rose and walked to the huge bore that was being carved. He held out his plate and Dorian put a slab of meat on it. " Thanks Dorian. It smells great."

Dorian then handed him a mug with some of their fruit one in. " Here try this, you'll like it."

John sniffed it then took a gulp, which resulted in him coughing and almost dropping his meet. His men were on their feet but he waved them off. In a strained voice he commented. " Holy shit this stuff is strong. What is it?"

Dorian chuckled as he patted John's back. " It's fruit wine. Do you like it?"

"yeah! It's good stuff." John replied before taking another swig, this time more prepared.

His men looked confused, but one by one they came and got a plate. They moved closer to the clan and all of them seemed to have the same reaction to the wine, much to the amusement of the Tigers.

Terra was glad to see everyone interacting. It was a good first step. She kissed Dorian when he came and sat back down. " Thank you."

" You're welcome." Dorian held her close as the night went on.

" So Dorian, should we had out tomorrow?" John asked him.

" Yes, I will leave with you tomorrow." Dorian replied.

Terra looked up at him concerned. " Just you?"

" Why not?" He asked puzzled.

" I think you should take some of your men along, just in case things don't go as planned." She nuzzled her head into his chest.

Dorian could feel the worry coming from her. " All right, I will take Jarrid and Victor, but they will stay in the trees while I approach. If anything goes wrong, I still want there to be a male strong enough to leave the clan."

" Nothing will go wrong, not like that. I won't allow it." Terra replied calmly.

Dorian looked at her thoughtfully for a few moments before continuing. " If the humans refused to discuss peace, what will you do Terra?"

" Come home with you of course." She replied without hesitation.

" Like hell! I'm not losing you again Terra." John almost dropped his wine as he surged to his feet and snapped in anger at his daughter.

" Daddy, if the humans refuse to discuss peace, what do you think they'll do when they find out what I am?" Tara looked to her father with a wisdom beyond her years in her eyes as well as the tender understanding.

Her father knew what they would do. If peace was totally out of the question, then violence is what they would turn to. " You're right Terra. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to say it like that. I just don't want to be away from you like that again. You're all I have left."

She smiled at him then. " I know daddy. Don't worry, we won't be separated. I promise."

After a few moments of silent reflection and resuming his seat, John nodded to his daughter. " Very well then. Tomorrow we head for home. All my men get some sleep." With that he went to his own tent that he set up earlier. His men grumble but they obeyed.

" we should get to bed to." Dorian nuzzled Terra's hair.

" All right, let's go, but remember your promise." She teased as she stood up.

" You mean your promise." He huffed as he followed her, the sound of her laughter almost making it worth it, almost.

Terra curled up against her warrior and sighed. " I didn't think I'd get to do this ever again."

Dorian held her tight as he inhaled her sweet scent. "I was more afraid today that I have ever been in my life."

She propped up on his chest to look at him. " Of losing the clan?"

" Of losing you, Terra. My entire world ended when I saw you take your last breath." He stroked her soft cheek as he held onto her.

Terra purred into his hand as she smiled up at him. " Oh Dorian, I love you!" She kissed him as a small glow began under her skin. " Do you want to know what heaven looks like? I could show you."

Dorian chuckled as he shook his head. Space" I already know what heaven looks like. I see it every time I look in your eyes."

Terra produced little orbs that floated up to illuminate the room with soft blue light. She laughed as she swatted at his chest. " For a tiger, you're such a smooth talker."

He huffed as he smiled down at her. " I haven't heard you complain about it. Besides, Tigers have to win over Tigresses all the time. We have to have something other than just our good looks."

She laughed as the orbs burst above them to rain down a glowing blue mist. " I don't know, your looks did pretty good with this Tigress."

" Well, you're no ordinary tigress. You just proved that with your little light show." Dorian nuzzled her as he began to chuff.

" Mmm, I thought you'd enjoy it, and my powers are strongest when I'm happy." Terra sighed as she rested her head on his chest.

" I did, but I enjoy this much more. I love being with you Terra, good night." Dorian gave her a little squeeze.

" good night my warrior." Terra quickly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

The next morning Dorian and Terra came out of the house to find Jordan, the man who shot her, playing with Zeth and Kiera. He was being very gentle with them even when they weren't with him. As Dorian and Terra approached he froze.

" I wasn't going to hurt them, I promise." Jordan spoke quickly as he stared with wide eyes.

" It's okay, we saw you were playing." Terra smiled at him. " You're very good with them."

Jordan call him a little bit when he saw that smile, and shrugged. " I have two nieces and a nephew their age."

" None of your own?" Dorian asked.

" No, not yet. I haven't found a good woman for the job yet." Jordan smiled and stood up from where he was playing.

Just then, Alondra came out calling for her cubs. She saw them near the human male and gasped. "Zeth, Kiera, what are you doing? Don't you bother them!"

" No, no, it's really all right ma'am." Jordan began. " We were just playing, that's all."

Alondra gathered her two cubs to her. " Come in for breakfast now."

" No! We want to play with Jordan!" Zeth pleaded.

Alondra looked up at the male, who had a very flattering blush on his face. They shared a moment of understanding and she watched as he smiled at them. No one had looked at her cubs like that other than her sense her mate died.

Jordan chuckled as he looked from the cubs to their mother, Alondra was her name. She was by far, the most beautiful tigress there and for some reason, he wanted nothing more than to tell her that. But, she had cubs, which meant a husband, right? "Well kids, maybe, if you eat your breakfast and ask really nicely, your mom will let us play hide and seek later."

"Can we? Can we momma?" Zeth and Keira asked in unison.

" well, let's eat breakfast first, then we'll see." Alondra smiled to the male and nodded to him as her cubs gleefully ran inside. She followed them in, stopping only once to glance back at Jordan.

" Well that was sweet of you." Terra smiled knowingly at Jordan who blushed again and shrugged.

" It was nothing. By the way, where is their father?" Jordan asked.

" He's dead." Dorian replied.

Jordan actually went pale. " Humans?"

" No, lions. Before we signed a peace treaty with them there was much fighting between our races. Alondra's husband died in one of the battles three years ago. She was pregnant with Kiera at the time." Dorian explained.

Jordan was somewhat relieved that it wasn't humans who had taken their father, but still he was sad for them. " Children should have a father in the life."

" You volunteering for the job?" Dorian asked with a toothy smirk.

"Wh...what? No, I mean, I thought Tigers mated for life?" Jordan stuttered.

" We do, but it is not unheard of for two widowed Tigers to marry for companionship. They are just not mates. Alondra is a strong woman. She would make a good companion." Dorian explained and watched the human male turn red again with embarrassment.

Jordan cleared his throat. " Well, I'll keep that in mind." With that he turned and walked back to his tent.

" I never figured you for a matchmaker Dorian." Terra giggled.

He shrugged. " I'm clan leader. It's my job to make sure everyone is taking care of." He smiled to her before pulling her close. " Now, let's get some breakfast to."

" Sounds good to me." Terra kissed him before they went to get breakfast.