Arcane love (continued part 7)

Story by Uzukitty on SoFurry

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so many things going on in this story.. i hope its not getting confusing for anyone.

Hours later, while Dorian and Terra discussed the finer details of the peace treaty, Victor and Jarrid were helping the men work on their tree top city.

"You see Mr. Carlton, the tiger males will be able to finish this project two to three times faster than planned. All we need do is send word back for a few extra hands. "Jarrid explained as he motioned to Victor who was carrying a log, that would have taken at least four human men to tote, by himself with ease.

"I see your point. I just worry about my men being distracted. This alliance is very new to us and some of them are still mortally afraid." Ben Carlton, head of construction, explained as he warily eyed the tigers.

Jessica couldn't stop watching him. He was talking with her father on the ground now and seemed oblivious to her presence, but it gave her an opportunity to look her fill of him. Jarrid was a magnificent male with a tall, lean body, finely toned muscles, and the most amazingly gentle touch she'd ever felt. She had thought walking through the completed levels of their city would take her mind off of him, but it didn't. Her mind kept wandering back to what Terra had said earlier. Flying... pure magic. "I bet it would be magic to be with him, to surrender my body to him." She whispered as she gazed at his back. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a loud cracking noise, accompanied by shouts and more crashing. She looked up in time to see a huge log the man had been lifting with ropes come crashing into the bridge she was on. She screamed as she was thrown from the bridge, over three stories from the ground and knew she was going to die.

Jarrid heard the snap of the rope behind him and all thoughts left his mind accept one; Jessica. He had to get t to her. As the log fell, crashing through the finished structure towards her, he bolted. He ran faster than he even knew possible, and when he heard her scream, he jumped. He lunged at least ten feet into the air and cradled her falling form to his chest before rolling in mid air. He landed hard on his back, but immediately rolled with her to keep her safe from the debris. It was over in seconds and he stroked her back as she clung to him shivering. "Jessica, are you alright? Are you hurt?" He gently tilted her head to look at him and his heart nearly broke when he saw her fearful, teary eyes.

"J... Jarrid. Oh God! No, no, I'm not alright. I should be dead." She sobbed and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his soft chest fur.

Jarrid held her close and rocked her back and forth. "No, Jessica, you're safe now. I have you. Shh, it's okay."

"Jessica! Oh, Jessica, thank God you're alright." Ben Carlton shouted as he made his way over. He saw the tiger cradling his daughter and knew he would give him anything he wanted for saving his precious child. "It's okay now Jessica, you can let go."

"No, no, I won't let go!" She cried as she clung tighter to her warrior, her savior.

Jarrid met Mr. Carlton's eyes and instead of hate or revulsion, he saw only gratitude. "With your permission sir, I could take Jessica home. Just tell me how to get there."

"Yes, I must stay here and tend to my men. Some of them are hurt." Ben sighed as he placed a hand on the tiger's shoulder. "Thank you. Thank you for saving my girl."

Jarrid nodded as he rose to his feet, still holding Jessica to his chest. She was silently sobbing in his arms as her father told Jarrid how to get to their home. He walked much slower than necessary, but he wanted to prolong the experience of holding her. Her tears finally stopped and she gazed up at him, wiping her eyes. Even frightened, she was beautiful.

"How did you do it? How did you get to me? You didn't even know I was there." Jessica asked with a trembling voice.

Jarrid smiled down at her as he stopped walking. "I knew you were there Jessica. I knew every step you made."

"But how? Your back was turned to me." She blinked up at him in confusion.

He doubted she noticed that she was stroking his chest absently, but the feel of it was enough to make him want to purr. "We tigers have more than just our eyes Jessica. Your scent carried to me on the breeze."

"Are you saying I stink?" She asked incredulously making a sour face. Jarrid laughed, a thick throaty sound that sent shivers through her body.

"No Jessica. You do not stink. In fact, your scent is quite lovely and very addictive." He let his face drop close to hers and was rewarded with a soft pink blush on her cheeks.

"Oh, well, thank you." She rested her head on his shoulder and let him carry her the rest of the way to her home, as she thought about his words. He had known she was there by her scent. She wondered what else her scent had told him.

"Can you stand?" Jarrid finally asked when they were outside her home.

"Yes, I believe so." She clung to him just in case as he set her on her feet. "Thank you so much for saving me Jarrid. I would have died if you hadn't been there."

He looked at her with all the adoration he felt in his eyes. Reaching out, he brushed some hair away from her face. "I will always come for you Jessica, no matter what, I will be there for you." His admission brought a gasp from her mouth and tears sparkled in her eyes before she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He was in heaven. The sweet scent of her hair engulfed him as he nuzzled against her. He couldn't help but chuff and rub her back.

The sound of a door opening had him tensing. Then, a female voice interrupted them. "Jessica! What are you doing?!"

Jessica gasped as she spun around. "Mother, I was thanking Jarrid."

"Thanking him for what?" Mrs. Carlton eyed Jarrid with obvious distaste.

"For saving my life. There was an accident at the construction site and..."

"You were at the construction site again? You know what I've told you about that." Her mother interrupted.

"I was on one of the completed levels mother. A log that was being hoisted up broke loose and crashed down." Jessica explained.

"Oh, well, you're very lucky then." She looked back to Jarrid who had been silent. "Thank you for saving my daughter, tiger."

Jarrid narrowed his eyes at the woman. "My name, is Jarrid Tigranth, and believe me when I say, it was my honor to save a beauty such as your daughter from any and all harm." He turned from the woman's bewildered expression to face Jessica's blushing face. "I hope I shall see you later my lady Jessica." With that he began to walk off.

"Well he's quite well mannered for a beast." Mrs. Carlton stated.

"He's not a beast mother, he's a good man." Jessica corrected.

"He's not a man Jessica..." Her mother began.

"He's man enough for me!" Jessica snapped as she moved around her mother to the entrance to their house.

Jarrid froze when he heard Jessica's statement. She was defending him, to her own mother? He puffed himself up with pride and the biggest smile he'd ever had came over his face. She didn't know it, but she had just made him a very happy tiger.

Back at the construction site, Jarrid ignored Victor's questioning look as he sauntered up, probably looking like a besotted fool. Mr. Carlton came over to him but didn't seem to notice his good mood.

"I spoke with Victor and he says he could get more tigers from your village to help us. Is that correct?" Ben asked.

"Yes, absolutely. I'll send him back and they should arrive by the end of the week." Jarrid assured him.

"Ah, well the workers will have some time off at the end of the week for the festival." Ben explained.

"What festival?" Jarrid inquired.

"It's our Thanksgiving festival. It's where we gather with family and friends to celebrate how fortunate we are. We have food and drinks, music and dancing, and even crafts and activities for the kids." Ben explained proudly. "It's also a great event to take your significant other to." He chuckled.

Jarrid's interest peeked at this. "Tell me, is Jessica going with a... significant other?"

Ben got a knowing smile on his face when he heard that question. "Well, not htat I'm aware of, but if you're interested, you'd better hurry. There are plenty of young men who'd love to take her."

Jarrid was taken aback. "You wouldn't mind if I took Jessica to this festival?"

Ben laughed. "Mind? Hell, I'd encourage her to go with you. You're a good man Jarrid, and I believe she already likes you. You may not have noticed it, but she was watching you the entire time she was up there."

Jarrid's smile was fierce and triumphant. "Oh, I noticed, I assure you." He then sent Victor on the journey back to their village to bring more hands before helping with the clean up.