Lovely Trouble

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#6 of High Schooled

If you're under the Ages of 18 to 21, I kindly ask that you move onto something else. For those older please read this story series responsibly and please don't act like jerks, Thanks. This part of this story series contains consensual, romantic and sexual relations between a teenager and an adult. You Have Been Warned.

Comments are Always Welcomed.

(Part 6)

Sadly before Flora could do whatever she had in mind for me the intercom beeped. "Hey! You two quit grab assin' up there and git down here dinner's done." Vindi informed. Flora snorted slightly at first then collapsed on top of me laughing hard at Vindi's comment. Even I had to admit I've never heard such a comment before in my life. Once she gathered herself Flora moved off of me and stood up.

"Grab Assin'?! Is that what you women are calling it now?" I wondered smiling. Flora bit her lower lip and tried to keep from falling to the floor with laughter again. "Honestly, how could I grab your ass when you had me pinned on the bed?" I asked. She covered her face and tried not to say anything considering she was trying to stifle her giggles. So I couldn't help but, take advantage of her little situation.

I walked over to her and whispered something completely random into her ear. That was all it took before she was clutching her sides and laughing uncontrollably. By the time she got a hold of herself she had to wipe tears from her face. She looked over at me as I slowly brought the ladder down. As the ladder touched the floor below, I secured the ladder before stepping down.

Once I reached the bottom I waited there as Flora came down behind me. Offering my hand to her as she came down supporting her until she reached the bottom. I hooked my arm around her waist as we walked down to the kitchen together. When we got closer Flora removed my arm from her waist and gave me a wink. As we entered the dining room Vindi had just put dinner on the table.

I pulled out a chair for Vindi and Flora then served them each a plate of food. Once I served myself I sat down and waited for them to begin eating first. Before joining them and as I ate Vindi was rather quiet but, Flora got her talking. Until a rather strange smile appeared on Flora's face followed by Vindi jumping in her seat. Watching this all unfold in front of me Vindi continued to squirm in her chair.

It made me wonder just what was going on underneath the table until something touched me. Making me jump in my seat it felt like a foot brushing up along my inner thigh. I swiftly lifted up the table cloth only to find nothing there. So I looked over at both Vindi and Flora calmly eating their meals. Shrugging it off I resumed eating a second later that was until Flora cleared her throat.

"Ayden, about what you did to me earlier today, now I know Vindi has said her peace. However I haven't yet, granted what you did was rather naughty. You really should watch what you do when we're around each other in public. Luckily nobody saw anything but, a few of my colleagues did notice I was blushing. I told them that I misread a text message my older brother had sent me." Flora stated.

"I'm sorry girls a lot has happened to me in these last couple of days. I went from being a single young man just starting high school. To being mated to you very lovely ladies so quickly. It's been a lot to process and I've been riding the buzz a little too strongly. Sadly that's still no excuse for my actions today for that I'm sorry once more." I replied. Vindi placed her fork down on her plate and turned to face me.

"Ayden, my mate you've always been very mature for your young age. I'm proud you realize your mistake and I know you'll learn from it. Though I do forgive you but, tonight you'll be sleeping alone. As far as you and I are concerned but, Flora can decide for herself." Vindi said getting up from her seat. She grabbed her plate then walked into the kitchen, as Flora leaned over towards me.

"Well, you're not getting laid mister but, you can at least cuddle me tonight." Flora whispered into my ear. I expected as much but, at least I got a consolation prize. Flora got up kissed me then went into the kitchen to put her dishes in the sink. Of course I still had some food left on my plate when Vindi reentered the room. She started grabbing leftovers off the table and put them away in the fridge.

Afterwards we settled down snuggly on the couch, Flora on my right and Vindi on my left. My arms wrapped around their waists as they rested their heads on my shoulders. As we cuddled on the couch I started to drift off to sleep. Before I did fall asleep I removed my arms and kissed their foreheads. "Goodnight, Vindi and Flora I can't stay awake I'll see you in the morning." I said getting up.

They said goodnight as I left the living room and headed up the staircase to the second floor. I didn't bother to pull the attic ladder up I just walked to my bed and flopped onto it. With that I was out like a light completely unaware of things unfolding downstairs. As I slept soundly on my bed, downstairs other things were happening. That I'm sure most guys could only fantasize about on a late Friday night.

Back downstairs in the living room the sounds of moaning and panting could be heard. Flora had stripped Vindi bare and was happily lapping away at her sex. Every nerve was on fire with pleasure as Flora continued to leave absolutely nothing alone. While Vindi fondled her breasts and suckled on her erect nipples. Flora's tongue twisted and twirled around inside Vindi's very hot, wet sex.

Driving the younger silver furred wolfess completely ballistic with pleasure and desire to climax. The moment Flora's skilled tongue flicked across Vindi's G-spot, she howled at the top of her lungs. Literally waking me up from my deep slumber almost instantly. Crawling off my warm, comfy bed, I walked down the ladder and down the staircase towards the living room. As I entered the doorway the first thing I saw was clothing scattered everywhere.

When I reached the couch boy was I stunned, amazed and extremely turned on. Apparently as I walked downstairs both women had switched positions on the couch. Flora had her legs splayed wide open while, Vindi lapped hungrily away at her folds. Driving the mature golden furred wolfess mental with pleasure. Neither woman knew I was standing behind the couch watching all this unfold.

Naturally I wanted to join in on the fun but, I didn't want to kill their good buzz. They apparently have going on here in front of me, so I merely stood there and watched. Ten minutes passed and Flora was moaning Vindi's name as she hit all her love buttons. My erection was screaming to be let free and begged for release also. Sadly a whimpering groan was all it took to give me away.

Both women snapped their heads up to look directly at me standing there. The glares I got told me that I should certainly start running and find a safe hiding place. Sadly my feet simply couldn't move considering I was frozen in fear as they stood up. By the time they rounded the couch my feet finally kicked in as I started to back away. "Well What Do We Have Here Flora?" Vindi remarked curiously.

"It would appear we have a curious male spy that should've stayed in bed, Vindi." Flora remarked. Swallowing hard I tried to escape but, I ended up backing myself into a nearby wall. Both women placed a hand on each side of my head and looked into my eyes. I could feel the color in my fur go pale as they kept glaring intently. "So little man what do you think we should do with you?" Vindi asked.

"Ummm? Let me off with a warning and allow me to go back to bed." I replied softly. I shifted my gaze down to the floor not bothering to look at their exposed assets. So I failed to notice the look both women gave each other. Without warning they grabbed my neck and stuffed my face into their huge bare breasts. Hugging me tightly against them, I could hear their strong individual heartbeats beating rhythmically.

"A warning huh, what makes you think you really deserve a mere warning?" Flora questioned scratching my chin. Naturally I had smart ass remark in mind but, I decided to play dumb. "Uh, young man I'd give her a straight answer if I were you. She can and will make you sing like a bird if you don't." Vindi pointed out as Flora smiled. Seeing Flora's fangs made my mind up for me causing my jaw to open.

Before I could form a single word in my mouth Flora's latched onto mine like a magnet. Our tongues danced between our muzzles as hooked one of my arms around Flora's waist. Reaching out with the other I pulled Vindi closer to me holding her tight also. Flora pulled her lips away from mine allowing Vindi and I to share a kiss. When we pulled away Flora lifted Vindi's chin and kissed her just as passionately.

"As much as I'd love to have a threesome but, you two need some time alone. So why don't you take Flora up to your room, lock the door, Ayden. I'll see two in the morning alright, Flora thanks for scratching my itch earlier." Vindi replied walking away. I heard the master bedroom door close as I pulled Flora tighter against me. "Shall we retire to my bedroom for the night, milady?" I wondered.

"Lead, the way lover." She cooed. Taking her hand into mine we walked up to the second floor then the attic. Flora went and made herself comfy on my bed while I secured the ladder. Once it was latched tight I walked over to the foot of my bed. "Ayden, don't you dare crawl into this bed." She stated. I tilted my head to the side in confusion as she moved closer to me.

"Okay, might I inquire why?" I wondered looking at her. This strange glint sparkled in her eyes as she grabbed my shirt. "You're over dressed for what I have a need for. So let's get these clothes off of you and let me see that big, wonderful cock of yours." She pointed out pulling my shirt over my head. After discarding my shirt she yanked my shorts and boxers down around my ankles.

I carefully stepped out of each leg then I kicked the rest of my clothes off to the side. Flora stood up a little grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me onto the bed with her. We slipped under the blankets and Flora rested her back against my chest. While I wrapped my arms around her well toned belly holding her close. Rubbing my muzzle affectionately against hers, I felt her relaxed into my arms.

"Babe, I can sense you have something on your mind, why don't you tell me." Flora stated licking my cheek. She just so happened to be right but, what I wanted to ask would've upset her. "I just wanted to know what you're thinking about." I lied convincingly. Flora didn't say anything right away though I could sense her thinking. I felt her hands grab mine a second later as she took a deep breath.

"Ayden I know you willingly avoided asking me that question to spare my feelings. I love you dearly for that but, you can't hide things from me. You wanted to know about me and your uncle Franklin when we were together, right?" She remarked. I gave her a kiss to the cheek and a soft nod yes answering her question. "I promise to tell you but, not tonight I'd rather have you run those hands through my fur." She said.

Not wanting to disappoint her I soothingly caressed her belly stopping shy of her breasts. Moving back down stopping at the base of her hips then moving up along her flanks. Earning a soft moan from her as I repeated the process several more times. Flora moved her arms up out of the way and wrapped them around my neck. Whispering into my ear telling me to leave nothing alone especially her breasts, ass and pussy.

I recalled that Vindi never got the chance to give Flora a good solid orgasm. Since I sorta ruined that for her so I decided to make it up to her by asking her move. Once she did I moved over and ran my hands up her torso, between her massive breasts, down long her flanks. Slipping underneath her body rubbing along her shapely butt. Moving slowly and sensually back around massaging her muscled thighs.

Flora leaned into my every touch and caress moaning, as I rubbed every single inch. Leaning down I carefully nibbled on her erect nipples causing her to gasp sharply. Cupping the underside of her breast while slipping my other hand up between her legs. Rubbing three fingers along her delicate and wet treasure earning another moan. Teasing her throbbing clit with my thumb while spreading her folds open.

Driving large sparks of pleasure through the mature hyper busty wolfess' body like a hammer. She hooked her arms around my neck holding me against her massive breasts. As I slowly began to toy with her hot, wet passage more and more. Flora was soon lost in a fog of lust and desire as I provided her with more pleasure. Once I worked up a nice pattern I knew it was time to slip my muzzle between her legs.

After slipping out of her arms I moved slowly down her body planting soft kisses. Making her squirm and howl my name as I reached her dripping wet sex. Exhaling gingerly on her highly sensitive clit before licking against her outer labia. Causing Flora to arch right off the bed and scream out my name. As the pleasure worked its way throughout her entire body like a superconductor.

The second my tongue wiggled itself into her love tunnel, she nearly launched off the bed. Sitting up slightly she grabbed the back of my head and begged me to go deeper. Sure enough I did just that as her inner walls gripped and milked my tongue like a vice. As she howled incoherently as I provided her with even more pleasure. Though when my tongue flicked across her G-spot a few times.

That was just the spark she needed as her body tensed up while an orgasmic howl filled the room. Flora held my head in place for a good while as she wound down from her heavenly climax. I eagerly drank up every drop of her sexual juices her body released. As she slowly came back down she let my head go and sank into the pillow. Moving away from her sex I slowly licked my muzzle clean of her juices.

Before moving back up to the head of my bed and pulling her back up against me. She snuggled close as her back rested up against my chest then she turned to kiss my cheek. "Thank, you my love." She whispered softly as she drifted off to sleep. "You're very welcome my love and don't forget your promise." I replied soothingly. I cuddled up against her warm body I slowly drifted off to sleep soon after she did.

To be continued.