Getting to know each other Pt.1

Story by TatsuoKaneko on SoFurry

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#3 of Getting into the clan

Wewt, next part of the story down. Get to learn a bit about the characters here. Comment and tell me what you think of my story so far!

When I got on the other side it was really windy and I was still kinda blinded, I rub my eyes and blink a couple times only to realize I was falling and under me was the ocean. I fall in silence cause the fact that I was falling hasn't really hit me yet then I suddenly let out a high pitched scream gripping my staff tightly.

"I call upon the Prince of Flames, the Bird of Rebirth!"

I chant quickly as the top of my staff glows a bright orangy-red and flames pour out of it taking on the blazing form of the Phoenix first before taking it's normal appearance. It swoops under me and I land on its back panting quickly and hugging onto it.

"Ahhhmm my god... I know the test is supposed to be hard, but dropping us over the ocean?! Like, c'mon!"

I was a bit too focused on my own safety to figure out where Druk and Zerato gone to, the Phoenix flew around aimlessly as I calm down. Finally relaxed I sit up and take a deep breath as I look around, I only saw more water.. where did the shore go? I look behind me and see the shore in the distance, I hit the Phoenix over the head gently.

"Stupid bird, you're going the wrong way!"

The Phoenix screeched at me then turned around, heading towards the shore. As we flew along I try to spot Zerato and Druk, but I don't see either of them in the air or on the water.

"Where are they? Did they already go on without me?"

I whimper at the thought, I tug lightly on the Phoenix's neck fur.

"Faster! I don't want to be far behind Zerato and Druk."

The Phoenix flapped its wings faster and we started covering more land faster, my ears twitch then fold back as I hear my cape flicking in the wind and I open my maw letting my tounge hang out enjoying the fast winds going by.


A sudden voice called out, I jump and bite my tounge wincing in pain and covering my muzzle with my paw, I look around for the source of the voice but I don't see anyone.

"Where are you?"

My voice was a bit muffled by my paw, I scoot over to the left side of the Phoenix and peer over the side down to the water, still nothing. I groan softly, it feels like my tounge is bleeding or something. I stick my finger in my mouth and press it against my tounge then I take it out to check, nope, it's not bleeding.

"David Tsukaro, am I right!!"

The voice called out again, it's a voice i've never heard before and I still don't see anyone around.

"How do you know my name?! Who are you?!"

I hurry to the other side of the Phoenix and look over, no one was there. I sigh and stare into the water as we fly over it quickly, looking at my reflection for a moment. I notice a black thing, I don't know if it was a reflection or something swimming in the water. I sit up and quickly look above me, there was a black circle flying above me with someone ontop of it, I couldn't see more detail cause they were as black as the platform.

"Haha.. who I am isn't important."

The person on the flying platform lowered themselves beside me, the Phoenix screeched and started acting weird, I watch the person carefully tightening my grip on my staff and emitting a warm aura. Since this person is being all secretive I can only think that they're an enemy.

"What do you want.."

I said a bit seriously, glaring at the person.

"Oh nothing, I'm just going to be the one watching over you during your test."

My ears perk up, he knows about the test?! Maybe.. wait.. I don't remember the lizard guy saying anything about giving us a watcher or whatever you call it.

"I don't believe you."

I swing my staff at the person but he just moves out of reach, I keep my aim on him and the top of my staff glows a firey red as I quickly shoot off several feather shaped fireballs.


The person mumbled and easily dodged the feathers, but the Fire Feathers homed in on him. He looked back and seemed like he inhaled deeply, is he going to blow them away? I giggle to myself softly at the image of him blowing like an idiot to get away from the fire feathers. I then heard the person blowing then a sudden strong wind hit the feathers putting them out, I grip onto the Phoenix and cover my face from the winds.

"We'll see each other again, maybe.."

His voice seemed to disappear with the wind as it died down, I look up to see if he was still nearby but I didn't see him at all.

"Huh.. What was that about..?"

I shake my head and look forward, we were jut flying over the shore of Ellia Continent. I push down on the Phoenix's back telling it to go down, as we get closer to the ground I see some footprints in the sand.

"So they're already here, I gotta-"

I pause and stare at.. I don't even know what that is. it was disgusting, squirming along the ground slowly, it looked like some giant slug or something. There was a slimy trail behind it, it didn't seem to have any eyes or anything just a beige blob.

"That's just gross..."

It seemed to react to my voice cause it stopped and I think it looked at me, I squirm in discomfort as I look back at it. It hissed at me and its body extended like it were standing and spat some sort of liquid at me, I duck under it quickly then pointed my staff at it, I released an intense flamethrower on it hoping to burn it to a crisp. I hear a loud sizzling and a dying screech, I think I killed it.

"I don't.. know what that was but it was gross and nasty and.."

I shiver again as I stop the flamethrower.

"Forget about landing, we'll fly through till we see Druk and Zerato."

I pull up on the Phoenix and it swooped up getting back to the height we were before, we fly for not even three minutes and I see Druk and Zerato walking beside each other. The Phoenix screeched after seeing them as well and began to slowly fly down to them, when we were close enough I jump off and land firmly on the ground.

"Finally found you guys."

Zerato just kept walking on ignoring me, Druk on the other hand stopped and turned to me with a half smile. The Phoenix turned into its blazing form and seemed to get absorbed into my staff, leaving a wave of warm air behind.

"You should be faster next time, David. Now c'mon, we got o idea where on this continent this Hellen Crest person is so we gotta cover as much land as possible before nightfall."

My ears fold back a bit and I nod.

"Right..I'm sorry."

Zerato stopped and turned to look at us.

"If this woman is going to be anywhere on this continent, she'll be at the Ruins of Kamiki's Castle.The place wasn't destroyed completely so there's bound to be spell books, journals and other things left behind by Kamiki that have useful information for a sorceress."

Druk smirked and chuckled a bit.

"My my, someone is well informed, and how far is Kamiki's Castle from here if you can guess?"

Zerato turned and resumed walking again.

"We won't make it today, but if we can keep moving we should reach it by Noon tomorrow."

I don't believe it, how does he know so much about this place? He doesn't seem that much older than me I nod and walk up with Zerato as I lodge my staff back between my sword. Druk stays close behind me as we make way through this twisted path that Zerato leads us through. As we covered more land within the hour I noticed som eviromental changes; the ground started to take a faded purple color, the skie also took a faded purple color and felt troublesome, the only sort of nature that grew around were some giant corrupted looking mushrooms and there was barely any dirt, it was mostly stone that seemed cracked and broken by time.

"This place sucks.. It's been an hour and there's been no monsters.. well except for that nasty thing I saw at shore, and that mysterious person."

I mumble to myelf.

"That's because we're avoiding them, we don't need to be wasting unnessesary energy. The monsters may be the common Anmon, Anmon Guard and Dark Mage, but still it'd be a waste of time killing them."

Druk nodded.

"Zerato's got a point, save our energy for a more threateninng opponent. We don't know what will happen once we get to the Castle and meet up with Helen."

I sigh and nod, now dragging my feet as I walk. 2 more hours of silence and plain land, I didn't think this test would be so boring then I feel an un-natural gust of wind and my ears perk up. I reach up and grab my sword ready to unsheath it as I look in the direction where the gust came from.

"Did you guys feel that?"

I stop moving and focus, closing my eyes and trying to sense any other presense.

"It was just the wind, don't get yourself so worked up about it, let's just keep moving."

Zerato said as he kept walking, I open my eyes slowly and walk forward towards a wall. Something was different here, I could feel it, I quietly take out my sword staying on guard. I bring my paw up to the wall and notice there was a cool air blowing from it, a secret cave?

"No I think I found something..."

Druk walked over to me and looked at the wall as well.

"It's a wall..? But you sound kinda serious about this so I got your back in case there is anything."

I nod lightly and press my paw against it, I feel a light surge of energy run through my body. I notice a light blue glow coming from behind me, I look back and see Druk's eyes beaming light. The same light comes from Zerato's direction as he stops walking and makes his way over to me. Then something sinks in like a button or something and a layer of dust falls off the wall revealing a sort of door covered in some unknown writting.


The door started making a lot of noise, humming and the sound of something unlocking. The same blue light surges through the door as the symbols light up, the door opens slowly with the sound of rock dragging against rock.

"What is this?"

Zerato started running over to us and threw both Druk and I inside then he came inside quickly as well. I started to feel the earth shaking but the inside of..where ever we are is dark, I conjure up a small flame and hold it up. It looked like a normal cave, but it surely didn't feel like it.

"What the hell are you doing Zerato?!"

"Shut up ad stay quiet."

He snapped back at me, Druk took his time getting up and looked around seeing what he could with the light my flame gave.

"A hidden cave, huh? I wonder..."

I stare at Zerato as the ground continued to shake, it grew stronger and more violent as whatever the cause of it was getting closer, what is it?


Zerato growled lowly at me, shooting a hard glare as his eyes flared with his magic, which made me stay quiet. My ears then pinned back as I heard electricity sparking and an even brighter light filled the cave, I look over to Druk and I see him wandering off without us. I flinch as my eyes get used to the light then I run after Druk, I feel that un-natural wind again and I rid of the flame and grip my sword tightly. I can feel something coming. Druk puts his arm in front of me then takes a few more steps ahead, he clenched his fist then threw a lightning ball down the cave which soon exploded into a bright light revealing a large empty open area in front of us.

"What did you exactly find, David?"

Zerato spoke up again as he walked up from behind me.

"I wish I knew.. And what exactly did you see that forced you to push us in here?"

I glance over to him.

"I don't know honestly what I saw, it looked like a bull of some sort, but it wasn't anthro form. It was in it's natural form, but no where near it's proper size. It was massive and running down the path we were heading."

Zerato shook his head.

"I've never seen any recordings of a monster like that in any beastiary, so I didn't want to take the chance of fighting it, besides, there were five of them too."

I nod a bit then I look to Druk who seems to be very focused on the cave ahead.

"You alright, Druk?"

He nods silently, but it seems that there's something bugging him.

"Should we wait here for the bulls to pass and take Zerato's path or keep going through the cave and see where it brings us?"

Zerato stretches and whines lightly then sits down.

"Or we can make camp here where it's safe. We know nothing about those bulls and I don't want to take an un-nessesary risk that could possibly make us fail already."

I nod lightly, he makes so much sense. I feel really stupid around Zerato, makes me feel a bit useless. I draw a little symbol in the ground with the tip of my sword and spark it with a flame, regardless of the size of the flame it provided great warmth for us. I hear a deep sigh from Druk and he comes to sit around the fire.

"So now that we have a moment of peace, lets talk about ourselves so we can work better as a team. I'll start since all you know about me is my power and name."

I smile and nod, taking a spot at the flame as well. I wiggle a bit, even the ground was nice and warm.

"So, my name is Druk Raeon, I'm a Silver Knight squad captain from Silverland. I'm 20 years old, I expert in close combat, Chi usage and hunting."

I tilt my head a bit.

"What are these Silver Knights about and what's Chi?"

Druk chuckles a bit.

"We are basically the signature of Silver Land just like how Kanavan has the Erudon Family and Serdin has the Violet Mage Guild. We focus our training in close combat using few weapons and using Chi. Chi is another energy that lies within the air around us just like the magical energies you use for your spells, but for us it requires more focus to gather. We can't really move if we are to gather some, but it increases our output of damage greatly once we gather enough and possibly even changing the appearance of our skills. If you'd like an example, i'd be more than happy to show."

I nod, it sounds really interesting.

"Yes, please do. Hehe, oh, but can you still use Chi and Magic at the same time?"

Druk nodded and stood up slowly.

"Yes we can, but that takes a lot more focus and not as easy to pull off. Like the dragon you saw when we first met, the apperance of that was made of Chi and I coated it with a layer of Electricity and when the dragonic features started to fade the Chi I gathered was fading. It's not really meant to stay out for that long, that's why it turned into a stream of lightning."

I nod, this chi sounds a lot harder to use than magic. I watch him carefully, he stands completely relaxed but his hair starts moving around as if there was a wind blowing, his face turned into a more concentrated look then soon his body burst with a golden energy. The feeling of this Chi was hard unlike magic where it feels soft untill you turn it into something else.


Druk opened his eyes and smirked a bit.

"Now I didn't go full, just to the point where it would be visible for you. Now those who've trained to use Chi gain a few perks; a small chi wave, air stepping and it also increases my movement and attack speed. But for the air stepping only three steps can be made since it takes a lot of chi to do"

Druk turns away from us and takes a stance, drawing his hand back then shot a small blast of chi into the open area, it doesn't travel far. Maybe 3 or 4ft in front of him. He then runs into the opening then back, jumping and taking two steps in mid-air making him go higher. He rolls as he lands on the ground and makes his way back over to us with a smile, the chi around him slowly fades away.

"And there's your little demonstration of Chi."

I clap for him and smile too, my tail swishing side to side happily.

"That is so cool, I never knew about Chi until now."

Druk nods as he sits down.

"It's not commonly used outside of Silverland and if it is, the person either came here to train for it or moved out from Silverland."

He looked over to Zerato who was being his usual quiet self.

"How about you Zerato, tell us more about yourself. I'm curious to what you are."

Getting to know each other Pt.2 (End of Day 1)

"I guess it's something to do before we rest..come up with team strategies and whatnot." I watch Zerato closely, I feel like I was more curious to know about him than Druk. He took a breath and fixed his position, bringing his knees to his chest and...

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The Quest

I just stood there and watched Zerato walk away. "Uhm.. exactly where are we supposed to go?" I tilt my head a bit and one ear flattened against my head. I never really took it into thought honestly, to why the sender of the letter asked us to gather...

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The Introductions

I sigh in content, my eyes closed and tail wagging gently enjoying the gentle breeze as I flew through the skies aboard my Phoenix. "This is so nice..." I nearly forgot why I was out this far from Kanavan until the Phoenix screeched, I flinch and...

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