The Misadventures of Lucky- Chapter Two

Story by Bammer on SoFurry

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#2 of The Misadventures of Lucky

The story so far: Lucky and Adley get prepared for a party.

As usual, please read and review! CC is always welcome! ^.^

Hope this story finds you well, fellow furs! Enjoy! hugs

-Bammer out

Chapter Two

The ride to the boys' pad was uneventful, filled with small talk and the radio filling in any silence, the various houses flashing by. The traffic was mild, either everyone was already at their destinations for the night or had yet to leave, Adley and Lucky's commute falling into that perfect space in between waves of people.

The house that Kajorma and Jones rented was large, almost too large for the two single males. The nice thing about all of the extra space was that it left a lot of room for people to crash. Both girls could enjoy the party and spend the night here, not worrying about one of them staying sober for the drive home. And, if worst came to worst, cab fare was reasonable around town.

They pulled up to the curb, getting out of the car and shivering slightly in the cold night air. Lucky smiled as she watched her breath fog in front of her muzzle, breathing out to make the cloud bigger. Adley laughed softly at her friend's antics, and the two got into an impromptu contest to see who could make the bigger cloud before erupting into laughter.

"Adley! Lucky! Glad you could make it!" A voice rang out from the front porch where all of the smokers had congregated. A tall, lean coyote in a tuxedo waved and headed their way, a red plastic cup in one paw. "Ladies, you look lovely." He hugged them both briefly.

"And you as well, Kaj. I'm glad we all dressed up for this year, it's a nice change from the usual hanging around in sweatpants drinking beer!" Lucky said, suddenly feeling a strange twinge in her chest. He was really handsome...

"And everyone looks so amazing, dressed to the nines like they are!" Adley said softly, her smile bright.

"Yeah, I'm glad at how it turned out, and I'm glad that most everyone participated. Maybe next year we can do a masquerade thing, where everyone dresses up and wears masks! Mystery, romance, and class all in one!" Kajorma laughed easily, "If I may escort you inside and get you a drink?"

Lucky took one arm, laughing slightly and trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. Adley took the other arm, and they made their way through the rest of the crowd both on the porch and within the house, winding through and stopping to say hello briefly, explaining that they were heading to get some drinks if anyone looked to be pulling them into a longer conversation, promising to be right back. They moved downstairs into the basement, Kajorma making sure that the ladies got a space right up against the wet-bar before moving off to mingle with the other guests.

Jones, his black fur glimmering in the light, wiped out two glasses and started mixing their requests. His golden eyes shone as he said hello, lingering especially long on Adley's décolletage, his rounded ears perking up happily. His broad shoulders filled up the space behind the bar, but he still somehow managed to dance back there with a grace that belied his size, mixing drinks and pouring beers, keeping the numerous guests happy. Lucky looked around and spotted Canty's dark ears, glad that there were at least three of them to trade off bartender duty with a party this size.

"So, what'll you two ladies be having this evening?" The large black panther asked.

"Long Island." Lucky said without hesitation.

Adley gave her a look, and then grinned. "Make that two, please." She turned back to Lucky. "Rough night already?"

"No, I just really feel like getting loose and don't feel like beating around the bush with weaker drinks." Lucky looked at Adley's raised eyebrow. "No, I'm serious!"

"Okay. Just take it easy. We don't want a repeat of last St. Patrick's Day..."

"You and me both." Lucky shuddered, the night where she had lost track of her drinks and had ended up vomiting all over a bathroom coming back to mind.

Jones pushed two highball glasses across the bar's surface. "Enjoy!"

Lucky took hers and sipped. It still floored her that a drink so strong could taste so smooth. Just remember to take it slow, nice and easy. No puking tonight! The two moved off into the crowd together, but ended up being pulled apart by the flow of friends, saying hello and sharing news and gossip with people all around the party.

Lucky spent some time with Canty, his brown eyes lighting up his black-masked face, his grey and black banded tail swishing behind him as they spoke about his violin playing. His wife, Sylvia, came up and she spoke proudly of his last performance, her green eyes shining. They made a beautiful pair, and Lucky couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at their happiness. They were completely comfortable with each other, and she suddenly realized how much she longed for the same simplicity. She moved on then, finding another random gaggle of people to converse with, a crowd that made her feel a little less insecure.

As the night wore on the warming glow of the alcohol caused all of Lucky's worries to disappear into a rosy haze. She kept count this time and was contemplating switching to water, she was finishing her third Long Island, when Kajorma's voice rang throughout the basement, "The hour is upon us! Thirty seconds to midnight!" Lucky found a small glass of bubbly being pushed into her paw and she grimaced. The stuff tasted awful, but was a New Year's staple, so she joined with the others as they counted down, suddenly wondering where Kajorma was in the press.

"One!" The crowd shouted and everyone turned to kiss their partners. She cast about before she was grabbed, a set of lips pressing into her muzzle. With surprise she saw Kajorma as he pulled back, smiling sweetly. "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. You look good tonight."

"You do too." Lucky blushed, her ears flicking forward and her eyes shining bright.

"Say, do you want to get out of here?" His eyes looked hopeful.

"And go where? We're both trashed." She blurted before cursing herself for being a fool.

Kajorma just laughed softly. "I was thinking someplace more private, but still on the property..."

"I... Uh... Sure." She breathed, feeling hopeless.

He laughed softly again and grabbed her paw, helping her through the bodies.

The world was spinning slightly, and Lucky couldn't tell if it was from the drink or from her own nervousness. She cast about, looking for Adley, but the tall vixen was nowhere to be seen as they made their way to Kajorma's bedroom. As they passed through the door she wobbled in her high-heels, pitching into his chest. "Here, let me help you," he said softly, assisting her through the door and shutting it quietly behind them.

As the room was bathed in darkness Lucky felt a pressure she hadn't even noticed fade into the background, the darkness soothing to her befuddled head. She sat down on his bed, putting one paw back to brace herself. She heard him move in the darkness, her eyes taking longer than normal to adjust, the world tilting hazily around her. She heard the faint sound of a buckle releasing, and felt an immense rush of relief as her right shoe slipped free, her foot throbbing softly.

"Oh." She said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. She could now make him out, bent over and unbuckling her left shoe. "Thank you."

"These definitely don't look comfortable, so I figured I'd be a proper gentleman and make you comfortable first." His voice was so soft, a husky caress in the dark. He gave each paw a delicate massage before standing up and leaning forward. "You know, if this is too fast, or not the right time, just let me..."

That was all she could take. The dam broke, and she reached up to grab his tie, pulling his muzzle back against hers, pushing her tongue into his mouth. They kissed, their tongues slow dancing to a sensual rhythm, the moment stretching out before they broke contact to catch their breath. He leaned back, loosening his tie and slipping it over his head as she pulled on the laces to her corset, pulling herself free and finally, finally being able to take a full breath. He pulled his shirt over his head, his muscled chest coming into view, the sandy fur making her breath quicken. She sighed as her breasts popped free, tossing the corset to the side.

"They're black." He said softly, "I didn't expect that. Somehow I always thought they'd be pink or something..."

Before she could clam up he knelt down, taking one of her black nipples into his mouth, rolling it around and around with his tongue. Lucky arched her back as the electric tingles shot through her body, grabbing his hair as her breath came even faster. She closed her eyes and just reveled in the sensation.

He paid equal homage to her other nipple and by the time he was done Lucky felt herself throbbing in time with her too-fast heartbeat. He rose, the considerable bulge in his pants clearly visible.

"Let me help you with that," she said, turning the tables on him as she reached forward and undid his zipper, his crimson shaft popping free of the confining cloth. She leaned forward as the soft fabric slithered down his legs, taking him in her mouth. She licked and caressed, swirling her tongue around the head and down the boned shaft, feeling it twitch. He grabbed onto her head for a moment before letting go with a strangled sound. She could feel his body thrumming with need, and a small part of her wished he would take her by the head and ram his cock down her throat. Then again, it's nice to be treated with a shred of respect for a change...

She tasted the salty splash of his precum on her tongue and pulled free, smiling wickedly up at him. He stepped free of his pants and removed his boxers before helping her wriggle out of her skirt and panties, throwing them to the floor. He pushed her back, towering over her, as the world tilted wildly below her.

"Oh! Ugh, I feel... Uh, I think I'm gonna be..." Her stomach tensed up, and she pushed against his chest, all thoughts of sex far from her mind.

"Oh! Oh no!" He dodged backwards and helped her up, a look of concern on his face. He helped her lean forward, elbows on her knees, and rubbed her back.

"Ugh. I... I'm really..."

"Is sitting up helping any? Do you need some water?" He asked softly, cutting off her apology.

"No. No... I... I think I just need to sit. Th-Thanks." She took a few deep lungfuls of air, breathing slowly and fighting the roiling nausea in her gut, staring glumly at her feet perched on the lower part of the bedframe. She flexed her toes, curling them against the wood and focusing on that feeling until her heart slowed down and her stomach calmed a bit, the constant rubbing on her shoulders and back a welcome distraction from the feelings of guilt and lingering sickness.

"Here, why don't you stay here while I get you some water. It'll do you some good." He stood, pulling a pair of pajama pants out from behind his pillow and putting them on quickly. Lucky glanced up and noticed his boner had already slipped back into his sheath, his mind already moved off of the idea of sex.

She nodded glumly, her mouth twisting in a grimace. The room went bright and loud for a second and then everything was muted again, making her head feel considerably better. Her ears were pinned against the sides of her head and she slowly licked her lips as she continued to breathe slowly.

Why did I have to get sick right then? Tonight was almost perfect! But then again, maybe it was okay that this had happened, maybe now they could take it slow, maybe they could talk first before jumping into a physical relationship and possibly harming their friendship...

If damage was going to be done to our friendship, it's going to happen now. The thought wasn't comforting, but that didn't make it any less true.

The door opened, letting in the light and noise again. She closed her eyes and kept her ears back, waiting for the room to go dark before opening them and straightening up slowly. Kajorma was there, a glass of water in his hand.

"Here you go. Drink it slow, but it should help some."

"Thank you." She took a tentative sip, rolling it around her muzzle before swallowing it. Suddenly her throat felt parched and she took another sip, much deeper this time. Her stomach gurgled but offered no resistance to the water. Lucky sighed. "Look, I'm really sorry." She said it in a rush, afraid he would cut her off again and she wouldn't find the courage to start. "This isn't how I pictured it at all..."

"It's okay, you know. Wait... You've pictured this?!" His voice sounded surprised.

"Well, yeah. Haven't you?" She looked at him, and his face wore a look of absolute shock.

"Well, yeah. But... Man, we should've talked about this ages ago. It's just ever since..." He paused looking over at her, gauging her mood.

"I'm fine. It happened, it was a mistake and I learned from it." Lucky grimaced at the floor, bitter memories surfacing to match the taste in the back of her throat.

"So, what did you learn from it?" There was a strange note in his voice, almost like fear.

"That you can't rush these things, and you can't make something out of nothing. Or out of something bad." Lucky looked askance at Kajorma, giving a small smile.

"Okay. Slow then." Kaj looked around. "Is it too soon for snuggles?"

Lucky took a deep breath and one more sip of water, placing the glass on the nightstand. "No. At least, as long as my stomach agrees with it." She settled back gingerly, laying her head down slowly, grateful for the chill of the pillow. She felt him move and settle in close to her, tucking up against her body. Her last thought before darkness swooped in and claimed her was that they fit perfectly together spooned up like this.