The Audition

Story by Hammerstroke on SoFurry

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"Yeah, it's a lucrative, fast-paced business--but someone has to take care of the thong wearers" -Spike.

The Yiffy Episodes of Spike the Jackrabbit: The Audition

by [Hammerstroke](%5C)

Okay, again, this is just another PWP starring my favorite bunny! Read and enjoy as long as you're legal! Oh yeah, this story is somewhat inspired by [Furry, Inc.](%5C) and [Sabrina Online](%5C). Consider credit given where credit is due. -Hammerstroke

It was a cool, overcast day down by the beach. From the window of his apartment, Spike was looking out over the town and the shore. Both were remarkably empty, and he wasn't wanted at work today. Not that that bothered him, he would just pull out his little furry book and dial a number if he got really bored.

"_ SPIKE! _"

Spike shook his head and wandered out of his room. Thorne stood at the front door, holding an armload of groceries and things like that. Something slid from Thorne's arms--something _ HUGE _.

"Hold on!" Spike cried out, then dived and caught a large watermelon as it fell from Thorne's paw. Unfortunately, the rack of eggs was completely ignored and splattered everywhere. From the floor Spike smiled sheepishly up at the angry wolf.

Thorne was an imposing figure; at least half a foot taller than Spike, and a predator, too--he was athletic and also had the weight of the law behind him. Spike groaned, apologized profusely and offered to clean up the mess.

"Aww, thanks, you're too kind," Thorne sneered, and tossed the rag at Spike's face.

Spike grumbled. "You know, it was an accident."

"Yeah, I know. But it was so funny, too, and it's so easy to scare you." He grinned, showing two razor-like fangs. Then he laughed and Spike found that is was actually fairly funny as well, so all was well.

Then Thorne sat down on the couch and turned around. "I really needed those eggs for supper tonight so I want you to go to the store and buy some more."

Spike shook his head, tossing the eggy rag in the sink. "Sorry, I'm strapped. You think our store can make money in weather like this?"

"Well, fine, but you can't keep depending on me to feed you."

"You're a copper! You make loads more than me!"

"Yeah, and you get to slack around at your job and ogle the hot bunnies and vixens that ask you for help with their thongs."

Spike thought of Miss Breeze and smiled. "Yeah... it's a lucrative, fast paced business--but someone has to take care of the thong wearers. ...But that doesn't mean I can buy a lot of food."

"Then you're gonna hafta find something else."

"Quit working at Sunset Outfitters?! _ NEVER! _"

Thorne shrugged, tossed him a twenty, and turned on the TV. Spike grumbled, pulled his cock ring out of his pants, aimed and threw it at Thorne, and hurried out of the door before it could land on Thorne and really piss him off.

Spike loved the comforting feeling of the leather around his neck, ankles and wrists. Each strap had a set of faux-platinum spikes protruding about once an inch. He rubbed his neck collar against his neck; it was reassuring and he liked the attention. Sure, some furs were looking at him like he was insane, but he caught more than a few second looks from more than a few sexy lapines.

Money in hand he strolled down the street, wandering towards the closest store, which wasn't far at all. The sky above churned and bubbled like so many failed soups he'd tried to cook, and he hoped it wouldn't open up like those same soups. The pain of the tomato soup burn fresh in his mind he shuddered and turned into the convenience store, passing a flyer which, in retrospect, really shouldn't've been there.

"WHOA! Hold up!" He spun around and whirled back to the flyer, dropping his money. "They're holding auditions?"

He looked around, making sure no one could see, and then tore it down and shoved it in his shorts. As he left Spike must've looked like he was shoplifting because the attendant waited with baited breath as he passed through the security scanner, which didn't go off, of course. Actually, Spike wound up twenty dollars short thanks to that particular flyer.

Spike tore out of the store and tailed it back to their apartment, hoping against all reasons that Thorne was still home, that his car wasn't missing or broken or something and that they were still hiring. Twice the flyer shoved down his shorts tried to paper cut him, and eventually he was forced to stop and read the thing properly, because he really didn't know where he'd need a ride. His rabbit blood coursing through his veins he made it back in record time; the only time he'd ever ran faster was when Paprika had called to see if he wanted a quick fuck, which he had.


Spike hammered on the door till Thorne threw it open. He was bleary eyed and it looked like he had been sleeping. Spike didn't care at all. The wolf grunted. "You. Have. A. Set. Of. KEYS!"

"I don't care at all," Spike insisted. "I need a ride. You do this and I guarantee you'll never have to buy me food again--or at least, I guarantee I'll help pay the phone bills."

"Why? Who died and left you a lottery ticket?"

"They're holding auditions!"

Thorne stared at him for a moment, as if more explanation was required, which Spike couldn't understand. "Who's... what?"

"F. M. Mouse Studios!"


And it hit Spike. Like a ton of bricks. "Oh, right! You don't watch porn!"

"You're gonna audition at a... porn... studio?"

"Yeah! Think of all the money I'll make! Doing what I love, Thorne, don't deny me my right as an attractive fur like myself."

Thorne threw his paws up in exasperation and grabbed his keys. "Fine! Whatever! As long as it gets you out of the apartment."

Thorne dropped Spike off and left very quickly. The flyer had been right; on the big door was another notice proclaiming actors wanted. Vanessa was the name of the luscious lapine receptionist--a common name, he decided, since it sounded so familiar. She smiled as he walked up to the desk. "Hi. Can I help you?"

Spike shook her hand and caught a decent view of her cleavage, and said, "Yeah. My name's Spike, I'm here for the auditions." He held up the flyer.

Despite her short skirt, deep-cut blouse and sensual figure, Vanessa was all business. She had him fill out a form detailing his medical and employment history. While his pen flew over the page a thought occurred to him.

"How come you need more actors? I mean, you'd think this place would be swarming with guys wanting to, um... act, right?"

Vanessa shrugged. "I don't know, most grow up and decide it's not worth it, some can't handle the pressures--for some, it's the COUGH stretching schedule we have here, we have deadlines and with obesity and the like, demand for porn has never been higher."

Stretching schedules? Spike wondered but she was shoving another form in his face.

"This is just a 'consent to release' form, saying we reserve the right to use a fake name, to videotape you and release it, etc."

"Sure, sure," and his paw print went there.

"Do you have ID--Holy shit, you're eyes just went wide there, kid. Problem?"

Yeah, there was a problem--Spike didn't have ID. Not with him, at least.

"Um... I don't have it here."

"We have a lot of problems with under-aged minors trying to sneak their way into acting with us... naturally this creates a lot of legal issues, so we absolutely require ID before proceeding."

She casually grabbed his form and waited for Spike to decide what he was going to do.

"I guess I'll need Thorne to come here and bring my ID. You have a phone I can borrow?"

She handed him her cell and studied the form--something interesting on it, Spike decided as he dialed.


"Thorne, I need you to bring my ID--it's on the counter--"

Vanessa cried out, "I remember you! You work at that store on the boardwalk, right? You helped me out with those swim suits! Remember?"

Thorne was answering, but Spike had to make a rash decision. He hung up and placed the phone on the counter, closing his eyes and smiling. "Yeah, I remember you. I could only hope you had as good a time as I did..."

Vanessa smiled, and looked around at the doors. Then she winked, and got up and walked around the desk, trailing her paw across his chest as she passed. Spike watched her lock the door and motion him towards... none other than the broom closet. Spike smiled, stiffening in the crotch area, and followed her in.

As darkness fell on them both Spike slowly stripped down, feeling her paws alternate between trailing down his chest and peeling off her own clothing. Spike smiled then felt a face full of cotton when she tossed... he felt it, it was her skirt. He smirked, his member stiffening and peaking out of his shorts. Dropping the clothing to the ground he reached out, touching her ruffled fur, already slightly damp with sweat...

He moved his paw around, brushing against the underside of her right breast, making her moan. One of her paws crept across his chest, down his side and grabbed a pawful of bum flesh... he groaned and stepped out of his shorts, leaving him completely nude. He felt her flesh press against her, but he couldn't see her; she was just a darker shadow among shadows.

The lack of sight was absolutely erotic, and he pressed himself closer against her, his muzzle probing for hers and at last they met, tongues mashing together in an explosion of saliva. Her leg wrapped around his, her cunny rubbing across his thigh. He felt his cock press up against her stomach and leave little trails of pre.

Vanessa reached around behind him and grasped a butt cheek in each paw, pressing his crotch to hers, his cock prodding and rubbing against her clit. They leaned in and kissed again, their tongues fighting each other for its taste. He drooped his ears around her head, muffling all the sounds and isolating their lip lock from the rest of the universe. She rubbed and molded his butt cheeks like dough, her paw repeatedly grabbing his tail and pulling or rubbing the little flesh above his tail hole.

He broke the kiss, reluctantly, but hey, he needed to breathe. Smiling, he reached out and held close her body, stroking her back and neck.

Whispered Vanessa, "I can't believe I went so long without you, Spike." She shoved her paw between the melded bodies and grabbed his shaft, pulling it into her cunt. "No longer," she cooed, pressing him deep within her. Spike hammerstroked as deep as he could and cried out, coming hard within her depths and making her shudder with pleasure

"MMM, SO HOT!" she cried, coming around his cock, her pulsing cunt milking his cock dry and making him moan. He pulled out and thrusted in again. Her cunt pulled at his cock when he pulled out and pushed back when he thrusted, creating the most sensual feeling he'd ever felt. She cried out as his length stretched her more and more with each thrust and she came again, her body shuddering against his.

He held her tight and whispered, "I bet you look sexy in those thongs you bought; I wish I could've gotten off earlier to take you swimming."

"You did--_ MOAN --get off-- MOAN _--remember?"

"At least--_ GRUNT _--six times, right?" He moaned and shot another gooey load inside her, his jizz leaking out and dripping around their crotches and down their thighs. She moaned, bringing a finger down between their hammering hips and digging it inside her as well. She moaned again, using her other paw for support as her legs got weak from her orgasms.

She cried out as he struck harder and harder into her, filling every inch of her tight hole with his mammoth erection, she was coming with each pounding shot he made, and the only noises coming out of her mouth were hot, wordless moans and keens as their hips slapped together.

Spike's vision blurred for a second and he came, hard, spilling a thick, ropey load of cream all over her hips and thighs and crotch. She cried out again and slumped against his body, and he fell back against the wall of the closet. For a second all he knew were their heavy panting and her sweaty body pressed against his.

It was a moment before they spoke, and Vanessa was the first to break the silence.

"Well, um... Spike, I think you probably won't need any ID. I'm sure if you, uh... bring it in later... yeah..." she panted. He nodded, and kissed her, before taking one of the rags and drying them both off.

Spike frowned. After Vanessa had finished the paperwork she'd led him down a hall, and he hadn't seen her since. He'd walked slowly down the hall, listening to the filming occurring in the rooms off to the side. Though he desperately wanted to open the doors and look in, he wanted more to make a good impression on his first day--Spike certainly didn't want to be fired before he'd even gotten to shoot one movie.

Which was why Spike was remaining very silent about his current situation. When he'd walked through the door to this room he'd found himself face to face with a very strapping young tiger--taller than Spike, which wasn't really that hard, and very athletic. Everyone called him Meow, apparently, and now so too did Spike.

Meow sat next to Spike on the couch, handing him another form to fill out, and an ID badge, and things like that. Then he leaned back and stretched his arm out behind Spike on the back of the couch. Finally Spike had to ask, "Um... I don't want to offend or anything but you do know you're naked, right?"

Meow looked down at his crotch. "Yeah, I figured as much. It's not making you uncomfortable, is it?"

"No! No, of course not!" Spike answered quickly, and looked down at only his forms, concentrating very hard on not noticing Meow's distractingly huge member, which was difficult. "Um... what am I filling out?"

"This details you're sexual preferences, things like that. We don't really want to cast you in a role you won't feel comfortable in--but sometimes it happens: someone who's strictly gay, for example, might wind up with someone who's straight, right? All the same, we do try our best to keep our employees happy."

With that in mind he quickly filled out the form--Straight, Group, slight S&M, and with a certain smirk of satisfaction, Very sustainable, thinking of Vanessa, and Miss Breeze--and Lilly, and Venus, and--


"Sorry? I was daydreaming, I'm sorry."

Meow chuckled. "That's fine. As I was saying, here's your stuff, and then you have a stage test across the hall."

"Stage test?"

"Mm-hmm. We don't let just anyone act without seeing how they perform first. You'll be given your costume, a script--which you don't really need to follow to the T--and you'll initial another form, yadda yadda, I'm sure you can figure it all out."

"You don't have to follow the script?"

"Well, sorta, just to set the scene. But as for the sex, we want it to be as natural as possible." They stood, and Meow's member hung between his legs, nearly poking Spike in the stomach when they shook hands.

Spike grimaced when he closed the door, shuddered, and scurried off to the washroom.

This must be a cool down room, Spike decided as he stepped into a place that looked remarkably like his high school locker room. Broken, graffitied lockers, towels lying around, and that unmistakable smell of sex--Spike wrinkled his nose, that wasn't sex, it was sweat. Male sweat. Thick, humid, male sweat--

"Hello?" A cute little vixen was talking to him--a cute, well-endowed vixen with unmistakable stains around her mouth. Spike smiled and felt himself stiffen just looking at her. "You must be Spike, huh?"

"Uh, yeah. Am I in the right place?"

She giggled. "You certainly are," she whispered, winking at him. He smiled and wanted to grab her right then and there. Blue fur, cobalt eyes, blonde hair, nice rack, he thought to himself, and very bubbly--his favorite.

"What do I do?"

She smiled. "Here's your costume, not much, just a towel and some gym shorts for this one." She handed him the garments. "And this is your consent to release form, initial it here, please." He did. "And this is your script."

He smiled in turn. "Are you in this shot with me?"

She laughed again, her chest swaying in rhythm. "No, silly. Maybe later, thought," she whispered, looking down at his crotch. "Of course, I'll always have time for some fun in the break room later," she moaned, rubbing her paw across his chest as she left the cool down room.

Spike tossed his script on to the bench and started stripping down to change. He heard the door open and three males entered behind him.

"Ooh, an eager one, this one," one of them said, as Spike was pulling down his shorts. Spike looked between his legs at the three of them who were eyeing him a bit too eagerly for his liking--and there he was, basically presenting, his tail up and everything.

"You only dream about guys like that," another said, nudging the third in the ribs. Spike quickly finished changing into his gym shorts.

And then it hit him. Gym shorts... locker room... female who wasn't in this shot... guys who were--Spike blanched and quickly leafed through Screen Test 2E's script as the filming crew made their way into the room.

And he didn't like what he saw.

Spike grimaced and thoroughly washed the spooge from his chest. He spent a good half an hour in that shower, and it wasn't until the water was threatening to run cold that he considered actually doing something. In retrospect, it hadn't actually been too bad, really--he'd just closed his eyes and... well, they'd deemed him satisfactory in the end and he'd made them swear never to do that again.

The three males had taken it easy on Spike after he'd confessed at the beginning, and they had been kind and gentle... Spike shuddered all the same; body parts had gone where body parts did not belong. Now he wondered what he was supposed to do. He shut off the water and slumped down the tiled wall, and prayed silently that he wouldn't be confused after this.

"I can't believe they cut us off!" a feminine voice whined, and Spike turned to look.

"I know, I was having _ so _ much fun," another answered. The door to the locker room set opened and two border collies walked in, sweating and smiling, wearing each a short skirt and a tank top.

"Typhoon's so hot," the first one cooed, closing her orange eyes in sensual reminiscence. "Too bad you got all the--"

"Hey! Look who's here." The second one with green eyes pointed at Spike, who smiled. "I've never seen you here before. You just start?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, they just did my screen test."

The two border collies winced. Said the first, "Yeah, I remember that. I think we had a pool party as our scene. Kiwi--" she pointed at the other "--and I had to take every cock there."

Kiwi nodded. "Yeah, a little disconcerting watching your girlfriend suck a guy off, but it was all for show, anyways. Besides, I think you liked them, Mango."

Mango closed her eyes and hummed. "Well, it was something else. I'd never tasted cockflesh before... it was so yummy, I was almost worried." She smiled at the other canine. "But that really didn't matter in the end, just made us more eager.

"What about you?" she asked, looking back at Spike.

He smiled and shook his head. "I told them I was practically straight as a ruler... but I guess they didn't hear me." He waved around at the lockers. "I never thought my worst fears about the locker room would come true. My name's Spike," he offered, pointing limply to the bands around her ankles, wrists and neck.

Kiwi whispered something to the other one, and they giggled. While they were whispering Spike took the time to look them over--after all, he was nude for them to see. Black, trimmed fur along her body, and white fur down her face and chest and stomach, with bright green eyes and an athletic, curvy figure--this was one smoking collie, Spike decided, while her girlfriend, shorter, skinnier, orange eyes, and just as voluptuous--he couldn't decide.

Kiwi cleared her throat, and promptly blushed. Mango talked instead. "We were wondering... just how drained are you from your little screen test?"

Spike moaned loudly. "Oh, god! You have no idea how badly I need some pussy right now!" Water dripped down his bulging cock.

"My, aren't we presumptuous. I think we should punish him, don't you, dear?"

Kiwi nodded. "Oh, of course. But how?"

They looked at him, Mango quietly slipping a paw down her skirt. "I have an idea," she said, kneeling down in front of Spike, her muzzle tantalizingly few inches away from his dripping-with-anticipation cock. Propped up with one paw she reached behind herself with her right paw and flicked her skirt up, her puffy tail wagging for Kiwi behind her. Spike dropped all pretenses of being polite reached out, trying to pull her muzzle down on his jack.

Mango shook her head, pushing his paw back and whispering, "Hold on, bunny. You get to wait for assuming we'd just drop everything and screw you silly," just as Kiwi dropped her skirt and prepared to screw Mango silly. "You'll have to wait your turn."

Spike groaned but watched as Kiwi sat on her heels behind Mango, pushing her girlfriend's knees apart and sliding forward so the collie's mound and bottom were rubbing against her chest. Her tank top stretched tight, she smirked and slid her paw down Mango's rump. Mango moaned and tilted her head back, offering a titillating view of her cleavage.

Spike wanted to protest but was too enthralled by the show. Kiwi smiled and pushed a digit into Mango's cunt, murring happily. Mango's mouth opened in a wordless, soundless moan and her tongue lolled out, barely missing Spike's throbbing prick. She bucked her hips back onto Mango, her tits swaying as she moved.

Mango reached down her front to paw her mound, making her hips thrust and her breasts heave. She moaned hot breath all over Spike's cock, making him bunch his paws as fists and groan. Mango's shirt slowly rode down her sloping back towards her shoulders, and her breasts popped free as it bunched around her neck. She arched her back and cried out, her orange eyes dilating as pleasure coursed through her self.

Kiwi pushed Mango's hips forward slightly and grabbed her hips, smoothing the shaggy fur as she pressed her muzzle to Mango's mound and licked her juices. Mango shuddered and slumped down onto the floor, squeezing her breasts and giving Spike a great view of her bum. Kiwi looked over the delicious rump and winked at Spike, and started licking more flesh--first her right butt cheek, then the left, then the savory little bit of flesh beneath the base of Mango's tail. Spike fought very hard to keep from pawing off all over the collie's face.

Mango's face... Mango's eyes were lolled back, her tongue on the floor, her nostrils flaring as she took deep, jagged breaths as Kiwi licked her closer and closer to another shattering orgasm. Kiwi returned to tasting her girlfriend's mound, letting her long, agile canine tongue penetrate Mango and taste her inner flesh--flesh that no doubt shook and convulsed and shuddered with each stroke.

Juices ran down her thighs and Kiwi's chest, pooling in her own crotch. The fur down her chest was damp, matted, and her tank top was wet, transparent. She pulled back and licked her lips, making eye contact with the starving bunny. Mango's ass was quivering, her body heaving with pleasure, and her tail was wagging invitingly above her body. Spike looked down at Mango's face again; she was smiling broadly, her tongue lolled out and her eyes rolling.

It was erotically cute.

Kiwi kept drilling into Mango's cunt, pressing one, two, finally three digits inside her slit, while her other paw took to massaging and pulling her tail flesh. Mango's expression didn't change as she suddenly arched her back again, pulling up and freeing her breasts to sway, and came silently, the only indication being the squirts of tasty fluid coating Kiwi's top.

Mango shivered for a moment, then groaned. "_ Uhgg... Ohhh. _"

Kiwi winked at Spike again, who was barely paying any attention at all to her. "I think she's down for the count." With that she pulled herself free from Mango's hips and slid back, making the other collie fall to the ground, her knees splayed out beneath her, her cunt dripping onto the tiled floor.

Kiwi stood, her paw immediately falling to her crotch, teasing Spike and keeping him from getting any good views. Her tail high, she turned around, exposing her perfect ass and the slightest hints of the underside of her mound. Her paws grabbed some shirt and she pulled it off over her head. Spike groaned and reached out, trying to touch, just touch the tight, round ass hanging just feet in front of his muzzle.

Her paws moved back and she turned again, hiding her good bits from view while she sauntered over to the drooling bunny. In a fluid motion, she reached down and grabbed Spike's hand, pulling him aside and away from the comatose collie. Green-eyed Kiwi smiled and reached out, cupping his muzzle and leaning down to kiss Spike on the nose. He stared at her revealed chest, then groaned as her other paw moved aside, revealing her sacred treasure. Her crotch fur was already matted and sticky from Mango's juices.

He sat up, leaning forward as she sat down in front of him, her legs spread wide, her pussy oozing right in front of him. "I think you're so cute, Spike. You and your little muscular chest. I just wanna..." She reached out and rubbed his chest. "...stroke you all over."

"Enough," he whispered, closing his eyes.

"... ?"

"Enough talk. Enough teasing. I know you want this too," he continued, before leaping forward, catching her totally off guard and pressing her back against the floor. He slammed his muzzle on hers, gripping her in the throes of a passionate kiss as his hips slammed against hers. She moaned into his mouth, letting his tongue in to tackle her tongue. He pulled out and thrusted into her again, pressing deeper, stretching her hole to the limits and then some. She was tight; she was smaller than his cock by at least an inch, maybe more, but that wasn't gonna stop Spike from hammerstroking all the way in--even if it hurt. He was so horny right now, and more than ever did he need to reaffirm his love for pussyflesh.

"Ahh!" she cried out, coming instantly, her pussy already raw from his pounding. Her ass bounced off the tiled floor with each thrust Spike made. Spike groaned and came, shooting a huge load into her slit and filling her completely. Huge slopping gushes of his sticky spooge shot out as he rammed back in. "So hot!" she moaned, writing on the floor. " Cum In My Cunny, AHHH FUCK!"

His paws were on her wrists, and his hips slamming into her lower body kept her legs still. Her back arched as she came again, feeling his shots of gooey cream cover her crotch and drip down all over her ass. The hot liquid touched the base of her tail, making her moan louder.

Her groans mixed with her cries and wails into a wordless moan that redoubled with each thrust. Spike grunted and groaned again, shooting a third load all over her as he pulled out, covering her lower section. His testicles quivered and shook like her shaking, quivering body. Kiwi's tits bounced with each sensational hump he made.

Then Spike forced his cock into her as far as it would go, crying out, "It's so _ hot! _" as his cock poured more and more spoogey jizz inside her. He pressed his stomach to hers, spreading his jackrabbit cream all over her front. And he started rubbing himself over her, pressing his cock in and pulling it out as he slid up and down, making her keen as his cream rubbed all over her chest and stomach.

A voice penetrated his concentration as if in a dream. "... Mind if I join?" It was Mango, crawling over him and pressing her cunt over Kiwi's muzzle. Kiwi cried out, delirious with pleasure and ecstasy, nearly sobbing now as her cunt tensed and orgasmed again and again. Her tongue shot out and probed Mango's cunny, licking up the sweet juices.


Kiwi felt a weight lifted from her chest as Mango pulled Spike up and kissed him, and he could taste Mango's girlfriend's juices in her mouth. He had to remember to keep pounding Kiwi to insanity, who kept screaming and crying and sobbing as she came each time her pressed even slightly into her--and he wasn't pressing slightly.

"Deeper! _ Fuck! Harder! _" Kiwi cried out. "Ram me you beautiful machine!"

Mango simply gurgled.

Spike's paws reached around her naked body, pulling her top closer to his chest, feeling her press against him for a brief moment before she pushed back and rocked her hips on Kiwi's muzzle. Kiwi blew a blast of warm air all over Mango's tail hole, and the orange-eyed collie shrieked and came all over her muzzle, which pushed Kiwi over the top--her cunny spasmed and came around Spike's prick, making him shudder and quiver and come all over their crotches. His paws, working Mango's nipples, tensed and pinched with pleasure, making Mango cry out and come again.

Spike swooned and pulled out, and Kiwi whimpered, and the sight of their soaked, stained fur made him cry out. Pleasure coursed through his body, peaking at his crotch. He gasped and came, his last load he could manage, spraying thick, steamy cum all over Mango and Kiwi before he fell over and landed on his side, juices pouring out around his jack. Her breasts covered, her tummy drowning and her crotch dripping, Kiwi shrieked and orgasmed and slumped.

Mango humped her muzzle for a few more seconds, crying out, "Fuck me, whore! Screw me!"

Spike panted, "She's... p-p-passed out... huff."

They lay there sweaty, covered in fluids, panting and heaving and in Kiwi's case, comatose, but still watering at the eyes, for some time.

Spike turned on the shower again. The pleasant warmth spread over his body in gentle tappings, scrubbing his chest clean of their juices. Beside him on his left, Mango rubbed her fur clean, sneaking glances over at his body as he bent over to clean his legs. On his other side, Kiwi sat facing the wall, the shower spray hitting her front and cleansing her to a more public appearance. He caught her gazing over his chest and he smiled, winking at her.

Kiwi stood beside him, putting a paw on his shoulder and turning him around. She looked into his eyes. "You know, I think you're really cute."


"What?! He is!" she defended, and Mango huffed. Kiwi kissed him lightly on the cheek, dragging her teeth over his flesh, making him smile. He reached over, and pinched her bum.


Mango reached and turned him to his left. "She's right, too," Mango whispered. She crossed her arms and rested them on his shoulder. Her left leg wrapped around his thigh, pressing them closer together.

"Hey! No fair!" Kiwi whined, trying to turn him the other way.

"Get your own bunny!"

"I want him!"

"Ladies, ladies! There's plenty of Spike to go around." He looked at each one in turn, with their happy expressions and gorgeous eyes, green and orange. They smiled and hugged him, pressing their bodies as tight against him as possible. "But I thought you two were, um... together? An item?"

They shared a thoughtful glance. "Well, sort of, and yeah, we were strictly gay... but things change, over time."

Kiwi agreed. "Yeah, especially working here. Anyways... we'd be glad to spend some time with you, outside of this place." She waved her paw at the studio, trying to encompass the whole complex. "If you want to, that is."

Mango and Kiwi pressed closer, looking up at him with expectant looks in their eyes.

Spike shrugged. "Oh, I suppose so. I'll give you my number when I leave."

"You gonna stay working here?"

Spike thought for a second. "I think so. I mean, the guys here are pretty considerate... I think I'll enjoy it here." He kissed them.

So, yeah! That's the second installement of The Yiffy Episodes of Spike the Jackrabbit. It's not really a series, just some random collection of fics that happen to tie into my other story, [A Romantic Fuck?](%5C), starring none other than the angry wolf, Thorne. My fursona, if you will. Anyways, I know this pseudo-series will eventually tie in, tragically.

Anyways, as always, vote and comment! -Hammerstroke