Living with Aaron: Caught!

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Dustin, a young husky boy, and Kyle, a young herm rabbit boy, are living with their godfather, Aaron, after the boys parents have passed away. Aaron, a Samoyed, has cared for the boys for four years since the accident. Dustin, having wet the bed since he moved in, has come to love wearing diapers, even when he doesn't need them. He actually isn't wetting the bed much at all anymore, and has begun stealing them from Kyle. Aaron isn't quite sure what to do with the frisky boys... perhaps they require a special kinda of love?

Warning, this story contains adult content involving young, animal, fantasy characters, and contains diaper usage. No scat here, sorry. If any of this offends you, please don't put yourself through the misery of reading even a bit of this!

Otherwise, enjoy! This is the introduction to a few characters I'm going to be using for a set of short stories.

Kyle: Lagomorph, Bunny, White, 4 years old, 3'0" Dustin: Canine, Husky, Black markings, 12 years old, 4'2" Aaron: Canine, Samoyed, 25 years old, 5' 2


The two boys, Kyle and Dustin, are living in Aaron's private home. Kyle and Dustin are brothers through adoption. Kyle had been adopted by Dustin's parents when he was just an infant. Dustin's parents were killed in a car accident, and Aaron is their godfather, as well as Dustin's 2nd cousin. Because their parents were killed in a car accident, they moved in when Dustin was 8 and right after Kyle was adopted. Aaron acquired a sizeable wealth through the tragedy, so they'll be decently well off until the kids may need to move out.

After the accident, Dustin became very withdrawn for quite some time. Due to the stress, and to his initial horror, he began wetting the bed. At first he tried to wait it out, but after having to do his laundry so many times, the idea of something like a diaper was very tantalizing. He finally mustered enough courage and asked Aaron to buy him some diapers. A wet diaper is so much nicer than soaked clothing and bedding, he felt.

Aaron was thrilled that Dustin had opened up to him. After the accident involving his parents, Dustin had been withdrawn towards Aaron for a long time. Aaron was excited at the chance to help his charge, and he promptly purchased a pack of youth diapers for Dustin. The act of buy the padding made Dustin feel a bit closer to Aaron, since he was finally able to muster the courage to ask.

After a while, he no longer felt embarrassed about putting them on at night. He finally stopped wetting the bed a few years down the road, and in that time, he had grown to love wearing them, even when he didn't need to. Dustin was disappointed that Aaron would eventually stop buying him diapers. He had begun to have fantasies about Aaron changing him out of a soaked diaper, like he did with Kyle, and sometimes a little more.

Though, they had been having some issues potty training Kyle. It turned out that Kyle is a hermaphrodite, which they had quickly learned during the first diaper change. The condition has caused certain muscles to not develop as well, and he has become prone to random leaks from his bladder. Since he leaks so often, they've decided to keep him in diapers until he can control himself.

Prior to the kids moving in, Aaron had actually been experimenting with wearing diapers. With these little ones bursting onto the scene, though, he didn't know what to do with himself. He hadn't had much playtime at all and was still exploring everything, and now, being in a situation where someone new was watching him all the time, to cease the behavior so abruptly was quite maddening at first.

During this time Aaron reminisced about his padded playtime every time he found himself changing Kyle, or hearing Dustin pipe up about his soaked bed or diaper again. He chuckled and found himself often wishing they would just stay this way for a while. He even had a hidden stash of diapers and toys for when a few of his friends came over. Whenever he glanced in on his toys, though, he found himself fantasizing different ways to use diapers on his friends, and even started thinking of special ways the boys could be diapered with him.

Ever since he officially stopped wetting the bed, which took about 3 years, Dustin didn't necessarily want to stop getting all padded for bed. He pretended for the final few months that he had diapers that he was still needing them as he slowly began to dwindle usage.

A few months after they were used up though, Dustin had actually been sneaking into Kyle's room every few weeks to steal a diaper from his younger brother, and wear it or play with it. Now that Kyle was a little older, he was getting a bit larger diapers, so they were just large enough that Dustin could squeeze into them.


It had been 4 years since they moved in, which is about a year since Dustin had stopped wetting his bed. At about midnight, as he tiptoed down the familiar carpeted hallway in just some pajama pants, Dustin was thinking about how he had stolen the diapers from Kyle a few times before. He was only down the hallway. It's not like he had far to go. Though, pangs of anxiety still filled Dustin's mind briefly, even though he had done this many times before. Pausing slightly, he also considered the fact that he's still wearing diapers at the age of 13, and not because he needed them anymore either. He shivered as a rush of happiness came over him, while he considered his diaper desire.

Dustin had made it down most of the hallway by now. He still felt somewhat exhilarated as he snuck into his little brother's room. He was determined to get all comfy in some padding again. His husky tail wagged at the thought of this as he took the final few steps to the door of Kyle's room, his ears perked and tail slowed, He placed his paw on the doorknob and began to ease the door open.

It creaked slightly at first as he slid the door open. His ears twitched, but he didn't falter as he knew that going any slower would cause it to creak again. he opened it just enough so he could slip through. He left the door open since he hadn't turned a light on. Now that he was in the room, now comes the hard part. He tried looking around the room, but couldn't see much in the darkness since he had just come from his room, which had the light on in it.

He sidled around the room, after having been in here multiple times he knew just where things were in regards to furniture. He was a bit anxious still, so he was shaking slightly and breathing quickly. His eyes hadn't adjusted yet though as he felt along the wall towards the closet.

By the time he hit the closet door, he was starting to be able to see. This one slid open sideways instead of on a hinge. It was already partially open, too, from when Kyle had changed earlier. Now that he was able to speak, and that he was also quite smart for his age, Aaron had been able to direct Kyle on what to do to change himself.

Dustin bent down and reached for the packaging that held the diapers. It was halfway empty, and still, he noticed another pack behind this one. "Kyle won't notice another one gone," Dustin thought, "he never does... He goes through these like crazy." He stood up swiftly, and went to turn around. Instead of inching along the wall, as when he couldn't see, Dustin began to go across the open part of the room.

Unfortunately, there was a toy left in the middle of the floor that he missed while he was blinded in the night. It wasn't too loud, but it was enough for Kyle to wake up with a start. He gasped and sat up, ears perking up like radars.

"Hello?" Kyle whispered, as he stared into the darkness. He repeated himself again, a bit louder this time. "Hello?!" His mind began reeling as he thought, "are you a monster or ghost or something?!"

Dustin was mortified as his brother sat up. He had been caught. What would he ever do? How was he going to explain this to Kyle? Lightning shot through his gut as he thought about Aaron. What would Aaron think?! He screamed at himself inside as Kyle first whispered. The second time Kyle questioned the air again though, it was a bit louder, and, being that Aaron was right underneath this room, Dustin decided he had no other choice but to quiet his brother.

"Shhhh!" His noise piercing the silence in the room. Dustin took a step towards Kyle's bed. Kyle lay in the center of a queen size mattress, on a bed frame with yellow sides, underneath space themed blankets. He had only a pajama top on, and a diaper underneath the covers. It had low bars across the sides so he wouldn't fall out during the night if he were to roll around. After hearing the sound, he reached up and flipped the switch on the wall to turn on the lights.

Kyle didn't know what to think. He was still collecting his thoughts. Although he was startled, now that he knew it was his brother, he was able to relax a bit more. As he did, he didn't notice that he had begun to wet himself a bit more. Though, the reason for this is that he did notice that his brother, his older brother no less, was holding one of his diapers. He was trying to get a grasp on the situation, as his brother took another step towards him.

"Dustin? what're you doing in here?" Kyle smirked a bit, after looking at the diaper in his brother's hand a second time. Yup, it was his diaper alright. "That's mine! Why do you have that? Do you need it again?"

After thinking quickly, Dustin realized, his only way to get out of this is to try and come up with a good bluff. "well... No I don't ~need~ it, but uh..." He felt himself blush underneath as he paused, "yeah, it is yours. Could I uh...I wanted to see if I could change you?" he said. It was something quick, and the only thing that he thought of that would make sense in his panicked state. He didn't really expect Kyle to accept the offer.

Kyle thought about what was going on for a second or two, rubbing his eye momentarily, and being only 4, and as tired as he was, was still very confused. He asked, "Why? you mean right now, or when I was sleeping? I don't mind if you wanna have one, Dusty." The thought of a diaper change in the middle of the night intrigued Kyle a bit actually. Dustin's ears twitched at the mention of him taking one.

Dustin came over to the bed, and put the one side down. "Well, I guess I would change you now. Do you need to be changed?" He wasn't quite sure on how to do it on someone else. He assumed it could only be as simple. He had only ever done it on himself or had someone do it for him, and he's really just trying his best to not look like he was actually sneaking one for himself.

Kyle didn't buy it too much, since his brother hadn't ever really changed his diaper before, but he still reconsidered the offer. He reached down and touched the front a bit, squishing it and feeling how wet he was. before the scare, it seems he had been wet already, but by this point, he could use a change. He felt strange that his his brother was asking him this. He still felt special and happy at the same time because his brother would want to do that for him.

Kyle nodded, "Sure, I guess that's ok, I am a bit wet right now... I think you scared me to being more wet, Dustin!" He pulled the covers down a bit, exposing his diaper front. The upper portion of the diaper was untouched by the cubs urine, still, but the lower portion was clearly wet.


Aaron had been awake in his room during most of this ordeal. His bedroom was right underneath Kyle's, after all. He heard the younger boy call out in the night a few minutes before, and it was quiet for a bit. Nightmares perhaps? Aaron finally continued hearing someone talking upstairs, and It sounded like both of the boys. "I might as well make sure they're not up to something." He thought to himself.

He made his way up the stairs quietly. Though, being drastically tired, he didn't bother thinking about what these boys could possibly be doing, especially at midnight! He paused at the top of the stairs and looked at the door. "Ajar?" he thought. Light poured out.

It wasn't open by much, but it was enough for a husky to sneak through. It also was just right for him to peak through. Aaron crept up to view the scene unfolding. He saw Kyle nod and heard him agree to something. He didn't expect what happened next, as kyle pulled his sheets down, exposing his diaper. _______________________________

Dustin wasn't expecting his brother to accept, but he was thrilled at the chance. His brother was letting him do it, so he may as well take the opportunity. He slid closer to the kit, and poked his brothers diaper slightly where it was yellow. The diaper made short work of the 4 year olds urine. It wasn't leaky, but it was squishy, that's for sure. "Well, just relax then, I guess." Dustin said, his heart beating heavily.

Kyle watched Dustin's face as the covers were pulled off of his legs too, and he just laid back his head and waited. Dustin removed both tapes on the front, slowly and gently. He tried not to make too much noise. When the tapes were off, he folded it down slowly as he exposed his bits.

Looking down at the bunny's sheath, Dustin felt his heart pounding. His husky member was growing slightly in his sheath, stretching it taught like a glove. He reached over and grabbed the new diaper. As he was placing the diaper on the bed, he realized the little lips that made his brother so unique. "I don't have this, what is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"The slit in between your wiener and your bum. Is that normal?" Dustin poked it slightly.

Kyle jumped as he was poked, "hey! well..." he relaxed a bit, "I've never talked about it. I don't know if it is, but I like feels good when I touch myself there!" Kyle reached down and slid a finger across the lips of his mound. Dustin blushed for a reason unknown to him, as his member strained against the tension of his sheath, but then Kyle did something unexpected. "Watch, I figured this out the other day when I was rubbing myself down here." Kyle started sliding his middle finger between the lips.

Dustin stared wide eyed. He had so many questions about this new situation, but what Kyle was doing to himself was so hypnotic for some reason. His heart was racing, as well as his mind. Dustin couldn't help but ask, "Do you pee from there too?" Kyle giggled and he continued deeper with his middle finger, up to the 2nd knuckle.

"No, silly. I pee from my thingy." he pushed his middle finger as far as he could up to his hand. "It feels like I can go a little more than this. Sometimes I like to just sit in bed like this with my diaper on. It feels so good. It's like it's meant to be filled like this. Why would it feel so good if it wasn't?"

Dustin had no clue what to say. He had recently stumbled onto internet porn and knew exactly what the slit meant. "Can I try touching you there?" Dustin blushed as he said this, his mind becoming more aware of how hard he was, the tip of his member peeking out from his sheath.

"Would you? I think I'd like that. You've got bigger fingers than I do..." Dustin shifted his body slightly at his little brother's response, moving up a bit more to his brother's side. Dustin's face was right next to his brother's tummy as Kyle was pulling his finger from his mound, and his abdomen was curling around his brother's rear, as though he were slightly cradling his brother with his body. He brought his middle finger up to his brother's slit and began massaging it.

After Kyle had his finger in there a little bit already, Dustin was able to find the moist little hole without a problem. He began pushing his finger inside slowly, feeling his brothers little tunnel clench on his middle finger. It felt slick and tight, but Kyle was right that he was able to go a bit further than expected. He got up to the second knuckle and rested there for a moment. Kyle began to shiver a little bit as Dustin began to swirl his finger around inside his brother. He was feeling how easily the walls pushed aside, yet it somehow still felt tight.

Kyle made a little moaning noise as he the larger digit worked its way around inside him. "Are you ok?" Dustin asked. Kyle nodded. He would have wagged his tail, had he been standing. It felt better than Kyle had expected. "I wanna try something Ky. Just try to relax as much as possible." He pushed all the way in and began swirling a little bit again.

Dustin began sliding his finger out almost all the way, and began sliding it back in. Kyle closed his eyes and focused on the feeling in his crotch as his brother began to slowly glide in and out of him. It felt so good, he couldn't do anything except lay there. Dustin shifted his body a bit more up so that way he was more alongside his brother. He lay there calmly, thrusting his finger into his little brother.

Kyle was murring under his breath every few moments. He could feel himself relaxing inside a bit more, as the lips began sliding over the finger more freely. Dustin pushed his middle finger all the way in up to his final knuckle and began flexing his hand to stiffen his finger more. He began swirling with his entire finger inside his brother for a few seconds as he flexed, and pulled out again.

"Do you think you could do two fingers?" Dustin questioned, as he looked at his brother. Kyle nodded vigorously, grinning a little bit as he pressed his face into his brother's, nuzzling him gently. Dustin began to slowly slide his index finger with his middle finger into the little rabbit. He started with making sure he could get his fingertips inside the opening to his brother's mound. He got them in a little bit and began massaging his way in. He could feel the walls around them pulsing, taught, and slowly stretching for his finger's progress.

Kyle gasped at the feeling. It was tight, and almost painful, but he relaxed and let his brother explore. It seemed like a few minutes had passed before Dustin was even to the second knuckle of his index finger. Kyle moaned, "Dustin, hold on. it hurts a little..." Dustin pulled his fingers out again and waited a bit for his brother to relax more. He went back to using only the middle finger, swirling around, stretching and massaging everything inside his brother he could possibly reach.

By this point, Kyle had gotten a bit more accustomed to the attention, but he also could feel the pleasure building as his brothers longer digit probed him so deeply. It began to feel more comfortable, as Dustin took a moment to slow down, and ease into his brother as gently as he could, meeting his crotch with a slow, forceful push. He could feel the tightness down to his fingertip as he rested there for a moment.

"This feels so good, Dusty, just wait there for a moment." Kyle moaned slightly as he felt his bladder release itself a little bit. Dustin could feel his member throbbing in his pants at the urine dripping down around his hand, still in his little brother, down into the diaper and bed sheets...

___________________________________________ To be continued!