Unenlightened 6

Story by TheUnsungGod on SoFurry

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I was in a black abyss. There was nothing,nothing at all. Just black. But there was something. There was me wasn't there? I looked down,my body was just floating,or was it standing? I don't know,it could be both at the same time somehow. I managed to move myself around,but there was nothing to see. Was I dead? NO impossible,I was very much alive. I could feel it. But where was I?

"Hello?"I asked

Nothing answered. And I felt alone,in this black void,I was beginning to think that I was dead,despite me feeling everything. Was this death? Just a Black void and nothing,but there was something,there was black,just black. Wasn't that something,its a color. So there was not nothing,there was me and black.

I looked around again,still black. I guess this was it,i guess I failed,i guess the USA is doomed. Many would die,and it might even mean nuclear conflict,after all that was the USA's last resort weapon,but no they wouldn't be so stupid. Would they? I sighed,what if I was wrong.

I looked up and saw black I looked down and saw b...... wait there was white,just that small speck of light. Was that something? I went to it,down now feeling like it was forward. I walked to it,and it came closer. Was this something? Or was it doom?

I had no idea,and nothing ever came out of never exploring. So I started to run to it. It grew bigger and bigger and then....There was both light and dark,together neither was evil,neither was good,they existed in perfect harmony,together. I looked to the black,and I saw black. I looked to the white,ad I saw white. Then I looked in between. There was both white and black,and there was what I wanted.

Was it what I wanted? I don't know,but instinct told me to go there. Darkness is not associated with evil,and neither is light,evil is just that,Evil,and good is just that,good,and they exist in harmony too. One to balance the other. And then I realized,this was life,this was death,this was good,this was bad,and this was light,and this was dark.

There was a bright flash of light,and darkness. And suddenly I was standing in the middle of a desert. This was where I passed out. But where was exveemon?

'Im right here.'Exveemons voice said

"Where."I said noticing that my voice sounded different,more masculine and powerful.

'Not where silly,but who. We are one,and I understand now,surely you do too.'

"'that this just evil,and good is just good,and this is power"' we both said at the same time.

I looked down,and didn't see my human legs,instead I saw armor,and blue feet. I was paildramon. And me and Exveemon had fused together. I looked over my body,and saw wings,blue wings and white wings. There was a white armor on my chest different from a stingmons I knew there was also claws,and spikes and on my sides was two gun like contraptions. I stood tall,taller than any human.

I felt myself smile,We where one,Blake existed and Exveemon existed together But together we where paildramon.

"I,we feel good."I said

'yes,and you my love and one with me,as I am one with you. But it looks like you have control over the body,while I control the mind,somehow.'I heard the voice of Exveemon say

I smiled. And I started moving towards the base,,i wouldn't fit down there,but I would tell the others,my success. It wasn't long before I made it to the base,after all I could walk with much more stride.

The guard at the checkpoint saw me and spoke into a phone. He was scared,likewise I would be if a giant blue,armored digimon approached me. Then HE backed away and ran. I waited. Then after a few minutes the doors to the building opened and the president and the general and many soldiers stepped out,all of them aiming guns at me.

"General,Mr. President"I greeted them.

"Hold your fire,exveemon? Is that you?"The president said

"No it is paildramon now."I said

"then where is Blake?"He asked

"We are together now."I said

"Together,together how?"The general asked

"We are one,we are together,we are now paildramon and we will help you in your conflict."I said

This is incredible."the president spoke out.

"I believe that the more time we spend here the more people will die,we need to leave quickly,and we need to go,to fight."I said

the president nodded,and issued an order."I want a c-130 brought out of the hangar,and I want my best men to accompany Paildramon. Come on we don't want to keep him waiting do we!" Many of the soldiers saluted and even the General did as well. Then they all rushed to action and soon where headed to the runway that was near the base. I looked at the president. He stared back.

"Blake...Exveemon,paildramon,i almost don't believe it. We will be ready in a few you will be headed to the east,where you will meat up with our soldiers and assist in any way possible. Got it."

"Yes,but do remember I am not your lapdog."I heard myself say

the president just nodded.

In around thirty minutes a c-130 was set and ready to go. Many soldiers piled aboard,but left room for me. I filed aboard,and sat down,many stared at me,but I paid them no interest. Then I heard a voice over the intercom.

"Alright men this is your captain speaking,we will be headed right into the fight,our main goal is to retake the white house,and assist getting civilians to safety. Now I realize we have a giant dragon,but he is here to help. We will be taking off shortly."The voice said

I waited,and soon I felt the plane start to move. Then before I knew it we where airborne. This is when I receded back into my mind. There was a white flash and suddenly I was in the same white and black void as before,but this time Exveemon was there.

And I was Blake again."Exveemon?"I asked

"Yes blake,what happened?"I asked even though I knew the answer.

"We merged together,we are now paildramon,and I couldn't be happier. I get to fight with my lover and we will win this war."Exveemon said

I smiled and walked over to him. I placed my head on his chest and he put his arms around me. I loved him,and we didn't want to be apart. And now we where together,in more than just lovers. I smiled and so did Exveemon.

"It will take some getting used to though,and hopefully its not permanent,because even though we are together,i still want you to be you,Blake."Exveemon said

I smiled"And I want you to be you."

exveemon stirred."What is it Exveemon."I asked

"We are here."He said

"So fast,but how?"I asked

"It seem time passes faster than it does in the real world,to other it must look like we are sleeping. But only we know the truth. But we must go,lives depend on it."Exveemon said

I smiled,we had a job to do. And suddenly I was back on the plane. I was paildramon again. I stood a little cramped in the c-130 but stood,and so did everyone else. I felt the plane shake,no doubt they where shooting at us. But I let it pass,and suddenly a red light came on.

"Alright people we are nearing the drop zone,get ready,the door is opening."The pilot said

The ramp in the back started to open,just as the pilot said it would. I stepped forward wanting to test my wings. But as I stepped forward a huge explosion ripped through the end of the plane,casing me to lose my balance and fall out. I fell backwards and saw the rest of the plane go up in flames,i silently cursed,but I had more things to worry about.

I managed to flip myself over,and spread my wings to slow my fall,but whoever was shooting at us saw me and was shooting towards me. Bullets flew by close to me,just barley missing,and other bullets actually hit my armor,but the armor deflected them like it was nothing. I managed to spot who was shooting,at me,mainly troops on the ground. I spotted a single SAM site as well,but it was focused on other aircraft.

I got close enough to the ground to be able to land,so I spread my wings as far as they would go to slow my descend and curved upwards to land on my feet smoothly. Though I had little time to check my area of landing. I spotted a few soldiers in unmarked uniforms coming my way. When they spotted me one of them yelled out and they all started to aim at me.

There was no cover to go too,i was out in the open,so when they started firing I had to rely on my armor to keep me safe. It did its job and the pullets pinged off my armor. The continued firing,but eventually ran out of bullets. I gave a loud roar,and charged them. As I charged I heard myself yell"Desperado blaster!" and the guns at my side started shooting back at them.

They didn't stand much of a chance against the energy bullets,and they tore through them. My effort didn't last long though as more troops started to file from covers of buildings. They all got back into cover,and only put their heads up to fire at me. They did no damage,and I found myself shooting back at them again. The skirmish didn't last long and soon I was victorious.

When they where all dead I took in my surroundings. I realized I was close to the ruined Washington monument,just near the building line. I looked around again,and spotted the capitol building, I turned around and saw the Lincoln memorial,all where in ruins,and I was somewhere in between.

I didn't have long though as soon a single shell went past my head and exploded behind me. Tank shell. I looked at the machine that fired,and then quickly took off into the air. It was easy to get above the tanks line of sight. Then I dived and got on top of it. I opened the hatch and I found myself shouting again.

"Electric bolt!"

I fired a ball of electricity out of my hands and into the opened hatch,killing all who where inside then I got off the ruined vehicle.

'We should find the SAM sites and take care of those first,so more troops can get here.'I heard exveemon say.

I nodded,and quickly found the one of the sources of the missiles, it was closer to the capitol building. I made my way over there,luckily without much resistance. But once I was in range the soldiers at the site started shooting. Like before their bullets did nothing,and I was soon on top of them.

I used my desperado blast to take care of the ground troops,then when all the troops where gone I used my electric bolt to take care of the actual SAMs. It was easy work,and I felt invincible. But of course nothing went to plan,as I took out the site I spotted reinforcements. And they where armed better. One of them had a rocket launcher and he was quick to get it out and fire on me.

I felt the rocket hit me,and sent me back a few steps. I felt pain,the rocket had hurt me,i was not invincible,but it only did minor damage thanks to my tough skin and armor. I found myself roaring again as I used my desperado blast once again to take out the troops.

I felt my rage subside once they where dead. And I continued on. I knew not where to go,and soon I found myself in the streets of the surrounding city. I was lucky and avoided several patrols,actually being quieter than I would have expected. I was looking for friendlies. But it seemed that the city was dead,besides the opposing soldiers.

I walked to unfamiliar streets,hoping to find a US soldier. I was in luck,as I made my way further into he streets,the opposing soldiers had less and less patrols,and I was able to take in my surroundings,but it did not help me find any friendlies. I would have to search a better way. I had to risk it,i had to fly.

I stretched my wings and started flapping them to get me off the ground,I was airborne in a few seconds. I made my way up, and searched around. It seemed I was going away from the fighting as I could see a battle raging back the way I had come. I started flying. I returned to the where the capitol building was. And there was a huge fight going on there

It took me no time to make it close,and I did it without being noticed,and I planned my attack. It wasn't much but I would surprise them and attack at the same time,and hold them off for the friendlies.

'Not very original,but it works.'I heard Exveemon say

I nodded,and started my attack. I swooped in and used my desperado blaster in a strafing run,killing any unlucky enough to be out of cover. Then I landed and continued firing. It worked I had surprised them,and now they where focusing on two threats,the US soldiers and me. The energy bolts tore through any unlucky enough to be out of cover. But there where many more,hundreds of enemy troops,and they had air support,in the forms of helicopters.

I had little time as a helicopter opened fire on me with missiles,forcing me to run out of the way. Then when its missiles payload was gone it fired with a mini gun mounted on its front. I was able to get to cover,but not without a few scratches and burns.

The helicopter continued firing,and another joined in. I was pinned by two helicopters. Then an idea formed in my head. I waited for them to stop firing,witch took some time,and then I emerged from cover and used cable catcher to imbed my claws into the helicopters. Then I pulled backwards forcing the helicopters to crash into the ground.

Once that was done I retracted my claws. I peered from my cover,and saw that the battle was going bad for us,the enemy was pushing us back. Our tanks where being destroyed,as where any air vehicles by SAM sites,and our troops where slowly being pushed back by the combined efforts.

I heard a loud sound as a jet flew by and dropped its payload onto a few tanks. Then opened fire with a machine gun on the troops. This was a losing battle. I had to do something. I decided to focus on the remaining helicopters,who where keeping our troops pinned. I used cable catcher to take care of any low flying ones,and desperado blast to shoot any foot soldiers. AS for the tanks,i watched as the friendlies now with more room to breath shoot rockets at the tanks.

I continued fighting from cover,using my desperado blaster to shoot any who came out of cover,or got too close. The Friendlies took care of any tanks,with their own the ones that where left. I took care of any helicopters who dared to fly low enough as well as any troops. Over time we started pushing back.

But the jets where a problem,as we had no way to counter them,due to them having air superiority. Several times I watched as troops where instantly killed by the missiles from the jets. I stayed in my cover,constantly moving up to another cover when I had the chance. My energy bolts and electric charges killed anyone who got too close.

Though they caught on to me as a threat,and started focusing on me mainly. They would fire their guns,and fire missiles at me,and the helicopter attacked from a range that I could not catch them at. I was being pinned again. But it also proved to be their downfall,as the remaining troops n my side,shot back at them with every thing they had. The helicopters where destroyed by lock on missiles,and the troops killed any enemy troops.

They where torn between two targets. Soon the battle was turning in our favor,as our troops took out SAM sites along the way allowing our air vehicles to counter theirs. This battle was turning fast. I was a walking tank,and they had little to counter me,and the US troops at the same time.

After some time,we managed to subdue the immediate enemy threat,securing area. I had some time. I watched as the US troops continued on while some stayed behind. I walked to a small base of operations they had set up.

The first man to spot me,ran in fear. No doubt they knew my power. But after I showed that I was not going to attack,on of the squad leaders,walked up but stayed in a safe place.

"I assume your the one who helped us turn the tide of that battle?"The man said

"Yes I am paildramon,and I was sent here by the president himself to help with the war."I said

"I've seen you fight,and i've never seen anything like it,you are definitely a threat,but if what you say is true,they we would not mind your help."The man said

'He is being cautious,don't show any signs of hostility' I heard Exveemon say

I nodded,"I will be glad to help"

"If you are truly on our side,then there is a building to the north east,called the.."

"White house,yes I know,I assume you want me to help you retake it,yes?"I asked

"You know more than I catch on,but yes it is a base being held by the enemy,and it is heavily guarded. Our troops are there trying to retake it,but are having problems. I want you to go there and help retake it."The man said

I nodded,and spread my wings. I jumped into the air,and made my way towards the white house without a second thought. I made it there in no time,the battle was easy to see,and the enemy was held up inside the building itself,holding off any troops. I landed,and started my attack. I used my desperado blasters again,as well as electric bolts,to subdue the enemy.

When I showed,up the US troops where being held back,but I used my blasters,to keep them in cover as I did not need to reload. I fired a constant barrage allowing the US troops to get closer. Once they got inside,i focused on any outside troops,as I could not fit inside the white house. I spotted several tanks getting closer,so I took off into the air,and attacked from above. My electric bolts managed to pierce the hulls,but it came down to me landing on top of the tanks and forcing open the hatches.

I managed to destroy the tanks,and by the time I was done,most of the resistance was take care of. With the exception of a few straggler. Everything was going well. Today was a good day. I headed back to the camp. There I was met,by the same man again.

"It is done."I said

"Damn and in record time too,you have my trust,but the others might not be so trustworthy of you,many of my troops are stills scared shitless about you."the man said

'That was easier than expected' Exveemon said

I nodded."In your absence,I got a message,the surrounding areas have been captured We have set up a base to the west,i suggest you go there,and talk to my superior,He'll no doubt have more things for you to do.

'I suggest we go there and get orders,maybe we can contact the president.'Exveemon said

I nodded,and took of into the sky. The base was more or less a few miles away,on the outskirts. There was a full base,not just a camp,and they where dug in good. There where tanks,and helicopters patrolling the ground and skies, They ignored me,most likely they had gotten the message. I landed,and found myself near a canopy in which there was various equipment,and some soldiers.

They turned to me,and went wide eyed,i ignored them."Where is your superior?"i asked

One of the soldiers pointed to a large tent that had been constructed. I went there. I ignored any looks I got,and entered the tent. Inside was several soldiers,all of high rank,looking over a map of the DC area,as well as using other equipment like computers.

They all turned when I entered,I got the same reaction as before. But one of them did not. This one actually approached me.

"I assume you're the help the president sent?"The man asked

"If that's what he told you then yes,i am."I said back

The man nodded"You where the one who helped us. Plus your a walking tank,you took out more than just regular troops,but also tanks and helicopters. But I need more troops than just you.

"I understand but I am what you get,and I suggest you use that."I said

The man frowned"Well I guess you're all I got,other than a few stragglers we have been able to secure DC,but with far to many losses,your help in the main battle was much appreciated. I don't know where to put you though."

I nodded"Then I will stay here and rest,is there anywhere I can rest"

"There is,there is a small building we aren't using close to here,just follow the tents to the south,adn you will find it."The man said

I thanked him and turned to leave.It was easy to find the small building and it luckily had a bug enough door for me to fit inside. It was empty,but still help modern appliances and decorations. By the looks of it it was an office building,it would do. I sat down and closed my eyes.

Once again I was in the black and white void. I looked around and spotted Exveemon. I ran to him and he embraced me.

"You did well out there,im so happy."He said

I smiled and placed my head on his chest. He hugged me tighter."Unfortunately I have bad news. We will not be able to hold the form of paildramon much longer,the energy is running out,we will have to notify the field commander,and the president."

I looked up"At least I will be with you,not just have you in my mind,but actual touch and feel. But I will miss being Paildramon."

"It wont last forever,we just have to find an energy source,and we can be Paildramon again,perhaps even go further,but it will require a lot of energy."Exveemon said

I smiled,and hugged him tighter."we must go and inform the field commander,as well as the president."

I opened my eyes,and I was back in Paildramon,but I felt weaker,and tired. No doubt the energy was running out. I looked outside and saw that several hours had passed. I went out into the open. The base was busy with activity. Wounded being taken to care,men loading weapons and mags,and just people walking from place to place.

I ignored them,as well as their stares. I walked back to the tent,and went inside. The same man from before approached me."I will not be able to hold this form for much longer."I said

The man looked surprised."What do you mean?"

"I mean that soon I will revert back to Blake and Exveemon,and I will be useful no more,i will need energy to go back into the form of paildramon. And lots of it."

The man seemed to understand."How much energy?"He asked

"A lot."I said back

The man began thinking"well then we don't have much energy or power sources,We have secured the area,so your help will no longer be needed for now,i suggest you just rest,and figure out your problem. I will contact the president."

I nodded,and headed out of the tent. I went back to the office building,and I felt my strength slowly go down. By the time I got to the building I felt tired,and dizzy once inside I sat down and waited. Over time I felt worse and worse,but finally it came,i felt a splitting sensation and I closed my eyes. When I reopened them I was back in the form of Blake,and Exveemon was standing in front of me.

I was still clothed in military clothes and Exveemon looked tired. I sat down on the floor and Exveemon followed.

"Well that was interesting."I said

Exveemon nodded and scooted closer to me,he wrapped his arms around me and placed me in front of him."At least I was with you."He said

We didn't have long to enjoy ourselves as soon the man came back."I've got orders from the president,you two are to return to the main base. The president will have orders for you."

I just stood as well as Exveemon and followed the man out the door. We where given more strange looks,but soon we made it out of the base and found a helicopter waiting for us. We filed abord,and soon took off.