CH 2: Moral Additions

Story by Talon Kitsune on SoFurry

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#2 of Names Are Not Important

Moral Additions

By TalonKitsune (talonkitsuneATyahooDOTcom)

This is adult material and should only be read by people of 18 years or older. If you are reading this and aren't old enough or are repulsed by such contents, it is not my fault should you continue to read this document you are warned and any bad nightmares or sweaty dreams that occur or anything else is all your own problem so don't whine to me.

"Ladies and Gentlefurs: the story you are about to hear is untrue. Only the names have been unchanged to protect the innocent."

Categories: Vulpine, Feline, M/F, Pheromones, Transformation (not much in this story scene wise)

Most people don't really believe it when something great though seemingly impossible happens. Doe was no exception as his hand stroked his own sheath firmly while he lay in the bed working to fondly remember those dreams. A nice soft sock wrapped over his length to make for something other than just a hand experience, his mind mostly wandering over Sheila half of him trying to ponder out why it was that she didn't accost him for his inappropriate advances, he knew that Sacha liked him some what so a fling didn't seem too unusual since he could recall the scent of her heat. But how could he have smelt that, he never smelled such from anybody let alone knew what it would smell like.

A change in sensation made him look down as he realized his sock had vanished and he was stroking a feline prick making him stop touching himself and stare at it, as if that might make an explanation happen. After a few seconds it reverted to his normal length, complete with sock.

"Whoa now, what have you been taking Tanner?" He asked himself and then concentrated and developed a bemused smile as it changed to an equine shaft the sock melding away with his normal length, a few more bits of fooling around and he quickly learned that he could make any reasonably small item vanish right along with his cocks. A personal storage nobody can search he thought, although. he did kind of wonder where the items might be going.

Doe's alarm went off making him jump from the unexpected noise then reach over and turn it off ceasing his fooling around as he cleaned up and groomed himself, then donned his uniform heading over to his work site desiring quite fondly to try to see if he might be able to entice that lovely vixen he'd been meaning to ask to go out with him.

Wandering from door to door, Doe when about his patrol after checking in, only an employee or two was working at the site though even those were about to leave for the rest of the weekend only setting up some projects to run all weekend long. It wasn't until he was wandering the last floor for him to check that he spotted Tina looking down at a counter. And he approached the doorway with hand raising to knock lightly, his eyes tracing over her luscious rump and tail making for a bit of discomfort in his trousers, he found himself pausing and then walking closer to her and just standing only a few inches from her.

Tina didn't even notice Doe's presence and just keep on reading her work slowly eventually pausing and closing her eyes for a few moments and taking a long deep breath as she bent down to get a closer look at the papers she was browsing. The tight curved rump making even more of an impression thru her tight shorts and the lab coat draping over to make for an artful effect as she shifted a little wiggling her backside as if a bit uncomfortable.

Doe just watched in rap fascination curious if it was his presence that was doing such upon Tina though the throbbing in his pants made him wish it was truly that as he moved to expose himself rather boldly, only to freeze and gawk. Tina's hands were reaching back and dragging down her shorts and panties to her thighs right before him, then to surprise him even more if that was possible her hand went back up as he peeked up under to see her push her fingers in just a little bit and stroke back and forth, moaning softly as she continued to read, seeming ignorant of what her hand was doing, that or she was getting off to protein molecular breakdown print outs.

Tina stroked away with her fingers until she stiffened and then sighed in pleasure pulling her hand from her crotch and licking it clean as if it was the most normal thing to do, pulling her shorts and underwear back up casually, all the while completely ignoring Doe as he stood there in confusion only to snap too and chase after her as she left the lab and headed to her office pulling the flat sofa that sometimes served as a bed for when she overworked and did not want to go home. Doe reached over and closed the lock on the door and the blinds, watching in fascination as Tina didn't seem to notice him or his actions. Though, he surprised himself as his paws undressed himself to match Tina who was laying out upon the flattened couch getting comfortable upon her back and stroking her crotch slowly again with one hand working to pleasure herself though not pushing in to her sex particularly far.

The soft white fur around the vixen's crotch soon glistened slightly in the light, her arousal and fooling around showing quite clearly as she continued to work herself for pleasure inexpertly. It was a few position changes in when Doe couldn't stand just watching it any more with Tina having just moved onto all fours, reaching back and pawing over her mound.

Doe's hands came to rest upon Tina's hips drawing no response beyond her moans from trying to pleasure herself, her hand actually reaching back and grasping at his shaft guiding his thrust into her. The head of his shaft sinking into her slit just a little upon the first thrust, the tightness indescribable as Doe bent over Tina's back cupping his paws over her well filled out chest and kneading them firmly and then shoving forward roughly.

That shove knocked the wind right out of Tina making her feel as if somebody had just impaled her with a sword, a yelp coming from her as her senses returned from her blissful state though gasping was all she could come up with unable to forge a good protest to who ever it was that was atop her. The shaft stretching her inner walls a moment till the sensitive flesh got use to the position, and the thin bit of virginal blood lightly colored Doe's shaft as it slid back out and then he shoved in again not realizing he was knocking the wind out of the vixen beneath him from not knowing his own strength as it had changed during the night.

Squirming, Tina tried to push at the arms holding her against the being atop her that was penetrating her with his cock. Her hands scratching and clawing in effectively as if she was trying to move a statue, though her body kept pushing back responding to the penetrations of her sex with needy lust as her rational side tried to figure a way out, whimpers and moans coming from her muzzle as she squirmed.

Slick silky walls squeezed and grasped at the intruding piece of meat, working to keep it coming back in over and over again seeming to be uncaring as to what it was or how much it had stretched that tight virgin passage out in its previous violations. Tina soon reduced to just a few little wiggles occasionally groaned softly as things became swiftly more and more pleasurable though her sore opening was soon being bumped uncomfortably by a bump of flesh upon the shaft as the firm powerful thrusts kept happening to her.

Then the realization came, making Tina jerk up as she came to the conclusion that it was a knot and if he came in her it would help to insure her getting pregnant. But the effort came just as that bulge slid home into her sex, ballooning up and tying her onto his shaft making her surge forward become abruptly halted by Tina's pussy being held captive, though the hot gushes of fox cum into her belly set her own climax off making her shake and shiver, her body already having been a bit tired from her first at her own hand just collapsed as the male, lowered himself atop her, stroking the side of her face with one hand.

Doe yelped softly as his seed shot into the vixen flooding her and claiming her for the very first time her virginity had assured him. His shaft firmly wedged within her walls as he felt Tina collapse from beneath him, and lowered himself to cuddle her gently, moving a hand to pet her face as he softly whispered to her in a calming fashion, soon she was dozing softly in his arms having succumbed to his presence once again.

Eventually, Doe's shaft popped free as his knot softened leaving a trickle of his seed to leakout over Tina's thighs as he rolled her onto her side and spooned up against her form behind. A mumble of protest at being moved was all Doe recieved while he took the moment to look over his altered shaft, it was much thicker than his normal one with a knot that made him feel a little bad for forcing it into Tina, though something in him forced him to feel quite a bit of pride at having such a nice piece of fox equipment.

Once done he slipped his arms about the young vixen and spooned up against her one of his paws slipping down to stroke at her belly fur making her murmer in pleasure from that touch. Doe just relaxed enjoying the sensations as well as the pleasure of getting the girl he'd been lusting after for some time now, a stirring in his crotch made him shift a little but he just left it pressed up between Tina's ass cheeks rather than shoving back into her. As Doe lay there he could even feel that slight trickle of his cum sliding past his sack that was pressed into the valley of Tina's thighs and that made him smile at the instinctive pleasure, for if she got pregnant she'd probably want him to marry her, and that suited Doe just fine.

Eventually, Doe peeled himself from the comfort of Tina's soft back, kissing her cheek lightly and hearing her murmer something to him in her sleep. Then after dressing Doe turned the lock for the door and stepped out, relocking it and leaving Tina to a restful nap while he made his rounds. His mind playing over what it was that changed, trying to work out in his uneducated mind just what it was that might have caused such an alteration to the people around him or rather about him that changed them.

It was almost a joke as he sniffed one side of himself and then the other, stopping suddently in the middle of an empty hallway, then lean down and sniffed himself a few more times in various places as his nose caught wind of some rahter potent pheromones and chemicals he was giving off. A sort of uncertain hit Doe as he realized that really he'd just been drugging the girls to have sex with him, stepping into the small office of the security officer he sat down and leaned back, the moral dilema hitting him the more he thought about it, though a part of him was completely pleased about getting laid, but at the price of somebody else's mind?

The Todd just sat and sighed, a hand stroking the top of his muzzle as he tried to come to terms with it, a part of him wanting to know just what it was that was affecting him, and no way he could go to the goverment, they'd use him for research and chop apart his body or something. They certainly wouldn't have any difficulty about moral issues. He let his hand gently stroke the head at his crotch as soft lips worked over his shaft, and then jumped in suprise.

Sitting there between his legs was Sacha helping herself to his shaft that was still in improved vulpine mode, working herself over it loveingly as Doe stared for a few long moments, then pushed her off his shaft making her give him a sad look.

"Ah you shouldn't be doing that," the words coming out of his mouth with difficulty as Sacha gave him a very firm and sad eyed look while kneeling upon the floor.

"But I want to. Why can't I?" those words tearing at Doe, Sacha just looking him in the eyes and reaching a paw up to caress the exposed length affectionately.

"Because you don't really want to do it, your under the influence of some strong pheromones," Doe placing a hand upon the one stroking his shaft to stop it, he had to put a stop to this or he'd just be another criminal.

"Maybe, or maybe I'm just not wanting to be restrained any more by worries of what I should and should not do," her hand squeezing, then starting to pump upon the shaft leaning back in towards it watching Doe struggle, "besides, even pheromones couldn't make people do things that they wouldn't like right? We are too evolved most of the researachers say, its why people sell pheromones for sex play and perfumes." Sacha's tongue flicking out over the tip of the vulpine shaft while her fingers slipped down to squeeze just below the unswollen knot, "so is it so wrong that I might like you, and want you but normally be too shy to act?"

Doe stared in confusion, a rational explaination was, this was a dream. The fox closed his eyes but opened them again as the licks upon his cock continued causing him to tremble a little from the pleasure. Morals be damned, after all could a drugged or controlled person give that kind of logical argument? Then again who could be fooling around with his equipment and giving that explaination.

Leaning back Doe just petted over Sacha's head gently letting her have her way though a part of him pondering why she was here and not going home.

"Sacha, why are you here still? Don't you go home at closing?"

The lips drew back from his shaft as the points of her teeth stroked over his flesh, "because I wanted to have some more fun. I've been thinking about how wild and passionate that felt cause I loved it. So I figured nobody else would be around during your work and I could come and play with you. I hope Tina won't mind, she really likes you but doesn't want to make the first move cause she's afraid any sex might hurt."

Doe gently pulled Sacha away from his shaft and pulled her to her feet making her mew softly at not getting to have her fun as she watch Doe put his length away into his shorts. But followed him curiously as he led her by the hand to Tina's office making the feline look at him with a puzzled expression as he unlocked the door. Then a gasp came from teh suprised feline followed by a giggling as she dropped her clothing to the floor even before Doe had closed the door.

Soon, Sacha had wormed her way between Tina's legs, causing some mumbled protests from the sleepy vixen. "Wow you stuffed her something good Mr. Tanner, she's leaking out all your gooey cream still." Tina soon arched as Sacha's feline tongue made contact with the vulpine's mound, lapping Doe's semen from the tight slit then pushing farther up into the passage beyond working to get teh sticky goo Doe had put in there leaving the male fox that was standing there half in shock with a serious case of massive arousal, as seeing an anthro cheetah girl attacking an anthro vixen sexually generally has that effect on anybody for the most part.

"Come on Mr. Tanner," Sacha wiggled her rear end at the oogling male that had an incrediable tenting of his shorts, "you can have anything you see if you like it."

That was all that Doe could take, his clothes hit the floor almost as fast as Sacha's had though a pause to make sure the door was locked before he kneeled down behind the young feline and kissed her rump softly, nuzzling and then licking slowly with long swipes of his tongue, one hand pushing a finger slowly into Sacha's tight little slit working it in slowly though having an easy time with all the lubrication the aroused feline has already produced, his own tongue cleaning most of the newly formed dew away as his finger enters Sacha grinning as he makes her purr and moan.

But tasting and stroking was far from enough as he rose up on his knees moving forward and mounting Sacha's rump, his shaft touching at her thighs a moment before poking agaisnt her mound, only to become buried within the feline's tight confines. Additional thrusts of Doe's hips inserting the thick shaft even farther working to make Sacha cry out in pleasure that consumed the uncomfortable feeling of being stretched by such a large cock.

A soft whimper came from Doe as he buried his face into Sacha's silky neck fur and mane, groaning as his shaft was gripped in a place that nature didn't really intend for it to go. A whine was next from Doe as his shaft's tip reformed a little narrowing and penetrating the poor feline female through her tightest region and then expanding again, making the path clear all the way into Sacha's womb.

Sacha only gave a little wiggle of protest at being stuffed so full before sighing into Tina's mound as she submitted to the deepest penetration possible for her. The rough feline tongue took to attacking Tina's mound as there was nothing Sacha could do upon Doe, so assualting Tina's pleasure centers for Doe to hear her pleasured noises was the next best thing as lubrication flowed forth from the inner walls of both females, one to be lapped up, the other to ease the friction from a too large cock entering a small pussy.

Doe kept up his thrusts making sure to keep them slow enough to make Sacha hump back at him as she mumbled 'Mr. Tanner' into Tina's muff, licking it out between moans and cry outs. With the shaft burying itself into Sacha over and over again in an ever slowly increasing rythm it was little more than a matter of time before the cheetah girl started to climax, her satiny flesh grasping at theinvading shaft only to cause Doe to push in firmly burying a swelling knot into his current mate groaning and then howling soflty into her hair as she yelped in surprise at the suddent stretching of her entrance making Sacha squirm and mewl a little as that just forced a massive surge of pain and pleasure upon her drawing out her orgasmic bliss till she was panting hard on the verge of blacking out from such a strong release.

With a paw sliding down her front and soon stroking back and forth rapidly over her clit, Sacha just rolled her eyes and savored the pleasure as she felt the small mini orgasm go sliding through her body pushing her over one time to many though she was far from certain if Doe did it on purpose or accident as warm blissful darkness consumed her consiousness sending her to dream about todds and large cocks.

It was a good hour before Doe managed to extract his shaft from the young feline it had been imapled in so tightly, that tightness having made him release into her twice more just from trying to pull out, and each cumming just made the sleeping Sacha moan in pleasure and mumble something about how nice Mr. Tanner was, seeming quite the oblivious creature to the white gooey mixed fluids leaking out of her as Doe reached down and lifted her up placing her to sleep with Tina gently and then smirking as they looked quite adorable together.

Doe reached down with a hand as he sat on the edge of teh flattened sofa stroking back Tina's hair affectionately as he watched her sleeping form speaking in a soft tone to her, "well I don't know what's really going on, but atleast I know I mean mylove from the depths of my soul," bending down he lightly kissed her forehead, then stood and dressed himself again, snickering at the thought of wondering if he should just go naked these days.

The door closed softly and his keys rattled as Doe closed and locked the door to leave the two to their privacy and then headed out to make his rounds for the night, patrolling about with a pleased smile upon his face. Because, for a while he was just a male with a good pair of lovers. Too bad times would take a surprising turn all too soon for the one person who's universe seemed loaded with extreme versions of a force some call Karma, and there were witnesses already watching him.

Okay, working on keeping the inspiration to write going. Please rate and enjoy. Formatting is checked, and spelling is checked, but even I am imperfect, only humanoid after all.

So if I put in a second character to play a major role, what ever should it be?