A Warm Bed Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 -- Partire

(September 15th)

Scott Hammond lounged nude on his couch, hours before noon, flipping aimlessly through Sunday morning, cable TV. His fur was still damp from a recent shower, his headfur quite obviously recently brushed, and his palm gripped a cup of tea.

He'd been drinking more and more of it in the week since he'd disposed of his liquor. This particular cup was an herbal he wasn't too fond of, but it had been worth giving it a chance. After all, without experimenting he wouldn't have found out how much he loved Earl Grey.

Sitting there, alone, he kept telling himself he should get dressed, but the argument that his impending guest was certainly still hours away, won out against any arguments in favor expending the energy to stand and dress. He would still have plenty of time, so there was no reason to bother.

Outside, though, a rather excited raccoon was proving him wrong.

James Callaway pulled up to Scott's curbside and exited his car. Though his first step was hesitant, once he began, he felt he was nearly jogging to the door. And once at that door, he stopped and looked at his watch. He was early -- VERY early. He bit his lip and nervously looked back to his car, debating whether or not he should waste an hour or two before returning. He shook his head, though, and turned back to the door. Scott wouldn't mind a little exuberance, right? At length, he took in a deep, calming breath, raised his paw, and tentatively knocked on the door.

Inside, Scott coughed on a sip of his tea and then sighed as he sat it down. "Damn..." he muttered before raising his voice higher, for the raccoon at his door, "Just a second!" Finally, he got up and looked about the living room for the robe he knew was laying about somewhere.

A little more than a week ago, he'd gone out on a date with a raccoon from work: James. Initially, it proved to be a disastrous decision, heralding an even more disastrous weekend. But the week that followed had seen James go to great lengths to secure both Scott's attention, and a second date...and now, the 'coon was visiting him at his home for the very first time.

He'd expected him later, but James was here, now, and the fox hadn't so much as a pair of underwear to cover himself with. Finally, though, he found his robe and made his way to the front, synching it closed as he opened the door.

With another nervous gulp, James smiled widely at his coworker, "Good morning, Sir! Are you prepared for Jehovah's return?" His smile simply widened as he chuckled softly, hoping his lame joke hid his nervousness.

"So long as he doesn't mind that I'm not exactly dressed..." Scott stepped aside and nodded at the raccoon to welcome him in.

The raccoon slipped into the house, giving the fox a mischievous smile as he passed him, "If I don't mind, neither should anyone else." He forced out another nervous chuckle, watching Scott close the door and turn to face him. "I'm sorry I'm kinda' early," he looked around the foyer of the house, as if searching for something.

"It's okay." Scott watched the 'coon look around and took a deep breath, knowing exactly what his friend was looking for, "He's still in bed."

James looked back at Scott, "Is he? What time does he usually get up?"

"Whenever he wants. Unless I, uhm...need him up for something," the fox cracked a bit of a nervous smile. He'd told the raccoon about Jeffery only two days earlier, prompted by an unexpected tale from James's recent past. Luckily, his coworker had proven as receptive to the truth as Scott could have hoped...or perhaps even more so. "But he's usually up by now, or fairly soon, if not. We were just up later than normal last night, and I haven't bothered waking him, yet."

James nodded, disappointed that Jeff wasn't up but thankful at the same time. He still wasn't too sure about meeting the cat, and a small part of him was even hoping that Scott was just joking with him about all of this. There were so many ways the situation could go horribly wrong...but in truth, the largest part of the raccoon was just thankful to have such an opportunity.

"I-is there anything good on?" he motioned toward the TV, taking a step for the living room.

Scott ignored the question, though. "You seem nervous," he followed the raccoon and put a paw on his shoulder.

The raccoon gulped hard and looked the vulpine in the eyes, "I am."

Scott squeezed his friend's shoulder, "Why? Is this really that much different than Todd?"

"What makes you think I wasn't nervous then too?"

"So I shouldn't take this as cold feet?"

James shook his head and took in a deep breath, "No. I want to meet him and everything, but...it's just really...it's hard to believe I even have this kind of opportunity."

"Well...keep in mind: you don't know if you have ANY 'opportunity' yet. That's all up to Jeff." The fox let go of the coon's shoulder and rubbed his back lightly, "Right now...you're just meeting him. That's all you have to worry about."

James chuckled softly, "Just meeting him. Yeah! I can handle that."

"Well look," Scott smiled warmly, still having no clue that what he was about to say wasn't true, "You'll be the first fur Jeff's seen in a month -- except for one time when I took him out to eat -- so, he's likely to be pretty nervous too." He thought for a second and then smiled wide at an idea, "Why don't you go wake him up? That way the two of you can get to know each other and get comfortable with all this? It'll be good for both of you."

The raccoon looked the fox over. His nervousness was telling him what an unwise thing it was to go wake the boy, but the rest of him was convinced it was mostly harmless. He took in a breath and nodded, "If you say so..." He looked around again, into the living room and down two opposite halls. "His room..." he picked one hall randomly and pointed at it, "...is that way?"

"Uhm...OUR room is, yes. Now, I'll be making his breakfast," Scott waved a paw at the other hall, toward the kitchen. "If I finish before you do, I'll come for you."

With that, Scott turned toward and walked for the kitchen, leaving his guest alone in the living room, eyes turning on the hallway to his destination. After steeling himself for the situation ahead, the raccoon finally mustered the nerve to cross the unfamiliar room and approach the hall.

Once there James looked around again. He saw a door already slightly ajar and went to it first, to push it open. Bathroom. He continued with a huff to the next door and hesitantly opened it as well, turning the knob slowly as to remain quiet, and poking his muzzle inside.

This was the right room. Near the center but slightly to one side of the huge king sized bed, was a small mass beneath the covers...and poking free of them was the small nearly black head of a cat -- a kitten to be more accurate -- lying atop of one of the pillows.

The raccoon stepped slowly into the bedroom and over to the bed's side. He exhaled nervously while he looked down at the small cat, his mind awash with both inappropriate fantasies and with the 'right' thing to do. Whatever that meant.

He gulped hard and leaned down slightly, putting a paw on the boy's cloth-covered hip and gently, thoughtfully petting him there. The raccoon looked up to Jeff's head and watched his ears twitch slightly with the petting, before he forced himself to regain a proper thought process once again.

James removed his paw from the kitten's hip and slid it higher and up to the boy's shoulder, giving him a slight nudge. He opened his muzzle to speak, but nothing came out. So he cleared his throat and swallowed hard to wet his muzzle and sooth his wracked nerves before trying again. "Jeffery?" he nudged him gently once more, "It's time to wake up."

Jeffery whined and moaned as he turned over onto his stomach, pulling the covers against his chest. His body wanted more sleep, and mind was still oblivious to who was actually waking him.

"Kiddo?" the raccoon moved his paw away from the cat's shoulder to lightly pet his headfur...surprisingly soft to the touch. "Come on now; I know you hear me. It's time for breakfast," he smiled, hoping the mention of food would better snag the kitten's attention...

...which it did.

Jeff turned again onto his back and yawned loudly, bringing his paws up to rub his eyes. Master's voice sounded a little off, but he didn't think much of it until his slightly blurry eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room....and he saw a raccoon instead of his fox there to greet him.

For a moment, he didn't react at all, as if the scene was taking some time to register with him, but once it finally did, he jumped, scrambling back and pulling his torso free from his blankets and into view, "Who are you!?"

James jumped slightly as well, not having expected to scare the boy. Though, in retrospect, he realized that he SHOULD have expected it, "Sorry! Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. It's okay; I'm not gonna' hurt you."

The cat reflexively pulled the blankets tighter at his waist to protect anything more than his torso from being exposed. "Who ARE you?" he repeated again emphatically, as he shook, claws digging into the blankets held at his waist.

James gulped nervously and smiled a soft but hesitant smile, "My name's James. A-and you're Jeffery, right?"

Jeff shivered at the sound of his own name, and his ears splayed back submissively. If this fur knew his name, it could only mean one thing: Master had allowed him into their house. Again. He'd done it again.

The boy just nodded slowly and looked away from the coon, "Yeah, I am." With Tony fresh in his mind and already overcome with fear that this one would be no better, his thoughts turned to his escape. Should he call for Scott? Run for the door? Or could he simply tell the stranger to leave?

In the end, though, he just sat and gulped.

The raccoon blinked and sunk his head into his shoulders. "You're a little nervous too, huh?" he completely misjudged the kitten's gulping. "Don't worry. I'm nice," he offered another, warmer smile and tried to get his head into the line of the cat's sight.

Jeffery looked at the raccoon and noted his smile. It was nervous, and it was far softer than the toothy grin of the wolf his master had previously introduced him to. Maybe there was some chance that this one wouldn't be so bad...but why was he even here? "Where's Master?"

"He's here. Don't worry." James sat down on the edge of the bed, "He's in the kitchen. He told me to come wake you up...said he wanted me and you to be friends." The 'coon was doing everything he could to stave off his nervousness, finding it exceptionally difficult to balance his thoughts about the parts of the cat still hidden under the covers with his attempts to calm the boy.

The cat inched away on instinct when the 'coon sat down, but he still held the blankets tight at his waist, to keep his 'important' bits still hidden. "Oh? H-he said it was okay for us to..." he cleared his throat nervously before continuing, "...to BEFRIEND each other?" His question was mainly for clarification of what he had already assumed: that this raccoon had been promised the same thing Tony had.

"Of course!" James chirped, oblivious to what the boy meant. "I'm his friend, and he told me all about you being his pet," hoping it would be a show of friendliness, he petted the boy's hair again, "and he wants us to get along."

To Jeffery, though, the 'friendly' gesture seemed far more like a brash assumption of what his freedoms were with the boy's boundaries. "Yeah..." he looked down to the bed, "...okay."

The raccoon tilted his head, "What's wrong? Don't you wanna' be my friend? I promise: I'm a really nice guy." He broke with a wider smiled, "You know what? I'll even bring you a present next time!"

Jeff looked up to the coon, a small smile showing on his muzzle now, despite himself, "What present?"

"Uhm..." James obviously hadn't thought that one out, "Well...I don't know yet! That's why I have to get to know you: so I'll know what to buy!"

Though still tentative, cat smiled a bit more widely as well, the idea of a gift sounding oddly appealing, "Okay then, James. Get to know me..."

"Well let's see...I don't really know what to ask. Your master's already told me so much." James stroked his chin, "He told me you were sweet and cute, and..." he smiled down at the boy hesitantly, "He wasn't exaggerating about how cute you were, either. He told me where he met you, and how he took care of you, and how much you needed him. He seems to really care about you, too! But he didn't he tell me anything about what you like or anything like that." He put his paw on the boy's knee, "So if I were to buy you something...but remember I don't have a lot of money...what would you like?"

Instinctively, Jeffery spread his legs at the touch, though his groin was still covered by the sheets. He barely noticed he had done so, though, too busy thinking about how loose his Master was with information about him. He tried to assure himself, though, that this raccoon, so far, didn't seem anything like Tony, and he tried his best to simply appreciate all the complimentary things Scott had said about him.

The raccoon felt the boy's legs spread, and gulped, "N-no answer?"

Jeff looked up, shaking his head slowly, "I can't think of anything...Sir..."

James tilted his head, "Sir? You don't have to call me sir. I'm just James." He smiled and squeezed the kitten's knee.

The cat smiled softly in return and looked down to the coon's paw, reaching forward and giving it a returned squeeze, "Sorry James. It's a habit..."

James shook his head happily, "Don't be sorry. It's okay." He rubbed Jeff's knee for a second and then moved his paw, "And I'm sorry if I seem really weird or anything, but I just really want you to like me. I like Scott a lot, and he wants us to be friends...and, plus, you seem like a really sweet kid. I just...I hope I don't seem too weird to you."

Jeffery shook his head, "No. You...you seem nice. It's just that new furs are..." he paused, considering the best way to describe his feelings. Unpleasant? Unwelcome? "...not common."

"And teenagers being live-in pets for my coworkers aren't very common for me either!" the raccoon chuckled. "But I think we can still be friends."

Jeff nodded his head with some hesitation, giving the raccoon another nervous smile, "I think we can, yeah."

James held his arms open to the kitten, still a foot or so away, "Seal it with a hug, then?"

The cat was uncomfortable, and uncertain about putting himself willingly into the arms of another strange fur. He'd only agreed to be Scott's, not all of Scott's friends' as well. Though, really, a hug wasn't exactly 'giving himself up' to the raccoon either, was it?

Still...after Tony, he was leery of even being alone with another fur, let alone allowing one to touch him so readily. But then again, this one seemed much nicer, and Scott DID promise nothing like Tony would ever happen again. Plus, how did he know Master wouldn't be upset if he DIDN'T hug his friend?

Finally, he decided to accept the offered hug, but he had been so caught up in the worry over whether or not to even do it, the he'd completely forgotten about hiding his nudity. And as he leaned forward to hug his master's friend, he pulled himself completely free of the blankets and unintentionally exposed himself to the new raccoon.

James just hugged the kitten tightly, and then leaned away with a smile and a nearly involuntary glance at the boy's now visible bits.

Jeffery saw the glance. And even though Master had told him not to so many times before, he immediately placed his paws in front of his groin as the hug broke, blushing heavily through a nervous chuckle. Being checked out by someone other than his master was more than a little unnerving...and remained an unpleasant reminder of those events, a week prior.

The raccoon looked away, "Sorry. I can't help but look. Like I said: you're a cutie." He looked back, but deliberately at the kitten's face. "But, you know...if I'm gonna' be around, you can't hide it forever," he smiled wryly.

Jeff nodded slowly, noting that, just like Master, James was more logical than he was, "Right." With that, he slowly pulled his paws away, and absently scratched at his stomach, while kneeling by the 'coon.

James smiled and petted the cat's head again, very partial, already, to the soft feel of the boy's headfur on his paw pads, "I'll try not to stare too much, though...okay?"

The cat responded nearly instinctually, just as he would have to his master, "You can if you want."

James, though, just shook his head, "Not until you're completely okay with it." He laughed aloud, "I mean, there's lots I WANT to do, but I don't wanna' make you uncomfortable."

At that, Jeffery gulped near-audibly and exhaled, "Uhm...y-yeah?"

The raccoon winced and looked down, "Sorry! I...I shouldn't have even said that."

Jeff looked down as well. He knew exactly what the stranger 'wanted' to do to him, and at the thought of it, he suddenly saw so much of the wolf in the raccoon. In the back of his mind, a small voice reminded him that Tony would have already taken it, not just mentioned it...but it didn't matter. Just knowing it was what the 'coon was after made his stomach knot up and his jaw shake. Had Master promised those privileges to this one, too? And how many others?

James suddenly felt horrible, "I really am sorry. I promise: I'm not here to do anything like that! I know that's just for you and Scott, kiddo. Really! I just..." he sighed, "I can't help what I think about...r-right?"

The cat looked up and nodded again with a weak but obedient smile, "...right."

"Come on...don't let that ruin everything." James smiled a wide and apologetic smile, intentionally sitting up straighter and farther away from the kitten, "We were getting along so well. Please don't let what I said change that. Master told me that ALL I was doing right now was meeting you, and I promise you Jeffery," he held a paw up like he was a boy scout swearing to what he's saying, as unintentionally goofy grin spread across his muzzle, "I am not trying to do anything else to you at all. And I never will unless both Scott AND you want me to. Okay?"

"Okay, James," Jeff couldn't help but smile a little more genuinely at the raccoon, who was obviously desperate to please and to make sure he was comfortable. "Thank you."

The raccoon smiled back more comfortably, "No. Thank YOU for forgiving me, Jeffery." He paused and looked puzzled, "Or...or do you have something else you like to be called? Like...a little pet nickname or something? Boy, kitten, pet? Something like that?" He smiled again, "I wanna' make sure I'm calling you by the name you prefer."

Jeffery blushed lightly and looked away for a moment, to check the doorway for Master, not sure if he was allowed to share that information with other furs, "I like Kitten, actually."

"And it's okay if I call you that?"

The cat nodded quickly.

James smiled and stood up, glad to see the little cat happy again. "Well...come on then, Kitten!" he held out his paw for Jeffery's, "I'm sure your breakfast is nearly ready."

Across the house, Scott finished preparing Jeffery's plate, and walked to the fridge to pour the cat a glass of milk. He was going about it all, though, in a robotic fashion, very unlike his normal demeanor. He was too caught up in what was going on two hallways away to really give this menial task his attention...

He hoped they were getting along. He hoped his trust in James wasn't unfounded, and that the coon was behaving himself. He hoped that Jeffery was comfortable enough with the idea of anyone else being a part of his life, and with knowing what he was. And he hoped that they could, at the very least, become friends.

He loved Jeffery, and started on this whole big -- and, at first, ill-fated -- dating quest in spite of that. He loved Jeff, but all the boy wanted was a home, not a lover, and Scott needed more. He couldn't just let the boy go, though. He loved him too much, regardless of what kind of love it was, and he wanted him to stay a part of his life...just like he was now. Now, though, if things continued the way they were going with James, little Jeff would need to somehow fit into their growing relationship. Be it as James's friend...or more.

But all of that would have to start with one step...first, Jeff and James had to get along.

With the milk poured, and with it and the silverware alongside the plate, Scott left the kitchen to retrieve his boy and their guest. Perfectly timed as he stepped into the living room, though, they did too, both appearing in good spirits, and Jeff's paw held lightly in the James's.

"There you two are!" Scott greeted them with a smile.

Jeffery spoke first, a wide, unbridled smile stretching across his muzzle, "Morning Master!" He let go of the coon's paw and nearly leapt forward to give the fox a hug.

It wasn't the reaction he'd planned to give his master. In all fairness, he was planning to show all the passive aggressive disapproval he could manage, as to let Scott know that he was quite displeased with their visitor. But when he saw the fox, his plans changed immediately.

A little more than a week ago, he spent a very unpleasant night with an even more unpleasant wolf. But Tony wasn't really the problem, nor was what he did. The problem was that Jeffery had been left alone and defenseless. The problem was that the fur who should have been there to protect him was passed out drunk.

But today, no matter how uncomfortable he was with James's presence...no matter what week-old memories it might have brought to the surface...this time he wasn't alone. Scott was here, Scott was sober, and the cat was safe.

The fox took his boy into the hug and lifted him up into the air, where Jeff's legs, as always, immediately wrapped around the elder fur's waist. "Morning!" Scott nuzzled his pet's nose, "Did my kitten sleep well?"

Jeffery nodded happily and nuzzled the fox's face, eyes closed as he melted into his master's arms, "I did, Sir."

Scott looked over at the raccoon, then, but was speaking to both of them, "And how did the two of you get along?"

James nodded, smiling at how cute the naked cat looked in his coworker's arms, "I think it went okay."

Jeffery nodded and unwrapped his legs from around Scott, while the fox released him, "We got along, Master."

Scott smiled down at his kitten. "Not TOO well I hope," he winked.

Jeffery blushed and shook his head, "No. Not like that"

Scott smiled, "Well, so much for my hopes for an interesting story." He looked between the two, "And what all did you two talk about?"

James chuckled, "Well, I told him what you'd told me about him...you know: how cute he was, why he needed you. And I told him that maybe I could buy him a little present or something," he stammered a bit, as if worried about offending his coworker, "that is: if it's okay with you, Master Scott."

Jeffery perked up, "Can he get me a present, Master?" He smiled wide up at the fox, playfully pressing the issue, "I don't think I'll like him very much if he doesn't."

Scott kneeled down in front of the boy, "Now, now. I know you're nicer than that. I don't believe for a second that he has to buy you something for you to like him."

Jeffery looked away, "I know, but it'd still be nice..."

"That's better!" Scott scratched his kitten's chest lightly, "And if he wants to buy you something, of course he can. I think it would be very sweet of him."

James nodded behind the small cat, "Thanks Scott. I'd like to get him something, but you'll have to help me think of what." He smiled down at Jeff as the boy's tail began swayed happily, using it as another opportunity to check him out.

Scott, still kneeling, pulled the kitten closer and kissed him on the cheek, "Talk about anything else interesting up there?"

James looked away from the cat's ass and at Scott, quickly, blushing and adjusting his position nervously, "Uhm..."

Jeffery looked back to the 'coon for a moment, then at his master, "He kind of said something," he gulped nervously, "about wanting to DO stuff with me."

Scott gave the coon a cautionary glance, and then looked back at Jeff, "He asked to play with you?"

Jeffery shook his head quickly, "No!" He was torn, but he wasn't going to lie. He hadn't been comfortable with what the raccoon had said, and he was hoping for some sort of reassurance from his master that it was nothing more than talk...or even that James had overstepped his boundaries. But, for some reason, he still felt compelled to defend the new raccoon. He wanted to know that he wasn't being passed around to everyone, but he didn't want to get James in trouble doing it. "He just said that maybe later...he'd like to. He said..." the kitten paused to try and remember exactly how James had put it, "He said that there're lots of things he wants to do with me...but he doesn't want to make me uncomfortable."

Scott smiled gently, again, "So basically he just said that he was attracted to you?" He chuckled, "I don't think either of us can blame him for that, now can we? A cute kitten like you, completely naked...who wouldn't think about that kind of thing?" He scratched the boy's stomach, and then finally stood back up as James sighed deeply and gave the fox a pointed glance of gratitude.

Jeffery wasn't entirely certain how to respond to that. What his master said wasn't entirely untrue. James hadn't touched him anywhere 'bad,' or tried to do anything inappropriate: not even a kiss. All he'd done was admit that he wanted to. So, to be fair, Scott was right. There wasn't anything 'wrong' with that.

Still, though, that answer wasn't, at all, the reassurance he was hoping for.

So, in the end, the cat simply pushed along and changed the subject, "Uhm...was there breakfast, Master?"

"Yep!" Scott patted the boy on the shoulder, "You run on in there and eat while I talk to James."

As the boy nodded and went on his way, behind him, James watched him go, keeping his eyes trained thoughtfully on his naked form. Not sure of how far out of the boy's earshot he was, he spoke barely above a whisper to the fox still with him, "You were right. He DOES look like he could be one of my students. Damn cute, too..."

Scott nodded and leaned against the back of the couch, "You don't have to tell me." He crossed his arms and looked at his coworker, "I'm proud of you for controlling yourself by the way. How hard was it?"

The raccoon sighed deeply and chuckled, "Very." He looked down at the noticeable bulge in his pants, "I'm...I'm already out of my sheath, Scott. He was so damn cute curled by himself in that big bed. And when I was walking in here with him, his paw was just so soft in mine...and..." he shuddered as he stopped himself, realizing he was ranting.

Scott smiled softly and uncrossed his arms, his paw brushing lightly across his coworker's crotch, "Well, I'm glad you approve..." He shifted the paw higher and grabbed his friend's belt, using it to roughly tug him closer.

"Hey! Woah!" James's eyes went wide for a moment as he resisted Scott's advances, though only lightly. "Jeff's barely right in the next room..."

The fox smiled softly, "Calm down...I just wanted a kiss." He kept his grip on the raccoon's belt too tight for him to escape, but made no advance to force the kiss.

"Oh." James looked back towards the door to the kitchen and, hearing the clink of metal utensils against a plate, turned back to the fox, "Well, THAT I can do for you." He leaned forward, his nose to his friend's.

Eyes closed, Scott leaned in and brought their lips together in a soft kiss. Not interested for the moment, in more than a long, soft peck, though, he gently pulled away before it could deepen. Their noses still together, and his eyes still closed, Scott spoke in a soft and uncertain murmur, "James? Would you call us...boyfriends?"

The raccoon nuzzled his snout against the fox's, humming thoughtfully before responding, "I'm not sure, Scott. I think it's a little too early to tell, you know? But it...it feels kind of like we're headed that way, doesn't it?"

"It does," Scott kissed the coon's nose, "I mean, I'm not exactly 'in love' yet, but that's something that builds with time, right?" He leaned away, "But, look...I ask, because, if we are -- if we ever are -- I'd want you to REALLY be a part of my life."

"Well of course. Kind of comes with the territory, if we become more than friends, right? I mean..." leaning away as well, James laughed dismissively at the thought, "what would be the point otherwise?"

"Yeah, but the problem is...that Jeff is ALREADY a big part of my life. And..." the fox took a breath before continuing, "I don't want that to change."

"Neither do I! I wouldn't expect you to put him back out on the street." He rolled his eyes, "Or send him back to his parents."

"That's not quite what I mean." Scott rubbed the back of his head, "I don't just mean he'd still be living with me...or with us, if it got that far. I mean..."

"...you mean he'll still be your pet?" the raccoon finished the sentence for him, matter-of-factly. He had understood perfectly.

"I do. And I think you know what that would mean for you."

"I think I do, too."

"I need to talk to Jeff." Scott pointed over his shoulder at the kitchen, "But before I take that step, or any other steps with you and me, I needed to make sure you understood the situation. I needed to make sure you were prepared for what you're getting into."

James smirked slyly, "And you wanted me to meet him first."

"And for him to meet you. So...will you be okay with this?" The fox kept right on talking, not giving his friend the chance to answer yet, "Do me a favor, though, and answer with this," he touched a finger the side of the 'coon's head, "or this," and then lowered it to his chest, "but not this," as his other paw gripped his could-be-boyfriend's crotch.

James just reached up and placed a paw behind his coworker's head, pulling him into another soft kiss before pulling away, "Like that?"

"Like that..." Scott smiled as he took a step away, "I should take that as a yes?"

"You should."

"I'm gonna' go talk to Jeff. You wait here...okay?"

The raccoon nodded and took a step back to give the fox room, "Will do..."

Scott walked backward for a few steps, only finally looking away from the raccoon when he had to, to turn around and and head toward the kitchen. He pushed open the door to find his pet at the table, still eating his food, and his milk glass still more than half full.

"Hey Kitten! How's the food?" He walked across the kitchen, and pulled one of the more distant chairs around and closer to his pet.

Jeffery looked up from the opened newspaper on the table and at his Master, giving him a soft smile as he swallowed a bit of his food, "It's good, Master."

The fox sat down by his little cat, "Whatcha' readin'?"

Jeff looked over to the paper, then up to his Master again, as he responded almost sarcastically, "The comics?"

"Which one's your favorite?" ignoring his pet's tone, Scott leaned in closer to the boy to look at them too.

The cat shrugged, "I dunno...all of them?" He took another bite of his food, and picked up the paper a bit to let his Master see them better.

Scott, though, leaned back away from the cat; he wasn't here to read comics. "You wanna' sit those down for a second so Master can talk to you?"

Jeffery's already weak smile faded away quickly, as he did what his Master had requested and sat the paper down as well as his fork, and then turned to the fox, his paws clasping together on the table, "Yes Master?"

The fox began slowly, "You remember how Master had a date last Friday, right?"

Jeff nodded and tried to smile about it, "Yes..."

"And you remember who I told you it was with?" Scott clasped his own paws together just as his ktiten had, "The 23-year-old I work with?"

The cat looked away, to the doorway into the living room, where he assumed James still was, "Is that him?"

Scott nodded, "Yeah. That's him." He looked at the door as well, then back to his pet, "Do you like him okay? Did he seem nice?"

Jeffery wanted to lie. He wanted to say he hated James. He wanted to argue that he wasn't good enough for his master, or even to make up a story about how the raccoon was mean, and had done something bad out of the fox's sight. But he still couldn't bring himself to lie. The fact of the matter was, he did like James...he just didn't like ANY of the implications of him being here.

So he just nodded and flashed an honest yet defeated smile, "Yes Master, I like him. He's not as nice as you...but he's nice."

"Well, that's good! Cause Master really likes him too. He's the only fur I've dated in a long time who's really treated me right...or that I've even really gotten along with." The fox glanced at the door again, a warm, thoughtful smile spread across his muzzle when he turned back, "There's a chance...that he could be my boyfriend sometime soon."

Jeff gulped and looked down, having really hoped that that was the last thing his Master would tell him. He'd been worried this was a repeat of last Saturday: that Scott had promised him to another friend for sex. But this...this was worse.

He again wanted to plead his case. He wanted to try and convince his master that he didn't need James, or anyone else. Jeffery could be his boyfriend! But he once again, he assumed it was an argument he'd easily lose. After all, if Scott wanted him to be his boyfriend to begin with...why would he have gone on the date at all? Or the bar the night after...?

"Don't worry!" Scott scrambled to make his pet feel better, misjudging his reasons for looking upset, "Master will still be here to take care of you no matter what!" He lightly petted his kitten's head, "You're a very, VERY important part of my life. It's just that James is starting to be, too. I just want the two most important men in my life to get along."

There it was again...innocent little words that meant so much more than their definitions. James already said Master wanted them to be 'friendly,' and now Master was saying it to his pet to: that he wanted them to 'get along.' Such nice, innocent words...

But the cat wasn't stupid. He knew what they really meant. "Get along? How well do you want us to get along?" he turned his eyes, dark but hopeful, directly on his master's.

Scott sighed, and decided to just be out with it, "I know you only agreed to be MY pet...but, if James and I get really close, I don't want it to make me lose what I have with you. I want you...to be involved." He reached over, lightly wrapping a paw around his pet's still clasped fists, "If I have a boyfriend -- him or anyone else -- I'd want us to all be together. I'd want you to be his pet too."

Jeffery gulped again, lowering his gaze and biting his lower lip while the situation and its every outcome flashed through his head. Not once did it cross his mind to simply say 'no,' though. That, after all, was against the rules. And without that option, Jeff didn't feel as if he were hearing a question. He felt as though it was an order...like Scott was saying: 'agree or you're back on the streets.'

Of course, that didn't really matter either, did it? Whether it was order, request, or even just a hypothetical discussion, the question was far simpler than it sounded. His options were to either make Scott happy, or to make him unhappy. This was what Scott wanted, and it was no longer a question of being a good pet or not, or of getting to stay here or end up back on the street. It was about making his master -- about making Scott -- happy...which was becoming the only thing Jeff truly wanted. Even if it wasn't what made HIM happy too...

And besides, how could he ever convince the fox to love him back, if he couldn't prove he was a good enough boy to deserve it?

Finally he looked up to the fox after a wavering sigh, and answered, "It...yeah. It's fine."

"Are you sure? This isn't an order, Jeffery. It's a question..." the fox pulled the boy's chair closer, and leaned in, putting his forehead against the side of his cat's with his own long sigh. "I really want this; I do. But you can say no if you want. It's more than you agreed to when I took you in, and it's your decision. I won't make you do this, and I promise I won't be mad if you don't want to."

Jeff just blinked in silence. Master wasn't forcing him...wasn't trying to put him out on the street. He shook his head and smiled at the thought, his eyes stinging with tears that he forced himself to hold back.

His answer didn't change though. Being forced or not, he should make Scott happy, "No Master: it's okay. I can be his pet too, if it comes to that."

Scott leaned back up, with a soft smile of his own, "You're sure?"

The cat nodded slowly, still smiling, "Yes."

Scott smiled wider and kissed the cat on the nose, "Thank you! You're a very good boy to treat Master so well." He stood, "I'll be in the living room with James when you're done eating. Okay, Kitten?"

Jeffery nodded again and kept his smile plastered across his muzzle, "Okay Master..."

Scott ruffled the boy's headfur and left the room, back for the living room, leaving the young cat's smile to slowly disappear.

Back out in the living room, James sat leaning back in the couch, watching what his vulpine host had left on the TV, though he was far too busy entertaining himself in a different way to really care about the show.

Barely trying to hide it, the raccoon had his paw on his groin, rubbing his swollen sheath through his pants. Were he back home alone, the thoughts and images running through his mind would have already had him out and in his paw, but for now, he was managing at least a modicum of restraint. Noticing a fox's muzzle poke into the living room, though, he quickly removed his paw hoping to play it off like it was just a quick adjustment.

Scott walked on into the room and around to couch, sitting down beside and putting his arm around his coworker, "Enjoying the TV?"

The raccoon's fur deepened with a red hue as he blushed heavily, a wide grin forming quickly on his muzzle. "I was..." he shook his head quickly, "I mean, I am! I am..."

"Yeah...I bet you were." Scott nonchalantly placed a paw on James's thigh, creeping for his bulge. As he turned himself to better face the raccoon, his position pulled the lower part of his robe apart to reveal his balls, and his own thickening sheath, "Y'know...at your age, you should be over the whole embarrassed by masturbation thing."

James shuddered a bit and spread his legs while he examined Scott's own unintentional reveal, "Well, I'm not usually paw to a cub, while that same cub is right in the next room."

The fox tilted his head, "You'd call him a cub? I think he's a bit older than that."

"Semantics." James looked over to the hallway to the kitchen, making sure Jeffery didn't walk in at that moment, "W-what did you talk to him about?"

"You know what."

"I'd still like to hear it."

"Well...I asked him if he would ever consider being your pet too," Scott lightly rubbed the coon's thigh. "I told him that we were getting really close, and you might become part of our lives," he intentionally left out the cat's answer, though, wanting to tease James with it.

The raccoon murred gently, at both Scott's petting, and the thought really having such a chance with Jeffery, "And what did HE say?"

"I dunno..." Scott's hummed playfully, as his paw finally brushed against the lowest bit of his friend's still hidden balls, "...that's not important, is it?"

James looked at the fox with a serious intensity on his face, "Yes. Actually it is..."

The fox sighed and rolled his eyes, "Oh, come on! I can't even tease you a little?" He raised an eyebrow, "He said yes."

James smiled wide and nodded. Yes. It wasn't just a theory anymore. It was a yes. And the thought of Jeffery actually agreeing to be his pet caused his cock to finally swell past his sheath's threshold and tent his pants yet again, as it had when he last saw the boy walking naked to the kitchen.

With an audible grown, he grinned and reached boldly into his coworker's open robe, taking a firm grip on his sheath, "Of course you can't tease me! It's mean..."

"So is ruining my fun." Scott sparked a mischievous grin and took a firm grip on the coon's tent as well, "Now why don't we let this one out to play...?"

"I'd love too." With his freer paw, James reached down and gladly undid his belt, button and zipper, letting his boxers tent more comfortably than his tight jeans, and letting his light aroma, muted from his recent shower, out into the air.

Scott murred and took a deep breath, enjoying the smell, however light, "Mmm...never gets old." He smiled, rubbing the tent, enjoying the more detailed feeling of the shaft inside, now covered by such a thin layer of cloth.

James murred deeply himself as squeezed on the fox's nuts tightly...but then stopped and quickly sat up straighter, trying to push away Scott's paw and hide himself at the same time, "Uhm...Scott?"

Behind Scott, in the doorway to the kitchen, a young cat stood in silence, save for his deep breaths as he watching his master and the raccoon.

Scott turned away from visitor, catching sight of his pet in the doorway. "Hey boy! All done with breakfast?" he smiled softly as always, as he asked.

Jeffery stood in continued silence for a moment longer, gulping hard and blinking a few times to get his head back in the game, "Oh! Uhm...yeah. I did." He wavered a bit, trying to will his feet forward, but not having actually expected he could be called upon to live up to his agreement so very soon.

The fox tilted his head, noting his pet's reluctance, "Don't be so nervous, boy. Just because we're being friendly, doesn't mean you're expected to, too. You don't have to do anything this time. I'm sure it's too soon for you."

James quickly nudged at Scott's knee with his own, trying to convince him to take it back without actually having to speak up in front of the boy...wanting this too badly to not be pushy, but retaining just enough self control to continue being kind to Jeff.

Scott glanced back at James with another cautionary glance to silently tell him to be good...not realizing it was unnecessary.

"A-are you sure?" Jeff swallowed his nervousness and rubbed his shoulder gently.

The fox nodded, looking back at the kitten, "We both want you to join in. But you get to choose if and when..."

With nearly no hesitation, though, the cat walked directly to the couch. He wasn't ready, but that didn't matter. He would far sooner join in, than leave his master alone like this with another male. No matter who that male was, and no matter how much Jeff may like them...the fox was his.

He paused once he got to the couch, but not out of nervousness. He paused because the seat he wanted to take was BETWEEN his master and the raccoon...but there was no room to wedge between. So instead, he took the seat next to his fox.

Scott lightly put his arm around his kitten, "If we do this...I want you to understand something." He glanced once at James before continuing, "He's not my boyfriend yet. So that means you're not his pet..."

Jeffery smiled immediately at that, despite his better judgment to hide how he was feeling.

"But," the fox continued, "let's think of this as a trial run, okay? You're not really his pet...but once we start this, if we're going to do it, we're gonna' pretend you are. For the extent of this, you'll be his pet just like you are mine, and you'll do whatever he says," Scott stopped again, to look at James pointedly, "unless I say no to it." He looked back at his kitten, "But after it's over, everything will be back to normal. Think you can handle that?"

Jeff took in a deep breath and nodded, looking over to the raccoon who was blushing heavily and smiling reassuringly to him, "Yes, Sir."

"Are you sure?" Scott rubbed his boy's back comfortingly, "If not, this is your chance to call it off, and we can do this without you."

That wasn't an option. "No," the young cat shook his head immediately, "It's okay. We can try, Master." He wanted Scott to be happy, and he wasn't about to leave him alone with James. And if this was what he had to do to prove to Scott he was good enough, then he would. With a gulp, he corrected his previous sentence, "...Masters."

The fox pulled his cat closer and kissed him on the forehead, "Well, if you're ready, why don't you help master undo his robe?"

Jeffery looked down at the robe, and seeing the raccoon's tent, he had a pretty good idea of what to expect from James as well. He reached forward and undid the already loose knot, opening the robe, and revealing the fox's arousal and completely naked body beneath.

"Now, James." Scott looked at the raccoon, "Why don't you help me out, too...?"

James nodded and gave out a shaky "Okay" before he reached forward, placing his fingers along the swollen vulpine sheath as he looking over and smiled warmly at Jeffery.

Jeff returned the soft smile and, with an unsteady paw, hesitantly reached forward, only to have Scott halt him, giving him one more reminder, and one more chance to back out, "No turning back after this."

"I know, Sir," the kitten just nodded and pushed on forward, touching his Master's sheath as well and interlocking his fingers with the coons, so they could rub the vulpine simultaneously and in sync.

At the feeling of two different foreign paws on his sheath, the fox murred loudly and leaned his head back with a sigh. "Show James how good a pet you can be, boy," he spoke to his pet, but his head stayed back, eyes closed, "You know what Master likes."

Jeffery blushed softly and gently brushed the 'coon's paw away, "Yes Master..."

Though somewhat embarrassed to put on this kind of show in front of their visitor, he was determined to prove himself. And so, with some hesitation, he did as he was ordered, leaning down and burying his short muzzle beneath the fox's balls. There, the cat let his snout and nose wedge beneath them, and took a deep breath of his master's musk with a quick inhale, surely tickling the fur down there. And the deep breath was met immediately with two reactions: Jeffery's own small cock twitching and thickening his sheath, and the boy's tongue lolling out of his mouth and beginning to lick feverishly at the underside of the fox's sack. There, in his fox's lap and under the watchful eyes of the new raccoon, he completely bathed his master's heavy sack with his tongue before taking both nuts into his tentatively suckling maw.

Scott let out a groan and looked at James, "Don't just sit there; join in. We don't want anyone left out..." He wrapped his paw around the raccoon's tent again, and rubbed, "What does our raccoon want?"

With a very apparent stain of pre showing through his boxer's now, James just struggled to speak, his eyes still glued on the small cat as he suckled and licked the fox's balls, "I-I...I," the raccoon stuttered out, feeling as if he was about to pounce the kitten.

"Come on...it's okay. Don't be shy," the fox peeled open the fly of his visitor's boxers with one paw, taking his slick cock into the other.

Jeff looked up to the raccoon and made completely unhindered eye contact with him, as he began to lick up Scott's sheath, not stopping or breaking his gaze until he sealed his mouth around the fox's cocktip, with a loud, 'innocent' purr. But it wasn't because he was trying to put on a good 'show' for his guest. No. He was taunting the guest in his own passive way, letting him know that this fox was his.

At the attention, Scott moaned, nearly growling, and gripped the coon's dick a little harder...no idea of Jeffery's intentions.

The raccon's jaw hung open as he watched the small cat, each exhale coming out shakier than the last, "I...want him, Scott. I want him." He looked briefly to the fox, then back to Jeffery, watching him un-sheathe the vulpine cock with his mouth, then sink the hard organ into his muzzle.

"T-" the fox's voice broke, and he had to swallow hard to force back a moan from his pet's attention, "T-tell him, then." He let go of the raccoon's dick and lightly petted Jeffery's head fur.

James remained quiet for a moment, but finally spoke, "J-Jeffery...Kitten?"

The cat kept giving Scott the slow muzzle job, very consciously trying to ignore having to acknowledge the raccoon as well. As a hopeful incentive for Scott to want to keep him in his current position, the boy dived his muzzle down, letting the cock tease the back of his throat and spew its salty pre onto his tongue. And as he did, he let his rough tongue snake out of his muzzle and begin a feverish lashing of the fox's now very large knot.

"Oah!" Scott gritted his teeth and gripped the boy's hair, "B-boy? K-kitten...one of your masters is...is talking to you..." He could barely speak through his erratic breaths.

Jeffery clenched his eyes and pulled off of the cock, showing to the both of them his wet chin. While he redirected his attention to the 'coon, both his paws continued to work over the fox's cock, one pawing him off slowly while the other squeezed his knot, and turning around it as if he was turning a doorknob.

"O-oa-oah..." the fox just let out a shaky moan and sunk into the couch.

"Yes...Master?" Jeff was still hesitant to call James that, but he did.

The raccoon gulped hard and pointed to his dripping, rock-hard cock, "C-could I...? I need attention, too, boy..." He cleared his throat and continued on, trying to sound a bit surer of himself, "I'm your Master too. Don't forget about me." He looked to his coworker for some sort of reassurance of his performance as a 'Master.'

Scott smiled, his breathing steadying, "You don't have to try and be forceful. Just gently tell him what you want, like you were at first. He's a good boy, he'll listen." He looked back at Jeff and rubbed his pet's cheek, "Go on now, Kitten. Don't let James feel left out..."

The cat nodded and crawled over Scott, unknowingly showing the fox his own neglected, and nearly full sheath. And once his muzzle was over the coon's pride, he swallowed his OWN pride, as well as a small trace of fox juices, and craned his neck down to tentatively give James's cock head a small lick.

James groaned out loudly and trailed off into a murr, while -- even after such a small lick -- his cock gave out a large spurt of pre, almost as strong as if he had just came, though he didn't. Instinctively, he brought a paw over and pushed his cock partway into the kitten's barely opened muzzle. With his other paw, he wrapped his arm around Scott's shoulder and squeezed him tight.

The fox let himself get squeezed and leaned into the 'coon, as his paws reached forward, one lightly petting his kitten's back while the other wrapped firmly around his small twitching dick. And he smiled as he took it into his paw; Jeff was hard, and that was the best sign he could have asked for. His boy must be enjoying himself...or at least as much as he ever enjoyed any of this.

Jeffery whined at being forced down, but it was soon disguised by an immediate purr as the fox began to work his cock. He listened carefully for Scott to certainly warn their visitor about being too forceful, but he was quickly disappointed by the silence and simply resigned himself to begin the blowjob for James instead. He opened his muzzle wide for the large girth of the coon to slip inside until his tip was touching the back of his throat, and then he purred deeply so his to vibrate around the coon's cock...with unexpected results...

...as the raccoon murred loudly and humped up into the boy's muzzle, nearly losing himself in the hot vibrating throat teasing his tip. He released Scott's shoulder immediately and reached down to the cat's groin, pushing Scott's away and taking hold of Jeffery's cock, "C'mon kitten, you're gonna' cum. Cum with me..." His nearly constant flow of pre-cum pouring out of the cat's mouth along with his continuous rough humping, was a very clear sign that he wasn't going to last much longer either.

With his paw moved away, Scott quickly wrapped his arms around James's waist, trying to calm him down. "Careful!" he half barked, but more out of concerne for Jeff than anger at James, as he complete understood the feeling of getting to do something like this for the first time. "Don't hurt him..." he loosened his grip, allowing the coon thrust, but softer and more steadily.

James consciously slowed down his thrusts considerably, though his quick panting and loud murring kept him from acknowledging the fox verbally. And his paw kept working the small cat's cock the whole time, teasing his barbs and trying to get the boy to cum quickly.

Jeff half-whined, half-purred again while rocking against James's thrusts and his temporary Master's paw. He was getting close as well but not nearly as quickly as the coon had wanted him to. He could tell it wouldn't be much longer for James, either way, though.

And as expected, with one final hard thrust and burying nearly two inches of his cock into the kitten's throat, the raccoon groaned out loudly, spraying his load deep into the boy's throat. "Such a good boy..." he encouraged, while spewing his load, eventually pulling his still very hard cock out and leaving a trail of cum along the kitten's tongue and chin.

The fox beside them felt his own cock twitch and let loose a burst of pre at the sight of his coworker's cum firing out along his pet's tongue and chin. He squeezed his raccoon friend tightly and planted a soft kiss on his shoulder as he rode out his orgasm...the coon's paw still moving, gripped tight around Jeff's dick, but growing slower and slower following James's release.

The young cat pulled up off of the coon, but before he could think of doing anything else, James leaned down and kissed him deeply and unexpectedly. The boy went wide-eyed and looked over at his master -- his real master -- while the 'coon's tongue lapped at his own, licking up the last traces of his own cum before Jeff could swallow.

And Scott just smiled at his pet, viewing the kiss as a good sign...one of intimacy.

The raccoon murred into the kiss and pulled away only after a few long moments, a strand of cum from Jeff's chin getting into his, "Such a good boy." He kissed the still astounded Jeff on the lips gently once more, before he rubbed his fluffy cheek against the boy's affectionately, "Good kitten...so very good..."

Jeffery continued to look at Scott while the coon rubbed their cheeks together, his eyes fluttering closed a bit when the fox's paw returned to paw at him...since the 'coon had obviously having forgotten about him cumming too, after he was done.

Jeff was still shaken a bit. James was less rough than the wolf, but he was still rough. He was, though, obviously much nicer and maybe the cheek nuzzling was a sort of apology? The boy wasn't sure at the moment, but quietly began to purr, making the conscious decision to just focus only on his Master Scott and what the fox was doing for him.

"James..." the fox slowed his pawing at the kitten as he spoke.

The raccoon, still slightly out of breath, pulled away from Jeffery's muzzle and looked to the fox, his facial fur glistening with a thin layer of sweat and the small amount of cum on his chin. "Yeah?"

Scott completely stopped pawing the boy and lifted him up. Turning him around, he sat the boy in his lap, the kitten's nearly black back against his white underbelly, and then nuzzled his pet's cheek the same as James had.

"Remember," though holding his kitten, he spoke to James, "Remember the other day: how you called him a toy? And then I told you that he was no such thing? I told you there was a BIG difference between a toy and a pet." The fox returned his paw to his kitten's dick for a brief caress, "You ready to learn the difference?" He kissed Jeff's neck a little and let go of the cat's dick completely.

James nodded slowly, embarrassed that Jeff now knew he had once referred to him as a toy, but was already more than willing to make it up to him, "Yeah?" He looked to the small cat's cock, and then back at the both of them in feigned ignorance, "My turn?"

"MmHmm! Pets get rewarded. They get paid back for a job well done." Scott looked Jeff in the eye and smiled, "Don't they, Kitten?"

The little cat nodded and then looked to the coon, "Pets do. Right..."

Deciding to play along with the two of them, the raccoon laid his ears back submissively and slid off the couch to kneel between both Scott and 'their' pet's spread legs, "Then my pet will get his reward."

He placed his paws on the boy's stomach and slowly leaned his muzzle down to his cock, where he darted his tongue out to quickly lick at its tip, making bounce up and down teasingly.

Jeffery shuddered lightly and leaned back against Scott, his eyes closing slowly while the coon teased his already aching cock. "Oh...Master..." he moaned out blissfully, to both Scott AND James, finally too caught up in all of this to do much more than just enjoy it.

The fox behind him held his arms tight around his pet, rubbing his chest and his stomach, one with each paw, "Ready to give James a taste, Kitten?"

"Yes Master..." Jeff moaned softly while he leaned his head back onto the fox's shoulder. And his hips thrust up almost involuntarily, to bury his cock, just past his barbs, into the raccoon's muzzle.

James's throat rumbled as he, too, gave out a moan, suckling the cat's short length completely into his maw. And once there, he let his tongue circle completely around the boy's tip, which rewarded him with a small, but rich blast of the cat's pre.

While he watched, Scott continued to scratch his kitten's stomach with one paw as the other circled around behind the boy. "Go on, Kitten. Ride his muzzle...just like he did yours..." he growled softly as his paw slipped between his stomach and his pet's back, wrapping firmly around his own dick.

The cat whined softly in response, and hesitantly draped a leg over the coon's shoulders, lightly pulling James farther into his crotch.

The raccoon took the hint from his pet and opened his muzzle wider, letting the boy bury himself balls deep in his mouth. And held there by the boy's leg, he suckled on his length hard and slow, milking the cat's young cock for all of his pre, while trying to coax out his load.

While his visitor reached up with a paw and began to massage their kitten's spunk out of him, Scott softly ground himself against his pet's back, his shaft sliding through his paw, and his wet tip staining and matting his kitten's gray back-fur as he watched on.

"Is he doing a good job paying you back?" the fox nuzzled Jeff's neck lightly as he ground against him.

Jeffery only whimpered out softly in response at first, but after a few deep, labored breaths he managed to answer his master appropriately, in a broken whine and a whisper, "Y-yes Master! He's good...I'm g-getting close!" His small body squirmed against Scott to emphasize his answer.

James silently continued working the kitten's cock. Hearing his pet's blissful answer only made him continue more feverishly. He was no stranger to submitting -- he had every intention of doing so with Scott as well -- but this was the first time he'd felt even slightly dominated by one so young.

Jeff draped another leg over the 'coon's shoulders, pulling him fully into his crotch, until his snout was buried in his pubic fur, making it difficult to breath. The raccoon didn't care, though; he just suckled hard on the small cock and rolled the boy's nuts in his paw. He wanted -- he needed -- his pet to be rewarded. Only if he proved himself here and how good a member of this trio he could be would he stand any chance of being accepted by Scott and Jeff. To do that, he needed to reward his temporary pet...and the continuous stream of the young feline's pre was a good sign that he TOO would be rewarded soon.

Behind the cat, Scott breathed more and more heavily against his kitten's neck and chest, as his grinding grew more forceful, pre flowing heavier and more continuous with every push of his hips. He'd been teased with James & Jeff's show all this time and was just now giving his dick any attention. It wouldn't be long until he left a sticky mess on Jeffery's back.

The cat, for his part, pushed back against Master Scott's chest and cock for a final time while he tensed completely, giving out a loud mewl of pleasure, followed by a shudder and a purr. His small cock tensed and exploded, spraying his small but thick load into the coon's -- still temporarily his master's -- muzzle.

James stopped sucking on Jeffery's cock as it began to twitch and shoot, letting the boy's small load spurt out and pool in his mouth. His paw lightly squeezed his nuts for a final time, as if trying to squeeze out ALL of the boy's load...and once he was finally satisfied it was over, he pulled back, and looked up at his two exhausted hosts swallowing the load, very obviously, for Scott's benefit.

The fox groaned and closed his eyes after seeing the raccoon swallow, then bucked three final times into his paw and against his kitten's back before his first stream of cum jetted out against the little one's dark gray fur. With a sharp moan -- almost a yip -- he gripped the kitten tight as rope after rope of cum shot out and painted the boy's back.

Jeffery continued to purr, head craned back on Scott's shoulder as he felt his Master pawing off and finishing behind him. The hot strands of cum landing on his back reminded him fondly of the one and only time his fox Master had pulled out of him and finished on his back instead of in him. And even though he was exhausted...the thought of it made a small smile form across his muzzle.

Scott panted heavily as his orgasm ebbed away, and laid his head over his pet's shoulder. "Seems like you need a bath, Kitten..." he looked up at James, "You think you're new master wants to help?"

Jeff continued his content purring for a few seconds, before he looked to the 'coon kneeling before them, seeing the same content smile on the visitor's muzzle, as was on HIS, "Yes Master...I think he does..."

The raccoon smiled wider at the two of them, reached up, and tried to clean his chin of his saliva and the small remaining bit of the cat's cum, "I'd love to..."

The fox reached down and pulled his coworker up by the back of his head sandwiching Jeffery between the two. He placed a small kiss on James's nose, and then turned and kissed their kitten on the cheek as well, "Let's get that out of the way, then. We still have a whole Sunday ahead of us."


There we go! A Warm Bed continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as Scott Hammond and James Callaway (when he was alone with Jeff, and some of when they were all three together) Phil Anthro Pist as Jeffery Anderson and James Callaway (when he was alone with Scott, and most of when they were all three together) *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at http://phil-anthro-pist.sofurry.com/

Well! That actually went much better than expected, didn't it??

But still, though. Something has to give: Scott STILL thinks Jeff is a straight-ish boy who's just doing this for a home, even though Scott would like more...Jeff thinks he HAS to do this sort of thing to make Scott happy and prove he's good enough to be his boyfriend...and not to mention, of course, Scott still has NO CLUE about Tony! And what about James? Is he being more motivated by love or by sex? And either way, how might he be affected by whatever happens next? Will he REALLY become Scott's boyfriend and Jeff's second master? And if not...how will he handle it?

SIDE NOTE: This USED to be AWB Chapters 9 and 10. All the way through Scott & Jeff's solo talk in the kitchen was #9, and everything after that, in the living room, was #10. But then I wrote a NEW Chapter 9, and just smooshed these together to be the new Chapter 10. So now do you see why I needed a new Chapter 9? Wasn't the new #9 MUCH better than just jumping straight to THIS after #8?

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]gmail.com

See you for the next 5 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...for the next 11 chapters of The Masters! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!

A Warm Bed Chapter 11

Chapter 11 -- Veritas (September 18th) Jeff, quite understandably, was well aware of his master's proclivities. It was no secret that Scott harbored a quite socially unacceptable attraction to boys: teenagers at the very least, if not cubs...

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The Masters Chapter 4

The Masters... ...of Discretion (September 15th) William Masters stood in the food court of the mall, his eyes surveying the large circular area around him. He always found the mall's selection odd. He was used fast food and Chinese; they were...

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A Warm Bed Chapter 9

Chapter 9 -- Fides (September 8th) A churning in his abdomen stirred Scott from his sleep. As he twitched awake, eyes slowly parting to the light of noon, that churning became a knot in his throat and an uneasy quiver working its way from his...

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