Wolvesbane -Part 5-

Story by TimidTabby on SoFurry

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#5 of Wolvesbane

I'm...satisfied. Perhaps not how I intentionally meant to proceed, but at least I think I got the major conflict and obstacle to my personal mental block out of the way.

Now there is one part left, and I can incorporate the mini story I had planned for Valerie and finally wrap things up.

And THAT should be coming closer than you think. Until then; I hope this part will keep you horny beasts satisfied for now until it comes.


Valerie's nose bounced in the air as she caught wind of a particular scent that peek her interest. She smiled growling excitedly, her tail coming to life as she lowered her upper body ready to pounce.

"Our packmates are close," she cried ardently, barking happily as she sprinted towards the source. It didn't matter how far they had veered off the path or how long it ended up taking; the shewolf was thrilled to finally have returned to their human den eager to greet her packmates, transformed and feral by now, and join them with her mate as they planned their escape to the woods beyond this nauseating concrete jungle.

She slowed to a halt as her nose twitched to another curious smell, sniffing towards a small human vehicle resting on the curb that led up to Don's house. Running her lupine nose over the outlines of the passenger door she moaned softly identifying the scent of her mate. It wasn't as musky or delightful as Peter's scent was now as a wolf, but the essence of his personal musk made the fur on the back of her neck stand.

"Human or wolf; I'd follow that scent anywhere," Valerie moaned, shaking her body as a warm tremor crawled down her spine. "Luckily; I have that close by, right Stud? ...Stud?"

When Peter did not respond, Valerie became anxious hurrying around the back of the car. Relief followed with worry as she discovered her mate sullenly walking across the street, concerned with the soulful eyes that drooped to the ground; his tail tucked between his legs. Valerie could not understand what had caused her mate to be so stricken with grief. She waited patiently sitting on her haunches until peter reached her, continuing to keep his gaze lowered.

"My mate," Valerie said amiably, leaning forward licking the short protruding ridge of Peter's incomplete muzzle. "Why are you so sad?"

Peter shrugged off Valerie's affectionate advances turning his head away, whining as he remained silent.

"Please talk to me Peter," Valerie insisted, circling her mate until she stood side by side.

"I'm weak," Peter finally spoke, his voice brittle and sore as he let out a low growl.

Valerie stared bewildered, grinning as she nuzzled firmly against Peter's neck. "You are not weak Peter," she affirmed.

Peter's head flinched and bobbed as if wanting to evade his mate's act of kindness, eventually submitting as he whined pleasantly from Valerie's touch nuzzling back fondly. His tail sparked to life wagging as the two fondled over each other pressing their bodies and licking their snouts. Valerie growled elatedly, attempting to sound a girlish giggle through her deepening animal voice.

"That's my stud," she cooed, flashing her fangs with a smile as she nipped at Peter's ears, rearing her mate to following up to the driveway, returning their attention to reuniting with their packmates. "Why were you sad, Peter?" Valerie asked, curious to her mate's sudden depression. "Why do you feel weak?"

Peter whimpered not wanting to answer right away, confidence rebuilding as he saw unwavering love in Valerie's feral eyes. "I feel...wrong. I like wolf; I like being wolf with you. I want to be wolf. But...wolf feels wrong."

"But it's not," Valerie interjected. "We are wolves. It's our nature. I've known this; it's easier for me to embrace. You're just discovering; getting use to the truth. It's alright if your scared. I'll help you; make you feel comfortable with change. Your instincts will guide you soon enough. You'll realize this is what you were meant to be."

Peter paused halfway up the driveway; Valerie stopping some inches apart to turn back and see the gloom returning to her mate's expression.

"I...I don't know if I can," Peter said weakly, whining in distress. "Instincts tell me to attack, to hunt and kill, to do things I don't normally like doing. Instincts told me to hurt skinny woman and dog, angry at them for annoying us. But...they were just curious; afraid. We were on their territory; they had the right to bother us."

Valerie approached Peter face to face, nuzzling once more to help ease his guilty conscious. "It's true; we were trespassing. They had the right to be angry.

"But..." Valerie paused, smiling slyly as she flashed a seductive stare. "...creatures should still know better not to disturb mating wolves."

A light growlish chuckle uttered from Peter's maw, grinning weakly as he nodded before his frown returned. "Valerie? Are you still horny?"

Valerie smiled bashfully turning her head aside to hide it. "Of course I am, Stud. After we check-in on our packmates and leave for the woods, I expect to finish our session together. If you don't mind waiting a little longer, my mate; I want our moment to be perfect."

"I want to mate," Peter growled, yet Valerie noticed his tone was not as enthusiastic as she had hoped. "I can't wait any longer."

Valerie tilted her head curiously, boasting a grin as she began to turn around and wave her lupine rear close to Peter provoking further sexual angst. "I suppose we've waited long enough. We have the whole night to share as much primal bliss as free wolves. If you can't wait any longer, than lets head to the yard and mount me there. I rather mate with the cool grass and soft earth underneath my paws."

"I want to, so bad," Peter murmured, the same impassive tone lingering in his voice as before as his beaming eyes gazed at Valerie's seductive invitation. "It's all I thought about since leaving the Restaurant; mounting you like an animal and fucking you wildly until I exploded, filling you over and over with my seed."

Intended to come off morbid; Valerie growled thrillingly puckering her thighs as she felt her swollen flesh throb from the mental image planted in her lustful primal mind. "Such a dirty wolf. Can't wait to taste your potency; to take it inside. Let's not stand around anymore just talking about it, Stud."

"Yes," Peter growled, stepping closer as he stuck his lupine snout between Valerie's furry thighs sniffing her scent and intoxicating pheromones, stirring his once limp loins to revitalize and slither out from his sheath throbbing madly with its earlier cries for stimulation following. "I want to fuck you; make you howl in pleasure and make you mine. I want to be your mate, mate many times and give you pups. I want to make you a proper shewolf."

The pavement echoed with sharp scrapping; Valerie's claws raked over the driveway as she lowered herself down further, her haunches and rear lifted high as she yelped softly from the warm wet touch of Peter's tongue bathing her heat. Whatever plans she had to make their mating special would indeed have to wait now.

"Mount me, Peter," Valerie growled, her voice thickening as she sensed the familiar sensation of her transformation returning, pressure building over her face and skull as she anxiously awaited the final changes. "Need my mate. Mate...mate...mate!"

Pops and cracks resonated from the bones of her muzzle began to sound as she closed her eyes and panted heavily, awaiting the hot piercing of Peter's wolfhood to reclaim its territory and proceed to fulfill their duty. When the moment did not come her eyes fluttered open, staying still as she was expecting it was just a delay in her mate's actions. When it still didn't come she grew concerned, baffled further as the minor push her muzzle formed steadily sunk back to its original premature state; the sensation of transforming fading but not gone. She looked backed repressing her excited panting searching for answers to why her mate had stopped his foreplay.

Peter stood stern, watching Valerie inquisitively as he whined softly, suffering from his suppression to relieve his loins urges throbbing for release.

"Peter?" Valerie cried, waving her rear once more to entice her mate to resume their session.

"This...this is wrong," Peter spoke, once more lowering his head in shame as he dourly walked past Valerie heading towards Don's house.

"Peter," Valerie whined clamoring back to her paws as she trotted to her mate, vexed about the confusion Peter appeared to create.

Don's house was tall enough to have been blocking the moonlight over the driveway, but once they came around to the doorway steps they were instantly bathed in its shine along with the entirety of the backyard. Valerie felt in awe as she briefly forgot about her mate's plight cautiously walking into the grass gazing at the full moon.

"She's calling us," Valerie said entranced, sitting on her haunches as she appeared to be under the hypnotic spell of the silver orbit. "Her light; I can feel it burning my body, tearing down what's left of this cage. So close...I'm nearly free again. Her presence is a blessing to us, and she's calling us home; guiding us." Valerie smiled widely, her short maw agape as she began to pant; her throat tightening as she was ready to call to the moon.

"No one's here?" Peter cried stealing Valerie's trance.

Her smile didn't fade, giggling. "I'm talking to the moon goddess, at least I wish to believe there is one. Why else would wolves sing to the moon, the goddess smiling upon her children...revealing their nature and to rejoice."

Peter shook his head. "I mean our pack isn't here."

Valerie looked stunned as she left the comfort of the grass. Peter rose to his hindpaws leaning against the outside wall of the house for balance, Valerie joining his bipedal stance as she stood beside him. "I thought for sure...I heard their howls hear, and their scents; so strong."

Peter grabbed the knob to the door, forgetting that his forepaws had lost their thumbs since their last attempt to mate as he tried to hold on. The effort was wasted as the door itself had been left ajar, Peter swinging it open carefully as he stuck his head in and scanned the darkness. He inhaled and immediately moaned, stumbling in place from the intense smells hitting his sensitive lupine snout.

"I think I know why," Peter growled stepping inside, Valerie following cautiously. She stood by the doorway as Peter began his investigation. He barked bouncing as he doubled over and rubbed his right hindpaw, apparently knocking against something. The lack of natural or man-made light made it difficult to see inside this pitch black den, their eyes not yet adjusting to the darkness.

With a fierce snarl, Peter lunged to where he could feel Don's leather couch, swiping at what he knew were the blinds to the only window into the room tearing them down brashly. The full moon's light cascaded through the den allowing the wolves eyes to survey their surroundings better, though the overpowering scents left behind painted a clear enough picture of what transpired while they were away.

Valerie shuddered as her forepaws found need to caress her petite breasts and thighs, whining as the staggering smell of the aftermath burned her body with her previous intense desires. The full moon's light revealed Don's den tattered and in disarray; personal affects and possessions scattered and dented or broken over the floor and furniture along with the remains of their friend's clothes. The coffee table rested knocked over against the entertainment center, the couch and bed itself worse for wear riddled with claw marks. The others had gone wild from the effects of the Wolvesbane, plainly obviously of their transformation into wolves as the entire den reeked of their lupine musk.

"Horny..." Peter grunted, toppling to Don's mattress sitting down and collecting himself, wincing and whimpering as his loins ached worse than ever demanding to be touched. The room fumed with the stench of sex, repeated mating occurring within this den alone. It was somewhat bothersome for Peter to make out which of his friend's scents matched the musk of their remains drying among the floor and clothes and furniture. The biggest offender came from the unsettling arousing pheromones left behind by Valerie's uncouth friend Roxanne upon the bed, her stale need mixed with the heat wafting from his mate enough to drive him mad with lust.

"Roxy...in heat," Valerie moaned, gingerly walking into the center of the den as she squat low and sniffed the area, panting. "So horny; needed to mate. Everyone shared; had turn. Roxy filled; males relieved."

Peter panted heavily, finding it difficult to keep his forepaws away from his erection out of his mate's view. "All mated? Don allowed?" Don and Roxanne had been a couple once before their personalities ultimately clashed, at least that was the jest of it from what he learned. If Don was considered the Alpha male of the pack, wouldn't he have misgivings about Danny and Blake mating with his bitch?

Valerie smirked, giggling as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply once more. "Don may have objected. Roxy may have convinced her mate. Either way, other males got to mate. Smell their offerings on the floor. Smell good..." She sniffed the floor moaning before looking up with her seductive feral eyes, grinning. "Not as good as yours will be."

Peter's panting grew faster, clenching the edge of the mattress as he forced himself to sit still despite his overwhelming urge and instinct to lunge to Valerie and mount her now and then. He whined as he shook his head violently, the fever in his mind growing worse as he struggled to hold onto what rationality had come back, afraid to lose it.

"Peter?" Valerie moaned, prowling her way to her mate as she kept her hungry feral eyes upon him, her tail curled back and stiff. "You said you want to be wolf now, right?"

Peter attempted to think about his answer, yet ultimately nodded with a growl distracted by his throbbing arousal, anxious for Valerie claim her mate and continue what they had started before.

"And..." she continued, sitting on her haunches between Peter's legs as her forepaws ran over his thighs. "...you like me, human or wolf; don't you?"

"Yes!" Peter yelped, forepaws shakily reaching for his mate.

Valerie smiled warmly, surprising her mate with a pounce knocking him onto the bed, laying on top of Peter as she gazed into his eyes. "Then...why is my stud afraid to mate?"

Peter whimpered unable to answer back, breaking her gaze but remaining submissive to his shewolf's whims.

Valerie was again puzzled, believing she was finally getting through to her mate. "Peter. I want you. I want it to be you that fills me and sets us free. I could have chosen your friends or that creepy drug peddler of Don's. I could be like Roxy and seek out any willing male to accept my offer and mount me. I could have let that dog slate his baser need. But I want it to be you. I chose you. I want us to be mates."

"But..." Peter muttered, swallowing hard to control his panting tongue from escaping. "But what if it's not enough?"

"What do you mean?" Valerie questioned, lying flat upon her mate cuddling intimately to comfort. "What won't be enough?"

Peter growled softly before whining pleasantly, wrapping his forepaws around Valerie's shoulders and waist stroking her fur with his claws gently. "This. After all the sex; after your heat dies and my arousal is gone. Will I be enough?"

Valerie lifted her head to meet Peter's nervous gaze, wanting to hear what her mate had to say; showing she was attentively listening.

Peter felt calmer see his mate's genuine attention and concern, feeling courageous to finally speak his fears. "My instincts...I'm not afraid to follow them anymore. It's our nature; like you said. And...I want to mate with you so much; make you a proud shewolf."

Valerie smiled bashfully as before, leaning in and licking Peter's nose affectionately.

"But," Peter chuckled, shaking off the giddiness to maintain his seriousness of the matter at hand, "what if this doesn't last? Our need, our instincts, being wolves; maybe we are wolves at heart and in spirit, but we are only changing because of Wolvesbane weed. I'm afraid...I'm afraid we only like each other because weed messing with our heads; make us horny. What if it doesn't last and we all turn back to human? What if we remember what we did as wolves, but...not like it?"

Valerie whined upsettingly, shocked to hear her mate say these things. "Why would you say that? We are wolves, Peter; we will be forever now."

"And if we don't what then? What if you are only saying these things because of the drug? What if you only like me because...because you needed a mate to slate your heat? What if you despise me for mating with you? We only met tonight; barely know each other."

Peter's questioning was beginning to annoy Valerie, growling as her forepaws clung to her mate's shoulders. The annoyance was contributed by her burning need still screaming for the touch her mate to fill her. But it wasn't just that; Valerie was annoyed that her mate continued to display such doubt of his nature and her love after all this time. What did she have to do to put her mate at ease?

"Peter," Valerie cried softly pushing back her venting growl as she lessen her grip and brushed back her mates brown human hair from his slanting forehead. "Why are you so troubled? Is being wolf that frightening to you?"

Peter lowered his maw to the top of his chest, shutting his eyes. "It is...but not as much anymore. I was afraid; afraid of hurting people for no reason like a bloodthirsty monster, of losing myself to a mindless beast, of leaving behind my human life. The only regret I'll have if we do stay as wolves is never seeing my parents again. But; after that, I don't have much else to leave behind. And...following my instincts doesn't me I won't still be me, at least I hope."

Valerie smiled once more hearing her mate's confessions, delighted to see Peter was beginning to accept and understand his nature. "Then what are you afraid of, Peter?" she asked again. "What won't be enough?"

"Our love," Peter murmured, pausing as an opposing lump threatened to let him finish. "I'm afraid...if we do return to normal, or once your heat is quenched, will you still love me?"

Valerie's could feel her cheeks blush hard underneath her white fur finally understanding her mate's mysterious question, seeing now why he bore a heavy heart. "Peter. Of course I love you."

"But will you still love me after?" Peter continued, taking Valerie by her paw as best as he could without thumbs to grasp better with, staring deeply into her golden yellow eyes for the reaction he hoped. "Wolves or not; did you want me as your mate because you liked me for ME? I don't want to be just someone you can check-in for a one-night stand anymore; to be favored for my sexual prowess but then tossed aside when you're done with me. I'm afraid you only want me because the drug...your heat needs to be slated; that you're following your instincts until it says otherwise. I don't..."

Peter was silenced with a passionate kiss from Valerie, awkward as it was due to their short lupine muzzles not as accommodating to the human act but still as pleasant. The feverish chaos that drove him to question their bizarre situation cooled and calmed, concerned only with returning as much of her kiss as he could, tongues lapping and fangs nipping playfully as the two became consumed with each other. Peter's forepaws groomed and caressed his shewolf's sides and back hungry to take his mate into him; grinding zealously to feel her fur and form against him. As much as his wolfhood ached to penetrate her mounds once again, the fourplay kept him satisfied enough knowing how badly Valerie wanted him this moment.

"Mate..." whined from Peter's maw as Valerie took over dominance showering her animal affection fervently along his neck and shoulders, comfortable for now as he was merely appeased at his mates overall ravaging. He took little notice of his forepaws lightly raking Valerie's shoulders and the back of her head, lost in his excited panting as all the seemed to matter now was the pleasure his mate's fondling sparked.

Not real answer...but good enough. Shewolf loves me. Shewolf...Valerie chose me. Valerie...

Peter yelped in shock as the pleasure boiled over his sore throbbing erection, falling back to a harder and faster pant discovering Valerie having receded back to the floor, her maw upon his member. Sensual laps from her tongue had Peter tensing up and clawing at the mattress, letting out soft short jubilant howls as Valerie dipped her maw over and over suckling his engorged rod.

So good...can't hold on. My seed...coming...

The knot in his loins made a comeback; disappointed it was not within the dwellings of his shewolf's temple but satisfied that release was near. His less potent venom began to erupt, Valerie eagerly licking its trails as she egged on his wolfhood for the main course. The climax neared and Peter was ready to let go, of his patiently waiting seed; of his fears of becoming a wolf; of the past and their rejections.

Wolf...be wolf...be wolf with mate. Be with my love. Let her taste my seed; know it's strong...know it's virile.

As his orgasm approached, Peter's body began to burn and quiver, the sensation that the changes were coming again.


Growling through his exhilarating panting; Peter winced and stiffened as his body once again began to pull and contort, massive pressure forming over his face. With a sickly wolfish grin, Peter roared and snarled wildly as his short muzzle wiggled and popped, protruding out further little by little; new canine teeth growing from empty spots from his lengthen gums and maw. His limbs and pelvis withered as the bones snapped and collapsed; his torso barreling out more and thinning his shape as felt his human frame fading and his bipedal posture vanishing over his new quadruped body.


The house bellowed with Peter's triumphant howling, singing in bliss for finally shedding his humanity and being set free. With a yelp, Peter howled once more singing his gratification over his lust, squirming against the mattress as his wolfhood gushed with his potent seed. Valerie's maw had pulled away as he came; panting excitedly as she watched his seed spill over his member and underbelly. Peter's own panting continued as he lied there, amazed at how much he was spilling.

"My happy stud," Valerie cooed, rising higher on her haunches to better look upon her fully transformed mate, thrilled to see Peter in such rapture. "Doesn't that feel better? Aren't you happier as a wolf?"

Peter whined, unable to speak in his human voice anymore in his animal form, pawing to his mate to come closer and lay next to him.

"Like I thought," Valerie said, sniffing over Peter's spent wolfhood growling pleasantly, "You're friend's seed smells good. But yours is better. I chose correctly." She proceeded to lap up as much of Peter's offerings as she could licking his fur and loins dry, extending the sexual pleasure from his mate's oral touch.

"Good boy," Valerie growled softly, crawling onto bed as she helped her mate rest comfortably on his side instead of his back, a position no longer as comfortable as a wolf unless padded. Peter was exhausted, whining distressingly as he realized his mate needed her own need quenched and he could little about it until he was revitalized.

"Don't worry, Peter. We have all night. Rest for a bit."

"And then," she paused, nuzzling adoringly over Peter's neck resting her head upon his shoulders after. "...you can make me mine, and set me free."