Heat 5

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#8 of Heat

*edit i didn't notice the scenebreak lines had been lost when i copy pasted the story in here. i have added them baclk in.

Well it looks like heat 5 will be much longer than other sections of heat I'm 40 pages in and still have a load of story left to go. I had been posting the heat stories in self contained sections. However, after posting a journal and taking some advice I am going to start posting heat 5 in smaller chunks until it's complete. In heat 5 i plan to bring together the 3 heat couples from the other stories and tie them all together in one story. This story starts up a few months after heat 4. It tells the story of one mportant day from all 3 couples. I already have the second chunk of heat 5 ready to go and I will be posting it next Friday. I will make an effort to ensure I post a section weekly until it is complete.

Oh I comissioned the cover image from Jailbird before xmas to go with this story. I am so happy I finally get to post it and share it with the world. There are 2 errors in the picture due to me giving the wrong reference image.

I'd link to jailbirds so furry account but i don't think she has one she has an FA account. She does awesome work for reasonable prices

Additional Heat 5 will be having a heat orgy scene but it will be in the last chunk, i have a fun idea on how to do heat from a new angle.

Heat 5

"We've got two marks on our tail!"

John glanced at his radar confirming his gunner's observation. "Five clicks and closing, any chance we're not their target?"

His gunner didn't get the chance to reply as both fighters opened fire, two streaking lines of bullets slip passed his cockpit narrowly missing John's fighter.

"There's no way to tell." Came the dry reply from John's gunner Eric. "Returning fire."

John's canopy lit up as Eric sent out a stream of return fire, focussing on the closer of the two fighters. The human twisted the joystick tacking evasive action. His cockpit alerts started screaming as their attacks attempted to get a missile lock. He put the ship into a sudden dive trying to shake one of their attackers loose.

Their spear shaped fighter dove, spun and danced as John tried to shake off their attack. It took all of John's skill and experience to prevent the two fighter craft from getting a missile lock or a clear shot. He heard his wolf gunner whoop in triumph over the comm system. "I got one!"

John didn't get a chance to reply as his ship shuddered and a whole bunch of sirens went off. "Shit we're hit, how bad's the damage?"

"Rear guns are gone, port engine at fifty percent rear shields and armour gone. We can't take another hit. Time for some damn fancy flying to save our ass." Eric's report did little to cheer John up.

He looked at his options; the enemy pilot had managed to follow him so far and had used the other ships death to score a direct hit. They were defenceless from behind and with one engine damaged they had no hope of outrunning them. He put the ship into a spiralling dive, pushing his ship to the maximum turning angle at top speed. His opponent matched him easily moving closer now the danger of the rear gun was gone he was obviously willing and able to press home his advantage.

John kept his eye on his radar watching as the enemy got closer. His computer warned him of impending missile lock in five seconds. He just needed the enemy to close the distance a few more meters. As his computer screamed to warn him of a confirmed target lock he slammed on the breaks. With no time to react and his attention clearly on his missile lock the enemy shot past him.

The human laughed in triumph as his opponent crossed right into his line of fire. He pressed the trigger quickly sighing with relief as his opponent was blown away.

"Nice shooting." Eric said over the comm system.

John didn't get a chance to reply as all the ships system suddenly stared blaring. "Shit incoming missile, we've got another craft three clicks at two twelve."

Their ship lurched forward as he set the engines to full. "Release flares."

"Flares not responding. Impact in ten seconds." Eric's strained voice informed him.

John pulled and twisted on the joystick trying every evasive manoeuvre he could think of. The missile far faster and more agile than his damaged fighter had no trouble keeping up.

"I can't shake it." John blinked as drops of sweat off his brow fell into his eyes. There had to be a way out of this.

"Impact in 5...4...3...2"

"Do you think we have enough food?" Benny asked as he nervously tied, untied and retied his tie.

Martin glanced at the two tables which were creaking under the weight of the plates of food on top of the. Pies, cakes, stew, cold meats, hot meats, bread, scones, buns, cheese, crackers, salad fruit and fruit salad. The rabbit rolled his eyes sighing. "There's going to be me, you, Brian, Daniel, Dale and his dads. If between us, we actually manage to eat everything on those tables I'll have to call an ambulance because, quite frankly, someone will explode."

The polar bear untied his tie again, looking in the mirror. "I need to make a good first impression. Does this tie suit this suit?"

"Black suit, black tie... yes they match now tie the damn thing and leave it." Martin half snapped half laughed. He'd never seen his boss so flustered, usually the bear was as cool as his native land.

Benny looked doubtful and reached into his suit pocket puling out another tie. "I have this one, it's navy and a little wider..."He stopped talking as the end of the tie pulled out of his pocket and a small box went with it bouncing on the floor and landing on Martin's foot.

The rabbit picked it up and before the bear could say anything he popped it open. He looked at Benny shocked "A betrothal bracelet?"

The Polar bear shuffled his feet a little unable to meet his friend and employee's eye. He reached out quickly grabbing the box and shoving it back into his pocket. "I just... I mean things are just going... It just seems right."

Martin smiled he loved Benny and Dale, they'd gotten over the hibernation incident after a few months. Once they both cracked and told the bear. Who had taken everything in his stride. Benny had just said treat it like heat, neither one of the rabbits would have batted an eyelid if Benny had fucked Martin during heat. Why should they care if he did it during hibernation? Neither had been able to think of an answer better than "because its not heat."

Martin stood on his tiptoes and kissed Benny on his blushing cheek. "He's a lucky guy. You make a great couple."

"Thanks, I'm going to ask his fathers permission tonight." Benny informed him as he put on the navy tie.

The rabbit's face was a mask of confusion. "Permission for what?"

"To marry their son of course." The bear replied as he untied his navy tie.


"Of course, it's what we do on Polar." The bear answered holding the black tie up against the navy tie.

"Really? Seems a bit strange to me. You've been sleeping with their son for almost two years. Their approval didn't matter all that time." Martin said as he tried to find space to put another cake onto the two tables. "I mean, what difference would it make to anything if they said no?" He instantly regretted the question as soon as it was out of his lips.

Benny's eyes went wide with fear and he dropped both ties. "Why...why would they say no? Do you think they'll say no? They don't want some fat alien setting up home with their perfect son do they? What if Dale agrees with them? I'll have to move out. I can't live without him, I just can't..." The questions came so fast there was no breath between them the bear was stammering with tears in his eyes.

"Stop with the crazy!" Martin half shouted as he grabbed the bear by his huge biceps. "Dales is in love with you. Everyone loves you, you may be the most likeable person on the planet. His parents will love you and if they don't then they are crazy. Dale won't say no he'll say yes and count his blessings. Do you understand me?" Benny nodded his head. "Good, now put your black tie on and leave it on."

The bear nodded again then picked up his tie and as he started to put it on he asked. "Do you think we have enough food?"

Martin moaned deeply "Yes we have enough food."

Benny started to remove his black tie as someone knocked on the restaurant door. Panicking the bear stopped untying his tie and tried to put it back on, getting his thumb stuck in a loop.

Martin laughed to himself. "That'll be Brian and Daniel, I'll go let them in while you calm down."

"I can't believe it." Brian muttered.

"I know dear." Daniel said patiently as he drove them through the streets.

"I mean, I never thought this would happen. I just wanted to support you." The fox said his eyes fixed on some point far in the distance.

"I remember dear."

"They said it wasn't possible, I mean I'm not compatible." The fox informed the rabbit.

"I remember I was there when they told us."

"They must have got the test results wrong." The fox said a hint of hope in his voice.

"It's possible, but unlikely. They said they ran the tests twice to be sure." The brown bunny advised as he steered the vehicle through traffic. "This doesn't change anything between us you know."

"It's just so unbelievable, I mean I was all prepared for the first result but the second. I mean, I can't believe it." Brian looked at his mate. "This doesn't bother you?"

"Of course not, this is what we wanted after all." Daniel said with a smile.

"Yeah, but I'm not compatible." Brian informed him.

"That's what they said. Apparently they were wrong and you are." The rabbit replied with a chuckle.

"Maybe they got the test results wrong."

"Are you going to be stuck in this loop all day dear?" Daniel asked with a slight warning note in his voice implying the answer had better be a no.

"It's just not possible though, I mean I'm not compatible." Brian muttered oblivious to his mate's words lost in his own minds break down.

After he pulled the car into a parking spot he turned to Brian. "It is happening, we are going to be parents. Our son will be a hybrid, please understand I don't care who the biological father is he will be every bit as much my son as our daughter will be your daughter."

Brian sighed, "I know you will. I just wasn't prepared for this."

Daniel leaned over and placed a warm kiss on his mate's lips. "I love you, we'll be great parents. Stop worrying about it. Now let's get into the restaurant we are supposed to be support for Benny tonight."

The two knocked on the restaurant door and a few moments later Martin opened the door and waved the two inside saying. "Hi, how are you two doing?"

"Great, but Brian's stuck in a mental loop." Daniel said as Brian was muttering "I can't believe it" to himself.

"Perfect, so is Benny they can drive each other mad while we have a drink and something to nibble on." Martin said ushering the fox over to the bear and then making for the cake.

Benny looked at Brian "Hello, do you think we've put out enough food?"

"Yes. I got Syliva pregnant."

"Oh congratulations, I guess you were wrong about it taking multiple tries." The bear said holding up the two ties. "Which tie best matches my suit?"

"The black. But, you see they said foxes and rabbits weren't genetically compatible." Brian replied.

"Oh well I was told cheese was only for savoury dishes, but I found a human dessert called cheesecake which is so good it's outselling my marble polar slice." The bear replied putting on the black tie.

"Did you just compare the miracle of one species successfully breeding with a species which is not only entirely different, but one that evolved on a different planet. With a new cake recipe?" The fox asked in shock.

Benny chuckled. "Ask me again after you try my cheesecake."

"1... impact. Shit we are dead" Eric announced.

"Control this is Falcon Three who killed us and does it affect the rankings?" John said as he steered the fighter out of the combat area.

"Falcon Three you are a confirmed kill for Tarrot Four. Your ranking remains the same they have moved up into fifth slot."

John clicked back to internal comm. "Good news we are still on top, that Dragon must have been nailed early on."

"Ha, probably by us we were hot early in the dogfight. I took out four and you got two. Just one race and one fight to go and we finish our first season as champions." Eric crowed over the comm.

John had to admit it had been a crazy couple of years, he'd been stuck on Lapros with no job and no prospects. Then he'd seen the flight and fight racing being shown in a coffee shop one day. It was the perfect sport for him, with his history as a combat pilot it hadn't been too hard to find a sponsor. He'd been teamed up with another offworlder to ensure that as his sponsor put it "even if you suck in the skies, your merchandise will sell."

However, as it turned out he and Eric had formed a great partnership. The two worked perfectly together, both ex military and had both found themselves wandering the galaxy after their military careers ended. They had found it easy to fall into each others rhythms and the military discipline that both of them had mastered was a huge benefit.

Although personality wise they were quite different, John liked the quiet life keeping away from the public and race fans. Eric on the other hand lived to party and was certainly not above helping a race fan get up close and personal, or two or three race fans even. John found him one morning with three badly hung-over bunnies naked and snoozing in his cockpit. He'd been amazed firstly that four people had fit in his one person cockpit. Secondly that they had all managed to fall asleep and finally that the stink of their sexy escapades was still clinging to the cockpit five months and seven bottles of cleanser later.

What had probably amazed him most this year was how he had fallen deeply in love with Toby. He'd lived with the rabbit for a few months as friends when he first arrived. The rabbit had never hit on him, never made him feel uncomfortable. In a strange world, where he was constantly being hit on, it was nice to have that.

In the end it had been John who made the first move, after he and Eric won their first race. He'd come back home a little drunk, well ok a lot drunk. John had stumbled as Toby helped him get to bed. The rabbit had caught him and before he even realised what he was doing John had kissed the bunny. It had been a wonderful night, one of the best of his life, although the hang-over and sore ass the next morning were not welcome. However, the warm body spooned up beside him more than made up for it.

The human flicked a few switches and grabbed the joystick moving the ship to the starting line for the next and final race. He flicked the comm channel to his pit crew jumping him and Eric both to the new setting.

"Pit crew this is Falcon Three and we are still top, we haven't seen the scoreboard after that last fight. How many points clear are we?" John asked as he began to run through his pre race checks again.

"Hey Falcon Three this is Josey, the dog fights still going. However, worst outcome puts you twelve points clear. All you need is to come anywhere but dead last in these last two stages and the championship is yours." Josey was the lead mechanic for the team. Every team was given a standard craft with no extensive modifications allowed to ensure that every team had a level playing field. It was up to Josey to coax a little extra speed and manoeuvrability out of the standard craft. It was a job she was extremely good at.

"Great news. Hey the port flaps still a little sluggish, we need to do something about that after the race." The human reported as he finished his second round of flight checks.

"Correction we have to do something about it before the next season." Eric interrupted, his voice full of swagger he continues. "After the race we are all going to party! How about it Josey want to party with the heroes of the hour?"

"No thanks, tonight I'll be partying with my girlfriend."

"Well you could bring her along, I promise neither one of you will feel neglected."

"You've got no chance with either of us wolf boy." Josey replied with a chuckle.

"Well you can't blame a guy for trying." Answered Eric with his own laugh.

"Besides from what I hear you are all about the ass and there isn't anybody who is going to take that route with me or Helena." The engineer added.

"I'd make an exception for both of you." Eric retorted adding. "You never know you might like it. Like my mother used to say you can't say you don't like something until you've tried it."

"Yes well something tells me your mother probably wasn't talking about having a threesome with a lesbian couple when she gave that bit of advice." The rabbit was laughing hard now.

"Ok I think we are drifting off topic, I've just received the new race course for the final flight and fight. How about we focus on our jobs not our mothers and lesbians?"

"Ok, but our job is no where near as much fun as thinking out threesomes with lesbians." Eric replied with a chuckle.

"Ok, but our job is not as much fun as thinking of a threesome with Eric's Mum." Josey replied with an evil laugh.

"Oh that's just sick." The wolf whined down the comm channel.

"What? I don't have anything against the more mature offworlder females. We'd let her go in the middle and everything." The engineer continued.

"Ok, ok that's just wrong. Josey stop it." John cut in sternly then added. "She's a mature woman, she's probably not up for two at once you'll have to do her one at a time."

Josey laughed down the mic while Eric was making gagging sounds.

John's laughter was cut short by a warning tone from his ship. "Oh crap that's the thirty second warning. Eric stop thinking about lesbians with your mother and grab your joystick. That came out wrong... just get ready."

One quick check of the course was all he had time for, it didn't look too bad. Challenging, but then in a sport like this every course was made to challenge the very best pilots.

With one hand on the stick and the other on the throttle he watched the lights switch from red to amber. His pulse quickening, beads of sweat running down his brow, adrenaline pumping through his blood and body. Half a heartbeat after the light turned green he slammed the throttle down full. Feeling his body slamming hard into the chair. That sort of acceleration in the gravity well of a planet would have left him a crushed smear in the cockpit.

As it was his ship leapt forward with nineteen others all fighting for the lead. John positioned himself on the outside run into the first three corners. He lost ground falling into the middle of the pack. However, in the few seconds he'd had to study the chart he'd spotted that the middle of the course had two corkscrew dives. The direction of the dives meant that by taking the outside lane now he would have the inside lane then, it would more than make up for any early ground lost.

He could hear Eric muttering over the internal comm. The wolf never liked being behind in the race sections. Knowing that the second they hit the dog fight arena being first would give him five to ten seconds of almost free shots against the other racers. They could score some serious points and they both wanted to finish the race on top. To show that they had earned the championship and because racers were all highly competitive and rubbing your victory in just a little is very satisfying.

As he pulled a tight turn into the first corkscrew dive he found his stomach jumping into his mouth. It always did these tight turns were made to test both the ships and pilot alike. However, by the time he finished the first dive he was neck and neck with the leader. A few seconds later they entered the second dive and shot out ahead by a clear margin.

Smiling to himself as he worked through the last few turns, they were in the clear. With the race section won even placing dead last in the fight wouldn't be enough to knock them off the top. The battle for the championship was over, all that was left was the race for second place.

As the entered the dogfight arena he kept the ship steady to give Eric a clear shot at the ships as the crossed the firing line. He heard the wolf chuckling as he scored a good number of free hits. John knew he shouldn't worry and that he should just relax a mid table performance would be good enough. However, despite himself he wanted to come out on top. Show that this wasn't beginners luck, that this was just the beginning.

As the leaders began to engage in the dogfight properly, he latched onto the tail of one ship. Within a few seconds he had a target lock and with a missile away he scored a kill. Not pausing to celebrate his victory he latched onto another target. As he did so he observed the mid pack ships finishing the race.

As one ship entered the fray one of the fighters already in the arena hit their afterburner. Afterburners were illegal in the dogfight section as the ships were too close and several accidental deaths had been caused by the shockwaves of the powerful engines. As he watched the shockwave struck the newly arriving ship and spun it around. Its own afterburners fired and it shot off at full speed towards the planet.

"Shit, did you see that? That's a rule violation." Eric's voice shouted over the comm.

John flicked the comm channel to control. "Control this is Falcon three reporting an afterburner violation and a damaged bird heading for the planet."

"Message received falcon three rescue barges are already inbound. Please get back to the fight." Came the reply from Control.

John flicked out of the control channel, his eyes were fixed on his scanner. He could see the rescue barges moving but the rogue ship still was running at full speed. Unless it slowed soon there was no way they would reach it before impact. Knowing he shouldn't but unable to help himself he flicked a few switches and jumped into the rogue ships comm channel.

"Fuel lines cut the bloody afterburner is off at last. What's the ETA of those rescue barges?" John recognised the voice as belonging to a rabbit pilot called Roger. He was a scrappy fighter in the dog fights but not much of a racer. Middle of the pack, but a good guy, never used a dirty trick and never had a cross word with any other pilot.

"Five minutes minimum." Came the reply from Roger's pit crew.

"I was afraid you were going to say that. At current speed three minutes to atmosphere." Roger replied in a strange tone of voice. John had heard that tone before, years ago during the war. From pilots and soldiers who knew that they were about to die, but were determined to not let the fear show.

"Eject now Roger."

"Pilot's ejection system damaged and none functional. Gunners ejection system functional..."

"Yeah but I'm not going anywhere." Interrupted a third voice which belonged to Roger's gunner. "I'm not le..."

"Gunner ejected, tell him I'm sorry..."

John jumped out of the comm channel, it felt too ghoulish listening to someone die without any permission or right to be there. He wasn't doing a good job of piloting, he'd been fighting on autopilot. Even once he left the comm channel he couldn't take his eyes off his scanner and the rogue ship.

As he stared something inside snapped, he spun his ship around and slammed the throttle down speeding towards the rogue fighter.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Eric screamed down the mic as John hit his afterburners. "We'll be disqualified!"

"Sorry Eric, I can't just sit by and let him die."

"We're in a fucking fighter, let the rescue barges get him." The wolf yelled.

"The barges won't get there in time." John replied calmly as their fighter passed the out of bounds limit. If the afterburner stunt hadn't disqualified them then this certainly had. "Let me put it this way, I just threw away the championship, do you really want to turn back now."

"How are we supposed to save him?"

"We've got the mag lock right?" The human reminded Eric, it was a magnetic seal usually used to attach the fighter to larger ships for shipment.

"It's only got a range of two meters." Eric pointed out.

"I know I can get us that close." John replied calmly.

The wolf laughed in his ear. "You'd fucking better, because two throw away championship to save a life is a great headline. Two throw away their lives in pointless rescue attempt is not."

John chuckled and jumped both of them into Roger's comm channel. "Hi, this is Falcon Three we'll be there in thirty seconds."

"Oh brilliant, I'll be able to wave to you as I ram into the planet." The rabbit replied dryly. "Seriously I appreciate the sentiment, but there's nothing you can do."

"I'm coming up on you now, we're going to mag lock onto your belly and apply the breaks." The human informed him as he pulled up behind him trying to match speeds.

"Are you crazy? The mag lock's not strong enough for that." The rabbit replied.

"You may be right, we might not be able to stop you fully, but if we slow you down we may buy the rescue barges enough time to get here." The human retorted.

"One tiny mistake at this speed and we'll crash. It's not worth risking your lives. Pull out now." Roger said and John could tell he meant it. He'd rather die than let people risk their lives trying to save him.

"Oh shut the fuck up you two. Come on John lets save this bunny before we all crash into the planet." The impatient wolf cut in.

"Moving along side now" John replied as he slowly nudged his ship under Roger's. The planet below now filled the rest of the sky. John tried to ignore it and the vanishing distance between them and it. He took a deep breath and nudged his ship closer and closer.

He felt the lock as Eric triggered it, the mass of the ship suddenly doubled and for a second he fought to hold the ship steady. Then he gained control applying the breaks gently at first, their decent slowing. He heard the groan of metal hearing something scream in complaint at stress it was never meant to handle.

Their speed had dropped but not enough, he touched the breaks again harder this time. Something didn't just scream this time, John could hear the sound of metal tearing. The mag lock wouldn't hold for any more breaking and their speed wasn't slow enough.

The human racked his brain for a new idea. He'd come so far and risked too much, giving up now was not an option. He pulled up on the stick his ship rammed into the one above changing the angle of descent.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Eric screamed at him over the comm.

"We can't break in time, there's only one option left." John replied noting from the damage report being displayed that when the two ships had collided their external transmitter had been destroyed. There was no way to communicate his plan to anyone but Eric.

"These fighters can handle re-entry and a landing. I'll put us down in the ocean as near to land as I can." John advised, nudging up a little more trying to get the angle right. The ship was fighting him the maglock was still holding as they started to enter the outer atmosphere.

"They can, but they're not supposed to do it in tandem locked together." Eric informed him.

"Do you have another option to suggest?" John asked as the hull started to heat up from the air friction.

"None that I would be happy with. I'll try and find us a good landing site away from any marine traffic." The wolf replied. John was relieved to hear it, they both knew there was always the option to unlock and let Roger meet his end alone.

The human gripped the stick tightly focussing on trying to keep their angle of descent correct. He could already see the glow on the fighter's nose as the air friction started to really heat things up. The two ships shuddered and moaned the maglock was still holding, just a few minutes and they would be through.

He saw a selection of flight paths being sent through by Eric, selecting one that looked easy enough and that would set them down near the capital. Things seemed to be going to plan at least. He was still worried about the landing both ships couldn't splash down together. He'd have to cut Roger loose a second or two before impact. Which meant the rabbit's landing would be totally uncontrolled. After all this effort they might still fail to save him.

He said nothing as they entered their final approach. There was nothing left to say, he watched the distance to their landing disappear along with their altitude.

"Impact in 10 seconds, cut maglock now" He announced.

The stick suddenly went light as the other ship disappeared from above. He only had a few seconds before the ship hit the water and he was slammed hard into his restraints. The noise of the ship splashing down was deafening, metal tearing alarms blaring as the ship spun to a stop.

John lay back in his chair panting heavily his mind reeled. They had made it, but had Roger? He unfastened his restraints his muscles complaining to him about the shuddering assault that had been the landing. Then he pulled the canopy release opening up his sweaty cockpit and letting a cool blast of ocean air fill his lungs.

He stood up and looked around scanning the horizon until he spotted another fighter craft afloat. It was over a kilometre away but he was sure he could see a figure standing on it waving in their direction. He slouched back in his chair with a gasp of relief. They had all made it.

Martin and Daniel managed to calm down Brian enough for all three to work on the nervous bear. However, even all three combined had not been able to calm the bear down. Although he had finally decided on a tie and was nervously rearranging the food instead.

He jumped as he heard the door opening and it was only the quick reactions of Martin which saved the table of food. Dale entered accompanied by a tall black muscular rabbit. He was dressed in a lapine naval uniform with an insignia giving his rank as the lapine equivalent of a Captain. His fur held wisps of grey around his muzzle and in his hair. His eyes were sharp and clear and he gave occupants of the room a disapproving look before entering.

He was followed by a smaller thinner brown bunny. Dressed in a smart jacket with spectacles on his face, he gave a friendly wave and smile to all as he entered. He walked right up to Benny leaving his son and partner by the door.

"You must be the offworlder that our boy won't stop talking about. I'm Ricky, it's a pleasure to meet you at last." The rabbit held out his paw smiling up at the bear.

The bear took a breath and nodded "Benny, pleased to make your acquaintance." He said taking the paw carefully and shaking. Only to have Ricky suddenly push close for a friendly hug.

"My you're a big boy, I can see what my son sees in you." He said pulling back from the hug with a pat on the bear's stomach.

"T...thanks." Benny said. His eyes falling on the older black rabbit who had suddenly appeared behind his husband. His eyes held a certain contempt as he regarded the bear. Benny offered a slightly shaking paw.

The bunny looked the bear up and down slowly before Ricky gave him a nudge and a meaningful glance. "I'm Robert, Dale's other father. So you're a cook are you, I was really hoping my boy would find himself a nice military boy. Someone with discipline and a sense of duty."

Benny gulped lowering his unshaken paw. He sought for words only for Ricky to jump in. "My husband everyone, as tactful as a brick to the face and half as pleasant."

Robert shot his a sly smile "That's not what you said last night."

The brown rabbit laughed. "Well if you ever expect a repeat of that you had better drop the attitude, apologise and shake that nice young mans paw."

"Alright, alright. No need for threats. I just wanted someone to talk military to while you and our son get all techy." He gave Benny a slightly less frigid look as he offered his paw.

This time it was the bear who refused to shake. Instead he suddenly snapped his heels together drawing himself up to his full height. He smacked his left paw across his chest, which they later found was the polar version of a salute. Bowed his head smartly saying. "Corporal Benny of the Polar twenty third Mechanised Infantry Platoon, Recon squad. First into the fight, last out of the fray, Sir!"

The bear stared up at the stunned faces of his friends. "All Polar are required by law to spend four years in the armed forces from their eighteenth birthday."

It was Dale who spoke first. "You never said you served in the military."

"You never asked." The bear replied with a blush.

"Well in that case I am delighted to meet you Corporal." Robert said giving the bear a warm smile and grasping his paw shaking it firmly. "Where did you serve? Did you see any action?"

Only Robert was close enough to see the distressed expression that briefly passed across the bear's face. Displaying a surprising amount of tact he quickly changed the subject saying. "Is all this food for us? You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."

Grateful for the change of subject Benny smiled regaining his composure. "It was no trouble, please dig in."

As everyone moved towards the table Benny whispered "Thank you." Into Robert's ear.

The old rabbit gave him a nod whispering. "Maybe we could trade stories someday."

The bear looked uncomfortable replying. "Maybe."

John leaned back in the transport chair, he glanced at Eric but after celebrating their survival the two didn't have much left to say to each other. They had been picked up after a few minutes and the transport pilot had informed them that Roger was being collected by a different transport.

The dark grey wolf was sitting forward in his chair staring at his feet and had been for half the journey back. Suddenly he looked up at John. "You know we are so fired right? Throwing away the championship like that. All that prize money, gone."

The human closed his eyes unable to respond. He guessed Eric was probably right, no sponsor would want to back a team that just threw away victory. Eric had every right to blame him for it, he made the choice without even checking with the wolf. He resolved himself to take the full blame for what they did. He'd beg Mr Fulmer to keep Eric as a gunner. It was the least he could do for his friend.

John realised they had been sitting in silence for too long. However, before he could summon the courage to say anything the wolf added. "I'm glad we did it though, whatever happens I just want you to know I'm proud of what we did."

"Thanks, that means a lot." John replied earnestly, he felt a great deal of relief knowing that their friendship was intact even if his career was in ruins.

"You'll be ok right? I mean I'm sure Toby can support you while you find a new job." The wolf added as the transport began to descend towards the race stadium and their fighter pit. "I guess I can get my old job back as a shuttle pilot at the spaceport."

"I guess, not exactly as much fun as the races though. I say if we get fired we find a new sponsor. Hell maybe we could pull together enough cash to enter as an independent." John felt strangely determined to keep flying. The races had brought a joy back to his life, something he thought he'd lost. The idea of stopping wasn't acceptable. Hell they'd practically won the championship their first season. There must be someone out there who could see that if they did it once they could do it again.

"I'm not going back to hauling freight and you're not going back to the shuttle run. I'll find a way to make it happen." John said reaching out to pat the wolf on his shoulder.

The wolf smiled "Well, whatever happens it was a hell of a ride."

Before John could reply the transport shuddered as it finally docked next to their race pit. "Time to face the music."

"Time to see if Mr Fulmer lives up to his name." The wolf said standing up next to John as the door opened.

"What do you mean?" John asked as he climbed out of the transport.

"You know how the translators change alien names into their nearest approximation in your own tongue? The lupine translation for Fulmer is also a euphemism for asshole." The wolf said laughing. "But, don't tell him that."

John burst out laughing, "Oh boy that's a good one. Wait doesn't that mean you guys have someone who's name is actually asshole."

"Two hundred years ago yes, it was the name of a famous politician who made some rather poor decisions. Nobody uses that name anymore except to swear by." The two disembarked and walked down the short gangway as they talked.

John opened the airlock and stepped through still chuckling at the translator error. Only to find himself pinned to the wall by a furry brown blur which turned out to be Toby. The rabbit's arms held him tightly and before he could say anything the rabbit's lips were pressed to his kissing him passionately.

Eric stepped out of the airlock his eyes fixed on the couple as they made out, their paws starting to roam. He cast his eyes around the corridor where several of their pit crew were standing, most with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, I risked my life too don't I get a kiss and a grope when I get back?" He muttered.

"I'll give you a hug." Eric turned to find the short dumpy blonde bunny Josey standing behind him. She didn't wait for him to respond before she hugged him. "I'm glad you made it wolf boy."

The wolf return the hug chuckling "Thanks."

"I mean if you'd died, I'd have had to let your mother know. Do you know how hard it is to pull a woman while informing her of the death of her son? I mean I'm sure I could pull it off but still..."

The wolf pulled out of her embrace laughing. "Damn it, you're sick. If only you were male and a foot or two taller..."

Josey chuckled and gave Eric a light pat on the rear. "I'd still be out of your league."

Eric laughed out loud for several seconds. "Damn it you probably would be at that."

"Mr Fulmer wants to see you both in his office right now." Josey said her voice slightly apologetic.

"Yeah we figured he would." Eric replied before patting John on the shoulder. "Come on get your tongue out of your boyfriend and let's go face the music. Afterwards I'm sure your boyfriend will let you stick your tongue back in...any orifice you chose."

The two broke their kiss with a gasp, before John could say anything Toby jumped in with "He's not wrong about that last part."

John blushed a deep crimson "... Well ok let's go get fired." His voice was slightly higher than normal and as he walked away it was quite clear he was sporting an erection under his flight suit.

The two walked through the pit to the small boss's office. Mr Fulmar only used it on race days, but the rabbit liked to have a hands on approach when it came to his racers. He'd had the office fitted with a plush leather sofa and large vid screen, along with a chillers cabinet full of drinks and snacks. He hadn't bothered with a desk or any real office furniture, mostly because racing was his hobby and he liked to relax with a drink. However, he also knew the pit crew worked hard and there were nights when Josey or one of the other mechanics ended up working so late they needed a place to rest. He was willing to let them use his office, as long as they didn't abuse the privilege or make a mess.

As the two entered the rotund Mr Fulmar was relaxing on his sofa a beer in one paw vid screen remote in the other. As they entered he grinned widely "There's my two big heroes. Come in come in, do you want a drink, some snacks or anything. I have some particularly fine single malt lapine whiskey, aged in dewwood casks for 50 years."

"T...thanks." John said a little stunned, if the rabbit was going to fire them he was extremely cheerful about it. "I'm sorry about the championship Sir, but I..."

"WE", Eric cut in sharply.

"We couldn't just let Roger die." John finished.

The rabbit jumped across the room a large glass of whiskey in each paw. "Of course you couldn't you're heroes after all."

The two took the offered glasses. "We are?" John asked quietly.

"Yes, that what all the news channels are saying. What an exciting story, two champions throwing away their title and a million credits to save another pilot." The rabbit said patting them both on the arms before returning to his sofa.

"Yeah we're sorry about the championship and the prize money. We'll do better next year Sir." John said sincerely.

The rabbit burst out laughing "Better? You think you can do better? Better than the spectacle of risking your lives to save a fellow pilot while the whole world watches? Do you boys have any idea what you did? How much money I have made off sponsor deals in the last hour?"

"No" Came the stunned reply.

"Twenty eight point seven million credits." The rabbit announced as he took a deep swig from his beer.

John and Eric stood in stunned silence for a few seconds. Then John lifted his glass and emptied the contents down his throat, welcoming the burn of the spirits as they slide down his throat. "Twenty eight point seven million...." Eric drained his glass as John spoke.

The rabbit laughed then drained his beer glass, while offering the whiskey decanter to the two stunned pilots. He waited until they were both taking a sip from a fresh glass of whiskey before adding mischievously. "As per your contract you get ten percent each."

His reward was to be soaked with expensive alcohol as the two pilots coughed and choked. He sat on the sofa laughing himself silly as he pulled the cork out of a bottle of port and emptied it into his beer glass. He'd been drinking all day and was definitely feeling the effects. "Of course you have a series of public appearances, adverts, interviews and photo shoots to do. In between now and the next race season. The first one is in two days some sort of galactic multicultural exchange thing. It's being held in a convention centre next to the spaceport. They want as many offworlders there as possible. Especially heroes like yourselves."

"How do you think it went?" Benny asked Dale as they sat in their bedroom. Dale's fathers were staying in their guestroom and after the long party the two had gone for an early night. More to get some time alone together than due to any tiredness.

Dale smiled at his bear, he could tell when the bear was nervous even through his composed nature. "It went perfectly. My dads loved you. Although you definitely surprised me tonight. We've been together two years and you never once mentioned you'd spent four years in the military."

The bear's face fell a little. "It... was not a good period in my life and I don't like to talk about it. Everyone on Polar does service, I never really thought to mention it. To be honest it was... a dark time. There were some things that happened, things I'd like to forget." He looked up mournfully at Dale. "If you want to know though just say and I'll tell you everything."

The bunny paused torn between his curiosity and his desire to shield the one he loved from any emotional pain. "I would like to know... someday. When you feel you are ready to tell me."

The rabbit sat down next to Benny and put his arms around him holding him tightly. The bear kissed Dale on the forehead and whispered "Ok, someday not to far off I'll tell you everything."

Dale smiled a slightly evil smile, "There is one thing I have to know right now though?"

Benny's face fell, "What's that?"

The rabbit leaned in to kiss his bear on the lips warmly pulling back to ask. "Just how hot did you look in your uniform, soldier boy?"

The bear smiled and leaned down to return the warm kiss on Dale's lips. The bear's large paws stroking down the rabbit's shoulders and onto his arms. "Oh if only I had pictures I could show you. Since I don't you'll just have to imagine it."

Dale closed his eyes his paws stroking down the bear's sides and onto his crotch, lightly groping the firm bulge he found there. "Oh my, you were hot."

The bear chuckled and nuzzles the rabbit's ears. "I 'was' hot huh? Not anymore."

The rabbit's paws squeezed the firm bulge again. "No now you are damn sexy."

The bear moaned loudly arching his back and lifting his crotch against his mate's paws. "Should we.... I mean your dads are just down the hall."

Dale chuckled ignoring his mate's words as he slipped off the bed onto his knees. His fingers unfastened the bear's pants and slipped inside. The rabbit moaned as his fingers wrapped around the thick ursine cock he had grown to love over the last two years. He pulled the tip out from inside his mate's pants taking a moment to inhale the musky scent before running his tongue across the thick glans of his bear's cock.

Benny lay back on the bed moaning loudly. Any concerns of his father in laws hearing them evaporating the second he felt warm lapine tongue caressing his maleness. Dale smiled as his bear laid back and let him work. His paws slowly peeled the bear's pants off, his mouth surrounding the bear's cockhead sucking firmly. The meat in his muzzle was fully erect and Dale could taste a few sweet drops of pre.

The bear removed his own shirt gasping as the rabbit mouth pulled off his cock and a warm tongue ran over his full length. Two deft paws worked on his huge furry nuts caressing and lightly squeezing the large orbs. The rabbit's mouth returned with renewed vigour, Dale bobbed his muzzle quickly on the half of Benny's thick throbbing black cock he could fit into his maw.

The bear lay there writhing under the wonderful assault of his mate. Over the last two years Dale had learned every tender spot on Benny's cock. He was putting that knowledge to good use, working the meat in his muzzle expertly with his tongue. Before too long the bear could feel his orgasm drawing near. His body tensed and his balls raised ready to empty. As he moaned and gasped deeply clawing at the bed sheets his eyes screwed shut as he was brought right to the edge.

Then just before he tipped over the edge the muzzle disappeared from around his cock and paws were removed from his heavy nuts. He moaned deeply in frustration his eyes opening and his head lifting. He looked down at his mate his eyes full of questions and frustration.

Dale chuckled and winked at his mate standing up. "You didn't think it was going to be that quick and easy did you?" As he spoke he stood up, his paws reaching up to unbutton his shirt. He did it slowly enjoying the moans and whimpers of frustration coming from his mate. As he let his shirt fall to the ground he reached down to his pants. Unbuttoning them and sliding them down slowly bending over to give Benny a good view of his pert rump, his teardrop tail lifted high so the bear could see the pink pucker beneath standing out against his jet black fur.

The bear couldn't take his eyes off that pert black rump, he noted that the pucker glistened in the light of the room. He guessed that Dale had prepared his rump earlier. Just thinking about his mate preparing for him was enough to make his cock throb and his balls ache with need.

The bear moved with speed surprising for his size rolling off the bed and to his feet. His paws gripped Dale by the shoulders and with a gentle flip he tossed the rabbit onto the bed face upwards. He didn't give the rabbit time to recover grabbing the rabbit's ankles he bent Dale double. He let go of the rabbit's ankles that now sat snuggle on his shoulders. One paw was placed on the bed by Dale's head for support. The other reached down under him, grasping his thick throbbing meat. He guided it under the rabbit's tail running up the bunny's taint until he felt the moistness of his prepared pucker.

Dale squealed with delight as he felt Benny's thick bearhood rubbing against his pucker. He loved it when his bear gave in to his natural instinct to be dominant. He had prepared his rear well ten minutes before they had headed to their bedroom. Knowing that all he had to do was get his bear worked up, on the edge and he'd get the rough fucking he so badly wanted.

The bear growled deeply with lust as he pressed his cock tip into the bunny's tight tailstar. Dale moaned deeply squirming under the bear as he felt Benny's thick meat slowly being forced into him. There was no fighting against the bear's brute strength even had he wanted to Benny's pudgy exterior hid a wall of solid muscle. Dale knew that the bear could do anything he wanted to him.

However, even in the deepest grips of lust the bear had never done anything that really hurt. Even in the mindless grip of hibernation or heat the bear's gentle nature shone through just enough to temper his animal lust. The bear restrained himself just enough that his partners got a rough hard ride, but nothing tore, nothing was more than mildly bruised and after a day or two their rear returned to normal.

Dale knew this, he trusted the bear absolutely. Which meant that even in moments like this when the bear had him at his mercy, he felt nothing but pure arousal fuelled by adrenalin. He moaned deeply burying his muzzle in Benny's shoulder trying to silence his squeals of pleasure. He could feel his cock grinding into the belly of his lover, plush polar bear fur tickling and stimulating him in a way he loved.

Benny grunted softly as he hilted inside his mate, feeling his large furry orbs nestling against his mates furry cheeks. He gasped deeply knowing that he would not be able to control himself for much longer. He pulled back a few inches of his meat sliding out before he thrust forward hard. His head spun from the sensations as he began to pound into the rabbit. He loved how his mate squirmed under him, the bunny's writhing around his thick meat driving him to new heights of lust.

The bunny squeaked and squealed into the bear's shoulders his paws holding on to the bear as tightly as he could. He knew there was nothing left to do but hold on for dear life as the bear used his rear for his pleasure. The bear's hips were pounding into his rear over and over. The thick bear cock reaming his well lubricated hole stretching him wider than any other lover ever had. Stroking his prostate with every motion, as the ten inch member pounder deeper and harder.

The smack of the bear's balls as they bounced off the rabbit's rump gave the growing tempo of the music of their love. The air filled with moans, groans, panting, squealing as they rutted like animals. The bed creaking and banging as it rocked against the walls. Each beat getting faster and harder. As the bear's cock worked the rabbit's tight hole, pistoning in and out.

Dale knew he wasn't going to last much longer. The pounding on his prostate, as the caress of the bear's belly fur on his cock was just too great. He grabbed Benny's head, cradling the bear's cheeks looking up at his love. The bear's eyes were closed his face betraying the battle that raged inside the bear, between concentrating on pleasuring his mate and fighting his own need to orgasm.

The rabbit came hard, his eyes fixed on the face of his love as his moans and cries of ecstasy filled the air. His cock spraying warm cum onto his mate's belly and his own. Their fur sticking together with the fruits of their love. His squeals of bliss were soon joined with the roars of the bear as he emptied his needful nuts into the tight spasming depths of his love.

After a few seconds the two collapsed onto the bed panting heavily unable to move or talk as they basked in the afterglow. Eventually Benny rolled over still panting he asked. "Do you think they heard us?"

"Sweetheart the entire bloody street heard you two." Came the muffled reply from Ricky through the wall.

"It's just possible that they heard us yes." Dale chuckled putting his arms around his blushing love.

Toby fidgeted nervously in his seat. It had been over an hour since John had left to speak to his sponsor. "It's a good thing it's taking this long don't you think? I mean if he just fired them they'd have been right out, right?"

Josey reached over and patted the rabbit's paw. "I'm sure everything will be fine. They're heroes. Mr Fulmer can be an ass but he knows what's what. He isn't going to fire them, think how the media would react to that. It wouldn't be a good business decision."

The brown rabbit smiled. "Yeah I guess you're right they are probably just getting chewed out a bit huh?"

"Yeah, Mr Fulmer is probably trying to renegotiate their contract, cut their share of the winnings and sponsorship deals down to five percent for next season." Josey said not so reassuringly. Money had been tight lately, Toby's tech job only just covered all the bills. The deal John had meant that he only took home a small amount after each race. Winning the championship would have meant a one hundred thousand credit payday and an end to their money problems.

Still Toby knew that John loved the racing. It had brought something back to the human, gave him a spring in his step again. Whatever it took he would support John, even if they had to tighten their belts another notch or two. As he was about to respond to Josey the door to the breakroom opened and in stepped John.

The human's shoulders were slumped and his head was hanging. Toby bite his lips nervously as he stood rushing to hug his lover. "Is everything ok? What happened?"

The human hugged him tightly and took a deep breath. "Two million eight hundred and seventy thousand credits."

Toby pulled back a little looking up at his mate confused. "What do you mean?"

The human smiled and pulled the rabbit against him tightly. "My share of the sponsorship deals Mr Fulmer just made is two million eight hundred and seventy thousand credits."

"Oh so he didn't fire you then?" Josey asked with a big grin on her face.

The human laughed, "No, no he didn't. He just wanted to thank us and let us know how much we'd just earned for..."

"For doing something reckless and stupid beyond belief?" The question came from a blonde male rabbit in a flight suit standing in the doorway.

It took John a few seconds to recognise the figure. "Roger?"

The rabbit smiled nodding. "I wanted to come and say thank you. It took me this long to get the medics to let me go and to get your pit crew to let me in. There is a hoard of reporters desperate to beat down the door to get to you."

Roger took a few steps into the room and offered John his paw. "If there's ever anything I can do to repay you, all you have to do is ask."

John shook the offered paw still holding on tightly to the stunned Toby with the other. "You're welcome, I'm glad you're ok and I'll let you know. However, right now I have someone to love and enough money that I'll not have to worry about the future."

Roger grinned widely as he shook the human's hand. "It's well deserved, of that I'm sure. Sorry about the championship, I've lodged an official protest at your disqualification. However, the answer I got was that the rules are the rules and that they are not going to reverse the decision."

John let go of the rabbit's paw. "Thank you for trying, there is always next year."

"Next year the title is going to be mine." Roger replied with a wink.

John smiled "I'll see about that."

"You can try. Where's the wolf I wanted to thank him as well?"

"He's off getting changed, he's going to hit the clubs, celebrate our good fortune and quite probably screw the ass off several race fans. Our locker room is down the hall third door on the right." John replied gesturing in the direction of the locker room. Roger gave a nod and left heading in the direction John had pointed.

He found the locker room and entered without knocking. He was rewarded with a view of naked wolf ass. Eric had just finished shower and was currently drying his right leg bent over with tail raised.

"Oh... I'm sorry." The rabbit stammered embarrassed forcing his eyes to look elsewhere.

The wolf looked up with a toothy grin. "You're not sorry you enjoyed it, I've got a great ass and a smoking body. Feel free to ogle away I've never been the shy type."

"I... I'm Roger, I just wanted to thank you for... well saving my life and stuff." He tried not to look but found his eyes wandering over the wolf's form. His creamy white chest and stomach. His large white sheath and a pair of heavy white furry balls, all nestled against the dark grey fur of the rest of his body. The stark contrast helping to draw his eyes down to the wolf's crotch. That and his own lapine nature.

Eric looked over again giving another grin. "Ahhh, well you are very welcome. Although the huge sponsorship deals we got out of it are definitely worth the risk."

The rabbit stepped forward and offered a paw. "Still you didn't know that when you risked your life for mine. If there's anything I can do to say thank you just let me know."

Eric shook the rabbit's paw firmly the grin suddenly a lot more wolfish as he leaned in to ask. "Do you really mean anything? There's something I've been trying to do since I got to this planet..."

"Well has it sunk in yet?" Daniel asked as he and Brian reached their home and headed inside. Brian stepped into their rather Spartan lounge stretched for a moment before sitting down on the only item of furniture in the room a large white sofa. Daniel was a lecturer at a nearby university he was naturally tidy and well ordered. Brian was messy by nature, but had though years of training learned to pick up after himself. At least in his home, his office was still a complete cluttered mess.

He looked up at Daniel after thinking hard for a few moments. "I think so. I mean we're going to be dads. We get to name our son right? Sylvia and Emma get to name our daughter. I mean I remember going over all those legal forms and everything. However, it still seems a bit weird. I mean you got Emma pregnant so that's your daughter."

Daniel smiled sitting down next to Brian. "No she's our daughter, but it's Sylvia and Emma who have primary parent rights. When it comes to parenting on a planet were most of the population is homosexual we had to develop quite a complex legal system around parenting. Believe me this is the best way it protects us, them and our kids. We get to raise our Son, but still be a big part of our daughter's life. Sylvia and Emma get to be a big part of our son's life."

"So when I tell my mother she's going to be a grandma I get to say she's going to have two grandkids?" Brian asked.

"Sure that's the easy way. You may want to send your parents the leaflet I showed you on lapine parenting law. So they can understand they won't have a lot of access to their granddaughter." Daniel said stroking the foxes arm.

"Good idea, my mother will be on the next shuttle the second I tell her that her grandchildren are born." The fox replied lightly stroking Daniel's chest.

"Wait the parents who couldn't come to our wedding because it's so far away will jump on a shuttle the second we have kids?" The rabbit asked a little shocked.

"Yeah well my mother never liked you because she thought you were going to stop her ever having grandkids. Now that we're providing her with some she'll want to be a part of their lives." Brian replied pressing close to his husband his arms slipping around the rabbit.

"You mother doesn't like me?" Daniel asked in shock.

Brian smiled moving his head close to Daniel. "My mother hating you when we first hooked up was a good thing. The more she argued to break up the more I saw how much I loved you and how much it would hurt to lose you. Plus it made me want you in a desperate physical way." As he finished talking he pressed his lips to Daniel's kissing the rabbit deeply.

After a few passionate seconds Brian pressed into Daniel forcing the rabbit to lay back on the sofa. He broke the kiss and smiled licking the rabbit's nose.

Daniel chucked softly looking up at Brian. "So that's why you wanted to fuck after every call you made home? It's actually quite a relief."

The fox laughed as his paws slid down the rabbit reaching his waist he began to unfasten his pants. "You never complained."

"I was getting fucked hard by a sexy offworlder, do you really think I'd complain?" The rabbit asked with a chuckle as they both squirmed on the sofa their pants getting discarded. Two fully erect cocks were released into the room. The temperature of the room suddenly increased and talking was the last thing on either of their minds.

Brian leapt onto the rabbit his lips pressing tightly to the bunny's. Their mouths opened and their tongues collided dancing passionately against one another. Brian slid his cock up Daniel's thigh until he reached the rabbit's own drooling member.

The rabbit thrust up against the fox cock, the two members rubbing together coating each other in a thick layer of pre.

The two gasped and moaned into each others mouths loving the feel of each other as their bodies writhed. Pressing close and warm, grinding in passion. Brian's paws reached between then, grabbing Daniel's meat he guided it to the entrance to his stretched sheath. With a deft practiced move he slipped Daniel's cock head inside his sheath. A few seconds later he guided his own cocktip inside Daniel's sheath. With the docking complete he gripped both sheaths and pulled them down until they met both cock squeezed together inside the warm skin of their bodies.

The rabbit under him started to thrust as his own hips began to buck down into the bunny. His paw held the two sheaths in place as they moaned into each others mouths. Their tongues pressing deep as the two bucked faster and faster. Their cocks squeezed together as their skin stretched to contain their girth. Brian's furry orbs rolling over Daniel's as their passion grew by the second.

The fox was the first to break the kiss, the pleasure from the sensations surround his cock beginning to overwhelm him, he buried his muzzle into a pillow on the sofa. Daniel squealed burying his muzzle into Brian's neck feeling his balls begin to rise, he knew he couldn't last much longer. With a muffled cry he came.

Brian moaned into the cushion as he felt his mate filling up his sheath with warm cum stretching it beyond capacity. The pleasure from the sudden pressure sent him over the edge his cock throbbed with Daniel's as jet after jet of warm fox spunk flooded the bunny's sheath. As he removed his paw both sheaths slid back and a flood over cum poured out covering Daniel's crotch soaking his balls and staining the sofa.

The two lay there in each others arms panting heavily, before Daniel started to squirm. "I think we soaked the sofa."

"Ahh fuck the sofa." The fox snorted.

"Why would I fuck the sofa when I could take a sexy fox upstairs and fuck him?"

"Now that is an excellent question."