Unenlightened 8

Story by TheUnsungGod on SoFurry

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Exveemon,The one who was carrying me now had turned into something unimaginable. But what was he doing? If he wanted me dead,he would have done it already. So why was I still being carried by him in his new form. I didn't matter,i had to clear this mistake,and change him back to the one I loved. We actually flew for only a little while,and then he landed,careful to not crush or drop me. But I was scared,what did he want?

The new beast walked back and looked at me,and I shivered in fear at him. But I finally found the words.

"E....Exveemon?"I said shakily

The beast that was Exveemon looked at me."It is Imperialdramon now."The beast said

"you digivolved....But is this right,you said things back at the base that scared me,about killing and blood,are you truly my Exveemon?"

"I will always be Exveemon,and I will always love you,but now I must talk,and you must listen. The president,the military,everything they plan to keep us for our power,and only now I have realized that."

I shook my head."But they wouldn't do that,we where proven innocent they have no right to keep us."

"It doesn't matter,they will try to keep us as a war machine,and everything we know will be torn from us. We will slowly degrade,until we are but husks of ourselves if we continue to serve them,they are lying to us,and never planned to let us go."

"But what about when they did let us go? What about then?"I asked

"They knew the war would push us back to them,and they knew I would not be accepted,they knew the whole time,that innocent president act,all a lie."

"But...but they wouldn't...."I muttered

"They would,and they don't care about our well being. I have seen it in their computerized documents stored on the digivice."Imperialdramon said

"The Digivice?"I asked

"Yes when we sucked all the power from the base,we also collected all their data that was present to the base from their computers,and one such document explained how they would use us,check if you don't believe me,its all there."

I looked around for the digivice,and found it somehow back in my pocket. I took it out,and it glowed a slight color,but it was active and the screen was not blank,instead it showed a web based interface that had hundreds of stored documents in a desktop like browser. I looked at imperialdramon and he moved his clawed leg to touch the device.

In a flash the digivice started glowing brighter,and then it started scrolling down faster than any human could. And it stopped on one document folder. Imperialdramon stood back."Go ahead press the middle button."

I looked at him."But what if they...."

"Check the folder."Imperialdramon said interrupting me

I flinched back,but did as asked,and pressed the middle button. The file opened and showed a document like page,with signatures,the presidential seal,and lots of printed words. I began reading. It didn't take me long to look up and try to say otherwise,but imperialdramon just shook his head and told me to read. Most of it was irrelevant to what Imperialdramon was saying but soon I reached the last lines of the page.

In the power of the president of the united states,the subjects known as Exveemon and Blake are to be kept under military eyes. They will not be allowed any civilian contact,and will be kept a secret by the US Government. They shall be used when the time comes to defend the country from any outside attackers,and their lives will be kept in solitude.

Then it had some other irrelevant sayings that only made the document more formal,but it was signed by the president himself. I looked up at Imperialdramon,my mouth open and my eyes wide."But..but...but they wouldn't,they can't....Used to defend the country? No civilian contact? A secret? But why?"I stuttered

"Because they see us as a threat,and they will sugar coat that to get us to stay,probably give reasons like fighting terrorists,and opposing countries,but it still comes down to us being used for their gain. We will be slaves to their bidding."Imperialdramon said

I looked at him,and felt weak in my legs. I found myself falling to my knees. Imperialdramon was right,they did know,and they did see us as a threat. But what about the war that was going on?"What about the war? What will we do?"I asked in a whisper.

"We will fight,until they are dead and retreating,and we will do that now,while I still have the power to do so,we do not have long,here climb on we are ending this now."

I stayed in place,but was coaxed by imperialdramon to move and climb onto him,he helped me of course and stowed me In a protected place. Then the engine on his back roared to life,and he spread his wings,and took off.

IT was almost an instant,one second we where on a small island and the next we where flying above the ocean with nothing but it for miles around,we had covered more distance than any man made machine could do in only hours. I looked down,and saw what I knew was the invading army. Imperialdramon did not seem scared,and was determined to destroy all the carriers and any aircraft. I felt us dive,and before I knew it,it was over.

Imperialdramon shouted"MEGA CRUSHER!" and the proton cannon on his back fired. Then there was a dark wave of energy,and an explosion,i shielded my eyes,but saw most of what happened. The wave of dark energy spread so fast, and the ships where destroyed. The initial explosion in the center took out the first carrier,and the wave that followed destroyed anything for miles around.

I look in awe,we had just won,like that,in an instant. It was over,the war was over,no doubt they would surrender when they found out their fleet was destroyed in a single attack. That Imperialdramon had just won it all. Imperialdramon watched the wave of darkness continue spreading until it just vanished and stopped. I was truly scared now,of Imperialdramon,and my situation. Then Imperialdramon turned around without a second glance and we reached speeds unimaginable.

One second I was at the scene of the end of the war,and the next we where flying over the desert area that was the base area. The area seemed to be in its normal condition. Soon we landed and Imperialdramon let me down. I slowly got off of him from the protected area that protected me from going at those speeds. I felt myself fall to my knees again.

"Blake! Is something wrong?"Imperialdramon said

"You just.....you just ended it....they are dead....all of a sudden....so fast,and so powerful."I mumbled out

"Blake....we did what we had to,it was either them or the whole country we saved lives,civilian lives,the enemy made their choice and now we have rectified their mistake."

"But does that make it right? Does it?! You didn't even look back,do you even have any regrets about killing hundreds with no chance to fight back?"I almost yelled at him

Imperialdramon flinched back at my words."Blake....It was the right thing to do...i know you may be feeling down,but even you have killed."

"But its not right,i should have never had to kill,i should have denied the president his war machine,i should have changed..."

"Blake....If you would not have helped more would be dead,and then what? Would you feel better then?"Imperialdramon said

"Is that it? Thats your argument?! You just killed hundreds and don't care,at least I have feelings of grief."I said sharply

"Blake...I do care,but I also care about justice and what is right,no one ever said war was easy,we all have to make choices....Please,don't do this to yourself,i love you too much..."

I looked at imperialdramon,was he truly my Exveemon? I was still asking myself that question,but I knew he was right. I sighed and collected my thoughts and stood. It was a quick decision,but even I saw reason in his words."then lets get our freedom back..."I said

Imperialdramon nodded,and we started walking.

It wasn't long before we where met by vehicles,all jeeps coming towards us. No doubt the president was with them. When they caught up to us,they stopped a good distance away. The president stepped out. HE had a serious look on his face. But he looked like he was scared. But he managed to walk towards us. Once he was a few feet away from me he started speaking.

"I assume it is done then? The war I mean. We saw what happened."

"Yes the war is over,but we have more problems to discuss than that."i said

"And what would that be?" He asked

"did you or did you not plan to use us as a war machine?"I asked


"Did you plan on keeping us locked up,for your own personal use,to attack others,to protect your so called justice? I saw the document,and it said things."

"What are you talking about? We never planned on using you,we only needed you to help with the war,and now it is over,there is nothing left to worry about."He said

"Do we look stupid president? I saw that document you signed,its all on the digivice when we sucked the documents from your computers by accident,and I read the document. Planning on keeping us under military eyes? No contact with the civilian population? Lives kept in solitude? You wanted to use us for your own needs,without any permission form us in the first place."


"And you planned us to come back due to the war,you tricked us into believing that we could be free that we had a choice in the matter. You lied about that."

"I never lied about anything. What are you talking about?"HE asked

I pulled out the digivice,and showed him the document he had signed."Remember this?"I asked

He slowly read,and over time he looked more and more distressed. After a few minutes he stopped and looked at us,and I could see a slight hint of rage in his eyes.

"Fine the truth then. We did plan on using you,but it was to save our country from outside attacks,we needed something to tilt the scales in our direction."

That was enough for me and imperialdramon,and imperialdramon growled and advanced. The soldiers behind the president raised their weapons,but I could see fear in the ranks. But Imperialdramon stopped.

"We needed you,don't you see that we need you to help this country,to save lives? Are you truly that selfish?"the president asked

"No im not,but you are you tried to use us for your personal gain,soon it would have become something more,and then what? You would use us for power,but we saw through your lie,and now we want our freedom,or Imperialdramon can level this entire base and you with it."I said harshly

"you wouldn't dare."The president shot back

In response Imperialdramon charged the proton laser on his back so that I glowed slightly."Oh I would,for our freedom,we would."Imperialdramon said

"Are you insane?!"

"Maybe,but I don't care,if it means I can spend my life with Exveemon I will do it."I said

The president stepped back. And seemed to get angry. But soon he shook his head."Fine,you win,i wont use you,but realize this,you may be costing lives that will be on your hand."

Then the president stepped back towards the jeeps. The soldiers stood down,and they left. IT was as simple as that. I looked towards Imperialdramon who turned off the laser.

"What now?"I asked

"Now,we go home."Imperialdramon said

I nodded,and re-climbed onto him into the safe compartment. I felt Him take off as he rose off the ground flapping his wings. Then I heard the engine on his back start up as he prepared to go to super speeds. I waited patiently through this short sequence. And soon we where off.

IT like all the other times was a short trip at speed beyond any human machine. Then I felt us slow down,and when I looked out again I saw my home town,we where flying above it. I guess Imperialdramon had a better sense of direction than me if he knew how far to go. I could see people on the ground looking up at us. I worried a little,what if they never accepted Exveemon? I pushed those thoughts out of my head as we landed in front of my home. At least this side of the country had not been touched by war.

When we landed the front door to the house opened,and out stepped my father. He was looking at imperialdramon with awe,and when he spotted me he yelled out my name. I got off of Imperialdramon and got on the ground. Then I turned back to imperialdramon as he started to glow. His size changed back to the normal size of Exveemon again and the armor disappeared,as did the laser and engine and his wings turned back to a solid white.

He was Exveemon again. I was happy. My love had turned back to normal. I rushed up to Exveemon and hugged him,and he hugged back. Once we where done with our little ritual I turned back to my father,he was walking towards us with a shocked expression on his face. I waited as he approached us.

"Son,i thought I would never see you again."He said first.

"The war is over,there is no need for mine or Exveemons help anymore,we just want to settle down and live our lives."I said back

My dad smiled"Im glad,but you have to tell me where you have been I was so worried as was your mother."

I smiled"Ill tell you in a while,but I don't know if you will believe me,its a weird story."I said

"I'll tell you in a bit,me and Exveemon want to spend some time together."I said

"what at do you mean?"My father asked

"Well dad,me and Exveemon are....sort of...together,i know it might sound odd,but we love each other and I might be young but I want to spend my life with him,hes shown me stuff that no one could believe and I love him for that,i know it sounds wrong but...."

My father raised his hand signaling for me to stop."If this is what you want,then I will support it,its not like he is a unintelligent animal,and if you truly love him I'll allow it,you don't need my permission for anything,especially love."

I smiled at that and rushed to hug my father,i was so glad he didn't mind at all and allowed it. I was so happy,and I could tell from looking at him that Exveemon was too.

"Anyways I have to go,ill be back in a while,you two have fun."My father said

I said a quick OK and watched my dad walked to the car he owned,he got in and soon started and took off. Leaving me and Exveemon alone. Luckily there was no one else to see us so we didn't have to bother with anyone. I headed into the house. Once inside I let out a sigh and Exveemon walked past me into the kitchen. I was home again. So much had happened in just minutes,and now I was feeling fatigued and tired. Exveemon walked back to me and noticed this.

"Tired?"He asked

"Yea so much has happened in the least amount of time possible,i somehow doubt that the war is over,even though I saw their entire fleet just and hour ago get demolished,no doubt they are still cleaning up back east,but at least this side of the country wasn't harmed,im surprised its over just like that,like someone turned of a light and bam its over."

"I know,but we wont have to worry anymore,we are free,and not in the hands of the military,now then do you want to get some sleep,I'd gladly want to join you."Exveemon said

I smiled,sleep would be good right now,i tried walking but was soon scooped up by Exveemon and carried to my room. He opened the door and placed me on the bed before climbing in himself and hugging me from behind placing his head on top of mine. I sighed,it was good right now. I soon felt myself fall to sleep.

When I woke again,Exveemon was gone. I did not feel his presence in the room,he was probably elsewhere. I got up and checked my pockets for the digivice,and found it safely in them. I looked around again and then exited my room. I heard the sound of the TV,rather the news on. I walked into the living room,and found Exveemon casually sitting on the couch watching TV. I rubbed my eyes,and soon sat down next to him.

"So whats happening in the world now?"I asked

"Mostly just updates on how the war ended,many are saying they saw an unidentified aircraft fly over and destroy the enemy's naval fleet with one blast,soon later the enemy surrendered."Exveemon turned to me."Everyone knows it wasn't a nuclear device that destroyed the fleet,but something else,maybe we can enlighten them one day."

I smiled"Well until then lets just try and get acceptance from the immediate community around us,after all we will be staying here for a while."

"Agreed,for now lets just relax."

We watched the Tv,most of it was about the war,and how the enemy just surrendered after a devastating attack on their naval fleet and now people where cleaning up the mess. We watched for some time,but I eventually got bored and stood to leave.

"Where are you going?"Exveemon asked

"Im going to...I don't know I never planned that far I guess its back to doing what I usually do,eat,sleep,go to school and play video games,and maybe some cuddling with you on the side."I said

Exveemon smiled."Well why don't we just skip the other parts and do some cuddling right now?"

I looked at him,he had a grin on his face."Well why don't we..."I was cut off. The sound of the houses doorbell ringed through the house. I turned around towards the door. The bell ringed again. I looked at Exveemon."Try not to make a scene so soon,i don't know who that is,and I don't want someone to get freaked out. OK?"

Exveemon nodded,and I slowly walked up to the door. I gave a second glance back towards Exveemon but he had left and gone to my room. The doorbell rang again. I checked through the little hole in the door to see who it was. When I saw who it was my eyes widened. I almost instantly rushed for the door handle to open the door.

I opened the door,as quick as I could.

"We need to talk Blake." But it wasn't the speaker I was looking at,it was something else.