Brotherly Love

Story by Eric_S on SoFurry

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#9 of Eric's Schooldays

I have it finally done. Updates will be sporadic at best given how busy I've become. So enjoy, I know this may not be up to scratch but I wanted to get it out of the way so I can try and get a start on the next chapter.

  • * * By the next week things had gone back to normal... well relatively normal. Carla was still somewhat reluctant to let Eric anywhere near her. Not that Eric blamed her. He knew what he did was wrong and he regretted it. The only problem he now faced was waiting long enough for Carla to start liking him again. Right now affairs at home were starting to heat up quite a bit. His parents had gotten wind of what had happened to him through the school and they were half scolding, half comforting him for not coming to them earlier. In reality he found it a bit embarrassing that he was being treated like this, he wasn't a cub anymore. Presently his sister was walking past, and he looked to her with pleading eyes. She just shrugged her shoulders before pouring herself a glass of milk from the fridge and returning back upstairs to her room. "Why is she never there when I need her?" he wondered to himself as he half-listened to what his parents were lecturing him on. Later in the evening Eric was typing up something on his computer for his English assessment when he heard someone enter his room and flop down on his bed. He assumed that it was his sister as his parents wouldn't do anything to fluff up his bed so much. "So what were mom and dad talking to you about?" he heard Alice ask. Eric glanced over his shooter at his sister before turning his attention back to his computer screen. "Nothing much, just the usual fare of the whole girlfriend/boyfriend speech thingy which I believe that they've committed to memory when something like this would happen. Why what were you expecting?" Eric asked. There was a short silence between the pair, with the small exception of the humming of the computer. "I'm not sure. Perhaps I was expecting them to be a little more supportive. I must ask though, what is it like to have a girlfriend?" Eric stopped typing and turned to face his sister, who had made herself quite comfortable on his bed. He wasn't exactly sure how to answer that one. It was such a vague question. "Um... I guess it's good in a sense but bad at the same time. Well look at it this way. Although you might think originally that it will be a lot of fun, you really have to work at this kind of thing, as it won't stay as good as the beginning later on down the track. This is something that you have to work on, it is a friendship that is based on trust and compassion," Eric finally answered. "I see... I know this next question is a little personal and I understand if you don't want to answer it. But when you had your with Carla why didn't you cut your losses and go after someone else?" Alice asked more quietly. "I've had a crush on Carla since primary school and although some other girls are good friends I cannot see myself dating them. Perhaps I'm being a little restrictive in who I decide on dating but she is the only one who I have actual feelings for... but why all the questions?" Alice broke the gaze between her and her brother as she sat up on his bed. "Because I'm in love with a guy I can never have. The only problem is finding him in someone else that I can," she finally replied. Eric looked at his sister sympathetically. He could relate to that in a way, as he liked Alex more then he was willing to admit. He looked at his sister curiously, as he moved in closer to her. "And who might this be?" he asked. By now he had was so close to her that he could hear the faint sound of her breathing. What she did next though caught Eric by surprise as she quickly pressed her lips against his. The initial shock and surprise soon dissipated as he returned the gesture of love. It was the first kiss that the two had shared together and Eric was a little surprised that he was enjoying it so much. This was his sister he was kissing, not Carla. Alice pulled away from Eric a minute later, a light blush on her face as she looked at him. "Um... sorry about that, I don't know what came over me," she apologized as she scratched her elbow. "That's okay..." Eric replied reassuringly. "But it's just that..." Alice started before the piercing cry of their mother calling them for dinner came up. As the family sat down to their dinner thought about his sister started to run through Eric's mind. "Is it that Alice has feelings for me?" he asked himself, "Could I be the one that she was referring to?" He glanced over at his sister cautiously as she ate her dinner. He did have to admit though that she was good looking, even if she was directly related to him. He sighed deeply as he continued to eat his dinner. There was no way that it could be true. Eric had a rather disturbed sleep that night and when he went to school the next day, dark rings could be seen underneath his eyes. Alex was the first to notice this and decided to voice his concerns about it. "What happened to you? You looked like something swallowed you whole then spat you up again," he said to the frazzled wolf. Eric gave Alex a glance before returning his attention to his locker, as he pulled out his chemistry textbook. "I could barely get to sleep last night. My mind just wouldn't stop thinking," Eric muttered as he closed the locker and did the combination lock on it. "Oh really, about what?" Alex asked. "It's something personal," Eric answered. "I understand. So how did your apology with Carla go? Any major grovelling on your part?" "No... seems Chris had the bright idea of stalking that girl and Carla's agreed to give me a second chance...I think," His first class of the day was his physics class and it was something he wasn't too happy about. Physics was easily his weakest subject and although his parents were suggesting that he change out of it he knew better than to do so as he wanted to get into a good profession like medicine. His class was one of the more boring classes, full of people who actually did their work. Eric never gave his full attention in his physics class and that probably explained his rather dismal test scores. He could hear his teacher rant on about something relating to momentum and how it was important that they understand how it worked. His mind was more focused on his sister. "Why am I thinking so much about her?" he asked himself, "I mean sure I'm her brother and all but this is simply too much," By lunch time Eric had calmed down a bit and his mind had refocused back on work, but if he was hoping for a moment of peace then he wasn't going to get it. After setting his bag on the ground, he took out a sandwich and started to eat it. Only minutes later, he could feel Alex tugging on his school uniform. "Hey I didn't know they let in year 8's into the cheerleading squad," Alex whispered, pointing in the direction of someone in a cheerleading uniform. "Oh no... that had better not be..." Eric thought to himself as the wolf they were looking at approached them, "Damnit! It is!" "Hey Eric!" the wolf said innocently, her tail wrapped around her leg. "Alice, why did you join the cheerleading squad of all things?" Eric asked. "Well I wanted to put all the gymnastics I did to good use and that was the first thing that came to mind," Alice simply answered, not noticing Alex looking at her intently. "Look I'll discuss this with you later. Now is not the time so can you just leave me alone for the time being?" "Okay then... see you later," Alice cheerfully replied before walking off in direction she came from. When she had gotten off to a safe distance Alex started to whisper to Eric again. "Nice ass on that one huh?" he asked. Eric gave a disgruntled grunt before answering. "You do know that's my sister you're talking about right?" Eric answered gruffly. "Eric I'm sorry it's just that I wanted to do something that I was good at!" "What are you apologizing to me for? Did you tell mom or dad about this?" "No... not exactly," Eric rubbed his temples out of frustration as he tried his best to convince his sister not continue with the cheerleading business. He didn't know why he was doing it but he was under the impression that he was doing it for her own safety, which was probably brought on by Alex mistaking her for someone else he had never seen before. "I've seen some of the things these girls have been through before. It's not a pretty sight and I'm sure you don't want to end up feeling like a slut," Alice gave Eric a cold hard stare, something that she was also infamous for doing. "You don't even know the first thing about me!" she screamed before running upstairs and slamming her bedroom door leaving a stunned Eric downstairs. Deciding against trying to apologize for what he said Eric knew it would be wiser to stay downstairs and discuss the predicament he had gotten himself into with his parents. "You did what?" asked his mother. "I upset her by saying something really stupid and I'm not sure how to make her feel better," Eric sheepishly replied. "Can I speak with Eric alone for a bit?" his father asked. He saw his mother nod her head as he was quickly herded into the living room. His father gestured to him to sit down. Choosing a beanbag, he plonked himself onto it, staring at the floor beneath his feet. His father took a seat next to him and ran a paw through Eric's hair. "Eric what is the problem? Remember if you don't feel confident talking to your mother you can always come to me," Eric looked at his father then returned his gaze back to the floor. "Alice joined the cheerleading squad today," Eric finally replied. "Eric you know that if she wants to do something you shouldn't stop her. If she wants to do it that badly then let her. It is her decision after all," his father replied. "I guess you've got a point there but I can't shake the feeling that she will become like one of those stereotypical cheerleaders which you normally see on tv," "Eric listen to me, your sister isn't as stupid as you think. I'm pretty sure that she has the intelligence to stay out of trouble," Back up in his room Eric gave some thought to what his father had told him. The more he thought about it the more he realised how much he was in the wrong. He was her brother, not her parents and because of that, if she decides to do something she wants to then he should let her do it. He was too protective of her and he knew that he was smothering her. He flopped down on his bed as he pulled a book out of his bookcase. "Perhaps the fantasy universe can stop me thinking about her," he thought to himself. It didn't take him long to discover that his father was right although shortly after this first ordeal Eric was confronted with a somewhat delicate issue that he normally wouldn't have expected for a very long time. "Eric just what is oral sex?" Eric stopped typing and turned around, completely stunned that his sister was asking such a question. "What did you say?" Eric asked quietly, "I hope I heard that correctly and it had nothing to do with the terms oral' and sex'," His sister shook her head, "That's exactly what I said," "Oh dear... I was hoping this day wouldn't come until maybe another two to three years. Where did you get this term from?" Eric asked, somewhat shocked but not exactly surprised at the suddenness of this. "Some of the other girls in the cheerleading squad. That and also one of my other friends said something about giving head' to a guy so naturally I thought that you would know something about it," Alice replied. Eric let out an exasperated sigh at hearing this. As he expected it was the cheerleaders, which had given her the term to play with. It was times like this where he secretly wished he were the younger one. Then he would be the one doing the asking and not the answering. "Is mom or dad around?" he asked cautiously. This was a rather delicate situation and he didn't want to risk letting his parents finding out what he was getting up to. "No I think they've gone shopping," Eric saved his document before turning off his computer. He didn't need any prying eyes to discover what he was going to be doing, especially because of his webcam. He closed and locked his door before closing the curtains. The room plunged into almost absolute darkness, save for the light coming from underneath the curtain and from underneath the door. Eric was used to the darkness like this and only demonstrated his superior night vision. His sister wasn't so pleased at this sudden action as she attempted to look at him as best as she could. "Eric what are you doing?" she demanded, a quiver of fear in her voice. "Alice this was a day which I had hoped wouldn't come for a long time. Please lie down," Eric said quietly. His plan to introduce her to something like this was a drastic measure but he couldn't think of doing it any other way. He was relying on his observation that he had made earlier for his plan to work. The only problem was that if what he planned on doing bordered on sexual assault or not. "Eric you still haven't answered my question," Alice told him, trying to relax as much as possible. She didn't know what her brother had in store for her and she was a little hesitant to discover what it was. "Alice what I am going to do now will explain it better then any words ever could. All I need is your permission to do it without you fighting back," he quietly answered. "Um I guess it's alright," Alice quickly said, unaware of her brother's plan. Eric nodded before getting down on his knees. He pushed the nagging thoughts of how he shouldn't be doing this to the back of his mind as he lifted his sister's skirt up to reveal her virgin netherlips. "Eric! What do you think your do... oh god that felt good," she moaned as Eric licked her pussy lips. He wasn't sure anymore why he was doing this anymore and he secretly wondered if he was using this to relieve his own pent up sexual frustration. He had to admit although he knew what he was doing was wrong he couldn't help but feel a little excited by the whole concept of performing on his sister. The whole aura of forbidden love swept over him like a wave on the beach. He brought up a finger and started to gently tease his sister by running it along her slit as he started to lick at her clitoris. The gentle moans coming from his sister was a testament that he was doing something right, but who actually needed this treatment more, him or his sister? "Eric... is this...what oral... sex is... like?" Alice gasped as the intense sensations rippled throughout her body. Eric lifted his head form his sister's crotch and gave her cheek a kiss. "Yep," he whispered before going back down. He had teased her enough and now it was time to make things a little more intense. He held her sister's legs down with his hands as he approached her crotch, his tongue ready for action. He licked her slit a few times, before diving his tongue into her virgin pussy. The feeling of pleasure must have been a little too intense for his sister for if he wasn't holding her legs down she would have slammed them together and trapped his head in between. As he probed her insides with his tongue, he could feel the convulsions of her pussy, readying itself for its first orgasm. He could feel his own erection causing a tent in his shorts and he did his best to ignore it. It was taking him a lot of self-restraint to prevent himself from getting up and simply having his way with her. Alice now had rested her paws on her brother's head and was pushing him against her crotch, wanting to feel more of his tongue inside of her. Using one of his fingers he gently eased it inside of his sister's pussy, letting her get used to the sensation as he pulled his tongue out so he could concentrate on using it on her clit instead. Using his tongue he gently swirled it around Alice's now exposed clitoris. The feeling was simply too intense for Alice as she experienced her very first orgasm. Her juices spilled all over Eric's chin and he lapped up the liquid that spilled forth like a thirsty animal, licking at Alice's slit in the process. Alice had lost her grip of her brother's head during the orgasm and laid back against the bed, panting heavily. "What...what was that?" she asked. Eric finished cleaning up his sister's cunt before placing his face next to hers, discreetly pulling down his shorts in the process. "I'm assuming you've never masturbated before right?" he asked gently, giving his sister a kiss on the neck. "No I haven't... but the thing is... what is that lump that is pressing against me at the moment?" Eric was a little more than startled as he discovered that he was lying on top of his sister, his erection nudging against her slit. He instantly rolled over onto his back and covered his erection with his paws, trying to hide it as much as possible, a blush developing on his face. His sister giggled a bit at his vain attempt to conceal himself. She tore his paws away from his crotch and climbed on top of him, rubbing her slit across his erection playfully. "Why are you so intent on hiding this away from me?" she asked playfully. "No we...we really shouldn't... be doing... doing this," Eric gasped as he turned on his bedside lamp, bathing the room in its soft glow. His sister just blinked at him as she got off his body. She lay next to him and placed a paw on his crotch, giving Eric's erection a quick squeeze. Eric inhaled sharply at his sister's touch. He hadn't intended it on going this far. Seeing her brother's discomfort Alice withdrew her paw and looked at him with a kind look. Eric shuddered a bit as the feeling of his sister's paw against his crotch ended. He wanted her yet didn't at the same time, the conflict of emotion and lust fighting a battle in his mind. His want for bodily contact won out in the end however as he pulled his sister on top of him after pulling down his underwear. She squealed a little bit at her brother's sudden action and playfully batted him on the chest, his erection nudging against her slit. "No I wasn't asking for that... I just wanted to try something," she whispered as she moved down his body, "Please sit up," Eric did as he was told, wondering what his sister had in store for him. He needn't have bothered even thinking about it as his sister gave his cock a lick. He let out a shudder as he felt his sister's tongue run along the underside of his shaft. "Oh did you like that?" Alice asked him innocently before licking the underside of his cock again. Eric murmured a faint reply of approval as he arched his back. The taboo nature of being sucked off by his sister drove his mind crazy with excitement. "So let's see if I can get this right," Eric heard his sister murmur as she licked Eric's cock head once before taking it into her mouth. Eric whimpered a little as the sensation rippled throughout his body, his sister's tongue gently dancing over his cock. After a moment's hesitation, Alice took the first two inches into her mouth, sucking on the flesh gently while she stroked the rest of him off with a paw. She cupped his balls with her other paw and sucked a little harder, drawing out a soft moan from Eric. "Oh... please... a little harder," Eric groaned as he arched his back, driving another inch into his sister's mouth. Her mouth left his cock, exposing it to the cold air, which caused Eric to shudder from the sudden change in temperature. Eric wondered why his sister stopped but soon realized that she was catching her breath, not used to having something like his cock inside of her mouth for minutes on end. "Try and breathe through your nose," Eric suggested as he felt Alice's warm mouth surround his dick again. This time she dared to have half of it inside of her mouth, her tongue swirling over the head before returning to licking the underside. "Oh that's good," Eric moaned as his cock throbbed in his sister's mouth. He wanted to cum so badly right now but was anxious as to his sister's reaction if he did so. It's not every day that you have your own brother cumming into your mouth. Eric hesitantly grabbed a hold of Alice's head and pulled her off his cock. He wanted to see if he could time it so they would orgasm together. "Did I do something wrong?" Alice asked, unsure about what had just happened. "No you didn't. I just wanted us to do one last thing before mom and dad get back," Eric whispered as he made Alice climb on top of him. "Now rotate your body so your crotch is in my face," Eric said, much to Alice's confusion. Nevertheless she did as he had asked her, her body lying on top of his. Alice finally twigged onto the idea that her brother had in mind and she couldn't help but smile at him. "Now we had better make this quick otherwise we're going to get into a lot of trouble," Eric warned as he felt Alice suckle at his cock again. Not wanting to get left behind he started to lap at his sister's slit again. As her juices started to dribble out of her Eric was starting to have second thoughts about what he was doing. Deep down his morals were screaming at him to stop, yet his body wanted to give way to the younger girl that lay on top of him. His absent mindedness was soon remedied by a gush of fluid straight into his face, which almost blinded him. Unable to concentrate any more shoved his sister off him gently and pulled his underwear and shorts up. "I am sorry but what we just did must never happen again," he whispered to her before leaving his room. The next few days at school seemed like a blur to the teenage wolf. One hour passed after another as his morals continuously pestered him about what he had done. As hard as he tried, he couldn't shut the constant words of his conscience yelling at him out of his mind. The constant distanced look that was glazed all over his face was a cause of concern for all of his teachers and friends but nobody said anything, nobody wanted to get involved. But Eric knew that this was a problem that only he could deal with. After several days of thinking, Eric felt that he now had the courage to confront his inner demons and explain to Alice about why he had barged off like that all of a sudden. However, his sister had beaten him to it as when he entered his room he found a note stuck on his desk. From the look of the handwriting there was no doubt that it was written by her. Opening the note, he could barely read the cursive that was inside but he managed to read it eventually. Dear Eric I know that you felt a little bit uncomfortable about what we did recently. Can I talk to you tonight after mom and dad go to sleep? Meet me outside by the pool. I thought a little swim could help calm out nerves a bit Love from Alice Nodding silently to himself he opened his window and burnt the note with a box of matches he kept in his room. Nobody needed to know what he was up to and as the ashes floated away on the breeze he felt some of his troubles float away with them. For once in many weeks he actually felt calm and in control. Closing his window he set his mind on some of his homework that he had to finish by the end of the week. He made sure to write down his meeting in his day planner so he wouldn't forget later. Time seemed to tick by slowly as one hour passed after another. He wanted to talk to his sister so badly but he knew that she wouldn't be back until 8pm. Supposedly she was having some study group with her friends. Eric wasn't sure how much he could believe of that, given her study habits but he wasn't going to question her about it when she got back. His parents seemed to have noticed how distracted he seemed to be during dinner and they were constantly asking him if he was having any troubles at school or if there was something troubling him. He denied every claim of course, he wasn't willing to agree to anything just yet. Excusing himself from the dinner table he silently made his way upstairs and waited for the time to pass. By the time it was 10pm his mind was spewing with excitement and anxiety. What would he say to her? How should he react? He had already picked out what he intended on wearing and he had changed into it a few minutes ago, the smooth material of the bathing suit hugging against his crotch like a piece of satin. He peered outside his room to find it completely quiet. "Good they've gone to sleep already," Eric thought to himself as he took his towel from the bathroom before heading outside to their swimming pool. The cold air made some of his fur stand up on end as he wrapped his towel around himself tighter. Apparently, his sister hadn't come down yet. Sitting down in one of the chairs outside the sound of the sliding door opening made him quickly look in its direction, a dark figure who he presumed to be his sister quietly walked out and placed its towel onto a another chair. Getting up from his own chair he tiptoed over to the figure and wrapped his arms around it. "Eric is that you?" Alice asked. "Yes it is," Eric replied, noting the bikini that she was wearing. "Oh good I hoped that you wouldn't forget," "Hush... let's have a swim first," Eric suggested as he found the pool lights and turned them onto a dim setting. The underwater lights illuminated the area very slightly but enough so that the two could see each other. Sliding into the water the pair swam around for a while, trying to make as little sound as possible. After having enough of their little paddle, the pair sat beside each other on the pool steps, gazing at each other. "Eric I...I know I've been taking a lot of your time lately and I wanted to..." Alice started. "Oh no there's no need to apologize. I loved every second of it," Eric replied. "But... the thing is... I want to know, what feelings do you have for me even if I wasn't your sister," That last question had caught Eric off guard and he hesitated a little as he tried to find an answer. "Alice... you're my sister and because of that I will always love you regardless of what happens. When you were sick, I tried to visit every day I could, purely out of concern for you," Eric paused to glance over at Alice and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, "My love for you runs through my veins as much as it does for anyone else," That last comment made Alice's heart skip a beat. She smiled at him as she gave him a kiss back. "I love you too," she whispered as they shared an embrace under the stars. From an upstairs window, the pair was being watched, watched by their mother. Her sharp eyes could make out the two silhouettes that sat on the pool stairs and she couldn't help but smile to herself. As she padded back to the bed, she shared with her husband. "The kids always look so cute when they're together don't you think?" she asked. "Yes they certainly do, they grow up so fast don't they? I still remember how much they always played together when they were kids," he replied. "They're growing up and from the looks of things they still love each other very much. We certainly have good kids don't we," "Yes, yes we do,"