Stay the cold.
I was bored again, so I started this. once it going I figured that I'd better finish it. I also thought I'd write some yiff for once.
P.S (Just so you know, Oiric in this case is pronounced "Your-ik.", caused trouble for me when I first learned the name.)
To say it was cold would be like comparing a puddle to the ocean, it was FAR below freezing.
That's what you'd expect from where and when Graham was. The Arctic circle, approximately true north of Norway in late was very, very cold.
He was told not to this alone, told that if he did this alone he wouldn't survive to reach his destination.
"I won't be alone." He answered, and he was right.
He wasn't alone, just because one doesn't have human company, that doesn't mean one is alone. He had Eight fine companions, all the finest Siberian Huskies. They were friends and companions, no pets or tools. He loved his dogs. The eight males with him there and the five females at home.
He knew each one from birth, called them by name and treated them as family. They may pull the sled, but Graham took his share by Skiing along side and pushing the sled when times got rough. The common misconseption that people tend to make about sleeding is that the Dogs are harnessed in pairs. With one pair in front of the other and so on. This may be true for forested areas. But over expanses of Ice or tundra it serves better when the dogs can see other than the forward dogs backside, so the harness is arranged in a fan-like pattern. As well as improving visibility it also helps with weight distribution; useful for travelling over thin ice.
The "nights" would be spent out on the ice, they were travelling light so he had no tent, only A sleeping bag, some blankets, light sources, provisions, medical supplies, a rifle, flare gun and a navigation system. Because this left plenty of room on the Sled he managed to bring enough food and supplies to keep the dogs healthy. Normal expeditions could only afford to feed the dogs every two days. Before he retired each night he's check each dog over thoroughly, making sure that they had no injuries, ensuring each dog was well fed, and that the harnesses were lose to give them room to move around. Then he would eat himself and lie down in his sleeping bag, pulling all the flaps and zips tight to keep out the frigid air.
As soon as he managed to get settled, he'd always hear the familiar sound of his dogs moving over and their weight and warmth as they piled around him. Such was his routine, it went on like this for weeks.
And then it changed, Graham saw that they'd made extra progress that 'day' and it was actually light enough to be mistaken for early evening. So he decided to let the dogs off the harness for a bit, something any other person would NOT do.
"They'll run away." they said.
"Yours would, mine wouldn't." he'd reply.
And he was right, although they took the oppertunity to run free, they never strayed far. Each returning when he called them so he could check them over, and stayed still while he treated them. But mostly they ran free.
Graham started to yawn, he didn't bother checking his watch because up there the only thing it was good for waslogging how long they'd slept or how long they'd travelled. It was as good as useless for telling the actual time. But he was tired and it looked like bad weather was on the way, that was all he needed.
"Come on pups!" they turned at his voice. "Bed time!" They immediately started running to him.
"Ha ha. So loya-" CRACK!
He stopped laughing and immediately leapt to his feet. And began sprinting at the sound of whining, something not easy to do on snow and ice, but his dogs were in danger and nothing could stop him. He desperately floundered through the snow and slipped over the ice. Finally reaching the source of the whining.
He counted seven dogs, only seven gathered around a a small hole in the ice, he instantly knew what had happened and increased his pace. Not even a Husky could survive for long.
Not once considering the dangers of doing so, he immediately leapt past the dogs and desperately reached towards the trapped dog. It was Dom, his lead dog. As he reached towards him the ice began to crack.
"Get back!" he yelled to the other dogs, hoping that just this once they would understand. He didn't wait to see if they did, he did the only thing he could do. He couldn't pull Dom up without the ice collapsing under them. But he could lift him.
Madness! some might cry, a dog is not worth risking your life. But they were family. He slipped into the water without hesitation, the cold shot through his body instantaneously, but he would not let it stop him. His dog was in danger, pain can wait. Gripping the struggling dog around the chest and heaving up the way, he managed to lift Dom up. Again, higher. Success, Dom frantically clawed at the ice with all four feet, scratching graham badly in the progress, but Graham didn't care. Dom was safe, he climbed out of the hole and shook the freezing water from himself. Dom was safe, that was all that mattered. He barely noticed his breathing slowing, his head becoming lighter, he hooked his arm over the edge of the ice, choosing to freeze rather than drown. The blackness closed in, he didn't care. The dogs were safe.
"Is he going to be okay?" a voice broke the silence. Two figures kneeled over Grahams unconscious body. Having rested him in a hollow behind a nunatak. Of course these weren't ordinary, human figures. Any human would notice thier to tall stature, thier fur coats and of course their faces, ears and tails. They were Huskies, human like huskies.
"I don't know" Came another unknown voice, this one deeper. He sounded as if he were on the verge of tears. "We've done all we can for now, we just have to keep him warm and let him recover on his own."
"But he brought medicine, can't we do something for him?" The first voice protested.
"He brought the medicine for US, not himself. It might not react well for him." Came the answer. "Besides, even if we did have what we needed. None of us know how to use it, we're as likely to kill him as we are to heal him."
"I understand." He sighed_. "Isn't there anything we can do?"_
"Like I said, we need to keep him warm. And if necessary we need to get him out of here." _he stayed silent for a while. "_This is my fault." He said finally.
"Don't say that Dom." Came the first voice.
"It's true Silas. None of this would have happened if it weren't for me." He was sobbing now.
Silas, anoher one.
"You're the one who pulled him out, if-"
"He wouldn't have needed pulling out if it weren't for me. He put his own life at risk to save mine. And now he's in this state." He continued.
"Calm down. Everythings okay no-"
"IT'S NOT OKAY!" He exclaimed, "HE COULD HAVE DIED." He quietened down now. "He might still die."
Silas had no retort to this, "Like you said, all we can do is keep him warm and hope for the best."
"I know." Dom sighed. "Let's get him into his sleeping bag. But take off his clothes first, they're wet and they'll cause more harm than good." Silas did as asked, and helped Dom pull Graham into his sleeping bag. He was fevorous and shaking. Dom stroked his head and whined in sympathy.
"Where are the others?" He finally asked.
"Silas thought for a second. " __Oirik, Utred, Ben and Kim _ are digging into the side of the drift, trying to make something longer lasting than this."_ he gestured to their pitiful dwelling. "And kris & Matty are getting everything useful from the sled, mostly things to help keep Graham warm."
Dom nodded, these were good tasks. "Go help them. I'll stay with Graham." Silas nodded and scampered off.
Dom sat down and pulled Graham closer, resting Grahams head on his lap. He stroked his head and pulled the sleeping bag tighter around him. Whimpering whenn the movement brought about a new bout of shivering. "Sorry Graham." He whispered.
It was only about an hour or so later that Silas came running back with Matty and Kris in tow. "The new shelter is done." Matty panted.
"How is it? Is it in a safe place? Is it big enough for all of us?" Dom enquired.
"To answer all of the above: We got lucky. Firstly, they managed to build it over land so we don't have to worry about the ice collapsing. Secondly they managed to hit a soft patch of snow, so they managed to dig it quicker than expected and big enough, it's even big enough to stand in. Thirdly, Utred, Kim, Oirik and Ben were so proud of it that they decided to name it. We are now proud residents of 'The Den'." Dom gave Matty a funny look after hearing this. Prompting an explaination from Matty. "Not the most creative name I know, but Kim & Ben wanted to name it after Themselves and this was the only compromise we could get without them coming to a fight."
Dom smirked at this. Matty was always a long winded fellow. "Whatever you say 'Matthias'."
Matty lowered his ears. "Please don't. You know I hate that name."
Dom relented chuckling for the irst time since the incident. "What about the supplies?"
"Already there." Ben answered this time "We couldn't weed out what was useful or not so we took the whole sled there. Probably better that way, the Sleds probably the most useful of all."
Dom nodded. "Okay, I guess we should go there now." He stood up, picking up Graham with him. "let's go."
"The Den" was rather impressive, especially condsidering the fact the that it was built in less than a day. It consisted of a well sheltere entrance followed by a small port into a larger room, It couldn't be too large less the Ice atop collapse. But it was large considering the circumstances. The Dogs had managed to dig enough space to give them all sleeping room, they'd started carving a fireplace before someone pinted out that they had nothing to burn, this made little difference to them, they were plenty warm. But this might cause problems for Graham.
Speaking of, Graham had been alocated a special place, along with every blanket they could find, Dom laid him down on the Blankets and sat down next to him. Ben came over and wrapped him in more blankets.
"Silas, what time would you say it is?" He asked as the others sat down as well, forming a circle around Graham.
"Judging from the light. I'd say it's either Dawn or Dusk, But I think it's more likely to be Dusk." Came the answer.
"Well then" Looking around at all the exausted dogs._ "We'd better get some sleep then."_ He was happy to see the wave of relief wash over his pack. Matty even started licking kris's face lovingly.
Dom lay back and pulled Grahan close, nuzzling into his neck and Kim turned off the electric lamp that served as a light source. Dom expected the others to go off and find other places to sleep, but was pleasently surprised when each and every one lay down and snuggled against Graham.
"Of course." Dom thought to himself. "I'm not the only one who cares about him."
Dom was awoken by the feel of someone stroking his head, he murred and snuggled closer to Graham. Graham!
He snapped awake. Graham was moving, unconsiously stroking his fur with his free hand. But not quite awake. He put a paw to his forehead and removed it, his fever was gone. He let out a loud sigh of relief. Waking the others. Kim turned the lamp on again.
"Is he okay?" Whimpered Utred.
"He's fine." this was followed by several sighs of relief and even the occasional laugh, all this was silenced when Graham groaned.
"Go outside." He whispered harshly.
"What?...Why?" asked Oirik. Whining slightly.
"I think he's waking up." Dom continued. "All eight of us will be too much for him. I'll stay and look after him. Now go." This more of plead than an order, and they obeyed him. Dom sat back in the shadows behind Graham and waited for him to wake.
Graham woke slowly and groggily. He blinked several times to get used to the unexpected light and panicked a bit when he found that he could barely move. His struggles brought him to a sitting position as he noticed the sleeping back and blankets. He looked around at his surroundings, seeing the den and the lamp which he recognised as his.
"Where am I? Who-" He suddenly started and struggled to stand up. "The Dogs!...are they alright?" He finally managed to climb out of the Sleeping bag and noticed his nakedness, he shivered. It was then that he felt two large, gloved hands come to rest on his shoulders. He froze, unsure what to do. Silence ensued, he wasn't sure if this person meant him harm or not. But he had to know.
"Wh...Where...Where are my dogs?" He blurted out.
"That's the first question you ask?" A gruff voice enquired. Graham nodded, unsure if the figure could see the gesture from behind.
"I have to know. Are they safe?" He asked again, desperately.
"Yes, they're safe." The voice answered, Graham sighed in relief. "You really care about them, don't you?" Graham nodded again.
"More than anything." He announced without hesitation. He flinched as he felt a pair of large arms embrace him and pull him against a furry chest. Furry?
He looked down, surprised to see not gloved hands and a fur coat, but a pair or large paws and arms, covered in black and white fur. Before he could react to this revelation, the figure behind him spun him around and pulled him against it's chest again, only this time they were face to face. Despite his shock and fear, the warmth provided by the furred figure was still greatly welcome. When he got over his sudden transition from cold to warm, he finally looked directly at the figure. It stood about a foot taller than him, so he had to raise his head to see its features. He was shocked to see a familiar face staring back.
"Dom?" He asked. Dom nodded, his smile widening.
"Yes." He hugged Graham tighter. Graham unconsiously nuzzled into his chest.
"What...happened to you?" He asked. Dom chuckled.
"We've always been like this." He licked Grahams face. "We've just never showed you before."
"We?...Where are the others?"
"I told them to wait outside." He answered. "Just in case you didn't take this well." He nuzzled Grahams neck. "I'm glad you did."
Graham nuzzled back, he wasn't sure why. "To be honest, I'm just glad you're all safe. I don't know what I'd do without you." Dom smiled and hugged him even tighter. "Are you going to call in the others?"
"Oh ya." He said quickly, before calling out. "He's okay, you can come in now."
Barely five seconds passed before all the huskies piled through the small doorway, almost breaking it. The transition was so loud and fast that it would have scared Graham immensely if they weren't his huskies. But now, seven more huskies stood in front of him. All grinning and squirming in excitement. Tails wagging frantically.
Graham let go of Dom and stepped forward, smiling. Each Husky rushed to embrace him but ended up being warned back by Dom.
"Not all at once, one at a time." After this the dogs lined up, just as excited as before bu showing more restraint. Each husky walked up to Graham, pulled him into a tight embrace and licked his face lovingly. Once the last Husky had finished, Graham made a move to sit doen and the blankets. Suddenly remembering his nakedness. Blushing, he covered his groin.
"Um, where are my clothes." He asked, growing redder as the dogs laughed at his embarassment.
"We had to cut off the clothes you had on, they stuck to your skin." Silas, the grey furred husky answered, still chuckling. "You've got spares in one the bags I think."
"But you don't really need them yet, we're staying here for a while and you'll have no means of washing them." Dom interjected.
"But, what of the cold?" Graham protested. Only to be cut off as Dom pulled him against him, sitting on the blankets.
"There's no need, we'll keep you warm." He stopped Graham as he was about to complain again. "And we're all naked, so don't try to be modest."
"You have fur. I don't." This prompted more laughs from the Huskies. Graham realised he wouldn't win this argument and let it go. Simply content with the warmth he had.
"It's still late." Dom said "We'd better get some sleep." He rolled over and pulled Graham close, not bothering with the sleeping bag or blankets. Graham nuzzled into and stroked his fur, as well as that of the others as they came and curled around him as well. Not a single part of his body was exposed to the cold.
Graham, lay awake for longer than the others, but the sound of snoring huskies was soothing and he felt himself growing tired, He looked up at Dom. The only other still awake, he stared into those beutiful blue eyes for what felt like an eternity, before leaning forward and planting a kiss on the husky's mouth. He saw Doms eyes widen in surprise, then narrow, returning the kiss passionately before he pulled away and nuzzled into his Doms chest.
"Goodnight Dom"
"Goodnight Graham." Dom hesitated before adding; "I love you."
"I love you too."
Graham woke up safe, warm and happy. Stirred from his dreams by the specch of his companions. They were happy because he was happy, and he was happy because they were happy, it was perfect. He stirred and snuggled into the fur of the husky holding him, it wasn't Dom. That much he knew, this one had reddish-brown fur, which narrowed it down to Oirik or Kris. He opened his eyes and squinted at the sudden light, burying his face into the fur again. He heard a chuckle as the husky lifted him up and hugged him, it was Oirik.
"Morning, Graham!" He nearly shouted.
"Morning Oirik." Graham replied with equal enthusiasm. "If it really is morning."
Oirik laughed. "I know, but we might as well pretend it's morning."
Graham laughed at this. "It's great to be able to have a converstation out here. I mean, I love your company anyway but it's nice to talk."
"I want you to know..." Oirik hesitated slightly. "I love you. We all love you."
Graham smiled. "I love you too."
"No...I mean we really love you." Oirik whined.
To Oiriks shock, Grahams smile just widened. "That's what I mean too." He planted a kiss on Oiriks nose. "I love you all too." Oirik grinned and kissed him back.
"Speaking of..." Graham paused looking around for the others, finding no-one but Oirik. "Where are they?"
"Some went off to find fuel for a fire, the others went off to try and hunt seals." Oirik answered.
"They won't have much luck I'm afraid, even if we're close to land they won't find any wood or shrubs. And as for the seal hunting, even polar bears struggle. And they can survive in the cold water AND break through the ice." Graham leaned back into Oirik, who moved into a sitting position with Graham on his lap and rested his head on top of Grahams.
"Well they won't find wood, but we are on land right now and if they dig they might find some Lichens to burn. And, unlike polar bears. We hunt in packs and use tactics, I know it's unlikely that they'll catch anything but not as unlikely as you say." He countered. Graham couldn't really argue with this, this knew as much about surviving here as he did, probably more. "Anyway." Oirik continued. "They should be back soon."
Oirik didn't lie of course, barely a few minutes later the others piled in. True to Grahams prediction, they carried no seal. But they did bring a fairly large bundle of dry Lichens. They set them down in the centre and each hurried over to greet the two of them warmly.
Two hours later a fire was burning in the centre of the den, a hole had to be bored into the ceiling to allow out the smoke. But this task didn't prove difficult. Now the only task was feeding the fire when required. Mostly they just sat, enjoying each others company.
That was until Dom started getting more affectionate,his hugs turned into gentle strokes, his nuzzles turn to licks. Graham found himself getting aroused, he looked down and saw Doms member. Long, thick and red in colour. Dom likewise looked at Grahams, which was no where near as impressive but Dom grinned none the less. Graham looked around to see the others similarly erected and grinning.
Dom reached down to touch Grahams member, but stopped and asked. "Are you okay with this?" Graham amiled and nodded. His smile replaced with a gasp of pleasure as Dom reached down and grasped his member, surrounding it in warm fur.
Grahams grin widened, he leaned down and gave the head a tentative lick. Chuckling once more as Graham involentarily bucked his hips forward. Dom applied a paw to his chest and pushed him onto his back before lowering his head once again and engulfing Grahams member into his maw. he took a moment to savour the taste before beginning to bob his head up and down, carressing the length with his tongue. Graham could only moan in ecstacy, he opened his eyes to see that the others had all moved closer. Each sported a huge erection and a mischevious grin.
Dom removed his mouth from Grahams member and looked him in the eye.
"We don't have to if you don't want to." He said, slightly concerned.
"I want this." Graham announced. "I want this." Dom grined again, before crawling over and kissing Graham. Not a small chase kiss, or even a simple kiss on the lips, Doms tongue probed Grahams mouth, exploring every nook. Tasting him. When he finally pulled away he said;
"Alright. But we'll take it slow. We don't do anything you don't want to do." He moved over and lay on his back, with his head at Grahams end. "Come here, lay down on my chest face down."
Graham did as asked, laying down face to face with Dom. His fur rubbing against his crotch. "Like this?" He asked, confused.
Dom only grinned and twirled his finger, now Graham understood. As he scooted around into the "69" position he saw the others move closer, Kim moved behind Dom, spreading his legs and probing his tail-hole with a finger, producing another murr of pleasure from Dom, who had now started to lap at Grahams member. Graham, seeing Doms member in front of him began to caress and lick it, but was startled when he felt another pair of furry paws touch his ass. He turned his head to see Silas stroking his member looking longingly at Grahams 'hole. He looked Graham in the eye as if asking permission, Graham smiled and nodded. Silas's grin widened and he moved forward, prodding the ring of Grahams anus with the tip of his member slicking in it with pre-ejectulate.
Graham turned his attention back to Dos member, which was now throbbing and leaking pre, after a moments hesitation he leaned forward and took a couple of inches into his mouth, caressing it with his tongue. Dom responded by pulling Graham downards so he could take Grahams cock right down to the hilt. At the same time, Silas and Kim by an unspoken signal both pushed forward into their respective charges. For Graham the pain was there, but it was masked in pleasure, the pleasure of being so close to those he loved as well as the pleasure brought by the feeling of being taken, the felling of his member being sucked apon, the feeling of fur against skin and of course the taste of Doms seed.
He was in heaven, Kim and Silas began to pump in and out of Dom and Graham, each stroking and caressing the two of them, trying to make the moment as special as possible.
The other huskies were similarly engaged pleasuring one another in ways that only the closest lovers can.
Graham felt as Silas's pumps became harder, Sias hooked his paws under Grahams legs and held him tight as he forces his knot in with one last pound, the subsequent gush of warm seed was too much for Graham. Who promptly came into Doms maw, Dom gratefully gulped down all he was given. Dom and Kim didn't last much longer, each orgasming with as much force as Silas. Doms seed filled Grahams mouth instantly, he swallowed what he could but there was too much. Gush after gush of the salty nectar flowed forth.
As the last orgasms stopped, the whole formation fell to the side, still held together by the Canine knots.
Silas licked Grahams neck. "Did you enjoy that?"
"Very much, yes." Graham panted, caked in Doms cum. Silas leaned over and began to lick him clean. "I wouldn't mind doing that agin sometime."
Silas hugged him close. "I'm sure the others feel the same way. But for now, I think sleep is our best option."
Apparently the others agreed, as without another world all, even those still knotted moved over and piled together. Panting in their collective afterglows.