Remnants of Love and Hope

Story by Doctor Otter on SoFurry

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#6 of Tail Underground

The Emperor Xing smiled softly as he looked around at everyone enjoying themselves at the fair. It was good to see the smiles on the faces of the people of Han-Ma again. The war had ended exactly one year earlier and this fair was to commemorate the end of that war. Xing though felt heaviness in his breast not seeing a familiar face he had so hoped to see. Suddenly through the crowd he finally spotted him, the young arctic fox from Arca himself dressed in his regular dressings and a wearing his glasses, smiling and enjoying himself. "IAN!" screamed the young emperor in glee, "Glad you made it! Welcome to Ryo-Ma, capital of Han-Ma!" Ian looked over to the emperor and smiled softly, "Indeed, thank you for inviting me to the festivities Xing, everything here looks very colorful and the food!" he said gleefully. Xing nodded and chuckled, "Careful you don't drink too much... you'll end up in someone else's room!" He joked to Ian, "Let me show you around here!" After seeing the many sites and scenes within the capital Ian and Xing gently smiled as they watched other furs who dressed as a lung, an ancient dragon from Han-Ma lore, they saw many magic acts and wondrous scenes. Suddenly, the two came upon a young female fox that was sitting quietly in a fortuneteller's booth, dressed in fine silk and wearing a bandana over her head. "My lord Xing... might I tell you your future, as well as your friend? It's on the house..." she said smirking at the two. Ian stopped and looked to Xing, smiling gently. "A fortune, perhaps we should try it?" he asked. Xing looked wearily, "I'm not sure, some people would be here to scam us... but since it's on the house, what's to lose?" The vixen smiled and looked into her crystal ball and smiled. "My this is strange... I don't see a fortune... instead... I see... I see... a past..." she said slightly startled. Xing looked to the ball and then up to her, "Who's past?" she looked up to him and smirked, "Both of yours..." Inside of the crystal ball, the three of them saw a handsome young gray fox upon a horse, trotting along softly, the young man had his head fur tied back in a long pony tail dressed in finely polished armor and a pair of glasses marching along the dirt road gently. His gaze was laid upon a gentle young soul on the side of the road attempting to pick up his load. He was dressed in peasant's clothing that was tattered and torn all over, wearing with red pants and a white shirt, his flowing brown hair seemed out of place on a red fox such as himself, but it somehow made him more attractive. The young gray fox pulled the reins of his horse gently and dismounted, aiding the young peasant in his menial task. "Oye thank ye sir for helping me..." the young man began to say as he looked up to the young fox. When he saw who was aiding him, the peasant averted his eyes to the ground in utter shame as he realized whom it was, "Milord... Myer Brande... son of the High Duke Jules Brande... I... I apologize, I didn't realize it was you milord..." he began ranting, bowing profusely to his higher up. Myer merely stood there and smiled gently, "Arise peasant, you've no worries... I'm not one to pull my rank around here... what is your name sir?" he asked politely. The fox's lips quivered with fear, quickly answering, "Fiehrick sir... Miles Fiehrick, I run the orchard not too far from here... I'm sorry if I have offended you sir!" he said. Myer slowly took young Miles' paw and smiled softly, "Relax young one... I'm not going to harm you..." he said as he gently aided him to his feet. The young duke smiled as he ran his paw gently found his way to the fox's cheek gently and smiled, "You've no worries to offend me dear sir... I merely was trying to help you out..." Miles softly nodded as he returned to picking up the apples. Myer smiled as he aided him and looked to him as they finished, "Might I ask where you are headed good sir?" Miles looked down, obviously out of place talking to the future duke, " I was heading to my good friend's house, she was ill and I wanted to bring her some of my fruit to help her feel better." He said softly. The young duke smiled as he hopped upon his horse, "May I offer you a lift?" he asked softly as he smiled gently. Miles looked to him surprised, "N... No milord... I couldn't take a ride from royalty... would that not..." Myer shook his head gently and offered his hand, "I care not what others think, I wish to help... but I expect nothing in return..." he said softly, smiling. Miles looked up to him, "But I cannot do this for free sir... I'd be taking advantage of you Duke Brande... How about I treat you to a dinner tonight... after this errand is finished." Myer smiled gently and nodded, "That will be fine..." After some time when the chore was done, Myer and Miles dined on a fine dinner comprised of spiced meat, bread, potatoes and a fine cider from Miles' own Orchard. After dinner, Miles began cleaning off the plates as Myer watched on with utter interest, now out of the heavy armor and wearing a tabard and royal clothing. "Tell me Miles, how has your life been as an orchard owner?" Myer asked idly looking around the simple house. Miles smiled, now more comfortable and confident around his master, "It's a living, I make enough to live off of without worrying about going under any time soon, it's a great life I must say actually," He said softly as he began replacing the dishes into the cabinets, "though I do wish there was someone to share this life with..." Myer suddenly looked back to him and smiled softly, "So there's no Mrs. Fiehrick?" he asked. Miles shook his head, "I would think not... you see... I find... more pleasure spending my time with Men, that is if I made any sense," He said humbly. This peaked Myer's interest as he gently walked over to Miles and smiled gently, "What if you'd find this... man you're looking to share your life with?" he asked. Miles blushed at the question as he looked down, "Well I would forever cherish him... and he would always come before me... I would hold him and love him for the rest of my life... even into the after life I would love him." He said softly. Myer then gently wrapped his arms around Miles softly and smiled, "Really? Like this?" he said gently as he pulled the young fox close. Miles yelped slightly as Myer pulled him into an embrace and blushed even more, "But... but milord! Are you not scheduled to be married?" Miles said warily. Myer looked to him, slightly frowning, "To a worthless biddy that would yak my ear off? No thanks... besides... I too prefer men... Miles... I want to get away from the Dukedom... I'm no royal member... I wasn't cut out for that kind of life..." he said softly. Miles quivered gently, practically melting into the young gray fox's arms as he listened, "S... Sir Myer..." he began, only to be silenced as Myer turned the younger fox around and gave him a gentle kiss to his muzzle. Miles' eyes shot open at the duke's actions but he soon eased into the embrace, feeling so close to the gray fox. When they parted gently, Miles looked to Myer and smiled softly, "S... Sir Myer... I... with your permission... I'd... I'd like to make love... with you..." Myer smiled gently and began to undress the young fox before him, starting with his white button up shirt as he smiled, "Permission... granted..." Miles sighed gently as Myer slowly stripped him of his shirt slowly and lovingly as the two shared another embrace of muzzles as Mile's hands idly began taking off the duke's tabard slowly. As the two slowly made their way up to Mile's room, the heat between the two seemed unbearable, as the two quickly ridded themselves of their pants. The young duke looked to Miles and smiled politely, "I'll need your help first before I can slide in..." he sad gently, rubbing his shoulders. Miles understood what he was asking and gently lowered to his knees, giving his master gentle licks to his bulging sheath until that solid ebon member finally slides out, greeting the young fox's eager licking. Myer moaned gently as his love gently began licking the tip of his shaft gently, rubbing the back of the young red fox's head softly, enjoying the licks and suddenly was taken by surprise as the fox suddenly began deep throating him. Myer reared his head back in utter pleasure, he had never felt such desires, such forbidden fruits from another man before in which he desired for so long. After a few more moments, the young gray fox stooped his lover and looked down, murring softly, "It is time honey..." he said softly. Miles nodded in agreement and gently laid down on the bed, looking back to his lover for the night as Myer crawled over to him, spooning him as he guided his own member into the red fox's tail hole gently and lovingly. "ooooohhhhhh" moaned Miles gently as he felt that ebon shaft slowly slide into his bowels, "M... Master Brande... you're... you're so big... but gentle... I..." he began. Myer hushed his love softly and smiled as he gently thrusts into his mate lovingly and kissing the side of his neck, Myer could tell that Miles was burning in the passion of the moment, groaning and loving every moment of their closeness. Myer couldn't help but touch every inch of the young fox's body, everything about him was beautiful, even his member was beautiful as he gently began stroking it with a free hand. "ooooohhhhhhh Myer..." Miles moaned again, feeling that member slide in and out gently, "knot me Myer... I want to be your mate forever and always!" he said aloud to him. Myer smiled at this as he continued sliding in and out of his lover's tail hole when suddenly he thrusts one more time, shoving his knot into the young red fox's hole and groaning loudly as he climaxed. Miles reared his head back onto Myer's shoulder as he felt that knot tie the two together for the moment as he too felt himself knot up and climax all over his bed. After the two calmed down, Miles nuzzled Myer gently as the two spooned and wondered in the afterglow of the moment. "Miles..." began Myer softly, "I don't ever want to go back... I want to stay here forever, with you." Miles turned his head so he could catch Myer out of the corner of his eye, smiling gently, "Myer... I wouldn't have it any other way." Seven years pass and the two were wedded after their first year of living together. Myer never returned home and had gotten used to peasant life on the Fiherick orchard. Meanwhile, Jules Brande, Myer's father, was worried of his son's demise, and had been searching the world over for him. It would take a long seven years to finally find word of his son, but in the worst possible way. He came upon the orchard just as Miles and Myer were preparing to be off to market, selling the fruits they had harvested from the orchard. It wasn't that he found his son working along side a peasant, but when he saw the glimmer of wedding bands on both of their fingers, that drove him over the edge. The High Duke then drew his sword and dismounted from his white steed as he quickly walked over to the two. Just as Myer had began driving the horse and buggy away, Jules raised his sword and sliced through Mile's flesh, driving the blade directly through his heart. Myer looked behind him to see Miles fall to the ground as he stopped the horse and buggy and ran to his side, "MILES!!!!!!!" he screamed as he picked up the young fox's head. "M... Myer... I... I'm sorry my love..." he said as he closed his eyes gently, forever seeing the darkness of nothingness. Myer looked at his now dead lover and looked up to his father with seething hatred and anger none that he knew before. "FATHER!!!!!" he screamed aloud, "Why did you do this?! Why do you dare stand to see me in this state after killing the man I love?!?!?!" Jules looked to his son with disdain as he replaced his sword, "No son of mine is going to denounce his heritage and live as a peasant!" Myer's heart was filled with rage as he gently pulled out his own sword and charged at his own father "YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!" he screamed as he went for an attack, only to find a sword to be buried deep within his chest. Jules sneered angrily as he then shoved the blade deep into his son's chest, growling loudly, "From this day forward... I have no son!" and then he pulled his blade from Myer's chest, falling to the ground in agony. The Duke then looked over to a pair of twin kits over by the house, watching on with a look of bewilderment. Jules sighed heavily and looked to the Kits, gently picking them both up in his arms, taking them with him to the castle, and before leaving, as an after thought, the still alive Myer would see his own father hacking off the hand in which held the wedding band, causing Myer to scream in pain. As Jules left, Myer dragged himself over to his dead lover and held him close, panting heavily as tears gently flowed over his cheeks. "I... I'm sorry my love... I... I couldn't avenge you... I was too weak... to protect you." Myer then gave a gentle kiss to the young red fox's lips and gently faded into nothingness. It had seemed like eternity, but finally Myer slowly awakened to find himself in a graveyard, slowly sitting up and looking around, "W... Where am I?" he said to himself. Suddenly, he heard footsteps from behind him and as he turned around, a wolven figure stood before him, with the scythe on his shoulder, Myer immediately recognized who it was. "C... Crescent Moon!!!!! That... that must mean that I'm..." Myer stuttered. "Dead?" Crescent Moon finished for him and looked down to him, "Yes... yes you're dead Myer Brande. I'm here to lead you to your ultimate goal... whether it is here, or in the hellish pits of despair, or back on the planet... to find out you must follow me." He said calmly as he walked in a general direction. Myer nodded softly as he stood up and walked along the path with him. It had felt like days, but they finally arrived to Ellysa's palace. Ellysa had Myer tell her the story of his life, of how in life he was a righteous man who would help the needy and give to the poor when necessary, about the consequences of leaving his father and his title and the death of him and his mate. Ellysa nodded softly and looked to him and smiled, "Though your end was truly a tragic one Myer, you're welcome to stay on the Ellysian Isle if you desire... but no this, once you stay here... you may never return to your world." Myer looked at her, still sobbing from telling the gory details of his and his mate's death, "I want to be re-united with my mate... my lover Miles Fiherick..." he said softly. Ellysa nodded softly and looked to him, "You're mate is already en-route to the world again... if you wish to see him again, I can have you reincarnated..." Myer looked to her and smiled, tears still streaming down his cheek, "You... You could?!?!" he said. Ellysa nodded and gently began touching his cheek, "Since you died so horribly, I will grant you a gift... the gift not many receive... in the next life your fur will be snow white, you will have astral projection, and the ability to heal those who are wounded. You will be a Soul Fox..." and with that, Myer felt a sudden pull from behind him as his soul was suddenly pulled back towards the earth. It would take a few years but Myer's soul returned to earth in the form of a baby crying to a pair of brewmeisters in Arca. "It's a Boy!" said the father gleefully as he picked up the young snow fox kit into his arms smiling. The mother slowly held her arms out as the father gently gave the kit to her, she smiled gently and looked to her lover, "He's so tiny... and adorable..." she said softly. The father smiled and looked to her, "So, Isolde, what do you want to call him the seventh child of your litter?" The young mother smiled and looked to the father, "You know Liam... I've always loved the name... Ian... Ian Rainhardt." The father nodded softly and smiled, "Ian... wonderful name love." Meanwhile, four years later on the other side of the world, Miles' soul was sent to the land of Han-Ma as a young kit over there. His mother held him tightly in her arms, smiling as he gently suckled on her breast for nurishment. Suddenly, the emperor comes rushing in and smiled, "Mina?! Mina You have given birth?! When I heard from the other side of Han-Ma I rushed over here..." She smiled gently and looked down to him, "Yes My dear Lou, I've named him Prince Xing, the first of hopefully many children to come." The father smiled brightly at the young one as he fell asleep in his mother's arms, "Something tells me this lad will have a wonderous future ahead of him..." Ian and Xing stood looking at the crystal ball, wondering if what they had seen was true. Xing looked up and began to speak, "Oracle... is this vision..." but before he could finish, she was already gone. Ian looked to Xing and shivered a bit, "That was a little weird, but it would explain many unanswered questions between the two of us..." Xing nodded softly and looked up, realizing it was getting late, "We should return to our rooms... it is getting late, do you have a place to stay Ian?" Ian shook his head softly, "Unfortunately I cannot read your home language, I only know the language of Arca." He said blushing softly. Xing nodded softly and smiled, "No worries, you can come back to the palace with me... I'm sure Lady Sun wouldn't mind it..." with that, the two began walking back towards the palace. Ian suddenly stopped and looked to the crystal ball, blinking a bit, seeming very familiar, as if he heard of a story of a fox woman who had the power to see the past lives of ever being. Ian shook his head, dismissing it as a fantasy and began walking back to the palace, but from the shadows, stood the oracle as she smiled, watching the two leave. "Believe it or not Xing and Ian," she began, "But this is all true... and Myer and Miles were destined to live together in harmony... know this you two, you both will be each other's rock when being taken in by the storm." And with that she vanished back into the shadow, from whence she came, leaving unanswered questions of her true identity and mission.