New Found Fur

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#12 of New Found Form

New Found Fur

By Von Krieger

Ty groaned as he heard the all too familiar sound of scratching at his bedroom door, and the soft, pleading whimpers that accompanied it. With a sleepy sigh he slipped from beneath the covers and plodded to the door, opening it and letting the upset canine into the bedroom.

He had known of rather clingy canines in the past that got nervous and started to whimper and whine when their owners left home to go to work, or even were in a different room. But a wolf shouldn't be doing such a thing; especially one that, as far as he knew, had lived in the wild all her life. She'd dashed in front of his car on his way to work, and had gotten a broken leg and a few broken ribs for her trouble.

If Ty had been anything else but a veterinarian, the she-wolf might not have made it. Once the anesthetic had worn off, however, he was faced with a creature that certainly didn't act like a wolf ought to.

She had wagged her tail the first time he had walked into the kennels, and all the subsequent times. But when he'd gone in at the end of the day to turn off lights, she would whine and whimper and howl. The noise disturbed the neighbors, so he was forced to bring her home with him.

He had no idea why he'd do such a thing, but Bella, as he'd taken to calling her, never growled, never snarled, never pulled her lips back from her teeth in a display of aggression.

Ty was changing his mind about the wilderness thing; the wolf was housebroken, after all, and seemed to understand things that he asked of her. She'd even figured out how to open the fridge, without any prompting or training from Ty.

Bella had been with him for three months now; her injuries had healed long ago. Ty had tried to release her back into the wild, twice, but each time he had found Bella sleeping on his doorstep the next morning.

The wolf was increasingly clingy, refusing to leave his side for even a moment. The last few nights she'd begun to insist on sharing Ty's bed, her soft, furry body curled up under the covers next to him.

Ty sighed as the wolf hopped up onto the bed and promptly stuck her nose under the blankets, tossing them up so she could crawl under. He shook his head and followed, Bella hadn't done anything, but Ty was still very wary about having a one hundred and forty pound apex predator cuddled up next to him.

He sighed and closed his eyes, drifting back to sleep. He began to dream, finding himself in a forest, seated on a rock next to a beautiful young woman with long, white-grey hair and golden eyes.

She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him, which Ty accepted. They were soon in each others' arms, clothes being scattered to the winds, her skin was soft against his, and they were soon locked in sensual embrace.

Ty gasped at the strong, powerful sensation, more real than any wet dream he'd ever had. He felt... strange, there was a weight on his legs that didn't match up with anything in the dream.

And as Ty grew increasingly aware that it was indeed a dream, sleep began to rapidly slip away from him, and he found himself waking up. The sensation of weight on his legs was most assuredly that of Bella. The odd thing was that the powerful stimulation of his member continued.

Teeth. He felt teeth. And a ridged, canine mouth roof, and a long, wolven tongue lapping at his shaft. His first thought was "There is a wolf giving me oral sex", his second "Wolves don't engage in oral sex", his third "Wow, this feels really good", it wasn't until his fourth that "There are very sharp teeth in a very sensitive place" came to mind.

Bella had never done anything that could be considered remotely close to being dangerous or threatening towards Ty, so he winced and slid his hands under the covers, hoping to coax her head away from his cock.

He reached down and gripped her ears gently, trying to pull her away. But Bella had gotten it into her head to do this, and she simply moved her head downward, overpowering the gentle pull.

"Oh come on... mmm... Bella, st-stop it." Ty gasped. The wolf was really good at this, better than any of Ty's few oral encounters, and quite frankly it was his first sexual act with something else in a long time, he worked himself hard and didn't take much time for social matters.

It wasn't... so bad. In fact it wasn't bad at all. If it had been a woman between his legs instead of a she-wolf, Ty wouldn't have given it a second thought. The she-wolf seemed very fond of him and well... he had kind of started to enjoy having her around. He hadn't realized how lonely his life had been until she had arrived.

"O-okay... just this once." The vet said with a sigh. Rather than trying to pull her away, his grip on her ears was used to help him thrust into Bella's eager maw. Ty could feel her tail brushing over his shins as she showed her happiness that Ty was enjoying himself.

Panting Ty now rubbed and petted the she-wolf's ears rather than trying to push her away. He used one of his feet to caress her flanks, moaning deeply as the canine's muzzle and tongue worked so wonderfully over his member, not even the best skilled woman could have done better.

The human moaned loudly and thrust his hips as best he could, his member pushing as far into Bella's mouth as it could. The climax Ty felt was powerful, pent up sexual need that had gone ignored for far too long.

He had gripped the wolf's ears during his climax, clinging to her, caressing his wonderful lover while his seed was licked up, swallowed by the eager she-wolf, her tongue milking every drop out of him.

As the human laid back and basked in the afterglow of his climax, Bella cleaned him up and finally climbed off of him. The wolf lay down next to Ty, resting her head on his chest.

Ty rolled onto his side, hugging Bella, stroking her back, enjoying the feeling of her soft fur against his bare skin. He could feel strange movements under her skin, gentle pulls, occasional pops, and a general stretching sensation.

"What's happening to you?" He asked, tossing the covers aside for a better looks.

As Ty watched, the wolf's body began to change, her limbs growing longer and thicker, forepaws growing larger, the short toes lengthening. Her canine torso began to flatten, growing wider, but shallower. In a few moments it was obvious that she was most definitely becoming more humanoid.

Bella looked down at herself, then up at Ty, eyes questioning. The human smiled, "Don't be scared." He whispered, "I'll take care of you, no matter what you look like."

He found himself leaning forward, his lips meeting her muzzle for a kiss. Her muzzle opened, allowing the human's probing tongue within. Ty found himself erect almost immediately. His inhibitions toward her seemed to have crumbled completely towards her. If he'd have stopped to think about it, he might've found it odd. But he didn't stop; he pushed himself gently into her.

He couldn't stop himself; he craved the touch of her soft fur against his body, the sweet sensation of her inner walls around his aching shaft. Bella returned his embrace, her forelegs now proper arms, even if her paws were still paws.

The human kissed the wolfette deeply, mmming, tongues entwining, pushing against each other, soft human flesh pushing against deadly fangs while a rough canine tongue explored the human's mouth lovingly.

Ty felt a gentle push against his chest, and he moved a hand from Bella's back to find one of her new breasts, which he began to caress. He broke the kiss and looked into her amber eyes, a smile on his face as he spoke, "My turn to please you."

The respite from the kiss only lasted for that moment, as the two were locked into a passionate kiss once more, Bella's muzzle shorter now, her face and head more human-like, much as her body had been.

She panted as her lover drove his manhood into her, the sensation foreign, as she had never mated face to face before, having always been mounted from behind like the animal she had been.

It was so different, gentle and loving. His hands were not simply gripping her, they were pleasing her, caressing her, adding to the sensation, making her feel good. Not just slaking his lust, but rather making sure both of them enjoyed it.

The she-wolf's eyes began to tear as she clung to her human lover. The feelings she had for Ty were beyond any that she had been capable of as a normal wolf, the complex thoughts and desires that had filled her confused mind months before, filling her with such confusion and dread that she had rushed out in front of the car, hoping the frightening strangeness that filled her mind would flee in the face of the pain, or that...

She banished the thought from her mind, she had been confused then, and she no longer feared the complexities and oddness of her conscious mind. She loved her life now, she belonged along side humans, perhaps she was even becoming one of them? Ty's embrace fulfilled her in ways she would never have imagined possible.

"T-Ty...." she whispered, her body now granting her the ability to speak, where once her words remained entirely in her mind. She cried out with pleasure, lightly clawed fingertips digging into Ty's back, pulling him as tightly against her as the she-wolf could bring him.

She quaked as her pleasure rocked her, rocked her in ways that her fully canine form and mind would never have allowed. With her climax, her body surged, finishing her transformation. She was bigger than before, heavier. Whereas she had been a somewhat large wolf, she was the size of a very, very large human.

Her lover seemed so tiny in comparison to her, so soft and small, in need of protecting. Ty looked up at her with awed wonder, and expression that was soon obscured by Bella's more human face, her muzzle short and blunt, more like a reminder of what once had been.

The she-wolf felt a strange sensation between her legs, a dull, throbbing, warm ache. She reached down with one of her new hands and gripped what she found there. Thick, throbbing, and already slick with pre-cum was a member of her own. She wasn't quite sure where it came from, but she knew exactly what she was going to do with it.

Ty opened his mouth to speak, but found a grey furred finger over his lips, "Sssh, my mate..." Bella whispered, "You've shown me what it is to make love as a human. Now let me show you what it is like to mate as a wolf."

The human simply nodded; his mind still lust-fogged despite his two rapid-fire climaxes. He didn't resist as Bella rolled him onto his belly, coaxing him up on all fours. He hadn't a second thought about the slick, bestial prick that his beautiful she-wolf rubbed teasing against his backside before coaxing it in.

He moaned as she entered him, her member a strange, hot presence within him. He cried out as she thrust hard into him, pushing the swelling knot at the base inside him to tie them together.

"Mmm... now you can't get away until I'm done with you," Bella said with a grin, "And afterwards you're stuck with me, and you'll have to cuddle, like it or not." She teased.

She leaned down, wrapping her arms around her lover's waist, she wasn't going to give him the full wolf experience. After all, human skin was attached all over the place, you couldn't get a good grip on it with your teeth without hurting them. Plus she wanted her male to thoroughly enjoy the act. He had taken her in, treated her well, trusted her to share his bed, the least she could do in return was grant him the best pleasure that she knew how.

Her softly padded handpaw curled around the human's shaft, stroking him rapidly. As she thrust into him, his body pressed back against her own, she felt strange sensations over his body, beneath the skin, which seemed to be loosening up a bit, like a wolf's.

Bella giggled with delight at the prospect of her lover becoming a bit more canine, just as she had become a bit more human. She willed his changes onward, wanting him to feel the wonder of a wonderful new body.

She felt his member change first. The tube-shaped human length quivered in her hand is it grew larger, longer, the head vanishing, the length narrowing and transforming to end in a point. She felt the knot swell at the base, and lavished attention upon it. She couldn't wait until she could feel it inside of her, the best of both worlds.

Soft, grey fur soon covered her lover's body, Ty's soft human skin replaced by a thick, gorgeous pelt. Bella grinned as she leaned down and took the scuff of her mate's neck into her mouth, biting down gently. Ty cried out as her thrusts began to gain in power as she made him unable to control his own movements. She pulled him up out of his crouch and into a kneel, nearly lifting him into the air, trapped against her body.

The arm that gripped her lover's chest felt something strange, a pressure against her body, as if something were pressing against her. Moving her arm just a little bit she discovered the cause. It seemed that just as she had become partially male, it seemed that her mate was becoming partially female to ensure the perfect match.

Much as Ty had done earlier, Bella took a breast in her hand and began to caress it. She could feel her lover's form shifting, a masculine body acquiring feminine curves and shaped, but still retaining an echo of the male form that had been there.

Ty twitched her new, triangular ears, which tickled as they moved positions on her head. She wasn't sure how much longer she could go on, she'd been trying to hold back, prevent herself from climaxing until her mate had signaled her own pleasure.

The new sensations of new parts, the gentle tingle of her transforming body, the soft, strong warmth that embraced her so tightly, it was all too much.

Ty threw her head back, her face pressing forward into a small, blunt muzzle, and howled to signal her pleasure. The grip on her neck scruff vanished and Bella's howl joined her lover's.

The two lay on top of the covers, panting with the efforts of their coupling. Ty pressed back against Bella, her head sandwiched between her larger lover's breasts. The former male didn't mind, she rather liked having a strong, sexy she-wolf to protect her.

Ty giggled as the larger herm's tongue caressed her ears, she tilted her head upward, allowing their tongues to meet in a wolven kiss.

The former human smiled at her mate, "So, how are we going to go about making a pack for ourselves then?" she asked with a grin.

Bella snorted, "A pack?! Urf, I've worn myself out with just you, and you want to go and add more?"

Ty nodded and grinned.

The big herm sighed and nodded, "If that is what my mate wants, it is what she will get. Though you have to remember that you're going to be responsible for any new pack members you decide to adopt. I'm not going to be snuggling them for you, you know."

"But I would hope that you'd be snuggling them with me."

"Oh yes, I most definitely will. Such is one of the alpha's duties to his... her... whatever... pack. Now that I've started thinking about it there is this rather cute park ranger..."