Yomi: Just Another Day

Story by Eronu Redsky on SoFurry

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A/N: based on concepts by Yomi. This is an older work, not as good as my recent ones in my opinion, and not as good as Yomi 1.

Take care of yourself.

How could he free himself?

Listen, Yomi.

He needed to get out.

Come on, listen to me: they won't kill you.

His body still ached from last night's punishment.

They could've have done it before.

Shadow! Where are you?

You promised meâ€"

â€"Yomi woke to a new day, his second amongst the lady's manor.

Deep within its body, he stirred, and stared around. It felt like it was deep down, at least, the walls issuing forth the cold airs of the northern dawn. Breathing on his neck. There, chained against the chilled slate and wood panels of what he dubbed the bed chambers, he heard the castle wake around him. Restless.

Sleep flickered in front of him. He wanted to pass out again.

For the most part, the only sound beside him was the occasional crackle or snap of an ember in the torches. Yet, the outside world persisted. The clatter of metal inched through the stones below his legs, Voices, all the same, penetrated from every angle.

Nothing but whispers.

He hated them, for their freedom. They could roam. They could do as wished, while he shivered from two days nude on the stones, a massive poster bed covered in silk sheets and satin pillows colored like gold and just a few arm lengths away.

Chains kept him from it, the black iron biting into his arms. Causing welts to rise, the flesh below the fur turned into uncooked meat. Bloody, hard, and red.

It caused a heat to rise in his chest, lungs, and head. An image: the body of a vixen, moving better than any dancer could, bare to him. He wanted to fuck her, and he wanted to knock her around for doing this to him.

If only. If only he could get out. Convince her. Make her release him. Then, he would be free.

Shadow, is that's what you'd do? He wriggled in the chains. Still caught in them. Yeah, you would. You'd spin a few lies, be out of these in a second, and smash a tooth or two of hers out. Well, maybe I'll try it out. Maybe I'll succeed, too. Yeah. Give it a shot.

Why not? He'd rather die with her blood on his claws, shot down by her soldiers on the run out, than freeze and his choices die more each day.

He smiled at the thought, and nodded off again to the smell of baked bread wafting up from the kitchen. He had little else to do, and he had to save his strength anyway.

The creak of wood brought him back to the world. His amber eyes flicked open, and his head turned to the one door in or out of the chambers. A small white hand held it open.

He groaned.

His mistress stepped through, body swaying with each movement, planting one dainty bare foot before the other. Her eyes radiated warmth he wished he had. A thin smile curved along her muzzle. "Good morning, pet, how did you sleep after your mistress excited you so?"

He started to open his mouth with a growl, but halted. Calm. Stay respectful, gain her trust. Yet his anger burned through his head, he hated her so much for what she did to him and to other people, using them and hurting them like no more than property. He had to focus on something. Yomi almost grinned: that body of hers. Today, to his shock, she wore a dress that covered her fully. A lilac skirt hung past her ankles, the scarlet bodice remained tied tight, and the lace sleeves hung to her wrists. Covered up so, he glimpsed just her breasts, ample enough to push out the bodice top enough so he could see the tops of their mounds.

Still amazing, that no dress could hide or cover by much, yet a stab of disappointment struck him. He would not even have the pleasure of gazing at the vixen's statuesque legs or rosy nipples stiffening in the cool air while she punished him.

"Answer me, kitty, or shall we play last night's game?" She stopped in front of him and leaned down, her raven hair spilling down over her shoulders and breasts. "Oh, how you enjoyed that."

"I slept okay, Mistress Rue." He looked up into her stained glass eyes. "And, if you please, I don't like being impaled by that...thing." He almost growled. Almost.

"It seems as if you slept too well." She pursed her muzzle lips. "I will decide what you like, pet, and I must say that even if you didn't love being broken in by that piece of wood you did get quite a perk up from plain old me." She faked a pout. "Did you enjoy my body, pet? Tell no lies."

"Mistress Rue, Iâ€"yes, I did. It's all I can think about, even now." That, and the scent that lingered on her, the cold rush of winter outside mingled with fresh spring flowers. It caught in his nose yesterday and he had yet to rid himself of it. It made his legs weak and his cock hard.

"How sweet of you, pet! No wonder you slept well with me running through your dreams." She smirked. "I had a dream, too, kitty. You failed to enjoy me drilling you because it was too...fake, shall we say? Some good prince came to see you and reamed you with a cock far bigger than my wood one and yours, you pathetic worm." She placed a hand on his shoulder, drawing closer to him. "Except my dream will come true, and yours will not. What do you think about that?"

With a grin, she pressed her muzzle against his, slipping a warm tongue into his mouth. He wished to the gods that his hands were free, so he might wrap his arms around her waist and pull close to his chest; stunned, he could only sit there as she nipped at his muzzle lips.

She pulled away what he swore to be hours later, still wearing that smirk. "Do not think I gave you a gift, there, pet." She licked her lips. "I just wanted you to find out what I taste like, so you gain some perspective on what makes a lady in my standing better than the whores in the streets, besides my riches and looks."

She was right, he had kissed females before, but none tasted so fresh and good, so sweet, touching mouthes with them. And from what he glimpsed yesterday, she did have a body other females would kill and cry and pray for. He doubted that the other nobles could equal its sleek figure and solid look.

"Now, I bid you farewell, kitty. My father awaits me in the dining hall, and we don't keep daddy waiting." His mistress flicked a claw out, sticking it to his throat. "I can't introduce you, unfortunately. We're not on the best terms." Rue slit a cut in his neck, skin deep, letting a drop of blood ooze out. "I'm sorry to leave you so alone, pet. I'll make sure other entertainment comes by to keep you busy since you don't have me"â€"she stood up, arching her back and tossing up her hands in a fake yawn, her breasts being pushed straight out, as she shook her hips and ass slightlyâ€""to comfort you. I think you'll love one of them." Her eyes flashed. "He's a bear. The model for my wooden toy." She lowered voice to a whisper. "We couldn't fit his full size onto the model, though. He'll be sure to show you."

He felt a glimmer of last night's pain. "Please, Mistress Rue, please I'll be fine alone. Or with others. Just not him. I'm begging you!"

"You'll be good either way. I don't want to hear that you tried to run from him, or I'll have him mount you an entire day, even when you sleep." With deliberate slowness, she walked out giving her body, rear especially, an exaggerated sway. Calling over her shoulder, she said, "Besides, I've fit his cock, and bigger, in me with little problem. And can't a male do everything better than a lady?" She giggled before the door slammed shut.

The door snapped open minutes later. In strolled the two huskies from before, this time in full armor.

He sighed. She had been bluffing, thank gods.

He let the huskies unchain him and stood waiting for them. They looked about his size, maybe slight more muscle on them. He could take them, but would he want to? Now, when the whole castle seemed on edge and alert? He doubted he'd reach the front hall, forget getting out. No, he would plan. Think like Shadow did.

The huskies tossed a tunic and a pair of breeches at his feet. They resembled sacks, brown, misshapen, and spotted with tiny holes. "Put them on, slave, and quick." They watched him, unmoving. He followed orders. "Follow us, and do not speak a word unless you want a sword in your guts."

He nodded. Why are they moving me? Is it the bear? They dragged him out, hands tied behind his back.

Yomi found himself in a long hall the width of a coffin. Cold slate stones walled him in. Tapestries did their best to keep out the draft, the eyes of the figures on them watching him past, riders and hunters and champions long gone from this world. He stepped through the dim light, blind to the stark walls and castle rearing about him. He turned from them, and stared ahead. Watching the hall stretch on.

They passed door after door. Took a wind in the hall to the left. Proceeded down a corridor lined by paintings of the Northlands and the Wilds. The mouth of Rameal Gorge. The outstretched claws of Holly Peaks. Dovetail Forest, stretching on for dark miles, swallowing the land. Villages huddled below a cold world that ignored it. Castles rearing above houses and such villages, the might of the rulers stomping down on the folks below.

Yomi's mind churned on these things. He wondered how the war went, and a better question: Why?

They ascended a spiral up into a circular tower. At the top, they tossed him in the room and locked him in. He found himself amongst a mass of shivering, decrepit life.

Chained to bricks, lashed to each other, hanging from ceilings, bloody and bruised and so tired of living, his fellow slaves waited. He growled and clenched his fists.

The room stank with the sweat of the many. Yomi wanted to retch.

He settled in with them, at the center, where a gap of four feet remained not taken. His eyes drifted. Wolves, foxes, humans, a big lizard, several panthers, a lion, and types of avians unknown to him; male, female; young, old. They all were penned in here, about thirty in total. What're we doing here?

He fought the growl that wanted to rise to his throat. He crossed his arms, tucked away his feelings. Tried to. She deserved no fine words for this. His mistress. He would ruin her if he could, once he got away. Shadow or no Shadow, I'm getting out. Tell whatever enemies she had what he might. Ruin her.

"You're new, aren't you, big cat?" a voice, gnarled like a tree that sat through ten years of storms, said. "Still fit, still strong looking. She'll break you in time, if your head isn't there already."

He turned to meet the amber eyes of a wolf in her fifties. Her gray fur had lost its darkness, fading into a mix of white and pale slate. She wore clothes like his, and she shook when she spoke. "Who are you? And do you know why we're here?"

"My name is, was, Mischa." She glanced around her. "We're here thanks to politics, Northlands politics. The mistress' daddy doesn't like slavery. Part of the reason all of those armies are fighting, that and land titles. No emperor will command the people up here, no common law can reach out to unify or smoother us. So they fight it out, as they have for years."

He nodded. "I've a little of that before. I travel, traveled, and fought for money so I heard some about here. My name's Yomi. Nice to meet you."

"You too, Yomi. I've been in the service of Lady Rue the past five years for stealing bread from my town's market. She was riding through, saw me, and had me taken with her for punishment." Her voice cracked. "For a while, I...entertained her guards. They find me too old, now. They use me as a maid, instead."

"Why are you still here? Bread shouldn't take you that long to pay off, maybe a week in jail or a few coins."

"I think you know, young one." The she-wolf leaned in, closer. "She enjoys us. Loves commanding us, body and mind. When she needs or feels like taking a slave, she'll do anything to do so. To preserve her golden reputation with the lords she sides by and that fool father of hers." A quivering hand motioned to the rest of the slaves. "Some did what she said, thieves or adulterers, some didn't even go that far. She made those up, I suppose."

He sneered. "She did the same to me. My friend and I camped in a valley, and she rolled in, tried to have her guards hurt us, and when we fought back she captured me. My friend got away."

"Lucky he did. She would have killed him, or you, one of you, as an example. With one, she'd want to play with you."

"She does. That's why I need your, or someone like you, to help me out." He put his mouth next to her ear. "What do you know of this castle? What are its exits, its entrances, and what're its people's routines?"

She pulled back and smiled. "All right. I might as well. It's the one chance I have to fight before I overwork myself." She whispered to him. "I don't know much, but here is what I do know, big cat."

A half hour later, Yomi heard the shouts. The stomps of many boots.

The door swung wide open. A lantern cut a swath a light over them. Large shadows grouped outside the door. A voice, Mistress Rue's, called out, "The wolf! Bring out the wolf! They say it was her doing!"

Rough hands took his new friend from him. Mischa. Borne away by the husky guards, she shoot him a pleading look before the door slammed shut.

The room grew silent. Still.

Screams crashed in from outside. A wail from Mischa's mouth.

The door opened again, and Rue said, "Take them to their proper places. Bring the tiger to my room. We'll share our grief together."

Strong hands brought him through the filth, what remained of the people there, and into the stark glow of the hall. He caught sight of Mischa, slumped by the door, her throat sliced cleanly across.

"Mistress, why did you kill her?" Yomi couldn't but speak. He was lucky he could hold his tongue further.

"I should punish you for speaking, slave." Rue glanced at him for a second, and then walked on ahead, not looking at him. "My father was killed during our dinner by apparent poison. He choked on his own blood, I've heard. From questioning the cooks, we believe that she-wolf was responsible for dipping the venom in, likely paid off by the Regainelds. Now keep quiet."

The bedroom again. Stripped by the huskies, forced to the wall, chained. Left alone with his mistress. She paced around the room, and for the first time he noticed the crown of iron resting on her head.

She must have seen his stare. Smiling, she tossed her hair back to make it more visible. "How does my new jewelry look, slave? Does the color suit me?"

He didn't know what to say.

"That's fine, pet, keep your words. I can barely speak, myself." She stalked around the room, working her way closer to him. "I am no longer Lady Rue, you know." She stroked his muzzle. "I am Queen Rue. My father, thankfully, passed the crown to me today." A slight smile twinged at her muzzle.

He said nothing. He guessed, from what he had heard of her, what she had done. He didn't want trouble.

She pressed against him, bringing her mouth and that shockingly fresh scent near to him, brushing her nose by him with the ghost of a touch. Her breasts resting on his bare chest; he could feel the nipples through her dress. "We should celebrate, shouldn't we pet." She put a hand on Yomi's head, and bent it forward to meet the top of her heaving breasts with a grip he could not shake. "We need...entertainment, don't we?" She scratched him between the ears, drawing shivers from him. He had never wanted to pounce her so badly. "I have an idea how we might keep ourselves busy, pet."

Rue arced back, brushing her breasts against him a second time. Thank gods the chains held him, his knees felt so weak, shaking under him.

She whistled. The door opened, and in strode a bear with a grin smeared all over his face.

Fear rose in Yomi. He found his legs. No, no, not this.

"Greetings, sir knight," Rue cooed, eyes moving to the bulge in his crotch that he kept plainly visible. "You know how to treat a lady." She winked and patted the bulge. He rumbled in return. "Let's see how you joust with a male." She pointed at Yomi. "This one needs your lessons, Gaerin."

The bear growled at Yomi, baring rows of needled teeth. He strode over to him, unchained him, and reversed his position. Yomi didn't bother resisting, though he flinched at Gaerin's touch, a twinge of fear running up his spine that for once in his life didn't make him feel like a coward. The bear made certain his bonds suffocated his limbs, drawn tight.

Yomi shut his eyes.

Heard the pop of a buckle. Rustle of cloth. Pants dropping to the floor. And the stomp of heavy feet approaching him. He even felt the bear above him, looming far above his six feet in height, a shadow engulfing his body.

Yomi's breath drew still. He told himself that it couldn't hurt worse than last night, that they'd stop it as a joke, and that Gaerin couldn't possibly be too bad if Mistress Rue could take him in her as simply as she said.

All thoughts in his head shattered in the next instant. He felt the bear's arms wrap around his chest, and in that second a massive piece of meat shoved past his butt checks. He hissed, growled, and gasped. Felt his hole pucker, spread, spread, until it could no more. So tight. Gaerin spread him to breaking point.

Breathing in and out with a moan, Yomi realized for the first time that this was real. The bear must be over a foot, he knew, and wider than four inches. He would use those fourteen or fifteen inches to stab at his insides for however long he wished.

The bear thrust in. Yomi's head slammed against the stones. The bear growled, upping his speed, his large balls smacking against Yomi's ass with each thrust.

After ten minutes, Yomi felt his body grow numb, and his mind dulled. He wandered, in pain. He surfaced when the bear let out a growl so loud it rang his ears, just in time for the bear to shoot his load. The bear gripped Yomi tight by the ass, clawing at his checks, and shoved him against the wall as he discharged burst after burst. It dripped down the poor tiger's ass and legs, too much to stay in him.

Still, the bear was hard, his cock flesh tearing at Yomi's rear. The bear gave him a few more pumps, pouring out every bit of fluid he had, before ripping the meat out of him. Yomi gasped, collapsing in his shackles.

The bear switched him around to face the room before striding to Rue's side and bowing. "He won't bother you again, mistress, unless he enjoys being treated so pathetically." The bear aimed a grin at him. Yomi, between blinks and a sight growing blacker by the second, caught sight of the beast's cock and balls, dangling there in the open air...not fourteen or fifteen inches, no, it must stretch out a good sixteen and carry a width of five, crisscrossed by those large veins.

"Thank you, sir knight." Rue cooed, watching the bear's cock relax. "Let me reward you, since you had to debase yourself by dirtying your cock with his lowly touch." She wrapped a hand about the bear's flesh and lead him by it to the bed. "Sit down." He followed her, quiet and obedient as a cub. "Just watch." She lifted her dress up, flashing her far stretching legs and the tight slit housed between them. She shook her hips, swaying her bushy tail from side to side, causing the bear's eyes to grow wide and his cock to leap to attention. "Now, show me how much more of a male you are."

She climbed onto his massive rod, not easing onto it but slamming it into her. A satisfied moan worked its way out of her throat. She jerked up and down on his flesh, causing him to grunt. She finished him off in five minutes, allowing a fresh burst of seed to explode from him and drip onto her bed sheets. She lapped his seed up, licking her lips, in love with the taste.

Then, she pulled herself off of the bear, a loud pop sounding, and ordered him out. When they were alone, she approached him, that telltale smile staining her face. "How did you enjoy your treat, pet? Hm? No words? Good. I'll treat you to more than that, then: clean the seed off my thighs and the bed, and I'll let you rest for the night, kitty."

He said nothing.

"Pet?" She smacked him across the face. Recovering from the bear, her hand caused his eyes to swim in blackness, his head spinning. She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes.

He jumped, straightening his body to attention. More awake. "Yes, Mistress Rue."

She leaned in. " 'Yes, Mistress Rue' what?" She lifted her hand again.

He didn't want to do it. But he needed her trust more than he needed to avoid another "treat" or whatever else punishment she dreamed up. "Yes, mistress, I will clean you and your bed up. Please."

Her hand dropped. "That's better, pet. Maybe you'll be a decent slave, after all."

She began to unchain him, and he thought: Where the hell are you, Shadow? If you don't come soon, I'll try my way. He just had to hold on long enough.