New Girl

Story by Harry on SoFurry

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This is highly preposterous pornography. I had meant to make it even more preposterous, but I helplessly found myself writing plot and character development despite my best intentions. Please forgive me.

The character Hadiya belongs to a friend of mine, and I wanted to write a filthy story about her when she was a teenager.

Hadiya is a hermaphrodite (the fabled full-functioning dual sex type), so if that does not float your boat, you've been warned.

The new girl had been sitting by herself at lunch for at least a week before Sarah became aware. This didn't surprise Sarah's best friend, Tiffany. Sarah had always been the sort of mouse who had a lot on her mind, and often wanted to share it at length. Even when they were little, it was Sarah who had come up with the elaborate make-believe stories she and Tiffany and Tara would act out in Sarah's little back yard play house. When Sarah had a project, there was nothing that could distract her. And until last week, that project had been getting elected freshman social activities chair. Having succeeded at that endeavor, Sarah was itching for a new one. Her pink, whip-like tail lashed behind her while she brainstormed ideas for the first freshman dance, which was months away.

Tiffany had noticed the girl, of course. She was a rabbit, like Tiffany. On the very first day she had come into the cafeteria, Tiffany had greeted her with the traditional lepine ear-semaphore, broadcasting her health, fertility status, current level of relationship commitment- the usual. The new doe had signed back a very short (almost rude) reply, basically telling Tiffany that she was healthy and some ambivalent signals for the rest. It had seemed very weird to Tiffany, but she had shrugged it off and decided if the girl didn't want to be friendly, then it was no whiskers off her nose. Still, she kept an eye on her every day at lunch, curious about the mystery doe.

To Tiffany's surprise, it was Tara who noticed the new girl before Sarah. Tara was a plush bookish skunk, and seldom seemed interested in or even aware of anything going on outside her very close friends. Tiffany wasn't sure Tara had any other friends- she seemed painfully shy to most people, maybe even a little slow. Tiffany knew that last part wasn't true, though. Tara was one of the smartest cookies at West Orange. It was probably the way she walked- a sort of lumbering gait with her eyes usually fixed on the floor in front of her and her enormous striped tail held down, almost brushing the ground. Tiffany had once set Tara up on a date with a skunk boy she knew from orchestra, but the boy had been almost as shy as Tara and the date had been an awkward disaster. Tiffany had idly wondered how in the world skunks managed to breed if they were all like that.

Sarah was caught in the middle of a sentence when Tara suddenly asked, "Who's she?" while looking towards the doe's table.

Sarah blinked and said, "...what? Who are you talking about, Tara?" in an exasperated voice- obviously Tara had not been listening to the latest plan for the dance theme.

Tara motioned with her nose, and then quickly focused back on her sandwich, as if afraid of being caught staring. Sarah finally saw the rabbit, sitting by herself by the window. "Oh! Huh. I don't know. Is she new? I didn't hear about any transfers," she said while continuing to study the doe, leaning back and craning her neck, obviously not at all concerned with being noticed herself. Sarah could see that the doe sat a bit taller than Tiffany, and had mostly caramel-colored fur (whereas Tiffany was white all over), though the front of her neck and cheeks and chin were white. Her ears (both of them pierced in several places on the outer edges) grew darker at the tips to a deep brown, like chocolate. She had a good amount of wavy black head-fur that grew past her shoulders in back, but was trimmed short of her green eyes up front. Her attention was focused out the window she sat beside, unconcerned with the cafeteria crowd.

Tiffany said to Sarah through a mouthful of salad, "You've been a bit busy lately."

"Yeah..." said Sarah, as if not really listening. She was still looking across the cafeteria. "You should invite her to come sit with us, Tiff," she added.

"What? Why? And why me?" shot back Tiffany.

Sarah shrugged and smiled. "She's a rabbit, you're a rabbit. Plus you already did the ear thing, right?" the mouse girl pulled on the ends of her rounded ear-cups, and moved them about in a parody of the semaphore.

"That's not funny," Tiffany declared, folding her arms. "And yeah, I did. And her super short little answer basically said 'Don't bug me'."

Sarah returned to nibbling her lunch and explained, "Well, we're supposed to make new people feel welcome and it looks so far she's been sitting alone at lunch every day since she got here."

"She has," Tiffany confirmed, nodding.

Sarah looked over at the girl again, ears swiveled in her direction. "One of us really should go over there."

Tiffany sighed and rolled her eyes. She could almost hear Sarah's train of thought switching to a new track. Ding, ding! Forget the dance, here comes the new project! "All right, miss Grade 9 Social Activities Chair. Why don't you go and extend a West Orange High welcome to the new girl, hmm?" she smirked.

Tara spoke softly, "I think she just needs to know we want to be friends."

Tiffany turned to her, arms still folded. "Then you go over there, Tara."

Tara's eyes widened and she shook her head. "No! You know I'm no good at stuff like that."

Sarah said, "C'mon, Tiff. Rabbits represent!"

"Don't even start."

Sarah said, "Fine. Since you're too... whatever to talk to the new girl, I'll do it. It's why everyone voted for me, right?" The mouse pushed her tray back and got up from the swivel seat attached to the table. She threaded her way towards the window where the solitary rabbit sat in the sunlight.

Sensing somehow that the mouse was headed her way, the doe looked away from the window and swiveled her ears toward her. Sarah put on her most congenial smile and was pleased to see the doe smile back, even if the smile was guarded.

Sarah sat with a seat between them and said, "Hi! I'm Sarah. Has anyone actually welcomed you to West Orange yet?"

The rabbit replied, "Unless you count the people in the office, no," in a distinctly British accent, which surprised Sarah.

"Well, let me be the first then! I love your accent, by the way. Are you from England?"

"I was born there, but I don't really remember it. My mum is British, and I suppose I just learned my accent from her."

Sarah looked at the rabbit's tray. She had clearly brought her lunch from home instead of getting cafeteria food, and it looked quite exotic to the mouse- some kind of flat bread, two pasty-looking dipping sauces, and a salad that seemed to be mostly cucumbers. She asked, "Is this British food?"

The doe giggled into her paw. "No- this is Lebanese food." She pointed to the various items on her tray. "Pitas, hummus, baba ganouj, and fattoush."

Sarah was impressed. She'd never even heard of them, except the pitas, which she thought were for making wrap sandwiches. She said, "Wow! That's so cool! Want to come eat with us?"


Sarah pointed back to where she had been sitting. Tara gave a shy little wave and Tiffany even did a little more of that rabbit ear thing.

"How could I refuse?"

"Great! Bring your tray- I bet Tiffany and Tara have never seen Lebanese food either. Oh! Uhm... what's your name?"

"Hadi," replied the rabbit as she stood up from her table and picked up her tray, following the mouse. Once they reached Tiffany and Tara, Sarah made introductions as they sat down. Tiffany was curious about Hadi's lunch, and got the same explanation that Sarah had.

Hadi asked Tiffany, "Would you like to try a little?"

Tiffany shrugged and accepted a cut piece of pita and dipped it in the hummus. "I like to try new things, sure," she claimed, before eating.

Hadi grinned and asked, "Is that so? I'll keep that in mind."

Tiffany narrowed her eyes and asked, "What's that mean?"

Hadi giggled again and shook her head. "I'm just glad not everyone is afraid of me. Do you not get new students very often?"

"Not in the middle of the semester, no," offered Tara quietly.

"Perhaps that explains it, then," said Hadi, resuming her lunch.

Tara continued, "I don't know what I'd do, if I had to go to a new school where I didn't know anyone," punctuating it with a nervous shiver of her tail.

Hadi replied, "Oh, you get used to it after a couple of times."

Sarah asked, "So you move around a lot?"

Hadi nodded. "My dad's job."

"How long do you think you'll be staying here?"

"The last couple of times it's been a year, give or take."

"So do you have friends all over the place now?"

Hadi paused a moment, and then said, "Some. Some places I wasn't there long enough, or no one wanted to say hello."

Sarah grinned. "Well we're not like that! We'll help you fit right in for as long as you're here, Hadi."

Hadi smiled and said, "Thank you, Sarah. So what do you do for fun here?"

Tiffany replied before Sarah could, "Well, I'm in band, Sarah is in like three clubs..."

Sarah interrupted, "Five!"

Tiffany rolled her eyes and said, "Five. And Tara is..."

This time Hadi interrupted. "I meant outside of school."

"Oh!" blinked Tiffany. "Umm..."

Sarah took back over. "Well, there's the mall, and... well, the mall. In the winter there's skating at the pond, I guess. And swimming in the uh, same pond in the summer too." The mouse trailed off, trying to think of something more impressive for the cosmopolitan rabbit, who seemed to be waiting for more options. She suddenly piped up, "Hey! We're going to spend Friday night at my house. Want to come?"

Tiffany shot her an open-mouthed incredulous look, but Sarah wasn't paying attention. Hadi blinked and cocked her head. "I... suppose I don't have any plans... what's the occasion?"

Sarah gleefully explained, "Oh it's no occasion, we do it a lot! My mom and dad don't mind us hanging out in the basement den watching movies all night. We all live in the same neighborhood. Where do you live?"

"Oh, we live in a flat west of Ridgeland. Is that far?"

Tiffany hastily interjected, "It's pretty far, yeah. Too far to walk."

Hadi gave Tiffany a sideways glance and said, "I shall have to see if my mum will drive me over. That is, if it's all right with everyone else?"

Tara nodded, of course, and Sarah answered for the group, "It's totally all right. Here, let me write down my number and address for you." Sarah bent down to rummage through her backpack.

Tiffany suddenly stood up from the table and picked up her tray. "I've got some reading to do before English. I'll see you later, Sarah. Nice to meet you, Hadi." Hadi waved even though Tiffany appeared to be in a hurry to leave.

Once Tiffany was out of sight Hadi remarked casually, "I don't think she wants me to come."

Sarah waved her paw dismissively. "Oh, that's just Tiff being Tiff. She doesn't like anyone at first. I thought maybe you being a rabbit would be different, but she's just like that with everyone, I guess. She'll be fine once she gets to know you."

Hadi nodded and smiled. "I do hope so."


Walking home from the bus stop, Sarah got an earful from Tiffany. "What were you thinking? Inviting her to movie night. You don't even know her!" The doe made over-dramatic hand (and ear) gestures to emphasize her point.

"Oh, stop. I like her. She's so... neat! Don't you love her accent? She sounds like she should be in a movie herself."

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Everyone in England sounds like that. Hell, maybe she has some kind of hick accent to them but to you it sounds all fancy and sophisticated. What about you, Tara? Are you mesmerized by Lady Hadi Flibby-Bouncington the third?"

Tara giggled at Tiffany's made-up name. "I think she's nice. And I tried some of her lunch after you left. It was yummy."

Sarah grinned, whiskers quivering. "Ooh! Maybe we can ask her to bring some Lebanese food!"

Tiffany made a short growling sound and said, "All right, fine. But when she turns out to be a spaz or something, you better have a plan on how to get rid of her."

"Jeez, Tiff, I don't think I'll have to if you have that attitude. She already picked up on your opinion, you know."

"I already said fine, ok? See you tomorrow."

Sarah nodded and Tiffany turned down her street. She clicked her teeth and flicked her tail and asked Tara, "What's up with her? She's being touchier than normal."

Tara looked back, catching a glimpse of Tiffany's cottontail fluttering in agitation as she walked away down the sidewalk. "Maybe she doesn't like competition."

Sarah laughed. "She thinks I'm looking for a new rabbit best friend?"


"That's silly. No one could replace you guys! Maybe they're after the same buck or something."

Tara nodded without comment and they walked the rest of the way to her street in silence before splitting up with a wave.


"Absolutely not, Hadiya," her father said with crisp emphasis.

Hadi slapped the table with a paw, making plates and glasses jump. "Why not? They invited me!"

"Do not raise your voice to me," warned the relatively short jackrabbit buck.

Hadi looked down at the table and said softly, "Sorry, dad. But Sarah seemed so eager for me to join them. She even wants me to bring a Lebanese dish. I thought perhaps some dolmas..."

Her father sighed and put down his fork. "Have you told them?"

"Told them what?"


Hadi scowled and spat back, "No, I didn't tell them. I'm not supposed to tell people, right?"

"Do you believe they would still want you to join them for this party if they knew?"

"Maybe? I don't know, dad. And it's not a party. We're just going to watch movies. Please, can I go?"

Her mother spoke up. "She can't go through life hiding from everyone, dear."

Her father's ears swiveled towards his wife. "Oh, so it is two against one, then. Do you forget what happened in Belleville?"

Hadi let her mother take over and did her best to hide the smile that kept threatening to creep across her muzzle. Her mother insisted that Hadi was older now, and more aware of the delicacy of her situation. Hadi wisely kept her mouth shut. The battle was more or less won. Her father could never best his wife in an argument.

After it was decided that Hadi could join her new friends at Sarah's house (and she agreed to her father's list of token conditions which included avoiding any discussions involving immoral acts and of course not sharing in any alcoholic beverages), her mother happily made preparations for a large batch of stuffed grape leaves. Half were to be for her father, to mollify him. The other half Hadi could bring along.

Hadi returned to her room. She now wore a triumphant, wicked smile. No, she had not forgotten Belleville. She knew better now. That would never happen again.


Hadi climbed out of the passenger seat onto the sidewalk in front of Sarah's tidy suburban house, swinging her backpack over her shoulder and then carefully lifting the glass serving bowl full of stuffed grape leaves. Before she could close the door her mother said to her, "Have fun with your new friends, Hadiya. Don't make me regret taking up your cause."

"I'll be good, mum," she reassured her casually. She shut the door behind her and hurried up the flagstone path.

She rang the doorbell and heard footfalls beyond before the door was opened to reveal Sarah, grinning madly. "Hadi!" she squeaked, backing up a step with the door open. "Come in! Tiff and Tara are already down in the theatre."

Hadi stepped across the threshold and perked her long ears. "Theatre?"

"My dad made like a home theatre setup in the basement. That's why we have movie night at my house."

"Brilliant! I can't wait to see it. Where can I set these down?" she indicated the grape leaves.

"Ooh! What are those?"

"Dolmas. Stuffed grape leaves. My mom made them."

"Let's put them in the kitchen," decided Sarah, leading the way.

Hadi followed, soon finding herself in a bright, very clean kitchen. Sarah's mother was there, apparently making a cheese tray. She appeared to be an older, slightly chubbier version of Sarah- Same short grey fur, dark round eyes, and muzzle full of white whiskers. The rabbit smiled. "Hullo Mrs. ... uhm, Sarah's mum!" she said with a giggle.

Sarah's mother smiled. "It's Mrs. Howe, dear. And it's so nice to meet you! Oh, what did you bring?" her nose and whiskers twitched as she asked.

Sarah answered, "Dol-mas!"

Hadi explained, "Stuffed grape leaves, Mrs. Howe. I hope you all like them. They're one of my favourites." She lifted the cover off the dish and let the aroma out.

"Oh how exotic! I've never had them before. May I?"

Hadi nodded. "Of course."

Sarah's mother picked one out and bit it in half, exclaiming, "Mmm!" and inspecting the interior for clues as to the ingredients. She licked her lips after swallowing. "Lemon, dill, hmm... something else. Very good! Do you think I could have the recipe?" she asked, then popped the other half into her muzzle.

"I'll ask my mum for it."

Sarah was growing impatient. She said, "Let's go downstairs! C'mon, just bring them with you."

Hadi moved to pick up the serving dish but Sarah's mom said, "Hold on, let me grab a few for Mr. Howe before you kids devour them all." She fetched a bowl from a cabinet and picked out six. Hadi grinned. Then Sarah was tugging on her elbow. She turned and waved to Mrs. Howe with her free arm.

Pounding down the carpeted stairs to the basement of the house, Hadi could hear Tiffany talking as they turned a corner at the bottom and entered the home theatre that Sarah had mentioned. It was a long rectangular room with an enormous flat-screen television dominating the far wall. Currently it was showing a teen-oriented sitcom Hadi had seen once or twice. Tiffany and Tara were sprawled on the carpeted floor in front of it ignoring the program for now. The sound seemed to be turned off or down so low that Hadi could not hear it despite the speakers mounted to the front and back walls. There were two big plush couches set further back from the screen, the rear one on some sort of riser. Hadi dropped her backpack on that one as she and Sarah walked down the side of the room towards the front.

"Hadi's here! And she brought yummies."

Tiffany's ears perked and she and Tara sat up, leaving their scattered magazines and books on the floor. Hadi set the dish on the nearby coffee table and Tiffany followed her wiggling nose over to it. Without hesitation, she picked one out and bit into it curiously. She nodded, and finished the morsel before declaring, "Now that's not bad."

Following Tiffany's lead, Sarah and Tara tried for themselves. Hadi had one as well, licking the slightly oily juice from her fingers after.

After agreeing that Hadi had brought awesome snacks, the foursome sat on the floor in front of the mute screen, passing around teen magazines and sharing comments on the articles and models.

Hadi picked up a school directory, which had headshots and names for all the students and began scanning through the pictures. Sarah scooted right next to her and looked over the pages, pointing out people and giving her opinions for some. Hadi wasn't pictured or even listed, as she had transferred in weeks after the book was printed. Tiffany occasionally offered her own frank assessments of the people being discussed. Tara was, as usual, quiet. Hadi filed all the information away as best she could.

"Oh, this buck is hot," said Hadi, pointing to a photo of a smirking male rabbit with rough, rustic-colored fur.

Tiffany perked her ears. "Who?"

Hadi read off the name. "Philip Guzman."

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Don't bother. He plays for the other team. Exclusively."

Hadi giggled. "A shame."

"Yeah, you're telling me."

"Who would you recommend instead?" asked Hadi, handing the book to Tiffany.

"Well, what are you looking for?" she inquired back, turning the book around and flipping pages. She gave Hadi a direct look and asked, "A quick fuck or a shoulder to cry on?"

Tara gasped and Sarah hissed, "Tiffany! My mom might hear you! Wait until they go to bed."

Hadi ignored Sarah's comment and gave Tiffany a wide, buck-toothed grin. "Can't I have both?"

Tiffany shook her head, "Nope. Doesn't exist."

Hadi swiveled her ears and said, "Oh, pish-posh. How many have you tried, then?"

Tiffany's ears pinkened a bit, especially as Sarah and Tara and Hadi were all looking at her now. She stammered, "Enough to know, ok? So which is it, Hadi?" she shot back.

Hadi sighed and said, "Well, if I had to choose one or the other, I'd probably go with the quick fuck."

Sarah gaped and squeaked, "Hadi!" and Tara giggled despite herself. Tiffany just grinned, and went back to flipping through the directory.

Tara said, "When you say that word, it sounds so much naughtier, Hadi. I think it's your accent."

Sarah said, "Just... wait until later to talk about that stuff, ok? My mom is such a prude and I'll get in trouble if she hears us."

Hadi asked, "What about your dad?"

Tiffany answered before Sarah could, "Oh, he'll come down to 'check on us' before he goes to bed. I'm pretty sure he likes it when we're all in our pajamas by that point."

Sarah leaned over and play-shoved Tiffany in the side. "That's gross and he just wants to make sure we're ok."

Tiffany rocked with the impact and said "Uh-huh," while winking at Hadi, who raised an eyebrow.

Sarah made a frustrated sound. "Rabbits! Is this all you think about? To think I was worried you and Hadi wouldn't get along, Tiff."

Hadi laughed and changed the subject. "So, what film are we watching?"

Tara answered, "You mean,' what are we watching first'! And I vote for comedy."

Hadi nodded, "That sounds good. I'll watch almost anything, really."

Sarah crawled to the row of cabinets under the big screen and started reading off titles. Hadi couldn't help staring at her upturned mouse bottom, clad in a pair of denim shorts. In this position the shorts were pulled so tight that Hadi could see the outline of her panties, and even some cameltoe at her crotch. She shifted a bit and squeezed her legs together and looked away. Tiffany was giving her an odd look, brows furrowed. Hadi pretended not to notice and looked at the silent people on the screen instead.

A movie was agreed upon after a few rounds of argument, mostly between Tiffany and Sarah. It seemed to come down to which one they had seen the fewest number of times. They settled in to watch, with Hadi and Tiffany on the front couch and Tara and Sarah on the floor. The film was a romantic comedy which even Hadi had seen before, and so there was a fair amount of discussion led by Sarah and Tiffany about which situations seemed the least likely, and which actors and actresses were just there to look good.

Sarah seemed unable to pick a spot on the floor she liked, trading in one giant pillow with arms for a couple of smaller pillows before finally lying flat on her back. Hadi noticed, and said, "Sarah?"

The mouse tilted her head back so she could just see Hadi sitting on the couch behind her. "What?" she asked the rabbit.

Hadi simply patted the front of the couch between her legs with both her furry paws in an unspoken offer. Sarah grinned and rolled to her knees to crawl over to the spot in front of Hadi. She sat herself down with her back against the couch and said, "Thanks, Hadi. My back has been killing me all day. How'd you know?"

"Oh, I could tell," said the doe, slipping her paws over the mouse's shoulders and beginning to rub gently. She turned her fingers to point towards the ground and pressed the tips into Sarah's upper back in quick little moving pinpoint probings, looking for stress, watching the mouse's ears for reactions. Once she had an idea of where Sarah was tight, she began to massage with slow, firm rolls of her palms.

Only Tara was watching the movie at this point, as Tiffany was focused on the scene next to her with a slight frown on her muzzle. Sarah made a quiet little squeak-moan and hung her head down, staring at a spot on the floor between her legs. Hadi could see Tiffany almost-fuming out of the corner of her eyes and eventually she said, "You can be next after Sarah, Tiff," without looking to the side.

Tiffany said, "I'm fine, thanks," with a little more acid in her voice than she probably meant to express.

Tara turned around, curious as to what Hadi had meant. She said, "Oh! Can I... have Tiffany's turn, then?"

Hadi nodded, smiling, her eyes still on Sarah. She had grasped one of the mouse's upper arms and lifted it up gently and was rolling her shoulder joint in slow circles with her other paw rubbing her shoulder blade. Sarah was making a nearly orgasmic moan, as if selling the quality of Hadi's work. She looked up at Tara and said, "Oh my gaaaawd she's good at this..." before letting her head hang down again.

Tara asked, "Where did you learn how to do that?" while craning her neck to get a better view of Hadi's paws.

Hadi explained, "Well, at the school I went to before the last one, I had some friends in the theatre club."

Tiffany laughed, as if understanding immediately.

Hadi smirked and continued, "Yes, well, one of the other girls, her mother was a professional masseuse, and passed on some of the knowledge her mother had taught her. So really, I'm not very good, compared to a real masseuse. Or even a masseuse's daughter. But I'm very glad you like it."

Sarah just moaned again. It was difficult to tell if she was still just doing it to be dramatic. Tiffany asked sarcastically, "What else did you learn from the theatre kids?"

Hadi giggled, working on Sarah's other shoulder now. "You sound like you might already know, Tiff. Is there a theatre club in West Orange?"

Tiffany's only answer was a huff. Tara narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't get it."

Hadi explained, "They're little more... comfortable with each other, you might say."

Tiffany clarified with a roll of her eyes, "They make out backstage, Tara. Like, all the time."

Tara nodded, and then added, "Must be nice..." which made Hadi look up at the skunk, giving her a smile and a wink. Tara bit her lip and looked back at the giant screen.

Now that Hadi had Sarah loosened up quite a bit, she began to work her back in earnest, bending the mouse forward and dragging her knuckles down on either side of her spine. Once she even saucily kneaded at Sarah's rump, which earned her a delightful squeak. She slowly brought the massage to a close with some light patting, using the sides of her palms up and down Sarah's back, then some firm rubbing at the back of her neck, right at the top of her spine. Sarah shivered and gasped, then moaned sadly when Hadi finally said, "Ok, Tara's turn."

Sarah mumbled, "Don' wanna move," so Hadi picked up her feet and hopped to the side, landing right up against Tiffany while patting the front of the couch between her legs, as she had done with Sarah. Tara eagerly crawled over and sat in front of Hadi while Tiffany looked annoyed, ears splayed out, at the encroachment into her couch space.

Hadi ignored her and began to work on Tara, commenting on how much tighter the skunk seemed than Sarah, under all that soft fur. Tara didn't say much, and in fact had her eyes closed as Hadi worked her shoulders and back. She had trouble keeping her bushy tail out of the way, and eventually Hadi had to gather it under one of her knees and more or less sit on it. Tiffany pretended to watch the forgotten movie, and Sarah had slumped onto her side on the floor, eyes half-lidded and unfocused.

Hadi was working her way down Tara's back with her thumbs when she looked over at Sarah and giggled., nudging Tiffany with her knee. "I think I made her cum."

Tiffany perked her ears and started to say something, but then stopped, clicking her teeth. Sarah spoke up languidly, "It's like... how you feel afterward, actually. Soooooo relaxed..."

Tiffany looked over at Sarah with her mouth open, ears angled forward. "You said you hadn't gone all the way yet."

Sarah stretched, still on her side on the floor, reaching out with fingers and toes and arching her back before slowly sitting up. She said quietly with a pout, "Doesn't mean I haven't had an orgasm, you know."

Tara had begun to make a low trembling churring sound, deep in her chest, as Hadi loosened up her shoulders and upper back. Hadi kneaded at the spot near the base of her skull, right at the top of her spine and commented, "It's different when someone else helps. There's something about just being touched."

Sarah said to Hadi, "I guess you've... 'done it'? Tiffany has, lots of times."

Tiffany hissed, "Sarah! What happened to 'save that stuff for later', huh?"

Sarah shrugged, still obviously a little out of it. "My mom and dad are kinda prudes and stuff but I know what goes on at your house, Tiff. You know that one brother of yours- Ted?"

"I don't want to hear this," Tiffany declared.

Sarah went on anyway. "I would totally let him... you know."

Tiffany said, "Well! I'll just let him know then."

Sarah squeaked, eyes wide. "Oh no! Don't tell him. I was just saying."

Tiffany couldn't seem to let it go. She continued, "Maybe I should call him up and invite him over too! We can all take turns with him."

Sarah blinked. "What's gotten into you, Tiff?

Everyone was looking at Tiffany now. She rubbed her temples with one paw and sighed, "I'm sorry. My head hurts. Do you have any aspirin?"

Sarah nodded. "Sure, up in the kitchen. Cabinet next to the stove." She rolled to her feet and stood up, a little unsteadily. "Here, come on, I'll show you, Tiff," she said as she headed for the door. Tiffany followed.

Once the pair's footsteps could be heard ascending the stairs, Hadi said to Tara, "I hope I'm not causing a row by being here. I thought I was getting on fine with Tiffany for a bit there."

Tara's eyes were closed, either from the massage or from not wanting to see the conflict going on. She said in a low voice, "Up until you touched Sarah."

"Ahh, I see," nodded Hadi, realizing that Tara was more observant than perhaps anyone gave her credit for. She asked the skunk, "Does Sarah know?"

Tara shook her head.

Hadi began combing her fingers through Tara's headfur lightly and tsked. "Poor Tiffany. I can relate."

Tara raised her head, pushing back against Hadi's paw. She said, "I know."

Hadi's fingers stopped moving and she sat still for a hearbeat. She cautiously asked, "You know?"

Tara turned her head and nuzzled Hadi's fingers, stealing one shy glance up at her face before looking away. "I know that you like girls. I can tell. It's ok."

Hadi let out the breath she had been holding. "Boys too!" she laughed. "How could you tell?"

Tara shrugged and then leaned forward to try to reach for her toes. She could only reach halfway down her shins, however.

Hadi took the opportunity to use her knuckles against Tara's elongated back as she stretched. She asked the skunk, "What about you, then?"

All Hadi got was another shrug, and then Tara finished her stretch and leaned back, resting her head against the rabbit's knee. Tara churred softly, "Thank you, Hadi," though she didn't move away.

Hadi stroked the back of Tara's head gently and released the tail she had been holding down. Tara immediately gave it a whiffle and Hadi gathered it into her lap, combing her fingers through the wispy long strands of black and white. She offered, "Perhaps it would make Tiffany happier if you sat with me for the next show."

Tara nodded silently.


When Sarah and Tiffany returned from their expedition upstairs, it was decided that pajama time had arrived. Each of them took a turn in the basement lavatory changing into their nightclothes. For Tiffany, Sarah, and Tara this consisted of panties and an oversized top. Tiffany wore a football jersey, Sarah wore a white T with silk-screened butterflies, and Tara had brought a black T with a video game logo on the front.

Hadi ended up being the only one wearing actual pajamas- a matching two-piece powder-blue flannel outfit. She was also the last to change. Hadi was still fussing with her pajamas when there was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Sorry, almost finished!" she called while still inspecting her reflection. A combination of her panties and the loose-fitting pajama bottoms would hide her secret well enough, provided she sat correctly. She experimentally pulled the front of her pajama bottoms tight against her groin. A bit of a bulge, but not too awful. Suddenly, the doorknob turned and the door started to open. Hadi quickly fluffed the front of her pajamas back out again and crossly said, "Is there a problem?" to the intruder.

It was Tiffany, and she slipped into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Her sheer jersey clearly showed the lack of a bra underneath as it draped almost perfectly from her nicely developed chest. Hadi struggled to bring her eyes up to meet Tiffany's, away from the points of her nipples. When she did, she found the other doe giving her a knowing smirk.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Tiffany said, nodding.

Hadi played innocent. "What?"

"I caught you staring at Sarah's ass. And then the gropefest. Which team do you play for, hmm?"

Inwardly, Hadi smiled, but dropped her eyes to Tiffany's feet and crossed her arms, trying to appear ashamed when she was anything but. She asked, almost as if she were requesting Tiffany's permission, "Can't I play for both?"

Tiffany also folded her arms. "I don't care, really. But I want to make something clear. That mouse is my best friend. And I'm not going to let you get into her pants and fuck that up."

Hadi raised her eyes again, looking right into Tiffany's. She asked, "Why? Have you been there already?"

Tiffany raised her hand, as if to slap Hadi, but caught herself in time. She grit her teeth and said, "No. Not that it's any of your business."

"She doesn't know you feel that way, mm?" asked Hadi, nodding.

Tiffany stared at Hadi then finally sighed, shaking her head. "No. Sarah's a little... sheltered. And we've known each other since we were little. I'm hoping... anyway, now you know, so just... don't, ok?"

Hadi reached for Tiffany's forearm with her paw, stroking gently. "I understand, and I'm sorry." She took a step closer. "But..."

Tiffany looked up suddenly. "But what?" she demanded.

"But can I still stare at your ass?"

Tiffany blushed in her ears and then made a small squeaking sound as Hadi let two fingers stray across her chest, brushing over a nipple. She swiveled an ear in the direction of the door and fluttered her tear-drop tail. "I... this really isn't the time! I mean... Sarah and Tara are right down the hall, and..."

Hadi interrupted her, "Didn't we agree on a quick fuck?"

Tiffany wavered, and Hadi cuddled right up to her side. Tiffany stepped back and said, "No, look, we can talk about this some other time, ok? I..."

Hadi held Tiffany's paw and said, "I just want to taste you," and then licked the back of Tiffany's knuckles while watching her face.

Tiffany's resolve shattered and she huffed and pulled her paw back. "Ten minutes. If we stay in here longer than that they're going to start to wonder."

Hadi grinned victoriously and said, "Hop up on the vanity."

Tiffany's heartbeat raced. She couldn't believe she was actually going to do this! She had often fantasized about doing it with Sarah in here, or in her bedroom, or on the couch in the theatre, but that could still happen. No reason she ever had to know about this. She could already feel the little twinge in her lower belly, that little itch that begged to be scratched. She pulled her panties down and let them pool smoothly on the tile before obeying Hadi's command.

Hadi knelt on the floor, her head now level with Tiffany's crotch. She rested her paws on the other doe's knees and wiggled her nose, catching Tiffany's scent. Growing arousal met her nose as she gazed at the pure white down of her vulva. She licked her muzzle and moved in quickly. She didn't have all night to enjoy this, alas.

Pressing her wiggling nose against the other girl's labia she inhaled again, shivering slightly. Out of Tiffany's sight, Hadi's secret arousal strained against her panties. Tiffany gasped instead at the touch of Hadi's nose, and then again, louder, when Hadi's tongue-tip flicked up along her slit, carefully exploring. Hadi squeezed Tiffany's knees and probed deeper between her folds, finding her vulnerable bare flesh, just barely moist with her tangy juice. She watched Tiffany's chest (and the pert breasts perched thereupon) rise and fall faster as she worked the girl open, getting her wetter and hotter. She could feel the quivering excitement in Tiffany's legs and hear the occasional muffled squeak, especially when she drew her tongue across her shy little button.

The next time Hadi looked up, Tiffany had her eyes closed, and her muzzle open. Hadi moved own wet muzzle away for a moment and asked, "Thinking of Sarah?"

Tiffany opened her eyes and glared down at Hadi. "No..."

Hadi brought one of her paws in between Tiffany's thighs and stroked her puss with two fingers. "Good," she said, and Tiffany's eyes widened. Hadi slipped both fingers into Tiffany's opening and rubbed at her clit with her thumb. Tiffany closed her eyes again and moaned. Hadi grinned and said, "You like both, too." Tiffany nodded without opening her eyes. Hadi said, "I'll keep your secret if you keep mine."

Tiffany was wriggling back and forth on the edge of the vanity and just nodded, panting. Hadi continued, "But you don't know my real secret yet." That got Tiffany's attention and she opened her eyes, to find that Hadi had stood up while fingering her. She had her other paw tugging at the side of her pajama bottoms and panties, grinning in an almost predatory manner. Tiffany dropped her gaze down to Hadi's pajamas and gaped as the other "doe" pulled them down, first one side and then the other, until what looked like a penis suddenly appeared, bobbing free of its recent restraint. It stood twitching (and even oozing clear pre-cum from the opening in the tip) between the hanging tails of Hadi's flannel pajama top, below the lowest button. Tiffany struggled to sit up, her eyes as wide as they could be, and her voice cracking. "Y... y-you're a..."

Hadi suddenly pulled her fingers out of Tiffany's muff and pressed them to her her open muzzle, forcing her to smell her own arousal. She shushed her, shaking her head. With one paw she lifted her top out of the way, and with the other, wet one, she grasped her penis and pulled it up against her belly, showing Tiffany both her secrets. Below her pink shaft was clearly a vagina, the moist slit parted slightly and a healthy pink within. In place of a clitoris, Hadi had that... that dick. It took Tiffany a moment to process it all, and she couldn't tear her eyes off of Hadi's crotch. With Hadi tugging her "extras" up out of the way, Tiffany failed to notice that Hadi's puffy labia seamlessly became testicles up near the base of the shaft.

Hadi giggled and said, "I wasn't kidding when I said I played both sides. I seem to remember you claiming you liked to try new things?"

Tiffany looked up at Hadi's teasing smile and then glanced at the closed bathroom door. Her pussy ached a little from the absence of Hadi's fingers, but she was too confused to decide what to do. Hadi moved in closer, the tip of her cock nudging Tiffany's folds. Sensing the new contact, Tiffany looked down, her mouth still gaping. She began to hyperventilate.

Hadi cooed, "Feels just like a buck, I promise. Plus... I have these!" as she unbuttoned her pajama top and thrust out her chest. She was a little less endowed than Tiffany, but they were clearly genuine female breasts, capped with small erect nipples. Tiffany couldn't help but reach out to brush the backs of her fingers across one, then cup and experimentally squeeze. Hadi closed her eyes and quietly purred.

Tiffany finally managed to find her voice. "How... what... I... I..." she stammered.

"Questions?" asked Hadi.

Tiffany snapped out of her daze. "Well, duh. I've never even heard of... of someone like you! What did you expect me to say? Fuck!"

Hadi pushed her hips forward and the tip of her cock slipped into Tiffany's slick opening as she said, "I was hoping you'd want that."

Tiffany splayed her long ears and said, "No! I... I didn't mean..." she huffed and then looked down, watching as Hadi slid all the way into her. She... he? did feel like a buck. She groaned quietly and then spasmed around the invading member as she felt it twitch inside her, just like an excited buck would. She panted, "Is that your clit or... a... a cock?"

Hadi just shrugged in response. She leaned in closer to Tiffany, asking in a soft, almost apologetic voice, "If you could fuck a hot girl with your clit, wouldn't you do it?"

Tiffany had to nod, and Hadi began to pull back out. Tiffany whimpered a little, until Hadi thrust back in, slowly starting to speed up. Tiffany stopped offering protest and instead began to pant and moan while pawing at Hadi's chest. Hadi's breathing also became a bit more labored, but she stayed quiet otherwise. She started to grind her hips to Tiffany's before pulling back out on each stroke and the other rabbit clearly pushed back.

Tiffany let go of Hadi's tits and gripped the edge of the vanity again, tight. She mumbled, "Fuck this is crazy hot... what happens when you cum, Hadi?"

Hadi huffed, "Going to find out soon."

A nagging thought crossed Tiffany's mind. "Wait, do you shoot, like, boy cum?"

Hadi's eyes were closed and her ears were flipped back and down. She nodded and sighed, "Uh-huh." She seemed to be humping the other girl on auto-pilot now, speeding up a bit.

"Like, the kind that can get me pregnant?"

Hadi shrugged, either not knowing or caring.

Tiffany raised her feet, but didn't plant them against Hadi's stomach to push her away, though for a moment it looked like she would. She had never felt this turned on, ever, and her mind clouded over with a mix of base instinct and adolescent irresponsibility. So instead she balanced with her knees and feet up in the air and just grunted, "Do it. Shoot it in me."

Hadi nodded and began grinding her cock into Tiffany while the doe looked down in a trance. Tiffany could feel the quivering, tingling arousal threaten to overtake her- her fingers and toes were almost numb. She had never felt this out of control. Finally Hadi made a short little coughing sound and pressed in deep. Tiffany could feel Hadi's clit-penis jump suddenly, pressing against the top wall of her cunt. Then it jumped again, and this time she could feel it-that little blossom of heat deep inside that she recognized from the times she had let boys cum in her bareback. She had only done that a few times, and only once before with a buck. He had said he was on inhibitors, and luckily Tiffany had not become pregnant. Would she be as lucky this time? Most of her mind didn't care as suddenly she felt the hot, sharp burst of an orgasm wash over her groin and then up her spine. She had to bring a paw up to her mouth to bite her wrist in order to muffle her scream. Somehow Hadi managed to ride through her orgasm silently, her spurts tapering off after half a dozen. She moved her hips in a circle, stirring the mess she left inside Tiffany around.

Both rabbits spent another minute or so enjoying the post-orgasmic trance until Hadi backed away a step and her softening shaft slipped out, followed by a steady drip of whitish semen which fell onto the edge of the vanity. Tiffany looked down at her oozing slit and just said, "Wow." Hadi was already buttoning her pajamas back up. When she finished, she leaned in close and kissed Tiffany, who responded enthusiastically once she realized what was happening. Hadi brushed Tiffany's cheek with the back of her fingers and said, "Remember, keep my secret and I'll keep yours. And I'll stay away from Sarah. I might even be able to help..."

Tiffany just nodded, still half zoned out from the orgasm and the incomprehensible situation. Hadi stepped to the side, made sure her hair and pajamas were neat in the mirror, and slipped out of the bathroom without another word.


"But we always watch one of those," whined Sarah. Hadi was not sure what "one of those" was. Tara was the one looking through cases now, and Hadi could see the skunk's wide upturned rear end, mostly covered by a pair of magenta panties, with that enormous brush of a tail held up high. If she hadn't just come down from an orgasm, she would have had to test the concealment abilities of her pajamas. She smoothly slipped into the back row and sprawled on the couch, catching her breath and enjoying the view.

A couple minutes later, the toilet flushed and Tiffany came out of the bathroom and walked down the steps to the front of the room, a little unsteadily. Only Hadi noticed, though, as Tara and Sarah were still in debate.

Sarah was holding the remote control, flipping through television channels. She looked back at Hadi and said, "Maybe Hadi should choose, since this is her first movie night." She looked to Tiffany then for confirmation, but Tiffany looked away.

Hadi nestled back into the couch. She said, "Hmm... something scary."

Tara sat up and turned her head to look back, slightly tilted. "Axe-murderer scary or ghost scary or..."

"How about alien scary?"

Sarah had a dubious look on her face. She started, "I'm not..." but Tara had already bent back over at the cabinet under the screen and was pawing through the titles with renewed energy. "I know exactly the movie!" she squealed, and in a few moments had produced a case with a green-tinged picture of dripping teeth. Sarah bit her lip and looked to Hadi, who nodded.

"I saw that in the theatre when it was new. It's fabulous!" said Hadi.

Sarah moaned, "I'll never sleep again..." as she realized her opinion was in the minority. She crawled onto the front couch next to Tiffany, pulling an afghan blanket over herself and chewing on a nail. Tiffany looked a little surprised, and stole a look back at Hadi, who took the opportunity to nod and motion towards Sarah with her nose.

Tara fed the new disc into the player and carried the remote back with her to the rear couch. She clicked through the disc's menu and started the film, settling in next to Hadi.

The film started slow, building up tension artfully- this was no slasher flick. By the time things began to go seriously wrong on the spaceship Tiffany had her arm around Sarah, who couldn't seem to pull her eyes away from the screen, despite the fact that every time something jumped out she squeaked and nestled closer to her rabbit friend.

On the rear couch, Tara was not even remotely paying attention to the movie because Hadi had resumed kneading her back. Tara seemed unable to get enough of Hadi's paws, and had her eyes closed and her fur fluffed up, betraying the goose-bumps her skin underneath carried. Hadi very cautiously began to expand her rubbing and caressing outside the bounds of Tara's back and neck. Just before she slipped her paws around the plush skunk to brush her tits from either side she nuzzled Tara's ear.

"Comfy?" she whispered as she cupped Tara's full chest.

Tara didn't gasp, or stiffen, or even whisper back. She just made a low churring sound in her chest and whiffled her tail, which was draped over the back of the couch.

Hadi took that as open encouragement and slipped her paws a bit higher, still cupping Tara's breasts, but this time finding the peaks of her nipples through her t-shirt. She strummed her fingers over those points and nuzzled the back of Tara's neck with her wiggling velvet nose. Something loud and scary happened in the movie and Sarah screamed. Hadi looked up to see Tiffany stroking the mouse's silky-straight white headfur in the glow of the screen. Sarah had finally reached her limit and had her face buried against Tiffany's side. Hadi grinned. She gave Tara's nipples a tweak and that earned her a little squeak from the skunk, who opened her eyes and looked back at her. Hadi licked her lips.

Before Tara could decide what to do, however, rapid heavy footfalls could be heard on the basement stairs and Sarah's father quickly appeared at the doorway. He huffed, "Are you girls ok? I thought I heard a scream." His eyes panned over the scene- slimy green chitinous aliens on the big screen, and two pairs of girls huddled against each other. He quickly seemed to grasp that no one was in any actual danger.

"Sarah, honey? Was that you?"

Sarah lifted her head from Tiffany's shoulder and shook it. "I'm ok, daddy. The movie just scared me is all."

"I... I can stay and keep you company if you like?" he offered.

"I'll be ok. Sorry daddy."

Hadi had quickly removed her paws from Tara's chest when the Mr. Howe had entered and now she watched him as his eyes lit on each of them in turn. He didn't seem to have any obvious reaction to the way Sarah and Tiffany were nearly entwined on the front couch. His eyes lingered on Hadi, though, possibly because she was a new addition. She smiled to the mouse in the dim light of the screen and he opened him mouth, but then closed it again and just nodded. He looked at Tiffany and Sarah again and then simply turned and walked back to the door at the back of the room, one paw in a pocket of his sweatpants, adjusting himself.

Once he had climbed the stairs again, Hadi nosed at Tara's ears again and murmured, "I bet he wanted to stay." Tara nodded silently and leaned back against the rabbit. Hadi rested her chin on Tara's shoulder and whispered, "Scoot forward."

Tara didn't even ask why; she just complied. Hadi gently lifted Tara's tail and crawled behind the skunk, stretching out on her side. Tara turned her head to look at Hadi, and Hadi grinned, resting her cheek on her paw. She grabbed a nearby throw pillow and placed it next to her head and patted it. Tara pulled her legs up and then stretched out on her side as well, spooned up against Hadi. Once Tara was cuddled up close, Hadi ran her fingers down the skunk's curves, from shoulder to hip. Tara let her tail settle on top of Hadi like a blanket.

Hadi whispered, "Can you still see the movie?"

Tara shook her head no, but didn't appear to actually be concerned. Hadi gathered a bit of panty-clad skunk rump and squeezed, then rolled, then kneaded. Tara shivered a little and stayed still. Hadi nosed closely at the back of Tara's neck, then began to nibble a little. This made Tara squeeze her shoulders together at first, but she soon relaxed and pushed her round bottom against Hadi's lap. Despite her recent adventure, Hadi could not help but stir, the ache reminding her it was too soon. Hadi moved her paw back up to Tara's waist, then slipped under the tail of her t-shirt, fingers combing through the lush warm fur of her soft belly.

The movie seemed to pull back from its previous clamorous terror into a quiet, more suspenseful scene. Neither Tara nor Hadi were paying much attention as Hadi lazily expored Tara's body underneath her top. When Hadi reached the skunk's nipples, she found them stiff, the flesh of the entire aureoles crinkled and erect. She traced little circles around them, first one and then the other, listening to the skunk's low churring and occasional quiet squeak. If the squeak was loud enough, Hadi would glance up at the back of the couch in front, but all she could see were Tiffany and Sarah's ears, close together, and it seemed like they were still watching the movie.

Hadi's paw left Tara's breasts and she began to run her claws through the fur of her belly again, working her way over the curve to the elastic waist of her panties. She slipped her fingertips under the band and continued the lazy arcs, the sweep getting smaller and smaller, all the way down under the curve of Tara's stomach to the warm and pudgy mons below. Tara had her thighs squeezed tight together so all Hadi could do was pet Tara's short silky pubic fur. Tara didn't appear to be eager to open up her legs, so Hadi returned to kneading her bottom, this time trying various spots, from high on her hip to low under her tail, to the backs of her thighs.

Hadi thought she wasn't going to get any further until she tried scratching at the root of Tara's tail, on the topside right where it became her spine. Tara arched and gasped at that, pressing her bottom back and her belly out and curling her toes. Hadi scratched harder, of course. Tara brought a paw up and bit on her knuckle with her eyes closed. The warm pressure of Tara's bottom pressing backward made Hadi's snugly contained shaft twitch back, eager to find the skunk's pussy despite the ache. Hadi wasn't sure she could push Tara that far, though. She was harder to read than Tiffany. She wondered if Tara could feel it against her. Perhaps she already knew? She seemed so observant. Hadi relented from the tailroot assault and let Tara slowly relax her arched spine. She rested her paw over Tara's belly and just cuddled behind her, nuzzling at the back of her head.

Hadi whispered as quietly as she could, as the film had gone deathly quiet. "Tara?"

The skunk drew in a shuddering deep breath and turned her head to look back at Hadi. Unfortunately, dead silence in horror movies is usually followed by sudden noise and terror, and Hadi had seen this film before, so she should have been expecting it. The noise made both her and Tara jump, and Sarah squealed into Tiffany's shoulder on the front couch. Tara was still looking back and Hadi was reduced to pantomime now that guns were firing and people were shouting on screen. She brought one paw up into Tara's view and extended two fingers, then made a little repeating curling motion with them. Tara's eyes widened and she bit her lip, looking away, at the front couch's occupants, then back at Hadi. She deliberated, looking at a point in space near the floor, but then finally closed her eyes and shook her head.

Hadi dropped her paw to Tara's side and stroked her slowly, then kissed her shoulder and nodded. Tara seemed tense again, so Hadi brought both her paws up to Tara's shoulders and began kneading, regardless of the awkwardness of being on her side. Tara slowly relaxed once again, but Hadi did not let her paws wander under any of her pajamas again. She knew she walked a much thinner line with Tara. Besides, perhaps Tara just didn't like the thought of being discovered. Hadi could wait. Her dick protested by throbbing angrily against her panties. She mentally chastised it. Hadn't it been lucky enough for one night? She twisted her hips so that it pressed against the couch and not Tara's bum. Eventually, grudgingly, it subsided, though the moist feeling in her groin remained. Hadi sat up, and Tara followed, resting against her much as Sarah rested against Tiffany in front of them.

Hadi tried to watch the movie, but she couldn't focus on it. Her mind raced with recent memories of fucking Tiffany in the bathroom, and being so close to fucking Tara right here on the couch. Tara was so warm and soft, and she seemed to like her. She felt suddenly confined and fearful, remembering how her advances had once cost her everything, before she knew how to control them. She realized she had been close to doing it again with Tara. She could not be sure of much with the skunk, outside of the fact that she seemed starved for affection. She had another idea, though.

Hadi whispered in Tara's ear, "I need to get a drink. Need anything?"

Tara shook her head and sat up to let Hadi up.

Hadi stood up and quietly made her way to the door without looking back. She climbed the stairs as quietly as she could on her soft-furred feet, emerging near the kitchen. The light was out now, but she could see the flickering glow of a television screen from another doorway. She looked around a moment before she spotted the switch. She silently crossed the floor and clicked the light on.

All of a sudden there was a sudden commotion in the room with the television. The glow disappeared abruptly and after a moment Sarah's father appeared in a cinched white terrycloth bathrobe. Hadi had opened the refrigerator door before he arrived and was already bent over, apparently looking for a beverage. He said nothing. Hadi smiled and stood up, turning her head to look at him.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Howe."

The middle-aged mouse gaped and then stammered, "H-hi. Uhm. You must be umm... Sarah said..."

"Hadi," she supplied. "I didn't get to meet you earlier, just your wife."

Mr. Howe's eyes flicked to another doorway briefly and then returned to Hadi, specifically her tail, which she fluttered helpfully. He said, "Right, uh, she went to bed. And I guess... I guess I was about to as well. Did you... uhm, need anything... Hadi?"

Hadi didn't answer his question. Instead she asked, "What were you watching?"

The mouse turned to look behind him swiftly, as if to make sure the television was still off, and hadn't turned itself back on. Hadi looking at his robe and saw that he was obviously hiding his erection against his belly with the sash of his robe. He said, "Oh, just the uh... late show. I er, couldn't sleep."

Hadi shut the refrigerator door and walked towards him. He turned his head to see her approach and his eyes widened. She said sweetly, "I'm sorry if our movie was too noisy."

He shook his head and said, "No! No no no, not at all."

Hadi continued, "I just came upstairs looking for a drink, and I didn't mean to disturb you." She arched her back a little and accentuated her teenaged chest for the poor mouse.

Mr. Howe waved his paw and said, "L-like I said, I need to get to bed. Uhm... have a uhm... good night, Hadi." He started to walk past her and she deftly snagged the trailing tail of his sash and let his forward motion tug the bow open. His next step opened his robe and his mouse cock flopped down, still at almost full stiffness. He gasped.

"Oh, Mr. Howe! I think you were watching more than the late show," Hadi giggled.

He had a moment, then, to flee- to wrap himself up in his robe and hurry through the doorway and to his bedroom. Or possibly his bathroom first, to finish what he had started before being interrupted. But he froze instead. His big round ears turned a deep crimson and his whiskers twitched nervously. Hadi took her opportunity. She was on much more solid ground here, from what she had observed.

She cooed quietly, in a conspiratorial voice, "It's all right. I won't tell."

He exhaled, relieved. "Th-thanks. I... I'm really s-s-s..." he began, but failed to finish because Hadi had slipped her furry paw around the base of his shaft.

Hadi continued, "I won't tell that you bent me over the counter and fucked my bunny cunny." She slipped her paw a little lower and fondled his rather large set of balls. Then she walked in front of him, to the counter, shimmying her pajama bottoms and panties down to her knees while carefully keeping her penis out of sight. She leaned up against the counter and let it rest on the surface, drooling pre-cum onto the fake butcher block veneer. She looked back.

The mouse was at full attention now, his robe hanging open, forgotten. He had a bit of a paunch, but was otherwise in fairly good condition for a male with a teenaged daughter. His eyes were wide, unbelieving but unable to stop trying. He looked from her buck-toothed smile down her back to her flicking tail, then on down to her white-furred vulva. His voice failed him, and so did his feet. He didn't move.

Hadi prompted again, knowing she had him. "I won't tell that you filled my bunny cunny with all your hot mouse cum."

That seemed to get him moving. He took two halting steps forward and placed a hand on her bare rear, caressing it. Hadi nodded and rolled her bottom into his paw, wiggling it up and down. She thought she could see his cock almost bulge larger. The tip was almost purple now. She said, "I know what you were watching. I bet Mrs. Howe doesn't approve."

He shook his head.

Hadi pouted. "That's not fair at all. She'll never know... come on, before Sarah wonders where I went."

Mentioning his daughter perked his ears and he huffed, rubbing his glans up and down Hadi's slit. Hadi purred and pushed back, causing him to spread her folds. "Please Mr. Howe... I won't tell Sarah or your wife that you fucked me... just... just do it."

Seeing as he was already a little bit inside the doe, he grunted and gripped her hips with both paws and suddenly sunk into her completely. He stayed there for a moment, his cock twitching. He gasped and whispered, "Don't... don't move."

Hadi stayed still and whispered back, "I really did interrupt, didn't I?"

Mr. Howe nodded, looking embarrassed.

Hadi tsked. "When was the last time you and Mrs. Howe..."

"Months," he answered before she finished her question.

Hadi clucked her tongue and shook her head. "Don't worry about me, Mr. Howe. Just fuck me until you cum. I want to feel a man explode inside me."

His paws shook as they kneaded her rump. He kept looking at the open but dark door to the basement stairs and the equally shadowed doorway that presumably led off down a hall towards the bedrooms. He slowly drew out of Hadi and then slipped back in. Even though she had told him not to try to last long, he couldn't let himself get off in ten seconds. Both a sense of pride and the feeling that this would probably never happen again made him resist. He shifted his feet wider and so did Hadi. He began to thrust at a slight upward angle into her, moving slowly. Hadi was not making it easy on him- she wriggled her hips up and down and squeezed her kegels around him. His tail raised up as his balls tightened, and he tried to back off, to slow down.

Hadi shook her head. "No fair, Mr. Howe... I want to feel you shoot it. Quick, before Sarah comes up the stairs and sees you fucking me..."

He lost control then, and Hadi grinned. He obviously had a thing for his daughter. He realized that he had lost the battle and croaked, "Oh gods..." before grinding himself up against Hadi, pinning her to the counter. It hurt her own testicles a little, being squeezed against the edge like that, but she was able to shift herself up a little to ease the pressure. His shaft jerked hard inside her, and mouse spunk began to spew from his tip, washing over her cervix and pooling inside her as he shuddered through his climax.

Hadi cooed, "Oh, just like that, Mr. Howe... fill up my belly with your cum... I can feel it..." Her vagina tingled with the beginnings of a small climax, but it slipped away before she could nurture it into something real. She wished she could be deep inside someone too, at the same time, but such arrangements were much more difficult. She imagined being between the father and the daughter, acting as a surrogate for both in an incestuous fantasy, and that nearly pushed her over, but barring actually jerking herself off, it wasn't going to happen.

Mr. Howe just grunted, eyes shut. He stayed like that for almost half a minute, well after the euphoria must have receded. His sense was returning and he had to consider what happened next. His accustomed sexual servility prompted him to suddenly reach a paw around Hadi's waist to stimulate her to climax, since he didn't think she had reached one. Of course, once he felt what Hadi had been hiding he gasped and jumped back, shaft slipping free, trailing a milky-white strand of semen. He looked aghast.

He panted, light-headed, mouth open. "Y-you... w-what..."

Hadi knew the ruse was over and she turned around, still-turgid member pointing at Mr. Howe. She smiled at him, far less sweetly than she had initially. "I what?"

He stared at her dick as it bobbed lewdly, a drop of Hadi's pre-cum falling to the tile floor. He didn't answer.

Hadi reassured him, "Don't worry, I can take care of this downstairs," while pointing at her crotch.

Mr. Howe hissed and pointed a finger at Hadi. " stay away from my daughter!"

Hadi giggled. "I meant cleaning myself up. But I won't tell Sarah anything," she said with exaggerated emphasis. "Or your wife," she added. She asked, "You won't tell my little secret, will you?"

He backed into the refrigerator and realized he was in no position to make demands. He wilted, and quickly cinched his robe around himself like armor. He shook his head vigorously and nearly ran from the kitchen. Hadi watched him with a wide grin and grabbed a paper towel from a dispenser on the counter to stop the flow of mouse jizz before she pulled up her panties and pajamas. She decided she really did need that drink now, and bypassed the refrigerator, looking for the Howes' liquor cabinet, which she imagined had to be in that room with the television.

Neither the fleeing father nor the misbehaving rabbit noticed the eyes peering from the darkness of the basement stairs, possibly because the eyes were very close to the floor, as if their owner was sitting on the lower stairs. It may also have been because their owner had mostly black fur.