Coffee and love ch2

Story by Coffee_Wolf on SoFurry

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"Just a paper for my class, why?" Luke answered, thankful that his voice was loud enough to be heard, "I was just curious is all," the Kitsune mumbled, "i'm Zoe by the way" she said, a small smile curling its way up her sleek face. "my name's Luke" (three guesses who said that xD). Following the brief introduction, there was a small awkward silence before it was completely shattered by the overwhelmed wolf: "so... um, what brings ya here?" She just stared and her smile dissipated. "Well, uh, i just, fancied a coffee i guess; can't get enough of the stuff." He noticed her smile re-appear slightly and decided to return the gesture, warmly smiling back. Following this, there was yet another short silence. The two sat happily, sipping their drinks; Luke slightly dis-satisfied as his had gone cold by now. But he just shrugged off the unpleasant feeling, he was with the girl who had immediately snared his attention and she had approached him no less! Having fealt this new, warm feeling inside his chest, Luke immediately knew that he had to see her again, so as she rose to leave, he swiftly pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket (only the size of a small memo pad) and scribbled down his number on it before handing it to her cautiously, his paw tremblig slightly with the fear of rejection coursing through his veins. "Could you... uh, maybe call me, if, you know..." he continued babling for a few more seconds before Zoe let out a cute giggle and leant down to take the piece of paper from his wobbly paws. She nodded and simply said "sure" in a quite, re-assuring tone before turning round and leaving the small shop, leaving the awe struck wolf to contemplate what had just happned. Had she really agreed to see him again?