Celebdraug - Teaser

Story by Dewon on SoFurry

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#1 of Greymane Chronicles

Silvery rain fell over the Ironcrest mountains. In the valley, the rain draped the pines and firs in glittering cloaks. Oblivious of the harsh weather and intermittent lightning burning across the skies, the three friends celebrated their youth in each others' company. This cabin had been their very own part of paradise for years. To this sanctuary of peace and pleasure, they had gathered for weeks at a time, when the bustle and prevalent stress of the cities began to burden them. None of the friends had any love for their opposite sex, seeing them as unsophisticated and too competitive in nature, uncaring of true compassion. In one another, they had found what they craved and wanted; intimacy and the promise of understanding.

But society and families cannot always be ignored, in spite of feelings and love. So they retreated to this place to fully be able to enjoy the gifts of their unique friendship. Glorious hours, days and weeks had been spent here in a healing bliss.

Now, this evening, they shared a bed in search of the higher and simultaneously baser pleasures that could only be experienced with another woman. The sheets were already tangled, their breaths heavy and their luscious, lithe bodies were glistening.

Outside, from the darkness of the stoic and silent trees, their guest arrived.

The rain shrouded the night and allowed only glimpses of the large beast, if anyone had kept a watchful eye to the yard. The warm, flickering light from the fireplace in the bedroom spilt out from the window and reflected in hungry, wild eyes. Lips revealed rows of sharp fangs which shone white in a sea of dark fur. Through the silvered pane upon which raindrops chased each other, the beast gazed upon the young creatures within. Promises of blood and violence began to excite the great lycanthrope, but painful experience had taught it to be wary of these furless, pink beings. Deceitful and sometimes surprisingly cunning they could be. These three, however, were but cubs in his eyes and he could not see any of those long, exploding staves they sometimes employed in their pathetic attempts to survive his assaults. Still, caution he could afford, and stealth was one of his greatest skills.

A few steps and a powerful leap brought the beast to the shingled roof above the porch. A bolt of lightning crashed through the sky above and drowned the valley in blinding light, highlighting the contours of a window. This window in particular stood open to let the refreshing scent of rain soaked grass in, and could just as well serve as a silent entrance for their guest.

Through the cabin the beast moved with amazing agility, revealing no sounds to alert the women below. At the stairs to the lower floor the werewolf stopped and eased down the steps to prevent creaking.

A velvet tongue caressed a full breast in the bedroom below. Pleasured moans slipped from beautiful lips and escaped their sanctum of carnal desires to reach the ears of their guest. The great wolf halted its silent strides and listened. Deep within the beast, a sensation began to build. A hidden, repressed emotion swelled and surfaced. The werewolf, used to endless solitude, felt an emotional shift. The rage for blood gave way to desire. Murderous instinct faltered before the immortal wish to breed.

Sarah's fingers traced a teasing and inviting line upon Celine's stomach. For the moment, Amanda was content with watching her friends play. But as Sarah and Celine moved closer to each other and shared an intimate kiss, Amanda's hand seemed to be of a different opinion and moved slowly across the satin sheets to stroke the gently curved line of Sarah's buttock. A smile spread across Sarah's face as she turned to Amanda.

"Feeling left out, my love?" Sarah sighed into Amanda's ear as she leaned in and laid a soft hand on Amanda's upper thigh.

"Anyone would upon seeing that, my sweet, but I have had my share over the last few hours." Amanda said, already knowing what the answer would be and savoring what hopefully would come next.

"Aw, we've just begun! Here, let me remedy that drowsiness of yours..."

Sarah smiled menacingly after uttering the final words and leaned down to lie on her belly with her head between Amanda's long, smooth legs. As the first, tentative, light lick came and stroked her most sensitive parts, a surprisingly strong jolt of pleasure surged up her spine. Celine, the youngest of them, leaned over Sarah to share her previous kiss with Amanda. Lips seemingly made of the softest silk met Amanda's own yearning mouth in a deep, satisfying union. Below, Sarah slowly moved her hand to tease Amanda's now completely slick opening. Her tongue fluttered like the wings of a butterfly over clitoris, sending warm, intense waves of pure lust through Amanda's body, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy. Simultaneously sharing a sensuous kiss while receiving oral pleasure from a true master in that very special art, is enough to bring anyone over the edge. When Sarah's thin finger penetrated her begging slit, Amanda somehow felt like it was her very first time, only with ten times as high sensitivity. Her mouth fell open in awe of the sensation, making Celine lower her head to give Amanda's breasts the rest of her kisses. Sarah's fingers slowly explored her clit and soon found all the most sensitive places, giving quick touches and sometimes long, pressured rubs. Amanda's orgasm, long in the making, exploded in her like a shot to the gut with a bullet of lust. New waves of sexual satisfaction made her throw her head back and moan hard in pure pleasure. Her climax didn't seem to want to end. Her toes and hands clenched as her pussy trembled and squeezed shut around Sarah's fingers. Sarah giggled at the intensity of Amanda's orgasm and kept stroking her throbbing cunt. Finally, the earth-shaking experience died off and the waves of pleasure ebbed out. Amanda's heart still beat like frenzied, and her breathing was hard and ragged. But it was easy to calm down in the company of her two naked friends. Sarah and Celine still caressed and kissed her trembling body as she succumbed to the warm afterglow.

The door to the bedroom suddenly exploded into splinters, and six eyes turned toward the guest. Stroking hands stopped where they were and breaths were held in awe and terror. Through the door, the hulking form of the great wolf appeared. Its massive arms ended in what looked like fur covered human hands, but each finger ended in a vicious claw. The head was that of a giant wolf, with bright, burning yellow eyes filled with animal intelligence and a mysterious blend of conflicting feelings.

Taking a step forward and a quick swipe of the claws, the beast ripped the foot board of the bed clean off. The women tumbled forward as the bed collapsed, their pleasure addled minds still too dulled to fully appreciate the danger of their current situation.

Standing over the three naked women with his senses overwhelmed by the smell and sensations of sex which seemed to permeate the entirety of this room, the werewolf, Celebdraug, raised his head and howled in triumph before the great feast of sexual fulfillment commenced.

This is an introduction to the Greymane Chronicles, here featuring Celebdraug. Should interest in this story become apparent, further chapters will be published as time allows.

Suggestions to alternate continuations might be taken into consideration.