Tell The Truth

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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#23 of A New Acquisition

Jennifer's continuing plans for Storm lead to some uncomfortable realisations.

Some characters created for me by Killhubi (Laru), Haggetti (Rick) and Tygacat3891 (Manjula).

To all appearances, the young dragoness sitting at the foot of the conference table was as calm and collected as the vixen sat at the head. And indeed, while Storm's outward composure still remained something of an act, the emotional turmoil she had endured when attending Jennifer's board meetings previously was noticeably absent.

This was the eighth meeting the dragoness had been to since her owner had agreed to restart her training to become one of the Privileged. However, even at the first, the nausea that had afflicted her during Jennifer's previous attempts at training had not returned. Partially, this was due to the more considered way the two women had approached things.

Originally, Storm's presence had been explained as her simply being the vixen's assistant; as she had never needed one in the past, the board's attention had immediately, if covertly, been focused on the dragoness. Upon Storm's return, Jennifer had explained that she was actually a distant relative of another member of the Privileged, and was gaining experience before potentially starting her own company. As cover-stories went, it was surprisingly close to the truth, and had helped deflect the board's suspicions, as well as encourage them to aid in Storm's training; after all, it was always wise to earn the gratitude of a member of the Privileged, no matter how distantly related. Likewise, Storm's collar, whose absence had contributed to her nausea, was now hidden by turtle-necked clothing, allowing her to feel its comforting presence.

As Jennifer concluded the meeting and watched the board members file out, exchanging pleasantries with Storm as they went, the vixen reflected that her slave's recent progress was probably due more to the dragoness's strength of character than to the other changes they had made. This time, Storm had chosen to restart her training, rather than meekly accepting her owner's wishes; wishes Jennifer had come to regret.

The vixen took a moment to consider why she had been so determined that Storm would become Privileged. Was it because the dragoness had been born to Privileged parents? Was Jennifer trying too hard to continue the tradition whereby she herself had gone from slave to owner?

She sighed to herself. Perhaps a better question was why she felt Storm needed to be trained in running a business. There was nothing in either law or tradition that said the Privileged had to work at all, let alone manage a company; in fact, they only gained their status when they had proved financially that they didn't need employment any more.

Jennifer's violet eyes narrowed slightly as she gazed at Storm, who was still talking to a few board members. Maybe she had once again taken the wrong approach with her slave, despite how quickly the dragoness was progressing. Ultimately, being Privileged meant having power. Storm wanted to know how to wield it responsibly; her current training was certainly one way to accomplish that, but there were other methods. After all, there were many types of power, but the responsibility was the same... The vixen suppressed a grin as one particular form of power occurred to her, and she rapidly began making plans.

As the last of the board left the room, Storm approached Jennifer, who gave her a smile. "You did very well today" she said.

"Thank you, Jen" said the dragoness, blushing slightly at the compliment. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of things. Though I wish you hadn't started asking me for figures."

The vixen's smile widened; she had decided to test Storm, asking for some details that had been mentioned at the beginning of the meeting. The dragoness had frozen for a second, before confidently responding. It was the first time she had been asked to contribute during a meeting, but she hadn't even needed to check the notes she was making. Jennifer suspected Storm's magic had aided her recall, but that was by no means cheating; after all, the vixen's own latent magic had probably contributed to her corporate success.

"You handled yourself very well, Storm" said Jennifer. "I should get you to speak up more often in these meetings" she continued. "After all, the board know you're here to learn how things work, and you'll learn more by taking a more active role." To her delight, the dragoness didn't hesitate before nodding her agreement. Whatever extra plans the vixen made, she was still going to continue with Storm's business classes.

The board meeting was the last thing on Jennifer's agenda, so the two women made their way to the garage. Despite access to both a chauffeur and her draconic slaves' teleportation, the vixen had taken to driving herself to work more and more, and today was no exception.

As Jennifer pulled her sports car out into the city traffic, she glanced at Storm. "I think it's time for another shopping trip" she said.

The dragoness raised an eyeridge. "Already?" she asked. "We only went a couple of weeks ago." Not that much actual shopping had been done: their last trip had been marked by Tali dashing here and there, inspecting the new season's clothing. Luna, meanwhile, had been attempting to rein in the hyperactive skunkette; Sky had just watched the pair, laughing.

"We won't be going to the usual malls this time" said Jennifer. "I have somewhere very special in mind...


The two women parked near an unremarkable, if up-market, shopping precinct. Jennifer led her slave towards a small shop front that proudly but tastefully advertised itself as the 'Sharkbite Adult Fantasy Centre'. Just before the reached the entrance, the vixen turned to Storm. "Best behaviour, please" she said quietly. The dragoness simply nodded, feeling a little nervous; she had no idea why they had come to this particular place, and Jennifer had become quieter and quieter the closer they got. The vixen opened the door, walking through the opulent reception area and approaching the desk.

The tawny owl sat there looked up with a smile as the pair approached. "Welcome to Sharkbite" she said with a smile. Her bespectacled eyes widened slightly as she spotted the Privileged pin Jennifer wore. "H-how may we help you today?" she asked in a very courteous voice, a little nervous at their guest's status.

"Is Mistr- Is miss Nash available?" replied the vixen. Storm glanced at Jennifer, watching as her owner blushed slightly. She hadn't really been about to say 'mistress', had she?

The owl reached for the phone, and after a brief, whispered conversation, turned back to them. "She'll be with you shortly" she said. "Would you like to take a seat?"

At a nod from Jennifer, Storm sat in one of the available chairs. On a low table she spotted a glossy brochure featuring the same shark's-head logo she had seen outside. Picking it up, she began reading about the place her owner had brought her. 'Sharkbite' was an eclectic combination of boutique, bar, night club, brothel and dungeon; a place dedicated to people having fun, of whatever form that took. The dragoness found herself blushing at some of the images in the brochure: apparently, they were rather proud of the 'brothel' part of their facilities.

She glanced towards Jennifer, a puzzled frown spreading across her face as she watched the vixen. Unlike Storm, she hadn't taken a seat, and was instead pacing, somewhat nervously, around the reception area. The dragoness's frown deepened as her owner rubbed absent-mindedly at the base of her tail, her fingers brushing over the band of leather that Storm knew had been made from her old slave collar.

Some minutes later, they were joined by a female shark. Storm recognized her from the brochure, both as the owner and from photos in the 'dungeon' section, where she had been rather gleefully wielding a whip. The skirted suit she was currently wearing could hardly be compared to the rubber outfit she had been pictured in, but it flattered her figure just as much, although the smart, business-like appearance was somewhat marred by the short, electric-pink hair she sported. The dragoness realised this must be the 'Nash' Jennifer had come to see.

The shark practically prowled towards Jennifer as Storm watched, her black eyes locked onto the vixen and her sharp teeth showing as a wide grin spread across her face. As she approached, Storm was shocked to see her owner avert her eyes, her knees twitching as if she were about to kneel; before she could, the other woman had swept her into a tight hug.

"Gods, Jenny, it's been far too long!" Nash exclaimed, letting go of Jennifer only to hold her by her shoulders as she looked the vixen up and down. Jennifer smiled shyly, but didn't respond. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine, Mi-" Jennifer bit her lip. "I've been fine."

The shark glanced at Storm, eyes falling on her collar. "One of yours, I take it?"

Jennifer nodded. "My fourth."

"Four! You're building quite a harem" Nash said with a grin.

The vixen smiled. "Says the person who owns their own brothel" she replied, and the two women shared a quiet laugh.

"So, what brings you here?" Nash asked.

Jennifer looked towards her draconic slave. "Storm does" she said. "I was hoping you'd be willing to train her."

The shark's eyebrow rose. "Train her in what?"

Jennifer looked at the confused dragoness, meeting her yellow gaze. "To be a mistress."

Nash, ignoring the look of bewilderment on Storm's face, looked her over. "She doesn't really seem the type..."

The vixen grinned. "Oh, you'd be surprised. She's already had one of my other slaves begging for a kiss, and that was before she started taking part in our fun and games."

The shark looked back at Jennifer with an eyebrow raised. "And is there some reason you can't train her yourself?" Jennifer blinked for a moment. "Huh, I see... Why don't we go to my office, and we'll talk further."

The shark led her guests down a corridor from the reception area, passing through a discreetly-labelled door marked 'administration'. Storm realised the business was much larger than the shop-front had indicated. They were soon seated in a small but pleasant office that reminded her of Jennifer's own offices, at both the mansion and her company.

Nash took her seat behind the desk, putting her feet up on its wooden top, and gazed at her two guests. "Why do I get the feeling I've seen you before?" she asked Storm.

"Do you remember that Privileged abuse case that was on the news a while back?" said Jennifer.

"Oh, that arrogant bitch of a tigress?" replied the shark, before gazing at Storm more closely. "Ah, yes: you're the dragoness she abused." She gave her a sad smile. "You have my sympathies."

Storm nodded her thanks but remained silent, still unsure how to behave.

Nash glanced at Jennifer. "That explains why she's so timid" she commented, before returning her gaze to the dragoness. "You don't have to be shy around me" she said. "Especially if I'm going to be teaching you." Storm simply nodded again, and the shark rolled her eyes.

The dragoness hesitated a moment. "I'm not nervous... My Lady" she added, unsure of the shark's status. "Well, not that much. I'm just confused."

Nash frowned. "You can drop the 'My Lady' stuff right now" she said. "I'm not some Privileged wonk like the horny vixen here. Call me Nash."

Storm nodded her understanding, noticing how much Jennifer was blushing at Nash's remark.

The shark took her feet off the desk and leant forward. "Now, why do you want to be a mistress?"

Jennifer opened her mouth to respond, but snapped it shut at a glance from Nash. The shark returned her gaze to the dragoness.

Storm frowned. "I'm... not sure I do..." she said, hesitantly. "I'm not really the dominant type... and I don't think I could ever bring myself to punish someone. Not after... my past."

Nash nodded to herself. "So you don't want to be a dominatrix. Do you want to be a mistress?" Storm looked at her blankly. Jennifer shifted a little in her seat but remained silent. The shark turned to look at her briefly. "Would you like to explain?" she asked.

The vixen turned to her slave. "A dominatrix is a lover and an enforcer, and their slaves are only really slaves during their play. A mistress is lover, enforcer, teacher, confidant, guardian... they are the centre of their slaves' world."

The dragoness thought to herself for a long moment. "Sort of... the difference between you and Luna?" she said.

Jennifer smiled. "That's a fairly good comparison, yes."

Storm turned back to Nash, and the shark blinked at the intensity in her yellow eyes. "Yes, I want to be a mistress" she said.

"Why?" Nash asked.

"Because..." Once more the dragoness hesitated, but knew her owner would be upset if she didn't tell the truth. "Because of Sky - one of Jen's other slaves" she added for Nash's benefit. "He was the one that saved me from... from Lily. He's helped me in so many ways... I want to find some way to thank him."

"It sounds like you'd be better off being his slave, not his mistress" the shark suggested with a smile.

"You don't know Sky" Jennifer murmured with a quiet laugh. "Tell her what you told me" she said to Storm.

The dragoness chewed her lip for a moment before meeting Nash's piercing gaze. "I want to be a mistress - Sky's mistress - because some day I want to see him wearing two collars."

The shark sat back in her chair and grinned at her. "Now, that I can work with" she said. She stood up and offered Storm her hand, shaking it before pulling the dragoness to her feet. "Why don't I show you around this place, and I can teach you a few things as we go. Afterwards, I'll speak to Jennifer and set up some sort of lesson schedule." The vixen, too, began to rise, but Nash stared down at her and she dropped back into the seat. "You're staying here" she said. "I'll get someone to look after you while I get to know my new student." She reached back over her desk, pressing the intercom switch. "Send Michael to my office, will you?" she asked, not waiting for a reply.

Jennifer's eyes went wide, and a smile spread across her face. "Michael's working here?" she asked.

Nash smiled too, her teeth showing. "Indeed he is, as you'd know if you kept in touch with your friends. The two of you can catch up, and then you and I are going to have a talk." The vixen seemed to go a little pale at that last remark. The shark paid no attention as she guided Storm from the room and shut the door behind them.

Nash led the dragoness into the main part of the building, and began showing her the facilities. Storm was mostly quiet. After a few minutes, the shark turned to her. "What has Jenny told you about me?" she asked.

"Erm... Nothing" Storm murmured. "...I think she only brought me here on the spur of the moment" she added by way of explanation.

"Hmph. I guess that explains a few things" said Nash, frowning. "In that case, I expect you're wondering who the hell I am and how she knows me" the shark continued. "Perhaps you'll understand if I show you this?" she said, lifting her tail into view. Around the tip, just before the fin, was a band of leather.

Storm's eyes widened when she saw it, and realisation dawned. "You were slaves together?" she asked.

"Yes, we were," Nash said with a fond smile, "though 'together' isn't entirely accurate. Our owner was old, and while her brain was sharp as anything, she really wasn't up for the more... strenuous parts of Jenny's training."

The dragoness reflected on her owner's demeanour since they had arrived at Sharkbite. "You were her mistress!" she breathed.

"Indeed I was!" replied the shark, grinning. "Lady Mie owned both of us, and we both loved her, but Jenny was more my slave than hers. I was the centre of her existence, just as she is for you, and you want to be for this Sky." Her grin got wider, her sharp teeth gleaming. "As you saw, she remembers her training quite well. I bet if I'd ordered her to strip naked and make herself cum, right then and there, she'd have done it." She glanced sideways at Storm. "Want to go back and see if I'm right?"

The dragoness blushed. "I-I'm fine with the tour" she replied.

"Pity" said Nash. "But then, if you're going to be coming here for lessons, I imagine I'll get plenty more chances to have some fun with her. Maybe I'll make her part of your training!" she mused, before shaking her head. "Ah well, I can figure that out later." The shark gave Storm an appraising look. "Hmm, I think we'll go and see Manjula: you need to learn how to move."


Jennifer sat on her chair in Nash's office, trying to regain her composure. It had been some years since she had seen her mistress, and she had forgotten the effect the mere sight of the shark could have on her. The instant she had walked into the reception area, it had been all she could do not to drop to her knees before her. The idea that they were going to have a talk later both terrified and thrilled her. She had no doubt that Nash would ask her why she was unwilling to train Storm herself. In truth, the vixen wasn't entirely sure, and she was almost looking forward to the shark teasing the answer from her.

There was a click as the door opened. Before she could turn around, she heard a voice she hadn't heard in far too long.

"Oh my god... J?!"

A warm smile grew on the vixen's face as she saw the figure standing slack-jawed in the doorway. She leapt up and threw her arms around him with a laugh. "Hey, BB!"

The caramel and white bunny returned Jennifer's hug in stunned glee. "What the heck are you doing here?" he asked, grinning as he kissed her on the cheek.

"One of my slaves wants to learn to be a mistress, and I couldn't think of anyone better to teach her than Mistress Nash" the vixen replied.

"Let me guess: you're carrying on the tradition?"

Jennifer nodded as the rabbit guided them to a leather sofa in the corner of Nash's office. She looked over his smartly-dressed figure, noting the leather band around one wrist. "I guess I'm not the only one carrying on a tradition" she said, gesturing at it.

"You and Nash kept yours" the bunny said, "how could I not? I may not be her slave any more, but..."

" wanted a reminder of her" Jennifer finished. The two shared a smile as they remembered the past. "So what is the least-kinky bunbun in the world doing in Mistress's house of debauchery, Mikey?" she asked, eventually.

"Running the bar!" Michael replied with a laugh. "After Lady Mie died, I used the money she left me to buy myself out of slavery, just like she wanted. But I didn't really have any useful skills, so I drifted from one part time, low pay job to another. One day I ran into Nash, and she offered me a job working here."

Jennifer frowned a little. "You could have come to me... I'd have found you something" she said quietly.

The rabbit gave her a serious stare. "I swore I'd never try and take advantage of you becoming Privileged, and I meant it, J" he said. "Besides, I like working for Nash." He gave her a wink. "I might not be a kinky bunbun, but I am a rabbit, and she has the most interesting - and horny - customers here!" Vixen and bunny shared a laugh at that. "Enough about me" Michael said. "How's the world of business amongst the Privileged?"


"No, no, no, pretty one! You must flow! Observe..."

Storm frowned a little as she watched the tigress walk along the stage, trying to figure out how Manjula was turning the simple act of moving into a sensual performance.

"Now you."

Storm once more walked the length of the stage. "I'm still not getting it, am I?" she asked. At first, she had been almost terrified of the tigress; hardly surprising given how similar in appearance she was to Lily, her abusive former owner. Manjula's warm personality had soon chased away those irrational fears, however.

"It's the feet, Storm" called Nash, who was lounging in a chair in the otherwise empty pole-dancing room. "Stop watching her hips and watch her feet."

The dragoness did as instructed, and soon spotted the difference between her gait and Manjula's: the tigress was placing one foot directly in front of the other as she walked, where she was simply moving hers straight forward. It took a little getting used to, but soon she was sashaying along the stage in a fair approximation of Manjula's swaying, sensual pace.

"Much better, pretty one!" the tigress exclaimed, clapping her hands together in delight. "Soon you will have men and women swooning as you walk through a room!"

"'Swooning'?" Storm repeated, an eyeridge twitching as she smiled. "Do people do that any more?"

"Pretty one, when I am finished teaching you how to move, they will have little choice in the matter!" Manjula said with a smile. "There is much grace in you, if only we work to release it. The dancing of your tail alone could drive one to the brink of climax; imagine what the rest of your body could achieve" the tigress purred as she twirled around the pole at the end of the stage, her emerald eyes gleaming as she gave Storm a sly grin, watching the dragoness blush a little.

"Unfortunately, that'll have to wait for another day" said Nash, rising from her seat and walking towards the exit. "I still need to show Storm around the rest of Sharkbite, and as much fun as it is watching you slink about up there, we need to move on."

Manjula pouted. "I understand" she said. "There is much for the pretty one to learn if she is to become as good a mistress as Mistress Nash." She twirled around the pole once more, wrapping a leg around it. "But I hope she will have time to see me dance in the future; she blushes so beautifully..." The tigress bent backwards, the pole pressing hard into the cleft of her long legs. "And after a dance, maybe she would like to see a true performance, yes?"

Running to join the departing Nash, Storm's markings flared with embarrassment yet again as Manjula gave her a salacious wink.


"Mistress is going to be mad" Jennifer murmured, planting a kiss on Michael's bare chest.

"Mmm, with you, maybe" the rabbit replied, stroking a hand over Jennifer's equally-exposed back. "Nash never gets angry with me."


The bunny grinned. "Okay, there was that one time with the curry..." Both shared a giggle at that particular memory. "But you're right," he continued, "she will be mad. When she called me to her office, I doubt she intended that we'd start fucking on her couch."

"I wonder if she'll believe me if I tell her it was your idea..." mused the vixen.

"I doubt it" said Michael with a snort. "Remember the curry?"

"Good point. Oh well, she's already told me we're going to have a talk later. I doubt she'll be any harder on me just because we left a wet spot on her sofa."

Michael laughed, rolling over and pinning the naked vixen beneath him. "Then I guess is won't matter if we add a few more damp patches, will it?"


"Hey, Rick" called Nash, walking into Sharkbite's security room. "Can you make a pass-card for Storm, here? She's going to be dropping by sometimes to see me, and there's no need for her to be hanging around in reception waiting for an escort."

"Of course" Rick replied, the tiger-shark turning to his computer and firing up the relevant program. "It will only take a minute."

"Rick is in charge of security around here" Nash said, by way of introduction. "Fortunately, that's mostly limited to pouring someone into a taxi if they've had too much to drink. Not that Michael lets people get overly drunk, of course." She clapped a hand on his shoulder. "He's also great to have around when I'm feeling in the mood for a little... swimming."

Rick shook his head in exasperation. "Do you have to introduce me like that to everyone?"

Nash grinned at her fellow shark. "I've told you before, it's either that or 'This is Rick: he's a herm, but he's shy about it, so don't ask to see his pussy'."

" Nash!" Rick protested.

Storm's eyes went wide. "You-you're a herm?" she ventured, hesitantly.

The shark glowered. "Yes, though I'll thank you not to go on about it, please. It's not exactly something I'm proud of."

"Aww, you're no fun" Nash said. "If I had a cock and a cunny, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops."

The dragoness bit her lip. "I know how he feels" she whispered.

The two sharks turned to her and stared. "You're a herm, too?" Nash asked. Storm gave a small nod.

"Finally!" said Rick. "Someone else to tell her that being a herm isn't all sunlight and lollipops!"

The dragoness snorted. "That's one way to put it." Rick gave her a slightly puzzled look, which was reflected on Nash's face as well. "You said you saw my old owner's trial on the news" she said to Nash. "Well, being a herm was one of the things she used to... to beat me for. Before I was rescued, she had me convinced I was some sort of... monster... That I was unnatural." She bowed her head and swallowed, fighting back unpleasant memories. "It took a lot of support from Jen and the others I live with to convince me to even look at... at that part of me." She looked up and met Nash's black gaze. "So if he's not happy having everyone know about it, I can certainly understand."

The three stood in silence for a moment, each wrapped in their own thoughts. Finally, the computer beeped and spat out a pass-card.

"Here you are" Rick said quietly, handing the card to Storm. "And... I'm sorry if I touched a nerve."

The dragoness gave him a smile. "It's ok," she said, "I'm much better about it than I used to be." Her smile widened. "Maybe we can swap tips some time."

"I'm sorry, too" Nash added. "I did hear about how you were treated, but you act so..." She sighed. "So normal, I guess."

"Like I said, I've had a lot of support from Jen and the others" Storm said. "Some day, I'll find a way to thank them for it."


Jennifer lay on top of her lop-eared lover, basking in the afterglow of her fifth orgasm of the afternoon. "Any minute now," she murmured, "Mistress is going to walk in on us."

"It would hardly be the first time she's caught us in the middle of something" Michael replied. There was silence for a while. "J, what's wrong?" the rabbit asked.

"Nothing" the vixen said, a little too quickly. "I... I guess I'm just falling back into... old patterns."

As Jennifer began to shift a little uneasily atop him, Michael sat up, putting her next to him on the couch. "Hey, this is me, remember? I know when you're worrying about something."

The vixen sighed, bowing her head a little and clasping her hands in front of her. "Michael... Did I change? While we were with Lady Mei, I mean."

The bunny gave a puzzled frown. "You went from being a young girl who'd been sold into slavery by her parents to becoming a member of the Privileged: of course you changed."

"That's just circumstances" Jennifer said, shaking her head. "I mean... my personality. Did..." The vixen took a deep breath as she tried to put months of uncertainty into words. "Did Lady Mie... mould me? Did she shape me into what she wanted? ...Make me into someone I wasn't before?"

Michael's puzzled look just grew deeper. "Um, yes? You were her protégé, remember?"

"Ugh, I'm really not phrasing this right, am I..." Jennifer put her head in her hands.

"J, listen to me" said the rabbit, taking Jennifer's hands into his own. "When Lady Mie told me she was looking for another child slave, I was just happy I'd have someone to play with: Nash was in her late teens already and besides, she scared me." Michael admitted with a grin. "But I still remember her saying she was looking for a very special child: someone who wouldn't be a slave forever." He caressed the vixen's cheek, coaxing her to meet his gaze. "Jennifer, she didn't buy you on a whim; she chose you to be her slave, and eventual protégé, for the potential she saw in you. Lady Mie didn't mould you; she gave you the freedom and guidance to become who you were always meant to be."

There were tears welling in Jennifer's eyes by the time the bunny had finished talking. She opened her mouth to reply a few times, but eventually just gave up and threw her arms around him, letting the tears flow freely.


"...and so I told her, if she wanted to cum, all she had to do was ask!" Nash said with a grin, as Storm broke into laughter. "She was so desperate-"

"-she opened her mouth?!" the dragoness guessed.

"Exactly! There was a split-second as the weight dropped when I saw her realise what she'd done." The shark joined in Storm's laughter.

The two women were sitting in the empty bar, the dragoness telling Nash about her time in Jennifer's household, while Nash regaled her with stories of the vixen's time as a slave.

Sighing, the shark's gaze flicked to the other side of the room. "Laru," she said, "I've told you: I have staff to do the cleaning."

Startled, Storm spun in her chair. There was indeed a figure present; a deer from the looks of it, though his antlers were cut surprisingly short. For a moment, the dragoness wondered why she hadn't known he was there: her empathic sense usually warned her when people were around.

With a sigh to match Nash's, the cervine approached them. The bar's illumination glinted off a pair of piercings in his ear, as well as revealing a large tribal tattoo covering his right arm, vanishing beneath the t-shirt he was wearing. "Sorry, Mistress," he said, "but I was bored."

The shark chuckled to herself. "If only some of my other slaves were so industrious." She gestured to a seat. "Why don't you join us? I'm telling Storm here all about the joys of studying under my tutelage."

Laru shot a frown at the dragoness. "You've bought another slave?" he asked, somewhat warily.

"She's not mine, so don't go getting jealous" Nash replied, waggling a finger at the deer as he sat down. "I'm going to be helping a friend with her training. Mistress training."

"Well, there's no-one better to learn from" Laru said.

"Including her current owner?" the shark asked, an eyebrow raised.

The cervine raised his hands. "No disrespect intended, but if they've sent her to you for training, they probably feel the same way."

"Well dodged" Nash said with a grin. "Just for that, you get to be Storm's next lesson." She pointed at his ears. "If I told you to get your other ear pierced, would you?"

"Of course, Mistress" came the instant reply.


"Because you asked me to."

The shark's grin turned a little nasty. "And if I told you to get your cock pierced, would you?"

"I already have, Mistress. Do you want me to get another one?"

"And why did you get your cock pierced, Laru?" Nash asked.

"Because you told me to, Mistress."

The shark nodded, and turned to the dragoness. "You see the sort of power a mistress can wield, if she wants?"

Storm shuddered, both at the idea of a cock piercing, something she could only imagine was a very painful process, and at the ease with which the deer had seemingly obeyed his mistress's command. This was an aspect of power she hadn't expected. Lily's power had come through fear and violence; Jennifer's came from the love and care she showed her slaves. But Nash's seemed to come from somewhere else; somewhere in between. She obviously cared for her slaves, as well as her non-slave employees, but the way she carried herself was designed to intimidate as well, and given how the normally-composed Jennifer acted in her presence...

"Don't worry, Storm" the shark said, as if she had read the dragoness's mind. "Everyone has their own tricks for getting what they want: you'll figure your own out eventually. Though I suspect you'll get better results with the bat of an eyelid and slink of your tail than through intimidation; you don't really have the physique to carry it off." She glanced at the deer. "Thank you, Laru. You can go now." With a polite nod of his head, the cervine left the room, taking his cleaning cloth with him.

Once he had departed, Nash turned back to her would-be student. "Having second thoughts?" she asked.

"...Yes, I am" Storm admitted.

"Good" the shark said, grinning. "Going from slave to mistress... It's a big step; even bigger than from slave to Privileged, as Jenny found out." She smiled wistfully for a moment. "Tel me, Storm... is she... happy?"

The dragoness frowned for a moment. "Yes, she's happy, I think" she replied, thoughtfully.

"You think?"

Storm hesitated, not wanting to reveal the vixen's anxieties regarding her Privileged status and her dormant magic. "She's... had some business problems, but that's in the past, now" she offered.

Nash's black eyes narrowed as she gazed at the dragoness. "And?" Before Storm could respond, she continued. "I know Jenny has rules about honesty" she said. "In fact, I know why, which is more than you do, I'm guessing. So be honest with me as well: it'll make your training much easier."

The dragoness sighed. She couldn't reveal the existence of magic, but... "At Lily's - my old owner's - trial, she said that what she did to me was just part of being Privileged. That all the Privileged force their slaves to change; to become what their owners want."

"Well, don't they?" asked the shark. "I mean, I know I've... shaped the people working for me, slave or not. And I'm not even Privileged."

"Yes, but..." Storm struggled to put her thoughts about her owner into words. "I think she's getting lost in the difference between encouraging and guiding a slave, and... and breaking them." The dragoness sighed once more. "I think she's beating herself up because when I first became her slave, she unilaterally decided that I would be her protégé."

"Didn't you want to be?" Nash asked

"I... I thought I did, but..." Storm shook her head briefly. "She stopped my training for a while, but eventually, I decided I really do want to become Privileged one day. She was pretty reluctant to start again, though."

Nash gazed at the dragoness for a while. "What do your fellow slaves think about all that? About you becoming Privileged?"

"They don't know" Storm replied. "Jen didn't want to tell them, in case it didn't work out."

"Hmph" Nash snorted, rolling her eyes. She stared at Storm, and the dragoness fought the urge to fidget nervously under her intense regard. "Keeping all of that in mind, I'll ask again: is she happy?"

Storm opened her mouth to reply but paused, thinking about her mistress. She met the shark's dark gaze. "No, not really. She's happier at home, but..."

Nash nodded to herself and stood, taking Storm's hand and guiding her to her feet. "Time for another lesson" she said, walking for the door. "This is one I call 'pointing out the bloody obvious to an idiot'."


Bunny and vixen lay naked in each other's arms. They had spent a long time reminiscing about their time as slaves, but were now working towards leaving another damp patch on Nash's couch. Unfortunately, their playful giggles were interrupted as the door slammed open.

As soon as the shark walked in, Jennifer was on her feet, trying not to look guilty despite her nude state and the smell of sex in the air. Michael, meanwhile, simply sat up and watched as Nash stalked to her desk, seemingly oblivious to them.

Storm quietly entered the room and, along with Jennifer and Michael, watched as the shark pulled open a draw at the bottom of her desk and rummaged for a moment. Taking something out, she threw it at the naked vixen. Jennifer barely caught it before it hit her face.

The vixen went pale as she looked down at what Nash had thrown: a short strip of leather, identical to that she wore around the base of her tail. "Y-you kept it?" she stammered, staring at the shark. Nash simply raised an eyebrow and glared at her. Immediately, she removed the leather band from her tail, its fastenings mating perfectly with those on the band her mistress had thrown.

Jennifer swallowed nervously before placing her now-whole slave collar around her neck.

With a somewhat menacing smile, Nash emerged from behind her desk. In her hand, she held a leash, which she quickly attached to the vixen's collar. "Time for a talk" she said, tugging on the lead. Jennifer glanced briefly at her clothes, tossed carelessly around the shark's office. "Oh, no" Nash said, following her gaze. "You were clearly quite happy to take them off, so they'll stay off until I'm done with you." She grinned toothily. "It's a pity the place isn't busy right now: I'm sure plenty of people would love to watch a stuck-up Privileged bitch get dragged through the building and thrown in the dungeon."

Jennifer yelped as Nash pulled the leash, walking briskly from the office as the vixen stumbled to keep up.

"Michael? Tend bar!" the shark yelled over her shoulder. "Storm, come with me! Time to see the 'enforcer' part of being a mistress!"

As Nash had said, Sharkbite was fairly empty, though the three women did receive some amused glances as they passed through the building. Manjula threw yet another salacious wink at Storm as they went by, the dragoness realising from her earlier tour that the shark was deliberately taking a long, winding route to the dungeons. She saw Jennifer blush deeper and deeper with each person they passed.

At last, they reached the dungeon. As the trio entered, Nash gave a hard, downwards yank on Jennifer's leash, causing the vixen to stumble and fall to all fours on the thickly-padded surface.

Storm took a moment to look around the room. It was one of the few places the shark hadn't shown her during the tour, and just like Nash's office, the dragoness was struck by the similarity to Jennifer's own facilities. With a flash of insight, she realised that both must have based them on similar chambers in their old owner's house.

Nash ignored Jennifer, who was still kneeling on the floor, old reflexes forbidding her to rise before her mistress allowed it. Instead, the shark turned to Storm. "Why don't you take a seat?" she suggested, gesturing to a pair of throne-like chairs positioned against one wall. These, too, were akin to furniture in Jennifer's mansion. The dragoness chose the smaller, less ostentatious of the two, knowing from experience that the larger would be solely for the use of the owner of the dungeon.

Storm watched as Nash slowly paced in a circle around the naked vixen. After a couple of loops, the shark walked towards the larger throne and seated herself. Gazing at the kneeling Jennifer, the shark pressed a concealed button and the arms of her chair descended. Storm blinked with surprise: that feature was certainly different. As Nash briefly patted her knee and Jennifer crawled on all fours towards her, the dragoness realised what the lower arms were for.

Sure enough, the vixen approached her mistress's side before rising, only to drape herself over the shark's knees, her rear in the air in the perfect position for a spanking. As soon as she was settled, and without warning, Nash's hand landed its first blow. Jennifer yelped as the hand fell on her upturned cheek, but she didn't protest, even as two dozen more spanks were delivered.

Storm shivered a little as Nash's hand came to rest on the vixen's now bright red rear. Those blows had been much stronger than any she herself had received, or even witnessed, since being rescued from Lily's clutches. And yet, Jennifer had taken them without protest. Indeed, the dragoness's empathic sense was telling her that her owner was almost grateful for the shark's attentions.

"That's for making a mess of my couch" Nash said, giving Jennifer's rosy rear a gentle pat.

"I'm sorry, Mistress" Jennifer replied, quietly. "Thank you for punishing me, Mistress."

The shark glanced over at Storm, the dragoness's mixed feelings about seeing her owner punished so harshly clear on her face. Nash gave the vixen another loving pat on the rear. "Why don't you tell Storm why you thanked me" she said.

"Because I'd done something bad" Jennifer explained. "I was feeling guilty about leaving damp patches on Mistress's furniture, but now that I've been punished, the guilt is gone."

The shark shifted her leg, nudging the vixen into standing up. Jennifer stood before them, and Storm blushed as she spotted the damp fur between her owner's thighs. Nash chuckled quietly to herself as she gazed at the naked vixen. "You've been waiting for me to do that since you walked into the building, haven't you?" She grinned, sharp teeth gleaming as Jennifer nodded sheepishly. "Why do I get the feeling you deliberately leaked all over my sofa, just to bring my wrath down on you?"

Jennifer blushed. "I... might have done" she admitted, before giving Nash a grin of her own. "I guess I thought it was better to be punished for something I'd actually done, than something you thought I'd done."

Nash's eyebrows shot up. "And why would I think you'd done something?" she asked. Jennifer's mouth opened as if to respond, but no answer emerged. She blinked a few times. "That's what I thought" the shark continued. She rose from her throne, gesturing to Storm to remain seated, even as she guided the vixen to the centre of the room.

Leaving Jennifer for a moment, Nash went to a small control panel on the wall. As she pressed a button, three long chains descended from the ceiling, each with a thick, padded cuff at the end. These she fastened around the vixen's wrists, and around the end of her tail. Two more cuffs were retrieved from a shelf and fixed around her ankles, before being attached to rings on the floor, leaving the naked vixen's legs spread wide.

Walking back to the wall panel, Nash caused the chains to rise again, lifting Jennifer's arms over her head, and pulling her tail out tight. The vixen began to whimper a little as her tail was pulled. Storm had suspected for a while that her owner's tail was a sensitive spot, and the short, shallow breaths she was taking as the chain tugged it taut seemed to confirm it. The dragoness smirked slightly as she realised that of course the vixen's mistress would know all her weaknesses.

The shark stood in front of her captive, admiring her handiwork for a second. Then she reached out and put a finger under the vixen's jaw, tilting her face up until violet and black eyes met. For a moment, they simply gazed at each other, before Nash leaned forward and planted a tender kiss on the end of her slave's muzzle.

The shark walked over to a row of hooks along the wall behind her captive, and ran her fingers over a number of disciplinary implements hanging there. She passed by the paddles, straps, and a couple of nasty-looking canes, lingering for a while on a riding crop, before finally settling on a flogger with many long, thin tails. This she took down and twirled a few times, experimentally. Walking past Jennifer, she flicked her wrist, sending the fronds whipping into the vixen's exposed backside, and drawing a startled yelp from her.

The shark turned to her draconic audience. "There's something going on in your mistress's head, Storm" she said. "I suspect several different things, in fact, and none of them good. It's a pity there's no such thing as telepathy in real life-" dragon and vixen shared a momentary grin "-or we could just see for ourselves. Instead," Nash continued, twirling the flogger idly, "we'll just have to have a bit of an interrogation, and see what shakes loose." With that, she quickly turned back to Jennifer and flicked the tips of the whip against her stomach.

"Why do you want me to train Storm?" the shark asked.

"I want her to learn from the bes-Ahh!" Jennifer gasped as Nash's flogger struck.

"I trained you to be the best, Jenny" Nash said. "Are you saying I failed?"

"Of course not, I- Ahh!"

"Then you were a bad student?"

"No! I jus-" The vixen hissed as the flogger struck her breast.

"Why haven't you told your other slaves that Storm's your protégé?" Nash asked, changing the subject before the vixen could frame another response.

"If it didn't work out, then- Argh!" Jennifer cried out as her mistress swung the whip up between her legs.

"Bullshit" Nash stated. "I know damn well why you didn't tell them, and so do you! Don't lie to me, slave!" She landed a series of hard swings over the vixen's body, letting the flogger's fronds whip around to strike her back as well.

"Because... because I didn't want them to be jealous" Jennifer said, hesitantly.

Storm blinked. The idea that her fellow slaves might be jealous of her one day becoming Privileged hadn't occurred to her. Indeed, at the end of Lily's trial, the dragoness had been offered the chance, and the others had been nothing but supportive afterwards, even though she had turned it down.

Again, Nash lashed out with the whip. "You think so little of your slaves? You think they'd be jealous of Storm's good fortune?"

"No! They-"

The shark landed a particularly well-aimed blow, drawing a cry from Jennifer. "You just said you thought they would!"

"I- I meant-"

"Are you happy?" Nash asked, once more rapidly changing the subject to keep Jennifer off-balance.

"W-What?" the vixen stammered, confused.

"Are you happy!" Nash repeated, the flogger aimed once more for her slave's nether regions.

"Of course I am!" Jennifer replied.

"Your slave doesn't think you are" said Nash, her voice soft and her flogger falling still in her hand.

The vixen looked at the dragoness, still sat in her chair. "Storm? Why..." She shook her head a little. "I am happy..."

"No worries about how the Privileged shape their slaves?"

Jennifer flinched a little and glanced at Storm. "...She told you about that." Nash simply nodded, while the dragoness avoided her owner's gaze. "I... Yes, I..." The vixen sighed, hanging her head and slumping a little in her bonds. "I know I haven't mistreated my slaves. I know they have better lives with me than they had before..." Once more she looked at her draconic slave. "Especially Storm... But... I've still shaped them, the way..." She fell silent, unable to continue.

Nash sighed. "The way Lady Mie shaped you."

"Mikey told me earlier that she saw something in me." Jennifer murmured, as if to herself. "She went looking for a child-slave she could mould into her protégé, and she found me." There were tears starting to form in Jennifer's violet eyes. "I know now that she didn't really change me as much as I'd feared, and I'm... I'm grateful for everything she did for me, of course! But... Ever since this whole 'moulding' thing came up, I've wondered... Who might I have been?"

The shark shook her head, raising a hand to her brow. She seemed to take a moment to gather herself before unleashing a flurry of strikes all over Jennifer's body, making the vixen cry out with each blow. "Are you happy?" she asked again.


"You think your slaves would be jealous of Storm?"


"Then why haven't you told them?!" Nash thundered. Jennifer was silent. The shark once again stuck with the flogger, but much more gently this time. "Say it, Jenny" she whispered, her voice gentle, but with a hint of sadness. "You know it'll feel better afterwards."

Jennifer shook her head almost frantically. "I... I can't" she whispered.

Nash was silent for a moment. "Why do you want me to train Storm, instead of doing it yourself?" she asked again, moving away from what the dragoness gathered was a painful subject for the vixen.

"I... I don't know" Jennifer admitted.

"Better" the shark said with a smile. Her whip was still, acknowledging that the vixen was finally telling the truth. "Let's try this one again: are you happy?"

This time, Jennifer hesitated before answering. "...Yes, I am" she replied, though somewhat uncertainly this time.

"And we were doing so well" Nash sighed, striking out at the vixen again. "Why are you working?"

"What? Ahh!"

"Simple enough question, Jenny: why are you working?"

"Because I have to." Jennifer looked at her mistress in utter bewilderment.

"Why are you working!" Nash asked again.

"I told you: because I want to!" the vixen replied.

"The first time you said you 'have to', slave" Nash shot back with a flick of the whip. "You're Privileged, Jenny; you don't have to do anything! Storm told me all about the problems you had a while back. Why are you still bothering?"

Jennifer's mouth opened to reply, but she couldn't seem to frame a response.

Storm shuffled uneasily in her chair. Nash heard her shift, and looked back at her. "You want to join in?" the shark asked. "Feel free to grab a whip if you want" she said, grinning. "Jenny's in no position to stop you."

The dragoness shook her head at the offer of a whip, but rose from her throne and approached the pair. "Why... Why are you still working, Jen?" she asked hesitantly. "You haven't really been happy there since that fraud incident, and any money you lost then, you made back months ago."

The vixen stared at Storm, shaking her head slightly. Whether she was denying her slave's comments, or her own thoughts, neither dragoness nor shark were sure.

"Is... it is because of me?" the dragoness ventured. "I know I asked for training, but I'm sure Uncle Max would be happy to help."

Nash weighed in before Jennifer could respond. "I remember when you told me you were going to buy a slave; you said you wanted someone to distract you from work. I never asked you at the time, so I'll ask now: if work is bad enough that you need a slave - four slaves, now - to distract you from it, why the hell don't you just quit?"

From the uncertainty and doubt flashing across her face, it was clear that Jennifer couldn't answer.

"Shall I tell you what I think?" Nash asked, twirling the flogger in her hand. "I think you've wanted to quit for years, but you can't bring yourself to do it because being a big business mogul was what Lady Mie raised you to be."

"You... you're wrong..." Jennifer breathed, but there was no conviction behind her denial.

"You're running your company because that's what she trained you to do, and you love her so much you won't go against her wishes, even with her being dead for years."


"You want to know who you might have been? Quit, and find out!" Nash said "Be someone different, if you want!"

"I-it's not that simple, I-Ahh!"

"Yes, it is! You're Privileged: just make it happen!" Nash drew back her flogger once more, landing a blow on the vixen's chest that made her grunt. "Are you happy?" the shark asked again. "At work, are you happy?"

Jennifer hung her head. "... No, Mistress" she admitted. "I'm not."

"And at home: does work follow you there?" Nash said. "Is your job distracting you from your slaves, instead of the other way around?"

The captive vixen seemed to shudder in her bonds. "...yes" she said, her voice barely audible. Storm's empathic sense conveyed the waves of pain her mistress was feeling at that revelation.

"Why do you want me to train Storm, instead of doing it yourself?"

"Because... because I'm tired of being in charge of everything and everyone..." Jennifer whispered. "It's not your fault, Storm!" she added, seeing her slave's stricken look. "I'd love to train you... to show you all the tricks of the trade... I'd love to watch you wrap Sky around your little finger... I can't wait for the day he takes a collar from you... But I just can't train you: not... not how I am now."

Storm wanted to comfort the vixen, to tell her it was all alright, but before she could say a word, Nash lashed out with the flogger again.

"Why didn't you tell your other slaves about Storm's training?" the shark asked, her voice tinged with sadness once more. "Just say it, Jenny."

"I didn't tell them..." the vixen started, her voice so quiet Storm had to struggle to hear, "...because of her. Because of... of Mel." Nash dropped the flogger to the floor and threw her arms around Jennifer, who gratefully buried her face in the shark's shoulder.

Storm could hear a quiet sobbing from her owner and shifted uncomfortably, unsure as to whether she should add her own comforting embrace, or quietly leave the dungeon. Eventually, as the vixen's sobs continued, she walked silently towards the door.

As the dragoness began to open it, Jennifer spoke. "I'm sorry, Storm" she said quietly. The vixen sniffed a little, seeming to regain a little of her composure. "I promise, I'll explain later. I'll explain to all of you... But... Not right now."

Nash gave Jennifer another hug, before reaching up and starting to undo the bonds that held the vixen's arms and tail. "Would you like to stay the night?" the shark asked kindly. "I think we've got a lot to talk about. And," she added with a soft smile, "it's been a while since I had a horny vixen to share my bed with."

"I'd like that" Jennifer replied with a grateful smile.

"I'll have someone drive Storm home" Nash said, bending down to free the vixen's ankles.

"No, it's ok, she can get home by herself" Jennifer said, glancing at the dragoness, who was still hovering by the door. "Can't you Storm."

The dragoness frowned. "I don't know how to drive" she replied.

Jennifer smiled. "Who said anything about driving? You and Sky have been practicing for a while now."

Storm's yellow eyes went wide as she realised what the vixen was implying. "Oh! Yes, I'll be fine!" She and Sky had indeed been practicing their teleportation over long distances, between Max's house and their owner's mansion.

"Then off you go" Jennifer said, nodding at the dragoness. "Tell the others I want to talk to them tomorrow, as soon I get back." As her slave turned to the door, the vixen called out again. "No Storm: from here."

Again the dragoness's eyes widened as she glanced between Jennifer and Nash. "But..."

"No more secrets" the vixen said, smiling. "Besides, this is part of the reason I've been unhappy. Mistress deserves to know everything."

Nash's electric-pink eyebrows shot up at that. "Holding something back, were you, slave?" she asked.

In reply, Jennifer merely turned to watch Storm. The shark, too, turned to her as the dragoness's lightning markings began to glow. Before Nash could say a word, there was a yellow flash, and Storm vanished.

"...the hell?" the shark breathed, blinking.

"It's a long story" Jennifer said, wrapping her arms around her mistress. "And one I'll happily tell you, after we go add our own damp spots to your sofa." She gave the shark a sly grin. "Unless you have a bed available...?"


Jennifer looked over her desk at her four slaves. They were all seated in her study, as she prepared to bare her heart to them. Spending even a single night with her mistress had done wonders for her, both in mind and body: though she ached from Nash making up for several years of pleasure and punishment in a single night, she felt refreshed and energetic, and her mind was clear for the first time in what felt like an age. She took a deep breath, and looked at her slaves' expectant faces.

"I'm sorry" she stated, simply. "I've been dishonest, with you and with myself. I haven't lied to you," she reassured them, "but there are things I should have told you that I haven't." Jennifer paused for a moment, glancing at her slaves. Storm merely looked expectant: the dragoness was already aware of the vixen's omissions. The other three were apprehensive, though only Luna was outright frowning.

"Before I bought any of you," Jennifer continued, "before I was Privileged, I was a slave." At that, there was a gasp from Tali, and Luna's eyes widened. Sky, however, barely reacted.

"I already knew" the dragon said with a shrug. "One of the first things I did when you bought me was look you up on the internet, to find out who I would be serving. Your past is public record." As Tali and Luna turned to stare at him, he looked back defensively. "What? It's never been relevant, and I assumed you knew!"

The vixen coughed politely, drawing their attention back to her. "I'll be happy to talk about my history later," she said, "but right now there's more I have to tell you." All three were frowning at her now, though Storm gave her an encouraging smile. "For some time now, I have been training Storm to one day become Privileged, just as I did."


Luna and Tali seemed unsure where to direct their shocked faces, switching between their owner and their fellow slave. Sky, meanwhile, simply gazed at Storm, pride and joy radiating from him.

Jennifer looked at the way the dragon was admiring his scaled lover. "Why do I get the feeling you knew?" she asked him.

"I... suspected" he admitted quietly. "She was given the chance at Lily's trial, and I remember you saying she reserved the right to become Privileged later, even if she didn't take it at the time. You never come back with anything from the 'shopping trips' you keep taking, and..." He glanced at the dragoness and took her hand in his. "And I remember a night, in the pit, when Storm told us about her childhood, and you said 'no more training'. I didn't really pay attention then - I was worried about you" he said to Storm, before turning back to the vixen. "But I remembered later, and with everything else..."

"Actually, I'd been training Storm since before the trial" Jennifer said quietly. "I made her my protégé not long after she became her true self again." Now, Sky did look at her in surprise, even as Tali and Luna's faces grew even more shocked.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" the wolfess asked, incredulous.

Jennifer sighed, and steeled herself for the story she was about to tell. "My owner had many other slaves in her household: there were about a dozen of us, all told. One was a cobra named Melissa. She and I..." The vixen swallowed, fighting the lump forming in her throat. "...When Lady Mie announced that I was to be her student - to one day become Privileged - Mel was so happy for me. She helped me with all the extra lessons I took; she was someone I could talk to if I had a problem; she was... she was my best friend." She shook her head, blinking back tears.

"My owner died not long after I bought you, Luna" Jennifer continued. "When I attended the funeral, I met the others again. Mel... She..." The vixen felt a tear run down her cheek, but took a deep breath and continued her tale. "She told me she was jealous of me. The only reason she became my friend was to take advantage of me once I became Privileged... She... She was hoping that, as my... my friend, I'd buy her out of slavery when I was rich."

The vixen balled her fists, resisting he urge to slam them down onto the arms of her chair in grief and frustration. "Right there at Lady Mie's graveside, she... she slapped me. She called me a... a useless whore... She told me she hated me."

As the vixen fell silent, Sky and Storm rushed around the back of the desk, pulling her from her chair and enveloping her in a tight hug. Tali, too, ran round, though she hesitated for a moment.

Luna, meanwhile, simply stared at her owner. "That's why you didn't tell us...?" she breathed. "You thought we'd do the same thing to Storm that she did to you..." The wolfess's voice was rising now, a note of anger entering it. "You thought we'd be jealous of Storm?! How... I... How could you...?!" With an angry growl, Luna left the study, slamming the door behind her.

A teary-eyed Jennifer watched, helpless, as she went.

Even as she hugged her owner, Tali had a somewhat dismayed look on her face. "You thought we'd be jealous... What about being jealous of all the 'shopping trips' the two of you have been making? What if we'd been jealous of the extra attention she was getting from you?"

"I'm sorry" Jennifer whispered. "I... I wasn't thinking straight. I just... I couldn't..."

"You should have trusted us" the skunkette said, flatly. She took her arms from around the vixen and stared her in the face. "You should have trusted us, and you didn't."

"...You're right" Jennifer admitted, hanging her head in shame. "I didn't."

"I..." Tali shook her head, backing towards the door. "I'm sorry, too."

"It's ok, Tali" the vixen said, sadly. "If you don't want to be here right now... I... I understand."

Tali, biting her lip, gazed at her owner for a long moment, before leaving.


Storm lay in her bed, staring unseeingly up at the crystalline ceiling of her lair. Not long after Luna and Tali had left the room, Jennifer had pulled herself together and sent her and Sky away. She had assured them she was alright, and both dragons' empathic senses had agreed, but neither had wanted to leave. Eventually, and with a strong laugh, the vixen had shooed them out the door, telling them to go and play in the pit. The evening meal had been quiet. Tali had been present, and while she hadn't seemed angry with Jennifer, there had been an air of sadness around her. Luna had not shown up at all.

Storm was shaken from her contemplations by a knock at the door. She opened it, smiling as she found Luna waiting on the other side. "Come in" she offered. The wolfess nodded, and entered. The pair took seats in the main chamber of the lair, the crystal walls glowing brightly at the dragoness's touch.

"You know I'm not jealous, right?" Luna said, bluntly. "Of you being trained to be Privileged?"

"Of course" Storm replied.

"You're like a little sister to me" the wolfess continued. "A sexy little sister," she added with a momentary grin, "but a sister. I'd never be jealous of you being Privileged."

"I know that, Luna" Storm said, taking the wolfess's hand in hers and giving a gentle squeeze. "I don't think there's a truly jealous bone in your body."

Luna winced, then with a sigh, she spoke quietly. "It seems today's a day for confessions, so... I am jealous, Storm." The dragoness blinked, taken aback. "Not of you!" the wolfess quickly reassured her. "But... of your magic: your telepathy." She sighed again. "You get to touch people so... so intimately. You and Sky, and... and Jennifer, one day. You all get to experience someone's feelings; share their pleasure, their... their love." Luna shook her head. "I'll never know what that's like."

With a deep breath, Luna stood and walked for the door. "Anyway," she said, not meeting Storm's gaze, "I just wanted to make sure you knew there were no bad feelings; about you training to be Privileged. And...And if I can help at all... just let me know." With a rueful smile, the wolfess departed, before Storm could say a word.

Switching off the lights again, the dragoness returned to her bed, and resumed her unseeing study of the ceiling, now even more troubled than before.


There was a knock on Jennifer's door. Opening it, she found the corridor deserted. Glancing around, she spotted a wooden box on the floor, along with a folded piece of paper. Putting the box to one side, she unfolded the note, recognizing Luna's handwriting.


You hurt me today.

You don't know me any more.

How could you possibly think I'd be jealous of Storm? I love her as dearly as anyone else in this family! Maybe you were caught up in bad memories of that 'friend' of yours, but that's no excuse: you should know me better than that! But apparently you don't.

Even if I were jealous, you think I'd plot and scheme, or try to take advantage of her? You've trained me since the day you bought me to always tell the truth! Something you've been less than stellar at yourself, it turns out. But then, you don't know me.

I am still your slave, sex or otherwise.

I still love you.

God, how I love you.

But you don't know me... and so I am not truly yours.'

With shaking hands, Jennifer reached for the wooden box. Opening it, she found Luna's collar resting inside; the collar the wolfess had taken when the vixen had proved she knew her new slave better than Luna knew herself.

Before she had talked to her mistress again, Jennifer would have collapsed into tears, and indeed, a wet drop fell from her face to land on the collar she held. But hours of self-examination under Nash's guidance, and occasionally under her hand, had revitalized her. Now, though she regretted that her relationship with her slaves had fallen so far apart, she found herself looking forward to building it anew, and forging it stronger than before.

Jennifer placed the wooden box under her pillow, as a reminder of all she had just lost and all she would regain, and began to make plans.