Troubling News (Ch. 2)

Story by Mavi Raccoon on SoFurry

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#2 of War of the land and sea

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 of the story I am working on, I got some helpful tips last time so as always leave your comments and your votes and don't forget to follow for future chapters.

The heavy iron door swung open and nearly broke off its hinges, causing the guards to jump in fear as the wolf king stepped angrily out of the dank dungeon. He had hoped that the interrogation would have gone better but his questions were left unanswered. His vigilant ears perked as the faint sounds of the lion girls screaming could be heard.

"You two, I want some of the guard sent down to assist Knox, make it...ten of them, they will understand when they arrive, send word to my council when she is broken." The guards replied with a salute and an obedient "yes sir", but the pirate king paid little attention to it, throwing his hand back to acknowledge them, his cloak flowing behind him as he stormed up the rough stone steps.

As the wolf stepped up from the darkness that enveloped the stairway to the dungeon he was greeted by the fresh smell of the sea that the wind carried from the docks. The sun shown down brightly on the wolf's blue cloak and instantly lifted his mood, allowing him to forget what had transpired.

Soon he was back in civilian occupied part of his city, he nodded as he passed by various merchants and bowed gallantly to maidens whom he passed, his actions sending a blush across their faces and sending them into giggling fits.

The citizens of Stormveil adored their king and worshipped at his feet, though he was a fierce privateer and a ruthless warrior, he treated his citizens as if they had come from his own mother. He would often take walks around the market halls, buying various items he did not necessarily need, but you would commonly find him down by the docks checking on his fleet of warships and sailing vessels.

But at the moment he had no time to swoon maidens or chatter with townsfolk, he was moving through the busy streets, bumping into the civilians that crowded the small walkways, forcing his way towards the ancient castle that been claimed so many years ago by the great Wolflords before him.

He let the wooden door close heavily behind him as the king strode into his war-room, councilmen and military leaders were seated on either side of a long wooden table that was littered with various maps and instruments for calculating troop positions and weather conditions.

"Ah King Hikkar it is good to see you." Announced his most senior officer, an old gray wolf who's face bore many scares from past battles. "Thank you Vask but I am afraid I come with troubling news." He placed his heavy paws on the corners of the table, his claws digging in ever slightly. "I was unable to force anything from the prisoner, though I hope that will change soon, for now we must focus on maintaining our borders, I doubt we will have any trouble from the sea but from land", he paused for a short moment and a troubled look spread over his features "I'm afraid we may not be prepared for a land invasion. We may need to call upon our allies to the west for assistance."

The room fell silent as the wolfs thought out there next moves wisely "My liege, are you certain we are not capable of holding our own? Shall we not wait and see before asking for an army to be mobilized?" asked the veteran wolf, his voice announcing his age. "Unfortunately Vask time is a luxury we cannot afford at the moment, we need to make sure we are ready, should the lions choose to come for Stormveil. I will send out a messenger to Lord Braam immediately, and we will meet in his homeland, Vask prepare yourself and some of the guard, we ride in two night's time." The soldier gave a nod and stood, bowing before his majesty before exiting to prepare for the journey.

The morning was calm, not a sound broke the calm silence in the air, nearby a rabbit hopped aimlessly around a deserted field, sniffing at the grass and inspecting flowers as it strolled by without a care in the world. Suddenly and without warning an arrow whizzed through the air, and the rabbits morning stroll was ended. A figure approached from a large oak tree, bow in hand, a mighty set of antlers protruding from his green hood, the stag lord walked over and picked up his game, inspecting it and pulling the arrow free. "Messy shot."

The proud stag strode out of the thick woods and onto the trail leading into the small woodland capital of Brenburk, the home of the stags of the west and under the rule of Lord Braam. A dozen other rabbits were thrown over the shoulder of his hard leather breastplate, his hooves stamping against the ground as he approached the city gates. A simple wave to the guards was all it took and the gate was lifted, the staglord marched inside and put his catch on a fence post just off to the side of the stone wall guarding Brenburk.

"Your lordship!" the stag turned his head in the direction of the yelling and spied a small courier sprinting his way. "Hush boy, there is no need to screech, you'll wake the elders." The young stag came to a grinding halt in front of Braam, he bent over and wheezed loudly as he attempted to regain his composure "A-A messenger my lord....from Stormveil....h-he left this." The boy held out a small parchment, sealed by the wolves' insignia. Any sense of glee that had once been on the stags face had been drained, he grabbed the letter and thanked the boy before walking off to his own castle.

When the stag was upset or troubled it showed in his step, he walked through the city streets with a determined strife, his fellow stags nodded to him but did not stop to speak. His face was hard as he entered the wooden hall that the stags considered their castle, it was old but it's logs solid, built of the finest material the woodlands had to offer. He stormed up the wooden flights into his bed-chambers where not one, but two maidens lay sleeping in his bed. He eased the door shut and sat down in the chair that was positioned in the corner of the room, with a long sigh he opened the letter and read the contents within already aware of what they entailed, knowing all too well the troubles the wolf was having with the lions.

"It seems my people will be brought into yet another war. Why the cats and the dogs cannot keep peace is a mystery to me." A rustling from the bed pulled his attention from his thoughts and back into reality as one of the maidens sat up, her breasts on full display for the lord. "Braam, is everything alright?" asked the petite stag, her features wouldn't put her a day over twenty. "Why of course my sweet, though I do believe I have need of your 'services' now more than ever." He stood and let his leather torso fall to the floor with a loud thud, he hung his cloak on the chair he had once occupied before jumping onto the maiden in the bed.

(Yes yes, a cliffhanger I know I'm evil, but hey, gives you something to look forward to doesnt it?)