Happy Birthday My Son

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#3 of Strange Found Love

Happy Birthday My Son

written by Nails Liles Prower

(c) copy righted

Alex an unsuspecting Husky pup no older than ten years old today on his tenth birthday. Alex went to the mirror in his room admiring his new clothes his fur was like any other Husky,with his face and frontal side white and black, beautiful ice blue eyes that could warm any ones heart with a simple look.

Starting to change into his new birthday clothes taking his Arcanine themed pj's off his white breif's had a rarly fairly large buldge in them he frowned upon seeing it.

"Oh not again...why does this keep happening?" he asked himself

he was just getting to the age where he started getting erections.

Hearing his mother comeing up the stairs to see if he was awake he paniced

he was usualy shy about things that was about his lower area he didnt even let the doctor see him shirtless.

"Alex are you up love?" came a soft and gentle voice from behind the door.

"U-u-urmm...I'm getting dressed mommy please don't come in." he said a little flusterd he didn't know how to deal with erections.

His father sitting in his and his wife's room next door to Alex's

pawing off to a wallet sized picture of his son it was around the time of Alex's fith birthday when he knew of his true feelings for Alex and today was the day he would act on them.

"Ok hon don't be too long breakfast is ready and getting cold." came the gentle voice once more

before going back downstairs.

A few minutes passed before the birthday cub showed himself downstairs where he was engulfed in the birthday song and a bone shattering hug from behind by his father who snuck a quick feel of his tail base.

"Happy birthday my son." said his father who was much like Alex in looks

only more black than grey and much more mascular.

The young cub smiled and hugged back lightly.

"Thank you daddy." he smiled inocently sweet at his father. The father was struggleing to keep his excitment for the night hidden already fantasizing about pounding the cub's ass fircely as he watched his son's tail waging.

After breakfast Alex was taken to the amusement park along with two of his friends Nails a two tailed fox with deep ocen blue eyes light orange yellow fur with a hint of brown a white under side and a white tip on his two tail tips he was wearing a black silk shirt and blue baggy jeans.

Vinnie a well muscilar mouse with snow white fur beautiful hazel brown eyes with a metal plate over the right side of his face due to a fire accident but Nails didnt care about that he secretly loved the mouse and Vinnie secretly loved the fox.

"Thanks for inviting us to your party Alex" they said at the same time hugging the birthday pup before taking his paws in theirs and ran to some rides.

Taking the pup to the big wheel first getting in the conductor just smiled at them as he made sure it was ok for them to go up.

"So Alex you have any plans for tonite?" asked Nails while hugging his tails close to him, trying to save them from Vinnie's maw.

"No not really i might play a few games but it wont be any fun without you two there." Alex frowned knowing his best friends lived together but was never alowed to sleep over at a friends.

"Well that's not really fun it is your birthday you should celebrate it properly...come on after this we'll take you to the fun house." said Nails giving up and letting Vinnie nibble on his tails glad no one was looking at his groin or they would see his erection through his jeans.

Alex was about to talk when the ride stopped at the top to let some of the other furs off the ride but the sudden jolt of the ride stopping was enough to send Nails into Vinnie's lap lip locked, blushing brightly neither of them seeming to pull away, Alex just giggled.

"Looks like you two both got your wish." said Alex knowing what would happen from there the two furs would most likly become mates.

Once they were let out of their cart the three made their way to the fun house where Alex clung to his friends when a clown came from nowhere Alex was frightend of clowns since he was four years old, the scared Alex made them leave before getting to the end, some more rides later they made their way back to the car Alex's dad dropping the other two home.

"So you have fun today kiddo?" asked his father smirking slightly he had some of his friends prepare the bedroom for tonight.

"Yes daddy thank you again for taking me." he kissed his cheek and slipped down the side his face going in the older male's groin, blushing madly noticing his father was extremly hard.

Moving in a near instant but couldn't his dad rested a paw on his head keeping it pressed in his groin.

"Wait Alex..don't move just yet." he said wanting to unzipp his pants and thrust hard wanting to feel his son's throat muscles constricting around his large pulsing canid length.

When his dad moved his paw from the back of Alex's head he sat back in his seat wide eyed flusterd.

"Why d-did you do that daddy...?" Alex's father sighed as he pulled into the drive way looked away.

"I'm sorry son i dunno what came over me it just felt good...like how your friends were kissing in the car...havn't you ever wonderd what it's like?" knowing he'd get him there he saw how Alex looked curiously when ever Nails and Vinnie kissed.

"...I guess I have...but I dunno if I could i mean arn't boys and girls supose to kiss?" he said innocently.

"Well in most cases yes but boys can kiss boys too and girls can kiss girls...urm..thers something i've wanted to try since you was born..i know it's your birthday but could you let me do it please?" asked his father wanting his son's permission first but if the answer was no he would do it any way.

"W-w-what is it daddy?" he asked not sure if he would like it.

"I wanna try mating with you i've mated before but i'd like to mate with you if you will let me." he said as sincere as he could.

Alex blushed brightly he learnt what mating is by accident, getting out the car and walked into the house and blushed more seeing a path of rose petals as he stood at the door way, feeling a pair of strong arms wrapping around his waist and a head resting on his shoulder before sweetly kissing his neck, blushing but closing his eyes un able to help liking the feel slightly arching into his father.

Continueing to kiss and nibble the pup's neck softly and afectionately each little nibble in the right spot was rewarded with a moan. Turning his son around the father knelt down and passtionatly kissed Alex loving the taste of the pup's maw, pulling him closer as he gently probed his mouth with his tongue suprized to feel Alex's tongue playing with his own.

Sneaking his paws down his son's hips gently sliding into his pants just happly resting them on the top of his young thighs. Alex couldn't belive what he was doing or how amazing it felt having another male's tongue probing and playing with his own liking the feel of another's paws on him deep down craiving for more needing it, out of breath from their deep love filled kiss he had to pull away reluctently panting.

"So my son...shall we follow the path?" said the father also panting glad to see his son wanting it and not being forced. Nodding softly he was speachless from such an experience he never felt before but he loved it and wanted to feel that good again if not better. His father simply smiled picking him up bridal style following the path of roses that lead upstairs to the master bedroom. Where the only source of light was from scented candels creating the perfect atmosphere complete with soft gentle music.

"I had this prepared just for us and for a very special question...you see your mom and i are getting divorced because of how much I love you..I love you more than just my son...Alex I'd be honoured if you would become my mate." said the father smiling laying the pup gently on the bed keeping his paw on his thigh.

Alex didnt know what to say or think he loved his father but he also felt bad for being loved by his father since his mom and dad was splitting up, looking away slightly Alex be gan to talk.

"You and Mom are breaking up because of me...." Alex said sadly, Alex's dad flicked him on the nose then kissed it.

"No of course not you see when grown ups that are married they sometimes want to stop being married and if you say yes it would make me the most happyist dog alive." his dad said laying ontop of him rubbing his thigh.

Alex blushed brightly looking at him before kissing him "yes dad...i will be your mate." his dad smiled, hugged him tightly and kissed him deeply while his paw continued to caress his thigh, once again probing his young maw with his tongue lapping the inside loving how Alex moaned. while the two were passtionatly kissing Alex's dad eargerly removed their shirts and

pants leaving them in just their underwear letting Alex protest.

Parting while panting from lack of breath Alex's dad was sneakingly moving his paw to Alex's rear end and niped his ear before speaking.

"Alex i love you..and i want to show you how much i love you...if you would let me but...just take note of something...i don't go gentle i go as hard as i can." he said striping the pup of his breifs leaving him to blush brightly as well as removing his own boxers smirking.

"O-o-ok..." Alex stamerd out not what to do he had never mated before the father was alrady fully hard on his knees with a proud 14 inches already coating itself in pre cum and a good 4 inch thick.

"Alex turn around...before i do it i'll say that its gonna hurt really bad at first but..you'll love it." he smirked watching his son turn around lifting his tail admireing his virgin pink pucker setting him on all fours laying over him biting his neck softly before lining his cock up ready to go in pushing in slightly before suddenly slamming in.

Alex cried out in pain never feeling anything like it before his eyes tearing up as his inner walls clenched and forcidbly stretched around the intruding cock, grunting and whining as the other pulled out all the way to the tip of the cock head before slamming back in Alex cried out again as his body shook helplessly under the force of his father.

"D-d-daddy....s-s-stop -p-please y-your h-h-hurting me." Alex said starting to sob as his father slammed back in him hitting his prostate making the pups head roll back.

"It's gonna feel good soon i promise...just let it happen." he maoned in creasing pace going harder loving every sound Alex made it was adding to his extacy. Slaming into him more and more his swelled knot being forced imside the pup as soon as he did he came hard filling him up to the point of some leaking out.

Panting in his orgasum colapsing over his son closing his eyes curling up on his side Alex was already passed out soom as the other stopped.