Slave Trade - Enlightened Discourse

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Slave Trade

Enlightened Discourse

copyright 2013 comidacomida

It was no great strain for Maern to flip the transport onto its wheels. As the slave pushed the carriage back into working order Lord Talvin took it upon himself to help the injured fox to his feet. Pulling Sidney's arm over his shoulder, the wolf then guided the slave master into the carriage's cabin.

Once the fox was situated, Lord Talvin directed Maern in Vensian and then likewise climbed inside the carriage while the stallion took up position alongside it. The wolf issued forth a strange collection of words, and the carriage began to move. The fox had experienced how quickly the transport could travel but he was surprised to see that Maern was keeping pace; the surprise only grew over the next twenty minutes as the horse, despite the sprinting speed, did not show any signs of tiring.

During those twenty minutes, Lord Talvin's eyes were focused solely on Sidney. Though the wolf didn't say even a single word, it was obvious enough to the fox that Lord Talvin was observing him... interrogating him with his eyes. It was a technique Sidney had seen often enough; the most astute lords were skilled at learning things about slaves by watching them and studying their body language.

"How is your foot?" Lord Talvin finally spoke up, crossing his arms as the shadow of a large wall fell over the transport. Sidney kept his paws on his knee, "It isn't broken, Lord Talvin." he was quick to announce, "But it won't hold my weight." he glanced quickly out the window as the carriage passed through a gate.

The wolf nodded thoughtfully, "From the look of it, I would say that it needs to be set." The thought didn't much appeal to the fox, who had been the victim of a number of dislocations in his life. He nodded, however, as it was not his place to make a decision for a lord. "Sidney?" Lord Talvin spoke his name, causing the slave master to wonder if he'd inadvertently ignored his host.

"Yes, Lord Talvin?" Sidney inquired immediately.

The carriage came to a stop. "We're here." the wolf noted, and stood up, "I want you waiting here until I send Maern for you... no weight on your foot. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Talvin." the fox nodded obediently.

Without another comment, Lord Talvin opened the transport's door and stepped out to meet Maern, who was waiting patiently, breathing quickly, but not laboriously; Sidney's tail twitched slightly and he reflexively sniffed the air when he noticed the faint sheen of sweat on the large horse's hide. He felt himself blush when he realized what he was doing, but not before he got a heady whiff of the stallion's powerful scent.

"Fets ih ni." Lord Talvin stated in parting, motioning to Sidney before making his way to the steps leading up to a set of oaken doors. The fox gazed at the home, admiring the intricate sculptures and reliefs carved into the archway that framed the entryway. The slave master found the entire building to be elegant, far more decorated than Lord Hectors, though it was a good degree smaller. The beautiful presentation yet unassuming size reminded Sidney of the building's owner, and he found himself blushing anew.

"Sid-ney?" Maern inquired, poking his head through the open door. The stallion's large build blocked the fox's view of the structure and brought his attention back to the present.

Sidney was not looking forward to whatever had to be done to help his ankle heal, but the stallion's presence somehow lessened the amount of disquiet in his thoughts, "Hi, Maern." the slave master offered with a faint smile. The massive slave returned the expression, ears up and forward, "Hi, Sid-ney." and he reached a thick, muscled arm in toward the fox, "Yoo... help?" and he presented the slave master an open hand, palm up.

"Yes." the fox nodded, "Thank you." and he used the arm for balance, putting his weight on it as he scooted across the bench, and picked his way slowly down the steps. He didn't quite manage to make it to the ground, however, as Maern reached forward and scooped Sidney up into his grasp. The slave master barked out a yelp in surprise, then found himself laying in the stallion's arms, Maern's biceps and chest creating two sides of a 'cradle'.

"Sid-ney good?" the horse inquired, looking down at the fox, carrying him toward the manor's open doors.

"My foot hurts." Sidney admitted, not feeling the same need to hide his pain from the slave as he had to lessen the severity before a lord.

"Foot herts." Maern nodded, and loosened the hold of his left arm, making it easier for Sidney's leg to hang at a slightly less uncomfortable angle. The horse ducked his head a few inches, allowing his ears to clear under the top of the door frame.

"You have no small amount of loyalty from that one, Sidney." Lord Talvin announced, startling the fox, and pulling his attention from Maern. The wolf was lingering in a doorway to an adjacent room, traveling cloak no longer on his shoulders and, Sidney realized, his boots and gloves were likewise removed; the slave master made a mental note of how meticulously the Lord's toe claws were trimmed. "Come..." the wolf invited as he moved aside then spoke in Vensian, "Maern... fets Sidney."

"Hua, Lord Talvin?" the stallion inquired, looking to the wolf inquisitively.

"Nia es." the wolf motioned to the vacated doorway.

"Iya, Lord Tal-vin." Maern acknowledged, and trotted past the wolf, lowering his head as he stepped through the open door.

From his vantage within the slave's grasp, Sidney could see that the room looked like some kind of combination between a workshop and a study chamber. The fox had seen two or three Lords' offices in his time, and he found many similarities between them, but Lord Talvin's had some striking differences... not the which of least was a large stone table situated off to one side. Sidney's heartbeat pounded away in his chest the moment he saw several familiar runes carved into the slab's sides; Lord Talvin had a Sardassi in his manor!

"Fets ih ta." the wolf spoke the Vensian words with certain authority as he pointed to the device, and then, obviously for Sidney's benefit, repeated in Prossian, "Put him there."

Sidney remained as still as a statue the moment the stallion deposited him onto the Sardassi. Maern took several steps back, folding his arms over his chest as he waited against one wall. The slave master did his best not to shiver at the cold stone's touch against him, and he clenched his teeth as his eyes darted here-and-there, searching along the lines of runes as much as he could without having to turn his head. "Sidney..." Lord Talvin's voice spoke from behind him, "Relax."

The fox forced his muscles to unclench as he streched himself out from his half-curled position, "Y-yes, Lord Talvin." he finally managed to speak, whole body quivering faintly in dread over what the Sardassi's presence in the wolf's home might mean for him. Sidney barely succeeded in stilling his first reaction of pulling away from Lord Talvin; the fox remained obediently unmoving as his host took hold of his leg. Sidney felt a moment of nausea when he noticed the way his foot hung limply as the wolf raised it from the table.

The slave master's attention was drawn immediately back to Lord Talvin's paws when he noticed what appeared to be some kind of jade manacle in the wolf's grasp. Sidney clenched his teeth again when Lord Talvin closed the cuff around his shin, just about half way between his knee and ankle. The fox grimaced the moment the shackle closed shut, expecting at that moment for the Sardassi's insidious power to agonize him into euphoria... but nothing happened.

"I understand that Lord Hector has placed you into a Sardassi before." Lord Talvin commented, speaking casually as he moved around to the side of the device... the side, Sidney recognized, as the one that held the five control buttons. "Am I correct in this understanding?" the wolf inquired.

Sidney swallowed, "Yes, Lord Talvin." the slave master confirmed.

"Am I also correct in understanding that you have assisted him with using it on Maern, and other slaves of his stable?"

"Yes, Lord Talvin." Sidney nodded, despite the fact that the wolf was focused more on the control panel than the fox.

"So you are aware that it has several different power settings... and many different uses... correct?" The wolf's paws moved unseen across the controls; Sidney was unable to tell what he was doing.

"Uses, Lord Talvin?" the slave master inquired. He would not have normally answered a question with a question but, in addition to Lord Hector having told him to be more outspoken around the wolf, he also didn't completely understand what Lord Talvin was asking.

"Yes." his host acknowledged, "uses." and, with that, the wolf pressed a button, and Sidney's attention abandoned everything in the room besides the humming drone of the Sardassi. He immediately let his entire body go slack, fighting back a whimper as he silently repeated to himself that he needed to stay as still as possible and not fight. He promised himself that he wouldn't pull against his restraints-- and only then did he realize that this Sardassi didn't have any.

Before he could analyze just why that was, several blasts of light blinded him as the Sardassi sent numerous arcs of power through his body. Although Sidney's first impulse was to scream, his muscle spasms took his breath away... just long enough for him to realize that there was no pain. Another crackle of electricity sizzled its way through his body and, despite the faint smell of cooking fur, the fox could not even equate the sensations he felt to anything the Sardassi had done to him during his turn back at the work shed.

Sidney held as still as possible, hoping that it was his obedience that kept the agony at bay. Concerned over the mess he'd make with his loin cloth still on, the fox had his second epiphony: although he could quite distinctly feel the electrical vibrations throughout his groin, the convulsions and insistent surges of force simply weren't there. Moments later, however, Sidney's time on the device became less 'pleasant'.

Lord Talvin's command was immediate, "STOP." he spoke the word with full authority, and Sidney froze in place; the fox barely even realized that he had reflexively moved to scratch-- an insistent, almost burning itch grabbed hold of his leg, driving him to distraction as it spread its way from the tip of his toes up to the base of his knee. "Lay back down." the wolf directed, and Sidney immediately did as he was ordered.

"Yes, Lord Talvin." Gritting his teeth, Sidney pushed the discomfort from his mind; he'd had worse sensations than an itch before, and he was not about to let it rule him; it did not override the order of a Lord. The fox fought to maintain control of his fear. Unable to compare the current use of the Sardassi and the prior effect it had on him, Sidney was stuck in a realm of uncertainty, neither understanding what was happening with the Sardassi, nor willing to believe that he would escape it without being ravaged, his seed forced out of him by its diabolical processes.

"Stay calm, and do not move." Lord Talvin directed, resting a paw on the fox's forehead. For a reason Sidney could not discern, the simple touch from the wolf did a great deal in calming him, and he focused on the smooth-padded palm resting between his eyes. "It is almost done." the reassurance was strange to the slave master, who felt neither the insistent fulness in his groin nor the lustful demand of the artifact's energies invading his mind.

The lack of familiarity with the device was so absolute that he was caught completely off guard when his leg gave a sudden jump, and the bones within violently righted themselves. The cry of alarm was half-way out of Sidney's muzzle before he realized that there was absolutely no pain in the action, and, instead, it felt as though a great pressure had released itself from his ankle. Opening his eyes, the fox slowly looked down and saw that his foot was again facing the correct way. Although the itching remained, it was rapidly receding.

"Sardassi'en ee'nu." Lord Talvin spoke in a confident and direct voice, his paw rising from the fox's head as the wolf moved down the table to unlatch the jade circlet from Sidney's calf. The slave master slowly sat up after receiving a nod from his host, who gingerly settled the precious stone manacle into a cushioned box. "You may stand, Sidney." the wolf directed, motioning to the ground beside the Sardassi as he closed the lid on the storage container.

The fox obediently slid around to get to his feet, Maern moving immediately to offer him a large hand for support. Sidney accepted it, and placed his good foot down first, lowering his second leg only once he had firm balance. Toes touching, Sidney was surprised to find no agony in his ankle. He put a little more weight onto it without any pain, then added even more weight without even a sensation of strain on a joint that had, only moments before, been completely out of operation. "What happened here?' the slave master murmured to no one in particular, gazing down at his healthy ankle.

Despite the in-specific nature of the inquiry, Lord Talvin elected to answer it, "You are healed... obviously." the wolf walked around the stone slab and waved Maern away, motioning the large slave out an adjoining door ahead of them.

He offered a paw to the surprised fox in an almost courtly manner and waited patiently until he had the slave master's digits in his grasp, only then he continue, talking as they walked after the stallion, "The Sardassi, despite what tasks your fine Master has for it, was originally designed as a healer's aid, even going to the point of bringing someone back from the brink of death... well... when used by a master technician, that is."

"Tech-nih-shun?" Sidney sounded the foreign word out.

"Ah... of course." the wolf flicked an ear, "That is a Tenvierian word." he led the fox past Maern, who was standing on the opposite side of the door waiting for them, "The closest word in Prossian would be 'artificer'." the wolf stopped and motioned for Maern to follow before looking back to Sidney, "You have heard of that term, correct?"

"Yes, Lord Talvin." the slave master acknowledged, head still swimming due to the discovery that the Sardassi was not the evil torture device he'd been led to believe. He paused for a moment to bury his curiosity, but then recalled that his host had never withdrew his invitation for the fox to speak his mind. As such, Sidney hazarded his question, "How can the uses of the Sardassi be so different?"

The wolf led the fox and the stallion down a hallway, pausing to indicate a door, "Es si huun sima." he announced to Maern. Sidney remained silent as the two held a short discussion.

"En Sidney, Lord Tal-vin?" the horse questioned, "Cort si ih?"

"Naeun Dun, Maern." the wolf responded with a dismissing tone; the fox was left with the impression that he hadn't answered the stallion's question.

Maern bowed his head calmly, "Naeun Dun, Lord Tal-vin." About-facing, the stallion opened the door their host had indicated, and walked through, "Good nite, Sid-ney." he added, turning around to watch them go. Lord Talvin led Sidney onward, and the fox glanced back once more before turning the corner; Maern's door was still open, and the horse remained watching as they disappeared out of sight.

Sidney had almost forgotten he had asked a question when Lord Talvin spoke up, "So... you truly wish to know about the Sardassi, do you?"

"I do not understand how it does what it does." the fox admitted, "Lord Hector uses it to help sell his slaves' seed and--"

"and also to handle his own needs." Lord Talvin spoke over the slave master. Sidney skid to a stop at his host's comment. The wolf grinned, glancing at the fox out of the corner of his eye, "I would say he was truly creative in overcoming his Sorra."

Sidney's ears rose as surely as if they'd been attached to strings held by a puppet master,"You know about Lord Hector's Sorra?"

Lord Talvin chuckled, "Ah, my dear, dear Sidney, you would be far better served to assume I know everything, as you would be right more often than not." he reached up and patted the fox on the head, "Yes, I know about your master's Sorra... I HAVE known him for quite some time, after all." and, with that, the wolf continued on only a few more steps before turning to face a door. He reached into his pocket, drawing out a key. Sidney froze when he realized that the room had a lock on it, and was even more surprised that Lord Talvin had to unlock it to enter.

"Who is inside?" the fox asked quickly.

"Right now?" the wolf glanced at him, "No one."

The answer confused the slave master "Why is it locked if there is nobody to keep inside?"

Lord Talvin's muzzle pulled back in a faint smile, "Free men often value their privacy, my dear fox... a door may sometimes be locked to keep people OUT, and not just in." He turned the key then the door knob, and entered, "Come." It was a simple and direct order; Sidney obeyed it without hesitation. The wolf stopped within the room and turned to face him, "Now close the door behind you." Again, Sidney did as he was bid, and then, as Lord Talvin's attention shifted to a collection of metallic objects on a nearby shelf, the fox took a moment to inspect his newest surroundings.

The room was small by a Lord's standards but it was still easily twice the size of Sidney's new chamber within the stables. Despite the numerous, eye-catching items strewn about the area, what caught the fox's attention first and foremost was the large, plush bed in the center of the room. He glanced at it, then to the wolf, who was sorting through the items on the shelf. "Lord Talvin... is this someone's bedroom?"

"Indeed it is, Sidney..." the wolf turned back around to face him, "This is your room... for the night." and Lord Talvin strolled over to stand directly in front of the fox, several inches too close for polite conversation, "You will remain here for the duration of your stay."

Sidney's thoughts were immediately confirmed, "Yes, Lord Talvin." he nodded, lowering his gaze, "Do you wish me to remove my loin cloth for you?"

"My, my, my..." the wolf responded, making a 'tsk tsk tsk' sound with his tongue, "you truly WERE trained as a personal slave, weren't you?"

"Yes, Lord Tal--" Sidney began, but he fell silent as Lord Talvin's paw hooked under the bottom of his chin and raised it to meet his own. The fox jumped in surprise when their lips met. The kiss lasted scarcely a second, but, as Lord Talvin pulled away, Sidney had to fight to avoid gasping for breath; the action had caught him off-guard in too many ways for the fox to count. In all his years he had never had a Lord ask for something so--

"Too intimate for you, Sidney?" the wolf inquired, slowly unbuttoning his tunic.

"Lord Bulhue was not interested in kissing." the fox attempted to answer the question in as indirect manner as possible.

The expression on Lord Talvin's muzzle led Sidney to realize that the lord wasn't about to settle on the evasion, but, strangely enough, the wolf didn't push the issue. Instead, he changed gears, "Tenvierian scholars discovered early on in the development of the Sardassi that a body's ability to heal itself was related with several different energies." he motioned to the bed, "Lay down, Sidney." The fox complied.

"Now..." the wolf noted, standing beside the prone fox, "An injury to the shoulder..." he gently touched Sidney's collar bone, "or an injury to the knee..." he likewise pressed a finger against the slave master's knee cap, "or even damage to the head," Lord Talvin gave the fox a soft scritching between the eyes with a claw, "they are all an attack on a body's ability to continue surviving... and, assuming they are not severe enough to cause death, they can all be healed." The wolf sat down on the bed and began to undo Sidney's loincloth, "Do you understand that much, Sidney?"

"Yes, Lord Talvin." the fox acknowledged, maintaining an air of indifference as the Lord removed the cloth covering his groin.

The wolf carefully folded the loin cloth and laid it on the night stand beside the bed, "Scholars discovered that the body is, in many ways, like a carriage that can repair itself... it is made up of many pieces working together, and, each of these pieces in turn are made up of smaller parts, and smaller parts, on and on... just as a wagon's wheels are comprised of several pieces, and those pieces are assembled from other pieces." Lord Talvin began to smooth out Sidney's fur using his bare paws. Despite himself, the fox had to fight to avoid fidgeting at the attention; it was far different than what he was used to.

"A body's ability to repair itself, however, is far different from that of a carriage." the wolf continued to draw his paws across the slave master's body, trailing his fingers down Sidney's abdomen, lightly raking his claws down past the fox's belly button, "Our bodies replace dead parts with living parts... this is why we lose fur... why we shed claws... why our flesh flecks off as our wounds close. They are all replaced by new, healthy parts."

"Then..." Sidney flicked an ear, his eyes focused on the paws exploring his body, "...the Sardassi..."

"The Sardassi encourages our bodies to heal faster by giving us new flesh." Lord Talvin explained calmly, his fingers trailing through Sidney's pubic fur before one of his paws reached down to gently cup the fox's sac. It infuses us with the energy our body uses in replicating itself... not unlike some Sarvistines do with lost limbs."

"The--" Sidney's voice came out an octave too high. He swallowed, watching as the wolf fondled the contents of his scrotum, "The Sarvistines... they're... lizards... from the north?" He fidgeted, feeling his surprisingly full sac lay heavily in the Lord's grasp.

"Of a sort, yes, Sidney... and most are able to regenerate themselves far greater than any other man or woman." Lord Talvin gently released the fox's endowments and sat up, unbuttoning his own tunic, "The Sardassi," he continued as he undressed, "stimulates the parts of our body responsible for replacing the old and bringing about the new." Unlike with the slave master's loin cloth, the wolf simply tossed his own clothing onto the floor, "Of course... therein lays the side effects."

"I do not understand." Sidney responded, eyes glued to the luscious fur of the wolf's chest, admiring the wiry muscles as the flowed with each of the lord's movements. Lord Talvin was built much like Lord Hector, albeit, with a slighter degree of bulk and more keenly defined muscle; the fox attributed it to the wolf being a natural predator. The fox quickly looked away the moment Lord Talvin's keen gaze settled on him... either his host's touch, or the view of the wolf half-naked had affected Sidney more than he thought; his flesh was already peeking out of his sheath, and the realization embarrassed him greatly.

Lord Talvin smiled shrewdly, "I believe you understand better than you realize." The wolf flicked a single buckle at his waist, and stepped forward, the light fabric of his slacks falling to the floor past his ankles. Sidney's eyes widened quickly when he realized that his host wore no undergarments, and that Lord Talvin was graced with endowments not unlike Lord Hector or Maern; he had no sheath... and was endowed more generously than his svelte frame would have suggested. "A body's ability to heal itself is but one way it utilizes the energy provided by the Sardassi... it affects other aspects... other needs..." the Lord climbed onto the bed again, leaning over the prone fox.

"It--" Sidney began, but the words stopped before making it out of his lips, his tongue tripped over itself as the wolf's tongue played across the tip of his exposed flesh, washing down to softly caress his partially withdrawn sheath. The fox let out a ragged gasp, exhaling slowly as Lord Talvin's skillful paw took charge in pulling his sheath further back. Surprising himself, Sidney barely managed to avoid thrusting into the skilled grip.

"It's alright, my dear fox," the wolf chided, "as I said... the Sardassi may not have been so obvious in its affect on certain parts of you, but by now I am certain you are aware that, even without Lord Hector's focus ring it can still stir certain needs in someone it heals... and it is a far wiser address to tend to those needs rather than leaving them unattended."

"Lord Talvin..." Sidney spoke up, "I can... do that myself..."

"Indeed... of that I have no doubt." the wolf nodded with certainty, "However, if I am not mistaken, I HAVE purchased you for the night..." The slave master swallowed, and nodded obediently, "Excellent." Lord Talvin confirmed, "Then we shall find out just how many methods to which you were introduced as a personal slave."

"Yes, Lord Talvin." the fox squeaked.

Sidney remained prone, laying on the bed, back down, and rapidly-hardening member sticking up. The fox's heart skipped a beat as the wolf straddled him; the Lord's thick, spongy member resting directly beside the slave master's mostly-withdrawn sheath, "I would assume that, as a pleasure slave, your focus was to fulfil the desires of the Lords and Ladies to whom you were presented..." and Lord Talvin took hold of Sidney's mostly-erect flesh, pulling it forward as he took his own wolfhood in his other paw, and pressed the two tips together, "is that not correct?"

"Y-yes, Lord Talvin."

"And, if I am not mistaken, Lord Bulhue was your only owner?" the wolf smiled, easing his hips forward a half inch, holding his member loosely around its foreskin as the tip of Sidney's member passed through the fleshy sleeve.

"Hhh--" the sound emerged from the fox's surprised muzzle like a gasp, "he was." Sidney clenched the soft mattress beneath him as more of his flesh disappeared into the wolf's foreskin. After another half inch it stopped, bumping into the wolf's semi-erect member.

"I see." Lord Talvin acknowledged casually. The fox wondered if Lord Talvin was done with his 'fun' at that point, but was proven wrong as the wolf, keeping his paw in place, began to slowly rock his hips, causing Sidney's flesh to reappear, before sliding back in. "And I trust Lord Bulhue was never interested in YOUR pleasure."

"No, Lord Talvin." Sidney confirmed, "He was not."

"Ah..." the wolf nodded, immediately parting their joined members, his own thickening and hardening from the play, "a pity." and he inched his hips further up the fox's, "It is, of course, not an uncommon situation among personal slaves... they are required to pleasure their masters and are to expect none themselves..." Lord Talvin smiled, revealing his sharp teeth, "of course... not always..." and Sidney felt the wolf slowly settle back down upon him, the lord's tail flicking left then right, caressing its way across the fox's groin. He gasped in surprise when he felt the tip of his flesh slide up beneath Lord Talvin's tail.

"L-Lord Tal--" the slave master began, but his throat constricted the rest of his words as he felt the warm, tight opening part before the pointed head of his member. Sidney had never been inside another male before... or anyone, for that matter, and he froze, his entire body going as rigid as his shaft.

"Mmmngh..." the wolf's soft exhale became a wince at the end, and Sidney felt the Lord's opening spasm once around his member. Lord Talvin paused in lowering himself, the tip of his shaft leaking a thin line of fluid as it bobbed between them, " HAS been awhile..." the wolf chuckled, and slowly opened his eyes, looking down at the confused fox. "Few noblemen appreciate the art of being able to take everything another male can give." he explained, slowly letting his hips slip down another half-inch of Sidney's shaft, "It is seen as... unseemly."

Sidney, still in shock of what was happening, simply nodded mutely in response. Lord Talvin leaned forward, chuckling, and touched his muzzle to the fox's, sliding his tongue out to caress the slave master's velvety muzzle. Though Sidney was unfamiliar with kisses, he knew well enough how to follow a lead, and opened his lips, giving Lord Talvin free reign... which the wolf gladly took.

The fox lost track of time, lost in the skillful caresses of his host as Lord Talvin's tongue searched his muzzle and caressed the side of his face, leaving the slave master breathless in his grasp. Only once Sidney's knot felt the tight opening of the wolf impede its progress did the slave master realize that the wolf had taken all of him. "You..." Sidney finally found his voice, encouraged on by Lord Talvin's attention, "You are such a Lord?'

"No..." the wolf responded, then added cryptically, "and yes." he slowly raised one leg, planting his foot firmly on the mattress, and pulled himself off of the fox's very erect member. "I have learned to appreciate nearly any kind of attention." Lord Talvin noted, "being flexible meant making each task that much easier..."

"Each task?" Sidney asked, moving to sit up, but failing as the wolf pushed him back onto the mattress.

"Let us simply understand that my life has not always been beast-less carriages and fine clothes." Lord Talvin smiled, raising his leg and drawing it over Sidney's body before about-facing and turning around, his tail caressing the fox's abdomen. Once Lord Talvin had turned around, he straddled the fox once more and eased himself back down.

With skilled perfection, the wolf guided Sidney's member back up beneath his tail, and slowly impailed himself once more. Lord Talvin let out a breath slowly, his opening caressing Sidney's shaft as it enveloped him easily. The sensation of the Lord's warm body around his flesh almost caused the fox to lose focus... but not before he noticed the numerous lines of scars on the wolf's back. Lord Talvin's words, combined with the subtle comments Sidney had heard but all but forgotten suddenly brought everything into focus, "You're a slave?!?"

Lord Talvin chuckled softly, slowly arching his back and pushing his hips down against the fox's groin. Sidney gasped at the sensation from the move... one he himself had exceuted more than once. "In a different life, perhaps." the wolf confirmed, rocking his rump forward and backward as if thrusting his own member into the empty air; the movement was erotically enticing as it rolled the fox's flesh within the confines of his tail hole.

"But... a slave can't be..." Sidney's objection was interrupted as a yip of excitement caused him to shudder; Lord Talvin had clenched down on his flesh, and it sent a spike of pleasure throughout the fox's body.

"I was freed." the wolf explained, his tail softly caressing Sidney's chest, the tip of it tickling the fox's throat, "By Lord Hector."

The sudden explanation would have been enough to make Sidney gasp but, suddenly, the wolf pressed powerfully down with his hips, impaling himself on the fox's member, and the slave master's cry was one of carnal lust rather than surprise as Lord Talvin took the fox's knot, swallowing it into himself. Sidney quivered, moaning constantly as soon as the wolf continued his movements... and yet, all without a break in explaining.

"I was asked to do many things as a slave, my dear Sidney... there was nothing beneath me when it came to those who ruled over me..." the wolf arched his back again, tail kinking slightly due to the fox's knot, and Sidney practically swore he could even feel his TEETH tingling at the sensation; despite being trained to avoid finding release without a master's permission, Sidney was hard pressed to control himself.

"You're...." the fox whimpered as he felt the pressure building in his groin, "...good."

"Very good." Lord Talvin nodded, drawing his paws across his own body erotically, even adding a theatrical moan for good measure.. The sight and sounds of the wolf in his lap were something Sidney couldn't help but disbelieve, but, he realized, Lord Talvin was very, VERY real. Even as he squinted his eyes against the impending climax the entire world spun and Sidney whimpered, gritting his teeth as he finally lost the battle; he let out a hoarse cry and he emptied himself into the wolf.

The release was intense... almost as intense as when he'd been strapped to the Sardassi, albeit, without the agonizing, burning power of the horrible device. The fox was lost to the sensation and time became meaningless as the wolf milked him for all he had. Only once the euphoria passed did Sidney open his eyes, realizing that Lord Talvin had rotated in his lap, looming over the fox, their hips still locked together. "I was like this with my first master, a large bull giraffe... when I killed him." the wolf said candidly.

Sidney had never been stuck in a tie before; he'd heard that they could sometimes last upwards of twenty minutes. In his case, hearing those words from his partner was all he needed for it to end right there. Lord Talvin rose up from his position, the fox's member making an audible 'pop' as the wolf pulled free. "...killed?" Sidney whispered.

"It was an order from my second master." the wolf explained, calmly sliding off the edge of the bed, "I had been trained as a pleasure slave... not unlike yourself."

"But... you... you KILLED?" the fox questioned, finding himself staring at the predatory gaze of the wolf, not unlike a mouse about to be eaten by a snake.

"At my second master's command." Lord Talvin acknowledged casually, "He had purchased me several seasons before, and, knowing that my former master trusted me, knew that he would find no better assassin."

The word caused Sidney's fur to stand on end, "You're... an..."

"I was, yes." Lord Talvin acknowledged, grabbing Sidney by his newly healed ankle, and then pulled him to the edge of the bed, "What betta ehsasseen than eh sex slave?" the wolf smirked, his words falling back into a very thick Tenvierian accent "nobodi espects a sex slave as enything but eh place for plehsure."

"But... how?" Sidney gaped, his legs hanging off the side of the bed as the wolf reached forward and gently caressed his fluid-slick member. The fox tensed when Lord Talvin's paw slid up beneath his tail, slathering his opening with his own seed.

"My second master also enjoyed my services... albeit, quite differently than my first." the wolf's words returned to seamless Prossian, his accent completely gone, "As a nobleman, it was not seemly for a powerful male lion to enjoy being taken like a lioness..." and, with one, smooth thrust, Lord Talvin slid several inches of his flesh into the fox's tail hole. Sidney gasped, his head spinning both from the sudden fullness but also, at the same time, in surprise that the wolf's skill succeeded in impaling him without more than the faintest hint of pain.

"The life of an assassin is not an easy one, my sweet Bane..." Lord Talvin noted, eyes gleaming green in the half-light of the room, "...and Lord Hector saved me from that life." the wolf leaned forward, curling Sidney's body back upon itself as his shoulder blades were forced against the mattress and his hips were pulled up to meet the Lord's thrust, "It has taken quite some time... but I am finally able to pay him back."

The slave master was unable to ask the next question that came to mind as a moan took hold of his voice; Lord Talvin knew what he was doing, and the sensations of the wolf's flesh within him caused the fox's body to stir anew.

Sidney's paws found their way to Lord Talvin's shoulders, and each of the fox's breaths came out as quick gasps, each timed with the rhythm of the wolf's thrusts. "How?" Sidney finally found his voice.

"That, my dear Sidney," the wolf pulled away, letting Sidney uncurl his body and flop back down across the mattress, "is a discussion we will have to share another time."

The fox's nose began working immediately, surprised that Lord Talvin had not chosen to finish the act, "You... you didn't--"

The wolf smiled, walking around to the side of the bed and reached out to caress one of Sidney's ears, "I learned long ago, as both a sex slave and an assassin, that it is best to keep everyone guessing." the fox did not notice that Lord Talvin's other paw was caressing his wolfhood until the fingers at his ear tightened their grip, and pulled his head down to the lord's groin. Sidney closed his eyes as jet after jet of the wolf's seed sprayed across his face, "Now nobody will question that you have served your purpose." he offered with a chuckle, which, surprisingly to the fox, was good-natured rather than spiteful.

The fox pulled away only once the grip on his ear ended, and slowly opened his eyes, only to find that Lord Talvin still loomed over him. "Things are not always as they appear, dear Sidney," the wolf explained, leaning forward to lick his own fluids from the fox's fur, "Who is in control and how... who are friends... who are enemies..." he smiled as he drew back, "The life of a slave is so much simpler than that of a Lord... sometimes I envy you."

"Me?" the fox questioned, ears up.

"Of course." Lord Talvin acknowledged, heading for the door, tail wagging profusely, "After all, you are the great slave 'Bane', and you have just converted the enigmatic Lord Talvin to Lord Hector's cause."

Sidney cocked his head to the side, "Weren't you already--"

The wolf lingered at the doorway, still naked. He glanced back to the fox and winked, "As I said... things are not always as they appear. Nobody else knows for certain where my affiliations lay but, after a theatrical reveal tomorrow after I return you... well... let us simply say that Lord Levid will be out for blood." he chuckled, leaning against the door frame as he smiled, providing the slave master an open, unabashed view of his body.

The fox sat up in surprise at the seemingly optimistic tone the wolf used with what should have been a very displeasing turn of events, "That's GOOD?" he questioned.

"Do not concern yourself with the specifics, my sweet fox... that is for me to worry about. Just continue being you, and everything will work out perfectly." Lord Talvin's tail swayed back and forth as the naked wolf strolled out of the room, leaving Sidney surprised, shocked, confused, and, somehow still very much aroused.