
Story by Rien on SoFurry

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#1 of Erotic Shorts

A short, sweet piece of erotica featuring Emily the otter and Derek the snow leopard.

"Then when my joy is a certainty, and my longing for love is not in vain, I am in pain all over once again." Derek glanced up over the top of his book as he concluded the sonnet, meeting the warm brown eyes of the otter sprawled in the shallows of the lake, her sleek feminine form dressed only in water. She sighed, shaking her head.

"It's so sad." Emily kicked her paws in the water, delighting in the soft splashes against her fur to distract her from the melancholy poem.

"I think that was one of her least depressing." The snow leopard shrugged, a smile playing across his muzzle as he watched her, always enchanted by every expression. The day had been perfect. It was warm and sunny, but a cool breeze kept the weather from being stifling. There had been chilled champagne, a picnic, and she had been delightfully surprised by the whole thing. Of course on the shore of a lake, no matter how lovely the shade of the trees and the softness of the grass, an otter will find a way to get in the water. And so she had, leaving him relaxing on their blanket in the shade.

She stood, sliding her paws down her body to slick off the worst of the water. He openly admired her, letting the book fall slightly so he'd have an unimpeded view of her fingers tracing the curves of her breast, down to her lean waist and feminine hips. A flick of her eyes caught his, a coy glance beneath long lashes. He shifted, subtly trying to adjust himself. She laughed and swayed over to him, dropping to her knees at the edge of the blanket. A bat of her paw spread his legs and the book fell forgotten to the side as she crawled towards him. Her paw traced over the outline of his arousal, toying with the button of his jeans.

Gently stroking her cheek, Derek pushed himself farther up and their lips brushed, her tongue flicking out to glide over his lower lip. The snow leopard groaned softly, trying to slip his arm around her to pull her up against him. She squirmed away and suddenly he was staring at a blank piece of blanket. A bright laugh brought his attention to the lake shore. Emily grinned at him, already waist deep in the water.

"Coming, Derek?" She turned, sweeping her tail to send a splash of water onto the shore. The blanket was high enough up that not much of the water reached him, just a few drops dampening his fur. With a slight growl he stood, but hesitated to approach the shore.

"Emily..." His voice was strained with need and indecision. "Emily, I can't swim."

She held out her paw to him, backing a little deeper into the lake. "Its shallow sweetheart, you don't need to swim."

He hesitated, taking a step closer to the water. The otter came up closer to the shore, kneeling in the soft silt of the lake bed. He came another step closer and she came a little higher onto the shore, until finally his toes touched the water. He jerked back slightly and she smothered a giggle. The snow leopard laid back his ears and frowned, but she caught his hand before he could back away.

Still on her knees, she nudged her muzzle against his groin, feeling his still half hard erection. He groaned above her and she let go of his paw so hers were free to pop open the button of his jeans. Carefully, she caught the zipper pull in her teeth, looking up at him as she slowly pulled it down. She could see the nerves washed away under the heat of need. With just a look he could always make her feel so desirable- she shifted, rubbing her thighs together, shivering at the sensation on her damp slit.

He reached back to undo the button above his tail before she could and his jeans fell around his ankles, darkening where they touched the water. Neither of them took any notice as he simply kicked them back higher up on the lake shore. Her paws were already sliding up his thighs, admiring the contrast between her short dark brown fur and his long white and silver fur. She nuzzled aside the fly of his boxers, her tongue flicking out and touching hot flesh, tracing along his shaft and flicking over the barbed texture of his head. One of his paws came down to rest on her shoulder for balance as he shivered. He pulled back from her just long enough to shove his boxers down to his knees, and she helped them the rest of the way off as he impatiently stripped out of his shirt.

One of her paws wrapped around his shaft, the other slipping between his legs to caress his sack, rolling them gently in her paw. Her tongue flicked over his head, tasting the salt of pre as he muffled a moan, stroking her ears. Emily shifted back slightly, and he followed her, only half aware as they moved deeper into the water until he was knee deep and the water came up to her waist kneeling. The otter's short muzzle opened, carefully engulfing the head of his shaft, her tongue delicately exploring every barb and vein. His eyes closed as he panted, his hips twitching as he struggled for control, letting her do what she wanted. Her warm muzzle slid farther down his shaft, wet and hot until he felt himself rub against the back of her throat. Emily pause then, pulling back slightly before she sank farther down on his shaft, her throat relaxing to pull him in.

A soft moan escaped her, muffled around his cock in her throat as she felt his hips buck, trying to bury himself even deeper in her muzzle. One of his paws came down to rest on the back of her head, gently stroking his fingers across her fur.

"Oooh, that's it love." He murmured. She bobbed slowly, taking him as deeply as she could every time. Her paw slid down, splashing into the water and finding her hot sex. She spread her legs slightly, back arching as she rubbed her fingers over her lips, circling her hard clit and feeling the slickness of her own juices mixing with the cool lake water.

Derek pushed her back with a low groan, eliciting a frustrated whine from her. He managed a shaky smile. "I'm going to fall down." He muttered. She pushed herself up higher and grabbed his shoulders with a mischievous grin. He yelped, taken by surprise as she pulled him down on top of her, landing in the water with a splash. He scrambled up onto his arms, soaking wet and staring down at her in surprise. He didn't have time to take offense to his sudden wetting though as she wrapped her legs around him, one of her paws reaching down to guide his tip to her slit.

Their moans mingled as she impaled herself on him. Tight and not as slick as normal because of the water, she pressed him into her. She dug her paws into his shoulder fur, pulling him against her as he thrust himself into her, eyes closing as he savored her tight embrace, one arm wrapping around her waist to hold her tightly against him. The water was deep enough that he had to keep himself propped up on one arm to keep their heads well above the water, but he hardly noticed as the cool water swirled around them, stirred by his powerful thrusts and her beating tail. She squirmed as his barbs dragged against the walls of her channel, panting and gasping as she tried to push herself harder against him.

Her tight channel clenched and squeezed around his shaft as if her body didn't want to let it go. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he felt his climax building, his teeth gently grazing over her shoulder as he thrust into her as far as he could, feeling his tip bump up against the back of her. She squeaked softly, the noise almost lost as it morphed into a moan as his hot seed sprayed inside her. The otter squirmed and ground against him, her breaths coming quicker and sharper until her entire body spasmed, a flood of her own fluids mixing with his already inside her, and her body clenching tightly around his overly sensitive shaft, bringing another moan from him.

His arm gave out and there was a startled "Mrow!" as they collapsed into the water. They broke apart as he dragged himself out of the water, thick fur stuck to his lean frame and making him look rather bedraggled. She giggled as she pulled herself out of the water next to him, sprawling on the soft lake grass. He reached over and pulled her snug against his side, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling the side of her neck, heedless of the lake mud that splattered them both. She giggled and tried to push his muzzle away as his whiskers tickled her.

"See, water isn't so bad." She teased, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. His whiskers twitched and he shrugged, a soft smile playing over his muzzle.

"With you, nothing's bad." He purred, closing his eyes and snuggling tightly against her. She smiled, close her eyes as she settled into his arms.

"Does that mean you'll let me teach you to swim?" There was a soft huff of breath against her cheek, caught halfway between a laugh and a sigh.

"One thing at a time, love. One thing at a time."

Twisted Paths: Excerpt

Kaelin heard the snarl behind her and the thump of paws on snow and knew she wasn't fast enough. Her fingers clawed at the cloak she had formerly been clutching close, flinging it aside. Beneath a strap of leather held three carefully rolled skins...

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