Changeling Heart: A Bound Brought Back

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#14 of Changeling Story

The Changeling before me gave a soft smile, the kind of smile I remembered waking up to in the morning, food ready, and before I would leave for school. Even though he was not the unicorn I grew up knowing, it was still there. "'s so great to..."

"Wait," I answered looking at him straight in the face. "How do I know you're not just some other Changeling that has the same scar as my, I want to test you." I was surprised to see him nod slightly at this as he got ready. Something only my father knew...only my... "How did I gain my cutie mark?" I asked him as he looked to me. "And I want the full story, start; to finished." He gave a look; I couldn't place my hoof on it. to me, it kinda looked hurtful in a sense, but all the same, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Just like your mother," he spoke softly while shaking his head. "Gotta truly know if what somepony says is true or not," I didn't say anything at him, only give a firm stare as he smiled and nodded.

"It was just before you turned five," he started the story. "You came to me and your mother telling us how much you wanted to become a guard, but not of this land; no, a guard to another land." I gave him no emotion; I just listened as he spoke. "Your mother," he shook his head with a small amused look. "She was not happy about this; she didn't want her little foal to go out acting like some sort of hero. I on the other hoof, I supported this dream of yours. It took some doing from the both of us, but soon; she also wished you to follow your dreams. The day your birthday came, you were shocked to find that we had given you a wooden sword for you, even more that I red up on sword fighting, so that I may teach you some moves, to see if this was what you truly wanted."

He then smiled up to me as I watched him. "You were so mad, so upset when you couldn't beat me at all, at times you just wanted to give up; but, you never did. Then one day, after many weeks of training, you told me you were ready to beat me. We went to the back yard, both our wooden swords at the ready, only one lone star was seen in the sky as we duel. I was shocked by how much you've gowned, you weaved and moved like a sword master to me. Where you learned such things, still baffled me even to this day. And at last, you had me, on the ground, your sword tip to my throat. That's when it happened, one moment there was nothing and then...that five point star and sword going through it...that Bright Star, was how you earned your cutie mark."

I said nothing after a while; he was just looking at me, a small smile on his muzzle. My eyes closed before I threw my arms around his neck and held him in a hug, softly crying. "F...father!" I whispered softly to him as he rubbed my back softly.

"Yes's me..." he whispered back. "It's so good to see you with my own eyes once more..." we just held each other, my softly crying, my father...he was alive and before me. Sure, I had a lot of questions for him, but they could wait for now. After we were done, me taking a deep breath, I sat beside Saki, watching her sleep still. "She'll be fine," my father spoke as I looked to him. "She was lucky you took that blow for her...though, I am sorry about your eye," I touched where the cloth was still wrapped. "You can take that off after I leave, it should be healed by then."

"Father," I breathed, smiling softly as I used that name, it felt like forever since I last spoke it to the pony it belonged to. " always Sir?" I was surpised when he shook his head.

"No son," he told me looking at really nothing. "That day, when Doctor Love claimed that Sir had 'changed'. He was partly right. You see, I was part of his group, I had changed myself a lot, seeing how he just felt the need to allow his stallions to die more and more." He shook his head slightly. "When at last he did fall, I took the chance, first transforming into him, I then burned his body, making sure no pony could ever find out that Sir was really dead and I had taken his role."

"That makes sense I guess," I answered putting a hoof to my chin. "But why did you send for me then?"

"About two years after you left," he answered looking back at me. "We found out why the King started to attack us. It seems Cocoon, as you already met using him."

"As in...controlling him?"

"That's right son," he answered looking me dead in the eye. "And beside me and Doctor Love, who else is unaffected by Changeling spells?"

"Me, I guess but...wait what?" I asked looking to him. "Even the Doc is he half Changeling?"

"No, no, get this. You know how he is right trying to make everyone love him and such."

"He's a stallion-whore father," I answered him as he chuckled. "I know five who he made bi."

"Well...because trust me I tried this out. He...just has so much love, he just can't be affected."

"Or the fact that his mind is more wrapped then a piece of wet wood?" he chuckled softly at this.

"Yes, that could be a factor, but as I said; he is no Changeling, nor a half-breed like you."

"How can you be sure?" I asked as my father nodded at this as he answered.

"When you were little, and your mother and I took you for your blood check up, your blood had this extra stuff in it, they said it was very rare, but we knew it was because I was a Changeling. I tested his blood as well, not the same as yours'." This caught me greatly by surprised at this. Doc could not be affected by the Changelings...because he had so much love to give? But wouldn't be he like a magnet to all the changelings around here? Bah, this was too much to think of, but why was he telling me this anyway? "As I was saying," he went on as I listened. "So far, it is only you, I and Doctor Love that can get close enough without worry of us attacking each other if a Changeling gets to us. Well, your lover here if she wants to help as well..."

"Wait..." I stopped him. "You...want us, to go in and face the ourselves?!"

"Of course not!" he answered as I sighed. "This ponies here will, we will deal with the Changelings inside." I frowned at this; he wanted the four of us, to fight a small army of Changelings?!

"I know what you're thinking son," he spoke again as I watched him. "It's...a big thing to deal with, just the four, or three of us going inside to face Cocoon, but remember, you easily fought her off, and we are not going to fight the bulk of the hoard. You see, there are tunnels under the castle, before Cocoon came, the king made tunnels for him to easily escape if the need to came to be."

"Paranoid as hell huh?"

"Yes, he was, still is in a way." He shook his head slightly. "As I was saying, I and Doctor Love found a old tunnel exit, we can use that to get in there."

"Father," I spoke, it took me a while to speak after saying 'father', and I have yet to call anypony that in a long time. "Does Doc know that you are...?"

"Yes he knows," he answered. "Caught on in the second week, but he doesn't care."

"How so?" I asked as he chuckled.

"He said, and I quote, 'Hey, as long as you are not a huge pain in the flank like the last ass-whore, your secret it safe with me.'."

"Does he know about you being my father?"

"That, he does not." This made sense, knowing Doctor Love well enough to know, that when he knows something about another pony, he tends to smile all too sweetly at them, as if mocking them. "I will better explain tomorrow, I think that you can remove those off your eye now." he pointed with his snout to my eye. A flash of red covered him as he reverted back to Sir. "But son, can you meet me later at our old home...I want to show you something."

"Aren't you worried about Cocoon?"

"She won't be there, trust me." I nodded my head as he turned to leave, opening the door and closing it slowly.

After the click of the door was heard, I turned to see Saki's sleeping form, rubbing her cheek softly once more, I got out of bed; and made my way toward the mirror. I could fully see now that it indeed covered somewhat half of my face, some of my mane covered from where the cloth was wrapped. Using my magic, I slowly undid the cloth around my face, layer on layer slowly came off, until at last, the three long cloths that covered my face; was on the floor. I was right, I could still see out of my left eye, which I was glad for, but my eye, it was different. Where it used to be a lush green like grass, it was now a blood red, much like Cocoon's own eyes. A single long scar was seen over my eye, when I closed it, the scar connected over my eyelid and such. My eyebrow had a line in it where whatever cut me, slashed me at. I traced the line with my hoof, sighing softly, just another scar on my body. "Hrm...Light...?" I turned my head side so I could see Saki slowly waking up; she looked over to me, as I turned to face her with the right side of my face. I watched as she looked around, I guess she was still slightly sleeping, even though she was knocked out cold. She then caught me as I smiled softly. "'re okay..."

"Yeah, in some ways or another."

"What do you-"she stopped as I turned to fully face her, showing my scar over my eye as she softly gasped. "Light!" she stood up but hunkered over slightly as I walked over, she came over and placed her hooves on my cheeks. "How...?"

"Cocoon was about to kill you," I answered as I softly smile. "So I got in front of you, slashed her chest, and I got this," she was still looking at my scar, she leaned up, me closing my eyes as I felt her kiss it softly.

"You did that..." she whispered looking at me. "For me?"

"I do anything for you Saki," I smiled at her. "I love you,"

"I know," she answered me as she shook her head. "I...I just never thought you loved me enough to..."

"Take a blow like this?" she nodded her head as I chuckled softly. "Silly Changeling," she only smiled as she then pushed me onto my back as she crawled over me, I looked up, about to get up when she used a surprising strong push to make me lay back down.

"Well then my Halfling," she smiled at me, a coy like smile I knew all too well. "You should be rewarded."

"Oh?" I asked as she leaned down close and kissed me softly on the lips. I closed my eyes and kissed back as our mouths opened to mingle with each other. "And what shall be my reward?" I asked after breaking the kiss."

"Oh I think you know," she gave me a small wink as her hips started to grind on my own, already getting me aroused.

"But here...where somepony could hear?"

"Let them hear," she whispered laying on my chest. "I want my male, and his love; now."

I didn't fight her on that, only nodding my head, she leaned up to kiss me once more, my hooves going to her flanks as I felt myself growing hard. Why I waited so long for another time of loving with my Saki, I had no idea. I felt her hips slowly rock back and froth on top of me, slowly my male-hood grew more and more, her smile only grew; I could see a blush on her cheeks. "No fore-play?" I asked her as she only shook her head.

"Screw fore-play," she whispered to me as she leaned down on my chest a bit more licking her lips. I rolled my eyes, but I didn't truly care, the last time, she scared the living day light out of me by transforming into Celestia herself. Now don't get me wrong, what we did afterward, I really enjoyed it; but still, it scared me when I saw the sun princess walk right in!

After I was as hard as I was going to be, I watched as she slowly stood up, her wings buzzling as she stood on her hind legs, I watched as she used both of her forelegs to guild me to her opening, sighing as she slowly started to push herself on to it. I leaned back and moaned loudly, her back arched as she too let out a loud sigh. Mi opened my eyes and brought my head up to watch, her eyes were closed, her wings still out but not buzzing as she slowly slid down...and down, the sight of watching her (pun intended) sheath my sword, only heighted my arousal.

Soon she was nestling right on my lap, her eyes slowly opening as she smiled softly at me, leaning down with her hooves beside my forearms, she looked down slightly, no doubt watching herself; as she slowly rose and lowered herself onto me. My hooves moved from her flanks, one going to her back as I softly jerked my hips up every time she came down, the soft slap of her harder hind to my soft coat easily heard, the other hoof went to her cheek, she nuzzled into it as I leaned up as far as I could, moving her lips to mine as we kissed once more. I pulled her to my chest as we kissed, our tongues licking in each other mouths. I'll admit, some of our spit came out around the corner of our mouths. But neither of us truly cared. Her breathing became heavy after we broke the kiss, moaning as she looked over her shoulder, her eyes half closed as she rolled her hips. "Light..." she moaned my name as she looked back at me. "Harder..." I only grunted my answer as I held her flanks. My hips leaving the bed as I thrust up into her. Her moans grew louder as she brought her face into my shoulder. Nuzzling and at times licking it, causing me to shiver slightly under her; but I still kept up the slow but heavy thrusts.

At times she would let out tiny whispers of blissful words, other times they were just mumbles of sweet nothings, but ether way; it boosted my ego to know that it was I who was bringing her to this feeling. at times I would pause as I throbbed and pulsed, making my back tingle as I sighed out a soft 'yes'. Closing my eyes, I focused on the feelings and not the sights, when I would thrust up, she would push down, the bed we were using slightly bouncing and rocking.

I felt her lick my lips, tilting my head to the side, we kissed once more, moaning as we started to get faster. I was already close, and I wanted to prolong it until she came. After she broke the kiss with a loud gasp, I watched as she started to lean back, her fore-legs reaching behind her as she bucked and rolled her hips, her insides milking me for the climax I was about to give.

My thrust became a little faster and not that hard as I grew closer and closer, before gasping out her name rather loudly, I felt myself release myself deep inside of her body. Her body milked me for my seed as she let out a loud shuddering moan as well. I felt herself release herself onto my invading shaft, her body shaking as she fell back onto my chest as we both held each other, enjoying the short time we had together, but the wonderful feeling of the end. I was about to say something, when the knock of the door stopped me, followed by it opening as I heard Doctor's Love voice. "I'm respecting your privacy by knocking," we heard him call out. "But abusing my authority by walking in anyway!"

"Wait, no!" we both cried out at once, but it was too late.

The brown and black striped zebra unicorn was inside the room now, the door closed behind him as he saw both me and Saki. Her on top of me as her Changeling form, the rich smell of sex still lingered in the air as the pony, which stood by the door; just gave us both a blank like look. Nor Saki or I spoke a word as we watched as he slowly made his way over toward the bed, taking the seat on which my father sat in. he sat on it then, bringing one hoof under his chin, he gave a sly grin before speaking. "Continue," was all he said as he held his grin.

"W...what?" I stammered as Saki looked to me with the same look no doubt I was giving.

"Oh come on, you two know what I mean, I wanna see her ride that pole of yours!"

"We would never let you watch!" Saki called out to him. "And why don't you care that I'm a Changeling?"

"Should I?" he asked as he blinked before then grinning. "Okay, if I can't watch, can I join; I mean I see an extra..." Saki then cracked her hoof on his muzzle as he gave a few spatters. I only blinked as she huffed as Doctor Love slowly looked back at her and smiled wider. "That wasn't a 'yes' or 'no' you know."

"NO!" we both yelled out at the same time. "Get out!"

"Never!" he grinned as I glared, opening the door with my magic as Saki picked him up with his own, she threw him out as I closed and locked the door.

"We'll talk later then," we heard him call out as both me and Saki groaned.

"That ruined the moment for a round two," Saki huffed as I chuckled.

"No doubt."

A few hours later, and after both me and Saki smacked Doctor Love in the back of the head after seeing him again. We had to then explain that we were truly colt-friend and mare-friend, and that we didn't want others, to know of what Saki truly was. I knew that he could keep a secret like this, and I was glad for it. Soon, I had made my way back toward where I had met Cocoon, where my father would be waiting. Once the old burnt home came to view, I saw him standing there, as the father I grew up knowing, light blue coat, everything. He gave me a warm smile as he showed me through the home, before taking me out in the back. The back was fenced in, and it looked pretty new, maybe a few weeks old at the most, father told me that for the last few weeks he had been trying to clean up as much as he could, that he wanted to repair this place. I could see as we walked through, that it pained him. A single tree was planted in the far back, and under the tree...was a grave.

The sun had long since set, now, the full moon was the only sort of light. I could make out what was sated on the grave, even from here.

Here lies a loving mother,

A loving wife,

And a pony who can see the core of all.

I slightly swallowed, mom's grave, I had thought that she was brunt to ash, but it seemed that father could at least buried her. "We planted this tree when we first moved here you know," I heard my father speak as he reverted back to his Changeling self. I watched as he stepped forward a bit as he laid on the ground, I followed suit, laying beside him and looking at mother's resting place. "Your mother...she was always good at growing things, me," he chuckled softly. "I couldn't grow weed," I smiled slightly as he chuckled softly. "Your mother...she loved me...even after knowing what I was, just like you love Saki there, before you found out you were half Changeling; why is that?"

"Everypony looks different on the outside," I answered placing a hoof on the grave. "But...on the inside, we are all the same. We feel pain for others, we laugh, we cry, we smile; we have rage, and other such emotions. Why should I fall in love with somepony just because they are what the name says; a pony." I let out a loud sigh as I shook my head. "I love Saki, because to me, that is what she is, she is not a Changeling to me, she is just...Saki. Just like to mother, you would always be Shade. I just...I just hope that one day, me and Saki can live in a place, where she doesn't have to hide what she is."

"Maybe one day son," I heard him answer me. "Maybe one day..."


We both jerked as we turned to see Saki and Doctor Love standing there, I noticed Saki had a new cloth around her hurt leg as she came over and stood beside me. "Sorry," Saki answered as she looked to me and then my father. I had filled her in on who this Changeling was, so that she wouldn't tell Doctor Love by mistake. "I asked if he knew where you went, and well...I just wanted to make sure you were okay,"

"I am," I answered as we nuzzled each other slightly as I saw my father smile.

"Hey Shade?" Doctor Love spoke as the two shared eye contact. "The ponies will be ready for you to speak when you get back on to what we will be doing in the next few days."

"Good, thanks," he answered as Doc smiled and turned to me and Saki.

"And you two...I still wanna join in you know?" by then I had it with him, in a clear voice, I spoke my answer.

"Go yank your cock through your plot-hole, you fucking cock-amandine butt fuck!" the three turned to me with a look of pure shock, even Doctor Love seemed equally as shocked at my choice of words.

"Note to self," he said to himself as he turned to leave. "Remember that line when fighting Changeling Queen."