Devotion to the Blood Ch 5

Story by Neko Hoshi on SoFurry

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#5 of Devotion to the Blood

James and team enter the town.

Ch. 5 The front gate was sealed shut we heard voices coming from the other side. We waited for the gate to open as thunder came from the skies aiming at us. I heard someone inside yell "Kill him before they get in!" Joe yelled "We're not who you think we are!" Another blast came as I sighed. Joe stepped forward and used the earth around to destroy the door. "I guess we have to kill them then." I ran in first, Liz followed, and Joe closed up the end. I sent a blast of fire along the alleys to shut them off from the street we were on. My flames seem to change color from deep orange-red to bright red. A man jumped over the flames landing quickly as a bright green ball that looked like a miniature sized sun came from his chest. He grabbing the ball as it enters his body rushing towards me I pointed yang at the man's chest. "I hope it can drain too" Soon his body's glow disappeared. I kicked him back running to the group of people that began rushing towards us. I fired yin at them and fired yang quickly after. The blast from yang destroyed bodies. Liz came up behind me grabbing her twin daggers as her blades drained the blood. It began to take shape as a large sword slicing people to the left of me. I could see Joe just casually walking as some people tried to get him. He took a small step and they sank down into the ground unable to move.

It felt like hours of bloodshed after we finally got threw and reached the center of town. Where an old man waited for us. He looked at us. He seemed to be ancient. His voice also seemed weak "What business do you have now? You have killed the women and children the other week and now you killed half of the survivors." Liz and Joe stepped back and to let me answer him. Thanks a lot guys. "That was my twin brother. Daemon. I believe someone is controlling him which is why he is acting differently. I suppose he came to take your book. If you still have it can I have it to be able to beat my brother?" The old man looked at me and began to ponder.

It's been about ten minutes since he began pondering. I would have normal chopped off this man's head, but due to the fact he believes that I am Daemon I have to behave. Liz spoke up then "Well what's your fucking choice all ready?!" The man looked at her. "Ah you must be of the town Shinigami Ally." She was surprised by him "How the hell do you know in from there?!" He began to laugh as he called me over. "She is an odd one isn't she?" I laughed slightly and could hear Liz screaming "Hey Ass wipe Fucking answer me!" I looked over at the man "And she is a whore." We started laughing slightly as Joe just told her to keep calm. "So that was your brother why wasn't he with you?" So I told him what happened. "I see. Well in that case you should try your best to save him." We started to walk to the fountain that was dry. I looked over at Joe and Liz and told them to come over.

We all gathered around the fountain as the old man looked over at Liz. "You girl come into the fountain." She didn't want to at first, but then she walked forward. The water shot out of the spout as Liz got within. A soft green light came from the outlining of it. Slowly a book emerged from the center. Liz looked at it and spoke "And as all hope seems gone, the girl of blood will raise the life from the water to start their lives once again from the soil of the dead." She looked at us then back at the book as she grabbed it and went back to the Elder. He opened it and flipped threw the pages looking at Liz as if he wants her to read it. I saw his lips moving as Liz got the book and began saying an incantation. Soon buds began to come from the ground. "Thank you this is our only book." Liz nodded her head. She called us over as we began to walk out of town.

Once we arrived back to the spot Joe raised the wagon from the ground. Liz was silent along the way. "Their legion spoke of a girl of blood would come and start their civilization once again from the dead. That sucked I thought an actual person in blood would die and then start life again." I laughed slightly as Joe gave her a hug, they've been getting pretty close now a days, he said even so it was cool to see that happen. Liz pouted and looked back to the city. "We didn't kill anyone. That spell I did allowed anyone from that city to be reborn." I yawned getting onto the wagon. "Does it really matter then that we kill them or not?" Liz looked at the book. "No I suppose it doesn't matter." Joe got to the front as Liz got on lying down next to me, but she looked the other way. "James?" "What?" "Doesn't it bother you? The whole killing anyone that gets in your way?" I thought of it, and I knew it doesn't bother me, but I'm not sure why it doesn't and when I stopped caring about a person's life. "No." She knew not to keep asking so she didn't. She just kept quiet as Joe began going west. We came from the east so I guess I might never see my hometown again. Liz realized that she may also never see her hometown ever again. She didn't move she didn't protest in this action probably she knew that it would happen ever since she came on this trip.

Joe stopped at this shady area and looked back at us Liz feel asleep I was still awake looking at the roof of Joe's wagon still light brown like it all ways was. Joe walked over to Liz and looked at me. I stood up and left the wagon. I have no interest in watching two people do it. I grabbed my weapons before I left and looked at yang. I pointed it to the sky as I began to drain energy of the sun. I saw a tree in the distance as I fire yang towards it. It didn't reach. I used my own fire to strike it down, but it didn't reach it. This tree irritated me now. "I'll be back."

I walked down to the tree finding a guy. He looked dead. His hair color was a deep night black color, his eyes where shut so I opened them: they were a deep blue-green color. His lips and body where cut I touched them gently they were fresh wounds. He wore black tight jeans amazingly they were the only thing not ripped. His shirt was a simple long sleeved black shirt with a skull in the middle. It was cut right threw the middle. I could see his chest. His chest was puffed out which means he worked out on upper body I felt his legs and his legs where strong. I kept looking at him and then he coughed out blood. He was still alive. I wasn't sure why, but I felt like I had to save him. But, to save him in this bad of a condition would mean I would have to heal him with the fullest of my magic. I leaned forward and places my lips on his licking his wounds feeling the cuts close up. I licked his tongue, and rips his shirt off. His wounds where deep it would take time to lick them all. So I started. I licked his chest slowly as I heard him groan softly. He was in pain even with a simple touch as this.

I removed his jeans looking at his lower body. It wasn't that badly beaten up, but when I turned him around his entire ass was red. I slid my finger in, and it was cut here too. I pulled my pants down as I entered him slowly. "No!!" He began to scream and struggled to get away. I pinned him to the ground as I began to thrust in as deep as I could. I covered his mouth to mute his scream. They were now enjoyable moans. I ran my hand down to grab his dick. He was enjoying this I rubbed his tip as it began to ooze out the precum. I leaned foreword biting his neck he tried to scream, but I kept my hand on him. I sinked my teeth in licking his neck slowly. HE gave in and stopped fighting as I feel he came in my hand. I laughed slightly moving my hand away from his mouth and fed him his own cum he licked it up slowly. I pushed in deep as I reached my peak inside of him. I pulled out and watched it drip out slowly. I used my hand to pick up a bit sliding it in his mouth. He let out a soft moan as I could feel him sucking on it with all of his might.

I panted slightly that was my first time and it was more work than I imagined. I zipped my pants back up looking at him. His eyes slowly opened and he saw me. "Don't kill me any more please." "Any more? I know I was rough, but cut me some slack that was my first time." He looked at me then realized he was naked. He blushed a deep red looking away putting on his pants and shirt.

"Your not going to kill me?" "Why would I?" "Because you tried to kill me." My brother hurt this person. "What's your name and how old are you?" "I'm Stephen Leon and I'm eighteen." "Well Stephen that person that tried to kill you was my brother, and you're coming with me. But due to the fact you won't survive more if we went again I would have to heal you every once in a while to keep you alive." This is a huge lie though I just want to fuck his nice tight ass "N-no it's fine I can get someone else to heal me or I can heal myself too I only use healing magic and protection magic." I picked him up "It wasn't a choice your coming with me." He began to protest, and his voice was a gentle soothing type of voice that I wanted to keep hearing especially when he's screaming or panting.

I found Joe and Liz in the wagon. Liz's bra was in her hand she was almost comply naked she only had her pink panties on as she started to scream get out. Stephen feel asleep before we even got back. I lied him down and got some wood lighting one on fire making a small camp fire. I liked his scream. I had him rest his head on my lap, and he held me tightly. He wants me while he's asleep I hope he feels the same when he's awake. I rubbed his back slowly lifting his shirt. Joe came out of the wagon seeing the small camp fire and came over. "Who's the kid?" I looked over at Stephen he did look like a child like this. "He is Stephen and he will be joining us I need to heal every now and then." I smiled and kept rubbing his back "Did you have fun with him?" I laughed slightly looking at Stephen "I did." Joe raised his eye brown. "Well now this should be interesting of course." I looked at it him. Joe is a manipulator, Liz is hot blooded, I'm a killer, and Stephen what are you. I kissed his head and laughed at my self slightly. I now have someone, before I may never have found him if they didn't kidnapped Daemon. Sigh, Daemon you could have killed him then I wouldn't have met this man. Joe stood up and left "We'll leave tomorrow morning ok James?" I nodded my head "Liz asleep too?" Joe smiled and grinned "I wore her out. It a shame she had to get dressed before she feel asleep." "You don't see me complaint about it" I noticed a small cut on Stephen's forehead and I decided to lick it slowly as the wound began to close leaving a small mark. I kept licking more as the small scare started to fade away. Joe left, and went back into wagon I kissed Stephen to get rid of the scars on his lips and tongue. It's true I could heal with my touch, but I wanted to do this sexually with him.

I grinned and laughed slightly lying down next to him. He rolled over and his hands began to look for me. He found me and crawled on top of my chest he was still asleep. I looked at the fire getting small so I decided to look around and saw some wood near it. "Hey Joe can you feed the fire more?" Stephen nudged slightly and groaning he didn't want to wake up how cute. "Sure James." He came back out and threw the wood into the fire. The fire was still low so I used my magic to light it more. I closed my eyes and I could feel Stephen holding onto me more. "Night Joe." I didn't hear a reply so he must have slept all ready. I saw the stars this I suppose was romantic. It's not like I care or anything. I closed my eyes and remembered the first time I looked at the stars with Daemon.

We were both very young we where on top of our house. Our house was the highest point in the whole town. I remembered that he asked me what would I wish for if I could have any wish. I told him I would wish to be able to have a boy friend that isn't from this town. Everyone there was idiotic. Daemon agreed with this and hugged me tightly.

We were lying down and he was resting on my chest looking at the stars also. He said it would be great if he could travel the world and be with me forever. So why now are trying to kill so many people and are you happy doing this? You know that's my job little brother.

I clenched Joseph's side and he whimpered slightly. I loosened my grip on him rubbing where I squeezed it tightly. "Sorry Stephen." I closed my eyes I miss my little brother I can remember him smiling and laughing running down up and down the stairs playing tag with me. Joseph's hair reminds me of Daemon's color. Daemon's eyes where a soft red color. We were the opposite he would want to save a person where I would want to kill him. I miss him he was so soft and kind hearted.

That's why I can't believe that he is killing people on his own. He just can't. I looked over at Joseph he looked like my brother in this moon light. Maybe that's why I wanted to save him. No, Daemon hated skulls and blood. He might remind me of him, but it doesn't matter now he will become mine "Stephen you belong to me and only me."